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[19/48] incubator-weex git commit: * [android] Merge WeexCore-master to master.
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a8a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Extracts native methods from a Java file and generates the JNI bindings.
+If you change this, please run and update the tests."""
+import collections
+import errno
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import string
+from string import Template
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import zipfile
+class ParseError(Exception):
+  """Exception thrown when we can't parse the input file."""
+  def __init__(self, description, *context_lines):
+    Exception.__init__(self)
+    self.description = description
+    self.context_lines = context_lines
+  def __str__(self):
+    context = '\n'.join(self.context_lines)
+    return '***\nERROR: %s\n\n%s\n***' % (self.description, context)
+class Param(object):
+  """Describes a param for a method, either java or native."""
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.datatype = kwargs['datatype']
+ = kwargs['name']
+class NativeMethod(object):
+  """Describes a C/C++ method that is called by Java code"""
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.static = kwargs['static']
+    self.java_class_name = kwargs['java_class_name']
+    self.return_type = kwargs['return_type']
+ = kwargs['name']
+    self.params = kwargs['params']
+    if self.params:
+      assert type(self.params) is list
+      assert type(self.params[0]) is Param
+    if (self.params and
+        self.params[0].datatype == kwargs.get('ptr_type', 'int') and
+        self.params[0].name.startswith('native')):
+      self.type = 'method'
+      self.p0_type = self.params[0].name[len('native'):]
+      if kwargs.get('native_class_name'):
+        self.p0_type = kwargs['native_class_name']
+    else:
+      self.type = 'function'
+    self.method_id_var_name = kwargs.get('method_id_var_name', None)
+class CalledByNative(object):
+  """Describes a java method exported to c/c++"""
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.system_class = kwargs['system_class']
+    self.unchecked = kwargs['unchecked']
+    self.static = kwargs['static']
+    self.java_class_name = kwargs['java_class_name']
+    self.return_type = kwargs['return_type']
+ = kwargs['name']
+    self.params = kwargs['params']
+    self.method_id_var_name = kwargs.get('method_id_var_name', None)
+    self.signature = kwargs.get('signature')
+    self.is_constructor = kwargs.get('is_constructor', False)
+    self.env_call = GetEnvCall(self.is_constructor, self.static,
+                               self.return_type)
+    self.static_cast = GetStaticCastForReturnType(self.return_type)
+class ConstantField(object):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ = kwargs['name']
+    self.value = kwargs['value']
+def JavaDataTypeToC(java_type):
+  """Returns a C datatype for the given java type."""
+  java_pod_type_map = {
+      'int': 'jint',
+      'byte': 'jbyte',
+      'char': 'jchar',
+      'short': 'jshort',
+      'boolean': 'jboolean',
+      'long': 'jlong',
+      'double': 'jdouble',
+      'float': 'jfloat',
+  }
+  java_type_map = {
+      'void': 'void',
+      'String': 'jstring',
+      'java/lang/String': 'jstring',
+      'java/lang/Class': 'jclass',
+  }
+  if java_type in java_pod_type_map:
+    return java_pod_type_map[java_type]
+  elif java_type in java_type_map:
+    return java_type_map[java_type]
+  elif java_type.endswith('[]'):
+    if java_type[:-2] in java_pod_type_map:
+      return java_pod_type_map[java_type[:-2]] + 'Array'
+    return 'jobjectArray'
+  elif java_type.startswith('Class'):
+    # Checking just the start of the name, rather than a direct comparison,
+    # in order to handle generics.
+    return 'jclass'
+  else:
+    return 'jobject'
+def JavaDataTypeToCForCalledByNativeParam(java_type):
+  """Returns a C datatype to be when calling from native."""
+  if java_type == 'int':
+    return 'int'
+  else:
+    return JavaDataTypeToC(java_type)
+def JavaReturnValueToC(java_type):
+  """Returns a valid C return value for the given java type."""
+  java_pod_type_map = {
+      'int': '0',
+      'byte': '0',
+      'char': '0',
+      'short': '0',
+      'boolean': 'false',
+      'long': '0',
+      'double': '0',
+      'float': '0',
+      'void': ''
+  }
+  return java_pod_type_map.get(java_type, 'NULL')
+class JniParams(object):
+  _imports = []
+  _fully_qualified_class = ''
+  _package = ''
+  _inner_classes = []
+  _remappings = []
+  _implicit_imports = []
+  @staticmethod
+  def SetFullyQualifiedClass(fully_qualified_class):
+    JniParams._fully_qualified_class = 'L' + fully_qualified_class
+    JniParams._package = '/'.join(fully_qualified_class.split('/')[:-1])
+  @staticmethod
+  def AddAdditionalImport(class_name):
+    assert class_name.endswith('.class')
+    raw_class_name = class_name[:-len('.class')]
+    if '.' in raw_class_name:
+      raise SyntaxError('%s cannot be used in @JNIAdditionalImport. '
+                        'Only import unqualified outer classes.' % class_name)
+    new_import = 'L%s/%s' % (JniParams._package, raw_class_name)
+    if new_import in JniParams._imports:
+      raise SyntaxError('Do not use JNIAdditionalImport on an already '
+                        'imported class: %s' % (new_import.replace('/', '.')))
+    JniParams._imports += [new_import]
+  @staticmethod
+  def ExtractImportsAndInnerClasses(contents):
+    if not JniParams._package:
+      raise RuntimeError('SetFullyQualifiedClass must be called before '
+                         'ExtractImportsAndInnerClasses')
+    contents = contents.replace('\n', '')
+    re_import = re.compile(r'import.*?(?P<class>\S*?);')
+    for match in re.finditer(re_import, contents):
+      JniParams._imports += ['L' +'class').replace('.', '/')]
+    re_inner = re.compile(r'(class|interface)\s+?(?P<name>\w+?)\W')
+    for match in re.finditer(re_inner, contents):
+      inner ='name')
+      if not JniParams._fully_qualified_class.endswith(inner):
+        JniParams._inner_classes += [JniParams._fully_qualified_class + '$' +
+                                     inner]
+    re_additional_imports = re.compile(
+        r'@JNIAdditionalImport\(\s*{?(?P<class_names>.*?)}?\s*\)')
+    for match in re.finditer(re_additional_imports, contents):
+      for class_name in'class_names').split(','):
+        JniParams.AddAdditionalImport(class_name.strip())
+  @staticmethod
+  def ParseJavaPSignature(signature_line):
+    prefix = 'Signature: '
+    index = signature_line.find(prefix)
+    if index == -1:
+      prefix = 'descriptor: '
+      index = signature_line.index(prefix)
+    return '"%s"' % signature_line[index + len(prefix):]
+  @staticmethod
+  def JavaToJni(param):
+    """Converts a java param into a JNI signature type."""
+    pod_param_map = {
+        'int': 'I',
+        'boolean': 'Z',
+        'char': 'C',
+        'short': 'S',
+        'long': 'J',
+        'double': 'D',
+        'float': 'F',
+        'byte': 'B',
+        'void': 'V',
+    }
+    object_param_list = [
+        'Ljava/lang/Boolean',
+        'Ljava/lang/Integer',
+        'Ljava/lang/Long',
+        'Ljava/lang/Object',
+        'Ljava/lang/String',
+        'Ljava/lang/Class',
+    ]
+    prefix = ''
+    # Array?
+    while param[-2:] == '[]':
+      prefix += '['
+      param = param[:-2]
+    # Generic?
+    if '<' in param:
+      param = param[:param.index('<')]
+    if param in pod_param_map:
+      return prefix + pod_param_map[param]
+    if '/' in param:
+      # Coming from javap, use the fully qualified param directly.
+      return prefix + 'L' + JniParams.RemapClassName(param) + ';'
+    for qualified_name in (object_param_list +
+                           [JniParams._fully_qualified_class] +
+                           JniParams._inner_classes):
+      if (qualified_name.endswith('/' + param) or
+          qualified_name.endswith('$' + param.replace('.', '$')) or
+          qualified_name == 'L' + param):
+        return prefix + JniParams.RemapClassName(qualified_name) + ';'
+    # Is it from an import? (e.g. referecing Class from import pkg.Class;
+    # note that referencing an inner class Inner from import pkg.Class.Inner
+    # is not supported).
