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svn commit: r513661 [1/4] - in /xerces/c/trunk: samples/src/XInclude/ src/xercesc/NLS/EN_US/ src/xercesc/dom/impl/ src/xercesc/framework/ src/xercesc/parsers/ src/xercesc/util/ src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/ src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMe...

Author: amassari
Date: Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
New Revision: 513661

Initial commit of XInclude support (by Simon Rowland)

    xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp   (with props)
    xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/xinclude/XIncludeDOMDocumentProcessor.cpp   (with props)
    xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/xinclude/XIncludeLocation.cpp   (with props)
    xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/xinclude/XIncludeUtils.cpp   (with props)

Added: xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp (added)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * Copyright 1999-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * $$
+ */
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  Includes
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/parsers/AbstractDOMParser.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/LocalFileFormatTarget.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
+#include "XInclude.hpp"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  This is a simple program which tests the different XInclude mechanisms prototyped
+//  for my dissertation. Based largely on the DOMCount example provided with the 
+//  Xerces C++ project. 
+//  Simon Rowland 2006
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void usage()
+    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nUsage:\n"
+			"    XInclude [-h] InputFile OutputFile\n"
+			"  -h :             Prints this help message and exits.\n"
+         << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//   main
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main(int argC, char* argV[])
+	char						*testFileName;
+	char						*outputFileName;
+    for (int argInd = 1; argInd < argC; argInd++)
+	{
+        if (!strcmp(argV[argInd], "-?") || !strcmp(argV[argInd], "-h"))
+        {
+			/* print help and exit */
+            usage();
+            return 2;
+        }
+    }
+	if (argC < 3){
+		usage();
+		return 2;
+	}
+	testFileName = argV[argC-2];
+	outputFileName = argV[argC-1];
+    // Initialize the XML4C system
+    try
+    {
+        XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
+    }
+    catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
+    {
+         XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Error during initialization! :\n"
+              << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+         return 1;
+    }
+	//============================================================================
+	// Instantiate the DOM parser to use for the source documents
+	//============================================================================
+    static const XMLCh gLS[] = { chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull };
+    DOMImplementation *impl = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(gLS);
+    DOMLSParser       *parser = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSParser(DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0);
+    DOMConfiguration  *config = parser->getDomConfig();
+    config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true);
+    config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, true);
+    config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, true);
+	if(config->canSetParameter(XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude, true)){
+		config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude, true);
+	}
+    // enable datatype normalization - default is off
+    //config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
+    // And create our error handler and install it
+    XIncludeErrorHandler errorHandler;
+    config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &errorHandler);
+    try
+    {
+        // load up the test source document
+		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Parse " << testFileName << " in progress ...";
+        parser->resetDocumentPool();
+		doc = parser->parseURI(testFileName);
+		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << " finished." << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+    }
+    catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
+    {
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nError during parsing: '" << testFileName << "'\n"
+                << "Exception message is:  \n"
+                << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << "\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+    }
+    catch (const DOMException& toCatch)
+    {
+        const unsigned int maxChars = 2047;
+        XMLCh errText[maxChars + 1];
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nDOM Error during parsing: '" << testFileName << "'\n"
+                << "DOMException code is:  " << toCatch.code << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+        if (DOMImplementation::loadDOMExceptionMsg(toCatch.code, errText, maxChars))
+                XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Message is: " << StrX(errText) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nUnexpected exception during parsing: '" << testFileName << "'\n";
+    }
+    if (doc) {
+	    DOMLSSerializer	*writer = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSSerializer();
+	    DOMLSOutput     *theOutputDesc = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSOutput();
+		try {
+			// write out the results
+			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Writing result to: " << outputFileName << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+			XMLFormatTarget *myFormTarget = new LocalFileFormatTarget(outputFileName);
+			theOutputDesc->setByteStream(myFormTarget);
+			writer->write(doc, theOutputDesc);
+            delete myFormTarget;
+		}
+		catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
+		{
+		    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nXMLException during writing: '" << testFileName << "'\n"
+				<< "Exception message is:  \n"
+				<< StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << "\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+		}
+		catch (const DOMException& toCatch)
+		{
+			const unsigned int maxChars = 2047;
+			XMLCh errText[maxChars + 1];
+			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nDOM Error during writing: '" << testFileName << "'\n"
+				<< "DOMException code is:  " << toCatch.code << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+			if (DOMImplementation::loadDOMExceptionMsg(toCatch.code, errText, maxChars))
+				XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Message is: " << StrX(errText) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+		}
+		catch (...)
+		{
+			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nUnexpected exception during writing: '" << testFileName << "'\n";
+		}
+        writer->release();
+        theOutputDesc->release();
+    }
+    //
+    //  Delete the parser itself.  Must be done prior to calling Terminate, below.
+    //
+    parser->release();
+	// And call the termination method
+    XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
+    return 0;
+XIncludeErrorHandler::XIncludeErrorHandler() :
+    fSawErrors(false) 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  XIncludeHandlers: Overrides of the DOM ErrorHandler interface
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool XIncludeErrorHandler::handleError(const DOMError& domError)
+	bool continueParsing = true;
+    fSawErrors = true;
+    if (domError.getSeverity() == DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_WARNING)
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nWarning at file ";
+    else if (domError.getSeverity() == DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_ERROR)
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nError at file ";
+	else {
+        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nFatal Error at file ";
+		continueParsing = false;
+	}
+    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << StrX(domError.getLocation()->getURI())
+         << ", line " << domError.getLocation()->getLineNumber()
+         << ", char " << domError.getLocation()->getColumnNumber()
+         << "\n  Message: " << StrX(domError.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
+    return continueParsing;
+void XIncludeErrorHandler::resetErrors()
+    fSawErrors = false;

Propchange: xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.cpp
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Added: xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.hpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.hpp (added)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/samples/src/XInclude/XInclude.hpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright 1999-2000,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * $$
+ */
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  Includes
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iostream.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  Simple error handler deriviative to install on parser
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class XIncludeErrorHandler : public DOMErrorHandler
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Constructors and Destructor
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    XIncludeErrorHandler();
+    ~XIncludeErrorHandler();
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Getter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool getSawErrors() const;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Implementation of the DOM ErrorHandler interface
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool handleError(const DOMError& domError);
+    void resetErrors();
+private :
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    XIncludeErrorHandler(const XIncludeErrorHandler&);
+    void operator=(const XIncludeErrorHandler&);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Private data members
+    //
+    //  fSawErrors
+    //      This is set if we get any errors, and is queryable via a getter
+    //      method. Its used by the main code to suppress output if there are
+    //      errors.
