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[3/4] be able to upload template into swift
diff --git a/scripts/storage/secondary/swift b/scripts/storage/secondary/swift
index 8224b4d..4138db8 100755
--- a/scripts/storage/secondary/swift
+++ b/scripts/storage/secondary/swift
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/python -u
-# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack, LLC.
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -13,51 +13,896 @@
 # implied.
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-import signal
-import socket
-import logging
 from errno import EEXIST, ENOENT
 from hashlib import md5
-from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP
-from os import environ, listdir, makedirs, utime, _exit as os_exit
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from os import environ, listdir, makedirs, utime
 from os.path import basename, dirname, getmtime, getsize, isdir, join
-from Queue import Queue
-from random import shuffle
+from Queue import Empty, Queue
 from sys import argv, exc_info, exit, stderr, stdout
-from threading import Thread
-from time import sleep, time, gmtime, strftime
+from threading import enumerate as threading_enumerate, Thread
+from time import sleep
 from traceback import format_exception
-from urllib import quote, unquote
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# Inclusion of swift.common.client for convenience of single file distribution
+import socket
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from re import compile, DOTALL
+from tokenize import generate_tokens, STRING, NAME, OP
+from urllib import quote as _quote, unquote
+from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
+    from import HTTPException, HTTPSConnection
+except ImportError:
+    from httplib import HTTPException, HTTPSConnection
-    import simplejson as json
+    from eventlet import sleep
 except ImportError:
-    import json
+    from time import sleep
-from swiftclient import Connection, ClientException, HTTPException, utils
-from swiftclient.version import version_info
+    from swift.common.bufferedhttp \
+        import BufferedHTTPConnection as HTTPConnection
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        from import HTTPConnection
+    except ImportError:
+        from httplib import HTTPConnection
-def get_conn(options):
+def quote(value, safe='/'):
-    Return a connection building it from the options.
+    Patched version of urllib.quote that encodes utf8 strings before quoting
-    return Connection(options.auth,
-                      options.user,
-                      options.key,
-                      auth_version=options.auth_version,
-                      os_options=options.os_options,
-                      snet=options.snet,
-                      cacert=options.os_cacert,
-                      insecure=options.insecure,
-                      ssl_compression=options.ssl_compression)
+    if isinstance(value, unicode):
+        value = value.encode('utf8')
+    return _quote(value, safe)
+# look for a real json parser first
+    # simplejson is popular and pretty good
+    from simplejson import loads as json_loads
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        # 2.6 will have a json module in the stdlib
+        from json import loads as json_loads
+    except ImportError:
+        # fall back on local parser otherwise
+        comments = compile(r'/\*.*\*/|//[^\r\n]*', DOTALL)
+        def json_loads(string):
+            '''
+            Fairly competent json parser exploiting the python tokenizer and
+            eval(). -- From python-cloudfiles
+            _loads(serialized_json) -> object
+            '''
+            try:
+                res = []
+                consts = {'true': True, 'false': False, 'null': None}
+                string = '(' + comments.sub('', string) + ')'
+                for type, val, _junk, _junk, _junk in \
+                        generate_tokens(StringIO(string).readline):
+                    if (type == OP and val not in '[]{}:,()-') or \
+                            (type == NAME and val not in consts):
+                        raise AttributeError()
+                    elif type == STRING:
+                        res.append('u')
+                        res.append(val.replace('\\/', '/'))
+                    else:
+                        res.append(val)
+                return eval(''.join(res), {}, consts)
+            except Exception:
+                raise AttributeError()
+class ClientException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, msg, http_scheme='', http_host='', http_port='',
+                 http_path='', http_query='', http_status=0, http_reason='',
+                 http_device=''):
+        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+        self.msg = msg
+        self.http_scheme = http_scheme
+        self.http_host = http_host
+        self.http_port = http_port
+        self.http_path = http_path
+        self.http_query = http_query
+        self.http_status = http_status
+        self.http_reason = http_reason
+        self.http_device = http_device
+    def __str__(self):
+        a = self.msg
+        b = ''
+        if self.http_scheme:
+            b += '%s://' % self.http_scheme
+        if self.http_host:
+            b += self.http_host
+        if self.http_port:
+            b += ':%s' % self.http_port
+        if self.http_path:
+            b += self.http_path
+        if self.http_query:
+            b += '?%s' % self.http_query
+        if self.http_status:
+            if b:
+                b = '%s %s' % (b, self.http_status)
+            else:
+                b = str(self.http_status)
+        if self.http_reason:
+            if b:
+                b = '%s %s' % (b, self.http_reason)
+            else:
+                b = '- %s' % self.http_reason
+        if self.http_device:
+            if b:
+                b = '%s: device %s' % (b, self.http_device)
+            else:
+                b = 'device %s' % self.http_device
+        return b and '%s: %s' % (a, b) or a
+def http_connection(url, proxy=None):
+    """
+    Make an HTTPConnection or HTTPSConnection
+    :param url: url to connect to
+    :param proxy: proxy to connect through, if any; None by default; str of the
+                  format '' to set one
+    :returns: tuple of (parsed url, connection object)
+    :raises ClientException: Unable to handle protocol scheme
+    """
+    parsed = urlparse(url)
+    proxy_parsed = urlparse(proxy) if proxy else None
+    if parsed.scheme == 'http':
+        conn = HTTPConnection((proxy_parsed if proxy else parsed).netloc)
+    elif parsed.scheme == 'https':
+        conn = HTTPSConnection((proxy_parsed if proxy else parsed).netloc)
+    else:
+        raise ClientException('Cannot handle protocol scheme %s for url %s' %
+                              (parsed.scheme, repr(url)))
+    if proxy:
+        conn._set_tunnel(parsed.hostname, parsed.port)
+    return parsed, conn
+def get_auth(url, user, key, snet=False):
+    """
+    Get authentication/authorization credentials.
+    The snet parameter is used for Rackspace's ServiceNet internal network
+    implementation. In this function, it simply adds *snet-* to the beginning
+    of the host name for the returned storage URL. With Rackspace Cloud Files,
+    use of this network path causes no bandwidth charges but requires the
+    client to be running on Rackspace's ServiceNet network.
+    :param url: authentication/authorization URL
+    :param user: user to authenticate as
+    :param key: key or password for authorization
+    :param snet: use SERVICENET internal network (see above), default is False
+    :returns: tuple of (storage URL, auth token)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP GET request to auth URL failed
+    """
+    parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    conn.request('GET', parsed.path, '',
+                 {'X-Auth-User': user, 'X-Auth-Key': key})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Auth GET failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port,
+                http_path=parsed.path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+    url = resp.getheader('x-storage-url')
+    if snet:
+        parsed = list(urlparse(url))
+        # Second item in the list is the netloc
+        parsed[1] = 'snet-' + parsed[1]
+        url = urlunparse(parsed)
+    return url, resp.getheader('x-storage-token',
+                                                resp.getheader('x-auth-token'))
+def get_account(url, token, marker=None, limit=None, prefix=None,
+                http_conn=None, full_listing=False):
+    """
+    Get a listing of containers for the account.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param marker: marker query
+    :param limit: limit query
+    :param prefix: prefix query
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :param full_listing: if True, return a full listing, else returns a max
+                         of 10000 listings
+    :returns: a tuple of (response headers, a list of containers) The response
+              headers will be a dict and all header names will be lowercase.
