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[08/55] [partial] incubator-quickstep git commit: Make the third party directory leaner.
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/src/base/linux_syscall_support.h b/third_party/gperftools/src/base/linux_syscall_support.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6c35d..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/src/base/linux_syscall_support.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2483 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-/* Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Google Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
- * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- *     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ---
- * Author: Markus Gutschke
- */
-/* This file includes Linux-specific support functions common to the
- * coredumper and the thread lister; primarily, this is a collection
- * of direct system calls, and a couple of symbols missing from
- * standard header files.
- * There are a few options that the including file can set to control
- * the behavior of this file:
- *
- *   The entire header file will normally be wrapped in 'extern "C" { }",
- *   making it suitable for compilation as both C and C++ source. If you
- *   do not want to do this, you can set the SYS_CPLUSPLUS macro to inhibit
- *   the wrapping. N.B. doing so will suppress inclusion of all prerequisite
- *   system header files, too. It is the caller's responsibility to provide
- *   the necessary definitions.
- *
- *   All system calls will update "errno" unless overriden by setting the
- *   SYS_ERRNO macro prior to including this file. SYS_ERRNO should be
- *   an l-value.
- *
- *   New symbols will be defined "static inline", unless overridden by
- *   the SYS_INLINE macro.
- *
- *   This macro is used to avoid multiple inclusions of this header file.
- *   If you need to include this file more than once, make sure to
- *   unset SYS_LINUX_SYSCALL_SUPPORT_H before each inclusion.
- *
- *   New system calls will have a prefix of "sys_" unless overridden by
- *   the SYS_PREFIX macro. Valid values for this macro are [0..9] which
- *   results in prefixes "sys[0..9]_". It is also possible to set this
- *   macro to -1, which avoids all prefixes.
- *
- * This file defines a few internal symbols that all start with "LSS_".
- * Do not access these symbols from outside this file. They are not part
- * of the supported API.
- *
- * NOTE: This is a stripped down version of the official opensource
- * version of linux_syscall_support.h, which lives at
- *
- * It includes only the syscalls that are used in perftools, plus a
- * few extra.  Here's the breakdown:
- * 1) Perftools uses these: grep -rho 'sys_[a-z0-9_A-Z]* *(' src | sort -u
- *      sys__exit(
- *      sys_clone(
- *      sys_close(
- *      sys_fcntl(
- *      sys_fstat(
- *      sys_futex(
- *      sys_futex1(
- *      sys_getcpu(
- *      sys_getdents64(
- *      sys_getppid(
- *      sys_gettid(
- *      sys_lseek(
- *      sys_mmap(
- *      sys_mremap(
- *      sys_munmap(
- *      sys_open(
- *      sys_pipe(
- *      sys_prctl(
- *      sys_ptrace(
- *      sys_ptrace_detach(
- *      sys_read(
- *      sys_sched_yield(
- *      sys_sigaction(
- *      sys_sigaltstack(
- *      sys_sigdelset(
- *      sys_sigfillset(
- *      sys_sigprocmask(
- *      sys_socket(
- *      sys_stat(
- *      sys_waitpid(
- * 2) These are used as subroutines of the above:
- *      sys_getpid       -- gettid
- *      sys_kill         -- ptrace_detach
- *      sys_restore      -- sigaction
- *      sys_restore_rt   -- sigaction
- *      sys_socketcall   -- socket
- *      sys_wait4        -- waitpid
- * 3) I left these in even though they're not used.  They either
- * complement the above (write vs read) or are variants (rt_sigaction):
- *      sys_fstat64
- *      sys_llseek
- *      sys_mmap2
- *      sys_openat
- *      sys_getdents
- *      sys_rt_sigaction
- *      sys_rt_sigprocmask
- *      sys_sigaddset
- *      sys_sigemptyset
- *      sys_stat64
- *      sys_write
- */
-/* We currently only support x86-32, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, PPC/PPC64 and Aarch64 on Linux.
- * Porting to other related platforms should not be difficult.
- */
-#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || \
-     defined(__mips__) || defined(__PPC__) || defined(__aarch64__)) && defined(__linux)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/* Some system header files in older versions of gcc neglect to properly
- * handle being included from C++. As it appears to be harmless to have
- * multiple nested 'extern "C"' blocks, just add another one here.
- */
-extern "C" {
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/ptrace.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <syscall.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <linux/unistd.h>
-#include <endian.h>
-#ifdef __mips__
-/* Include definitions of the ABI currently in use.                          */
-#include <sgidefs.h>
-/* As glibc often provides subtly incompatible data structures (and implicit
- * wrapper functions that convert them), we provide our own kernel data
- * structures for use by the system calls.
- * These structures have been developed by using Linux 2.6.23 headers for
- * reference. Note though, we do not care about exact API compatibility
- * with the kernel, and in fact the kernel often does not have a single
- * API that works across architectures. Instead, we try to mimic the glibc
- * API where reasonable, and only guarantee ABI compatibility with the
- * kernel headers.
- * Most notably, here are a few changes that were made to the structures
- * defined by kernel headers:
- *
- * - we only define structures, but not symbolic names for kernel data
- *   types. For the latter, we directly use the native C datatype
- *   (i.e. "unsigned" instead of "mode_t").
- * - in a few cases, it is possible to define identical structures for
- *   both 32bit (e.g. i386) and 64bit (e.g. x86-64) platforms by
- *   standardizing on the 64bit version of the data types. In particular,
- *   this means that we use "unsigned" where the 32bit headers say
- *   "unsigned long".
- * - overall, we try to minimize the number of cases where we need to
- *   conditionally define different structures.
- * - the "struct kernel_sigaction" class of structures have been
- *   modified to more closely mimic glibc's API by introducing an
- *   anonymous union for the function pointer.
- * - a small number of field names had to have an underscore appended to
- *   them, because glibc defines a global macro by the same name.
- */
-/* include/linux/dirent.h                                                    */
-struct kernel_dirent64 {
-  unsigned long long d_ino;
-  long long          d_off;
-  unsigned short     d_reclen;
-  unsigned char      d_type;
-  char               d_name[256];
-/* include/linux/dirent.h                                                    */
-struct kernel_dirent {
-  long               d_ino;
-  long               d_off;
-  unsigned short     d_reclen;
-  char               d_name[256];
-/* include/linux/time.h                                                      */
-struct kernel_timespec {
-  long               tv_sec;
-  long               tv_nsec;
-/* include/linux/time.h                                                      */
-struct kernel_timeval {
-  long               tv_sec;
-  long               tv_usec;
-/* include/linux/resource.h                                                  */
-struct kernel_rusage {
-  struct kernel_timeval ru_utime;
-  struct kernel_timeval ru_stime;
-  long               ru_maxrss;
-  long               ru_ixrss;
-  long               ru_idrss;
-  long               ru_isrss;
-  long               ru_minflt;
-  long               ru_majflt;
-  long               ru_nswap;
-  long               ru_inblock;
-  long               ru_oublock;
-  long               ru_msgsnd;
-  long               ru_msgrcv;
-  long               ru_nsignals;
-  long               ru_nvcsw;
-  long               ru_nivcsw;
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__PPC__)
-/* include/asm-{arm,i386,mips,ppc}/signal.h                                  */
-struct kernel_old_sigaction {
-  union {
-    void             (*sa_handler_)(int);
-    void             (*sa_sigaction_)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
-  };
-  unsigned long      sa_mask;
-  unsigned long      sa_flags;
-  void               (*sa_restorer)(void);
-} __attribute__((packed,aligned(4)));
-#elif (defined(__mips__) && _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
-  #define kernel_old_sigaction kernel_sigaction
-/* Some kernel functions (e.g. sigaction() in 2.6.23) require that the
- * exactly match the size of the signal set, even though the API was
- * intended to be extensible. We define our own KERNEL_NSIG to deal with
- * this.
- * Please note that glibc provides signals [1.._NSIG-1], whereas the
- * kernel (and this header) provides the range [1..KERNEL_NSIG]. The
- * actual number of signals is obviously the same, but the constants
- * differ by one.
