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[GitHub] [couchdb] jaydoane commented on a diff in pull request #4238: Optimize _bulk_get endpoint

jaydoane commented on code in PR #4238:

@@ -2363,6 +2288,175 @@ set_namespace(NS, #mrargs{} = Args) ->
 %% /db/_bulk_get stuff
+bulk_get_is_multipart(#httpd{mochi_req = MochiReq}) ->
+    Json = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("application/json"),
+    Mixed = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/mixed"),
+    Related = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/related"),
+    not Json andalso (Mixed orelse Related).
+bulk_get_docs(Db, #{} = ArgsMap, Options) ->
+    % Sort args by doc ID to hopefully make querying B-trees a bit faster
+    KeyFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, _, _}}) -> {DocId, Ref} end,
+    CmpFun = fun(A, B) -> KeyFun(A) =< KeyFun(B) end,
+    ArgsList = lists:sort(CmpFun, maps:to_list(ArgsMap)),
+    % Split out known errors. Later, before returning, recombine them back into
+    % the final result map.
+    PartFun = fun({_Ref, {_DocId, RevsOrError, _DocOpts}}) ->
+        case RevsOrError of
+            L when is_list(L) -> true;
+            all -> true;
+            {error, _} -> false
+        end
+    end,
+    {ValidArgs, ErrorArgs} = lists:partition(PartFun, ArgsList),
+    UseBatches = config:get_boolean("chttpd", "bulk_get_use_batches", true),
+    Responses =
+        case UseBatches of
+            true -> bulk_get_docs_batched(Db, ValidArgs, Options);
+            false -> bulk_get_docs_individually(Db, ValidArgs, Options)
+        end,
+    MapFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, Response, _}} = RespTuple) ->
+        case Response of
+            [] ->
+                % Remap empty reponses to errors. This is a peculiarity of the

Review Comment:
   Calling this annoyance a "peculiarity" seems quite gracious!

