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Posted to by Lawrence Mandel <> on 2007/03/06 18:31:37 UTC

Minutes of the Woden Status Telecon, 2007-03-06

Attendees: Lawrence Mandel, John Kaputin, Graham Turrell
Regrets: Arthur Ryman

1. Open Action Items - Lawrence Mandel

2007-02-20 - John will post to the list to see what adopters are doing 
with the Axiom implementation.
John: I haven't had a change to do this yet.
John: I spoke with Keith. They're currently using the DOM implementation 
but want to use the Axiom implementation. I told him our first priority is 
to complete the DOM implementation. Keith is going to find out if there's 
someone from WSO2 who can work on this.

2007-02-20 - John will create a plan to exit incubation for next week's 
John: I looked at the incubator policy document. See [1]. The risks for 
graduation are
1. The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor 
2. Project is integrated with GUMP if appropriate - we need to find out 
what GUMP is
3. Developers tied into ASF PGP web of trust 
John: I'll next look into how we go about requesting graduation.
[action] Lawrence will create a PGP key in order to sign releases (as per 
3 above).
[action] Graham will create a PGP key in order to sign releases (as per 3 


2007-02-27 - Lawrence will create a PGP key in order to sign releases.
Lawrence: I haven't had a chance to do this yet.

2007-02-27 - Graham will create a PGP key in order to sign releases.
Graham: I created my key. Next I've got to post it and get included in the 
Web of trust.
John: There are a couple of public key servers. I think you just need to 
post to one of those.
Graham: How does the keys file work into this?
John: Woden will have a keys file that lists all of the Woden committer 

2007-02-27 - John will announce the M7 release on the home page.
John: Done.

2. Milestone 8 (M8) Status - John Kaputin

John: We need to define the release criteria as we did for M7. The main 
criteria should be completing WSDL 2.0 compliance, which means support for 
the assertions and a few other small fixes. I'll create a plan, put it on 
the website and post to the list.
[action] John will create an M8 plan this week.

3. Development Discussion - All

John: Woden-148 is the only urgent item. Keith is waiting on this for a 
test, which I think is MessageTest2G. This Jira has to do with HTTP 
location. I have to modify the HTTP location class to handle the new 

4. Other Business - All

John: I attended the working group call last week for Arthur. It's now 
expected that the spec will move to PR in a week or so. Once that happens 
it should be another month or so until recommendation status.
Lawrence: Is there a date for expected recommendation status?
John: No but it should be mid April.

John: I'm away next week but after that I don't have anything else that 
should hold me back from development on Woden.
Graham: I'm away next week as well.
Lawrence: Let's cancel next week's call then.

*Note: Next week's Woden status call is cancelled.


Lawrence Mandel

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