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Posted to by "Fabriceli (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/05/03 10:12:22 UTC

[GitHub] [apisix] Fabriceli commented on a diff in pull request #9204: fix(consul): support to fetch only health endpoint

Fabriceli commented on code in PR #9204:

@@ -175,81 +188,291 @@ local function get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
     return retry_delay
+local function get_opts(consul_server, is_catalog)
+    local opts = {
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+    }
+    if consul_server.keepalive then
+        if is_catalog then
+            opts.default_args = {
+                wait = consul_server.wait_timeout, --blocked wait!=0; unblocked by wait=0
+                index = consul_server.catalog_index,
+            }
+        else
+            opts.default_args = {
+                wait = consul_server.wait_timeout, --blocked wait!=0; unblocked by wait=0
+                index = consul_server.health_index,
+            }
+        end
+    end
+    return opts
+local function watch_catalog(consul_server)
+    local client = resty_consul:new(get_opts(consul_server, true))
+    ::RETRY::
+    local watch_result, watch_err = client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url)
+    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
+            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
+            and watch_result.status)
+    if watch_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
+            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+        return watch_type_catalog, default_catalog_error_index
+    end
+    if consul_server.catalog_index > 0
+            and consul_server.catalog_index == tonumber(watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']) then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+"watch catalog has no change, re-watch consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        goto RETRY
+    end
+    return watch_type_catalog, watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+local function watch_health(consul_server)
+    local client = resty_consul:new(get_opts(consul_server, false))
+    ::RETRY::
+    local watch_result, watch_err = client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_health_url)
+    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
+            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
+            and watch_result.status)
+    if watch_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
+            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+        return watch_type_health, default_health_error_index
+    end
+    if consul_server.health_index > 0
+            and consul_server.health_index == tonumber(watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']) then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+"watch health has no change, re-watch consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        goto RETRY
+    end
+    return watch_type_health, watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+local function check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+    if consul_server.keepalive then
+        local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(0, _M.connect, consul_server, retry_delay)
+        if not ok then
+            log.error("create ngx_timer_at got error: ", err)
+            return
+        end
+    end
+local function update_index(consul_server, catalog_index, health_index)
+    local c_index = 0
+    local h_index = 0
+    if catalog_index ~= nil then
+        c_index = tonumber(catalog_index)
+    end
+    if health_index ~= nil then
+        h_index = tonumber(health_index)
+    end
+    if c_index > 0 then
+        consul_server.catalog_index = c_index
+    end
+    if h_index > 0 then
+        consul_server.health_index = h_index
+    end
+local function is_not_empty(value)
+    if value == nil or value == null
+            or (type(value) == "table" and not next(value))
+            or (type(value) == "string" and value == "") then
+        return false
+    end
+    return true
+local function watch_result_is_valid(watch_type, index, catalog_index, health_index)
+    if index <= 0 then
+        return false
+    end
+    if watch_type == watch_type_catalog then
+        if index == catalog_index then
+            return false
+        end
+    else
+        if index == health_index then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
 function _M.connect(premature, consul_server, retry_delay)
     if premature then
+    local catalog_thread, spawn_catalog_err = thread_spawn(watch_catalog, consul_server)
+    if not catalog_thread then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.error("failed to spawn thread watch catalog: ", spawn_catalog_err,
+            ", retry connecting consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local health_thread, err = thread_spawn(watch_health, consul_server)
+    if not health_thread then
+        thread_kill(catalog_thread)
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.error("failed to spawn thread watch health: ", err, ", retry connecting consul after ",
+            random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local thread_wait_ok, watch_type, index = thread_wait(catalog_thread, health_thread)
+    thread_kill(catalog_thread)
+    thread_kill(health_thread)
+    if not thread_wait_ok then
+        log.error("failed to wait thread: ", watch_type)
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.warn("failed to wait thread, retry connecting consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    -- double check index has changed
+    if not watch_result_is_valid(tonumber(watch_type),
+            tonumber(index), consul_server.catalog_index, consul_server.health_index) then
+        retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(retry_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
     local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
         host =,
         port = consul_server.port,
         connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
         read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
-        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    local catalog_success, catalog_res, catalog_err = pcall(function()
+        return consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url)
+    end)
+    if not catalog_success then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got catalog result: ", json_delay_encode(catalog_res, true))
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local catalog_error_info = (catalog_err ~= nil and catalog_err)
+            or ((catalog_res ~= nil and catalog_res.status ~= 200)
+            and catalog_res.status)
+    if catalog_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got catalog result: ", json_delay_encode(catalog_res, true),
+            ", with error: ", catalog_error_info)
-"consul_server: ", json_delay_encode(consul_server, true))
-    local watch_result, watch_err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_sub_url)
-    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
-            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
-            and watch_result.status)
-    if watch_error_info then
+        retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(retry_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    -- get health index
+    local success, health_res, health_err = pcall(function()
+        return consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_health_url)
+    end)
+    if not success then
         log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
-            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_sub_url,
-            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
-            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got health result: ", json_delay_encode(health_res, true))
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local health_error_info = (health_err ~= nil and health_err)
+            or ((health_res ~= nil and health_res.status ~= 200)
+            and health_res.status)
+    if health_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got health result: ", json_delay_encode(health_res, true),
+            ", with error: ", health_error_info)
         retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
-        log.warn("retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
-        goto ERR
+        goto ERROR

