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Posted to by Mark Romiti <> on 2004/09/24 23:29:50 UTC

New OJB User: Question on ODMG API - performing an record update using ORACLE - command ignored


I'm developing a protoype for a major government agency in the Intelligence
Arena using Struts on front and  OJB as backend.  The initial functionality
is is basically CRUD of a User Record.  I have structured the app very much
like the beer example provided.  The only difference is I using Maps as the
DTO objects and maintain the OJB Libraries and application back end code in
a separate JAR.  The struts stuff is in the usual WAR and the entire app is
packaged as an EAR and deployed to BEA 8.x.

I have Adds and Queries working.  I' m having a problem with the update.
The initial functionality of the Update Screen retrieves a User record based
on a passed ID (and this works fine) When I goto make changes and Update
that record this is where my problem occurs. It seems that the SQL Update
Statement does not generated at all.  I verified this using Oracle SQL trace
utility to see what kind of DML gets generated for the database. 

I have followed examples from two sources on the OJB web site and still
don't seem to understand the problem.  No exceptions are occuring.  I have
included code below.  Please let me know if you have any ideas.

Obviously, I have put log statements to follow the code execution and it
goes all the way through the commit with no apparent errors. 

Also one other question - For performance reasons I'm not sure if I should
be calling closeDatabase() after every transaction.  ??

public void updateUser(HashMap map, HashMap prevMap) throws Exception

	Transaction txu= null;
	OQLQuery query = null;
	try {		
		txu= impl.newTransaction();
		Userlocals userlocals = new
Userlocals().getFromHashMap(map);		txu.lock(userlocals,
		String agency = (String) map.get("AGENCY");
		String prevAgency = (String) prevMap.get("AGENCY");
		//*** Checking for changes between current agency
		//*** and previous agency - (from previous post)

		if (((agency == null && prevAgency !=null) ||
			(agency != null && prevAgency ==null))||	
			(((agency != null && prevAgency !=null) ||
			(agency != null && !agency.equals(prevAgency)))))
				//*** This executes ***//

		//*** Other fields here to do same as above not included

		//*** This executes also ***
	 catch (Exception e) 
			throw e;
		finally {

Mark Romiti
SCJP, Senior Developer Everware Inc.
Office - 703-246-0000 ext 105
Cell - 703-624-1814
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