- */
-#ifdef __mips__
-#define KERNEL_NSIG 128
-#define KERNEL_NSIG  64
-/* include/asm-{arm,i386,mips,x86_64}/signal.h                               */
-struct kernel_sigset_t {
-  unsigned long sig[(KERNEL_NSIG + 8*sizeof(unsigned long) - 1)/
-                    (8*sizeof(unsigned long))];
-/* include/asm-{arm,generic,i386,mips,x86_64,ppc}/signal.h                   */
-struct kernel_sigaction {
-#ifdef __mips__
-  unsigned long      sa_flags;
-  union {
-    void             (*sa_handler_)(int);
-    void             (*sa_sigaction_)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
-  };
-  struct kernel_sigset_t sa_mask;
-  union {
-    void             (*sa_handler_)(int);
-    void             (*sa_sigaction_)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
-  };
-  unsigned long      sa_flags;
-  void               (*sa_restorer)(void);
-  struct kernel_sigset_t sa_mask;
-/* include/asm-{arm,i386,mips,ppc}/stat.h                                    */
-#ifdef __mips__
-struct kernel_stat {
-struct kernel_stat64 {
-  unsigned           st_dev;
-  unsigned           __pad0[3];
-  unsigned long long st_ino;
-  unsigned           st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_nlink;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  unsigned           st_rdev;
-  unsigned           __pad1[3];
-  long long          st_size;
-  unsigned           st_atime_;
-  unsigned           st_atime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_blksize;
-  unsigned           __pad2;
-  unsigned long long st_blocks;
-#elif defined __PPC__
-struct kernel_stat64 {
-  unsigned long long st_dev;
-  unsigned long long st_ino;
-  unsigned           st_nlink;
-  unsigned           st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  int                __pad2;
-  unsigned long long st_rdev;
-  long long          st_size;
-  long long          st_blksize;
-  long long          st_blocks;
-  kernel_timespec    st_atim;
-  kernel_timespec    st_mtim;
-  kernel_timespec    st_ctim;
-  unsigned long      __unused4;
-  unsigned long      __unused5;
-  unsigned long      __unused6;
-struct kernel_stat64 {
-  unsigned long long st_dev;
-  unsigned char      __pad0[4];
-  unsigned           __st_ino;
-  unsigned           st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_nlink;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  unsigned long long st_rdev;
-  unsigned char      __pad3[4];
-  long long          st_size;
-  unsigned           st_blksize;
-  unsigned long long st_blocks;
-  unsigned           st_atime_;
-  unsigned           st_atime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_nsec_;
-  unsigned long long st_ino;
-/* include/asm-{arm,generic,i386,mips,x86_64,ppc}/stat.h                     */
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__)
-struct kernel_stat {
-  /* The kernel headers suggest that st_dev and st_rdev should be 32bit
-   * quantities encoding 12bit major and 20bit minor numbers in an interleaved
-   * format. In reality, we do not see useful data in the top bits. So,
-   * we'll leave the padding in here, until we find a better solution.
-   */
-  unsigned short     st_dev;
-  short              pad1;
-  unsigned           st_ino;
-  unsigned short     st_mode;
-  unsigned short     st_nlink;
-  unsigned short     st_uid;
-  unsigned short     st_gid;
-  unsigned short     st_rdev;
-  short              pad2;
-  unsigned           st_size;
-  unsigned           st_blksize;
-  unsigned           st_blocks;
-  unsigned           st_atime_;
-  unsigned           st_atime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_;
-  unsigned           st_mtime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_;
-  unsigned           st_ctime_nsec_;
-  unsigned           __unused4;
-  unsigned           __unused5;
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-struct kernel_stat {
-  uint64_t           st_dev;
-  uint64_t           st_ino;
-  uint64_t           st_nlink;
-  unsigned           st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  unsigned           __pad0;
-  uint64_t           st_rdev;
-  int64_t            st_size;
-  int64_t            st_blksize;
-  int64_t            st_blocks;
-  uint64_t           st_atime_;
-  uint64_t           st_atime_nsec_;
-  uint64_t           st_mtime_;
-  uint64_t           st_mtime_nsec_;
-  uint64_t           st_ctime_;
-  uint64_t           st_ctime_nsec_;
-  int64_t            __unused[3];
-#elif defined(__PPC__)
-struct kernel_stat {
-  unsigned long long st_dev;
-  unsigned long      st_ino;
-  unsigned long      st_nlink;
-  unsigned long      st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  int                __pad2;
-  unsigned long long st_rdev;
-  long               st_size;
-  unsigned long      st_blksize;
-  unsigned long      st_blocks;
-  kernel_timespec    st_atim;
-  kernel_timespec    st_mtim;
-  kernel_timespec    st_ctim;
-  unsigned long      __unused4;
-  unsigned long      __unused5;
-  unsigned long      __unused6;
-#elif (defined(__mips__) && _MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI64)
-struct kernel_stat {
-  unsigned           st_dev;
-  int                st_pad1[3];
-  unsigned           st_ino;
-  unsigned           st_mode;
-  unsigned           st_nlink;
-  unsigned           st_uid;
-  unsigned           st_gid;
-  unsigned           st_rdev;
-  int                st_pad2[2];
-  long               st_size;
-  int                st_pad3;
-  long               st_atime_;
-  long               st_atime_nsec_;
-  long               st_mtime_;
-  long               st_mtime_nsec_;
-  long               st_ctime_;
-  long               st_ctime_nsec_;
-  int                st_blksize;
-  int                st_blocks;
-  int                st_pad4[14];
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-struct kernel_stat {
-  unsigned long      st_dev;
-  unsigned long      st_ino;
-  unsigned int       st_mode;
-  unsigned int       st_nlink;
-  unsigned int       st_uid;
-  unsigned int       st_gid;
-  unsigned long      st_rdev;
-  unsigned long      __pad1;
-  long               st_size;
-  int                st_blksize;
-  int                __pad2;
-  long               st_blocks;
-  long               st_atime_;
-  unsigned long      st_atime_nsec_;
-  long               st_mtime_;
-  unsigned long      st_mtime_nsec_;
-  long               st_ctime_;
-  unsigned long      st_ctime_nsec_;
-  unsigned int       __unused4;
-  unsigned int       __unused5;
-/* Definitions missing from the standard header files                        */
-#ifndef O_DIRECTORY
-#if defined(__arm__)
-#define O_DIRECTORY             0040000
-#define O_DIRECTORY             0200000
-#define PR_GET_DUMPABLE         3
-#define PR_SET_DUMPABLE         4
-#ifndef AT_FDCWD
-#define AT_FDCWD                (-100)
-#define AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW     0x100
-#define AT_REMOVEDIR            0x200
-#define MREMAP_FIXED            2
-#ifndef SA_RESTORER
-#define SA_RESTORER             0x04000000
-#if defined(__i386__)
-#ifndef __NR_rt_sigaction
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction       174
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     175
-#ifndef __NR_stat64
-#define __NR_stat64             195
-#ifndef __NR_fstat64
-#define __NR_fstat64            197
-#ifndef __NR_getdents64
-#define __NR_getdents64         220
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             224
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              240
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             295
-#ifndef __NR_getcpu
-#define __NR_getcpu             318
-/* End of i386 definitions                                                   */
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-#ifndef __syscall
-#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__ARM_EABI__)
-#define __SYS_REG(name) register long __sysreg __asm__("r6") = __NR_##name;
-#define __SYS_REG_LIST(regs...) [sysreg] "r" (__sysreg) , ##regs
-#define __syscall(name) "swi\t0"
-#define __syscall_safe(name)                     \
-  "push  {r7}\n"                                 \
-  "mov   r7,%[sysreg]\n"                         \
-  __syscall(name)"\n"                            \
-  "pop   {r7}"
-#define __SYS_REG(name)
-#define __SYS_REG_LIST(regs...) regs
-#define __syscall(name) "swi\t" __sys1(__NR_##name) ""
-#define __syscall_safe(name) __syscall(name)
-#ifndef __NR_rt_sigaction
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction       (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 174)
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 175)
-#ifndef __NR_stat64
-#define __NR_stat64             (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 195)
-#ifndef __NR_fstat64
-#define __NR_fstat64            (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 197)
-#ifndef __NR_getdents64
-#define __NR_getdents64         (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 217)