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool    fSawErrors;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  This is a simple class that lets us do easy (though not terribly efficient)
+//  trancoding of XMLCh data to local code page for display.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class StrX
+public :
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Constructors and Destructor
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    StrX(const XMLCh* const toTranscode)
+    {
+        // Call the private transcoding method
+        fLocalForm = XMLString::transcode(toTranscode);
+    }
+    ~StrX()
+    {
+        XMLString::release(&fLocalForm);
+    } 
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Getter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    const char* localForm() const
+    {
+        return fLocalForm;
+    }
+private :
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Private data members
+    //
+    //  fLocalForm
+    //      This is the local code page form of the string.
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    char*   fLocalForm;
+inline XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER ostream& operator<<(XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER ostream& target, const StrX& toDump)
+    target << toDump.localForm();
+    return target;
+inline bool XIncludeErrorHandler::getSawErrors() const
+    return fSawErrors;

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/NLS/EN_US/XMLErrList_EN_US.Xml
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/NLS/EN_US/XMLErrList_EN_US.Xml (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/NLS/EN_US/XMLErrList_EN_US.Xml Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
             <Message Id="UndeclaredElemInCM" Text="Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared"/>
             <Message Id="UndeclaredElemInAttList" Text="Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared"/>
             <Message Id="XMLException_Warning" Text="An exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1}"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeResourceErrorWarning" Text="Error occurred including document '{0}'"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeCannotOpenFile" Text="Cannot open text file target '{0}'"/>
+			<Message Id="XIncludeInternalTextIncError" Text="Internal error including text file '{0}'"/>
+			<Message Id="XIncludeIncludeFailedResourceError" Text="Unable to include resource '{0}'"/>
             <Message Id="FeatureUnsupported" Text="'{0}' is not allowed for the content of a simpleType.  Only list, union and restriction are allowed."/>
@@ -318,6 +322,14 @@
 			<Message Id="InvalidAttrName" Text="Attribute qname beginning with '{0}' invalid"/>
 			<Message Id="InvalidEntityRefName" Text="Entity qname for reference beginning '{0}' invalid"/>
 			<Message Id="DuplicateDocTypeDecl" Text="Already seen doctype"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeOrphanFallback" Text="Found a fallback element not a direct child of include element"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeNoHref" Text="include element found without href attribute"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeXPointerNotSupported" Text="Found an include element with xpointer specification. XPointer not yet supported"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeInvalidParseVal" Text="Invalid parse attribute value '{0}' found on include element - only text or xml is valid"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeMultipleFallbackElems" Text="Multiple fallback elements found in include element in document '{0}'"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeIncludeFailedNoFallback" Text="Include failed, no fallback found in document '{0}'"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeCircularInclusionLoop" Text="Circular inclusion document '{0}' includes previously included document"/>
+            <Message Id="XIncludeCircularInclusionDocIncludesSelf" Text="Circular inclusion document '{0}' includes itself"/>
     <MsgDomain Domain="">

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/dom/impl/DOMDocumentImpl.cpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/dom/impl/DOMDocumentImpl.cpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/dom/impl/DOMDocumentImpl.cpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -1464,6 +1464,12 @@
     // check for '+DOMMemoryManager'
     if(feature && *feature=='+' && XMLString::equals(feature+1, XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMMemoryManager))
         return true;
+    if(feature && *feature)
+    {
+        if((*feature==chPlus && XMLString::equals(feature+1, XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl)) ||
+           XMLString::equals(feature, XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl))
+            return true;
+    }
     return fNode.isSupported (feature, version);
@@ -1471,6 +1477,8 @@
     if(XMLString::equals(feature, XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMMemoryManager))
         return (DOMMemoryManager*)this;
+    if(XMLString::equals(feature, XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl))
+        return (DOMDocumentImpl*)this;
     return fNode.getFeature(feature,version);

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -22,311 +22,323 @@
       , UndeclaredElemInCM                 = 5
       , UndeclaredElemInAttList            = 6
       , XMLException_Warning               = 7
-      , W_HighBounds                       = 8
-      , E_LowBounds                        = 9
-      , FeatureUnsupported                 = 10
-      , TopLevelNoNameComplexType          = 11
-      , TopLevelNoNameAttribute            = 12
-      , NoNameRefAttribute                 = 13
-      , GlobalNoNameElement                = 14
-      , NoNameRefElement                   = 15
-      , NoNameRefGroup                     = 16
-      , NoNameRefAttGroup                  = 17
-      , AnonComplexTypeWithName            = 18
-      , AnonSimpleTypeWithName             = 19
-      , InvalidElementContent              = 20
-      , UntypedElement                     = 21
-      , SimpleTypeContentError             = 22
-      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInList           = 23
-      , ListUnionRestrictionError          = 24
-      , SimpleTypeDerivationByListError    = 25
-      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInRestriction    = 26
-      , DuplicateFacet                     = 27
-      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInUnion          = 28
-      , EmptySimpleTypeContent             = 29
-      , InvalidSimpleContent               = 30
-      , UnspecifiedBase                    = 31
-      , InvalidComplexContent              = 32
-      , SchemaElementContentError          = 33
-      , ContentError                       = 34
-      , UnknownSimpleType                  = 35
-      , UnknownComplexType                 = 36
-      , UnresolvedPrefix                   = 37
-      , RefElementNotFound                 = 38
