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[21/22] olingo-odata4-js git commit: [OLINGO-442] Cleanup bevor release
diff --git a/JSLib/src/deferred.js b/JSLib/src/deferred.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe1657..0000000
--- a/JSLib/src/deferred.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference path="odata-utils.js" />
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-// files (the "Software"), to deal  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights  to use, copy,
-// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// deferred.js
-(function (window, undefined) {
-    var forwardCall = function (thisValue, name, returnValue) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new function to forward a call.</summary>
-        /// <param name="thisValue" type="Object">Value to use as the 'this' object.</param>
-        /// <param name="name" type="String">Name of function to forward to.</param>
-        /// <param name="returnValue" type="Object">Return value for the forward call (helps keep identity when chaining calls).</param>
-        /// <returns type="Function">A new function that will forward a call.</returns>
-        return function () {
-            thisValue[name].apply(thisValue, arguments);
-            return returnValue;
-        };
-    };
-    var DjsDeferred = function () {
-        /// <summary>Initializes a new DjsDeferred object.</summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        /// Compability Note A - Ordering of callbacks through chained 'then' invocations
-        ///
-        /// The Wiki entry at
-        /// implies that .then() returns a distinct object.
-        ////
-        /// For compatibility with
-        /// we return this same object. This affects ordering, as
-        /// the jQuery version will fire callbacks in registration
-        /// order regardless of whether they occur on the result
-        /// or the original object.
-        ///
-        /// Compability Note B - Fulfillment value
-        ///
-        /// The Wiki entry at
-        /// implies that the result of a success callback is the
-        /// fulfillment value of the object and is received by
-        /// other success callbacks that are chained.
-        ///
-        /// For compatibility with
-        /// we disregard this value instead.
-        /// </remarks>
-        this._arguments = undefined;
-        this._done = undefined;
-        this._fail = undefined;
-        this._resolved = false;
-        this._rejected = false;
-    };
-    DjsDeferred.prototype = {
-        then: function (fulfilledHandler, errorHandler /*, progressHandler */) {
-            /// <summary>Adds success and error callbacks for this deferred object.</summary>
-            /// <param name="fulfilledHandler" type="Function" mayBeNull="true" optional="true">Success callback.</param>
-            /// <param name="errorHandler" type="Function" mayBeNull="true" optional="true">Error callback.</param>
-            /// <remarks>See Compatibility Note A.</remarks>
-            if (fulfilledHandler) {
-                if (!this._done) {
-                    this._done = [fulfilledHandler];
-                } else {
-                    this._done.push(fulfilledHandler);
-                }
-            }
-            if (errorHandler) {
-                if (!this._fail) {
-                    this._fail = [errorHandler];
-                } else {
-                    this._fail.push(errorHandler);
-                }
-            }
-            //// See Compatibility Note A in the DjsDeferred constructor.
-            //// if (!this._next) {
-            ////    this._next = createDeferred();
-            //// }
-            //// return this._next.promise();
-            if (this._resolved) {
-                this.resolve.apply(this, this._arguments);
-            } else if (this._rejected) {
-                this.reject.apply(this, this._arguments);
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        resolve: function (/* args */) {
-            /// <summary>Invokes success callbacks for this deferred object.</summary>
-            /// <remarks>All arguments are forwarded to success callbacks.</remarks>
-            if (this._done) {
-                var i, len;
-                for (i = 0, len = this._done.length; i < len; i++) {
-                    //// See Compability Note B - Fulfillment value.
-                    //// var nextValue =
-                    this._done[i].apply(null, arguments);
-                }
-                //// See Compatibility Note A in the DjsDeferred constructor.
-                //// this._next.resolve(nextValue);
-                //// delete this._next;
-                this._done = undefined;
-                this._resolved = false;
-                this._arguments = undefined;
-            } else {
-                this._resolved = true;
-                this._arguments = arguments;
-            }
-        },
-        reject: function (/* args */) {
-            /// <summary>Invokes error callbacks for this deferred object.</summary>
-            /// <remarks>All arguments are forwarded to error callbacks.</remarks>
-            if (this._fail) {
-                var i, len;
-                for (i = 0, len = this._fail.length; i < len; i++) {
-                    this._fail[i].apply(null, arguments);
-                }
-                this._fail = undefined;
-                this._rejected = false;
-                this._arguments = undefined;
-            } else {
-                this._rejected = true;
-                this._arguments = arguments;
-            }
-        },
-        promise: function () {
-            /// <summary>Returns a version of this object that has only the read-only methods available.</summary>
-            /// <returns>An object with only the promise object.</returns>
-            var result = {};
-            result.then = forwardCall(this, "then", result);
-            return result;
-        }
-    };
-    var createDeferred = function () {
-        /// <summary>Creates a deferred object.</summary>
-        /// <returns type="DjsDeferred">
-        /// A new deferred object. If jQuery is installed, then a jQuery
-        /// Deferred object is returned, which provides a superset of features.
