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svn commit: r1366279 - in /incubator/tashi/trunk: Makefile src/tashi/client/ src/tashi/client/

Author: stroucki
Date: Fri Jul 27 04:18:37 2012
New Revision: 1366279

Merge branch 'retrymerge'



Modified: incubator/tashi/trunk/Makefile
--- incubator/tashi/trunk/Makefile (original)
+++ incubator/tashi/trunk/Makefile Fri Jul 27 04:18:37 2012
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ src/utils/nmd: src/utils/
 	echo Removing nmd...; rm -f bin/nmd
-bin: bindir bin/clustermanager bin/nodemanager bin/tashi-client bin/primitive bin/zoni-cli bin/accounting
+bin: bindir bin/clustermanager bin/nodemanager bin/tashi-client bin/tashi-admin bin/primitive bin/zoni-cli bin/accounting
 	if test ! -d bin; then mkdir bin; fi
-rmbin: rmclustermanager rmnodemanager rmtashi-client rmprimitive rmzoni-cli rmaccounting
+rmbin: rmclustermanager rmnodemanager rmtashi-client rmtashi-admin rmprimitive rmzoni-cli rmaccounting
 	if test -d bin; then rmdir bin; fi
 	if test ! -e bin/getInstances; then (echo "Generating client symlinks..."; cd bin; PYTHONPATH=../src ../src/tashi/client/ --makesyms); fi
@@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ bin/tashi-client:
 	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/client/ tashi-client)
 	if test -e bin/tashi-client; then echo Removing tashi-client symlink...; rm bin/tashi-client; fi
+	@echo Symlinking in tashi-admin...
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/client/ tashi-admin)
+	if test -e bin/tashi-admin; then echo Removing tashi-admin symlink...; rm bin/tashi-admin; fi
 	@echo Generating tags...
 	(cd src; ctags-exuberant -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ./tags .)

Modified: incubator/tashi/trunk/src/tashi/client/
--- incubator/tashi/trunk/src/tashi/client/ (original)
+++ incubator/tashi/trunk/src/tashi/client/ Fri Jul 27 04:18:37 2012
@@ -17,44 +17,14 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-import os.path
 import optparse
-import random
 import sys
-import types
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import NetworkConfiguration,\
-	DiskConfiguration, HostState, Instance, Host, TashiException
+import tashi
 from tashi.utils.config import Config
-from tashi import vmStates, hostStates, boolean, stringPartition, createClient
-users = {}
-networks = {}
-def fetchUsers():
-	if (users == {}):
-		_users = client.getUsers()
-		for user in _users:
-			users[] = user
-def fetchNetworks():
-	if (networks == {}):
-		_networks = client.getNetworks()
-		for network in _networks:
-			networks[] = network
-def getUser():
-	fetchUsers()
-	if client.username != None:
-		userStr = client.username
-	else:
-		userStr = os.getenv("USER", "unknown")
-	for user in users:
-		if (users[user].name == userStr):
-			return users[user].id
-	raise TashiException({'msg':"Unknown user %s" % (userStr)})
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import TashiException
 def checkHid(host):
-	userId = getUser()
+	#userId = getUser()
 	hosts = client.getHosts()
 	hostId = None
@@ -131,323 +101,49 @@ description = (
 ('setHostState', 'Set the state of a host, eg. Normal or Drained'),
 ('setHostNotes', 'Annotate a host record'),
-# Example use strings
-examples = (
-('addHost', ('--name <host name>',)),
-('delHost', ('--name <host name>',)),
-('addUser', ('--name <user name>',)),
-('delUser', ('--name <user name>',)),
-('addNet', ('--name <network name> --id <VLAN ID>',)),
-('delNet', ('--name <network name>','--id <VLAN ID>',)),
-('setHostState', ('--host <host name> --state <new state>',)),
-('setHostNotes', ('--host <host name> --text <text string>',)),
+cmdsdesc = (
+("setHostState", "Sets host state"),
+("setHostNotes", "Annotates a host"),
+("help", "Get list of available commands"),
-show_hide = []
-def usage(func = None):
-	"""Print program usage"""
-	if (func == None or func not in argLists):
-		if (func != None):
-			print "Unknown function %s" % (func)
-			print
-		functions = argLists
-		print "%s is the administrative tool for Tashi" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
-		print "Tashi, a system for cloud-computing on BigData"
-		print "Visit for more information."