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 224)
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 240)
-/* End of ARM definitions                                                  */
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             186
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              202
-#ifndef __NR_getdents64
-#define __NR_getdents64         217
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             257
-/* End of x86-64 definitions                                                 */
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-#ifndef __NR_rt_sigaction
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction       (__NR_Linux + 194)
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     (__NR_Linux + 195)
-#ifndef __NR_stat64
-#define __NR_stat64             (__NR_Linux + 213)
-#ifndef __NR_fstat64
-#define __NR_fstat64            (__NR_Linux + 215)
-#ifndef __NR_getdents64
-#define __NR_getdents64         (__NR_Linux + 219)
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_Linux + 222)
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              (__NR_Linux + 238)
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             (__NR_Linux + 288)
-#ifndef __NR_fstatat
-#define __NR_fstatat            (__NR_Linux + 293)
-#ifndef __NR_getcpu
-#define __NR_getcpu             (__NR_Linux + 312)
-/* End of MIPS (old 32bit API) definitions */
-#elif  _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI64
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_Linux + 178)
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              (__NR_Linux + 194)
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             (__NR_Linux + 247)
-#ifndef __NR_fstatat
-#define __NR_fstatat            (__NR_Linux + 252)
-#ifndef __NR_getcpu
-#define __NR_getcpu             (__NR_Linux + 271)
-/* End of MIPS (64bit API) definitions */
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_Linux + 178)
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              (__NR_Linux + 194)
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             (__NR_Linux + 251)
-#ifndef __NR_fstatat
-#define __NR_fstatat            (__NR_Linux + 256)
-#ifndef __NR_getcpu
-#define __NR_getcpu             (__NR_Linux + 275)
-/* End of MIPS (new 32bit API) definitions                                   */
-/* End of MIPS definitions                                                   */
-#elif defined(__PPC__)
-#ifndef __NR_rt_sigaction
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction       173
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     174
-#ifndef __NR_stat64
-#define __NR_stat64             195
-#ifndef __NR_fstat64
-#define __NR_fstat64            197
-#ifndef __NR_socket
-#define __NR_socket             198
-#ifndef __NR_getdents64
-#define __NR_getdents64         202
-#ifndef __NR_gettid
-#define __NR_gettid             207
-#ifndef __NR_futex
-#define __NR_futex              221
-#ifndef __NR_openat
-#define __NR_openat             286
-#ifndef __NR_getcpu
-#define __NR_getcpu             302
-/* End of powerpc defininitions                                              */
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-#ifndef __NR_fstatat
-#define __NR_fstatat             79
-/* End of aarch64 defininitions                                              */
-/* After forking, we must make sure to only call system calls.               */
-  #error "Need to port invocations of syscalls for bounded ptrs"
-  /* The core dumper and the thread lister get executed after threads
-   * have been suspended. As a consequence, we cannot call any functions
-   * that acquire locks. Unfortunately, libc wraps most system calls
-   * (e.g. in order to implement pthread_atfork, and to make calls
-   * cancellable), which means we cannot call these functions. Instead,
-   * we have to call syscall() directly.
-   */
-  #undef LSS_ERRNO
-  #ifdef SYS_ERRNO
-    /* Allow the including file to override the location of errno. This can
-     * be useful when using clone() with the CLONE_VM option.
-     */
-    #define LSS_ERRNO SYS_ERRNO
-  #else
-    #define LSS_ERRNO errno
-  #endif
-  #undef LSS_INLINE
-  #ifdef SYS_INLINE
-  #else
-    #define LSS_INLINE static inline
-  #endif
-  /* Allow the including file to override the prefix used for all new
-   * system calls. By default, it will be set to "sys_".
-   */
-  #undef LSS_NAME
-  #ifndef SYS_PREFIX
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX < 0
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 0
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys0_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 1
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys1_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 2
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys2_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 3
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys3_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 4
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys4_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 5
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys5_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 6
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys6_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 7
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys7_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 8
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys8_##name
-  #elif SYS_PREFIX == 9
-    #define LSS_NAME(name) sys9_##name
-  #endif
-  #undef  LSS_RETURN
-  #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) ||        \
-       defined(__aarch64__))
-  /* Failing system calls return a negative result in the range of
-   * -1..-4095. These are "errno" values with the sign inverted.
-   */
-  #define LSS_RETURN(type, res)                                               \
-    do {                                                                      \
-      if ((unsigned long)(res) >= (unsigned long)(-4095)) {                   \
-        LSS_ERRNO = -(res);                                                   \
-        res = -1;                                                             \
-      }                                                                       \
-      return (type) (res);                                                    \
-    } while (0)
-  #elif defined(__mips__)
-  /* On MIPS, failing system calls return -1, and set errno in a
-   * separate CPU register.
-   */
-  #define LSS_RETURN(type, res, err)                                          \
-    do {                                                                      \
-      if (err) {                                                              \
-        LSS_ERRNO = (res);                                                    \
-        res = -1;                                                             \
-      }                                                                       \
-      return (type) (res);                                                    \
-    } while (0)
-  #elif defined(__PPC__)
-  /* On PPC, failing system calls return -1, and set errno in a
-   * separate CPU register. See linux/unistd.h.
-   */
-  #define LSS_RETURN(type, res, err)                                          \
-   do {                                                                       \
-     if (err & 0x10000000 ) {                                                 \
-       LSS_ERRNO = (res);                                                     \
-       res = -1;                                                              \
-     }                                                                        \
-     return (type) (res);                                                     \
-   } while (0)
-  #endif
-  #if defined(__i386__)
-    #if defined(NO_FRAME_POINTER) && (100 * __GNUC__ + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 404)
-      /* This only works for GCC-4.4 and above -- the first version to use
-         .cfi directives for dwarf unwind info.  */
-      #define CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET(adjust)                                   \
-                  ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset " #adjust "\n"
-    #else
-      #define CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET(adjust) /**/
-    #endif
-    /* In PIC mode (e.g. when building shared libraries), gcc for i386
-     * reserves ebx. Unfortunately, most distribution ship with implementations
-     * of _syscallX() which clobber ebx.
-     * Also, most definitions of _syscallX() neglect to mark "memory" as being
-     * clobbered. This causes problems with compilers, that do a better job
-     * at optimizing across __asm__ calls.
-     * So, we just have to redefine all of the _syscallX() macros.