+    for qualified_name in JniParams._imports:
+      if qualified_name.endswith('/' + param):
+        # Ensure it's not an inner class.
+        components = qualified_name.split('/')
+        if len(components) > 2 and components[-2][0].isupper():
+          raise SyntaxError('Inner class (%s) can not be imported '
+                            'and used by JNI (%s). Please import the outer '
+                            'class and use Outer.Inner instead.' %
+                            (qualified_name, param))
+        return prefix + JniParams.RemapClassName(qualified_name) + ';'
+    # Is it an inner class from an outer class import? (e.g. referencing
+    # Class.Inner from import pkg.Class).
+    if '.' in param:
+      components = param.split('.')
+      outer = '/'.join(components[:-1])
+      inner = components[-1]
+      for qualified_name in JniParams._imports:
+        if qualified_name.endswith('/' + outer):
+          return (prefix + JniParams.RemapClassName(qualified_name) +
+                  '$' + inner + ';')
+      raise SyntaxError('Inner class (%s) can not be '
+                        'used directly by JNI. Please import the outer '
+                        'class, probably:\n'
+                        'import %s.%s;' %
+                        (param, JniParams._package.replace('/', '.'),
+                         outer.replace('/', '.')))
+    JniParams._CheckImplicitImports(param)
+    # Type not found, falling back to same package as this class.
+    return (prefix + 'L' +
+            JniParams.RemapClassName(JniParams._package + '/' + param) + ';')
+  @staticmethod
+  def _CheckImplicitImports(param):
+    # Ensure implicit imports, such as java.lang.*, are not being treated
+    # as being in the same package.
+    if not JniParams._implicit_imports:
+      # This file was generated from android.jar and lists
+      # all classes that are implicitly imported.
+      with file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
+                             'android_jar.classes'), 'r') as f:
+        JniParams._implicit_imports = f.readlines()
+    for implicit_import in JniParams._implicit_imports:
+      implicit_import = implicit_import.strip().replace('.class', '')
+      implicit_import = implicit_import.replace('/', '.')
+      if implicit_import.endswith('.' + param):
+        raise SyntaxError('Ambiguous class (%s) can not be used directly '
+                          'by JNI.\nPlease import it, probably:\n\n'
+                          'import %s;' %
+                          (param, implicit_import))
+  @staticmethod
+  def Signature(params, returns, wrap):
+    """Returns the JNI signature for the given datatypes."""
+    items = ['(']
+    items += [JniParams.JavaToJni(param.datatype) for param in params]
+    items += [')']
+    items += [JniParams.JavaToJni(returns)]
+    if wrap:
+      return '\n' + '\n'.join(['"' + item + '"' for item in items])
+    else:
+      return '"' + ''.join(items) + '"'
+  @staticmethod
+  def Parse(params):
+    """Parses the params into a list of Param objects."""
+    if not params:
+      return []
+    ret = []
+    for p in [p.strip() for p in params.split(',')]:
+      items = p.split(' ')
+      if 'final' in items:
+        items.remove('final')
+      param = Param(
+          datatype=items[0],
+          name=(items[1] if len(items) > 1 else 'p%s' % len(ret)),
+      )
+      ret += [param]
+    return ret
+  @staticmethod
+  def RemapClassName(class_name):
+    """Remaps class names using the jarjar mapping table."""
+    for old, new in JniParams._remappings:
+      if old.endswith('**') and old[:-2] in class_name:
+        return class_name.replace(old[:-2], new, 1)
+      if '*' not in old and class_name.endswith(old):
+        return class_name.replace(old, new, 1)
+    return class_name
+  @staticmethod
+  def SetJarJarMappings(mappings):
+    """Parse jarjar mappings from a string."""
+    JniParams._remappings = []
+    for line in mappings.splitlines():
+      rule = line.split()
+      if rule[0] != 'rule':
+        continue
+      _, src, dest = rule
+      src = src.replace('.', '/')
+      dest = dest.replace('.', '/')
+      if src.endswith('**'):
+        src_real_name = src[:-2]
+      else:
+        assert not '*' in src
+        src_real_name = src
+      if dest.endswith('@0'):
+        JniParams._remappings.append((src, dest[:-2] + src_real_name))
+      elif dest.endswith('@1'):
+        assert '**' in src
+        JniParams._remappings.append((src, dest[:-2]))
+      else:
+        assert not '@' in dest
+        JniParams._remappings.append((src, dest))
+def ExtractJNINamespace(contents):
+  re_jni_namespace = re.compile('.*?@JNINamespace\("(.*?)"\)')
+  m = re.findall(re_jni_namespace, contents)
+  if not m:
+    return ''
+  return m[0]
+def ExtractFullyQualifiedJavaClassName(java_file_name, contents):
+  re_package = re.compile('.*?package (.*?);')
+  matches = re.findall(re_package, contents)
+  if not matches:
+    raise SyntaxError('Unable to find "package" line in %s' % java_file_name)
+  return (matches[0].replace('.', '/') + '/' +
+          os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(java_file_name))[0])
+def ExtractNatives(contents, ptr_type):
+  """Returns a list of dict containing information about a native method."""
+  contents = contents.replace('\n', '')
+  natives = []
+  re_native = re.compile(r'(@NativeClassQualifiedName'
+                         '\(\"(?P<native_class_name>.*?)\"\)\s+)?'
+                         '(@NativeCall(\(\"(?P<java_class_name>.*?)\"\))\s+)?'
+                         '(?P<qualifiers>\w+\s\w+|\w+|\s+)\s*native '
+                         '(?P<return_type>\S*) '
+                         '(?P<name>native\w+)\((?P<params>.*?)\);')
+  for match in re.finditer(re_native, contents):
+    native = NativeMethod(
+        static='static' in'qualifiers'),
+'name').replace('native', ''),
+        params=JniParams.Parse('params')),
+        ptr_type=ptr_type)
+    natives += [native]
+  return natives
+def GetStaticCastForReturnType(return_type):
+  type_map = { 'String' : 'jstring',
+               'java/lang/String' : 'jstring',
+               'boolean[]': 'jbooleanArray',
+               'byte[]': 'jbyteArray',
+               'char[]': 'jcharArray',
+               'short[]': 'jshortArray',
+               'int[]': 'jintArray',
+               'long[]': 'jlongArray',
+               'float[]': 'jfloatArray',
+               'double[]': 'jdoubleArray' }
+  ret = type_map.get(return_type, None)
+  if ret:
+    return ret
+  if return_type.endswith('[]'):
+    return 'jobjectArray'
+  return None
+def GetEnvCall(is_constructor, is_static, return_type):
+  """Maps the types availabe via env->Call__Method."""
+  if is_constructor:
+    return 'NewObject'
+  env_call_map = {'boolean': 'Boolean',
+                  'byte': 'Byte',
+                  'char': 'Char',
+                  'short': 'Short',
+                  'int': 'Int',
+                  'long': 'Long',
+                  'float': 'Float',
+                  'void': 'Void',
+                  'double': 'Double',
+                  'Object': 'Object',
+                 }
+  call = env_call_map.get(return_type, 'Object')
+  if is_static:
+    call = 'Static' + call
+  return 'Call' + call + 'Method'
+def GetMangledParam(datatype):
+  """Returns a mangled identifier for the datatype."""
+  if len(datatype) <= 2:
+    return datatype.replace('[', 'A')
+  ret = ''
+  for i in range(1, len(datatype)):
+    c = datatype[i]
+    if c == '[':
+      ret += 'A'
+    elif c.isupper() or datatype[i - 1] in ['/', 'L']:
+      ret += c.upper()
+  return ret
+def GetMangledMethodName(name, params, return_type):
+  """Returns a mangled method name for the given signature.
+     The returned name can be used as a C identifier and will be unique for all
+     valid overloads of the same method.
+  Args:
+     name: string.
+     params: list of Param.
+     return_type: string.
+  Returns:
+      A mangled name.
