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[WIKI-UPDATE] Serializer Generator FAQs Transformer Matcher Thu Sep 11 01:00:07 2003

Page: , version: 11 on Wed Sep 10 22:27:43 2003 by MartijnBouterse

- The end point of a [Pipeline]. It's inputs are [SAX] events. It outputs a presentation of those events. i.e. it performs the function of ''rendering'' the results of a request.
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+ The end point of a [Pipeline]. Its inputs are [SAX] events. It outputs a presentation of those events. i.e. it performs the function of ''rendering'' the results of a request.

Page: , version: 15 on Wed Sep 10 22:07:08 2003 by

- There are several provided with Cocoon:
+ There are several generators provided with Cocoon:
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- * [HTML Generator] -- reads HTML document from the file system of a URL, uses JTidy to produce XHTML for subsequent processing
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+ * [HTML Generator] -- reads HTML document from the file system or a URL, uses JTidy to produce XHTML for subsequent processing
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Page: , version: 67 on Wed Sep 10 22:48:23 2003 by

- A1: I can say that I am using cocoon almost a year, yes I had such problem too. I used oracle jdbc driver with oci8 connection. When I switched to thin connection I never could kill cocoon. So you have to experiment, I am sure that this problem caused by some library, not whole cocoon. Also it depends what operation system you use. Under Linus I didn't have problem at all.
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+ A1: I can say that I am using cocoon almost a year, yes I had such problem too. I used oracle jdbc driver with oci8 connection. When I switched to thin connection I never could kill cocoon. So you have to experiment, I am sure that this problem caused by some library, not whole cocoon. Also it depends what operation system you use. Under GNU/Linux I didn't have a problem at all.
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Page: , version: 15 on Wed Sep 10 22:11:52 2003 by

- The processing part of a [Pipeline]. It's inputs and outputs are both [SAX] events. The output stream is the result of some processing, which may involve an [XSLT] transformation.
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+ The processing part of a [Pipeline]. Its inputs and outputs are both [SAX] events. The output stream is the result of some processing, which may involve an [XSLT] transformation.

Page: , version: 7 on Wed Sep 10 22:28:46 2003 by MartijnBouterse

- * Request Parameter checker -- checks for named request parameter, it's value will be available for substitution
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+ * Request Parameter checker -- checks for named request parameter, its value will be available for substitution