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP GET request failed
+    """
+    if not http_conn:
+        http_conn = http_connection(url)
+    if full_listing:
+        rv = get_account(url, token, marker, limit, prefix, http_conn)
+        listing = rv[1]
+        while listing:
+            marker = listing[-1]['name']
+            listing = \
+                get_account(url, token, marker, limit, prefix, http_conn)[1]
+            if listing:
+                rv[1].extend(listing)
+        return rv
+    parsed, conn = http_conn
+    qs = 'format=json'
+    if marker:
+        qs += '&marker=%s' % quote(marker)
+    if limit:
+        qs += '&limit=%d' % limit
+    if prefix:
+        qs += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
+    conn.request('GET', '%s?%s' % (parsed.path, qs), '',
+                 {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Account GET failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port,
+                http_path=parsed.path, http_query=qs, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+    if resp.status == 204:
+        return resp_headers, []
+    return resp_headers, json_loads(
+def head_account(url, token, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Get account stats.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :returns: a dict containing the response's headers (all header names will
+              be lowercase)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP HEAD request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    conn.request('HEAD', parsed.path, '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Account HEAD failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port,
+                http_path=parsed.path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    return resp_headers
+def post_account(url, token, headers, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Update an account's metadata.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP POST request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    conn.request('POST', parsed.path, '', headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Account POST failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+def get_container(url, token, container, marker=None, limit=None,
+                  prefix=None, delimiter=None, http_conn=None,
+                  full_listing=False):
+    """
+    Get a listing of objects for the container.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name to get a listing for
+    :param marker: marker query
+    :param limit: limit query
+    :param prefix: prefix query
+    :param delimeter: string to delimit the queries on
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :param full_listing: if True, return a full listing, else returns a max
+                         of 10000 listings
+    :returns: a tuple of (response headers, a list of objects) The response
+              headers will be a dict and all header names will be lowercase.
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP GET request failed
+    """
+    if not http_conn:
+        http_conn = http_connection(url)
+    if full_listing:
+        rv = get_container(url, token, container, marker, limit, prefix,
+                           delimiter, http_conn)
+        listing = rv[1]
+        while listing:
+            if not delimiter:
+                marker = listing[-1]['name']
+            else:
+                marker = listing[-1].get('name', listing[-1].get('subdir'))
+            listing = get_container(url, token, container, marker, limit,
+                                    prefix, delimiter, http_conn)[1]
+            if listing:
+                rv[1].extend(listing)
+        return rv
+    parsed, conn = http_conn
+    path = '%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container))
+    qs = 'format=json'
+    if marker:
+        qs += '&marker=%s' % quote(marker)
+    if limit:
+        qs += '&limit=%d' % limit
+    if prefix:
+        qs += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
+    if delimiter:
+        qs += '&delimiter=%s' % quote(delimiter)
+    conn.request('GET', '%s?%s' % (path, qs), '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Container GET failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_query=qs,
+                http_status=resp.status, http_reason=resp.reason)
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    if resp.status == 204:
+        return resp_headers, []
+    return resp_headers, json_loads(
+def head_container(url, token, container, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Get container stats.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name to get stats for
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :returns: a dict containing the response's headers (all header names will
+              be lowercase)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP HEAD request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container))
+    conn.request('HEAD', path, '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Container HEAD failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    return resp_headers
+def put_container(url, token, container, headers=None, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Create a container
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name to create
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP PUT request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container))
+    if not headers:
+        headers = {}
+    headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    conn.request('PUT', path, '', headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Container PUT failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+def post_container(url, token, container, headers, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Update a container's metadata.
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name to update
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP POST request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container))
+    headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    conn.request('POST', path, '', headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Container POST failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+def delete_container(url, token, container, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Delete a container
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name to delete
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP DELETE request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container))
+    conn.request('DELETE', path, '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Container DELETE failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+def get_object(url, token, container, name, http_conn=None,
+               resp_chunk_size=None):
+    """
+    Get an object
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name that the object is in
+    :param name: object name to get
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :param resp_chunk_size: if defined, chunk size of data to read. NOTE: If
+                            you specify a resp_chunk_size you must fully read
+                            the object's contents before making another
+                            request.
+    :returns: a tuple of (response headers, the object's contents) The response
+              headers will be a dict and all header names will be lowercase.
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP GET request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container), quote(name))
+    conn.request('GET', path, '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Object GET failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port, http_path=path,
+                http_status=resp.status, http_reason=resp.reason)
+    if resp_chunk_size:
+        def _object_body():
+            buf =
+            while buf:
+                yield buf
+                buf =
+        object_body = _object_body()
+    else:
+        object_body =
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    return resp_headers, object_body
+def head_object(url, token, container, name, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Get object info
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name that the object is in
+    :param name: object name to get info for
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :returns: a dict containing the response's headers (all header names will
+              be lowercase)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP HEAD request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container), quote(name))
+    conn.request('HEAD', path, '', {'X-Auth-Token': token})
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Object HEAD failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port, http_path=path,
+                http_status=resp.status, http_reason=resp.reason)
+    resp_headers = {}
+    for header, value in resp.getheaders():
+        resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
+    return resp_headers
+def put_object(url, token=None, container=None, name=None, contents=None,
+               content_length=None, etag=None, chunk_size=65536,
+               content_type=None, headers=None, http_conn=None, proxy=None):
+    """
+    Put an object
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token; if None, no token will be sent
+    :param container: container name that the object is in; if None, the
+                      container name is expected to be part of the url
+    :param name: object name to put; if None, the object name is expected to be
+                 part of the url
+    :param contents: a string or a file like object to read object data from;
+                     if None, a zero-byte put will be done
+    :param content_length: value to send as content-length header; also limits
+                           the amount read from contents; if None, it will be
+                           computed via the contents or chunked transfer
+                           encoding will be used
+    :param etag: etag of contents; if None, no etag will be sent
+    :param chunk_size: chunk size of data to write; default 65536
+    :param content_type: value to send as content-type header; if None, no
+                         content-type will be set (remote end will likely try
+                         to auto-detect it)
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request, if any
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :param proxy: proxy to connect through, if any; None by default; str of the
+                  format '' to set one
+    :returns: etag from server response
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP PUT request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url, proxy=proxy)
+    path = parsed.path
+    if container:
+        path = '%s/%s' % (path.rstrip('/'), quote(container))
+    if name:
+        path = '%s/%s' % (path.rstrip('/'), quote(name))
+    if headers:
+        headers = dict(headers)
+    else:
+        headers = {}
+    if token:
+        headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    if etag:
+        headers['ETag'] = etag.strip('"')
+    if content_length is not None:
+        headers['Content-Length'] = str(content_length)
+    else:
+        for n, v in headers.iteritems():
+            if n.lower() == 'content-length':
+                content_length = int(v)
+    if content_type is not None:
+        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
+    if not contents:
+        headers['Content-Length'] = '0'
+    if hasattr(contents, 'read'):
+        conn.putrequest('PUT', path)
+        for header, value in headers.iteritems():
+            conn.putheader(header, value)
+        if content_length is None:
+            conn.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
+            conn.endheaders()
+            chunk =
+            while chunk:
+                conn.send('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))
+                chunk =
+            conn.send('0\r\n\r\n')
+        else:
+            conn.endheaders()
+            left = content_length
+            while left > 0:
+                size = chunk_size
+                if size > left:
+                    size = left
+                chunk =
+                conn.send(chunk)
+                left -= len(chunk)
+    else:
+        conn.request('PUT', path, contents, headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Object PUT failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port, http_path=path,
+                http_status=resp.status, http_reason=resp.reason)
+    return resp.getheader('etag', '').strip('"')
+def post_object(url, token, container, name, headers, http_conn=None):
+    """
+    Update object metadata
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token
+    :param container: container name that the object is in
+    :param name: name of the object to update
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP POST request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url)
+    path = '%s/%s/%s' % (parsed.path, quote(container), quote(name))
+    headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    conn.request('POST', path, '', headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Object POST failed', http_scheme=parsed.scheme,
+      , http_port=conn.port, http_path=path,
+                http_status=resp.status, http_reason=resp.reason)
+def delete_object(url, token=None, container=None, name=None, http_conn=None,
+                  headers=None, proxy=None):
+    """
+    Delete object
+    :param url: storage URL
+    :param token: auth token; if None, no token will be sent
+    :param container: container name that the object is in; if None, the
+                      container name is expected to be part of the url
+    :param name: object name to delete; if None, the object name is expected to
+                 be part of the url
+    :param http_conn: HTTP connection object (If None, it will create the
+                      conn object)
+    :param headers: additional headers to include in the request
+    :param proxy: proxy to connect through, if any; None by default; str of the
+                  format '' to set one
+    :raises ClientException: HTTP DELETE request failed
+    """
+    if http_conn:
+        parsed, conn = http_conn
+    else:
+        parsed, conn = http_connection(url, proxy=proxy)
+    path = parsed.path
+    if container:
+        path = '%s/%s' % (path.rstrip('/'), quote(container))
+    if name:
+        path = '%s/%s' % (path.rstrip('/'), quote(name))
+    if headers:
+        headers = dict(headers)
+    else:
+        headers = {}
+    if token:
+        headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
+    conn.request('DELETE', path, '', headers)
+    resp = conn.getresponse()
+    if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 300:
+        raise ClientException('Object DELETE failed',
+                http_scheme=parsed.scheme,,
+                http_port=conn.port, http_path=path, http_status=resp.status,
+                http_reason=resp.reason)
+class Connection(object):
+    """Convenience class to make requests that will also retry the request"""
+    def __init__(self, authurl, user, key, retries=5, preauthurl=None,
+                 preauthtoken=None, snet=False, starting_backoff=1):
+        """
+        :param authurl: authenitcation URL
+        :param user: user name to authenticate as
+        :param key: key/password to authenticate with
+        :param retries: Number of times to retry the request before failing
+        :param preauthurl: storage URL (if you have already authenticated)
+        :param preauthtoken: authentication token (if you have already
+                             authenticated)
+        :param snet: use SERVICENET internal network default is False
+        """
+        self.authurl = authurl
+        self.user = user
+        self.key = key
+        self.retries = retries
+        self.http_conn = None
+        self.url = preauthurl
+        self.token = preauthtoken
+        self.attempts = 0
+        self.snet = snet
+        self.starting_backoff = starting_backoff
+    def get_auth(self):
+        return get_auth(self.authurl, self.user, self.key, snet=self.snet)
+    def http_connection(self):
+        return http_connection(self.url)
+    def _retry(self, reset_func, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.attempts = 0
+        backoff = self.starting_backoff
+        while self.attempts <= self.retries:
+            self.attempts += 1
+            try:
+                if not self.url or not self.token:
+                    self.url, self.token = self.get_auth()
+                    self.http_conn = None
+                if not self.http_conn:
+                    self.http_conn = self.http_connection()
+                kwargs['http_conn'] = self.http_conn
+                rv = func(self.url, self.token, *args, **kwargs)
+                return rv
+            except (socket.error, HTTPException):
+                if self.attempts > self.retries:
+                    raise
+                self.http_conn = None
+            except ClientException, err:
+                if self.attempts > self.retries:
+                    raise
+                if err.http_status == 401:
+                    self.url = self.token = None
+                    if self.attempts > 1:
+                        raise
+                elif err.http_status == 408:
+                    self.http_conn = None
+                elif 500 <= err.http_status <= 599:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    raise
+            sleep(backoff)
+            backoff *= 2
+            if reset_func:
+                reset_func(func, *args, **kwargs)
+    def head_account(self):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`head_account`"""
+        return self._retry(None, head_account)
+    def get_account(self, marker=None, limit=None, prefix=None,
+                    full_listing=False):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`get_account`"""
+        # TODO(unknown): With full_listing=True this will restart the entire
+        # listing with each retry. Need to make a better version that just
+        # retries where it left off.
+        return self._retry(None, get_account, marker=marker, limit=limit,
+                           prefix=prefix, full_listing=full_listing)
+    def post_account(self, headers):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`post_account`"""
+        return self._retry(None, post_account, headers)
+    def head_container(self, container):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`head_container`"""
+        return self._retry(None, head_container, container)
+    def get_container(self, container, marker=None, limit=None, prefix=None,
+                      delimiter=None, full_listing=False):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`get_container`"""
+        # TODO(unknown): With full_listing=True this will restart the entire
+        # listing with each retry. Need to make a better version that just
+        # retries where it left off.
+        return self._retry(None, get_container, container, marker=marker,
+                           limit=limit, prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter,
+                           full_listing=full_listing)
+    def put_container(self, container, headers=None):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`put_container`"""
+        return self._retry(None, put_container, container, headers=headers)
+    def post_container(self, container, headers):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`post_container`"""
+        return self._retry(None, post_container, container, headers)
+    def delete_container(self, container):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`delete_container`"""
+        return self._retry(None, delete_container, container)
+    def head_object(self, container, obj):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`head_object`"""
+        return self._retry(None, head_object, container, obj)
+    def get_object(self, container, obj, resp_chunk_size=None):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`get_object`"""
+        return self._retry(None, get_object, container, obj,
+                           resp_chunk_size=resp_chunk_size)
+    def put_object(self, container, obj, contents, content_length=None,
+                   etag=None, chunk_size=65536, content_type=None,
+                   headers=None):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`put_object`"""
+        def _default_reset(*args, **kwargs):
+            raise ClientException('put_object(%r, %r, ...) failure and no '
+                'ability to reset contents for reupload.' % (container, obj))
+        reset_func = _default_reset
+        tell = getattr(contents, 'tell', None)
+        seek = getattr(contents, 'seek', None)
+        if tell and seek:
+            orig_pos = tell()
+            reset_func = lambda *a, **k: seek(orig_pos)
+        elif not contents:
+            reset_func = lambda *a, **k: None
+        return self._retry(reset_func, put_object, container, obj, contents,
+            content_length=content_length, etag=etag, chunk_size=chunk_size,
+            content_type=content_type, headers=headers)
+    def post_object(self, container, obj, headers):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`post_object`"""
+        return self._retry(None, post_object, container, obj, headers)
+    def delete_object(self, container, obj):
+        """Wrapper for :func:`delete_object`"""
+        return self._retry(None, delete_object, container, obj)
+# End inclusion of swift.common.client
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
 def mkdirs(path):
-    except OSError as err:
+    except OSError, err:
         if err.errno != EEXIST:
@@ -80,64 +925,39 @@ def put_errors_from_threads(threads, error_queue):
     return was_error
-class StopWorkerThreadSignal(object):
-    pass
 class QueueFunctionThread(Thread):
     def __init__(self, queue, func, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Calls func for each item in queue; func is called with a queued
-        item as the first arg followed by *args and **kwargs. Use the
-        PriorityQueue for sending quit signal when Ctrl-C is pressed.
