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[5/6] directory-kerberos git commit: Clean up not-commons-ssl library, removing many unwanted and not much relevant
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-<title>Decrypting PKCS #8 and OpenSSL Private Keys with Java</title>
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-<h2>PKCS #8 / OpenSSL Encrypted Keys</em></h2>
-<h3>Java 1.3 Compatible! (with <a href="">jce1_2_2.jar</a>) (or <a href="">bcprov-jdk13.jar</a>)</h3>
-<p>Commons-SSL includes support for extracting private keys from PKCS #8 files.
-We also support the OpenSSL formats ("traditional SSLeay").  The private keys can be in PEM (base64)
-or DER (raw ASN.1 - a binary format).
-<p>The code works with Java 1.3 (+JCE), 1.4, 5.0, 6.0, but not all of the ciphers and hashes are available
-until Java 5.0 (unless you use BouncyCastle).  Fortunately the most common formats [OpenSSL MD5 with 3DES], [PKCS #8 V1.5 MD5 with DES], [PKCS #8 V2.0 HmacSHA1 with 3DES]
-work with all versions of Java, including Java 1.3.</p>
-<pre style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 10px; float: left;"><u><b>pkcs8 example:</b></u>
-FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream( "/path/to/pkcs8_private_key.der" );
-<em style="color: green;">// If the provided InputStream is encrypted, we need a password to decrypt</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// it. If the InputStream is not encrypted, then the password is ignored</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// (can be null).  The InputStream can be DER (raw ASN.1) or PEM (base64).</em>
-PKCS8Key pkcs8 = new PKCS8Key( in, "changeit".toCharArray() );
-<em style="color: green;">// If an unencrypted PKCS8 key was provided, then this actually returns</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// exactly what was originally passed in (with no changes).  If an OpenSSL</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// key was provided, it gets reformatted as PKCS #8 first, and so these</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// bytes will still be PKCS #8, not OpenSSL.</em>
-byte[] decrypted = pkcs8.getDecryptedBytes();
-PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( decrypted );
-<em style="color: green;">// A Java PrivateKey object is born.</em>
-PrivateKey pk = null;
-if ( pkcs8.isDSA() )
-  pk = KeyFactory.getInstance( "DSA" ).generatePrivate( spec );
-else if ( pkcs8.isRSA() )
-  pk = KeyFactory.getInstance( "RSA" ).generatePrivate( spec );
-<em style="color: green;">// For lazier types:</em>
-pk = pkcs8.getPrivateKey();
-<br clear="all"/>
-<p>Both RSA and DSA keys are supported.  Here is a list of supported formats:</p>
-<li class="top"><b>OpenSSL "Traditional SSLeay Compatible Format"</b><ul>
-<li>Unencrypted PEM or DER</li>
-<li>Encrypted PEM:<br/>
-<ul class="openssl"><li>des</li><li>des2</li><li>des3</li><li>blowfish</li></ul>
-<ul class="openssl"><li>aes128</li><li>aes192</li><li>aes256</li></ul>
-<ul class="openssl"><li>rc2-40</li><li>rc2-64</li><li>rc2-128</li></ul>
-<br clear="all"/>
-<dl style="margin-top: 1em; width: 600px;"><dt>Note:</dt><dd>OpenSSL "traditional SSLeay" format does not allow encrypted keys to be encoded in DER.  Only
-unencrypted keys can be encoded in DER.</dd></dl></li>
-<li class="top"><b>PKCS #8 (Unencrypted)</b>
-<ul><li>PEM or DER</li></ul></li>
-<li class="top"><b>PKCS #8 with PKCS #5 Version 1.5 Encryption</b>
-<ul><li>PEM or DER:
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<br clear="all"/>
-<li class="top"><b>PKCS #8 with PKCS #5 Version 1.5 Encryption and PKCS #12 Key Derivation</b>
-<ul><li>PEM or DER:
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<br clear="all"/>
-<li class="top"><b>PKCS #8 with PKCS #5 Version 2.0 Encryption and HmacSHA1</b>
-<ul><li>PEM or DER:
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<ul class="pkcs8">
-<br clear="all"/>
-Here are links to the raw samples and test results:
-<li><a href="samples/rsa_result.html">2048 Bit RSA</a></li>
-<li><a href="samples/dsa_result.html">2048 Bit DSA</a></li>
-<p>The samples were all generated using OpenSSL's
-<code>rsa</code>, <code>genrsa</code>, <code>dsa</code>, <code>gendsa</code>, <code>dsaparam</code>
-and <code>pkcs8</code> commands.  We're curious to know if
-PKCS #8 keys created by other programs will also work, but OpenSSL is all we have to play
-with at the moment.</p>
-<p>The password to decrypt the samples is always "changeit", and they all have the same RSA or DSA
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-<title>Not-Yet-Commons-SSL - RMI over SSL Java Example</title>
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-<a href="javadocs/">javadocs</a> |
-<a href="download.html">download</a>
-<br clear="all"/>
-<h2>RMI over SSL <em style="color: red; font-weight: normal;">(experimental)</em></h2>
-<br/><b>3 points to consider:</b>
-<ol class="points">
-<li>To run the RMI-SSL server, you must invoke <code>LocateRegistry.createRegistry( 1099 )</code>
-from within your own application.  You must do this AFTER calling <code>RMISocketFactory.setSocketFactory( impl )</code>.