-        /// </returns>
-        if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.Deferred) {
-            return new window.jQuery.Deferred();
-        } else {
-            return new DjsDeferred();
-        }
-    };
-    window.odatajs.createDeferred = createDeferred;
-    window.odatajs.DjsDeferred = DjsDeferred;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/JSLib/src/odata-atom.js b/JSLib/src/odata-atom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 09e994f..0000000
--- a/JSLib/src/odata-atom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1411 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference path="odata-utils.js" />
-/// <reference path="odata-handler.js" />
-/// <reference path="odata-xml.js" />
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation 
-// files (the "Software"), to deal  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights  to use, copy,
-// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the 
-// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// odata-atom.js
-(function (window, undefined) {
-    var datajs = window.odatajs || {};
-    var odata = window.OData || {};
-    // imports
-    var contains = odatajs.contains;
-    var djsassert = odatajs.djsassert;
-    var isArray = odatajs.isArray;
-    var isObject = odatajs.isObject;
-    var isXmlNSDeclaration = odatajs.isXmlNSDeclaration;
-    var normalizeURI = odatajs.normalizeURI;
-    var parseInt10 = odatajs.parseInt10;
-    var xmlAppendChild = odatajs.xmlAppendChild;
-    var xmlAppendChildren = odatajs.xmlAppendChildren
-    var xmlAttributes = odatajs.xmlAttributes;
-    var xmlAttributeNode = odatajs.xmlAttributeNode;
-    var xmlAttributeValue = odatajs.xmlAttributeValue;
-    var xmlBaseURI = odatajs.xmlBaseURI;
-    var xmlChildElements = odatajs.xmlChildElements;
-    var xmlDom = odatajs.xmlDom;
-    var xmlFirstChildElement = odatajs.xmlFirstChildElement;
-    var xmlFindElementByPath = odatajs.xmlFindElementByPath;
-    var xmlFindNodeByPath = odatajs.xmlFindNodeByPath;
-    var xmlInnerText = odatajs.xmlInnerText;
-    var xmlLocalName = odatajs.xmlLocalName;
-    var xmlNamespaceURI = odatajs.xmlNamespaceURI;
-    var xmlNewAttribute = odatajs.xmlNewAttribute;
-    var xmlNewElement = odatajs.xmlNewElement;
-    var xmlNewFragment = odatajs.xmlNewFragment;
-    var xmlNewNodeByPath = odatajs.xmlNewNodeByPath;
-    var xmlNewNSDeclaration = odatajs.xmlNewNSDeclaration;
-    var xmlNewText = odatajs.xmlNewText;
-    var xmlNodeValue = odatajs.xmlNodeValue;
-    var xmlNS = odatajs.xmlNS;
-    var xmlnsNS = odatajs.xmlnsNS;
-    var xmlQualifiedName = odatajs.xmlQualifiedName;
-    var xmlParse = odatajs.xmlParse;
-    var xmlSerialize = odatajs.xmlSerialize;
-    var xmlSerializeDescendants = odatajs.xmlSerializeDescendants;
-    var xmlSibling = odatajs.xmlSibling;
-    var w3org = odatajs.w3org;
-    var adoDs = odata.adoDs;
-    var contentType = odata.contentType;
-    var createAttributeExtension = odata.createAttributeExtension;
-    var createElementExtension = odata.createElementExtension;
-    var handler = odata.handler;
-    var isPrimitiveEdmType = odata.isPrimitiveEdmType;
-    var isFeed = odata.isFeed;
-    var isNamedStream = odata.isNamedStream;
-    var lookupEntityType = odata.lookupEntityType;
-    var lookupComplexType = odata.lookupComplexType;
-    var lookupProperty = odata.lookupProperty;
-    var navigationPropertyKind = odata.navigationPropertyKind;
-    var maxVersion = odata.maxVersion;
-    var odataXmlNs = odata.odataXmlNs;
-    var odataMetaXmlNs = odata.odataMetaXmlNs;
-    var odataMetaPrefix = odata.odataMetaPrefix;
-    var odataPrefix = odata.odataPrefix;
-    var odataRelatedPrefix = odata.odataRelatedPrefix;
-    var odataScheme = odata.odataScheme;
-    var parseBool = odata.parseBool;
-    var parseDateTime = odata.parseDateTime;
-    var parseDateTimeOffset = odata.parseDateTimeOffset;
-    var parseDuration = odata.parseDuration;
-    var parseTimezone = odata.parseTimezone;
-    var xmlNewODataElement = odata.xmlNewODataElement;
-    var xmlNewODataElementInfo = odata.xmlNewODataElementInfo;
-    var xmlNewODataMetaAttribute = odata.xmlNewODataMetaAttribute;
-    var xmlNewODataMetaElement = odata.xmlNewODataMetaElement;
-    var xmlNewODataDataElement = odata.xmlNewODataDataElement;
-    var xmlReadODataEdmPropertyValue = odata.xmlReadODataEdmPropertyValue;
-    var xmlReadODataProperty = odata.xmlReadODataProperty;
-    var atomPrefix = "a";
-    var atomXmlNs = w3org + "2005/Atom";                    //
-    var appXmlNs = w3org + "2007/app";                      //
-    var odataEditMediaPrefix = adoDs + "/edit-media/";        //
-    var odataMediaResourcePrefix = adoDs + "/mediaresource/"; //
-    var odataRelatedLinksPrefix = adoDs + "/relatedlinks/";   //
-    var atomAcceptTypes = ["application/atom+xml", "application/atomsvc+xml", "application/xml"];
-    var atomMediaType = atomAcceptTypes[0];
-    // These are the namespaces that are not considered ATOM extension namespaces.
-    var nonExtensionNamepaces = [atomXmlNs, appXmlNs, xmlNS, xmlnsNS];
-    // These are entity property mapping paths that have well-known paths.
-    var knownCustomizationPaths = {
-        SyndicationAuthorEmail: "author/email",
-        SyndicationAuthorName: "author/name",
-        SyndicationAuthorUri: "author/uri",
-        SyndicationContributorEmail: "contributor/email",
-        SyndicationContributorName: "contributor/name",
-        SyndicationContributorUri: "contributor/uri",
-        SyndicationPublished: "published",
-        SyndicationRights: "rights",
-        SyndicationSummary: "summary",
-        SyndicationTitle: "title",
-        SyndicationUpdated: "updated"
-    };
-    var expandedFeedCustomizationPath = function (path) {
-        /// <summary>Returns an expanded customization path if it's well-known.</summary>
-        /// <param name="path" type="String">Path to expand.</param>
-        /// <returns type="String">Expanded path or just 'path' otherwise.</returns>
-        return knownCustomizationPaths[path] || path;
-    };
-    var isExtensionNs = function (nsURI) {
-        /// <summary>Checks whether the specified namespace is an extension namespace to ATOM.</summary>
-        /// <param type="String" name="nsURI">Namespace to check.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Boolean">true if nsURI is an extension namespace to ATOM; false otherwise.</returns>
-        return !(contains(nonExtensionNamepaces, nsURI));
-    };
-    var atomFeedCustomization = function (customizationModel, entityType, model, propertyName, suffix) {
-        /// <summary>Creates an object describing a feed customization that was delcared in an OData conceptual schema.</summary>
-        /// <param name="customizationModel" type="Object">Object describing the customization delcared in the conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="entityType" type="Object">Object describing the entity type that owns the customization in an OData conceputal schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="propertyName" type="String" optional="true">Name of the property to which this customization applies.</param>
-        /// <param name="suffix" type="String" optional="true">Suffix to feed customization properties in the conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">Object that describes an applicable feed customization.</returns>
-        suffix = suffix || "";
-        var targetPath = customizationModel["FC_TargetPath" + suffix];
-        if (!targetPath) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        var sourcePath = customizationModel["FC_SourcePath" + suffix];
-        var targetXmlPath = expandedFeedCustomizationPath(targetPath);
-        var propertyPath = propertyName ? propertyName + (sourcePath ? "/" + sourcePath : "") : sourcePath;
-        var propertyType = propertyPath && lookupPropertyType(model, entityType, propertyPath);
-        var nsURI = customizationModel["FC_NsUri" + suffix] || null;
-        var nsPrefix = customizationModel["FC_NsPrefix" + suffix] || null;
-        var keepinContent = customizationModel["FC_KeepInContent" + suffix] || "";
-        if (targetPath !== targetXmlPath) {
-            nsURI = atomXmlNs;
-            nsPrefix = atomPrefix;
-        }
-        return {
-            contentKind: customizationModel["FC_ContentKind" + suffix],
-            keepInContent: keepinContent.toLowerCase() === "true",
-            nsPrefix: nsPrefix,
-            nsURI: nsURI,
-            propertyPath: propertyPath,
-            propertyType: propertyType,
-            entryPath: targetXmlPath
-        };
-    };
-    var atomApplyAllFeedCustomizations = function (entityType, model, callback) {
-        /// <summary>Gets all the feed customizations that have to be applied to an entry as per the enity type declared in an OData conceptual schema.</summary>
-        /// <param name="entityType" type="Object">Object describing an entity type in a conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="callback" type="Function">Callback function to be invoked for each feed customization that needs to be applied.</param>
-        var customizations = [];
-        while (entityType) {
-            var sourcePath = entityType.FC_SourcePath;
-            var customization = atomFeedCustomization(entityType, entityType, model);
-            if (customization) {
-                callback(customization);
-            }
-            var properties = || [];
-            var i, len;
-            for (i = 0, len = properties.length; i < len; i++) {
-                var property = properties[i];
-                var suffixCounter = 0;
-                var suffix = "";
-                while (customization = atomFeedCustomization(property, entityType, model,, suffix)) {
-                    callback(customization);
-                    suffixCounter++;
-                    suffix = "_" + suffixCounter;
-                }
-            }
-            entityType = lookupEntityType(entityType.baseType, model);