-        """
+        """ Calls func for each item in queue; func is called with a queued
+            item as the first arg followed by *args and **kwargs. Use the abort
+            attribute to have the thread empty the queue (without processing)
+            and exit. """
+        self.abort = False
         self.queue = queue
         self.func = func
         self.args = args
         self.kwargs = kwargs
         self.exc_infos = []
-        self.results = []
-        self.store_results = kwargs.pop('store_results', False)
     def run(self):
-        while True:
-            try:
-                item = self.queue.get()
-                if isinstance(item, StopWorkerThreadSignal):
-                    break
-            except:
-                # This catch is important and it may occur when ctrl-C is
-                # pressed, in this case simply quit the thread
-                break
-            else:
+        try:
+            while True:
-                    self.func(item, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
-                except Exception:
-                    self.exc_infos.append(exc_info())
-def shutdown_worker_threads(queue, thread_list):
-    """
-    Takes a job queue and a list of associated QueueFunctionThread objects,
-    puts a StopWorkerThreadSignal object into the queue, and waits for the
-    queue to flush.
-    """
-    for thread in [t for t in thread_list if t.isAlive()]:
-        queue.put(StopWorkerThreadSignal())
-    while any(map(QueueFunctionThread.is_alive, thread_list)):
-        sleep(0.05)
-def immediate_exit(signum, frame):
-    stderr.write(" Aborted\n")
-    os_exit(2)
+                    item = self.queue.get_nowait()
+                    if not self.abort:
+                        self.func(item, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
+                    self.queue.task_done()
+                except Empty:
+                    if self.abort:
+                        break
+                    sleep(0.01)
+        except Exception:
+            self.exc_infos.append(exc_info())
 st_delete_help = '''
-delete [options] --all OR delete container [options] [object] [object] ...
+delete --all OR delete container [--leave-segments] [object] [object] ...
     Deletes everything in the account (with --all), or everything in a
     container, or a list of objects depending on the args given. Segments of
     manifest objects will be deleted as well, unless you specify the
@@ -145,21 +965,12 @@ delete [options] --all OR delete container [options] [object] [object] ...
 def st_delete(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='yes_all',
+    parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='yes_all',
         default=False, help='Indicates that you really want to delete '
         'everything in the account')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--leave-segments', action='store_true',
-        dest='leave_segments', default=False,
-        help='Indicates that you want the segments of manifest'
-             'objects left alone')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--object-threads', type=int,
-        default=10, help='Number of threads to use for deleting objects')
-    parser.add_option('', '--container-threads', type=int,
-                      default=10, help='Number of threads to use for '
-                      'deleting containers')
+    parser.add_option('', '--leave-segments', action='store_true',
+        dest='leave_segments', default=False, help='Indicates that you want '
+        'the segments of manifest objects left alone')
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
     if (not args and not options.yes_all) or (args and options.yes_all):
@@ -181,34 +992,32 @@ def st_delete(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
     def _delete_object((container, obj), conn):
             old_manifest = None
-            query_string = None
             if not options.leave_segments:
-                    headers = conn.head_object(container, obj)
-                    old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest')
-                    if utils.config_true_value(
-                            headers.get('x-static-large-object')):
-                        query_string = 'multipart-manifest=delete'
-                except ClientException as err:
+                    old_manifest = conn.head_object(container, obj).get(
+                        'x-object-manifest')
+                except ClientException, err:
                     if err.http_status != 404:
-            conn.delete_object(container, obj, query_string=query_string)
+            conn.delete_object(container, obj)
             if old_manifest:
                 segment_queue = Queue(10000)
                 scontainer, sprefix = old_manifest.split('/', 1)
-                scontainer = unquote(scontainer)
-                sprefix = unquote(sprefix).rstrip('/') + '/'
                 for delobj in conn.get_container(scontainer,
                     segment_queue.put((scontainer, delobj['name']))
                 if not segment_queue.empty():
-                    segment_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(
-                        segment_queue,
+                    segment_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(segment_queue,
                         _delete_segment, create_connection()) for _junk in
-                        xrange(options.object_threads)]
+                        xrange(10)]
                     for thread in segment_threads:
-                    shutdown_worker_threads(segment_queue, segment_threads)
+                    while not segment_queue.empty():
+                        sleep(0.01)
+                    for thread in segment_threads:
+                        thread.abort = True
+                        while thread.isAlive():
+                            thread.join(0.01)
                     put_errors_from_threads(segment_threads, error_queue)
             if options.verbose:
                 path = options.yes_all and join(container, obj) or obj
@@ -219,7 +1028,7 @@ def st_delete(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                                     (path, conn.attempts))
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Object %s not found' %
@@ -239,109 +1048,97 @@ def st_delete(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                     object_queue.put((container, obj))
                 marker = objects[-1]
             while not object_queue.empty():
-                sleep(0.05)
+                sleep(0.01)
             attempts = 1
             while True:
-                except ClientException as err:
+                except ClientException, err:
                     if err.http_status != 409:
                     if attempts > 10:
                     attempts += 1
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Container %s not found' % repr(container))
-    create_connection = lambda: get_conn(options)
-    object_threads = \
-        [QueueFunctionThread(object_queue, _delete_object, create_connection())
-         for _junk in xrange(options.object_threads)]
+    url, token = get_auth(options.auth, options.user, options.key,
+        snet=options.snet)
+    create_connection = lambda: Connection(options.auth, options.user,
+        options.key, preauthurl=url, preauthtoken=token, snet=options.snet)
+    object_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(object_queue, _delete_object,
+        create_connection()) for _junk in xrange(10)]
     for thread in object_threads:
-    container_threads = \
-        [QueueFunctionThread(container_queue, _delete_container,
-                             create_connection())
-         for _junk in xrange(options.container_threads)]
+    container_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(container_queue,
+        _delete_container, create_connection()) for _junk in xrange(10)]
     for thread in container_threads:
+    if not args:
+        conn = create_connection()
+        try:
+            marker = ''
+            while True:
+                containers = \
+                    [c['name'] for c in conn.get_account(marker=marker)[1]]
+                if not containers:
+                    break
+                for container in containers:
+                    container_queue.put(container)
+                marker = containers[-1]
+            while not container_queue.empty():
+                sleep(0.01)
+            while not object_queue.empty():
+                sleep(0.01)
+        except ClientException, err:
+            if err.http_status != 404:
+                raise
+            error_queue.put('Account not found')
+    elif len(args) == 1:
+        if '/' in args[0]:
+            print >> stderr, 'WARNING: / in container name; you might have ' \
+                             'meant %r instead of %r.' % \
+                             (args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0])
+        conn = create_connection()
+        _delete_container(args[0], conn)
+    else:
+        for obj in args[1:]:
+            object_queue.put((args[0], obj))
+    while not container_queue.empty():
+        sleep(0.01)
+    for thread in container_threads:
+        thread.abort = True
+        while thread.isAlive():
+            thread.join(0.01)
+    put_errors_from_threads(container_threads, error_queue)
+    while not object_queue.empty():
+        sleep(0.01)
+    for thread in object_threads:
+        thread.abort = True
+        while thread.isAlive():
+            thread.join(0.01)
+    put_errors_from_threads(object_threads, error_queue)
-    try:
-        if not args:
-            conn = create_connection()
-            try:
-                marker = ''
-                while True:
-                    containers = [
-                        c['name'] for c in conn.get_account(marker=marker)[1]]
-                    if not containers:
-                        break
-                    for container in containers:
-                        container_queue.put(container)
-                    marker = containers[-1]
-            except ClientException as err:
-                if err.http_status != 404:
-                    raise
-                error_queue.put('Account not found')
-        elif len(args) == 1:
-            if '/' in args[0]:
-                print >> stderr, 'WARNING: / in container name; you might ' \
-                    'have meant %r instead of %r.' % (
-                        args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0])
-            conn = create_connection()
-            _delete_container(args[0], conn)
-        else:
-            for obj in args[1:]:
-                object_queue.put((args[0], obj))
-    finally:
-        shutdown_worker_threads(container_queue, container_threads)
-        put_errors_from_threads(container_threads, error_queue)
-        shutdown_worker_threads(object_queue, object_threads)
-        put_errors_from_threads(object_threads, error_queue)
+st_download_help = '''
+download --all OR download container [options] [object] [object] ...