+  """
+  mangled_items = []
+  for datatype in [return_type] + [x.datatype for x in params]:
+    mangled_items += [GetMangledParam(JniParams.JavaToJni(datatype))]
+  mangled_name = name + '_'.join(mangled_items)
+  assert re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z_]+', mangled_name)
+  return mangled_name
+def MangleCalledByNatives(called_by_natives):
+  """Mangles all the overloads from the call_by_natives list."""
+  method_counts = collections.defaultdict(
+      lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0))
+  for called_by_native in called_by_natives:
+    java_class_name = called_by_native.java_class_name
+    name =
+    method_counts[java_class_name][name] += 1
+  for called_by_native in called_by_natives:
+    java_class_name = called_by_native.java_class_name
+    method_name =
+    method_id_var_name = method_name
+    if method_counts[java_class_name][method_name] > 1:
+      method_id_var_name = GetMangledMethodName(method_name,
+                                                called_by_native.params,
+                                                called_by_native.return_type)
+    called_by_native.method_id_var_name = method_id_var_name
+  return called_by_natives
+# Regex to match the JNI return types that should be included in a
+# ScopedLocalJavaRef.
+RE_SCOPED_JNI_RETURN_TYPES = re.compile('jobject|jclass|jstring|.*Array')
+# Regex to match a string like "@CalledByNative public void foo(int bar)".
+RE_CALLED_BY_NATIVE = re.compile(
+    '@CalledByNative(?P<Unchecked>(Unchecked)*?)(?:\("(?P<annotation>.*)"\))?'
+    '\s+(?P<prefix>[\w ]*?)'
+    '\s*(?P<return_type>\S+?)'
+    '\s+(?P<name>\w+)'
+    '\s*\((?P<params>[^\)]*)\)')
+def ExtractCalledByNatives(contents):
+  """Parses all methods annotated with @CalledByNative.
+  Args:
+    contents: the contents of the java file.
+  Returns:
+    A list of dict with information about the annotated methods.
+    TODO(bulach): return a CalledByNative object.
+  Raises:
+    ParseError: if unable to parse.
+  """
+  called_by_natives = []
+  for match in re.finditer(RE_CALLED_BY_NATIVE, contents):
+    called_by_natives += [CalledByNative(
+        system_class=False,
+        unchecked='Unchecked' in'Unchecked'),
+        static='static' in'prefix'),
+'annotation') or '',
+        params=JniParams.Parse('params')))]
+  # Check for any @CalledByNative occurrences that weren't matched.
+  unmatched_lines = re.sub(RE_CALLED_BY_NATIVE, '', contents).split('\n')
+  for line1, line2 in zip(unmatched_lines, unmatched_lines[1:]):
+    if '@CalledByNative' in line1:
+      raise ParseError('could not parse @CalledByNative method signature',
+                       line1, line2)
+  return MangleCalledByNatives(called_by_natives)
+class JNIFromJavaP(object):
+  """Uses 'javap' to parse a .class file and generate the JNI header file."""
+  def __init__(self, contents, options):
+    self.contents = contents
+    self.namespace = options.namespace
+    for line in contents:
+      class_name = re.match(
+          '.*?(public).*?(class|interface) (?P<class_name>\S+?)( |\Z)',
+          line)
+      if class_name:
+        self.fully_qualified_class ='class_name')
+        break
+    self.fully_qualified_class = self.fully_qualified_class.replace('.', '/')
+    # Java 7's javap includes type parameters in output, like HashSet<T>. Strip
+    # away the <...> and use the raw class name that Java 6 would've given us.
+    self.fully_qualified_class = self.fully_qualified_class.split('<', 1)[0]
+    JniParams.SetFullyQualifiedClass(self.fully_qualified_class)
+    self.java_class_name = self.fully_qualified_class.split('/')[-1]
+    if not self.namespace:
+      self.namespace = 'JNI_' + self.java_class_name
+    re_method = re.compile('(?P<prefix>.*?)(?P<return_type>\S+?) (?P<name>\w+?)'
+                           '\((?P<params>.*?)\)')
+    self.called_by_natives = []
+    for lineno, content in enumerate(contents[2:], 2):
+      match = re.match(re_method, content)
+      if not match:
+        continue
+      self.called_by_natives += [CalledByNative(
+          system_class=True,
+          unchecked=False,
+          static='static' in'prefix'),
+          java_class_name='',
+'return_type').replace('.', '/'),
+          params=JniParams.Parse('params').replace('.', '/')),
+          signature=JniParams.ParseJavaPSignature(contents[lineno + 1]))]
+    re_constructor = re.compile('(.*?)public ' +
+                                self.fully_qualified_class.replace('/', '.') +
+                                '\((?P<params>.*?)\)')
+    for lineno, content in enumerate(contents[2:], 2):
+      match = re.match(re_constructor, content)
+      if not match:
+        continue
+      self.called_by_natives += [CalledByNative(
+          system_class=True,
+          unchecked=False,
+          static=False,
+          java_class_name='',
+          return_type=self.fully_qualified_class,
+          name='Constructor',
+          params=JniParams.Parse('params').replace('.', '/')),
+          signature=JniParams.ParseJavaPSignature(contents[lineno + 1]),
+          is_constructor=True)]
+    self.called_by_natives = MangleCalledByNatives(self.called_by_natives)
+    self.constant_fields = []
+    re_constant_field = re.compile('.*?public static final int (?P<name>.*?);')
+    re_constant_field_value = re.compile(
+        '.*?Constant(Value| value): int (?P<value>(-*[0-9]+)?)')
+    for lineno, content in enumerate(contents[2:], 2):
+      match = re.match(re_constant_field, content)
+      if not match:
+        continue
+      value = re.match(re_constant_field_value, contents[lineno + 2])
+      if not value:
+        value = re.match(re_constant_field_value, contents[lineno + 3])
+      if value:
+        self.constant_fields.append(
+            ConstantField('name'),
+                'value')))
+    self.inl_header_file_generator = InlHeaderFileGenerator(
+        self.namespace, self.fully_qualified_class, [],
+        self.called_by_natives, self.constant_fields, options)
+  def GetContent(self):
+    return self.inl_header_file_generator.GetContent()
+  @staticmethod
+  def CreateFromClass(class_file, options):
+    class_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(class_file))[0]
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args=[options.javap, '-c', '-verbose',
+                               '-s', class_name],
+                         cwd=os.path.dirname(class_file),
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    stdout, _ = p.communicate()
+    jni_from_javap = JNIFromJavaP(stdout.split('\n'), options)
+    return jni_from_javap
+class JNIFromJavaSource(object):
+  """Uses the given java source file to generate the JNI header file."""
+  # Match single line comments, multiline comments, character literals, and
+  # double-quoted strings.
+  _comment_remover_regex = re.compile(
+      r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"',
+      re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+  def __init__(self, contents, fully_qualified_class, options):
+    contents = self._RemoveComments(contents)
+    JniParams.SetFullyQualifiedClass(fully_qualified_class)
+    JniParams.ExtractImportsAndInnerClasses(contents)
+    jni_namespace = ExtractJNINamespace(contents) or options.namespace
+    natives = ExtractNatives(contents, options.ptr_type)
+    called_by_natives = ExtractCalledByNatives(contents)
+    if len(natives) == 0 and len(called_by_natives) == 0:
+      raise SyntaxError('Unable to find any JNI methods for %s.' %
+                        fully_qualified_class)
+    inl_header_file_generator = InlHeaderFileGenerator(
+        jni_namespace, fully_qualified_class, natives, called_by_natives,
+        [], options)
+    self.content = inl_header_file_generator.GetContent()
+  @classmethod
+  def _RemoveComments(cls, contents):
+    # We need to support both inline and block comments, and we need to handle
+    # strings that contain '//' or '/*'.
+    # TODO(bulach): This is a bit hacky. It would be cleaner to use a real Java
+    # parser. Maybe we could ditch JNIFromJavaSource and just always use
+    # JNIFromJavaP; or maybe we could rewrite this script in Java and use APT.
+    #
+    def replacer(match):
+      # Replace matches that are comments with nothing; return literals/strings
+      # unchanged.