-		print
-	else:
-		functions = {func: argLists[func]}
-	print "Usage:"
-	for f in functions:
-		args = argLists[f]
-		line = "\t" + f
-		for arg in args:
-			if (arg[3]):
-				line += " --%s <value>" % (arg[0])
-			else:
-				line += " [--%s <value>]" % (arg[0])
-		print line
-		if ("--help" in sys.argv and f in description):
-			print
-			print "\t\t" + description[f]
-			print
-		if ("--examples" in sys.argv):
-			if ("--help" not in sys.argv or f not in description):
-				print
-			for example in examples.get(f, []):
-				print "\t\t" + f + " " + example
-			print
-	if ("--help" not in sys.argv and "--examples" not in sys.argv):
-		print
-	print "Additionally, all functions accept --show-<name> and --hide-<name>, which show and hide columns during table generation"
-	if ("--examples" not in sys.argv):
-		print "Use \"--examples\" to see examples"
-	sys.exit(-1)
-def transformState(obj):
-	if (type(obj) == Instance):
-		fetchUsers()
-		try:
-			obj.state = vmStates[obj.state]
-		except:
-			obj.state = 'Unknown'
-		if (obj.userId in users):
-			obj.user = users[obj.userId].name
-		else:
-			obj.user = None
-		obj.disk = obj.disks[0].uri
-		if (obj.disks[0].persistent):
-			obj.disk += ":True"
-	elif (type(obj) == Host):
-		try:
-			obj.state = hostStates[obj.state]
-		except:
-			obj.state = 'Unknown'
-def genKeys(_list):
-	keys = {}
-	for row in _list:
-		for item in row.__dict__.keys():
-			keys[item] = item
-	if ('id' in keys):
-		del keys['id']
-		keys = ['id'] + keys.values()
-	else:
-		keys = keys.values()
-	return keys
-def makeTable(_list, keys=None):
-	(consoleWidth, __consoleHeight) = (9999, 9999)
-	try:
-# XXXpipe: get number of rows and column on current window
-		stdout = os.popen("stty size")
-		__r =
-		stdout.close()
-	except:
-		pass
-	for obj in _list:
-		transformState(obj)
-	if (keys == None):
-		keys = genKeys(_list)
-	for (show, k) in show_hide:
-		if (show):
-			if (k != "all"):
-				keys.append(k)
-			else:
-				keys = genKeys(_list)
-		else:
-			if (k in keys):
-				keys.remove(k)
-			if (k == "all"):
-				keys = []
-	maxWidth = {}
-	for k in keys:
-		maxWidth[k] = len(k)
-	for row in _list:
-		for k in keys:
-			if (k in row.__dict__):
-				maxWidth[k] = max(maxWidth[k], len(str(row.__dict__[k])))
-	if (keys == []):
-		return
-	totalWidth = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y + 1, maxWidth.values(), 0)
-	while (totalWidth > consoleWidth):
-		widths = maxWidth.items()
-		widths.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
-		widths.reverse()
-		maxWidth[widths[0][0]] = widths[0][1]-1
-		totalWidth = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y + 1, maxWidth.values(), 0)
-	line = ""
-	for k in keys:
-		if (len(str(k)) > maxWidth[k]):
-			line += (" %-" + str(maxWidth[k]-3) + "." + str(maxWidth[k]-3) + "s...") % (k)
-		else:
-			line += (" %-" + str(maxWidth[k]) + "." + str(maxWidth[k]) + "s") % (k)
-	print line
-	line = ""
-	for k in keys:
-		line += ("-" * (maxWidth[k]+1))
-	print line
-	def sortFunction(a, b):
-		av = a.__dict__[keys[0]]
-		bv = b.__dict__[keys[0]]
-		if (av < bv):
-			return -1
-		elif (av > bv):
-			return 1
-		else:
-			return 0
-	_list.sort(cmp=sortFunction)
-	for row in _list:
-		line = ""
-		for k in keys:
-			row.__dict__[k] = row.__dict__.get(k, "")
-			if (len(str(row.__dict__[k])) > maxWidth[k]):
-				line += (" %-" + str(maxWidth[k]-3) + "." + str(maxWidth[k]-3) + "s...") % (str(row.__dict__[k]))
-			else:
-				line += (" %-" + str(maxWidth[k]) + "." + str(maxWidth[k]) + "s") % (str(row.__dict__[k]))
-		print line
-def simpleType(obj):
-	"""Determines whether an object is a simple type -- used as a helper function to pprint"""
-	if (type(obj) is not types.ListType):
-		if (not getattr(obj, "__dict__", None)):
-			return True
-	return False
-def pprint(obj, depth = 0, key = None):
-	"""My own version of pprint that prints out a dict in a readable, but slightly more compact format"""
-	valueManip = lambda x: x
-	if (key):
-		keyString = key + ": "
-		if (key == "state"):
-			valueManip = lambda x: vmStates[x]
-	else:
-		keyString = ""
-	if (type(obj) is types.ListType):
-		if (reduce(lambda x, y: x and simpleType(y), obj, True)):
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + keyString + str(obj)
