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svn commit: r1185125 [2/2] - in /incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site: content/ lib/ output/

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/developers.html
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/developers.html (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/developers.html Mon Oct 17 12:25:27 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
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+        <h1>Contribute to the Deltacloud Project</h1>
+        <p><a href="" title="The Apache Software Foundation">Apache</a> Deltacloud is
+        free, open source software licensed under the
+        <a href="" title="The Apache License">apache license</a>.
+        Please feel free to <a href="contact.html">contact us</a> if you have any questions about the
+        project or with any suggestions on how to improve Deltacloud. The Deltacloud
+        developer community is open to anyone that wants to contribute!</p>
+        <p>This page contains information for developers:</p>
+        <p><a name="contents" /></p>
+        <p><ul class="toc">
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h1">Setting up the developer environment</a>
+        <ul>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h1_1">Getting the sources</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h1_2">Development dependencies</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h1_3">Building from source and installing the Deltacloud gem</a>
+        </li>
+        </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2">Contribute to Deltacloud</a>
+        <ul>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_1">Overview of the Deltacloud directory structure</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_2">Forming and sending patches</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_3">Use the Deltacloud github mirror</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_4">Writing a new cloud provider driver</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_5">Writing and running tests</a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+        <a href="#h2_6">Licensing - the Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement</a>
+        </li>
+        </ul></li></ul></p>
+        <br>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h2 id="h1">Setting up the developer environment</h2>
+        <p>The information here is about setting up a dev environment for Deltacloud. If you
+        are interested in first trying out Deltacloud, you should instead follow the
+        instructions in the <a href="download.html">Download</a> page and read the
+        <a href="documentation.html#install_deltacloud">installation and quick start guide</a>.</p>
+        <p>Before setting up the development environment, make sure you have all the
+        <a href="documentation.html#dependencies">installation dependencies</a>.</p>
+        <h3 id="h1_1">Getting the sources</h3>
+        <p>Deltacloud provides the API server and drivers to various cloud providers.
+        It also includes a ruby client library and a commandline interface.</p>
+        <p><strong>First, make sure you have installed all <a href="documentation.html#dependencies">dependencies</a>.</strong></p>
+        <p>The Deltacloud repository is hosted at the Apache Software Foundation.
+        Apache uses <strong><em>subversion</em></strong> and you can find the Deltacloud subversion repository
+        at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+        <p>However many of the Deltacloud developers use the
+        <a href="">git version control system</a> and the Deltacloud
+        code is available through a git mirror. The instructions on this page are
+        thus specific to using <strong><em>git</em></strong> for getting the code and also
+        for making and sending patches.</p>
+        <p>If you don't already have <strong><em>git</em></strong> there are
+        <a href="">git binaries</a> available for specific systems.
+        Alternatively, if you use the <strong><em>yum</em></strong> or <strong><em>apt</em></strong> package managers:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ sudo yum install git&#x000A;        &lt;OR&gt;&#x000A;$ sudo apt-get install git&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>With <strong><em>git</em></strong> in place, to get the latest HEAD of the Deltacloud git repo:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ mkdir DeltacloudProject&#x000A;$ cd DeltacloudProject&#x000A;$ git clone git://;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h1_2">Development dependencies</h3>
+        <p>Apart from the <a href="documentation.html#dependencies">installation dependencies</a>,
+        in order to develop for Deltacloud you will need some additional libraries,
+        such as <a href="">cucumber</a>,
+        <a href="">ruby-debug</a> and
+        <a href="">rpsec</a>. The Deltacloud source includes a Gemfile which
+        lists these development dependencies: <strong>/path/to/deltacloud/server/Gemfile</strong>.</p>
+        <p>Thus, the recommended way to get all development dependencies is with
+        <a href="">Bundler</a>. If you don't already have bundler, install
+        it:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ sudo gem install bundler&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Then, you can get all the required developer dependencies by:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd /path/to/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ bundle install --system&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h1_3">Building from source and installing the Deltacloud gem</h3>
+        <p>To build and install the Deltacloud server gem:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd path/to/DeltacloudProject/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ rake package&#x000A;$ sudo gem install pkg/deltacloud-core-&lt;version&gt;.gem&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Then install the Deltacloud client gem:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd path/to/DeltacloudProject/deltacloud/client&#x000A;$ rake package&#x000A;$ sudo gem install pkg/deltacloud-client-&lt;version&gt;.gem&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h2 id="h2">Contribute to Deltacloud</h2>