+      s =
+      if s.startswith('/'):
+        return ''
+      else:
+        return s
+    return cls._comment_remover_regex.sub(replacer, contents)
+  def GetContent(self):
+    return self.content
+  @staticmethod
+  def CreateFromFile(java_file_name, options):
+    contents = file(java_file_name).read()
+    fully_qualified_class = ExtractFullyQualifiedJavaClassName(java_file_name,
+                                                               contents)
+    return JNIFromJavaSource(contents, fully_qualified_class, options)
+class InlHeaderFileGenerator(object):
+  """Generates an inline header file for JNI integration."""
+  def __init__(self, namespace, fully_qualified_class, natives,
+               called_by_natives, constant_fields, options):
+    self.namespace = namespace
+    self.fully_qualified_class = fully_qualified_class
+    self.class_name = self.fully_qualified_class.split('/')[-1]
+    self.natives = natives
+    self.called_by_natives = called_by_natives
+    self.header_guard = fully_qualified_class.replace('/', '_') + '_JNI'
+    self.constant_fields = constant_fields
+    self.options = options
+    self.init_native = self.ExtractInitNative(options)
+  def ExtractInitNative(self, options):
+    for native in self.natives:
+      if options.jni_init_native_name == 'native' +
+        self.natives.remove(native)
+        return native
+    return None
+  def GetContent(self):
+    """Returns the content of the JNI binding file."""
+    template = Template("""\
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is autogenerated by
+//     ${SCRIPT_NAME}
+// For
+#ifndef ${HEADER_GUARD}
+#define ${HEADER_GUARD}
+#include <jni.h>
+//#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
+// Step 1: forward declarations.
+namespace {
+}  // namespace
+// Step 2: method stubs.
+// Step 3: RegisterNatives.
+#endif  // ${HEADER_GUARD}
+    values = {
+        'SCRIPT_NAME': self.options.script_name,
+        'FULLY_QUALIFIED_CLASS': self.fully_qualified_class,
+        'CLASS_PATH_DEFINITIONS': self.GetClassPathDefinitionsString(),
+        'METHOD_ID_DEFINITIONS': self.GetMethodIDDefinitionsString(),
+        'FORWARD_DECLARATIONS': self.GetForwardDeclarationsString(),
+        'CONSTANT_FIELDS': self.GetConstantFieldsString(),
+        'METHOD_STUBS': self.GetMethodStubsString(),
+        'OPEN_NAMESPACE': self.GetOpenNamespaceString(),
+        'JNI_NATIVE_METHODS': self.GetJNINativeMethodsString(),
+        'REGISTER_NATIVES': self.GetRegisterNativesString(),
+        'CLOSE_NAMESPACE': self.GetCloseNamespaceString(),
+        'HEADER_GUARD': self.header_guard,
+        'INCLUDES': self.GetIncludesString(),
+        'JNI_REGISTER_NATIVES': self.GetJNIRegisterNativesString()
+    }
+    return WrapOutput(template.substitute(values))
+  def GetClassPathDefinitionsString(self):
+    ret = []
+    ret += [self.GetClassPathDefinitions()]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetMethodIDDefinitionsString(self):
+    """Returns the definition of method ids for the called by native methods."""
+    if not self.options.eager_called_by_natives:
+      return ''
+    template = Template("""\
+jmethodID g_${JAVA_CLASS}_${METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME} = NULL;""")
+    ret = []
+    for called_by_native in self.called_by_natives:
+      values = {
+          'JAVA_CLASS': called_by_native.java_class_name or self.class_name,
+          'METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME': called_by_native.method_id_var_name,
+      }
+      ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetForwardDeclarationsString(self):
+    ret = []
+    for native in self.natives:
+      if native.type != 'method':
+        ret += [self.GetForwardDeclaration(native)]
+    if self.options.native_exports and ret:
+      return '\nextern "C" {\n' + "\n".join(ret) + '\n};  // extern "C"'
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetConstantFieldsString(self):
+    if not self.constant_fields:
+      return ''
+    ret = ['enum Java_%s_constant_fields {' % self.class_name]
+    for c in self.constant_fields:
+      ret += ['  %s = %s,' % (, c.value)]
+    ret += ['};']
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetMethodStubsString(self):
+    """Returns the code corresponding to method stubs."""
+    ret = []
+    for native in self.natives:
+      if native.type == 'method':
+        ret += [self.GetNativeMethodStubString(native)]
+    if self.options.eager_called_by_natives:
+      ret += self.GetEagerCalledByNativeMethodStubs()
+    else:
+      ret += self.GetLazyCalledByNativeMethodStubs()
+    if self.options.native_exports and ret:
+      return '\nextern "C" {\n' + "\n".join(ret) + '\n};  // extern "C"'
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetLazyCalledByNativeMethodStubs(self):
+    return [self.GetLazyCalledByNativeMethodStub(called_by_native)
+            for called_by_native in self.called_by_natives]
+  def GetEagerCalledByNativeMethodStubs(self):
+    ret = []
+    if self.called_by_natives:
+      ret += ['namespace {']
+      for called_by_native in self.called_by_natives:
+        ret += [self.GetEagerCalledByNativeMethodStub(called_by_native)]
+      ret += ['}  // namespace']
+    return ret
+  def GetIncludesString(self):
+    if not self.options.includes:
+      return ''
+    includes = self.options.includes.split(',')
+    return '\n'.join('#include "%s"' % x for x in includes)
+  def GetKMethodsString(self, clazz):
+    ret = []
+    for native in self.natives:
+      if (native.java_class_name == clazz or
+          (not native.java_class_name and clazz == self.class_name)):
+        ret += [self.GetKMethodArrayEntry(native)]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def SubstituteNativeMethods(self, template):
+    """Substitutes JAVA_CLASS and KMETHODS in the provided template."""
+    ret = []
+    all_classes = self.GetUniqueClasses(self.natives)
+    all_classes[self.class_name] = self.fully_qualified_class
+    for clazz in all_classes:
+      kmethods = self.GetKMethodsString(clazz)
+      if kmethods:
+        values = {'JAVA_CLASS': clazz,
+                  'KMETHODS': kmethods}
+        ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    if not ret: return ''
+    return '\n' + '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetJNINativeMethodsString(self):
+    """Returns the implementation of the array of native methods."""
+    if self.options.native_exports and not self.options.native_exports_optional:
+      return ''
+    template = Template("""\
+static const JNINativeMethod kMethods${JAVA_CLASS}[] = {
+    return self.SubstituteNativeMethods(template)
+  def GetRegisterCalledByNativesImplString(self):
+    """Returns the code for registering the called by native methods."""
+    if not self.options.eager_called_by_natives:
+      return ''
+    template = Template("""\
+    return false;
+  }
+    """)
+    ret = []
+    for called_by_native in self.called_by_natives:
+      values = {
+          'JAVA_CLASS': called_by_native.java_class_name or self.class_name,
+          'METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME': called_by_native.method_id_var_name,
+          'GET_METHOD_ID_IMPL': self.GetMethodIDImpl(called_by_native),
+      }
+      ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetRegisterNativesString(self):
+    """Returns the code for RegisterNatives."""
+    template = Template("""\
+  return true;
+    signature = 'static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env'
+    if self.init_native:
+      signature += ', jclass clazz)'
+    else:
+      signature += ')'
+    early_exit = ''
+    if self.options.native_exports_optional:
+      early_exit = """\
+  if (base::android::IsManualJniRegistrationDisabled()) return true;
+    natives = self.GetRegisterNativesImplString()
+    called_by_natives = self.GetRegisterCalledByNativesImplString()
+    values = {'REGISTER_NATIVES_SIGNATURE': signature,
+              'EARLY_EXIT': early_exit,
+              'CLASSES': self.GetFindClasses(),
+              'NATIVES': natives,
+              'CALLED_BY_NATIVES': called_by_natives,
+             }
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetRegisterNativesImplString(self):
+    """Returns the shared implementation for RegisterNatives."""