-     */
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(type,args...)                                            \
-      long __res;                                                             \
-      __asm__ __volatile__("push %%ebx\n"                                     \
-                           CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET(4)                           \
-                           "movl %2,%%ebx\n"                                  \
-                           "int $0x80\n"                                      \
-                           "pop %%ebx\n"                                      \
-                           CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET(-4)                          \
-                           args                                               \
-                           : "esp", "memory");                                \
-      LSS_RETURN(type,__res)
-    #undef  _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type,name)                                              \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(void) {                                             \
-        long __res;                                                           \
-        __asm__ volatile("int $0x80"                                          \
-                         : "=a" (__res)                                       \
-                         : "0" (__NR_##name)                                  \
-                         : "memory");                                         \
-        LSS_RETURN(type,__res);                                               \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall1
-    #define _syscall1(type,name,type1,arg1)                                   \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1) {                                       \
-        LSS_BODY(type,                                                        \
-             : "=a" (__res)                                                   \
-             : "0" (__NR_##name), "ri" ((long)(arg1)));                       \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall2
-    #define _syscall2(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2)                        \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1,type2 arg2) {                            \
-        LSS_BODY(type,                                                        \
-             : "=a" (__res)                                                   \
-             : "0" (__NR_##name),"ri" ((long)(arg1)), "c" ((long)(arg2)));    \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall3
-    #define _syscall3(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3)             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3) {                 \
-        LSS_BODY(type,                                                        \
-             : "=a" (__res)                                                   \
-             : "0" (__NR_##name), "ri" ((long)(arg1)), "c" ((long)(arg2)),    \
-               "d" ((long)(arg3)));                                           \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall4
-    #define _syscall4(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4)  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) {   \
-        LSS_BODY(type,                                                        \
-             : "=a" (__res)                                                   \
-             : "0" (__NR_##name), "ri" ((long)(arg1)), "c" ((long)(arg2)),    \
-               "d" ((long)(arg3)),"S" ((long)(arg4)));                        \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall5
-    #define _syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5) {                                       \
-        long __res;                                                           \
-        __asm__ __volatile__("push %%ebx\n"                                   \
-                             "movl %2,%%ebx\n"                                \
-                             "movl %1,%%eax\n"                                \
-                             "int  $0x80\n"                                   \
-                             "pop  %%ebx"                                     \
-                             : "=a" (__res)                                   \
-                             : "i" (__NR_##name), "ri" ((long)(arg1)),        \
-                               "c" ((long)(arg2)), "d" ((long)(arg3)),        \
-                               "S" ((long)(arg4)), "D" ((long)(arg5))         \
-                             : "esp", "memory");                              \
-        LSS_RETURN(type,__res);                                               \
-      }
-    #undef  _syscall6
-    #define _syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5,type6,arg6)                                  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5, type6 arg6) {                           \
-        long __res;                                                           \
-        struct { long __a1; long __a6; } __s = { (long)arg1, (long) arg6 };   \
-        __asm__ __volatile__("push %%ebp\n"                                   \
-                             "push %%ebx\n"                                   \
-                             "movl 4(%2),%%ebp\n"                             \
-                             "movl 0(%2), %%ebx\n"                            \
-                             "movl %1,%%eax\n"                                \
-                             "int  $0x80\n"                                   \
-                             "pop  %%ebx\n"                                   \
-                             "pop  %%ebp"                                     \
-                             : "=a" (__res)                                   \
-                             : "i" (__NR_##name),  "0" ((long)(&__s)),        \
-                               "c" ((long)(arg2)), "d" ((long)(arg3)),        \
-                               "S" ((long)(arg4)), "D" ((long)(arg5))         \
-                             : "esp", "memory");                              \
-        LSS_RETURN(type,__res);                                               \
-      }
-    LSS_INLINE int LSS_NAME(clone)(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
-                                   int flags, void *arg, int *parent_tidptr,
-                                   void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
-      long __res;
-      __asm__ __volatile__(/* if (fn == NULL)
-                            *   return -EINVAL;
-                            */
-                           "movl   %3,%%ecx\n"
-                           "jecxz  1f\n"
-                           /* if (child_stack == NULL)
-                            *   return -EINVAL;
-                            */
-                           "movl   %4,%%ecx\n"
-                           "jecxz  1f\n"
-                           /* Set up alignment of the child stack:
-                            * child_stack = (child_stack & ~0xF) - 20;
-                            */
-                           "andl   $-16,%%ecx\n"
-                           "subl   $20,%%ecx\n"
-                           /* Push "arg" and "fn" onto the stack that will be
-                            * used by the child.
-                            */
-                           "movl   %6,%%eax\n"
-                           "movl   %%eax,4(%%ecx)\n"
-                           "movl   %3,%%eax\n"
-                           "movl   %%eax,(%%ecx)\n"
-                           /* %eax = syscall(%eax = __NR_clone,
-                            *                %ebx = flags,
-                            *                %ecx = child_stack,
-                            *                %edx = parent_tidptr,
-                            *                %esi = newtls,
-                            *                %edi = child_tidptr)
-                            * Also, make sure that %ebx gets preserved as it is
-                            * used in PIC mode.
-                            */
-                           "movl   %8,%%esi\n"
-                           "movl   %7,%%edx\n"
-                           "movl   %5,%%eax\n"
-                           "movl   %9,%%edi\n"
-                           "pushl  %%ebx\n"
-                           "movl   %%eax,%%ebx\n"
-                           "movl   %2,%%eax\n"
-                           "int    $0x80\n"
-                           /* In the parent: restore %ebx
-                            * In the child:  move "fn" into %ebx
-                            */
-                           "popl   %%ebx\n"
-                           /* if (%eax != 0)
-                            *   return %eax;
-                            */
-                           "test   %%eax,%%eax\n"
-                           "jnz    1f\n"
-                           /* In the child, now. Terminate frame pointer chain.
-                            */
-                           "movl   $0,%%ebp\n"
-                           /* Call "fn". "arg" is already on the stack.
-                            */
-                           "call   *%%ebx\n"
-                           /* Call _exit(%ebx). Unfortunately older versions
-                            * of gcc restrict the number of arguments that can
-                            * be passed to asm(). So, we need to hard-code the
-                            * system call number.
-                            */
-                           "movl   %%eax,%%ebx\n"
-                           "movl   $1,%%eax\n"
-                           "int    $0x80\n"
-                           /* Return to parent.
-                            */
-                         "1:\n"
-                           : "=a" (__res)
-                           : "0"(-EINVAL), "i"(__NR_clone),
-                             "m"(fn), "m"(child_stack), "m"(flags), "m"(arg),
-                             "m"(parent_tidptr), "m"(newtls), "m"(child_tidptr)
-                           : "esp", "memory", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi");
-      LSS_RETURN(int, __res);
-    }
-    LSS_INLINE void (*LSS_NAME(restore_rt)(void))(void) {
-      /* On i386, the kernel does not know how to return from a signal
-       * handler. Instead, it relies on user space to provide a
-       * restorer function that calls the {rt_,}sigreturn() system call.
-       * Unfortunately, we cannot just reference the glibc version of this
-       * function, as glibc goes out of its way to make it inaccessible.
-       */
-      void (*res)(void);
-      __asm__ __volatile__("call   2f\n"
-                         "0:.align 16\n"
-                         "1:movl   %1,%%eax\n"
-                           "int    $0x80\n"
-                         "2:popl   %0\n"
-                           "addl   $(1b-0b),%0\n"
-                           : "=a" (res)
-                           : "i"  (__NR_rt_sigreturn));
-      return res;
-    }
-    LSS_INLINE void (*LSS_NAME(restore)(void))(void) {
-      /* On i386, the kernel does not know how to return from a signal
-       * handler. Instead, it relies on user space to provide a
-       * restorer function that calls the {rt_,}sigreturn() system call.
-       * Unfortunately, we cannot just reference the glibc version of this
-       * function, as glibc goes out of its way to make it inaccessible.
-       */
-      void (*res)(void);
-      __asm__ __volatile__("call   2f\n"
-                         "0:.align 16\n"
-                         "1:pop    %%eax\n"
-                           "movl   %1,%%eax\n"
-                           "int    $0x80\n"
-                         "2:popl   %0\n"
-                           "addl   $(1b-0b),%0\n"
-                           : "=a" (res)
-                           : "i"  (__NR_sigreturn));
-      return res;
-    }
-  #elif defined(__x86_64__)
-    /* There are no known problems with any of the _syscallX() macros
-     * currently shipping for x86_64, but we still need to be able to define
-     * our own version so that we can override the location of the errno
-     * location (e.g. when using the clone() system call with the CLONE_VM
-     * option).
-     */
-    #undef  LSS_ENTRYPOINT
-    #define LSS_ENTRYPOINT "syscall\n"
-    /* The x32 ABI has 32 bit longs, but the syscall interface is 64 bit.
-     * We need to explicitly cast to an unsigned 64 bit type to avoid implicit
-     * sign extension.  We can't cast pointers directly because those are
-     * 32 bits, and gcc will dump ugly warnings about casting from a pointer
-     * to an integer of a different size.