@@ -2363,6 +2288,175 @@ set_namespace(NS, #mrargs{} = Args) ->
 %% /db/_bulk_get stuff
+bulk_get_is_multipart(#httpd{mochi_req = MochiReq}) ->
+    Json = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("application/json"),
+    Mixed = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/mixed"),
+    Related = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/related"),
+    not Json andalso (Mixed orelse Related).
+bulk_get_docs(Db, #{} = ArgsMap, Options) ->
+    % Sort args by doc ID to hopefully make querying B-trees a bit faster
+    KeyFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, _, _}}) -> {DocId, Ref} end,
+    CmpFun = fun(A, B) -> KeyFun(A) =< KeyFun(B) end,
+    ArgsList = lists:sort(CmpFun, maps:to_list(ArgsMap)),
+    % Split out known errors. Later, before returning, recombine them back into
+    % the final result map.
+    PartFun = fun({_Ref, {_DocId, RevsOrError, _DocOpts}}) ->
+        case RevsOrError of
+            L when is_list(L) -> true;
+            all -> true;
+            {error, _} -> false
+        end
+    end,
+    {ValidArgs, ErrorArgs} = lists:partition(PartFun, ArgsList),
+    UseBatches = config:get_boolean("chttpd", "bulk_get_use_batches", true),
+    Responses =
+        case UseBatches of
+            true -> bulk_get_docs_batched(Db, ValidArgs, Options);
+            false -> bulk_get_docs_individually(Db, ValidArgs, Options)
+        end,
+    MapFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, Response, _}} = RespTuple) ->
+        case Response of
+            [] ->
+                % Remap empty reponses to errors. This is a peculiarity of the
+                % _bulk_get HTTP API. If revision was not specifed, `undefined`
+                % must be returned as the error revision ID.
+                #{Ref := {_, Revs, _}} = ArgsMap,
+                RevStr = bulk_get_rev_error(Revs),
+                Error = {RevStr, <<"not_found">>, <<"missing">>},
+                {Ref, {DocId, {error, Error}, []}};
+            [_ | _] = DocRevisions ->
+                chttpd_stats:incr_reads(length(DocRevisions)),
+                RespTuple;
+            _ ->
+                RespTuple
+        end
+    end,
+    % Recombine with the inital known errors and return as a map
+    maps:from_list(lists:map(MapFun, Responses) ++ ErrorArgs).
+bulk_get_docs_batched(Db, Args, Options) when is_list(Args) ->
+    % Args is [{Ref, {DocId, Revs, DocOpts}}, ...] but fabric:open_revs/3
+    % accepts [{{DocId, Revs}, DocOpts}, ...] so we need to transform them
+    ArgsFun = fun({_Ref, {DocId, Revs, DocOpts}}) ->
+        {{DocId, Revs}, DocOpts}
+    end,
+    OpenRevsArgs = lists:map(ArgsFun, Args),
+    case fabric:open_revs(Db, OpenRevsArgs, Options) of
+        {ok, Responses} ->
+            ZipFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, _Rev, DocOpts}}, Response) ->
+                {Ref, {DocId, Response, DocOpts ++ Options}}
+            end,
+            lists:zipwith(ZipFun, Args, Responses);
+        {error, Error} ->
+            % Distribute error to all request args, so it looks like they
+            % individually failed with that error
+            MapFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, Revs, _DocOpts}}) ->
+                RevStr = bulk_get_rev_error(Revs),
+                Tag = internal_fabric_error,
+                % This error will be emitted as json so make sure it's rendered
+                % to a string first.
+                Reason = couch_util:to_binary(Error),
+                {Ref, {DocId, {error, {RevStr, Tag, Reason}}, []}}
+            end,
+            lists:map(MapFun, Args)
+    end.
+bulk_get_docs_individually(Db, Args, Options) when is_list(Args) ->
+    MapFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, Revs, DocOpts}}) ->
+        case fabric:open_revs(Db, DocId, Revs, DocOpts ++ Options) of
+            {ok, Response} ->
+                {Ref, {DocId, Response, DocOpts}};
+            {error, Error} ->
+                RevStr = bulk_get_rev_error(Revs),
+                Tag = internal_fabric_error,
+                % This error will be emitted as json so make sure it's rendered
+                % to a string first.
+                Reason = couch_util:to_binary(Error),
+                {Ref, {DocId, {error, {RevStr, Tag, Reason}}, []}}
+        end
+    end,
+    lists:map(MapFun, Args).
+bulk_get_ret_json(#httpd{} = Req, ArgsRefs, ResultsMap, Options) ->
+    send_json(Req, 200, #{
+        <<"results">> => lists:map(
+            fun(Ref) ->
+                #{Ref := {DocId, Result, DocOpts}} = ResultsMap,
+                % We are about to encode the document into json and some of the
+                % provided general options might affect that so we make sure to
+                % combine all doc options and the general options together
+                AllOptions = DocOpts ++ Options,
+                #{
+                    <<"id">> => DocId,
+                    <<"docs">> => bulk_get_result(DocId, Result, AllOptions)
+                }
+            end,
+            ArgsRefs
+        )
+    }).
+bulk_get_result(DocId, {error, {Rev, Error, Reason}}, _Options) ->
+    [bulk_get_json_error_map(DocId, Rev, Error, Reason)];
+bulk_get_result(DocId, [_ | _] = DocRevs, Options) ->
+    MapFun = fun
+        ({ok, Doc}) ->
+            #{<<"ok">> => couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options)};
+        ({{Error, Reason}, RevId}) ->
+            Rev = couch_doc:rev_to_str(RevId),
+            bulk_get_json_error_map(DocId, Rev, Error, Reason)
+    end,
+    lists:map(MapFun, DocRevs).
+bulk_get_json_error_map(DocId, Rev, Error, Reason) ->
+    #{
+        <<"error">> => #{
+            <<"id">> => DocId,
+            <<"rev">> => Rev,
+            <<"error">> => Error,
+            <<"reason">> => Reason
+        }
+    }.
+bulk_get_ret_multipart(#httpd{} = Req, ArgsRefs, ResultsMap, Options) ->
+    MochiReq = Req#httpd.mochi_req,
+    Mixed = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/mixed"),
+    MpType =
+        case Mixed of
+            true -> "multipart/mixed";
+            false -> "multipart/related"
+        end,
+    Boundary = bulk_get_multipart_boundary(),
+    BoundaryCType = MpType ++ "; boundary=\"" ++ ?b2l(Boundary) ++ "\"",
+    CType = {"Content-Type", BoundaryCType},
+    {ok, Resp} = start_chunked_response(Req, 200, [CType]),
+    ForeachFun = fun(Ref) ->
+        #{Ref := {DocId, Result, DocOpts}} = ResultsMap,
+        case Result of
+            [_ | _] = DocRevs ->
+                AllOptions = DocOpts ++ Options,
+                send_docs_multipart_bulk_get(DocRevs, AllOptions, Boundary, Resp);
+            {error, {RevId, Error, Reason}} ->
+                EJson = bulk_get_json_error_map(DocId, RevId, Error, Reason),
+                Json = ?JSON_ENCODE(map_get(<<"error">>, EJson)),
+                ErrCType = <<"Content-Type: application/json">>,
+                Prefix = <<"\r\n", ErrCType/binary, "; error=\"true\"\r\n\r\n">>,
+                ErrorChunk = [<<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>, Prefix, Json],
+                couch_httpd:send_chunk(Resp, ErrorChunk)
+        end
+    end,
+    lists:foreach(ForeachFun, ArgsRefs),
+    case ArgsRefs of
+        [] ->
+            % Didn't send any docs, don't need to send a closing boundary
+            ok;
+        [_ | _] ->

