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Posted to by Christian Gosch <> on 2005/11/15 17:36:00 UTC

POI 2.5.1 final: Date value formatting to 'DD.MM.YYYY'


I cannot successfully format a cell with "DD.MM.YYYY" nor with any other
date format. All I get is "#.##0" number format for the cells. How can I
achieve "DD.MM.YYYY" formatting?

POI version: 2.5.1 final (this is fairly old, but there does not seem to be
any newer "final" version :-(   )

Code sample:

  // font for rows:
  HSSFCellStyle borderdFormat = workbook.createCellStyle();
        // borderdFormat.setBorderTop( HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_HAIR); // should
        // borderdFormat.setBorderBottom( HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_HAIR); //
should be...
        borderdFormat.setBorderTop( HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_DOTTED); // ...but
is not (!)
        borderdFormat.setBorderBottom( HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_DOTTED); //
...but is not (!)
            else if (data instanceof Date) {
                // data is of type Date
                log.debug("XLS-DL: Date: xlsZeile = " + xlsZeile + " spalte
= " + spalte + " value = " + data + " class = " + data.getClass());
                label.setCellValue( ((Date)data));
                sdata = data.toString();

The log.debug(...) output is like:
XLS-DL: Date: xlsZeile = 1 spalte = 10 value = 1944-04-10 01:00:00.0 class =
class java.sql.Timestamp

The resulting cell value display in Excel2000 (deDE in W2KSP4 deDE) is:

which would be the result of formatting "10.4.1944" or "Apr. 10, 1944" with

What am I doing wrong?

Dipl.-Inform. Christian Gosch
Systems Development
inovex GmbH
Karlsruher Strasse 71
D-75179 Pforzheim
Tel.: +49 (0)72 31 - 31 91 - 85
Fax: +49 (0)72 31 - 31 91 - 91