+    Downloads everything in the account (with --all), or everything in a
+    container, or a list of objects depending on the args given. For a single
+    object download, you may use the -o [--output] <filename> option to
+    redirect the output to a specific file or if "-" then just redirect to
+    stdout.'''.strip('\n')
-st_download_help = '''
-download --all [options] OR download container [options] [object] [object] ...
-    Downloads everything in the account (with --all), or everything in all
-    containers in the account matching a prefix (with --all and -p [--prefix]),
-    or everything in a container, or a subset of a container with -p
-    [--prefix], or a list of objects depending on the args given. -p or
-    --prefix is an option that will only download items beginning with that
-    prefix. For a single object download, you may use the -o [--output]
-    <filename> option to redirect the output to a specific file or if "-" then
-    just redirect to stdout.'''.strip('\n')
-def st_download(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='yes_all',
+def st_download(options, args, print_queue, error_queue):
+    parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='yes_all',
         default=False, help='Indicates that you really want to download '
         'everything in the account')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-m', '--marker', dest='marker',
-        default='', help='Marker to use when starting a container or '
-        'account download')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix',
-        help='Will only download items beginning with the prefix')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-o', '--output', dest='out_file', help='For a single '
+    parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='out_file', help='For a single '
         'file download, stream the output to an alternate location ')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--object-threads', type=int,
-        default=10, help='Number of threads to use for downloading objects')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--container-threads', type=int, default=10,
-        help='Number of threads to use for listing containers')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--no-download', action='store_true',
-        default=False,
-        help="Perform download(s), but don't actually write anything to disk")
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
     if options.out_file == '-':
@@ -364,10 +1161,8 @@ def st_download(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             raise Exception("Invalid queue_arg length of %s" % len(queue_arg))
-            start_time = time()
             headers, body = \
                 conn.get_object(container, obj, resp_chunk_size=65536)
-            header_receipt = time()
             content_type = headers.get('content-type')
             if 'content-length' in headers:
                 content_length = int(headers.get('content-length'))
@@ -378,13 +1173,12 @@ def st_download(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             if path[:1] in ('/', '\\'):
                 path = path[1:]
             md5sum = None
-            make_dir = not options.no_download and out_file != "-"
+            make_dir = out_file != "-"
             if content_type.split(';', 1)[0] == 'text/directory':
                 if make_dir and not isdir(path):
                 read_length = 0
-                if 'x-object-manifest' not in headers and \
-                        'x-static-large-object' not in headers:
+                if 'x-object-manifest' not in headers:
                     md5sum = md5()
                 for chunk in body:
                     read_length += len(chunk)
@@ -394,47 +1188,37 @@ def st_download(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                 dirpath = dirname(path)
                 if make_dir and dirpath and not isdir(dirpath):
-                if not options.no_download:
-                    if out_file == "-":
-                        fp = stdout
-                    elif out_file:
-                        fp = open(out_file, 'wb')
-                    else:
-                        fp = open(path, 'wb')
+                if out_file == "-":
+                    fp = stdout
+                elif out_file:
+                    fp = open(out_file, 'wb')
+                else:
+                    fp = open(path, 'wb')
                 read_length = 0
-                if 'x-object-manifest' not in headers and \
-                        'x-static-large-object' not in headers:
+                if 'x-object-manifest' not in headers:
                     md5sum = md5()
                 for chunk in body:
-                    if not options.no_download:
-                        fp.write(chunk)
+                    fp.write(chunk)
                     read_length += len(chunk)
                     if md5sum:
-                if not options.no_download:
-                    fp.close()
+                fp.close()
             if md5sum and md5sum.hexdigest() != etag:
                 error_queue.put('%s: md5sum != etag, %s != %s' %
                                 (path, md5sum.hexdigest(), etag))
             if content_length is not None and read_length != content_length:
                 error_queue.put('%s: read_length != content_length, %d != %d' %
                                 (path, read_length, content_length))
-            if 'x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not options.out_file \
-                    and not options.no_download:
+            if 'x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not options.out_file:
                 mtime = float(headers['x-object-meta-mtime'])
                 utime(path, (mtime, mtime))
             if options.verbose:
-                finish_time = time()
-                time_str = 'headers %.3fs, total %.3fs, %.3fs MB/s' % (
-                    header_receipt - start_time, finish_time - start_time,
-                    float(read_length) / (finish_time - start_time) / 1000000)
                 if conn.attempts > 1:
-                    print_queue.put('%s [%s after %d attempts]' %
-                                    (path, time_str, conn.attempts))
+                    print_queue.put('%s [after %d attempts' %
+                                    (path, conn.attempts))
-                    print_queue.put('%s [%s]' % (path, time_str))
-        except ClientException as err:
+                    print_queue.put(path)
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Object %s not found' %
@@ -442,212 +1226,120 @@ def st_download(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
     container_queue = Queue(10000)
-    def _download_container(container, conn, prefix=None):
+    def _download_container(container, conn):
-            marker = options.marker
+            marker = ''
             while True:
-                objects = [
-                    o['name'] for o in
-                    conn.get_container(container, marker=marker,
-                                       prefix=prefix)[1]]
+                objects = [o['name'] for o in
+                           conn.get_container(container, marker=marker)[1]]
                 if not objects:
-                marker = objects[-1]
-                shuffle(objects)
                 for obj in objects:
                     object_queue.put((container, obj))
-        except ClientException as err:
+                marker = objects[-1]
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Container %s not found' % repr(container))
-    create_connection = lambda: get_conn(options)
-    object_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(
-        object_queue, _download_object,
-        create_connection()) for _junk in xrange(options.object_threads)]
+    url, token = get_auth(options.auth, options.user, options.key,
+        snet=options.snet)
+    create_connection = lambda: Connection(options.auth, options.user,
+        options.key, preauthurl=url, preauthtoken=token, snet=options.snet)
+    object_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(object_queue, _download_object,
+        create_connection()) for _junk in xrange(10)]
     for thread in object_threads:
-    container_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(
-        container_queue,
-        _download_container, create_connection())
-        for _junk in xrange(options.container_threads)]
+    container_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(container_queue,
+        _download_container, create_connection()) for _junk in xrange(10)]
     for thread in container_threads:
-    # We musn't let the main thread die with an exception while non-daemonic
-    # threads exist or the process with hang and ignore Ctrl-C.  So we catch
-    # anything and tidy up the threads in a finally block.