-RMISocketFactoryImpl will open the registry on 1099, and will open anonymous RMI servers (where port 0 is
-specified) on port 31099.
-RMI-SSL, as shown here, doesn't work with <code>$JAVA_HOME/bin/rmiregistry</code>.
-<br/>See the example code below for help with <code>RMISocketFactory.setSocketFactory( impl )</code>.
-<li>To run the RMI-SSL client, you need to find an RMI-SSL server to connect to.  See #1, above. &nbsp;;-)</li>
-<li>If you don't manage to find an RMI-SSL server, then the RMI-SSL client will automatically downgrade itself
-to plain-socket.  There is an important security consideration to consider regarding this:  RMISocketFactoryImpl
-at this time only guarantees the security of the registry and the server sockets it opens.  Client sockets
-it creates might be plain-socket.</li>
-<pre style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 10px; float: left;"><u><b>RMI over SSL Example</b></u>
-import org.apache.commons.ssl.RMISocketFactoryImpl;
-<em style="color: green;">// RMISocketFactoryImpl tries to detect plain sockets, so you should be able to use</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// this even in situations where not all of the RMI servers you are talking to are</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// using SSL.</em>
-RMISocketFactoryImpl impl = new RMISocketFactoryImpl();
-<em style="color: green;">// Let's change some settings on our default SSL client.</em>
-SSLClient defaultClient = (SSLClient) impl.getDefaultClient();
-client.setCheckHostname( false );
-client.setCheckCRL( true );
-client.setCheckExpiry( false );
-<em style="color: green;">// By default we trust Java's "cacerts", as well as whatever cert is on localhost:1099,</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// so this is redundant:   (Trusting localhost:1099 is some commons-ssl magic).</em>
-client.addTrustMaterial( TrustMaterial.DEFAULT );
-<em style="color: green;">// But if we had used setTrustMaterial() instead of addTrustMaterial(), we would (probably)</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// no longer trust localhost:1099!  Using set instead of add causes all previous "adds" to</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// to be thrown out.</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// Meanwhile, RMI calls to rmi:// need to trust a self-signed certificate,</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// but we don't want to pollute our default trust with this shoddy cert.  So only calls</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// specifically to "" (any port) will use this.</em>
-SSLClient specialClient = new SSLClient();
-TrustMaterial tm = new TrustMaterial( "special.pem" );
-specialClient.addTrustMaterial( tm );
-<em style="color: green;">// Here's where the special cert gets associated with "":</em>
-impl.setClient( "", specialClient );
-<em style="color: green;">// We're might also want to be an RMI server ourselves!</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// By default commons-ssl looks for "~/.keystore" and tries password "changeit",</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// but we can change things if we want:</em>
-SSLServer server = (SSLServer) impl.getDefaultServer();
-tm = new TrustMaterial( "trust_only_these_client_certs.pem" );
-KeyMaterial km = new KeyMaterial( "/path/to/myKey.p12", "password".toCharArray() );
-server.setTrustMaterial( tm );
-server.setKeyMaterial( km );
-<em style="color: green;">// This particular RMI server will only accept connections with client certs!</em>
-server.setNeedClientAuth( true );
-<em style="color: green;">// Finally, we tell Java to use our new RMI socket factory!</em>
-RMISocketFactory.setSocketFactory( impl );</pre>
-<br clear="all">
-<!-- make the page scroll a little more -->
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-<title>Not-Yet-Commons-SSL - Downloads, Features, Future Directions</title>
-<style type="text/css">
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-<a href="javadocs/">javadocs</a> |
-<span class="hl" href="download.html">download</span>
-<br clear="all"/>
-<h1>This page is out of date.  These days we just do maintenance releases to fix bugs reported on the mailing list.