+    if self.options.native_exports and not self.options.native_exports_optional:
+      return ''
+    template = Template("""\
+  const int kMethods${JAVA_CLASS}Size = sizeof(kMethods${JAVA_CLASS})/sizeof(kMethods${JAVA_CLASS}[0]);
+  if (env->RegisterNatives(${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env),
+                           kMethods${JAVA_CLASS},
+                           kMethods${JAVA_CLASS}Size) < 0) {
+    //jni_generator::HandleRegistrationError(
+    //    env, ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env), __FILE__);
+    return false;
+  }
+    return self.SubstituteNativeMethods(template)
+  def GetJNIRegisterNativesString(self):
+    """Returns the implementation for the JNI registration of native methods."""
+    if not self.init_native:
+      return ''
+    template = Template("""\
+extern "C" JNIEXPORT bool JNICALL
+Java_${FULLY_QUALIFIED_CLASS}_${INIT_NATIVE_NAME}(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
+  return ${NAMESPACE}RegisterNativesImpl(env, clazz);
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      java_name = JniParams.RemapClassName(self.fully_qualified_class)
+      java_name = java_name.replace('_', '_1').replace('/', '_')
+    else:
+      java_name = self.fully_qualified_class.replace('/', '_')
+    namespace = ''
+    if self.namespace:
+      namespace = self.namespace + '::'
+    values = {'FULLY_QUALIFIED_CLASS': java_name,
+              'INIT_NATIVE_NAME': 'native' +,
+              'NAMESPACE': namespace,
+              'REGISTER_NATIVES_IMPL': self.GetRegisterNativesImplString()
+             }
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetOpenNamespaceString(self):
+    if self.namespace:
+      all_namespaces = ['namespace %s {' % ns
+                        for ns in self.namespace.split('::')]
+      return '\n'.join(all_namespaces)
+    return ''
+  def GetCloseNamespaceString(self):
+    if self.namespace:
+      all_namespaces = ['}  // namespace %s' % ns
+                        for ns in self.namespace.split('::')]
+      all_namespaces.reverse()
+      return '\n'.join(all_namespaces) + '\n'
+    return ''
+  def GetJNIFirstParam(self, native):
+    ret = []
+    if native.type == 'method':
+      ret = ['jobject jcaller']
+    elif native.type == 'function':
+      if native.static:
+        ret = ['jclass jcaller']
+      else:
+        ret = ['jobject jcaller']
+    return ret
+  def GetParamsInDeclaration(self, native):
+    """Returns the params for the stub declaration.
+    Args:
+      native: the native dictionary describing the method.
+    Returns:
+      A string containing the params.
+    """
+    return ',\n    '.join(self.GetJNIFirstParam(native) +
+                          [JavaDataTypeToC(param.datatype) + ' ' +
+                           for param in native.params])
+  def GetCalledByNativeParamsInDeclaration(self, called_by_native):
+    return ',\n    '.join([
+        JavaDataTypeToCForCalledByNativeParam(param.datatype) + ' ' +
+        for param in called_by_native.params])
+  def GetStubName(self, native):
+    """Return the name of the stub function for this native method.
+    Args:
+      native: the native dictionary describing the method.
+    Returns:
+      A string with the stub function name. For native exports mode this is the
+      Java_* symbol name required by the JVM; otherwise it is just the name of
+      the native method itself.
+    """
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      template = Template("Java_${JAVA_NAME}_native${NAME}")
+      java_name = JniParams.RemapClassName(self.fully_qualified_class)
+      java_name = java_name.replace('_', '_1').replace('/', '_')
+      if native.java_class_name:
+        java_name += '_00024' + native.java_class_name
+      values = {'NAME':,
+                'JAVA_NAME': java_name}
+      return template.substitute(values)
+    else:
+      return
+  def GetForwardDeclaration(self, native):
+    template_str = """
+static ${RETURN} ${NAME}(JNIEnv* env, ${PARAMS});
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      template_str += """
+${RETURN} ${STUB_NAME}(JNIEnv* env, ${PARAMS}) {
+  return ${NAME}(${PARAMS_IN_CALL});
+    template = Template(template_str)
+    params_in_call = []
+    if not self.options.pure_native_methods:
+      params_in_call = ['env', 'jcaller']
+    params_in_call = ', '.join(params_in_call + [ for p in native.params])
+    values = {'RETURN': JavaDataTypeToC(native.return_type),
+              'NAME':,
+              'PARAMS': self.GetParamsInDeclaration(native),
+              'PARAMS_IN_CALL': params_in_call,
+              'STUB_NAME': self.GetStubName(native)}
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetNativeMethodStubString(self, native):
+    """Returns stubs for native methods."""
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      template_str = """\
+${RETURN} ${STUB_NAME}(JNIEnv* env,
+    else:
+      template_str = """\
+static ${RETURN} ${STUB_NAME}(JNIEnv* env, ${PARAMS_IN_DECLARATION}) {"""
+    template_str += """
+  ${P0_TYPE}* native = reinterpret_cast<${P0_TYPE}*>(${PARAM0_NAME});
+  CHECK_NATIVE_PTR(env, jcaller, native, "${NAME}"${OPTIONAL_ERROR_RETURN});
+  return native->${NAME}(${PARAMS_IN_CALL})${POST_CALL};
+    template = Template(template_str)
+    params = []
+    if not self.options.pure_native_methods:
+      params = ['env', 'jcaller']
+    params_in_call = ', '.join(params + [ for p in native.params[1:]])
+    return_type = JavaDataTypeToC(native.return_type)
+    optional_error_return = JavaReturnValueToC(native.return_type)
+    if optional_error_return:
+      optional_error_return = ', ' + optional_error_return
+    post_call = ''
+    if re.match(RE_SCOPED_JNI_RETURN_TYPES, return_type):
+      post_call = '.Get()'
+    values = {
+        'RETURN': return_type,
+        'OPTIONAL_ERROR_RETURN': optional_error_return,
+        'NAME':,
+        'PARAMS_IN_DECLARATION': self.GetParamsInDeclaration(native),
+        'PARAM0_NAME': native.params[0].name,
+        'P0_TYPE': native.p0_type,
+        'PARAMS_IN_CALL': params_in_call,
+        'POST_CALL': post_call,
+        'STUB_NAME': self.GetStubName(native),
+    }
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetArgument(self, param):
+    return ('int(' + + ')'
+            if param.datatype == 'int' else
+  def GetArgumentsInCall(self, params):
+    """Return a string of arguments to call from native into Java"""
+    return [self.GetArgument(p) for p in params]
+  def GetCalledByNativeValues(self, called_by_native):
+    """Fills in necessary values for the CalledByNative methods."""
+    java_class = called_by_native.java_class_name or self.class_name
+    if called_by_native.static or called_by_native.is_constructor:
+      first_param_in_declaration = ''
+      first_param_in_call = ('%s_clazz(env)' % java_class)
+    else:
+      first_param_in_declaration = ', jobject obj'
+      first_param_in_call = 'obj'
+    params_in_declaration = self.GetCalledByNativeParamsInDeclaration(
+        called_by_native)
+    if params_in_declaration:
+      params_in_declaration = ', ' + params_in_declaration
+    params_in_call = ', '.join(self.GetArgumentsInCall(called_by_native.params))
+    if params_in_call:
+      params_in_call = ', ' + params_in_call
+    pre_call = ''
+    post_call = ''
+    if called_by_native.static_cast:
+      pre_call = 'static_cast<%s>(' % called_by_native.static_cast
+      post_call = ')'
+    check_exception = ''
+    if not called_by_native.unchecked:
+      check_exception = 'base::android::CheckException(env);'
+    return_type = JavaDataTypeToC(called_by_native.return_type)
+    optional_error_return = JavaReturnValueToC(called_by_native.return_type)
+    if optional_error_return:
+      optional_error_return = ', ' + optional_error_return
+    return_declaration = ''
+    return_clause = ''
+    if return_type != 'void':
+      pre_call = ' ' + pre_call
+      return_declaration = return_type + ' ret ='
+      if re.match(RE_SCOPED_JNI_RETURN_TYPES, return_type):
+        return_type = 'base::android::ScopedLocalJavaRef<' + return_type + '>'
+        return_clause = 'return ' + return_type + '(env, ret);'
+      else:
+        return_clause = 'return ret;'
+    return {
+        'JAVA_CLASS': java_class,
+        'RETURN_TYPE': return_type,
+        'OPTIONAL_ERROR_RETURN': optional_error_return,
+        'RETURN_DECLARATION': return_declaration,
+        'RETURN_CLAUSE': return_clause,
+        'FIRST_PARAM_IN_DECLARATION': first_param_in_declaration,
+        'PARAMS_IN_DECLARATION': params_in_declaration,
+        'PRE_CALL': pre_call,
+        'POST_CALL': post_call,
+        'ENV_CALL': called_by_native.env_call,
+        'FIRST_PARAM_IN_CALL': first_param_in_call,
+        'PARAMS_IN_CALL': params_in_call,
+        'METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME': called_by_native.method_id_var_name,
+        'CHECK_EXCEPTION': check_exception,
+        'GET_METHOD_ID_IMPL': self.GetMethodIDImpl(called_by_native)
+    }
+  def GetEagerCalledByNativeMethodStub(self, called_by_native):
+    """Returns the implementation of the called by native method."""