-    try:
-        if not args:
-            # --all case
-            conn = create_connection()
-            try:
-                marker = options.marker
-                while True:
-                    containers = [
-                        c['name'] for c in conn.get_account(
-                            marker=marker, prefix=options.prefix)[1]]
-                    if not containers:
-                        break
-                    marker = containers[-1]
-                    shuffle(containers)
-                    for container in containers:
-                        container_queue.put(container)
-            except ClientException as err:
-                if err.http_status != 404:
-                    raise
-                error_queue.put('Account not found')
-        elif len(args) == 1:
-            if '/' in args[0]:
-                print >> stderr, ('WARNING: / in container name; you might '
-                                  'have meant %r instead of %r.' % (
-                                      args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0]))
-            _download_container(args[0], create_connection(),
-                                options.prefix)
-        else:
-            if len(args) == 2:
-                obj = args[1]
-                object_queue.put((args[0], obj, options.out_file))
-            else:
-                for obj in args[1:]:
-                    object_queue.put((args[0], obj))
-    finally:
-        shutdown_worker_threads(container_queue, container_threads)
-        put_errors_from_threads(container_threads, error_queue)
-        shutdown_worker_threads(object_queue, object_threads)
-        put_errors_from_threads(object_threads, error_queue)
-def prt_bytes(bytes, human_flag):
-    """
-    convert a number > 1024 to printable format, either in 4 char -h format as
-    with ls -lh or return as 12 char right justified string
-    """
-    if human_flag:
-        suffix = ''
-        mods = 'KMGTPEZY'
-        temp = float(bytes)
-        if temp > 0:
-            while (temp > 1023):
-                temp /= 1024.0
-                suffix = mods[0]
-                mods = mods[1:]
-            if suffix != '':
-                if temp >= 10:
-                    bytes = '%3d%s' % (temp, suffix)
-                else:
-                    bytes = '%.1f%s' % (temp, suffix)
-        if suffix == '':    # must be < 1024
-            bytes = '%4s' % bytes
+    if not args:
+        conn = create_connection()
+        try:
+            marker = ''
+            while True:
+                containers = [c['name']
+                              for c in conn.get_account(marker=marker)[1]]
+                if not containers:
+                    break
+                for container in containers:
+                    container_queue.put(container)
+                marker = containers[-1]
+        except ClientException, err:
+            if err.http_status != 404:
+                raise
+            error_queue.put('Account not found')
+    elif len(args) == 1:
+        if '/' in args[0]:
+            print >> stderr, 'WARNING: / in container name; you might have ' \
+                             'meant %r instead of %r.' % \
+                             (args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0])
+        _download_container(args[0], create_connection())
-        bytes = '%12s' % bytes
-    return(bytes)
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            obj = args[1]
+            object_queue.put((args[0], obj, options.out_file))
+        else:
+            for obj in args[1:]:
+                object_queue.put((args[0], obj))
+    while not container_queue.empty():
+        sleep(0.01)
+    for thread in container_threads:
+        thread.abort = True
+        while thread.isAlive():
+            thread.join(0.01)
+    put_errors_from_threads(container_threads, error_queue)
+    while not object_queue.empty():
+        sleep(0.01)
+    for thread in object_threads:
+        thread.abort = True
+        while thread.isAlive():
+            thread.join(0.01)
+    put_errors_from_threads(object_threads, error_queue)
 st_list_help = '''
 list [options] [container]
     Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container. -p or
     --prefix is an option that will only list items beginning with that prefix.
-    -l produces output formatted like 'ls -l' and --lh like 'ls -lh'.
-    -t used with -l or --lh, only report totals
     -d or --delimiter is option (for container listings only) that will roll up
-    items with the given delimiter (see
-        api/openstack-object-storage/1.0/content/list-objects.html)
+    items with the given delimiter (see Cloud Files general documentation for
+    what this means).
-def st_list(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-l', '--long', dest='long', help='Long listing '
-        'similar to ls -l command', action='store_true', default=False)
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--lh', dest='human', help='report sizes as human '
-        "similar to ls -lh switch, but -h taken", action='store_true',
-        default=False)
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-t', dest='totals', help='used with -l or --ls, only report totals',
-        action='store_true', default=False)
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix',
-        help='Will only list items beginning with the prefix')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-d', '--delimiter', dest='delimiter',
-        help='Will roll up items with the given delimiter'
-        ' (see OpenStack Swift API documentation for what this means)')
+def st_list(options, args, print_queue, error_queue):
+    parser.add_option('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', help='Will only list '
+        'items beginning with the prefix')
+    parser.add_option('-d', '--delimiter', dest='delimiter', help='Will roll '
+        'up items with the given delimiter (see Cloud Files general '
+        'documentation for what this means)')
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
     if options.delimiter and not args:
         exit('-d option only allowed for container listings')
-    if len(args) > 1 or len(args) == 1 and args[0].find('/') >= 0:
+    if len(args) > 1:
         error_queue.put('Usage: %s [options] %s' %
                         (basename(argv[0]), st_list_help))
-    conn = get_conn(options)
+    conn = Connection(options.auth, options.user, options.key,
+        snet=options.snet)
         marker = ''
-        total_count = total_bytes = 0
         while True:
             if not args:
                 items = \
                     conn.get_account(marker=marker, prefix=options.prefix)[1]
-                items = conn.get_container(
-                    args[0], marker=marker,
+                items = conn.get_container(args[0], marker=marker,
                     prefix=options.prefix, delimiter=options.delimiter)[1]
             if not items:
             for item in items:
-                item_name = item.get('name')
-                if not options.long and not options.human:
-                    print_queue.put(item.get('name', item.get('subdir')))
-                else:
-                    item_bytes = item.get('bytes')
-                    total_bytes += item_bytes
-                    if len(args) == 0:    # listing containers
-                        bytes = prt_bytes(item_bytes, options.human)
-                        count = item.get('count')
-                        total_count += count
-                        try:
-                            meta = conn.head_container(item_name)
-                            utc = gmtime(float(meta.get('x-timestamp')))
-                            datestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', utc)
-                        except ClientException:
-                            datestamp = '????-??-?? ??:??:??'