-Current version is 0.3.15.</h1>
-<h3><a name="roadmap">Road Map For Future Versions</a></h3>
-<p>0.3.10 - 0.3.11 are just some feature ideas.  They might not be feasible.  <b style="background-color: yellow;">0.3.9 is the current version.</b></p>
-<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1">
-<tr><td class="v">0.3.4</td><td class="v">Nov&nbsp;2006</td><td>90% feature complete.  Probably contains some bugs.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.3.5</td><td class="v">Dec&nbsp;2006</td><td>PKCS8Key constructor is public now.  Whoops.  Hostname verification
-knows about more than just CN's now - also checks subjectAlts in the server's certificate.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.3.6</td><td class="v">Jan&nbsp;2007</td><td>Fixed Java 1.4 bug with HttpsURLConnection.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.3.7</td><td class="v">Feb&nbsp;2007</td><td>40 bit and 56 bit ciphers disabled by default.  RMI-SSL improved.  getSSLContext() added.  Various other improvements.</td></tr>
-<tr class="v"><td class="v">0.3.8</td><td class="v">Nov&nbsp;2007</td><td>PBE (password-based-encryption) formally introduced and improved.  40 bit and 56 bit ciphers still disabled by default, but working better when re-enabled.</td></tr>
-<tr class="released"><td class="v">0.3.9</td><td class="v">May&nbsp;2008</td><td>Some PBE fixes.  Using latest ASN.1 code from BouncyCastle.</td></tr>
-<tr class="unreleased"><td class="v">0.3.10</td><td class="v">May&nbsp;2008</td><td>
-Socket monitoring.  Make it easier for long-running server applications to warn
-about impending certificate expiries.
-<a href="">OCSP</a> - Online Certificate Status Protocol
-NotQuiteSoEasySSLProtocolSocketFactory will trust any server The First Time, and store that server's cert on disk for future accesses.
-<tr><td class="v">0.3.11</td><td class="v">Jun&nbsp;2008</td><td><code>TrustMaterial.setAutoReload( true / false )</code>, and <code>KeyMaterial.setAutoReload( true / false )</code>,
-but only if no password, or "changeit" was provided.  (Question:  should this "reload" tear down all open sockets?).
-<tr><td class="v">0.4.0</td><td class="v">Jul&nbsp;2008</td><td>Non-public code (protected, private, etc) moved into a separate "impl" package where possible.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.5.0</td><td class="v">Aug&nbsp;2008</td><td>API froven.  All future versions must be reverse-compatible with 0.5.0 (except for any parts of 0.5.0 later found to be insecure).</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.7.0</td><td class="v">Nov&nbsp;2008</td><td>JavaDocs written for all public methods and classes.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.7.5</td><td class="v">Mar&nbsp;2009</td><td>JUnit tests written for all classes.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">0.9.0</td><td class="v">May&nbsp;2009</td><td>First BETA release.  JUnit tests passing on all targetted platforms:
-<li>Intel/AMD: (Sun, IBM, BEA) x (Linux, Mac, Windows) x (1.3, 1.4, 5, 6, 7)</li>
-<li>All of the above with and without BouncyCastle.</li>
-<li>PowerPC:  Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5</li>
-<li>Linux: Latest GCJ, Kaffe, and Blackdown releases.  BouncyCastle added if necessary to get tests to pass.</li>
-<li>Anyone got an IBM mainframe we can test on?</li>
-<tr><td class="v">0.9.1&nbsp;-&nbsp;0.9.9</td><td class="v">Aug&nbsp;2009</td><td>Bug fixes.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="v">1.0.0</td><td class="v">Jan&nbsp;2010</td><td>Development mostly stops.</td></tr>
-<p>The problem we're solving with Commons-SSL
-is quite small, so I don't see any reason to ever go beyond 1.0.0, except for fixing bugs.</p>
diff --git a/3rdparty/not-yet-commons-ssl/docs/source.html b/3rdparty/not-yet-commons-ssl/docs/source.html
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-<title>Not-Yet-Commons-SSL - Source Tree</title>
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-<h2>not-yet-commons-ssl Source Code</em></h2>
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<meta name="Author" content="Julius Davies">
-<title>Java Examples for Creating SSL/TLS Sockets</title>
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-<h2>Code Examples For Creating SSL Sockets</h2>
-<div style="font-family: arial; margin-top: 18px;">
-<b class="n">Note:</b>
-<br/>SSLClient <b class="n">extends</b> SSLSocketFactory
-<br/>SSLServer <b class="n">extends</b> SSLServerSocketFactory