-     */
-    #undef  LSS_SYSCALL_ARG
-    #define LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(a) ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(a))
-    #undef  _LSS_RETURN
-    #define _LSS_RETURN(type, res, cast)                                      \
-      do {                                                                    \
-        if ((uint64_t)(res) >= (uint64_t)(-4095)) {                           \
-          LSS_ERRNO = -(res);                                                 \
-          res = -1;                                                           \
-        }                                                                     \
-        return (type)(cast)(res);                                             \
-      } while (0)
-    #undef  LSS_RETURN
-    #define LSS_RETURN(type, res) _LSS_RETURN(type, res, uintptr_t)
-    #undef  _LSS_BODY
-    #define _LSS_BODY(nr, type, name, cast, ...)                              \
-          long long __res;                                                    \
-          __asm__ __volatile__(LSS_BODY_ASM##nr LSS_ENTRYPOINT                \
-            : "=a" (__res)                                                    \
-            : "0" (__NR_##name) LSS_BODY_ARG##nr(__VA_ARGS__)                 \
-            : LSS_BODY_CLOBBER##nr "r11", "rcx", "memory");                   \
-          _LSS_RETURN(type, __res, cast)
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(nr, type, name, args...) \
-      _LSS_BODY(nr, type, name, uintptr_t, ## args)
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM0
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM1
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM2
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM3
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM4
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM5
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ASM6
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM0
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM1 LSS_BODY_ASM0
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM2 LSS_BODY_ASM1
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM3 LSS_BODY_ASM2
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM4 LSS_BODY_ASM3 "movq %5,%%r10;"
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM5 LSS_BODY_ASM4 "movq %6,%%r8;"
-    #define LSS_BODY_ASM6 LSS_BODY_ASM5 "movq %7,%%r9;"
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER0
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER1
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER2
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER3
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER4
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER5
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_CLOBBER6
-    #define LSS_BODY_CLOBBER0
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG0
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG1
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG2
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG3
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG4
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG5
-    #undef  LSS_BODY_ARG6
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG0()
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG1(arg1) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG0(), "D" (arg1)
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG2(arg1, arg2) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG1(arg1), "S" (arg2)
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG3(arg1, arg2, arg3) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG2(arg1, arg2), "d" (arg3)
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG3(arg1, arg2, arg3), "r" (arg4)
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG5(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4), "r" (arg5)
-    #define LSS_BODY_ARG6(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
-      LSS_BODY_ARG5(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5), "r" (arg6)
-    #undef _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type,name)                                              \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)() {                                                 \
-        LSS_BODY(0, type, name);                                              \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall1
-    #define _syscall1(type,name,type1,arg1)                                   \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1) {                                       \
-        LSS_BODY(1, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1));                       \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall2
-    #define _syscall2(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2)                        \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2) {                           \
-        LSS_BODY(2, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg2));\
-      }
-    #undef _syscall3
-    #define _syscall3(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3)             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3) {               \
-        LSS_BODY(3, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg2), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg3));                       \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall4
-    #define _syscall4(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4)  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) {   \
-        LSS_BODY(4, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg2), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg3), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg4));\
-      }
-    #undef _syscall5
-    #define _syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5) {                                       \
-        LSS_BODY(5, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg2), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg3), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg4), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg5));                       \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall6
-    #define _syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5,type6,arg6)                                  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5, type6 arg6) {                           \
-        LSS_BODY(6, type, name, LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg1), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg2), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg3), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg4), \
-                                LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg5), LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg6));\
-      }
-    LSS_INLINE int LSS_NAME(clone)(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
-                                   int flags, void *arg, int *parent_tidptr,
-                                   void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
-      long long __res;
-      {
-        __asm__ __volatile__(/* if (fn == NULL)
-                              *   return -EINVAL;
-                              */
-                             "testq  %4,%4\n"
-                             "jz     1f\n"
-                             /* if (child_stack == NULL)
-                              *   return -EINVAL;
-                              */
-                             "testq  %5,%5\n"
-                             "jz     1f\n"
-                             /* Set up alignment of the child stack:
-                              * child_stack = (child_stack & ~0xF) - 16;
-                              */
-                             "andq   $-16,%5\n"
-                             "subq   $16,%5\n"
-                             /* Push "arg" and "fn" onto the stack that will be
-                              * used by the child.
-                              */
-                             "movq   %7,8(%5)\n"
-                             "movq   %4,0(%5)\n"
-                             /* %rax = syscall(%rax = __NR_clone,
-                              *                %rdi = flags,
-                              *                %rsi = child_stack,
-                              *                %rdx = parent_tidptr,
-                              *                %r8  = new_tls,
-                              *                %r10 = child_tidptr)
-                              */
-                             "movq   %2,%%rax\n"
-                             "movq   %9,%%r8\n"
-                             "movq   %10,%%r10\n"
-                             "syscall\n"
-                             /* if (%rax != 0)
-                              *   return;
-                              */
-                             "testq  %%rax,%%rax\n"
-                             "jnz    1f\n"
-                             /* In the child. Terminate frame pointer chain.
-                              */
-                             "xorq   %%rbp,%%rbp\n"
-                             /* Call "fn(arg)".
-                              */
-                             "popq   %%rax\n"
-                             "popq   %%rdi\n"
-                             "call   *%%rax\n"
-                             /* Call _exit(%ebx).
-                              */
-                             "movq   %%rax,%%rdi\n"
-                             "movq   %3,%%rax\n"
-                             "syscall\n"
-                             /* Return to parent.
-                              */
-                           "1:\n"
-                             : "=a" (__res)
-                             : "0"(-EINVAL), "i"(__NR_clone), "i"(__NR_exit),
-                               "r"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(fn)),
-                               "S"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(child_stack)),
-                               "D"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(flags)),
-                               "r"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(arg)),
-                               "d"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(parent_tidptr)),
-                               "r"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(newtls)),
-                               "r"(LSS_SYSCALL_ARG(child_tidptr))
-                             : "rsp", "memory", "r8", "r10", "r11", "rcx");
-      }
-      LSS_RETURN(int, __res);
-    }
-    LSS_INLINE void (*LSS_NAME(restore_rt)(void))(void) {
-      /* On x86-64, the kernel does not know how to return from
-       * a signal handler. Instead, it relies on user space to provide a
-       * restorer function that calls the rt_sigreturn() system call.
-       * Unfortunately, we cannot just reference the glibc version of this
-       * function, as glibc goes out of its way to make it inaccessible.
-       */
-      long long res;
-      __asm__ __volatile__("call   2f\n"
-                         "0:.align 16\n"
-                         "1:movq   %1,%%rax\n"
-                           "syscall\n"
-                         "2:popq   %0\n"
-                           "addq   $(1b-0b),%0\n"
-                           : "=a" (res)
-                           : "i"  (__NR_rt_sigreturn));
-      return (void (*)(void))(uintptr_t)res;
-    }
-  #elif defined(__arm__)
-    /* Most definitions of _syscallX() neglect to mark "memory" as being
-     * clobbered. This causes problems with compilers, that do a better job
-     * at optimizing across __asm__ calls.
-     * So, we just have to redefine all fo the _syscallX() macros.
-     */
-    #undef LSS_REG
-    #define LSS_REG(r,a) register long __r##r __asm__("r"#r) = (long)a
-    /* r0..r3 are scratch registers and not preserved across function
-     * calls.  We need to first evaluate the first 4 syscall arguments
-     * and store them on stack.  They must be loaded into r0..r3 after
-     * all function calls to avoid r0..r3 being clobbered.