+    template = Template("""
+    values = self.GetCalledByNativeValues(called_by_native)
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetLazyCalledByNativeMethodStub(self, called_by_native):
+    """Returns a string."""
+    function_signature_template = Template("""\
+    function_header_template = Template("""\
+    function_header_with_unused_template = Template("""\
+${FUNCTION_SIGNATURE} __attribute__ ((unused));
+    template = Template("""
+static intptr_t g_${JAVA_CLASS}_${METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME} = 0;
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //    ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env)${OPTIONAL_ERROR_RETURN});
+  jmethodID method_id =
+          method_id${PARAMS_IN_CALL})${POST_CALL};
+    values = self.GetCalledByNativeValues(called_by_native)
+    values['FUNCTION_SIGNATURE'] = (
+        function_signature_template.substitute(values))
+    if called_by_native.system_class:
+      values['FUNCTION_HEADER'] = (
+          function_header_with_unused_template.substitute(values))
+    else:
+      values['FUNCTION_HEADER'] = function_header_template.substitute(values)
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetKMethodArrayEntry(self, native):
+    template = Template('    { "native${NAME}", ${JNI_SIGNATURE}, ' +
+                        'reinterpret_cast<void*>(${STUB_NAME}) },')
+    values = {'NAME':,
+              'JNI_SIGNATURE': JniParams.Signature(native.params,
+                                                   native.return_type,
+                                                   True),
+              'STUB_NAME': self.GetStubName(native)}
+    return template.substitute(values)
+  def GetUniqueClasses(self, origin):
+    ret = {self.class_name: self.fully_qualified_class}
+    for entry in origin:
+      class_name = self.class_name
+      jni_class_path = self.fully_qualified_class
+      if entry.java_class_name:
+        class_name = entry.java_class_name
+        jni_class_path = self.fully_qualified_class + '$' + class_name
+      ret[class_name] = jni_class_path
+    return ret
+  def GetClassPathDefinitions(self):
+    """Returns the ClassPath constants."""
+    ret = []
+    template = Template("""\
+const char k${JAVA_CLASS}ClassPath[] = "${JNI_CLASS_PATH}";""")
+    native_classes = self.GetUniqueClasses(self.natives)
+    called_by_native_classes = self.GetUniqueClasses(self.called_by_natives)
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      all_classes = called_by_native_classes
+    else:
+      all_classes = native_classes
+      all_classes.update(called_by_native_classes)
+    for clazz in all_classes:
+      values = {
+          'JAVA_CLASS': clazz,
+          'JNI_CLASS_PATH': JniParams.RemapClassName(all_classes[clazz]),
+      }
+      ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    ret += ''
+    class_getter_methods = []
+    if self.options.native_exports:
+      template = Template("""\
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+base::subtle::AtomicWord g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
+#define ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env) \
+base::android::LazyGetClass(env, k${JAVA_CLASS}ClassPath, \
+    else:
+      template = Template("""\
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+jclass g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz = NULL;
+#define ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env) g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz""")
+    for clazz in called_by_native_classes:
+      values = {
+          'JAVA_CLASS': clazz,
+      }
+      ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetFindClasses(self):
+    """Returns the imlementation of FindClass for all known classes."""
+    if self.init_native:
+      if self.options.native_exports:
+        template = Template("""\
+  base::subtle::Release_Store(&g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz,
+      static_cast<base::subtle::AtomicWord>(env->NewWeakGlobalRef(clazz));""")
+      else:
+        template = Template("""\
+  g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewWeakGlobalRef(clazz));""")
+    else:
+      if self.options.native_exports:
+        return '\n'
+      template = Template("""\
+  g_${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(
+      base::android::GetClass(env, k${JAVA_CLASS}ClassPath).Get()));""")
+    ret = []
+    for clazz in self.GetUniqueClasses(self.called_by_natives):
+      values = {'JAVA_CLASS': clazz}
+      ret += [template.substitute(values)]
+    return '\n'.join(ret)
+  def GetMethodIDImpl(self, called_by_native):
+    """Returns the implementation of GetMethodID."""
+    if self.options.eager_called_by_natives:
+      template = Template("""\
+      ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env),
+      "${JNI_NAME}", ${JNI_SIGNATURE});""")
+    else:
+      template = Template("""\
+  base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ${JAVA_CLASS}_clazz(env),
+      base::android::${STATIC}_METHOD,
+      "${JNI_NAME}",
+      ${JNI_SIGNATURE},
+    jni_name =
+    jni_return_type = called_by_native.return_type
+    if called_by_native.is_constructor:
+      jni_name = '<init>'
+      jni_return_type = 'void'
+    if called_by_native.signature:
+      signature = called_by_native.signature
+    else:
+      signature = JniParams.Signature(called_by_native.params,
+                                      jni_return_type,
+                                      True)
+    values = {
+        'JAVA_CLASS': called_by_native.java_class_name or self.class_name,
+        'JNI_NAME': jni_name,
+        'METHOD_ID_VAR_NAME': called_by_native.method_id_var_name,
+        'STATIC': 'STATIC' if called_by_native.static else 'INSTANCE',
+        'STATIC_METHOD_PART': 'Static' if called_by_native.static else '',
+        'JNI_SIGNATURE': signature,
+    }
+    return template.substitute(values)
+def WrapOutput(output):
+  ret = []
+  for line in output.splitlines():
+    # Do not wrap lines under 80 characters or preprocessor directives.
+    if len(line) < 80 or line.lstrip()[:1] == '#':
+      stripped = line.rstrip()
+      if len(ret) == 0 or len(ret[-1]) or len(stripped):
+        ret.append(stripped)
+    else:
+      first_line_indent = ' ' * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
+      subsequent_indent =  first_line_indent + ' ' * 4
+      if line.startswith('//'):
+        subsequent_indent = '//' + subsequent_indent
+      wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80,
+                                     subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent,
+                                     break_long_words=False)
+      ret += [wrapped.rstrip() for wrapped in wrapper.wrap(line)]
+  ret += ['']
+  return '\n'.join(ret)
+def ExtractJarInputFile(jar_file, input_file, out_dir):
+  """Extracts input file from jar and returns the filename.
+  The input file is extracted to the same directory that the generated jni
+  headers will be placed in.  This is passed as an argument to script.
+  Args:
+    jar_file: the jar file containing the input files to extract.
+    input_files: the list of files to extract from the jar file.
+    out_dir: the name of the directories to extract to.
+  Returns:
+    the name of extracted input file.