Review Comment:

@@ -654,6 +1303,34 @@ t_missing_rev_latest({_, DbUrl}) ->
+t_fabric_worker_error({_, DbUrl}) ->
+    % Check the case of latest and a missing rev

Review Comment:
   Copy-pasta error?

@@ -2363,6 +2288,175 @@ set_namespace(NS, #mrargs{} = Args) ->
 %% /db/_bulk_get stuff
+bulk_get_is_multipart(#httpd{mochi_req = MochiReq}) ->
+    Json = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("application/json"),
+    Mixed = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/mixed"),
+    Related = MochiReq:accepts_content_type("multipart/related"),
+    not Json andalso (Mixed orelse Related).
+bulk_get_docs(Db, #{} = ArgsMap, Options) ->
+    % Sort args by doc ID to hopefully make querying B-trees a bit faster
+    KeyFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, _, _}}) -> {DocId, Ref} end,
+    CmpFun = fun(A, B) -> KeyFun(A) =< KeyFun(B) end,
+    ArgsList = lists:sort(CmpFun, maps:to_list(ArgsMap)),
+    % Split out known errors. Later, before returning, recombine them back into
+    % the final result map.
+    PartFun = fun({_Ref, {_DocId, RevsOrError, _DocOpts}}) ->
+        case RevsOrError of
+            L when is_list(L) -> true;
+            all -> true;
+            {error, _} -> false
+        end
+    end,
+    {ValidArgs, ErrorArgs} = lists:partition(PartFun, ArgsList),
+    UseBatches = config:get_boolean("chttpd", "bulk_get_use_batches", true),
+    Responses =
+        case UseBatches of
+            true -> bulk_get_docs_batched(Db, ValidArgs, Options);
+            false -> bulk_get_docs_individually(Db, ValidArgs, Options)
+        end,
+    MapFun = fun({Ref, {DocId, Response, _}} = RespTuple) ->
+        case Response of
+            [] ->
+                % Remap empty reponses to errors. This is a peculiarity of the
+                % _bulk_get HTTP API. If revision was not specifed, `undefined`
+                % must be returned as the error revision ID.
+                #{Ref := {_, Revs, _}} = ArgsMap,
+                RevStr = bulk_get_rev_error(Revs),
+                Error = {RevStr, <<"not_found">>, <<"missing">>},
+                {Ref, {DocId, {error, Error}, []}};
+            [_ | _] = DocRevisions ->

Review Comment:
   Although it gives you the opportunity to use this awesome pattern a lot ;)

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