-      , TypeNotFound                       = 39
-      , TopLevelAttributeNotFound          = 40
-      , InvalidChildInComplexType          = 41
-      , BaseTypeNotFound                   = 42
-      , NoAttributeInSchema                = 43
-      , DatatypeValidatorCreationError     = 44
-      , InvalidChildFollowingSimpleContent   = 45
-      , InvalidChildFollowingConplexContent   = 46
-      , InvalidComplexTypeBlockValue       = 47
-      , InvalidComplexTypeFinalValue       = 48
-      , AttributeDefaultFixedValue         = 49
-      , NotOptionalDefaultAttValue         = 50
-      , LocalAttributeWithNameRef          = 51
-      , GlobalAttributeWithNameRef         = 52
-      , DuplicateAttribute                 = 53
-      , AttributeWithTypeAndSimpleType     = 54
-      , AttributeSimpleTypeNotFound        = 55
-      , ElementWithFixedAndDefault         = 56
-      , DeclarationWithNameRef             = 57
-      , BadAttWithRef                      = 58
-      , InvalidDeclarationName             = 59
-      , GlobalElementWithRef               = 60
-      , ElementWithTypeAndAnonType         = 61
-      , NotSimpleOrMixedElement            = 62
-      , DisallowedSimpleTypeExtension      = 63
-      , InvalidSimpleContentBase           = 64
-      , InvalidComplexTypeBase             = 65
-      , InvalidChildInSimpleContent        = 66
-      , InvalidChildInComplexContent       = 67
-      , AnnotationError                    = 68
-      , DisallowedBaseDerivation           = 69
-      , SubstitutionRepeated               = 70
-      , UnionRepeated                      = 71
-      , ExtensionRepeated                  = 72
-      , ListRepeated                       = 73
-      , RestrictionRepeated                = 74
-      , InvalidBlockValue                  = 75
-      , InvalidFinalValue                  = 76
-      , InvalidSubstitutionGroupElement    = 77
-      , SubstitutionGroupTypeMismatch      = 78
-      , DuplicateElementDeclaration        = 79
-      , InvalidElementBlockValue           = 80
-      , InvalidElementFinalValue           = 81
-      , InvalidAttValue                    = 82
-      , AttributeRefContentError           = 83
-      , DuplicateRefAttribute              = 84
-      , ForbiddenDerivationByRestriction   = 85
-      , ForbiddenDerivationByExtension     = 86
-      , BaseNotComplexType                 = 87
-      , ImportNamespaceDifference          = 88
-      , ImportRootError                    = 89
-      , DeclarationNoSchemaLocation        = 90
-      , IncludeNamespaceDifference         = 91
-      , OnlyAnnotationExpected             = 92
-      , InvalidAttributeContent            = 93
-      , AttributeRequired                  = 94
-      , AttributeDisallowed                = 95
-      , InvalidMin2MaxOccurs               = 96
-      , AnyAttributeContentError           = 97
-      , NoNameGlobalElement                = 98
-      , NoCircularDefinition               = 99
-      , DuplicateGlobalType                = 100
-      , DuplicateGlobalDeclaration         = 101
-      , WS_CollapseExpected                = 102
-      , Import_1_1                         = 103
-      , Import_1_2                         = 104
-      , ElemIDValueConstraint              = 105
-      , NoNotationType                     = 106
-      , EmptiableMixedContent              = 107
-      , EmptyComplexRestrictionDerivation   = 108
-      , MixedOrElementOnly                 = 109
-      , InvalidContentRestriction          = 110
-      , ForbiddenDerivation                = 111
-      , AtomicItemType                     = 112
-      , MemberTypeNoUnion                  = 113
-      , GroupContentError                  = 114
-      , AttGroupContentError               = 115
-      , MinMaxOnGroupChild                 = 116
-      , DeclarationNotFound                = 117
-      , AllContentLimited                  = 118
-      , BadMinMaxAllCT                     = 119
-      , BadMinMaxAllElem                   = 120
-      , NoCircularAttGroup                 = 121
-      , DuplicateAttInDerivation           = 122
-      , NotExpressibleWildCardIntersection   = 123
-      , BadAttDerivation_1                 = 124
-      , BadAttDerivation_2                 = 125
-      , BadAttDerivation_3                 = 126
-      , BadAttDerivation_4                 = 127
-      , BadAttDerivation_5                 = 128
-      , BadAttDerivation_6                 = 129
-      , BadAttDerivation_7                 = 130
-      , BadAttDerivation_8                 = 131
-      , BadAttDerivation_9                 = 132
-      , AllContentError                    = 133
-      , RedefineNamespaceDifference        = 134
-      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleType         = 135
-      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleTypeBase     = 136
-      , Redefine_InvalidComplexType        = 137
-      , Redefine_InvalidComplexTypeBase    = 138
-      , Redefine_InvalidGroupMinMax        = 139
-      , Redefine_DeclarationNotFound       = 140
-      , Redefine_GroupRefCount             = 141
-      , Redefine_AttGroupRefCount          = 142
-      , Redefine_InvalidChild              = 143
-      , Notation_InvalidDecl               = 144
-      , Notation_DeclNotFound              = 145
-      , IC_DuplicateDecl                   = 146
-      , IC_BadContent                      = 147
-      , IC_KeyRefReferNotFound             = 148
-      , IC_KeyRefCardinality               = 149
-      , IC_XPathExprMissing                = 150
-      , AttUseCorrect                      = 151
-      , AttDeclPropCorrect3                = 152
-      , AttDeclPropCorrect5                = 153
-      , AttGrpPropCorrect3                 = 154
-      , InvalidTargetNSValue               = 155
-      , DisplayErrorMessage                = 156
-      , XMLException_Error                 = 157
-      , InvalidRedefine                    = 158
-      , InvalidNSReference                 = 159
-      , NotAllContent                      = 160
-      , InvalidAnnotationContent           = 161
-      , InvalidFacetName                   = 162
-      , InvalidXMLSchemaRoot               = 163
-      , CircularSubsGroup                  = 164
-      , SubsGroupMemberAbstract            = 165
-      , ELTSchemaNS                        = 166
-      , InvalidAttTNS                      = 167
-      , NSDeclInvalid                      = 168
-      , DOMLevel1Node                      = 169
-      , E_HighBounds                       = 170
-      , F_LowBounds                        = 171
-      , EntityExpansionLimitExceeded       = 172
-      , ExpectedCommentOrCDATA             = 173
-      , ExpectedAttrName                   = 174
-      , ExpectedNotationName               = 175
-      , NoRepInMixed                       = 176
-      , BadDefAttrDecl                     = 177
-      , ExpectedDefAttrDecl                = 178
-      , AttListSyntaxError                 = 179
-      , ExpectedEqSign                     = 180
-      , DupAttrName                        = 181
-      , BadIdForXMLLangAttr                = 182