-        }
-        return customizations;
-    };
-    var atomReadExtensionAttributes = function (domElement) {
-        /// <summary>Reads ATOM extension attributes (any attribute not in the Atom namespace) from a DOM element.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element with zero or more extension attributes.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Array">An array of extension attribute representations.</returns>
-        var extensions = [];
-        xmlAttributes(domElement, function (attribute) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(attribute);
-            if (isExtensionNs(nsURI)) {
-                extensions.push(createAttributeExtension(attribute, true));
-            }
-        });
-        return extensions;
-    };
-    var atomReadExtensionElement = function (domElement) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM extension element (an element not in the ATOM namespaces).</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element not part of the atom namespace.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">Object representing the extension element.</returns>
-        return createElementExtension(domElement, /*addNamespaceURI*/true);
-    };
-    var atomReadDocument = function (domElement, baseURI, model) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM entry, feed or service document, producing an object model in return.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">Top-level ATOM DOM element to read.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the ATOM document.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object">Object that describes the conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">The object model representing the specified element, undefined if the top-level element is not part of the ATOM specification.</returns>
-        var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(domElement);
-        var localName = xmlLocalName(domElement);
-        // Handle service documents.
-        if (nsURI === appXmlNs && localName === "service") {
-            return atomReadServiceDocument(domElement, baseURI);
-        }
-        // Handle feed and entry elements.
-        if (nsURI === atomXmlNs) {
-            if (localName === "feed") {
-                return atomReadFeed(domElement, baseURI, model);
-            }
-            if (localName === "entry") {
-                return atomReadEntry(domElement, baseURI, model);
-            }
-        }
-        // Allow undefined to be returned.
-    };
-    var atomReadAdvertisedActionOrFunction = function (domElement, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads the DOM element for an action or a function in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element to read.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing the action or function target url.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">Object with title, target, and metadata fields.</returns>
-        var extensions = [];
-        var result = { extensions: extensions };
-        xmlAttributes(domElement, function (attribute) {
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(attribute);
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(attribute);
-            var value = xmlNodeValue(attribute);
-            if (nsURI === null) {
-                if (localName === "title" || localName === "metadata") {
-                    result[localName] = value;
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "target") {
-           = normalizeURI(value, xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI));
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isExtensionNs(nsURI)) {
-                extensions.push(createAttributeExtension(attribute, true));
-            }
-        });
-        return result;
-    };
-    var atomReadAdvertisedAction = function (domElement, baseURI, parentMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads the DOM element for an action in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element to read.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing the action or target url.</param>
-        /// <param name="parentMetadata" type="Object">Object to update with the action metadata.</param>
-        var actions = parentMetadata.actions = parentMetadata.actions || [];
-        actions.push(atomReadAdvertisedActionOrFunction(domElement, baseURI));
-    };
-    var atomReadAdvertisedFunction = function (domElement, baseURI, parentMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads the DOM element for an action in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element to read.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing the action or target url.</param>
-        /// <param name="parentMetadata" type="Object">Object to update with the action metadata.</param>
-        var functions = parentMetadata.functions = parentMetadata.functions || [];
-        functions.push(atomReadAdvertisedActionOrFunction(domElement, baseURI));
-    };
-    var atomReadFeed = function (domElement, baseURI, model) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a DOM element for an ATOM feed, producing an object model in return.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM feed DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the ATOM feed.</param>
-        /// <param name="model">Metadata that describes the conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">A new object representing the feed.</returns>
-        var extensions = atomReadExtensionAttributes(domElement);
-        var feedMetadata = { feed_extensions: extensions };
-        var results = [];
-        var feed = { __metadata: feedMetadata, results: results };
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(child);
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
-            if (nsURI === odataMetaXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "count") {
-                    feed.__count = parseInt(xmlInnerText(child), 10);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "action") {
-                    atomReadAdvertisedAction(child, baseURI, feedMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "function") {
-                    atomReadAdvertisedFunction(child, baseURI, feedMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isExtensionNs(nsURI)) {
-                extensions.push(createElementExtension(child));
-                return;
-            }
-            // The element should belong to the ATOM namespace.
-            djsassert(nsURI === atomXmlNs, "atomReadFeed - child feed element is not in the atom namespace!!");
-            if (localName === "entry") {
-                results.push(atomReadEntry(child, baseURI, model));
-                return;
-            }
-            if (localName === "link") {
-                atomReadFeedLink(child, feed, baseURI);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (localName === "id") {
-                feedMetadata.uri = normalizeURI(xmlInnerText(child), baseURI);
-                feedMetadata.uri_extensions = atomReadExtensionAttributes(child);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (localName === "title") {
-                feedMetadata.title = xmlInnerText(child) || "";
-                feedMetadata.title_extensions = atomReadExtensionAttributes(child);
-                return;
-            }
-        });
-        return feed;
-    };
-    var atomReadFeedLink = function (domElement, feed, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM link DOM element for a feed.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="feed">Feed object to be annotated with the link data.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the payload.</param>
-        var link = atomReadLink(domElement, baseURI);
-        var href = link.href;
-        var rel = link.rel;
-        var extensions = link.extensions;
-        var metadata = feed.__metadata;
-        if (rel === "next") {
-            feed.__next = href;
-            metadata.next_extensions = extensions;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (rel === "self") {
-            metadata.self = href;
-            metadata.self_extensions = extensions;
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    var atomReadLink = function (domElement, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM link DOM element.</summary>
-        /// <param name="linkElement">DOM element to read.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing the link href.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">A link element representation.</returns>
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        var extensions = [];
-        var link = { extensions: extensions, baseURI: baseURI };
-        xmlAttributes(domElement, function (attribute) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(attribute);
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(attribute);
-            var value = attribute.value;
-            if (localName === "href") {
-                link.href = normalizeURI(value, baseURI);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (localName === "type" || localName === "rel") {
-                link[localName] = value;
-                return;
-            }
-            if (isExtensionNs(nsURI)) {
-                extensions.push(createAttributeExtension(attribute, true));
-            }
-        });
-        if (!link.href) {
-            throw { error: "href attribute missing on link element", element: domElement };
-        }
-        return link;
-    };
-    var atomGetObjectValueByPath = function (path, item) {
-        /// <summary>Gets a slashed path value from the specified item.</summary>
-        /// <param name="path" type="String">Property path to read ('/'-separated).</param>
-        /// <param name="item" type="Object">Object to get value from.</param>
-        /// <returns>The property value, possibly undefined if any path segment is missing.</returns>
-        // Fast path.