+  """
+  jar_file = zipfile.ZipFile(jar_file)
+  out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.dirname(input_file))
+  try:
+    os.makedirs(out_dir)
+  except OSError as e:
+    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+      raise
+  extracted_file_name = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(input_file))
+  with open(extracted_file_name, 'w') as outfile:
+    outfile.write(
+  return extracted_file_name
+def GenerateJNIHeader(input_file, output_file, options):
+  try:
+    if os.path.splitext(input_file)[1] == '.class':
+      jni_from_javap = JNIFromJavaP.CreateFromClass(input_file, options)
+      content = jni_from_javap.GetContent()
+    else:
+      jni_from_java_source = JNIFromJavaSource.CreateFromFile(
+          input_file, options)
+      content = jni_from_java_source.GetContent()
+  except ParseError, e:
+    print e
+    sys.exit(1)
+  if output_file:
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_file))):
+      os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_file)))
+    if options.optimize_generation and os.path.exists(output_file):
+      with file(output_file, 'r') as f:
+        existing_content =
+        if existing_content == content:
+          return
+    with file(output_file, 'w') as f:
+      f.write(content)
+  else:
+    print output
+def GetScriptName():
+  script_components = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]).split(os.path.sep)
+  base_index = 0
+  for idx, value in enumerate(script_components):
+    if value == 'base' or value == 'third_party':
+      base_index = idx
+      break
+  return os.sep.join(script_components[base_index:])
+class Opitions(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.ptr_type = 'int'
+    self.jni_init_native_name = ''
+    self.script_name = GetScriptName()
+    self.native_exports = ''
+    self.eager_called_by_natives = ''
+    self.pure_native_methods = ''
+    self.native_exports_optional = ''
+    self.includes = ''
+    self.optimize_generation = ''
+    self.namespace = ''
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  """sys.exit(main(sys.argv))"""
+  if(len(sys.argv) == 3):
+    options = Opitions()
+    GenerateJNIHeader(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], options)
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c731870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <jni.h>
+#include <android/bridge/impl/bridge_impl_android.h>
+#include <android/base/jni/android_jni.h>
+#include <android/bridge/impl/measure_mode_impl_android.h>
+#include <android/bridge/impl/content_box_measurement_impl_android.h>
+jint JNI_OnLoad (JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
+    //base::android::InitVM(vm);
+    // JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
+    JNIEnv *env;
+    /* Get environment */
+    if ((vm)->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
+      return JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    WeexCore::RegisterJNIUtils(env);
+    WeexCore::RegisterJNIMeasureMode(env);
+    WeexCore::RegisterJNIContentBoxMeasurement(env);
+    return WeexCore::OnLoad(vm, reserved);
+void JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved) {
+    WeexCore::Unload(vm, reserved);
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/ContentBoxMeasurement_jni.h b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/ContentBoxMeasurement_jni.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..871e32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/ContentBoxMeasurement_jni.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is autogenerated by
+//     /Users/miomin/Desktop/workspace/alibaba/WeexCore-dev/WeexCore-
+//    dev/android/weex_core_debug/Source/WeexCore/platform/android/jniprebuild/
+// For
+//     com/taobao/weex/layout/ContentBoxMeasurement
+#ifndef com_taobao_weex_layout_ContentBoxMeasurement_JNI
+#define com_taobao_weex_layout_ContentBoxMeasurement_JNI
+#include <jni.h>
+//#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
+// Step 1: forward declarations.
+namespace {
+const char kContentBoxMeasurementClassPath[] =
+    "com/taobao/weex/layout/ContentBoxMeasurement";
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+jclass g_ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz = NULL;
+#define ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env) g_ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz
+}  // namespace
+// Step 2: method stubs.
+static intptr_t g_ContentBoxMeasurement_measure = 0;
+static void Java_ContentBoxMeasurement_measure(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jfloat
+    width,
+    jfloat height,
+    int widthMeasureMode,
+    int heightMeasureMode) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env));
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "measure",
+      &g_ContentBoxMeasurement_measure);
+     env->CallVoidMethod(obj,
+          method_id, width, height, int(widthMeasureMode),
+              int(heightMeasureMode));
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+static intptr_t g_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutBefore = 0;
+static void Java_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutBefore(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env));
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "layoutBefore",
+      &g_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutBefore);
+     env->CallVoidMethod(obj,
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+static intptr_t g_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutAfter = 0;
+static void Java_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutAfter(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,
+    jfloat computedWidth,
+    jfloat computedHeight) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env));
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "layoutAfter",
+      &g_ContentBoxMeasurement_layoutAfter);
+     env->CallVoidMethod(obj,
+          method_id, computedWidth, computedHeight);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+static intptr_t g_ContentBoxMeasurement_getWidth = 0;
+static jfloat Java_ContentBoxMeasurement_getWidth(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env), 0);
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "getWidth",
+      &g_ContentBoxMeasurement_getWidth);
+  jfloat ret =
+      env->CallFloatMethod(obj,
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+  return ret;
+static intptr_t g_ContentBoxMeasurement_getHeight = 0;
+static jfloat Java_ContentBoxMeasurement_getHeight(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env), 0);
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "getHeight",
+      &g_ContentBoxMeasurement_getHeight);
+  jfloat ret =
+      env->CallFloatMethod(obj,
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+  return ret;
+// Step 3: RegisterNatives.
+static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env) {
+  g_ContentBoxMeasurement_clazz = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(
+      base::android::GetClass(env, kContentBoxMeasurementClassPath).Get()));
+  return true;
+#endif  // com_taobao_weex_layout_ContentBoxMeasurement_JNI
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/MeasureMode_jni.h b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/MeasureMode_jni.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c707ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/MeasureMode_jni.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is autogenerated by
+//     /Users/miomin/Desktop/workspace/alibaba/WeexCore-dev/WeexCore-
+//    dev/android/weex_core_debug/Source/WeexCore/platform/android/jniprebuild/
+// For
+//     com/taobao/weex/layout/MeasureMode
+#ifndef com_taobao_weex_layout_MeasureMode_JNI
+#define com_taobao_weex_layout_MeasureMode_JNI
+#include <jni.h>
+//#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
+// Step 1: forward declarations.
+namespace {
+const char kMeasureModeClassPath[] = "com/taobao/weex/layout/MeasureMode";
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+jclass g_MeasureMode_clazz = NULL;
+#define MeasureMode_clazz(env) g_MeasureMode_clazz
+}  // namespace
+// Step 2: method stubs.
+static intptr_t g_MeasureMode_getEXACTLY = 0;
+static jint Java_MeasureMode_getEXACTLY(JNIEnv* env) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+  //    MeasureMode_clazz(env), 0);
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+      base::android::STATIC_METHOD,
+      "getEXACTLY",
+      &g_MeasureMode_getEXACTLY);
+  jint ret =
+      env->CallStaticIntMethod(MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+  return ret;
+static intptr_t g_MeasureMode_getUNSPECIFIED = 0;
+static jint Java_MeasureMode_getUNSPECIFIED(JNIEnv* env) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+  //    MeasureMode_clazz(env), 0);
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+      base::android::STATIC_METHOD,
+      "getUNSPECIFIED",
+      &g_MeasureMode_getUNSPECIFIED);
+  jint ret =
+      env->CallStaticIntMethod(MeasureMode_clazz(env),
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+  return ret;
+// Step 3: RegisterNatives.
+static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env) {
+  g_MeasureMode_clazz = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(
+      base::android::GetClass(env, kMeasureModeClassPath).Get()));
+  return true;
+#endif  // com_taobao_weex_layout_MeasureMode_JNI
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/SystemMessageHandler_jni.h b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/SystemMessageHandler_jni.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5849a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/SystemMessageHandler_jni.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is autogenerated by
+//     /Users/miomin/Desktop/workspace/alibaba/WeexCore-dev/WeexCore-
+//    dev/android/weex_core_debug/Source/WeexCore/platform/android/jniprebuild/
+// For
+//     com/taobao/weex/base/SystemMessageHandler
+#ifndef com_taobao_weex_base_SystemMessageHandler_JNI
+#define com_taobao_weex_base_SystemMessageHandler_JNI
+#include <jni.h>
+//#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
+// Step 1: forward declarations.
+namespace {
+const char kSystemMessageHandlerClassPath[] =
+    "com/taobao/weex/base/SystemMessageHandler";
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+jclass g_SystemMessageHandler_clazz = NULL;
+#define SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env) g_SystemMessageHandler_clazz
+}  // namespace
+static void RunWork(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jlong delegateNative);
+// Step 2: method stubs.