-      , ExpectedElementName                = 183
-      , MustStartWithXMLDecl               = 184
-      , CommentsMustStartWith              = 185
-      , InvalidDocumentStructure           = 186
-      , ExpectedDeclString                 = 187
-      , BadXMLVersion                      = 188
-      , UnsupportedXMLVersion              = 189
-      , UnterminatedXMLDecl                = 190
-      , BadXMLEncoding                     = 191
-      , BadStandalone                      = 192
-      , UnterminatedComment                = 193
-      , PINameExpected                     = 194
-      , UnterminatedPI                     = 195
-      , InvalidCharacter                   = 196
-      , UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot           = 197
-      , UnterminatedStartTag               = 198
-      , ExpectedAttrValue                  = 199
-      , UnterminatedEndTag                 = 200
-      , ExpectedAttributeType              = 201
-      , ExpectedEndOfTagX                  = 202
-      , ExpectedMarkup                     = 203
-      , NotValidAfterContent               = 204
-      , ExpectedComment                    = 205
-      , ExpectedCommentOrPI                = 206
-      , ExpectedWhitespace                 = 207
-      , NoRootElemInDOCTYPE                = 208
-      , ExpectedQuotedString               = 209
-      , ExpectedPublicId                   = 210
-      , InvalidPublicIdChar                = 211
-      , UnterminatedDOCTYPE                = 212
-      , InvalidCharacterInIntSubset        = 213
-      , ExpectedCDATA                      = 214
-      , InvalidInitialNameChar             = 215
-      , InvalidNameChar                    = 216
-      , UnexpectedWhitespace               = 217
-      , InvalidCharacterInAttrValue        = 218
-      , ExpectedMarkupDecl                 = 219
-      , TextDeclNotLegalHere               = 220
-      , ConditionalSectInIntSubset         = 221
-      , ExpectedPEName                     = 222
-      , UnterminatedEntityDecl             = 223
-      , InvalidCharacterRef                = 224
-      , UnterminatedCharRef                = 225
-      , ExpectedEntityRefName              = 226
-      , EntityNotFound                     = 227
-      , NoUnparsedEntityRefs               = 228
-      , UnterminatedEntityRef              = 229
-      , RecursiveEntity                    = 230
-      , PartialMarkupInEntity              = 231
-      , UnterminatedElementDecl            = 232
-      , ExpectedContentSpecExpr            = 233
-      , ExpectedAsterisk                   = 234
-      , UnterminatedContentModel           = 235
-      , ExpectedSystemId                   = 236
-      , ExpectedSystemOrPublicId           = 237
-      , UnterminatedNotationDecl           = 238
-      , ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf              = 239
-      , ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen         = 240
-      , ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen            = 241
-      , ExpectedEnumValue                  = 242
-      , ExpectedEnumSepOrParen             = 243
-      , UnterminatedEntityLiteral          = 244
-      , MoreEndThanStartTags               = 245
-      , ExpectedOpenParen                  = 246
-      , AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag              = 247
-      , BracketInAttrValue                 = 248
-      , Expected2ndSurrogateChar           = 249
-      , ExpectedEndOfConditional           = 250
-      , ExpectedIncOrIgn                   = 251
-      , ExpectedINCLUDEBracket             = 252
-      , ExpectedTextDecl                   = 253
-      , ExpectedXMLDecl                    = 254
-      , UnexpectedEOE                      = 255
-      , PEPropogated                       = 256
-      , ExtraCloseSquare                   = 257
-      , PERefInMarkupInIntSubset           = 258
-      , EntityPropogated                   = 259
-      , ExpectedNumericalCharRef           = 260
-      , ExpectedOpenSquareBracket          = 261
-      , BadSequenceInCharData              = 262
-      , IllegalSequenceInComment           = 263
-      , UnterminatedCDATASection           = 264
-      , ExpectedNDATA                      = 265
-      , NDATANotValidForPE                 = 266
-      , HexRadixMustBeLowerCase            = 267
-      , DeclStringRep                      = 268
-      , DeclStringsInWrongOrder            = 269
-      , NoExtRefsInAttValue                = 270
-      , XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase             = 271
-      , ExpectedEntityValue                = 272
-      , BadDigitForRadix                   = 273
-      , EndedWithTagsOnStack               = 274
-      , AmbiguousContentModel              = 275
-      , NestedCDATA                        = 276
-      , UnknownPrefix                      = 277
-      , PartialTagMarkupError              = 278
-      , EmptyMainEntity                    = 279
-      , CDATAOutsideOfContent              = 280
-      , OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere            = 281
-      , Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar         = 282
-      , NoPIStartsWithXML                  = 283
-      , XMLDeclMustBeFirst                 = 284
-      , XMLVersionRequired                 = 285
-      , StandaloneNotLegal                 = 286
-      , EncodingRequired                   = 287
-      , TooManyColonsInName                = 288
-      , InvalidColonPos                    = 289
-      , ColonNotLegalWithNS                = 290
-      , SysException                       = 291
-      , XMLException_Fatal                 = 292
-      , UnexpectedEOF                      = 293
-      , UnexpectedError                    = 294
-      , BadSchemaLocation                  = 295
-      , NoGrammarResolver                  = 296
-      , SchemaScanFatalError               = 297
-      , IllegalRefInStandalone             = 298
-      , PEBetweenDecl                      = 299
-      , NoEmptyStrNamespace                = 300
-      , NoUseOfxmlnsAsPrefix               = 301
-      , NoUseOfxmlnsURI                    = 302
-      , PrefixXMLNotMatchXMLURI            = 303
-      , XMLURINotMatchXMLPrefix            = 304
-      , NoXMLNSAsElementPrefix             = 305
-      , CT_SimpleTypeChildRequired         = 306
-      , InvalidRootElemInDOCTYPE           = 307
-      , InvalidElementName                 = 308
-      , InvalidAttrName                    = 309
-      , InvalidEntityRefName               = 310
-      , DuplicateDocTypeDecl               = 311
-      , F_HighBounds                       = 312
+      , XIncludeResourceErrorWarning       = 8
+      , XIncludeCannotOpenFile             = 9
+      , XIncludeInternalTextIncError       = 10
+      , XIncludeIncludeFailedResourceError   = 11
+      , W_HighBounds                       = 12
+      , E_LowBounds                        = 13
+      , FeatureUnsupported                 = 14
+      , TopLevelNoNameComplexType          = 15
+      , TopLevelNoNameAttribute            = 16
+      , NoNameRefAttribute                 = 17