Review Comment:

@@ -175,81 +188,291 @@ local function get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
     return retry_delay
+local function get_opts(consul_server, is_catalog)
+    local opts = {
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+    }
+    if consul_server.keepalive then
+        if is_catalog then
+            opts.default_args = {
+                wait = consul_server.wait_timeout, --blocked wait!=0; unblocked by wait=0
+                index = consul_server.catalog_index,
+            }
+        else
+            opts.default_args = {
+                wait = consul_server.wait_timeout, --blocked wait!=0; unblocked by wait=0
+                index = consul_server.health_index,
+            }
+        end
+    end
+    return opts
+local function watch_catalog(consul_server)
+    local client = resty_consul:new(get_opts(consul_server, true))
+    ::RETRY::
+    local watch_result, watch_err = client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url)
+    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
+            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
+            and watch_result.status)
+    if watch_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
+            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+        return watch_type_catalog, default_catalog_error_index
+    end
+    if consul_server.catalog_index > 0
+            and consul_server.catalog_index == tonumber(watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']) then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+"watch catalog has no change, re-watch consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        goto RETRY
+    end
+    return watch_type_catalog, watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+local function watch_health(consul_server)
+    local client = resty_consul:new(get_opts(consul_server, false))
+    ::RETRY::
+    local watch_result, watch_err = client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_health_url)
+    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
+            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
+            and watch_result.status)
+    if watch_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
+            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+        return watch_type_health, default_health_error_index
+    end
+    if consul_server.health_index > 0
+            and consul_server.health_index == tonumber(watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']) then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+"watch health has no change, re-watch consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        goto RETRY
+    end
+    return watch_type_health, watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+local function check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+    if consul_server.keepalive then
+        local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(0, _M.connect, consul_server, retry_delay)
+        if not ok then
+            log.error("create ngx_timer_at got error: ", err)
+            return
+        end
+    end
+local function update_index(consul_server, catalog_index, health_index)
+    local c_index = 0
+    local h_index = 0
+    if catalog_index ~= nil then
+        c_index = tonumber(catalog_index)
+    end
+    if health_index ~= nil then
+        h_index = tonumber(health_index)
+    end
+    if c_index > 0 then
+        consul_server.catalog_index = c_index
+    end
+    if h_index > 0 then
+        consul_server.health_index = h_index
+    end
+local function is_not_empty(value)
+    if value == nil or value == null
+            or (type(value) == "table" and not next(value))
+            or (type(value) == "string" and value == "") then
+        return false
+    end
+    return true
+local function watch_result_is_valid(watch_type, index, catalog_index, health_index)
+    if index <= 0 then
+        return false
+    end
+    if watch_type == watch_type_catalog then
+        if index == catalog_index then
+            return false
+        end
+    else
+        if index == health_index then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
 function _M.connect(premature, consul_server, retry_delay)
     if premature then
+    local catalog_thread, spawn_catalog_err = thread_spawn(watch_catalog, consul_server)
+    if not catalog_thread then
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.error("failed to spawn thread watch catalog: ", spawn_catalog_err,
+            ", retry connecting consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local health_thread, err = thread_spawn(watch_health, consul_server)
+    if not health_thread then
+        thread_kill(catalog_thread)
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.error("failed to spawn thread watch health: ", err, ", retry connecting consul after ",
+            random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local thread_wait_ok, watch_type, index = thread_wait(catalog_thread, health_thread)
+    thread_kill(catalog_thread)
+    thread_kill(health_thread)
+    if not thread_wait_ok then
+        log.error("failed to wait thread: ", watch_type)
+        local random_delay = math_random(default_random_seed)
+        log.warn("failed to wait thread, retry connecting consul after ", random_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(random_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    -- double check index has changed
+    if not watch_result_is_valid(tonumber(watch_type),
+            tonumber(index), consul_server.catalog_index, consul_server.health_index) then
+        retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(retry_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
     local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
         host =,
         port = consul_server.port,
         connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
         read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