-                        if not options.totals:
-                            print_queue.put("%5s %s %s %s" %
-                                            (count, bytes, datestamp,
-                                             item_name))
-                    else:    # list container contents
-                        subdir = item.get('subdir')
-                        if subdir is None:
-                            bytes = prt_bytes(item_bytes, options.human)
-                            date, xtime = item.get('last_modified').split('T')
-                            xtime = xtime.split('.')[0]
-                        else:
-                            bytes = prt_bytes(0, options.human)
-                            date = xtime = ''
-                            item_name = subdir
-                        if not options.totals:
-                            print_queue.put("%s %10s %8s %s" %
-                                            (bytes, date, xtime, item_name))
-                marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir'))
-        # report totals
-        if options.long or options.human:
-            if len(args) == 0:
-                print_queue.put("%5s %s" % (prt_bytes(total_count, True),
-                                            prt_bytes(total_bytes,
-                                                      options.human)))
-            else:
-                print_queue.put("%s" % (prt_bytes(total_bytes, options.human)))
-    except ClientException as err:
+                print_queue.put(item.get('name', item.get('subdir')))
+            marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir'))
+    except ClientException, err:
         if err.http_status != 404:
         if not args:
@@ -655,20 +1347,17 @@ def st_list(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             error_queue.put('Container %s not found' % repr(args[0]))
 st_stat_help = '''
 stat [container] [object]
     Displays information for the account, container, or object depending on the
-    args given (if any). --lh will print number of objects and total sizes
-    like 'list --lh' noting number of objs a multiple of 1024'''.strip('\n')
+    args given (if any).'''.strip('\n')
-def st_stat(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--lh', dest='human', help="report totals like 'list --lh'",
-        action='store_true', default=False)
+def st_stat(options, args, print_queue, error_queue):
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
-    conn = get_conn(options)
+    conn = Connection(options.auth, options.user, options.key)
     if not args:
             headers = conn.head_account()
@@ -678,20 +1367,17 @@ StorageURL: %s
 Auth Token: %s
 '''.strip('\n') % (conn.url, conn.token))
             container_count = int(headers.get('x-account-container-count', 0))
-            object_count = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-account-object-count', 0),
-                                     options.human).lstrip()
-            bytes_used = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-account-bytes-used', 0),
-                                   options.human).lstrip()
+            object_count = int(headers.get('x-account-object-count', 0))
+            bytes_used = int(headers.get('x-account-bytes-used', 0))
    Account: %s
 Containers: %d
-   Objects: %s
-     Bytes: %s'''.strip('\n') % (conn.url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], container_count,
+   Objects: %d
+     Bytes: %d'''.strip('\n') % (conn.url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], container_count,
                                  object_count, bytes_used))
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if key.startswith('x-account-meta-'):
-                    print_queue.put(
-                        '%10s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
+                    print_queue.put('%10s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
                         key[len('x-account-meta-'):].title(), value))
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if not key.startswith('x-account-meta-') and key not in (
@@ -699,7 +1385,7 @@ Containers: %d
                         'x-account-object-count', 'x-account-bytes-used'):
                         '%10s: %s' % (key.title(), value))
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Account not found')
@@ -710,16 +1396,13 @@ Containers: %d
                              (args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0])
             headers = conn.head_container(args[0])
-            object_count = prt_bytes(
-                headers.get('x-container-object-count', 0),
-                options.human).lstrip()
-            bytes_used = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-container-bytes-used', 0),
-                                   options.human).lstrip()
+            object_count = int(headers.get('x-container-object-count', 0))
+            bytes_used = int(headers.get('x-container-bytes-used', 0))
   Account: %s
 Container: %s
-  Objects: %s
-    Bytes: %s
+  Objects: %d
+    Bytes: %d
  Read ACL: %s
 Write ACL: %s
   Sync To: %s
@@ -731,8 +1414,7 @@ Write ACL: %s
                                 headers.get('x-container-sync-key', '')))
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if key.startswith('x-container-meta-'):
-                    print_queue.put(
-                        '%9s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
+                    print_queue.put('%9s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
                         key[len('x-container-meta-'):].title(), value))
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if not key.startswith('x-container-meta-') and key not in (
@@ -742,7 +1424,7 @@ Write ACL: %s
                         '%9s: %s' % (key.title(), value))
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Container %s not found' % repr(args[0]))
@@ -757,8 +1439,7 @@ Write ACL: %s
                                      args[1], headers.get('content-type')))
             if 'content-length' in headers:
                 print_queue.put('Content Length: %s' %
-                                prt_bytes(headers['content-length'],
-                                          options.human).lstrip())
+                                headers['content-length'])
             if 'last-modified' in headers:
                 print_queue.put(' Last Modified: %s' %
@@ -769,8 +1450,7 @@ Write ACL: %s
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if key.startswith('x-object-meta-'):
-                    print_queue.put(
-                        '%14s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
+                    print_queue.put('%14s: %s' % ('Meta %s' %
                         key[len('x-object-meta-'):].title(), value))
             for key, value in headers.items():
                 if not key.startswith('x-object-meta-') and key not in (
@@ -778,7 +1458,7 @@ Write ACL: %s
                         'etag', 'date', 'x-object-manifest'):
                         '%14s: %s' % (key.title(), value))
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Object %s not found' %
@@ -799,41 +1479,35 @@ post [options] [container] [object]
     post -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large'''.strip('\n')
-def st_post(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-r', '--read-acl', dest='read_acl', help='Sets the '
+def st_post(options, args, print_queue, error_queue):
+    parser.add_option('-r', '--read-acl', dest='read_acl', help='Sets the '
         'Read ACL for containers. Quick summary of ACL syntax: .r:*, '
         ',, account1, account2:user2')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-w', '--write-acl', dest='write_acl', help='Sets the '
+    parser.add_option('-w', '--write-acl', dest='write_acl', help='Sets the '
         'Write ACL for containers. Quick summary of ACL syntax: account1, '
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-t', '--sync-to', dest='sync_to', help='Sets the '
+    parser.add_option('-t', '--sync-to', dest='sync_to', help='Sets the '
         'Sync To for containers, for multi-cluster replication.')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-k', '--sync-key', dest='sync_key', help='Sets the '
+    parser.add_option('-k', '--sync-key', dest='sync_key', help='Sets the '
         'Sync Key for containers, for multi-cluster replication.')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-m', '--meta', action='append', dest='meta', default=[],
+    parser.add_option('-m', '--meta', action='append', dest='meta', default=[],
         help='Sets a meta data item with the syntax name:value. This option '
         'may be repeated. Example: -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-H', '--header', action='append', dest='header',
-        default=[], help='Set request headers with the syntax header:value. '
-        ' This option may be repeated. Example -H content-type:text/plain '
-        '-H "Content-Length: 4000"')
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
     if (options.read_acl or options.write_acl or options.sync_to or
-            options.sync_key) and not args:
+        options.sync_key) and not args:
         exit('-r, -w, -t, and -k options only allowed for containers')
-    conn = get_conn(options)
+    conn = Connection(options.auth, options.user, options.key)
     if not args:
-        headers = split_headers(options.meta, 'X-Account-Meta-', error_queue)
+        headers = {}
+        for item in options.meta:
+            split_item = item.split(':')
+            headers['X-Account-Meta-' + split_item[0]] = \
+                len(split_item) > 1 and split_item[1]
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Account not found')
@@ -842,7 +1516,11 @@ def st_post(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             print >> stderr, 'WARNING: / in container name; you might have ' \
                              'meant %r instead of %r.' % \
                              (args[0].replace('/', ' ', 1), args[0])
-        headers = split_headers(options.meta, 'X-Container-Meta-', error_queue)
+        headers = {}
+        for item in options.meta:
+            split_item = item.split(':')
+            headers['X-Container-Meta-' + split_item[0]] = \
+                len(split_item) > 1 and split_item[1]
         if options.read_acl is not None:
             headers['X-Container-Read'] = options.read_acl
         if options.write_acl is not None:
@@ -853,17 +1531,19 @@ def st_post(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             headers['X-Container-Sync-Key'] = options.sync_key
             conn.post_container(args[0], headers=headers)
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             conn.put_container(args[0], headers=headers)
     elif len(args) == 2:
-        headers = split_headers(options.meta, 'X-Object-Meta-', error_queue)
-        # add header options to the headers object for the request.