-     */
-    #undef LSS_SAVE_ARG
-    #define LSS_SAVE_ARG(r,a) long __tmp##r = (long)a
-    #undef LSS_LOAD_ARG
-    #define LSS_LOAD_ARG(r) register long __r##r __asm__("r"#r) = __tmp##r
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(type, name, args...)                                     \
-          register long __res_r0 __asm__("r0");                               \
-          long __res;                                                         \
-          __SYS_REG(name)                                                     \
-          __asm__ __volatile__ (__syscall_safe(name)                          \
-                                : "=r"(__res_r0)                              \
-                                : __SYS_REG_LIST(args)                        \
-                                : "lr", "memory");                            \
-          __res = __res_r0;                                                   \
-          LSS_RETURN(type, __res)
-    #undef _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type, name)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)() {                                                 \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name);                                                 \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall1
-    #define _syscall1(type, name, type1, arg1)                                \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1) {                                       \
-        /* There is no need for using a volatile temp.  */                    \
-        LSS_REG(0, arg1);                                                     \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0));                                      \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall2
-    #define _syscall2(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2)                   \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2) {                           \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(0, arg1);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(1, arg2);                                                \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(0);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(1);                                                      \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0), "r"(__r1));                           \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall3
-    #define _syscall3(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3)      \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3) {               \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(0, arg1);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(1, arg2);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(2, arg3);                                                \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(0);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(1);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(2);                                                      \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0), "r"(__r1), "r"(__r2));                \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall4
-    #define _syscall4(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                      type4, arg4)                                            \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) {   \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(0, arg1);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(1, arg2);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(2, arg3);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(3, arg4);                                                \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(0);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(1);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(2);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(3);                                                      \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0), "r"(__r1), "r"(__r2), "r"(__r3));     \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall5
-    #define _syscall5(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                      type4, arg4, type5, arg5)                               \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5) {                                       \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(0, arg1);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(1, arg2);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(2, arg3);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(3, arg4);                                                \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg5);                                                     \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(0);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(1);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(2);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(3);                                                      \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0), "r"(__r1), "r"(__r2), "r"(__r3),      \
-                             "r"(__r4));                                      \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall6
-    #define _syscall6(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                      type4, arg4, type5, arg5, type6, arg6)                  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5, type6 arg6) {                           \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(0, arg1);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(1, arg2);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(2, arg3);                                                \
-        LSS_SAVE_ARG(3, arg4);                                                \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg5);                                                     \
-        LSS_REG(5, arg6);                                                     \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(0);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(1);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(2);                                                      \
-        LSS_LOAD_ARG(3);                                                      \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "r"(__r0), "r"(__r1), "r"(__r2), "r"(__r3),      \
-                             "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5));                           \
-      }
-    LSS_INLINE int LSS_NAME(clone)(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
-                                   int flags, void *arg, int *parent_tidptr,
-                                   void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
-      register long __res __asm__("r5");
-      {
-        if (fn == NULL || child_stack == NULL) {
-            __res = -EINVAL;
-            goto clone_exit;
-        }
-        /* stash first 4 arguments on stack first because we can only load
-         * them after all function calls.
-         */
-        int    tmp_flags = flags;
-        int  * tmp_stack = (int*) child_stack;
-        void * tmp_ptid  = parent_tidptr;
-        void * tmp_tls   = newtls;
-        register int  *__ctid  __asm__("r4") = child_tidptr;
-        /* Push "arg" and "fn" onto the stack that will be
-         * used by the child.
-         */
-        *(--tmp_stack) = (int) arg;
-        *(--tmp_stack) = (int) fn;
-        /* We must load r0..r3 last after all possible function calls.  */
-        register int   __flags __asm__("r0") = tmp_flags;
-        register void *__stack __asm__("r1") = tmp_stack;
-        register void *__ptid  __asm__("r2") = tmp_ptid;
-        register void *__tls   __asm__("r3") = tmp_tls;
-        /* %r0 = syscall(%r0 = flags,
-         *               %r1 = child_stack,
-         *               %r2 = parent_tidptr,
-         *               %r3 = newtls,
-         *               %r4 = child_tidptr)
-         */
-        __SYS_REG(clone)
-        __asm__ __volatile__(/* %r0 = syscall(%r0 = flags,
-                              *               %r1 = child_stack,
-                              *               %r2 = parent_tidptr,
-                              *               %r3 = newtls,
-                              *               %r4 = child_tidptr)
-                              */
-                             "push  {r7}\n"
-                             "mov   r7,%1\n"
-                             __syscall(clone)"\n"
-                             /* if (%r0 != 0)
-                              *   return %r0;
-                              */
-                             "movs  %0,r0\n"
-                             "bne   1f\n"
-                             /* In the child, now. Call "fn(arg)".
-                              */
-                             "ldr   r0,[sp, #4]\n"
-                             "mov   lr,pc\n"
-                             "ldr   pc,[sp]\n"
-                             /* Call _exit(%r0), which never returns.  We only
-                              * need to set r7 for EABI syscall ABI but we do
-                              * this always to simplify code sharing between
-                              * old and new syscall ABIs.
-                              */
-                             "mov   r7,%2\n"
-                             __syscall(exit)"\n"
-                             /* Pop r7 from the stack only in the parent.
-                              */
-                           "1: pop {r7}\n"
-                             : "=r" (__res)
-                             : "r"(__sysreg),
-                               "i"(__NR_exit), "r"(__stack), "r"(__flags),
-                               "r"(__ptid), "r"(__tls), "r"(__ctid)
-                             : "cc", "lr", "memory");
-      }
-      clone_exit:
-      LSS_RETURN(int, __res);
-    }
-  #elif defined(__mips__)
-    #undef LSS_REG
-    #define LSS_REG(r,a) register unsigned long __r##r __asm__("$"#r) =       \
-                                 (unsigned long)(a)
-    #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32
-    // See
-    // or
-    #define MIPS_SYSCALL_CLOBBERS "$1", "$3", "$8", "$9", "$10", "$11", "$12",\
-                                "$13", "$14", "$15", "$24", "$25", "memory"
-    #else
-    #define MIPS_SYSCALL_CLOBBERS "$1", "$3", "$10", "$11", "$12", "$13",     \
-                                "$14", "$15", "$24", "$25", "memory"
-    #endif
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(type,name,r7,...)                                        \
-          register unsigned long __v0 __asm__("$2") = __NR_##name;            \
-          __asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall\n"                                   \
-                                : "=&r"(__v0), r7 (__r7)                      \
-                                : "0"(__v0), ##__VA_ARGS__                    \
-                                : MIPS_SYSCALL_CLOBBERS);                     \
-          LSS_RETURN(type, __v0, __r7)
-    #undef _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type, name)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)() {                                                 \
-        register unsigned long __r7 __asm__("$7");                            \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "=r");                                           \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall1
-    #define _syscall1(type, name, type1, arg1)                                \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1) {                                       \
-        register unsigned long __r7 __asm__("$7");                            \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_BODY(type, name, "=r", "r"(__r4));              \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall2
-    #define _syscall2(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2)                   \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2) {                           \
-        register unsigned long __r7 __asm__("$7");                            \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2);                                   \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "=r", "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5));                     \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall3
-    #define _syscall3(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3)      \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3) {               \
-        register unsigned long __r7 __asm__("$7");                            \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "=r", "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5), "r"(__r6));          \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall4
-    #define _syscall4(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4)  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) {   \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_REG(7, arg4);                                                     \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "+r", "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5), "r"(__r6));          \
-      }
-    #undef _syscall5
-    #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32
-    /* The old 32bit MIPS system call API passes the fifth and sixth argument
-     * on the stack, whereas the new APIs use registers "r8" and "r9".
-     */
-    #define _syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5) {                                       \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_REG(7, arg4);                                                     \
-        register unsigned long __v0 __asm__("$2");                            \
-        __asm__ __volatile__ (".set noreorder\n"                              \
-                              "lw    $2, %6\n"                                \
-                              "subu  $29, 32\n"                               \
-                              "sw    $2, 16($29)\n"                           \
-                              "li    $2, %2\n"                                \
-                              "syscall\n"                                     \
-                              "addiu $29, 32\n"                               \
-                              ".set reorder\n"                                \
-                              : "=&r"(__v0), "+r" (__r7)                      \
-                              : "i" (__NR_##name), "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5),      \
-                                "r"(__r6), "m" ((unsigned long)arg5)          \
-                              : MIPS_SYSCALL_CLOBBERS);                       \
-        LSS_RETURN(type, __v0, __r7);                                         \
-      }
-    #else
-    #define _syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5) {                                       \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_REG(7, arg4); LSS_REG(8, arg5);                                   \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "+r", "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5), "r"(__r6),           \
-                 "r"(__r8));                                                  \
-      }
-    #endif
-    #undef _syscall6
-    #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32
-    /* The old 32bit MIPS system call API passes the fifth and sixth argument
-     * on the stack, whereas the new APIs use registers "r8" and "r9".