+static intptr_t g_SystemMessageHandler_create = 0;
+static base::android::ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject>
+    Java_SystemMessageHandler_create(JNIEnv* env, jlong
+    messagePumpDelegateNative) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+  //    SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env), NULL);
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+      base::android::STATIC_METHOD,
+      "create",
+      &g_SystemMessageHandler_create);
+  jobject ret =
+      env->CallStaticObjectMethod(SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+          method_id, messagePumpDelegateNative);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+  return base::android::ScopedLocalJavaRef<jobject>(env, ret);
+static intptr_t g_SystemMessageHandler_scheduleWork = 0;
+static void Java_SystemMessageHandler_scheduleWork(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env));
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "scheduleWork",
+      &g_SystemMessageHandler_scheduleWork);
+     env->CallVoidMethod(obj,
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+static intptr_t g_SystemMessageHandler_stop = 0;
+static void Java_SystemMessageHandler_stop(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
+  /* Must call RegisterNativesImpl()  */
+  //CHECK_CLAZZ(env, obj,
+  //    SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env));
+  jmethodID method_id =
+      base::android::GetMethod(
+      env, SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+      base::android::INSTANCE_METHOD,
+      "stop",
+      &g_SystemMessageHandler_stop);
+     env->CallVoidMethod(obj,
+          method_id);
+  base::android::CheckException(env);
+// Step 3: RegisterNatives.
+static const JNINativeMethod kMethodsSystemMessageHandler[] = {
+    { "nativeRunWork",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(RunWork) },
+static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env) {
+  g_SystemMessageHandler_clazz = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(
+      base::android::GetClass(env, kSystemMessageHandlerClassPath).Get()));
+  const int kMethodsSystemMessageHandlerSize =
+      sizeof(kMethodsSystemMessageHandler)/sizeof(kMethodsSystemMessageHandler[0]);
+  if (env->RegisterNatives(SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env),
+                           kMethodsSystemMessageHandler,
+                           kMethodsSystemMessageHandlerSize) < 0) {
+    //jni_generator::HandleRegistrationError(
+    //    env, SystemMessageHandler_clazz(env), __FILE__);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+#endif  // com_taobao_weex_base_SystemMessageHandler_JNI
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/WXBridge_jni.h b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/WXBridge_jni.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55f8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/jniheader/WXBridge_jni.h
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is autogenerated by
+//     /Users/miomin/Desktop/workspace/alibaba/WeexCore-dev/WeexCore-
+//    dev/android/weex_core_debug/Source/WeexCore/platform/android/jniprebuild/
+// For
+//     com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge
+#ifndef com_taobao_weex_bridge_WXBridge_JNI
+#define com_taobao_weex_bridge_WXBridge_JNI
+#include <jni.h>
+//#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
+// Step 1: forward declarations.
+namespace {
+const char kWXBridgeClassPath[] = "com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge";
+// Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
+jclass g_WXBridge_clazz = NULL;
+#define WXBridge_clazz(env) g_WXBridge_clazz
+}  // namespace
+static jint InitFrameworkEnv(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring framework,
+    jobject params,
+    jstring cacheDir,
+    jboolean pieSupport);
+static jint InitFramework(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring framework,
+    jobject params);
+static jint ExecJS(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring name,
+    jstring function,
+    jobjectArray args);
+static jint ExecJSService(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring javascript);
+static jbyteArray ExecJSWithResult(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring _namespace,
+    jstring _function,
+    jobjectArray args);
+static jint CreateInstanceContext(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring name,
+    jstring function,
+    jobjectArray args);
+static jint DestoryInstance(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring name,
+    jstring function,
+    jobjectArray args);
+static jstring ExecJSOnInstance(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring script,
+    jint type);
+static void TakeHeapSnapshot(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring filename);
+static void BindMeasurementToWXCore(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jobject contentBoxMeasurement);
+static void SetRenderContainerWrapContent(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jboolean wrap,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static jint PrintFirstScreenRenderTime(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static jint PrintRenderFinishTime(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static void SetDefaultHeightAndWidthIntoRootDom(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jfloat defaultWidth,
+    jfloat defaultHeight,
+    jboolean isWidthWrapContent,
+    jboolean isHeightWrapContent);
+static void OnInstanceClose(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static void ForceLayout(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static jboolean NotifyLayout(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId);
+static void SetStyleWidth(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jfloat value);
+static void SetStyleHeight(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jfloat value);
+static void SetMargin(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jint edge,
+    jfloat value);
+static void SetPadding(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jint edge,
+    jfloat value);
+static void SetPosition(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jint edge,
+    jfloat value);
+static void MarkDirty(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jstring ref,
+    jboolean dirty);
+static void RegisterCoreEnv(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring key,
+    jstring value);
+static void SetViewPortWidth(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring instanceId,
+    jfloat value);
+static void UpdateGlobalConfig(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcaller,
+    jstring config);
+// Step 2: method stubs.
+// Step 3: RegisterNatives.
+static const JNINativeMethod kMethodsWXBridge[] = {
+    { "nativeInitFrameworkEnv",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(InitFrameworkEnv) },
+    { "nativeInitFramework",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(InitFramework) },
+    { "nativeExecJS",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(ExecJS) },
+    { "nativeExecJSService",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(ExecJSService) },
+    { "nativeExecJSWithResult",
+"[B", reinterpret_cast<void*>(ExecJSWithResult) },
+    { "nativeCreateInstanceContext",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(CreateInstanceContext) },
+    { "nativeDestoryInstance",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(DestoryInstance) },
+    { "nativeExecJSOnInstance",
+"Ljava/lang/String;", reinterpret_cast<void*>(ExecJSOnInstance) },
+    { "nativeTakeHeapSnapshot",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(TakeHeapSnapshot) },
+    { "nativeBindMeasurementToWXCore",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(BindMeasurementToWXCore) },
+    { "nativeSetRenderContainerWrapContent",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetRenderContainerWrapContent) },
+    { "nativePrintFirstScreenRenderTime",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(PrintFirstScreenRenderTime) },
+    { "nativePrintRenderFinishTime",
+"I", reinterpret_cast<void*>(PrintRenderFinishTime) },
+    { "nativeSetDefaultHeightAndWidthIntoRootDom",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetDefaultHeightAndWidthIntoRootDom) },
+    { "nativeOnInstanceClose",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(OnInstanceClose) },
+    { "nativeForceLayout",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(ForceLayout) },
+    { "nativeNotifyLayout",
+"Z", reinterpret_cast<void*>(NotifyLayout) },
+    { "nativeSetStyleWidth",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetStyleWidth) },
+    { "nativeSetStyleHeight",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetStyleHeight) },
+    { "nativeSetMargin",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetMargin) },
+    { "nativeSetPadding",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetPadding) },
+    { "nativeSetPosition",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetPosition) },
+    { "nativeMarkDirty",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(MarkDirty) },
+    { "nativeRegisterCoreEnv",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(RegisterCoreEnv) },
+    { "nativeSetViewPortWidth",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(SetViewPortWidth) },
+    { "nativeUpdateGlobalConfig",
+"V", reinterpret_cast<void*>(UpdateGlobalConfig) },
+static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env) {
+  g_WXBridge_clazz = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(
+      base::android::GetClass(env, kWXBridgeClassPath).Get()));
+  const int kMethodsWXBridgeSize =
+      sizeof(kMethodsWXBridge)/sizeof(kMethodsWXBridge[0]);
+  if (env->RegisterNatives(WXBridge_clazz(env),
+                           kMethodsWXBridge,
+                           kMethodsWXBridgeSize) < 0) {
+    //jni_generator::HandleRegistrationError(
+    //    env, WXBridge_clazz(env), __FILE__);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+#endif  // com_taobao_weex_bridge_WXBridge_JNI
diff --git a/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a496821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weex_core/Source/android/jniprebuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+CURRENT_PATH=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)
+while read line
+	file_name=${line##*/}
+    jni_file_name=${file_name%.*}"_jni.h"
+    input_file=$ROOT_WEEX_JAVA_PATH$line
+    output_file=$WEEX_OUTPUT_DIR$jni_file_name
+    python $WEEX_GEN_FILE $input_file $output_file
+done < $CURRENT_PATH"/jni_files"
\ No newline at end of file