-        if (path.indexOf('/') === -1) {
-            return item[path];
-        } else {
-            var parts = path.split('/');
-            var i, len;
-            for (i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) {
-                // Avoid traversing a null object.
-                if (item === null) {
-                    return undefined;
-                }
-                item = item[parts[i]];
-                if (item === undefined) {
-                    return item;
-                }
-            }
-            return item;
-        }
-    };
-    var atomSetEntryValueByPath = function (path, target, value, propertyType) {
-        /// <summary>Sets a slashed path value on the specified target.</summary>
-        /// <param name="path" type="String">Property path to set ('/'-separated).</param>
-        /// <param name="target" type="Object">Object to set value on.</param>
-        /// <param name="value">Value to set.</param>
-        /// <param name="propertyType" type="String" optional="true">Property type to set in metadata.</param>
-        var propertyName;
-        if (path.indexOf('/') === -1) {
-            target[path] = value;
-            propertyName = path;
-        } else {
-            var parts = path.split('/');
-            var i, len;
-            for (i = 0, len = (parts.length - 1); i < len; i++) {
-                // We construct each step of the way if the property is missing;
-                // if it's already initialized to null, we stop further processing.
-                var next = target[parts[i]];
-                if (next === undefined) {
-                    next = {};
-                    target[parts[i]] = next;
-                } else if (next === null) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                target = next;
-            }
-            propertyName = parts[i];
-            target[propertyName] = value;
-        }
-        if (propertyType) {
-            var metadata = target.__metadata = target.__metadata || {};
-            var properties = = || {};
-            var property = properties[propertyName] = properties[propertyName] || {};
-            property.type = propertyType;
-        }
-    };
-    var atomApplyCustomizationToEntryObject = function (customization, domElement, entry) {
-        /// <summary>Applies a specific feed customization item to an object.</summary>
-        /// <param name="customization">Object with customization description.</param>
-        /// <param name="sourcePath">Property path to set ('source' in the description).</param>
-        /// <param name="entryElement">XML element for the entry that corresponds to the object being read.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryObject">Object being read.</param>
-        /// <param name="propertyType" type="String">Name of property type to set.</param>
-        /// <param name="suffix" type="String">Suffix to feed customization properties.</param>
-        var propertyPath = customization.propertyPath;
-        // If keepInConent equals true or the property value is null we do nothing as this overrides any other customization.
-        if (customization.keepInContent || atomGetObjectValueByPath(propertyPath, entry) === null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var xmlNode = xmlFindNodeByPath(domElement, customization.nsURI, customization.entryPath);
-        // If the XML tree does not contain the necessary elements to read the value,
-        // then it shouldn't be considered null, but rather ignored at all. This prevents
-        // the customization from generating the object path down to the property.
-        if (!xmlNode) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var propertyType = customization.propertyType;
-        var propertyValue;
-        if (customization.contentKind === "xhtml") {
-            // Treat per XHTML in, including the DIV
-            // in the content.
-            propertyValue = xmlSerializeDescendants(xmlNode);
-        } else {
-            propertyValue = xmlReadODataEdmPropertyValue(xmlNode, propertyType || "Edm.String");
-        }
-        // Set the value on the entry.
-        atomSetEntryValueByPath(propertyPath, entry, propertyValue, propertyType);
-    };
-    var lookupPropertyType = function (metadata, owningType, path) {
-        /// <summary>Looks up the type of a property given its path in an entity type.</summary>
-        /// <param name="metadata">Metadata in which to search for base and complex types.</param>
-        /// <param name="owningType">Type to which property belongs.</param>
-        /// <param name="path" type="String" mayBeNull="false">Property path to look at.</param>
-        /// <returns type="String">The name of the property type; possibly null.</returns>
-        var parts = path.split("/");
-        var i, len;
-        while (owningType) {
-            // Keep track of the type being traversed, necessary for complex types.
-            var traversedType = owningType;
-            for (i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) {
-                // Traverse down the structure as necessary.
-                var properties =;
-                if (!properties) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                // Find the property by scanning the property list (might be worth pre-processing).
-                var propertyFound = lookupProperty(properties, parts[i]);
-                if (!propertyFound) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                var propertyType = propertyFound.type;
-                // We could in theory still be missing types, but that would
-                // be caused by a malformed path.
-                if (!propertyType || isPrimitiveEdmType(propertyType)) {
-                    return propertyType || null;
-                }
-                traversedType = lookupComplexType(propertyType, metadata);
-                if (!traversedType) {
-                    return null;
-                }
-            }
-            // Traverse up the inheritance chain.