-     */
-    #define _syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5,type6,arg6)                                  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5, type6 arg6) {                           \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_REG(7, arg4);                                                     \
-        register unsigned long __v0 __asm__("$2");                            \
-        __asm__ __volatile__ (".set noreorder\n"                              \
-                              "lw    $2, %6\n"                                \
-                              "lw    $8, %7\n"                                \
-                              "subu  $29, 32\n"                               \
-                              "sw    $2, 16($29)\n"                           \
-                              "sw    $8, 20($29)\n"                           \
-                              "li    $2, %2\n"                                \
-                              "syscall\n"                                     \
-                              "addiu $29, 32\n"                               \
-                              ".set reorder\n"                                \
-                              : "=&r"(__v0), "+r" (__r7)                      \
-                              : "i" (__NR_##name), "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5),      \
-                                "r"(__r6), "r" ((unsigned long)arg5),         \
-                                "r" ((unsigned long)arg6)                     \
-                              : MIPS_SYSCALL_CLOBBERS);                       \
-        LSS_RETURN(type, __v0, __r7);                                         \
-      }
-    #else
-    #define _syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4,  \
-                      type5,arg5,type6,arg6)                                  \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,     \
-                          type5 arg5,type6 arg6) {                            \
-        LSS_REG(4, arg1); LSS_REG(5, arg2); LSS_REG(6, arg3);                 \
-        LSS_REG(7, arg4); LSS_REG(8, arg5); LSS_REG(9, arg6);                 \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name, "+r", "r"(__r4), "r"(__r5), "r"(__r6),           \
-                 "r"(__r8), "r"(__r9));                                       \
-      }
-    #endif
-    LSS_INLINE int LSS_NAME(clone)(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
-                                   int flags, void *arg, int *parent_tidptr,
-                                   void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
-      register unsigned long __v0 __asm__("$2");
-      register unsigned long __r7 __asm__("$7") = (unsigned long)newtls;
-      {
-        register int   __flags __asm__("$4") = flags;
-        register void *__stack __asm__("$5") = child_stack;
-        register void *__ptid  __asm__("$6") = parent_tidptr;
-        register int  *__ctid  __asm__("$8") = child_tidptr;
-        __asm__ __volatile__(
-          #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32 && _MIPS_SZPTR == 32
-                             "subu  $29,24\n"
-          #elif _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_NABI32
-                             "sub   $29,16\n"
-          #else
-                             "dsubu $29,16\n"
-          #endif
-                             /* if (fn == NULL || child_stack == NULL)
-                              *   return -EINVAL;
-                              */
-                             "li    %0,%2\n"
-                             "beqz  %5,1f\n"
-                             "beqz  %6,1f\n"
-                             /* Push "arg" and "fn" onto the stack that will be
-                              * used by the child.
-                              */
-          #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32 && _MIPS_SZPTR == 32
-                             "subu  %6,32\n"
-                             "sw    %5,0(%6)\n"
-                             "sw    %8,4(%6)\n"
-          #elif _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_NABI32
-                             "sub   %6,32\n"
-                             "sw    %5,0(%6)\n"
-                             "sw    %8,8(%6)\n"
-          #else
-                             "dsubu %6,32\n"
-                             "sd    %5,0(%6)\n"
-                             "sd    %8,8(%6)\n"
-          #endif
-                             /* $7 = syscall($4 = flags,
-                              *              $5 = child_stack,
-                              *              $6 = parent_tidptr,
-                              *              $7 = newtls,
-                              *              $8 = child_tidptr)
-                              */
-                             "li    $2,%3\n"
-                             "syscall\n"
-                             /* if ($7 != 0)
-                              *   return $2;
-                              */
-                             "bnez  $7,1f\n"
-                             "bnez  $2,1f\n"
-                             /* In the child, now. Call "fn(arg)".
-                              */
-          #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32 && _MIPS_SZPTR == 32
-                            "lw    $25,0($29)\n"
-                            "lw    $4,4($29)\n"
-          #elif _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_NABI32
-                            "lw    $25,0($29)\n"
-                            "lw    $4,8($29)\n"
-          #else
-                            "ld    $25,0($29)\n"
-                            "ld    $4,8($29)\n"
-          #endif
-                            "jalr  $25\n"
-                             /* Call _exit($2)
-                              */
-                            "move  $4,$2\n"
-                            "li    $2,%4\n"
-                            "syscall\n"
-                           "1:\n"
-          #if _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32 && _MIPS_SZPTR == 32
-                             "addu  $29, 24\n"
-          #elif _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_NABI32
-                             "add   $29, 16\n"
-          #else
-                             "daddu $29,16\n"
-          #endif
-                             : "=&r" (__v0), "=r" (__r7)
-                             : "i"(-EINVAL), "i"(__NR_clone), "i"(__NR_exit),
-                               "r"(fn), "r"(__stack), "r"(__flags), "r"(arg),
-                               "r"(__ptid), "r"(__r7), "r"(__ctid)
-                             : "$9", "$10", "$11", "$12", "$13", "$14", "$15",
-                               "$24", "memory");
-      }
-      LSS_RETURN(int, __v0, __r7);
-    }
-  #elif defined (__PPC__)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_0
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_0(name, dummy...)                                    \
-        __sc_0 = __NR_##name
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_1
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_1(name, arg1)                                        \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_0(name);                                             \
-            __sc_3 = (unsigned long) (arg1)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_2
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_2(name, arg1, arg2)                                  \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_1(name, arg1);                                       \
-            __sc_4 = (unsigned long) (arg2)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_3
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_3(name, arg1, arg2, arg3)                            \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_2(name, arg1, arg2);                                 \
-            __sc_5 = (unsigned long) (arg3)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_4
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_4(name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                      \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_3(name, arg1, arg2, arg3);                           \
-            __sc_6 = (unsigned long) (arg4)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_5
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_5(name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)                \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_4(name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);                     \
-            __sc_7 = (unsigned long) (arg5)
-    #undef  LSS_LOADARGS_6
-    #define LSS_LOADARGS_6(name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)          \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_5(name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);               \
-            __sc_8 = (unsigned long) (arg6)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_0
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_0 "0" (__sc_0)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_1
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_1 LSS_ASMINPUT_0, "1" (__sc_3)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_2
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_2 LSS_ASMINPUT_1, "2" (__sc_4)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_3
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_3 LSS_ASMINPUT_2, "3" (__sc_5)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_4
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_4 LSS_ASMINPUT_3, "4" (__sc_6)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_5
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_5 LSS_ASMINPUT_4, "5" (__sc_7)
-    #undef  LSS_ASMINPUT_6
-    #define LSS_ASMINPUT_6 LSS_ASMINPUT_5, "6" (__sc_8)
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(nr, type, name, args...)                                 \
-        long __sc_ret, __sc_err;                                              \
-        {                                                                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_0 __asm__ ("r0");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_3 __asm__ ("r3");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_4 __asm__ ("r4");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_5 __asm__ ("r5");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_6 __asm__ ("r6");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_7 __asm__ ("r7");                     \
-            register unsigned long __sc_8 __asm__ ("r8");                     \
-                                                                              \