-        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    local catalog_success, catalog_res, catalog_err = pcall(function()
+        return consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url)
+    end)
+    if not catalog_success then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got catalog result: ", json_delay_encode(catalog_res, true))
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local catalog_error_info = (catalog_err ~= nil and catalog_err)
+            or ((catalog_res ~= nil and catalog_res.status ~= 200)
+            and catalog_res.status)
+    if catalog_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_catalog_url,
+            ", got catalog result: ", json_delay_encode(catalog_res, true),
+            ", with error: ", catalog_error_info)
-"consul_server: ", json_delay_encode(consul_server, true))
-    local watch_result, watch_err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_sub_url)
-    local watch_error_info = (watch_err ~= nil and watch_err)
-            or ((watch_result ~= nil and watch_result.status ~= 200)
-            and watch_result.status)
-    if watch_error_info then
+        retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        core_sleep(retry_delay)
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    -- get health index
+    local success, health_res, health_err = pcall(function()
+        return consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_watch_health_url)
+    end)
+    if not success then
         log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
-            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_sub_url,
-            ", got watch result: ", json_delay_encode(watch_result, true),
-            ", with error: ", watch_error_info)
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got health result: ", json_delay_encode(health_res, true))
+        check_keepalive(consul_server, retry_delay)
+        return
+    end
+    local health_error_info = (health_err ~= nil and health_err)
+            or ((health_res ~= nil and health_res.status ~= 200)
+            and health_res.status)
+    if health_error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
+            " by sub url: ", consul_server.consul_watch_health_url,
+            ", got health result: ", json_delay_encode(health_res, true),
+            ", with error: ", health_error_info)
         retry_delay = get_retry_delay(retry_delay)
-        log.warn("retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
+        log.warn("get all svcs got err, retry connecting consul after ", retry_delay, " seconds")
-        goto ERR
+        goto ERROR
     end"connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
-        ", watch_result status: ", watch_result.status,
-        ", watch_result.headers.index: ", watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
+        ", catalog_result status: ", catalog_res.status,
+        ", catalog_result.headers.index: ", catalog_res.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
         ", consul_server.index: ", consul_server.index,
         ", consul_server: ", json_delay_encode(consul_server, true))
     -- if current index different last index then update service
-    if consul_server.index ~= watch_result.headers['X-Consul-Index'] then
-        local up_services =, #watch_result.body)
-        local consul_client_svc = resty_consul:new({
-            host =,
-            port = consul_server.port,
-            connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
-            read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
-        })
-        for service_name, _ in pairs(watch_result.body) do
+    if (consul_server.catalog_index ~= tonumber(catalog_res.headers['X-Consul-Index']))
+            or (consul_server.health_index ~= tonumber(health_res.headers['X-Consul-Index'])) then
+        local up_services =, #catalog_res.body)
+        for service_name, _ in pairs(catalog_res.body) do
             -- check if the service_name is 'skip service'
             if skip_service_map[service_name] then
                 goto CONTINUE
             -- get node from service
             local svc_url = consul_server.consul_sub_url .. "/" .. service_name
-            local result, err = consul_client_svc:get(svc_url)
-            local error_info = (err ~= nil and err) or
+            local svc_success, result, get_err = pcall(function()
+                return consul_client:get(svc_url, {passing = true})
+            end)
+            local error_info = (get_err ~= nil and get_err) or
                     ((result ~= nil and result.status ~= 200) and result.status)
-            if error_info then
+            if not svc_success or error_info then
                 log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.consul_server_url,
                     ", by service url: ", svc_url, ", with error: ", error_info)
                 goto CONTINUE
             -- decode body, decode json, update service, error handling
-            if result.body then
-                log.notice("service url: ", svc_url,
-                    ", header: ", json_delay_encode(result.headers, true),
-                    ", body: ", json_delay_encode(result.body, true))
+            -- check result body is not nil and not empty
+            if is_not_empty(result.body) then
                 -- add services to table
                 local nodes = up_services[service_name]
-                for  _, node in ipairs(result.body) do
-                    local svc_address, svc_port = node.ServiceAddress, node.ServicePort
-                    if not svc_address then
-                        svc_address = node.Address
+                for _, node in ipairs(result.body) do
+                    if not node.Service then
+                        goto CONTINUE
+                    local svc_address, svc_port = node.Service.Address, node.Service.Port

Review Comment:

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