+      , GlobalNoNameElement                = 18
+      , NoNameRefElement                   = 19
+      , NoNameRefGroup                     = 20
+      , NoNameRefAttGroup                  = 21
+      , AnonComplexTypeWithName            = 22
+      , AnonSimpleTypeWithName             = 23
+      , InvalidElementContent              = 24
+      , UntypedElement                     = 25
+      , SimpleTypeContentError             = 26
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInList           = 27
+      , ListUnionRestrictionError          = 28
+      , SimpleTypeDerivationByListError    = 29
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInRestriction    = 30
+      , DuplicateFacet                     = 31
+      , ExpectedSimpleTypeInUnion          = 32
+      , EmptySimpleTypeContent             = 33
+      , InvalidSimpleContent               = 34
+      , UnspecifiedBase                    = 35
+      , InvalidComplexContent              = 36
+      , SchemaElementContentError          = 37
+      , ContentError                       = 38
+      , UnknownSimpleType                  = 39
+      , UnknownComplexType                 = 40
+      , UnresolvedPrefix                   = 41
+      , RefElementNotFound                 = 42
+      , TypeNotFound                       = 43
+      , TopLevelAttributeNotFound          = 44
+      , InvalidChildInComplexType          = 45
+      , BaseTypeNotFound                   = 46
+      , NoAttributeInSchema                = 47
+      , DatatypeValidatorCreationError     = 48
+      , InvalidChildFollowingSimpleContent   = 49
+      , InvalidChildFollowingConplexContent   = 50
+      , InvalidComplexTypeBlockValue       = 51
+      , InvalidComplexTypeFinalValue       = 52
+      , AttributeDefaultFixedValue         = 53
+      , NotOptionalDefaultAttValue         = 54
+      , LocalAttributeWithNameRef          = 55
+      , GlobalAttributeWithNameRef         = 56
+      , DuplicateAttribute                 = 57
+      , AttributeWithTypeAndSimpleType     = 58
+      , AttributeSimpleTypeNotFound        = 59
+      , ElementWithFixedAndDefault         = 60
+      , DeclarationWithNameRef             = 61
+      , BadAttWithRef                      = 62
+      , InvalidDeclarationName             = 63
+      , GlobalElementWithRef               = 64
+      , ElementWithTypeAndAnonType         = 65
+      , NotSimpleOrMixedElement            = 66
+      , DisallowedSimpleTypeExtension      = 67
+      , InvalidSimpleContentBase           = 68
+      , InvalidComplexTypeBase             = 69
+      , InvalidChildInSimpleContent        = 70
+      , InvalidChildInComplexContent       = 71
+      , AnnotationError                    = 72
+      , DisallowedBaseDerivation           = 73
+      , SubstitutionRepeated               = 74
+      , UnionRepeated                      = 75
+      , ExtensionRepeated                  = 76
+      , ListRepeated                       = 77
+      , RestrictionRepeated                = 78
+      , InvalidBlockValue                  = 79
+      , InvalidFinalValue                  = 80
+      , InvalidSubstitutionGroupElement    = 81
+      , SubstitutionGroupTypeMismatch      = 82
+      , DuplicateElementDeclaration        = 83
+      , InvalidElementBlockValue           = 84
+      , InvalidElementFinalValue           = 85
+      , InvalidAttValue                    = 86
+      , AttributeRefContentError           = 87
+      , DuplicateRefAttribute              = 88
+      , ForbiddenDerivationByRestriction   = 89
+      , ForbiddenDerivationByExtension     = 90
+      , BaseNotComplexType                 = 91
+      , ImportNamespaceDifference          = 92
+      , ImportRootError                    = 93
+      , DeclarationNoSchemaLocation        = 94
+      , IncludeNamespaceDifference         = 95
+      , OnlyAnnotationExpected             = 96
+      , InvalidAttributeContent            = 97
+      , AttributeRequired                  = 98
+      , AttributeDisallowed                = 99
+      , InvalidMin2MaxOccurs               = 100
+      , AnyAttributeContentError           = 101
+      , NoNameGlobalElement                = 102
+      , NoCircularDefinition               = 103
+      , DuplicateGlobalType                = 104
+      , DuplicateGlobalDeclaration         = 105
+      , WS_CollapseExpected                = 106
+      , Import_1_1                         = 107
+      , Import_1_2                         = 108
+      , ElemIDValueConstraint              = 109
+      , NoNotationType                     = 110
+      , EmptiableMixedContent              = 111
+      , EmptyComplexRestrictionDerivation   = 112
+      , MixedOrElementOnly                 = 113
+      , InvalidContentRestriction          = 114
+      , ForbiddenDerivation                = 115
+      , AtomicItemType                     = 116
+      , MemberTypeNoUnion                  = 117
+      , GroupContentError                  = 118
+      , AttGroupContentError               = 119
+      , MinMaxOnGroupChild                 = 120
+      , DeclarationNotFound                = 121
+      , AllContentLimited                  = 122
+      , BadMinMaxAllCT                     = 123
+      , BadMinMaxAllElem                   = 124
+      , NoCircularAttGroup                 = 125
+      , DuplicateAttInDerivation           = 126
+      , NotExpressibleWildCardIntersection   = 127
+      , BadAttDerivation_1                 = 128
+      , BadAttDerivation_2                 = 129
+      , BadAttDerivation_3                 = 130
+      , BadAttDerivation_4                 = 131
+      , BadAttDerivation_5                 = 132
+      , BadAttDerivation_6                 = 133
+      , BadAttDerivation_7                 = 134
+      , BadAttDerivation_8                 = 135
+      , BadAttDerivation_9                 = 136
+      , AllContentError                    = 137
+      , RedefineNamespaceDifference        = 138
+      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleType         = 139
+      , Redefine_InvalidSimpleTypeBase     = 140
+      , Redefine_InvalidComplexType        = 141
+      , Redefine_InvalidComplexTypeBase    = 142
+      , Redefine_InvalidGroupMinMax        = 143
+      , Redefine_DeclarationNotFound       = 144
+      , Redefine_GroupRefCount             = 145
+      , Redefine_AttGroupRefCount          = 146
+      , Redefine_InvalidChild              = 147
+      , Notation_InvalidDecl               = 148
+      , Notation_DeclNotFound              = 149
+      , IC_DuplicateDecl                   = 150
+      , IC_BadContent                      = 151
+      , IC_KeyRefReferNotFound             = 152
+      , IC_KeyRefCardinality               = 153
+      , IC_XPathExprMissing                = 154
+      , AttUseCorrect                      = 155
+      , AttDeclPropCorrect3                = 156
+      , AttDeclPropCorrect5                = 157
+      , AttGrpPropCorrect3                 = 158
+      , InvalidTargetNSValue               = 159
+      , DisplayErrorMessage                = 160
+      , XMLException_Error                 = 161