-		else:
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + keyString + "["
-			for o in obj:
-				pprint(o, depth + 1)
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + "]"
-	elif (getattr(obj, "__dict__", None)):
-		if (reduce(lambda x, y: x and simpleType(y), obj.__dict__.itervalues(), True)):
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + keyString + str(obj)
-		else:
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + keyString + "{"
-			for (k, v) in obj.__dict__.iteritems():
-				pprint(v, depth + 1, k)
-			print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + "}"
-	else:
-		print (" " * (depth * INDENT)) + keyString + str(valueManip(obj))
-def matchFunction(func):
-	if (func == "--help" or func == "--examples"):
-		usage()
-	lowerFunc = func.lower()
-	lowerFuncsList = map(lambda x: (x.lower(), x), argLists.keys())
-	lowerFuncs = {}
-	for (l, f) in lowerFuncsList:
-		lowerFuncs[l] = f
-	if (lowerFunc in lowerFuncs):
-		return lowerFuncs[lowerFunc]
-	usage(func)
+cmds = {
+'setHostState': setHostState,
+'setHostNotes': setHostNotes,
+'help': help,
 def main():
-	"""Main function for the client program"""
-	global INDENT, exitCode, client
-	exitCode = 0
-	exception = None
-	INDENT = (os.getenv("INDENT", 4))
-	if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
-		usage()
+	global config, client, scriptname
 	config = Config(["Client"])
+	client = tashi.createClient(config)
+	scriptname = sys.argv[0]
-	# get command name
-	function = matchFunction(sys.argv[1])
-	# build a structure of possible arguments
-	possibleArgs = {}
-	argList = argLists[function]
-	for i in range(0, len(argList)):
-		possibleArgs[argList[i][0]]=argList[i]
+	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+		print "Syntax: %s <command>" % scriptname
+		help(None)
+		sys.exit(-1)
+	cmd = sys.argv[1]
 	args = sys.argv[2:]
-	vals = {}
+	# flatten case for commands
+	lccmddict = dict((foo.lower(), foo) for foo in cmds.keys())
-	try:
-		# create client handle
-		client = createClient(config)
+	cmdlower = cmd.lower()
+	if cmdlower not in lccmddict:
+		print "not a valid command"
+		sys.exit(-1)
+	handler = cmds[lccmddict[cmdlower]]
+	rv = handler(args)
+	return rv
-		# set defaults
-		for parg in possibleArgs.values():
-			(parg, conv, default, required) = parg
-			if (required is False):
-				vals[parg] = default()
-		while (len(args) > 0):
-			arg = args.pop(0)
-			if (arg == "--help" or arg == "--examples"):
-				usage(function)
-				# this exits
-			if (arg.startswith("--")):
-				if (arg[2:] in possibleArgs):
-					(parg, conv, default, required) = possibleArgs[arg[2:]]
-					try:
-						val = None
-						lookahead = args[0]
-						if not lookahead.startswith("--"):
-							val = args.pop(0)
-					except:
-						pass
-					val = conv(val)
-					if (val == None):
-						val = default()
-					vals[parg] = val
-					continue
-			# somewhat lame, but i don't want to rewrite the fn at this time
-			exception = ValueError("Unknown argument %s" % (arg)) 
-		f = None
-		try:
-			f = extraViews[function][0]
-		except:
-			pass
-		if (f is None):
-			f = getattr(client, function, None)
-		try:
-			if exception is not None:
-				raise exception
-			if (function in convertArgs):
-				fargs = eval(convertArgs[function], globals(), vals)
-			else:
-				fargs = []
-			res = f(*fargs)
-		except TashiException, e:
-			print "Failed in calling %s: %s" % (function, e.msg)
-			sys.exit(-1)
-		except Exception, e:
-			print "Failed in calling %s: %s" % (function, e)
-			print "Please run tashi-admin --examples for syntax information"
-			sys.exit(-1)
-		if (res != None):
-			keys = extraViews.get(function, (None, None))[1]
-			try:
-				if (type(res) == types.ListType):
-					makeTable(res, keys)
-				elif (type(res) == types.StringType):
-					print res
-				else:
-					makeTable([res], keys)
-			except IOError:
-				pass
-			except Exception, e:
-				print e
-	except TashiException, e:
-		print "Tashi could not complete your request:"
-		print e.msg
-		exitCode = e.errno
- 	except Exception, e:
- 		print e
-		print "Please run tashi-admin --examples for syntax information"
-	sys.exit(exitCode)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
+	rv = main()
+	sys.exit(rv)