-            owningType = lookupEntityType(owningType.baseType, metadata);
-        }
-        return null;
-    };
-    var atomReadEntry = function (domElement, baseURI, model) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a DOM element for an ATOM entry, producing an object model in return.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM entry DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the ATOM entry.</param>
-        /// <param name="model">Metadata that describes the conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">A new object representing the entry.</returns>
-        var entryMetadata = {};
-        var entry = { __metadata: entryMetadata };
-        var etag = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "etag", odataMetaXmlNs);
-        if (etag) {
-            entryMetadata.etag = etag;
-        }
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(child);
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
-            if (nsURI === atomXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "id") {
-                    atomReadEntryId(child, entryMetadata, baseURI);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "category") {
-                    atomReadEntryType(child, entryMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "content") {
-                    atomReadEntryContent(child, entry, entryMetadata, baseURI);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "link") {
-                    atomReadEntryLink(child, entry, entryMetadata, baseURI, model);
-                    return;
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-            if (nsURI === odataMetaXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "properties") {
-                    atomReadEntryStructuralObject(child, entry, entryMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "action") {
-                    atomReadAdvertisedAction(child, baseURI, entryMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (localName === "function") {
-                    atomReadAdvertisedFunction(child, baseURI, entryMetadata);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        // Apply feed customizations if applicable
-        var entityType = lookupEntityType(entryMetadata.type, model);
-        atomApplyAllFeedCustomizations(entityType, model, function (customization) {
-            atomApplyCustomizationToEntryObject(customization, domElement, entry);
-        });
-        return entry;
-    };
-    var atomReadEntryId = function (domElement, entryMetadata, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM entry id DOM element.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM id DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the id information.</param>
-        entryMetadata.uri = normalizeURI(xmlInnerText(domElement), xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI));
-        entryMetadata.uri_extensions = atomReadExtensionAttributes(domElement);
-    };
-    var atomReadEntryType = function (domElement, entryMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads type information from an ATOM category DOM element.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM category DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the type information.</param>
-        if (xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "scheme") === odataScheme) {
-            if (entryMetadata.type) {
-                throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub document: multiple category elements defining the entry type were encounterd withing an entry", element: domElement };
-            }
-            var typeExtensions = [];
-            xmlAttributes(domElement, function (attribute) {
-                var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(attribute);
-                var localName = xmlLocalName(attribute);
-                if (!nsURI) {
-                    if (localName !== "scheme" && localName !== "term") {
-                        typeExtensions.push(createAttributeExtension(attribute, true));
-                    }
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (isExtensionNs(nsURI)) {
-                    typeExtensions.push(createAttributeExtension(attribute, true));
-                }
-            });
-            entryMetadata.type = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "term");
-            entryMetadata.type_extensions = typeExtensions;
-        }
-    };
-    var atomReadEntryContent = function (domElement, entry, entryMetadata, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an ATOM content DOM element.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">ATOM content DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry">Entry object to update with information.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the content information.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the Atom entry content.</param>
-        var src = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "src");
-        var type = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "type");
-        if (src) {
-            if (!type) {
-                throw {
-                    message: "Invalid AtomPub document: content element must specify the type attribute if the src attribute is also specified",
-                    element: domElement
-                };
-            }
-            entryMetadata.media_src = normalizeURI(src, xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI));
-            entryMetadata.content_type = type;
-        }
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            if (src) {
-                throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub document: content element must not have child elements if the src attribute is specified", element: domElement };
-            }
-            if (xmlNamespaceURI(child) === odataMetaXmlNs && xmlLocalName(child) === "properties") {
-                atomReadEntryStructuralObject(child, entry, entryMetadata);
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    var atomReadEntryLink = function (domElement, entry, entryMetadata, baseURI, model) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a link element on an entry.</summary>
-        /// <param name="atomEntryLink">'link' element on the entry.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry" type="Object">Entry object to update with the link data.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the link metadata.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing the link href.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object">Metadata that describes the conceptual schema.</param>
-        var link = atomReadLink(domElement, baseURI);
-        var rel = link.rel;
-        var href = link.href;
-        var extensions = link.extensions;
-        if (rel === "self") {
-            entryMetadata.self = href;
-            entryMetadata.self_link_extensions = extensions;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (rel === "edit") {
-            entryMetadata.edit = href;
-            entryMetadata.edit_link_extensions = extensions;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (rel === "edit-media") {
-            entryMetadata.edit_media = link.href;
-            entryMetadata.edit_media_extensions = extensions;
-            atomReadLinkMediaEtag(link, entryMetadata);
-            return;
-        }
-        // This might be a named stream edit link
-        if (rel.indexOf(odataEditMediaPrefix) === 0) {
-            atomReadNamedStreamEditLink(link, entry, entryMetadata);
-            return;
-        }
-        // This might be a named stram media resource (read) link
-        if (rel.indexOf(odataMediaResourcePrefix) === 0) {
-            atomReadNamedStreamSelfLink(link, entry, entryMetadata);
-            return;
-        }
-        // This might be a navigation property
-        if (rel.indexOf(odataRelatedPrefix) === 0) {
-            atomReadNavPropLink(domElement, link, entry, entryMetadata, model);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (rel.indexOf(odataRelatedLinksPrefix) === 0) {
-            atomReadNavPropRelatedLink(link, entryMetadata);
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    var atomReadNavPropRelatedLink = function (link, entryMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a link represnting the links related to a navigation property in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata" type="Object">Entry metadata object to update with the related links information.</param>
-        var propertyName = link.rel.substring(odataRelatedLinksPrefix.length);
-        djsassert(propertyName, "atomReadNavPropRelatedLink - property name is null, empty or undefined!");
-        // Set the extra property information on the entry object metadata.
- = || {};
-        var propertyMetadata =[propertyName] =[propertyName] || {};
-        propertyMetadata.associationuri = link.href;
-        propertyMetadata.associationuri_extensions = link.extensions;
-    };
-    var atomReadNavPropLink = function (domElement, link, entry, entryMetadata, model) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a link representing a navigation property in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element for a navigation property in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry" type="Object">Entry object to update with the navigation property.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the navigation property metadata.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object">Metadata that describes the conceptual schema.</param>
-        // Get any inline data.
-        var inlineData;
-        var inlineElement = xmlFirstChildElement(domElement, odataMetaXmlNs, "inline");
-        if (inlineElement) {
-            var inlineDocRoot = xmlFirstChildElement(inlineElement);
-            var inlineBaseURI = xmlBaseURI(inlineElement, link.baseURI);
-            inlineData = inlineDocRoot ? atomReadDocument(inlineDocRoot, inlineBaseURI, model) : null;
-        } else {
-            // If the link has no inline content, we consider it deferred.
-            inlineData = { __deferred: { uri: link.href} };
-        }
-        var propertyName = link.rel.substring(odataRelatedPrefix.length);
-        // Set the property value on the entry object.
-        entry[propertyName] = inlineData;
-        // Set the extra property information on the entry object metadata.
- = || {};
-        var propertyMetadata =[propertyName] =[propertyName] || {};
-        propertyMetadata.extensions = link.extensions;
-    };
-    var atomReadNamedStreamEditLink = function (link, entry, entryMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a link representing the edit-media url of a named stream in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry" type="Object">Entry object to update with the named stream data.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the named stream metadata.</param>
-        var propertyName = link.rel.substring(odataEditMediaPrefix.length);
-        djsassert(propertyName, "atomReadNamedStreamEditLink - property name is null, empty or undefined!");
-        var namedStreamMediaResource = atomGetEntryNamedStreamMediaResource(propertyName, entry, entryMetadata);
-        var mediaResource = namedStreamMediaResource.value;
-        var mediaResourceMetadata = namedStreamMediaResource.metadata;
-        var editMedia = link.href;
-        mediaResource.edit_media = editMedia;
-        mediaResource.content_type = link.type;
-        mediaResourceMetadata.edit_media_extensions = link.extensions;
-        // If there is only the edit link, make it the media self link as well.