+      , InvalidRedefine                    = 162
+      , InvalidNSReference                 = 163
+      , NotAllContent                      = 164
+      , InvalidAnnotationContent           = 165
+      , InvalidFacetName                   = 166
+      , InvalidXMLSchemaRoot               = 167
+      , CircularSubsGroup                  = 168
+      , SubsGroupMemberAbstract            = 169
+      , ELTSchemaNS                        = 170
+      , InvalidAttTNS                      = 171
+      , NSDeclInvalid                      = 172
+      , DOMLevel1Node                      = 173
+      , E_HighBounds                       = 174
+      , F_LowBounds                        = 175
+      , EntityExpansionLimitExceeded       = 176
+      , ExpectedCommentOrCDATA             = 177
+      , ExpectedAttrName                   = 178
+      , ExpectedNotationName               = 179
+      , NoRepInMixed                       = 180
+      , BadDefAttrDecl                     = 181
+      , ExpectedDefAttrDecl                = 182
+      , AttListSyntaxError                 = 183
+      , ExpectedEqSign                     = 184
+      , DupAttrName                        = 185
+      , BadIdForXMLLangAttr                = 186
+      , ExpectedElementName                = 187
+      , MustStartWithXMLDecl               = 188
+      , CommentsMustStartWith              = 189
+      , InvalidDocumentStructure           = 190
+      , ExpectedDeclString                 = 191
+      , BadXMLVersion                      = 192
+      , UnsupportedXMLVersion              = 193
+      , UnterminatedXMLDecl                = 194
+      , BadXMLEncoding                     = 195
+      , BadStandalone                      = 196
+      , UnterminatedComment                = 197
+      , PINameExpected                     = 198
+      , UnterminatedPI                     = 199
+      , InvalidCharacter                   = 200
+      , UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot           = 201
+      , UnterminatedStartTag               = 202
+      , ExpectedAttrValue                  = 203
+      , UnterminatedEndTag                 = 204
+      , ExpectedAttributeType              = 205
+      , ExpectedEndOfTagX                  = 206
+      , ExpectedMarkup                     = 207
+      , NotValidAfterContent               = 208
+      , ExpectedComment                    = 209
+      , ExpectedCommentOrPI                = 210
+      , ExpectedWhitespace                 = 211
+      , NoRootElemInDOCTYPE                = 212
+      , ExpectedQuotedString               = 213
+      , ExpectedPublicId                   = 214
+      , InvalidPublicIdChar                = 215
+      , UnterminatedDOCTYPE                = 216
+      , InvalidCharacterInIntSubset        = 217
+      , ExpectedCDATA                      = 218
+      , InvalidInitialNameChar             = 219
+      , InvalidNameChar                    = 220
+      , UnexpectedWhitespace               = 221
+      , InvalidCharacterInAttrValue        = 222
+      , ExpectedMarkupDecl                 = 223
+      , TextDeclNotLegalHere               = 224
+      , ConditionalSectInIntSubset         = 225
+      , ExpectedPEName                     = 226
+      , UnterminatedEntityDecl             = 227
+      , InvalidCharacterRef                = 228
+      , UnterminatedCharRef                = 229
+      , ExpectedEntityRefName              = 230
+      , EntityNotFound                     = 231
+      , NoUnparsedEntityRefs               = 232
+      , UnterminatedEntityRef              = 233
+      , RecursiveEntity                    = 234
+      , PartialMarkupInEntity              = 235
+      , UnterminatedElementDecl            = 236
+      , ExpectedContentSpecExpr            = 237
+      , ExpectedAsterisk                   = 238
+      , UnterminatedContentModel           = 239
+      , ExpectedSystemId                   = 240
+      , ExpectedSystemOrPublicId           = 241
+      , UnterminatedNotationDecl           = 242
+      , ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf              = 243
+      , ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen         = 244
+      , ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen            = 245
+      , ExpectedEnumValue                  = 246
+      , ExpectedEnumSepOrParen             = 247
+      , UnterminatedEntityLiteral          = 248
+      , MoreEndThanStartTags               = 249
+      , ExpectedOpenParen                  = 250
+      , AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag              = 251
+      , BracketInAttrValue                 = 252
+      , Expected2ndSurrogateChar           = 253
+      , ExpectedEndOfConditional           = 254
+      , ExpectedIncOrIgn                   = 255
+      , ExpectedINCLUDEBracket             = 256
+      , ExpectedTextDecl                   = 257
+      , ExpectedXMLDecl                    = 258
+      , UnexpectedEOE                      = 259
+      , PEPropogated                       = 260
+      , ExtraCloseSquare                   = 261
+      , PERefInMarkupInIntSubset           = 262
+      , EntityPropogated                   = 263
+      , ExpectedNumericalCharRef           = 264
+      , ExpectedOpenSquareBracket          = 265
+      , BadSequenceInCharData              = 266
+      , IllegalSequenceInComment           = 267
+      , UnterminatedCDATASection           = 268
+      , ExpectedNDATA                      = 269
+      , NDATANotValidForPE                 = 270
+      , HexRadixMustBeLowerCase            = 271
+      , DeclStringRep                      = 272
+      , DeclStringsInWrongOrder            = 273
+      , NoExtRefsInAttValue                = 274
+      , XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase             = 275
+      , ExpectedEntityValue                = 276
+      , BadDigitForRadix                   = 277
+      , EndedWithTagsOnStack               = 278
+      , AmbiguousContentModel              = 279
+      , NestedCDATA                        = 280
+      , UnknownPrefix                      = 281
+      , PartialTagMarkupError              = 282
+      , EmptyMainEntity                    = 283
+      , CDATAOutsideOfContent              = 284
+      , OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere            = 285
+      , Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar         = 286
+      , NoPIStartsWithXML                  = 287
+      , XMLDeclMustBeFirst                 = 288
+      , XMLVersionRequired                 = 289
+      , StandaloneNotLegal                 = 290
+      , EncodingRequired                   = 291
+      , TooManyColonsInName                = 292
+      , InvalidColonPos                    = 293
+      , ColonNotLegalWithNS                = 294
+      , SysException                       = 295
+      , XMLException_Fatal                 = 296
+      , UnexpectedEOF                      = 297
+      , UnexpectedError                    = 298
+      , BadSchemaLocation                  = 299
+      , NoGrammarResolver                  = 300
