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Posted to by Ben Laurie <> on 1998/07/18 23:33:15 UTC

Re: Is it time for some 2.0 philosophy/design talk yet?

Simon Spero wrote:
> For example, It's a lot easier to write code that uses a stream interface for
> reading and writng; however this turns processing into a two step affair, and will
> need a thread-context-switch. This is fast enough to probably not be too much of a
> hassle (especially if you've already paid for a system call to get the data into
> user space. However, this style of coding doesn't fit too well when things start
> getting pushed into the kernel, where an up-call style interface is much more
> suitable. The best solution might be a hybrid approach - it's trival to write an
> adapter to turn an up-call interface into a stream by  writing a module to push
> stuff into a queue, but it's harder to go the other way.

This is what we did with RST's threaded implementation, AAMOI. It's a
good idea, I think, to do it this way.

> A smart middle-end that can
> mix up an appropriate stack from a number of candidate implementations (ILP ,etc)
> could go a long way to smoothing the differences. [This would probably be a lot
> clearer with an example - a good one is combining SCP/MUX with HTTP and
> Compression;  let me know when the release is done and I'll starting posting some
> shit if people are interested

I'm interested.



Ben Laurie            |Phone: +44 (181) 735 0686| Apache Group member
Freelance Consultant  |Fax:   +44 (181) 735 0689|
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A.L. Digital Ltd,     |Apache-SSL author
London, England.      |"Apache: TDG"