+        <p>The information here is aimed at helping developers more quickly understand the Deltacloud
+        project code, the process used by the development community for contributing and some
+        guidelines on how to go about adding a cloud provider driver to the Deltacloud project.</p>
+        <h3 id="h2_1">Overview of the Deltacloud directory structure</h3>
+        <p><strong>Note:</strong> the following is not an exhaustive list of all files and directories in the
+        Deltacloud project. Rather it is intended as an aid to ease familirisation
+        with the project files for developers - for example to quickly identify where
+        the Deltacloud cloud provider drivers are stored:</p>
+        <p><a name="deltacloud_directories"> .</a></p>
+        <pre><code>deltacloud&#x000A;|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;|-d--&gt;tests                           Contains Cucumber tests&#x000A;|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;|-d--&gt;site                            Files for this website&#x000A;|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;|-d--&gt;client                          Contains the Deltacloud ruby client&#x000A;|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;|-d--&gt;clients                         Contains other Deltacloud clients (e.g. java)&#x000A;|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;|-d--&gt; server&#x000A;       |----------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;       |-f--&gt;server.rb                Contains the s
 inatra routes&#x000A;       |----------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;       |-d--&gt;bin                      Contains the Deltacloud executable deltacloudd&#x000A;       |----------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;       |-d--&gt;views                    Contains haml views for each collection&#x000A;       |----------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;       |-d--&gt;tests                    Contains unit tests for drivers&#x000A;       |----------------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;       |-d--&gt;lib&#x000A;             |----------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;             |-d--&gt;sinatra            Contains rabbit DSL and various helpers&#x000A;             |----------------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;             |-d--&gt;deltacloud&#x000
 A;                   |----------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;                   |-d--&gt;models       Definition of each collection model&#x000A;                   |----------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;                   |-d--&gt;drivers      Contains the drivers for each cloud provider&#x000A;                   |----------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;                   |-d--&gt;helpers      Various helper methods used by the drivers&#x000A;                   |----------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;                   |-d--&gt;base_driver  Contains the Deltacloud base driver&#x000A;                   |----------------------------------------------------------------&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h2_2">Forming and sending patches</h3>
+        <p>There are many ways to work with git and there are many
+        <a href="">good resources</a> on using git. The Deltacloud community uses
+        a <strong><em>local_branch</em></strong> ---> <strong><em>patch</em></strong> ---> <strong><em>review</em></strong> ---> <strong><em>accept</em></strong> ---> <strong><em>commit</em></strong>
+        process for contributing to the project. The following shows the typical workflow used
+        by the core developers.</p>
+        <p>First you need to set some settings inside the git configuration file. In the root
+        of the git project (Deltacloud in this case) there is a .git hidden directory containing
+        the config file. Open this with your preferred editor:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ vim deltacloud/.git/config&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Add the following to any existing configuration replacing the relevant values with your own:</p>
+        <pre><code>[sendemail]&#x000A;signedoffbycc = no&#x000A;chainreplyto = no&#x000A;smtpserver = your_smpt.server.address&#x000A;thread = yes&#x000A;from = your_email_address&#x000A;suppresscc = all&#x000A;&#x000A;[core]&#x000A;whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab&#x000A;&#x000A;[apply]&#x000A;whitespace = error-all&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>After getting the latest HEAD of the Deltacloud git repo, you will have one local
+         branch called <strong><em>trunk</em></strong>.</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git branch&#x000A;* trunk&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Fetch the latest changes from the git repo:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git pull&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Make a new local branch for your edits and give it a name:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git checkout -b my_new_branch&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Make your edits/changes/voodoo. Once done, review which files you changed:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git status&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Once you are happy with the changes and everything is working, commit those changes
+        to your local branch:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git commit -a&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>This will open an editor (e.g., vi) for you to enter a commit message. Please keep this
+        short and succint in general and keep individual lines at no longer than 80 characters.