+      , SchemaScanFatalError               = 301
+      , IllegalRefInStandalone             = 302
+      , PEBetweenDecl                      = 303
+      , NoEmptyStrNamespace                = 304
+      , NoUseOfxmlnsAsPrefix               = 305
+      , NoUseOfxmlnsURI                    = 306
+      , PrefixXMLNotMatchXMLURI            = 307
+      , XMLURINotMatchXMLPrefix            = 308
+      , NoXMLNSAsElementPrefix             = 309
+      , CT_SimpleTypeChildRequired         = 310
+      , InvalidRootElemInDOCTYPE           = 311
+      , InvalidElementName                 = 312
+      , InvalidAttrName                    = 313
+      , InvalidEntityRefName               = 314
+      , DuplicateDocTypeDecl               = 315
+      , XIncludeOrphanFallback             = 316
+      , XIncludeNoHref                     = 317
+      , XIncludeXPointerNotSupported       = 318
+      , XIncludeInvalidParseVal            = 319
+      , XIncludeMultipleFallbackElems      = 320
+      , XIncludeIncludeFailedNoFallback    = 321
+      , XIncludeCircularInclusionLoop      = 322
+      , XIncludeCircularInclusionDocIncludesSelf   = 323
+      , F_HighBounds                       = 324
     static bool isFatal(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.cpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.cpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.cpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include <xercesc/util/XMLEntityResolver.hpp>
 #include <xercesc/util/RuntimeException.hpp>
 #include <xercesc/util/XMLDOMMsg.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/xinclude/XIncludeDOMDocumentProcessor.hpp>
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
 , fCharsetOverridesXMLEncoding(true)
 , fUserAdoptsDocument(false)
 , fSupportedParameters(0)
+, fDoXInclude(false)
     // dom spec has different default from scanner's default, so set explicitly
@@ -135,6 +137,7 @@
+    fSupportedParameters->add(XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude);
@@ -402,6 +405,10 @@
+    else if (XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude) == 0)
+    {
+        fDoXInclude = state;
+    }
         throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, 0, getMemoryManager());
@@ -593,6 +600,10 @@
         return getSecurityManager();
+    else if (XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude) == 0)
+    {
+        return (void *)fDoXInclude;
+    }
         throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, 0, getMemoryManager());
@@ -642,7 +653,8 @@
         XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreCachedDTD) == 0 ||
         XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreAnnotations) == 0 ||
         XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesDisableDefaultEntityResolution) == 0 ||
-        XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesSkipDTDValidation) == 0)
+        XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesSkipDTDValidation) == 0 ||
+		XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgXercesDoXInclude) == 0) 
       return true;
     else if(XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgDOMDisallowDoctype) == 0 ||
             XMLString::compareIStringASCII(name, XMLUni::fgDOMIgnoreUnknownCharacterDenormalization) == 0 ||
@@ -697,6 +709,21 @@
     Wrapper4DOMLSInput isWrapper((DOMLSInput*)source, fEntityResolver, false, getMemoryManager());
+    if (fDoXInclude){
+        XIncludeDOMDocumentProcessor xidp;
+		DOMDocument *doc = getDocument();
+        if(doc) {
+            // store the result of the XInclude processing in fDocument, then delete the original one
+            DOMDocument* xincluded=xidp.doXIncludeDOMProcess(doc, (XMLErrorReporter *) this);
+            if(xincluded)
+                fDocument = (DOMDocumentImpl*) (xincluded->getFeature(XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl, 0));
+            else
+                fDocument = NULL;
+            delete doc;
+        }
+    }
     if (fUserAdoptsDocument)
         return adoptDocument();
@@ -713,6 +740,21 @@
+    if (fDoXInclude){
+        XIncludeDOMDocumentProcessor xidp;
+		DOMDocument *doc = getDocument();
+        if(doc) {
+            // store the result of the XInclude processing in fDocument, then delete the original one
+            DOMDocument* xincluded=xidp.doXIncludeDOMProcess(doc, (XMLErrorReporter *) this);
+            if(xincluded)
+                fDocument = (DOMDocumentImpl*) (xincluded->getFeature(XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl, 0));
+            else
+                fDocument = NULL;
+            delete doc;
+        }
+    }
     if (fUserAdoptsDocument)
         return adoptDocument();
@@ -729,6 +771,21 @@
+    if (fDoXInclude){
+        XIncludeDOMDocumentProcessor xidp;
+		DOMDocument *doc = getDocument();
+        if(doc) {
+            // store the result of the XInclude processing in fDocument, then delete the original one
+            DOMDocument* xincluded=xidp.doXIncludeDOMProcess(doc, (XMLErrorReporter *) this);
+            if(xincluded)
+                fDocument = (DOMDocumentImpl*) (xincluded->getFeature(XMLUni::fgXercescInterfaceDOMDocumentImpl, 0));
+            else
+                fDocument = NULL;
+            delete doc;
+        }
+    }
     if (fUserAdoptsDocument)
         return adoptDocument();
@@ -1080,4 +1137,5 @@

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.hpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.hpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/parsers/DOMLSParserImpl.hpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -607,6 +607,10 @@
     //  fSupportedParameters
     //      A list of the parameters that can be set, including the ones
     //      specific of Xerces
+	// 
+	//   fDoXinclude
+	//      A bool used to request that XInlcude processing occur on the
+	//      Document the parser parses.
     DOMLSResourceResolver*      fEntityResolver;
     XMLEntityResolver*          fXMLEntityResolver;
@@ -615,6 +619,7 @@
     bool                        fCharsetOverridesXMLEncoding;
     bool                        fUserAdoptsDocument;
     DOMStringListImpl*          fSupportedParameters;
+    bool		 		 		 		 		 		 fDoXInclude;
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Unimplemented constructors and operators

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/en_US.txt
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/en_US.txt (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/en_US.txt Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
 		"Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared " ,
 		"Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared " ,
 		"An exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1} " ,
+		"Error occurred including document '{0}' " ,
+		"Cannot open text file target '{0}' " ,
+		"Internal error including text file '{0}' " ,
+		"Unable to include resource '{0}' " ,
 		"W_ End " ,
 		"E_ Start " , 
 		"'{0}' is not allowed for the content of a simpleType.  Only list, union and restriction are allowed. " ,
@@ -313,6 +317,14 @@