-            LSS_LOADARGS_##nr(name, args);                                    \
-            __asm__ __volatile__                                              \
-                ("sc\n\t"                                                     \
-                 "mfcr %0"                                                    \
-                 : "=&r" (__sc_0),                                            \
-                   "=&r" (__sc_3), "=&r" (__sc_4),                            \
-                   "=&r" (__sc_5), "=&r" (__sc_6),                            \
-                   "=&r" (__sc_7), "=&r" (__sc_8)                             \
-                 : LSS_ASMINPUT_##nr                                          \
-                 : "cr0", "ctr", "memory",                                    \
-                   "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12");                                \
-            __sc_ret = __sc_3;                                                \
-            __sc_err = __sc_0;                                                \
-        }                                                                     \
-        LSS_RETURN(type, __sc_ret, __sc_err)
-    #undef _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type, name)                                             \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(void) {                                            \
-          LSS_BODY(0, type, name);                                            \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall1
-    #define _syscall1(type, name, type1, arg1)                                \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1) {                                      \
-          LSS_BODY(1, type, name, arg1);                                      \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall2
-    #define _syscall2(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2)                   \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2) {                          \
-          LSS_BODY(2, type, name, arg1, arg2);                                \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall3
-    #define _syscall3(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3)      \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3) {              \
-          LSS_BODY(3, type, name, arg1, arg2, arg3);                          \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall4
-    #define _syscall4(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                                  type4, arg4)                                \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) {  \
-          LSS_BODY(4, type, name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);                    \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall5
-    #define _syscall5(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                                  type4, arg4, type5, arg5)                   \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,    \
-                                               type5 arg5) {                  \
-          LSS_BODY(5, type, name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);              \
-       }
-    #undef _syscall6
-    #define _syscall6(type, name, type1, arg1, type2, arg2, type3, arg3,      \
-                                  type4, arg4, type5, arg5, type6, arg6)      \
-       type LSS_NAME(name)(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4,    \
-                                               type5 arg5, type6 arg6) {      \
-          LSS_BODY(6, type, name, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);        \
-       }
-    /* clone function adapted from glibc 2.18 clone.S                       */
-    LSS_INLINE int LSS_NAME(clone)(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,
-                                   int flags, void *arg, int *parent_tidptr,
-                                   void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
-      long __ret, __err;
-      {
-#if defined(__PPC64__)
-/* Stack frame offsets.  */
-#if _CALL_ELF != 2
-#define FRAME_MIN_SIZE         112
-#define FRAME_TOC_SAVE         40
-#define FRAME_MIN_SIZE         32
-#define FRAME_TOC_SAVE         24
-        register int (*__fn)(void *) __asm__ ("r3") = fn;
-        register void *__cstack      __asm__ ("r4") = child_stack;
-        register int __flags         __asm__ ("r5") = flags;
-        register void * __arg        __asm__ ("r6") = arg;
-        register int * __ptidptr     __asm__ ("r7") = parent_tidptr;
-        register void * __newtls     __asm__ ("r8") = newtls;
-        register int * __ctidptr     __asm__ ("r9") = child_tidptr;
-        __asm__ __volatile__(
-            /* check for fn == NULL
-             * and child_stack == NULL
-             */
-            "cmpdi cr0, %6, 0\n\t"
-            "cmpdi cr1, %7, 0\n\t"
-            "cror  cr0*4+eq, cr1*4+eq, cr0*4+eq\n\t"
-            "beq-  cr0, 1f\n\t"
-            /* set up stack frame for child                                  */
-            "clrrdi %7, %7, 4\n\t"
-            "li     0, 0\n\t"
-            "stdu   0, -%13(%7)\n\t"
-            /* fn, arg, child_stack are saved acrVoss the syscall             */
-            "mr 28, %6\n\t"
-            "mr 29, %7\n\t"
-            "mr 27, %9\n\t"
-            /* syscall
-               r3 == flags
-               r4 == child_stack
-               r5 == parent_tidptr
-               r6 == newtls
-               r7 == child_tidptr                                            */
-            "mr 3, %8\n\t"
-            "mr 5, %10\n\t"
-            "mr 6, %11\n\t"
-            "mr 7, %12\n\t"
-	    "li	0, %4\n\t"
-            "sc\n\t"
-            /* Test if syscall was successful                                */
-            "cmpdi  cr1, 3, 0\n\t"
-            "crandc cr1*4+eq, cr1*4+eq, cr0*4+so\n\t"
-            "bne-   cr1, 1f\n\t"
-            /* Do the function call                                          */
-            "std   2, %14(1)\n\t"
-#if _CALL_ELF != 2
-	    "ld    0, 0(28)\n\t"
-	    "ld    2, 8(28)\n\t"
-            "mtctr 0\n\t"
-            "mr    12, 28\n\t"
-            "mtctr 12\n\t"
-            "mr    3, 27\n\t"
-            "bctrl\n\t"
-	    "ld    2, %14(1)\n\t"
-            /* Call _exit(r3)                                                */
-            "li 0, %5\n\t"
-            "sc\n\t"
-            /* Return to parent                                              */
-	    "1:\n\t"
-            "mr %0, 3\n\t"
-              : "=r" (__ret), "=r" (__err)
-              : "0" (-1), "i" (EINVAL),
-                "i" (__NR_clone), "i" (__NR_exit),
-                "r" (__fn), "r" (__cstack), "r" (__flags),
-                "r" (__arg), "r" (__ptidptr), "r" (__newtls),
-                "r" (__ctidptr), "i" (FRAME_MIN_SIZE), "i" (FRAME_TOC_SAVE)
-              : "cr0", "cr1", "memory", "ctr",
-                "r0", "r29", "r27", "r28");
-        register int (*__fn)(void *)    __asm__ ("r8")  = fn;
-        register void *__cstack                 __asm__ ("r4")  = child_stack;
-        register int __flags                    __asm__ ("r3")  = flags;
-        register void * __arg                   __asm__ ("r9")  = arg;
-        register int * __ptidptr                __asm__ ("r5")  = parent_tidptr;
-        register void * __newtls                __asm__ ("r6")  = newtls;
-        register int * __ctidptr                __asm__ ("r7")  = child_tidptr;
-        __asm__ __volatile__(
-            /* check for fn == NULL
-             * and child_stack == NULL
-             */
-            "cmpwi cr0, %6, 0\n\t"
-            "cmpwi cr1, %7, 0\n\t"
-            "cror cr0*4+eq, cr1*4+eq, cr0*4+eq\n\t"
-            "beq- cr0, 1f\n\t"
-            /* set up stack frame for child                                  */
-            "clrrwi %7, %7, 4\n\t"
-            "li 0, 0\n\t"
-            "stwu 0, -16(%7)\n\t"
-            /* fn, arg, child_stack are saved across the syscall: r28-30     */
-            "mr 28, %6\n\t"
-            "mr 29, %7\n\t"
-            "mr 27, %9\n\t"
-            /* syscall                                                       */
-            "li 0, %4\n\t"
-            /* flags already in r3
-             * child_stack already in r4
-             * ptidptr already in r5
-             * newtls already in r6
-             * ctidptr already in r7
-             */
-            "sc\n\t"
-            /* Test if syscall was successful                                */
-            "cmpwi cr1, 3, 0\n\t"
-            "crandc cr1*4+eq, cr1*4+eq, cr0*4+so\n\t"
-            "bne- cr1, 1f\n\t"
-            /* Do the function call                                          */
-            "mtctr 28\n\t"
-            "mr 3, 27\n\t"
-            "bctrl\n\t"
-            /* Call _exit(r3)                                                */
-            "li 0, %5\n\t"
-            "sc\n\t"
-            /* Return to parent                                              */
-            "1:\n"
-            "mfcr %1\n\t"
-            "mr %0, 3\n\t"
-              : "=r" (__ret), "=r" (__err)
-              : "0" (-1), "1" (EINVAL),
-                "i" (__NR_clone), "i" (__NR_exit),
-                "r" (__fn), "r" (__cstack), "r" (__flags),
-                "r" (__arg), "r" (__ptidptr), "r" (__newtls),
-                "r" (__ctidptr)
-              : "cr0", "cr1", "memory", "ctr",
-                "r0", "r29", "r27", "r28");
-      }
-      LSS_RETURN(int, __ret, __err);
-    }
-  #elif defined(__aarch64__)
-    #undef LSS_REG
-    #define LSS_REG(r,a) register long __x##r __asm__("x"#r) = (long)a
-    #undef  LSS_BODY
-    #define LSS_BODY(type,name,args...)                                       \
-          register long __res_x0 __asm__("x0");                               \
-          long __res;                                                         \
-          __asm__ __volatile__ ("mov x8, %1\n"                                \
-                                "svc 0x0\n"                                   \
-                                : "=r"(__res_x0)                              \
-                                : "i"(__NR_##name) , ## args                  \
-                                : "memory");                                  \
-          __res = __res_x0;                                                   \
-          LSS_RETURN(type, __res)
-    #undef _syscall0
-    #define _syscall0(type, name)                                             \
-      type LSS_NAME(name)(void) {                                             \
-        LSS_BODY(type, name);                                                 \