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Posted to by on 2010/10/04 17:01:42 UTC

Cucumber features/steps for buckets - mock driver

This patch adds some cucumber features and steps for the mock driver. You will need to have a fairly recent version of core (with the blobstore stuff in the mock driver and corresponding yaml) to try it out. After applying the patch you can try: (note -  from directory /deltacloud/server) 'cucumber ../tests/mock/buckets.feature'


[PATCH] Adds Cucumber features and steps for buckets - mock driver

Posted by
From: marios <>

 tests/mock/buckets.feature                   |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/mock/step_definitions/buckets_steps.rb |   52 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/mock/step_definitions/images_steps.rb  |    2 +
 3 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/mock/buckets.feature
 create mode 100644 tests/mock/step_definitions/buckets_steps.rb

diff --git a/tests/mock/buckets.feature b/tests/mock/buckets.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..855c563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock/buckets.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Feature: Listing and showing buckets
+    Scenario: Listing buckets when none exist
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client access this URI
+        Then client should get root element 'buckets'
+    Scenario: Listing current buckets
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client access this URI
+        Then client should get root element 'buckets'
+        And each bucket should have at least:
+            | name |
+            | size |
+        And each bucket should have 'href' attribute with valid URI
+        And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+    Scenario: Get details about (show) the first bucket
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client access this URI
+        Then client should get root element 'buckets'
+        And this element contains some buckets
+        When client want to show first bucket
+        Then client follow href attribute in first bucket
+        Then client should get this bucket
+        And this bucket should have at least:
+            | name |
+            | size |
+    Scenario: Create a new bucket
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client want to create a new bucket
+        Then client should choose name 'deltacloudtestbucket1'
+        When client request for a new bucket
+        Then new bucket should be created
+    Scenario: Create bucket using HTML form
+        Given URI /api/buckets/new exists in HTML format
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client access this URI
+        Then client should get HTML form
+    Scenario: Delete an empty bucket
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client deletes bucket with name 'deltacloudtestbucket1'
+        Then this bucket should be destroyed
+    Scenario: Delete a non-empty bucket
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        When client deletes bucket with name 'bucket1'
+        Then this will cause a 'bucket-not-empty' error
+    Scenario: Get a blob in a bucket
+        Given URI /api/buckets exists
+        And authentification is required for this URI
+        Then client can request blob with name 'blob1' in bucket 'bucket1' without error
diff --git a/tests/mock/step_definitions/buckets_steps.rb b/tests/mock/step_definitions/buckets_steps.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..741bdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock/step_definitions/buckets_steps.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Then /^each ([\w\-]+) should have at least:$/ do |item, table|
+  properties = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{}/#{item}").each do |element|
+    childrens = (element > '*').collect { |c| }
+    childrens.sort.include?(properties)
+  end
+Then /^this ([\w\-]+) should have at least:$/ do |item, table|
+  properties = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{}/#{item}").each do |element|
+    childrens = (element > '*').collect { |c| }
+    childrens.sort.include?(properties)
+  end
+When /^client want to create a new bucket$/ do 
+Then /^client should choose name '(\w+)'$/ do |name|
+  @name = name
+When /^client request for a new bucket$/ do
+  params = {:name => @name}
+  post "/api/buckets", params
+Then /^new bucket should be created$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/bucket').size.should == 1
+When /^client deletes bucket with name '(\w+)'$/ do |id|
+  @id = id
+  delete "/api/buckets/#{@id}", {} 
+Then /^this bucket should be destroyed$/ do
+  get "/api/buckets/#{@id}", {}
+  last_response.status.should_not == 200
+Then /^this will cause a 'bucket\-not\-empty' error$/ do
+  delete "/api/buckets/#{@id}", {}
+  last_response.errors.match(/^Deltacloud::BackendError: bucket-not-empty/).should_not == nil
+Then /^client can request blob with name '(\w+)' in bucket '(\w+)' without error$/ do |blob, bucket|
+  result = get "/api/buckets/#{bucket}/#{blob}"
+  result.status.should == 200
diff --git a/tests/mock/step_definitions/images_steps.rb b/tests/mock/step_definitions/images_steps.rb
index 323778c..36f1525 100644
--- a/tests/mock/step_definitions/images_steps.rb
+++ b/tests/mock/step_definitions/images_steps.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ When /^client want to show first (.+)$/ do |element|
       path = '/storage_volumes/storage_volume'
     when 'storage_snapshot':
       path = '/storage_snapshots/storage_snapshot'
+    when 'bucket':
+      path = '/buckets/bucket'
   @element = output_xml.xpath(path).first
   @element.should_not be_nil