-        mediaResource.media_src = mediaResource.media_src || editMedia;
-        mediaResourceMetadata.media_src_extensions = mediaResourceMetadata.media_src_extensions || [];
-        atomReadLinkMediaEtag(link, mediaResource);
-    };
-    var atomReadNamedStreamSelfLink = function (link, entry, entryMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a link representing the self url of a named stream in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry" type="Object">Entry object to update with the named stream data.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata">Entry metadata object to update with the named stream metadata.</param>
-        var propertyName = link.rel.substring(odataMediaResourcePrefix.length);
-        djsassert(propertyName, "atomReadNamedStreamEditLink - property name is null, empty or undefined!");
-        var namedStreamMediaResource = atomGetEntryNamedStreamMediaResource(propertyName, entry, entryMetadata);
-        var mediaResource = namedStreamMediaResource.value;
-        var mediaResourceMetadata = namedStreamMediaResource.metadata;
-        mediaResource.media_src = link.href;
-        mediaResourceMetadata.media_src_extensions = link.extensions;
-        mediaResource.content_type = link.type;
-    };
-    var atomGetEntryNamedStreamMediaResource = function (name, entry, entryMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Gets the media resource object and metadata object for a named stream in an entry object.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry" type="Object">Entry object from which the media resource object will be obtained.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryMetadata" type="Object">Entry metadata object from which the media resource metadata object will be obtained.</param>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///    If the entry doest' have a media resource for the named stream indicated by the name argument, then this function will create a new
-        ///    one along with its metadata object.
-        /// <remarks>
-        /// <returns type="Object"> Object containing the value and metadata of the named stream's media resource. <returns>
- = || {};
-        var mediaResourceMetadata =[name];
-        var mediaResource = entry[name] && entry[name].__mediaresource;
-        if (!mediaResource) {
-            mediaResource = {};
-            entry[name] = { __mediaresource: mediaResource };
-  [name] = mediaResourceMetadata = {};
-        }
-        return { value: mediaResource, metadata: mediaResourceMetadata };
-    };
-    var atomReadLinkMediaEtag = function (link, mediaResource) {
-        /// <summary>Gets the media etag from the link extensions and updates the media resource object with it.</summary>
-        /// <param name="link" type="Object">Object representing the parsed link DOM element.</param>
-        /// <param name="mediaResource" type="Object">Object containing media information for an OData Atom entry.</param>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///    The function will remove the extension object for the etag if it finds it in the link extensions and will set
-        ///    its value under the media_etag property of the mediaResource object.
-        /// <remarks>
-        /// <returns type="Object"> Object containing the value and metadata of the named stream's media resource. <returns>
-        var extensions = link.extensions;
-        var i, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = extensions.length; i < len; i++) {
-            if (extensions[i].namespaceURI === odataMetaXmlNs && extensions[i].name === "etag") {
-                mediaResource.media_etag = extensions[i].value;
-                extensions.splice(i, 1);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    var atomReadEntryStructuralObject = function (domElement, parent, parentMetadata) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an atom entry's property as a structural object and sets its value in the parent and the metadata in the parentMetadata objects.</summary>
-        /// <param name="propertiesElement">XML element for the 'properties' node.</param>
-        /// <param name="parent">
-        ///     Object that will contain the property value. It can be either an antom entry or
-        ///     an atom complex property object.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name="parentMetadata">Object that will contain the property metadata. It can be either an atom entry metadata or a complex property metadata object</param>
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            var property = xmlReadODataProperty(child);
-            if (property) {
-                var propertyName =;
-                var propertiesMetadata = = || {};
-                propertiesMetadata[propertyName] = property.metadata;
-                parent[propertyName] = property.value;
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    var atomReadServiceDocument = function (domElement, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads an AtomPub service document</summary>
-        /// <param name="atomServiceDoc">DOM element for the root of an AtomPub service document</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the AtomPub service document.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">An object that contains the properties of the service document</returns>
-        var workspaces = [];
-        var extensions = [];
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        // Find all the workspace elements.
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            if (xmlNamespaceURI(child) === appXmlNs && xmlLocalName(child) === "workspace") {
-                workspaces.push(atomReadServiceDocumentWorkspace(child, baseURI));
-                return;
-            }
-            extensions.push(createElementExtension(child));
-        });
-        // AtomPub (RFC 5023 Section 8.3.1) says a service document MUST contain one or
-        // more workspaces. Throw if we don't find any.
-        if (workspaces.length === 0) {
-            throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub service document: No workspace element found.", element: domElement };
-        }
-        return { workspaces: workspaces, extensions: extensions };
-    };
-    var atomReadServiceDocumentWorkspace = function (domElement, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a single workspace element from an AtomPub service document</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element that represents a workspace of an AtomPub service document</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the AtomPub service document workspace.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">An object that contains the properties of the workspace</returns>
-        var collections = [];
-        var extensions = [];
-        var title; // = undefined;
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(child);
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
-            if (nsURI === atomXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "title") {
-                    if (title !== undefined) {
-                        throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub service document: workspace has more than one child title element", element: child };
-                    }
-                    title = xmlInnerText(child);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            if (nsURI === appXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "collection") {
-                    collections.push(atomReadServiceDocumentCollection(child, baseURI));
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-            extensions.push(atomReadExtensionElement(child));
-        });
-        return { title: title || "", collections: collections, extensions: extensions };
-    };
-    var atomReadServiceDocumentCollection = function (domElement, baseURI) {
-        /// <summary>Reads a service document collection element into an object.</summary>
-        /// <param name="domElement">DOM element that represents a collection of an AtomPub service document.</param>
-        /// <param name="baseURI" type="String">Base URI for normalizing relative URIs found in the AtomPub service document collection.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">An object that contains the properties of the collection.</returns>
-        var href = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "href");
-        if (!href) {
-            throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub service document: collection has no href attribute", element: domElement };
-        }
-        baseURI = xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI);
-        href = normalizeURI(href, xmlBaseURI(domElement, baseURI));
-        var extensions = [];
-        var title; // = undefined;
-        xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
-            var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(child);
-            var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
-            if (nsURI === atomXmlNs) {
-                if (localName === "title") {
-                    if (title !== undefined) {
-                        throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub service document: collection has more than one child title element", element: child };
-                    }
-                    title = xmlInnerText(child);
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-            if (nsURI !== appXmlNs) {
-                extensions.push(atomReadExtensionElement(domElement));
-            }
-        });
-        // AtomPub (RFC 5023 Section 8.3.3) says the collection element MUST contain
-        // a title element. It's likely to be problematic if the service doc doesn't
-        // have one so here we throw.
-        if (!title) {
-            throw { message: "Invalid AtomPub service document: collection has no title element", element: domElement };
-        }
-        return { title: title, href: href, extensions: extensions };
-    };
-    var atomNewElement = function (dom, name, children) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new DOM element in the Atom namespace.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="name" type="String">Local name of the Atom element to create.</param>
-        /// <param name="children" type="Array">Array containing DOM nodes or string values that will be added as children of the new DOM element.</param>
-        /// <returns>New DOM element in the Atom namespace.</returns>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///    If a value in the children collection is a string, then a new DOM text node is going to be created
-        ///    for it and then appended as a child of the new DOM Element.