-        headers.update(split_headers(options.header, '', error_queue))
+        headers = {}
+        for item in options.meta:
+            split_item = item.split(':')
+            headers['X-Object-Meta-' + split_item[0]] = \
+                len(split_item) > 1 and split_item[1]
             conn.post_object(args[0], args[1], headers=headers)
-        except ClientException as err:
+        except ClientException, err:
             if err.http_status != 404:
             error_queue.put('Object %s not found' %
@@ -878,48 +1558,24 @@ upload [options] container file_or_directory [file_or_directory] [...]
     Uploads to the given container the files and directories specified by the
     remaining args. -c or --changed is an option that will only upload files
     that have changed since the last upload. -S <size> or --segment-size <size>
-    will upload the files in segments no larger than size. -C <container> or
-    --segment-container <container> will specify the location of the segments
-    to <container>. --leave-segments are options as well (see --help for more).
+    and --leave-segments are options as well (see --help for more).
-def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-c', '--changed', action='store_true', dest='changed',
+def st_upload(options, args, print_queue, error_queue):
+    parser.add_option('-c', '--changed', action='store_true', dest='changed',
         default=False, help='Will only upload files that have changed since '
         'the last upload')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-S', '--segment-size', dest='segment_size', help='Will '
+    parser.add_option('-S', '--segment-size', dest='segment_size', help='Will '
         'upload files in segments no larger than <size> and then create a '
         '"manifest" file that will download all the segments as if it were '
-        'the original file.')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-C', '--segment-container', dest='segment_container',
-        help='Will upload the segments into the specified container.'
-        'If not specified, the segments will be uploaded to '
+        'the original file. The segments will be uploaded to a '
         '<container>_segments container so as to not pollute the main '
         '<container> listings.')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--leave-segments', action='store_true',
+    parser.add_option('', '--leave-segments', action='store_true',
         dest='leave_segments', default=False, help='Indicates that you want '
         'the older segments of manifest objects left alone (in the case of '
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--object-threads', type=int, default=10,
-        help='Number of threads to use for uploading full objects')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '', '--segment-threads', type=int, default=10,
-        help='Number of threads to use for uploading object segments')
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-H', '--header', action='append', dest='header',
-        default=[], help='Set request headers with the syntax header:value. '
-        ' This option may be repeated. Example -H content-type:text/plain '
-        '-H "Content-Length: 4000"')
-    parser.add_option('', '--use-slo', action='store_true', default=False,
-                      help='When used in conjuction with --segment-size will '
-                      'create a Static Large Object instead of the default '
-                      'Dynamic Large Object.')
     (options, args) = parse_args(parser, args)
     args = args[1:]
     if len(args) < 2:
@@ -934,21 +1590,14 @@ def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
             fp = open(job['path'], 'rb')
-            seg_container = args[0] + '_segments'
-            if options.segment_container:
-                seg_container = options.segment_container
-            etag = conn.put_object(job.get('container', seg_container),
-                                   job['obj'], fp,
-                                   content_length=job['segment_size'])
-            job['segment_location'] = '/%s/%s' % (seg_container, job['obj'])
-            job['segment_etag'] = etag
+            conn.put_object(job.get('container', args[0] + '_segments'),
+                job['obj'], fp, content_length=job['segment_size'])
         if options.verbose and 'log_line' in job:
             if conn.attempts > 1:
                 print_queue.put('%s [after %d attempts]' %
                                 (job['log_line'], conn.attempts))
-        return job
     def _object_job(job, conn):
         path = job['path']
@@ -960,7 +1609,7 @@ def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                 obj = obj[2:]
             if obj.startswith('/'):
                 obj = obj[1:]
-            put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % getmtime(path)}
+            put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': str(getmtime(path))}
             if dir_marker:
                 if options.changed:
@@ -974,7 +1623,7 @@ def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                                 et == 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' and \
                                 mt == put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime']:
-                    except ClientException as err:
+                    except ClientException, err:
                         if err.http_status != 404:
                 conn.put_object(container, obj, '', content_length=0,
@@ -985,8 +1634,6 @@ def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                 # manifest object and need to delete the old segments
                 # ourselves.
                 old_manifest = None
-                old_slo_manifest_paths = []
-                new_slo_manifest_paths = set()
                 if options.changed or not options.leave_segments:
                         headers = conn.head_object(container, obj)
@@ -997,134 +1644,73 @@ def st_upload(parser, args, print_queue, error_queue):
                         if not options.leave_segments:
                             old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest')
-                            if utils.config_true_value(
-                                    headers.get('x-static-large-object')):
-                                headers, manifest_data = conn.get_object(
-                                    container, obj,
-                                    query_string='multipart-manifest=get')
-                                for old_seg in json.loads(manifest_data):
-                                    seg_path = old_seg['name'].lstrip('/')
-                                    if isinstance(seg_path, unicode):
-                                        seg_path = seg_path.encode('utf-8')
-                                    old_slo_manifest_paths.append(seg_path)
-                    except ClientException as err:
+                    except ClientException, err:
                         if err.http_status != 404:
-                # Merge the command line header options to the put_headers
-                put_headers.update(split_headers(options.header, '',
-                                                 error_queue))
-                # Don't do segment job if object is not big enough
                 if options.segment_size and \
-                        getsize(path) > int(options.segment_size):
-                    seg_container = container + '_segments'
-                    if options.segment_container:
-                        seg_container = options.segment_container
+                        getsize(path) < options.segment_size:
                     full_size = getsize(path)
                     segment_queue = Queue(10000)
-                    segment_threads = [
-                        QueueFunctionThread(
-                            segment_queue, _segment_job,
-                            create_connection(), store_results=True)
-                        for _junk in xrange(options.segment_threads)]
+                    segment_threads = [QueueFunctionThread(segment_queue,
+                        _segment_job, create_connection()) for _junk in
+                        xrange(10)]
                     for thread in segment_threads:
-                    try:
-                        segment = 0
-                        segment_start = 0
-                        while segment_start < full_size:
-                            segment_size = int(options.segment_size)
-                            if segment_start + segment_size > full_size:
-                                segment_size = full_size - segment_start
-                            if options.use_slo:
-                                segment_name = '%s/slo/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % (
-                                    obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'],
-                                    full_size, options.segment_size, segment)
-                            else:
-                                segment_name = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % (
-                                    obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'],
-                                    full_size, options.segment_size, segment)
-                            segment_queue.put(
-                                {'path': path, 'obj': segment_name,
-                                 'segment_start': segment_start,
-                                 'segment_size': segment_size,
-                                 'segment_index': segment,
-                                 'log_line': '%s segment %s' % (obj, segment)})
-                            segment += 1
-                            segment_start += segment_size
-                    finally:
-                        shutdown_worker_threads(segment_queue, segment_threads)
-                        if put_errors_from_threads(segment_threads,
-                                                   error_queue):
-                            raise ClientException(
-                                'Aborting manifest creation '
-                                'because not all segments could be uploaded. '
-                                '%s/%s' % (container, obj))
-                    if options.use_slo:
-                        slo_segments = []
-                        for thread in segment_threads:
-                            slo_segments += thread.results
-                        slo_segments.sort(key=lambda d: d['segment_index'])
-                        for seg in slo_segments:
-                            seg_loc = seg['segment_location'].lstrip('/')
-                            if isinstance(seg_loc, unicode):
-                                seg_loc = seg_loc.encode('utf-8')
-                            new_slo_manifest_paths.add(seg_loc)
-                        manifest_data = json.dumps([
-                            {'path': d['segment_location'],
-                             'etag': d['segment_etag'],
-                             'size_b