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Posted to by Peter Andersén <> on 2004/01/09 14:06:35 UTC

Null get posted what ever i do

I use the IFRAME BASIC Portlet.
Im using default settings except for the site/source im using

       Customize portlet    


                  Skin  -- Default -- BorderedContentStylesOnly BorderedPortletStylesOnly BorderedTitleStylesOnly MetalSkin StylesOnly grey orange-grey orange-red orange-red-3d-icons orange-red-Bordered  

                  Security ID The security for this portlet is currently defined as system default   -- Default -- Admin-only Anon+V and Admin+C Default Owner-only User-only Users+V and Admin+C  

                  Specify height for this iframe 
                  Specify password to authenticate with. Leave blank to use portal password. 
                  Specify width for this iframe 
                  Specify source URL for this iframe 
                  Frameborder   false true  
                  Specify whether do display border around this iframe 
                  User Name    
                  Specify user name to authenticate with. Leave blank to use portal username.  

In my getParameter.jsp i have the following code !
Enumeration eNames = request.getHeaderNames();
  if (eNames.hasMoreElements()) {
    String title="request headers";
    Map entries = new TreeMap();
    while(eNames.hasMoreElements()) {
     String name = (String) eNames.nextElement();
     String value = request.getHeader(name);
     out.print("Head data: "+name+" Value: "+value+"<BR>");
There is no data coming from the IFRAME BASIC Modul
This shows following data

Head data: accept Value: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
Head data: referer Value: http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/index.jsp
Head data: accept-language Value: sv
Head data: accept-encoding Value: gzip, deflate
Head data: user-agent Value: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Head data: host Value: localhost:8443
Head data: connection Value: Keep-Alive
Head data: cookie Value: JSESSIONID=3F6C06D71363B916267C3A19FD8A689D

So why is not this module working have i forgot something to configure ??????