-        /// </remarks>
-        return xmlNewElement(dom, atomXmlNs, xmlQualifiedName(atomPrefix, name), children);
-    };
-    var atomNewAttribute = function (dom, name, value) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new DOM attribute for an Atom element in the default namespace.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="name" type="String">Local name of the OData attribute to create.</param>
-        /// <param name="value">Attribute value.</param>
-        /// <returns>New DOM attribute in the default namespace.</returns>
-        return xmlNewAttribute(dom, null, name, value);
-    };
-    var atomCanRemoveProperty = function (propertyElement) {
-        /// <summary>Checks whether the property represented by domElement can be removed from the atom document DOM tree.</summary>
-        /// <param name="propertyElement">DOM element for the property to test.</param>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///     The property can only be removed if it doens't have any children and only has namespace or type declaration attributes.
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <returns type="Boolean">True is the property can be removed; false otherwise.</returns>
-        if (propertyElement.childNodes.length > 0) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        var isEmpty = true;
-        var attributes = propertyElement.attributes;
-        var i, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len && isEmpty; i++) {
-            var attribute = attributes[i];
-            isEmpty = isEmpty && isXmlNSDeclaration(attribute) ||
-                 (xmlNamespaceURI(attribute) == odataMetaXmlNs && xmlLocalName(attribute) === "type");
-        }
-        return isEmpty;
-    };
-    var atomNewODataNavigationProperty = function (dom, name, kind, value, model) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new Atom link DOM element for a navigation property in an OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="name" type="String">Property name.</param>
-        /// <param name="kind" type="String">Navigation property kind. Expected values are "deferred", "entry", or "feed".</param>
-        /// <param name="value" optional="true" mayBeNull="true">Value of the navigation property, if any.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">
-        ///     Object containing the new Atom link DOM element for the navigation property and the
-        ///     required data service version for this property.
-        /// </returns>
-        var linkType = null;
-        var linkContent = null;
-        var linkContentBodyData = null;
-        var href = "";
-        if (kind !== "deferred") {
-            linkType = atomNewAttribute(dom, "type", "application/atom+xml;type=" + kind);
-            linkContent = xmlNewODataMetaElement(dom, "inline");
-            if (value) {
-                href = value.__metadata && value.__metadata.uri || "";
-                linkContentBodyData =
-                    atomNewODataFeed(dom, value, model) ||
-                    atomNewODataEntry(dom, value, model);
-                xmlAppendChild(linkContent, linkContentBodyData.element);
-            }
-        } else {
-            href = value.__deferred.uri;
-        }
-        var navProp = atomNewElement(dom, "link", [
-            atomNewAttribute(dom, "href", href),
-            atomNewAttribute(dom, "rel", normalizeURI(name, odataRelatedPrefix)),
-            linkType,
-            linkContent
-        ]);
-        return xmlNewODataElementInfo(navProp, linkContentBodyData ? linkContentBodyData.dsv : "1.0");
-    };
-    var atomNewODataEntryDataItem = function (dom, name, value, dataItemMetadata, dataItemModel, model) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new DOM element for a data item in an entry, complex property, or collection property.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="name" type="String">Data item name.</param>
-        /// <param name="value" optional="true" mayBeNull="true">Value of the data item, if any.</param>
-        /// <param name="dataItemMetadata" type="Object" optional="true">Object containing metadata about the data item.</param>
-        /// <param name="dataItemModel" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing the data item in an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">
-        ///     Object containing the new DOM element in the appropriate namespace for the data item and the
-        ///     required data service version for it.
-        /// </returns>
-        if (isNamedStream(value)) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        var dataElement = xmlNewODataDataElement(dom, name, value, dataItemMetadata, dataItemModel, model);
-        if (!dataElement) {
-            // This may be a navigation property.
-            var navPropKind = navigationPropertyKind(value, dataItemModel);
-            djsassert(navPropKind !== null, "atomNewODataEntryDataItem - navigation property kind is null for property " + name);
-            dataElement = atomNewODataNavigationProperty(dom, name, navPropKind, value, model);
-        }
-        return dataElement;
-    };
-    var atomEntryCustomization = function (dom, entry, entryProperties, customization) {
-        /// <summary>Applies a feed customization by transforming an Atom entry DOM element as needed.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating any new DOM nodes required by the customization.</param>
-        /// <param name="entry">DOM element for the Atom entry to which the customization is going to be applied.</param>
-        /// <param name="entryProperties">DOM element containing the properties of the Atom entry.</param>
-        /// <param name="customization" type="Object">Object describing an applicable feed customization.</param>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///     Look into the atomfeedCustomization function for a description of the customization object.
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <returns type="String">Data service version required by the applied customization</returns>
-        var atomProperty = xmlFindElementByPath(entryProperties, odataXmlNs, customization.propertyPath);
-        var atomPropertyNullAttribute = atomProperty && xmlAttributeNode(atomProperty, "null", odataMetaXmlNs);
-        var atomPropertyValue;
-        var dataServiceVersion = "1.0";
-        if (atomPropertyNullAttribute && atomPropertyNullAttribute.value === "true") {
-            return dataServiceVersion;
-        }
-        if (atomProperty) {
-            atomPropertyValue = xmlInnerText(atomProperty) || "";
-            if (!customization.keepInContent) {
-                dataServiceVersion = "2.0";
-                var parent = atomProperty.parentNode;
-                var candidate = parent;
-                parent.removeChild(atomProperty);
-                while (candidate !== entryProperties && atomCanRemoveProperty(candidate)) {
-                    parent = candidate.parentNode;
-                    parent.removeChild(candidate);
-                    candidate = parent;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        var targetNode = xmlNewNodeByPath(dom, entry,
-            customization.nsURI, customization.nsPrefix, customization.entryPath);
-        if (targetNode.nodeType === 2) {
-            targetNode.value = atomPropertyValue;
-            return dataServiceVersion;
-        }
-        var contentKind = customization.contentKind;
-        xmlAppendChildren(targetNode, [
-                contentKind && xmlNewAttribute(dom, null, "type", contentKind),
-                contentKind === "xhtml" ? xmlNewFragment(dom, atomPropertyValue) : atomPropertyValue
-        ]);
-        return dataServiceVersion;
-    };
-    var atomNewODataEntry = function (dom, data, model) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new DOM element for an Atom entry.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="data" type="Object">Entry object in the library's internal representation.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">
-        ///     Object containing the new DOM element for the Atom entry and the required data service version for it.