-<pre style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 10px; float: left;"><u><b>Client Example:</b></u>
-SSLClient client = new SSLClient();
-<em style="color: green;">// Let's trust usual "cacerts" that come with Java.  Plus, let's also trust a self-signed cert</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// we know of.  We have some additional certs to trust inside a java keystore file.</em>
-client.addTrustMaterial( TrustMaterial.DEFAULT );
-client.addTrustMaterial( new TrustMaterial( "/path/to/self-signed.pem" ) );
-client.addTrustMaterial( new KeyMaterial( "/path/to/keystore.jks", "changeit".toCharArray() ) );
-<em style="color: green;">// To be different, let's allow for expired certificates (not recommended).</em>
-client.setCheckHostname( true );  <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "true" for SSLClient</em>
-client.setCheckExpiry( false );   <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "true" for SSLClient</em>
-client.setCheckCRL( true );       <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "true" for SSLClient</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// Let's load a client certificate (max: 1 per SSLClient instance).</em>
-client.setKeyMaterial( new KeyMaterial( "/path/to/client.pfx", "secret".toCharArray() ) );
-SSLSocket s = (SSLSocket) client.createSocket( "", 443 );</pre>
-<br clear="all"><pre style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 10px; float: left;"><u><b>Server Example (OpenSSL/Apache Style)</b></u>
-<em style="color: green;">// Compatible with the private key / certificate chain created from following the Apache2</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// TLS FAQ: "How do I create a self-signed SSL Certificate for testing purposes?"</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// <a href=""></a></em>
-SSLServer server = new SSLServer();
-<em style="color: green;">// Server needs some key material.  We'll use an OpenSSL/PKCS8 style key (possibly encrypted).</em>
-String certificateChain = "/path/to/this/server.crt";
-String privateKey = "/path/to/this/server.key";
-char[] password = "changeit".toCharArray();
-KeyMaterial km = new KeyMaterial( certificateChain, privateKey, password ); 
-server.setKeyMaterial( km );
-<em style="color: green;">// These settings have to do with how we'll treat client certificates that are presented</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// to us.  If the client doesn't present any client certificate, then these are ignored.</em>
-server.setCheckHostname( false ); <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "false" for SSLServer</em>
-server.setCheckExpiry( true );    <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "true" for SSLServer</em>
-server.setCheckCRL( true );       <em style="color: green;">// default setting is "true" for SSLServer</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// This server trusts all client certificates presented (usually people won't present</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// client certs, but if they do, we'll give them a socket at the very least).</em>
-server.addTrustMaterial( TrustMaterial.TRUST_ALL );
-SSLServerSocket ss = (SSLServerSocket) server.createServerSocket( 7443 );
-SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) ss.accept();</pre>
-<br clear="all"><pre style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 10px; float: left;"><u><b>Server Example (Traditional Java "KeyStore" Style)</b></u>
-SSLServer server = new SSLServer();
-<em style="color: green;">// Server needs some key material.   We'll use a Java Keystore (.jks) or Netscape</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// PKCS12 (.pfx or .p12) file.  Commons-ssl automatically detects the type.</em>
-String pathToKeyMaterial = "/path/to/.keystore";
-char[] password = "changeit".toCharArray();
-KeyMaterial km = new KeyMaterial( pathToKeyMaterial, password ); 
-server.setKeyMaterial( km );
-<em style="color: green;">// This server trusts all client certificates presented (usually people won't present</em>
-<em style="color: green;">// client certs, but if they do, we'll give them a socket at the very least).</em>
-server.addTrustMaterial( TrustMaterial.TRUST_ALL );
-SSLServerSocket ss = (SSLServerSocket) server.createServerSocket( 7443 );
-SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) ss.accept();</pre>
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