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Posted to by De Smet Ringo <> on 2008/07/01 12:39:41 UTC

RE: How to refer to different Maven classpaths in Ant-based mojo's?


> Can someone post a snippet of Ant file showing me how I can 
> refer to these classpaths? In our Maven1 jelly setup, I found 
> references like "maven.compile.classpath", but using this as
> <path refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>

Eventually, I found out what was wrong with my code. It took me a
while... :-)

It seems one cannot use the refid. I changed my Ant-based mojo to:

   <pathelement path="${maven.compile.classpath}"/>

This works fine now.

I do have a specific question about the "maven.plugin.classpath" value
though. Look at the code of AntMojoWrapper:

The "maven.plugin.classpath" value is the list of artifacts retrieved
from the plugin descriptor. But the plugin descriptor of which project:
my self-written maven2.plugin, or the plugin classpath of the project in
which my mojo is called (if any)?

The thing is, that the Ant-based mojo, defined in
be.telenet:maven2.plugin has a forked Java Ant task. I have to pass the
compile dependencies of the maven2.plugin project since the main class
called in the Java ant task is in one of these dependencies. Below is
the Ant build file of the mojo, followed by the console output if I
build a project that uses the mojo.

--- Ant file start ---
	<target name="wliSqlGen" depends="wliSqlGenDepend">
	<target name="wliSqlGenDepend" unless="noSqlGen">
		<echo>Creating DDL Scripts for state tables</echo>
		<echo>NOTICE!!!! Use explicit commits if you are
building outside CI</echo>
		<mkdir dir="${dbaDir}/ddl" />
					<include name="**/*.jar" />
			<arg line="-src
${targetDirectory}/${targetEarName} -dest
${dbaDir}/ddl/${artifactId}_statetable.sql" />
--- Ant file end ---

--- Console output start ---
     [echo] Creating DDL Scripts for state tables
     [echo] NOTICE!!!! Use explicit commits if you are building outside
     [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
     [java] Exception in thread "main"
--- Console output end ---


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