-        /// </returns>
-        var payloadMetadata = data.__metadata || {};
-        var propertiesMetadata = || {};
-        var etag = payloadMetadata.etag;
-        var uri = payloadMetadata.uri;
-        var typeName = payloadMetadata.type;
-        var entityType = lookupEntityType(typeName, model);
-        var properties = xmlNewODataMetaElement(dom, "properties");
-        var entry = atomNewElement(dom, "entry", [
-            atomNewElement(dom, "author",
-                atomNewElement(dom, "name")
-            ),
-            etag && xmlNewODataMetaAttribute(dom, "etag", etag),
-            uri && atomNewElement(dom, "id", uri),
-            typeName && atomNewElement(dom, "category", [
-                atomNewAttribute(dom, "term", typeName),
-                atomNewAttribute(dom, "scheme", odataScheme)
-            ]),
-        // TODO: MLE support goes here.
-            atomNewElement(dom, "content", [
-                atomNewAttribute(dom, "type", "application/xml"),
-                properties
-            ])
-        ]);
-        var dataServiceVersion = "1.0";
-        for (var name in data) {
-            if (name !== "__metadata") {
-                var entryDataItemMetadata = propertiesMetadata[name] || {};
-                var entryDataItemModel = entityType && (
-                    lookupProperty(, name) ||
-                    lookupProperty(entityType.navigationProperty, name));
-                var entryDataItem = atomNewODataEntryDataItem(dom, name, data[name], entryDataItemMetadata, entryDataItemModel, model);
-                if (entryDataItem) {
-                    var entryElement = entryDataItem.element;
-                    var entryElementParent = (xmlNamespaceURI(entryElement) === atomXmlNs) ? entry : properties;
-                    xmlAppendChild(entryElementParent, entryElement);
-                    dataServiceVersion = maxVersion(dataServiceVersion, entryDataItem.dsv);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        atomApplyAllFeedCustomizations(entityType, model, function (customization) {
-            var customizationDsv = atomEntryCustomization(dom, entry, properties, customization);
-            dataServiceVersion = maxVersion(dataServiceVersion, customizationDsv);
-        });
-        return xmlNewODataElementInfo(entry, dataServiceVersion);
-    };
-    var atomNewODataFeed = function (dom, data, model) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new DOM element for an Atom feed.</summary>
-        /// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
-        /// <param name="data" type="Object">Feed object in the library's internal representation.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">
-        ///     Object containing the new DOM element for the Atom feed and the required data service version for it.
-        /// </returns>
-        var entries = isArray(data) ? data : data.results;
-        if (!entries) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        var dataServiceVersion = "1.0";
-        var atomFeed = atomNewElement(dom, "feed");
-        var i, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; i++) {
-            var atomEntryData = atomNewODataEntry(dom, entries[i], model);
-            xmlAppendChild(atomFeed, atomEntryData.element);
-            dataServiceVersion = maxVersion(dataServiceVersion, atomEntryData.dsv);
-        }
-        return xmlNewODataElementInfo(atomFeed, dataServiceVersion);
-    };
-    var atomNewODataDocument = function (data, model) {
-        /// <summary>Creates a new OData Atom document.</summary>
-        /// <param name="data" type="Object">Feed or entry object in the libary's internal representaion.</param>
-        /// <param name="model" type="Object" optional="true">Object describing an OData conceptual schema.</param>
-        /// <returns type="Object">
-        ///     Object containing the new DOM document for the Atom document and the required data service version for it.
-        /// </returns>
-        if (data) {
-            var atomRootWriter = isFeed(data) && atomNewODataFeed ||
-                isObject(data) && atomNewODataEntry;
-            if (atomRootWriter) {
-                var dom = xmlDom();
-                var atomRootData = atomRootWriter(dom, data, model);
-                if (atomRootData) {
-                    var atomRootElement = atomRootData.element;
-                    xmlAppendChildren(atomRootElement, [
-                        xmlNewNSDeclaration(dom, odataMetaXmlNs, odataMetaPrefix),
-                        xmlNewNSDeclaration(dom, odataXmlNs, odataPrefix)
-                    ]);
-                    return xmlNewODataElementInfo(xmlAppendChild(dom, atomRootElement), atomRootData.dsv);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    };
-    var atomParser = function (handler, text, context) {
-        /// <summary>Parses an ATOM document (feed, entry or service document).</summary>
-        /// <param name="handler">This handler.</param>
-        /// <param name="text" type="String">Document text.</param>
-        /// <param name="context" type="Object">Object with parsing context.</param>
-        /// <returns>An object representation of the document; undefined if not applicable.</returns>
-        if (text) {
-            var atomDoc = xmlParse(text);
-            var atomRoot = xmlFirstChildElement(atomDoc);
-            if (atomRoot) {
-                return atomReadDocument(atomRoot, null, context.metadata);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    var atomSerializer = function (handler, data, context) {
-        /// <summary>Serializes an ATOM object into a document (feed or entry).</summary>
-        /// <param name="handler">This handler.</param>
-        /// <param name="data" type="Object">Representation of feed or entry.</param>
-        /// <param name="context" type="Object">Object with parsing context.</param>
-        /// <returns>An text representation of the data object; undefined if not applicable.</returns>
-        var cType = context.contentType = context.contentType || contentType(atomMediaType);
-        if (cType && cType.mediaType === atomMediaType) {
-            var atomDoc = atomNewODataDocument(data, context.metadata);
-            if (atomDoc) {
-                context.dataServiceVersion = maxVersion(context.dataServiceVersion || "1.0", atomDoc.dsv);
-                return xmlSerialize(atomDoc.element);
-            }
-        }
-        // Allow undefined to be returned.
-    };
-    odata.atomHandler = handler(atomParser, atomSerializer, atomAcceptTypes.join(","), MAX_DATA_SERVICE_VERSION);
-    odata.atomParser = atomParser;
-    odata.atomSerializer = atomSerializer;
-    odata.atomReadDocument = atomReadDocument;
-    odata.atomReadFeed = atomReadFeed;
-    odata.atomReadFeedLink = atomReadFeedLink;
-    odata.atomReadLink = atomReadLink;
-    odata.atomReadExtensionElement = atomReadExtensionElement;
-    odata.atomReadExtensionAttributes = atomReadExtensionAttributes;
-    odata.atomReadEntry = atomReadEntry;
-    odata.atomReadEntryType = atomReadEntryType;
-    odata.atomReadEntryContent = atomReadEntryContent;
-    odata.atomReadEntryLink = atomReadEntryLink;
-    odata.atomReadEntryStructuralObject = atomReadEntryStructuralObject;
-    odata.atomReadServiceDocument = atomReadServiceDocument;
-    odata.atomReadServiceDocumentWorkspace = atomReadServiceDocumentWorkspace;
-    odata.atomReadServiceDocumentCollection = atomReadServiceDocumentCollection;
-    odata.expandedFeedCustomizationPath = expandedFeedCustomizationPath;
-    odata.lookupPropertyType = lookupPropertyType;
-    odata.atomSetEntryValueByPath = atomSetEntryValueByPath;
\ No newline at end of file