 		"Attribute qname beginning with '{0}' invalid " ,
 		"Entity qname for reference beginning '{0}' invalid " ,
 		"Already seen doctype " ,
+		"Found a fallback element not a direct child of include element " ,
+		"include element found without href attribute " ,
+		"Found an include element with xpointer specification. XPointer not yet supported " ,
+		"Invalid parse attribute value '{0}' found on include element - only text or xml is valid " ,
+		"Multiple fallback elements found in include element in document '{0}' " ,
+		"Include failed, no fallback found in document '{0}' " ,
+		"Circular inclusion document '{0}' includes previously included document " ,
+		"Circular inclusion document '{0}' includes itself " ,
 		"F_ End " ,

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/XercesMessages_en_US.hpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/XercesMessages_en_US.hpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/XercesMessages_en_US.hpp Fri Mar  2 00:55:51 2007
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
       0x0061,0x0074,0x0074,0x006C,0x0069,0x0073,0x0074,0x0020,0x0062,0x0075,0x0074,0x0020,0x006E,0x0065,0x0076,0x0065,0x0072,0x0020,0x0064,0x0065,0x0063,0x006C,0x0061,0x0072,0x0065,0x0064,0x00 }
   , { 0x0041,0x006E,0x0020,0x0065,0x0078,0x0063,0x0065,0x0070,0x0074,0x0069,0x006F,0x006E,0x0020,0x006F,0x0063,0x0063,0x0075,0x0072,0x0072,0x0065,0x0064,0x0021,0x0020,0x0054,0x0079,0x0070,0x0065,0x003A,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x002C,0x0020,0x004D,0x0065,
       0x0073,0x0073,0x0061,0x0067,0x0065,0x003A,0x007B,0x0031,0x007D,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0045,0x0072,0x0072,0x006F,0x0072,0x0020,0x006F,0x0063,0x0063,0x0075,0x0072,0x0072,0x0065,0x0064,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0069,0x006E,0x0067,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,
+      0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0043,0x0061,0x006E,0x006E,0x006F,0x0074,0x0020,0x006F,0x0070,0x0065,0x006E,0x0020,0x0074,0x0065,0x0078,0x0074,0x0020,0x0066,0x0069,0x006C,0x0065,0x0020,0x0074,0x0061,0x0072,0x0067,0x0065,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0049,0x006E,0x0074,0x0065,0x0072,0x006E,0x0061,0x006C,0x0020,0x0065,0x0072,0x0072,0x006F,0x0072,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0069,0x006E,0x0067,0x0020,0x0074,0x0065,0x0078,0x0074,0x0020,0x0066,0x0069,0x006C,0x0065,0x0020,
+      0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0055,0x006E,0x0061,0x0062,0x006C,0x0065,0x0020,0x0074,0x006F,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0072,0x0065,0x0073,0x006F,0x0075,0x0072,0x0063,0x0065,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
   , { 0x0057,0x005F,0x0045,0x006E,0x0064,0x00 }
   , { 0x0045,0x005F,0x0053,0x0074,0x0061,0x0072,0x0074,0x00 }
   , { 0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x0020,0x0069,0x0073,0x0020,0x006E,0x006F,0x0074,0x0020,0x0061,0x006C,0x006C,0x006F,0x0077,0x0065,0x0064,0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0072,0x0020,0x0074,0x0068,0x0065,0x0020,0x0063,0x006F,0x006E,0x0074,0x0065,0x006E,
@@ -683,10 +689,29 @@
   , { 0x0045,0x006E,0x0074,0x0069,0x0074,0x0079,0x0020,0x0071,0x006E,0x0061,0x006D,0x0065,0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0072,0x0020,0x0072,0x0065,0x0066,0x0065,0x0072,0x0065,0x006E,0x0063,0x0065,0x0020,0x0062,0x0065,0x0067,0x0069,0x006E,0x006E,0x0069,0x006E,
       0x0067,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0076,0x0061,0x006C,0x0069,0x0064,0x00 }
   , { 0x0041,0x006C,0x0072,0x0065,0x0061,0x0064,0x0079,0x0020,0x0073,0x0065,0x0065,0x006E,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0074,0x0079,0x0070,0x0065,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0046,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x0061,0x0020,0x0066,0x0061,0x006C,0x006C,0x0062,0x0061,0x0063,0x006B,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x006E,0x006F,0x0074,0x0020,0x0061,0x0020,0x0064,0x0069,0x0072,0x0065,
+      0x0063,0x0074,0x0020,0x0063,0x0068,0x0069,0x006C,0x0064,0x0020,0x006F,0x0066,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x0077,0x0069,0x0074,0x0068,0x006F,0x0075,0x0074,0x0020,0x0068,0x0072,0x0065,0x0066,0x0020,
+      0x0061,0x0074,0x0074,0x0072,0x0069,0x0062,0x0075,0x0074,0x0065,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0046,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x0061,0x006E,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0077,0x0069,0x0074,0x0068,0x0020,0x0078,0x0070,0x006F,0x0069,0x006E,
+      0x0074,0x0065,0x0072,0x0020,0x0073,0x0070,0x0065,0x0063,0x0069,0x0066,0x0069,0x0063,0x0061,0x0074,0x0069,0x006F,0x006E,0x002E,0x0020,0x0058,0x0050,0x006F,0x0069,0x006E,0x0074,0x0065,0x0072,0x0020,0x006E,0x006F,0x0074,0x0020,0x0079,0x0065,0x0074,
+      0x0020,0x0073,0x0075,0x0070,0x0070,0x006F,0x0072,0x0074,0x0065,0x0064,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0049,0x006E,0x0076,0x0061,0x006C,0x0069,0x0064,0x0020,0x0070,0x0061,0x0072,0x0073,0x0065,0x0020,0x0061,0x0074,0x0074,0x0072,0x0069,0x0062,0x0075,0x0074,0x0065,0x0020,0x0076,0x0061,0x006C,0x0075,0x0065,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,
+      0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x006F,0x006E,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x002D,0x0020,0x006F,0x006E,0x006C,0x0079,0x0020,0x0074,0x0065,
+      0x0078,0x0074,0x0020,0x006F,0x0072,0x0020,0x0078,0x006D,0x006C,0x0020,0x0069,0x0073,0x0020,0x0076,0x0061,0x006C,0x0069,0x0064,0x00 }
+  , { 0x004D,0x0075,0x006C,0x0074,0x0069,0x0070,0x006C,0x0065,0x0020,0x0066,0x0061,0x006C,0x006C,0x0062,0x0061,0x0063,0x006B,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0073,0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,
+      0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0065,0x006C,0x0065,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0049,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0020,0x0066,0x0061,0x0069,0x006C,0x0065,0x0064,0x002C,0x0020,0x006E,0x006F,0x0020,0x0066,0x0061,0x006C,0x006C,0x0062,0x0061,0x0063,0x006B,0x0020,0x0066,0x006F,0x0075,0x006E,0x0064,0x0020,0x0069,
+      0x006E,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0043,0x0069,0x0072,0x0063,0x0075,0x006C,0x0061,0x0072,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0073,0x0069,0x006F,0x006E,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x0020,0x0069,
+      0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0073,0x0020,0x0070,0x0072,0x0065,0x0076,0x0069,0x006F,0x0075,0x0073,0x006C,0x0079,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0064,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,
+      0x0074,0x00 }
+  , { 0x0043,0x0069,0x0072,0x0063,0x0075,0x006C,0x0061,0x0072,0x0020,0x0069,0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0073,0x0069,0x006F,0x006E,0x0020,0x0064,0x006F,0x0063,0x0075,0x006D,0x0065,0x006E,0x0074,0x0020,0x0027,0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0027,0x0020,0x0069,
+      0x006E,0x0063,0x006C,0x0075,0x0064,0x0065,0x0073,0x0020,0x0069,0x0074,0x0073,0x0065,0x006C,0x0066,0x00 }
   , { 0x0046,0x005F,0x0045,0x006E,0x0064,0x00 }
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