+        The command <strong>git log</strong> will show you recent commits together with their commit messages
+        as examples.</p>
+        <p>At this point, your local branch will contain the changes that you worked on and will
+        be different from your <strong><em>local</em></strong> <strong>trunk</strong> branch. In the meantime, other developers
+        may have already committed changes to the <strong><em>remote</em></strong> <strong>trunk</strong> branch in the Apache git repo.
+        Thus, you need to fetch any new changes and merge into your <strong><em>local</em></strong> <strong>trunk</strong> and then
+        rebase your local <strong>trunk</strong> onto the new branch which contains your changes.</p>
+        <p>Change to trunk and fetch upstream changes if any:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git checkout trunk&#x000A;$ git pull&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Your <strong><em>local</em></strong> trunk is now up-to-date with the <strong><em>remote</em></strong> trunk in the git repo.
+        Next, rebase the <strong><em>local</em></strong> trunk onto the branch containing your changes:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git rebase trunk my_new_branch&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Now you are ready to make patches against trunk and send them to the Deltacloud mailing
+        list for review by other developers in the community:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git format-patch -o /path/to/where/you/keep/patches/ trunk&#x000A;&#x000A;$ git send-email --compose --subject 'some subject'&#x000A;  --thread /path/to/where/you/keep/patches/* --to;</code></pre>
+        <p>Your patches will be reviewed by other members of the community. The general rule used
+        is that a patch will be committed to the repo if it receives at least one <strong>ACK</strong> and no
+        <strong>NACK</strong>. Once a patch is <strong>ACK</strong>ed it will be committed by one of the Deltacloud community
+        developers that have commit rights to the Apache repo. If your patches are on the mailing
+        list for a few days and no-one is responding to them feel free to send a reminder email
+        as patches may be missed/forgotten.</p>
+        <p>You can also contribute to the project by reviewing patches sent by other contributors:</p>
+        <p>Make a new branch where you will apply the patches and test:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git checkout -b jsmith_patches&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>You can use either git am ("apply mail") to apply patches in mail format, or git apply for
+        plain-text patches. Using git am will also commit the patches to the local branch
+        preserving the author's commit messages whilst git apply will only apply the files but not
+        commit them. For simple patch review the difference between these is insignificant and
+        boils down to whether you like to save the patches as plain-text or in .mbox email format.</p>
+        <p>Save the patches to some known location, make sure you're on the branch you wish to apply
+        them onto, and then apply:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ git checkout jsmith_patches&#x000A;&#x000A;$ cat /path/to/patches/0001-name-of-patch.txt | git apply&#x000A;                         _OR_&#x000A;$ git am /path/to/patches/0001-name-of-patch.eml&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>If you think the patches are sane, do what the author intended and most importantly don't
+        break anything else, then you can send an <strong>ACK</strong> in response to the patches on the
+        Deltacloud <a href="contact.html">mailing list</a>. Similarly, if you think there is some problem
+        with the patches you should send a <strong>NACK</strong> with an explanation of the problem you have
+        found so that the author can address this.</p>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h2_3">Use the Deltacloud github mirror</h3>
+        <p>The Deltacloud project maintains a
+        <a href="">github page</a> which mirrors the Apache
+        repository. You can contribute through github if that is preferrable.
+        <a href="">Fork</a> the Deltacloud repo, make your changes and
+        commit them back to your fork. Then issue a
+        <a href="">pull request</a>. It may also be wise to
+        send an email to the Deltacloud <a href="contact.html">mailing list</a> to let the community know
+        about your pull request as in general the mailing list is checked much more often than
+        the github page.</p>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h2_4">Writing a new cloud provider driver</h3>
+        <p>The deltacloud drivers live in
+        <a href="#deltacloud_directories">deltacloud/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers</a>. The information here
+        is intended as a primer for anybody that wants to contribute a new cloud provider driver to
+        the Deltacloud project.</p>
+        <p>To add a driver for a hypothetical <strong>Foo</strong> cloud, you should start by adding a a directory
+        under /drivers/ and then a file for the driver itself, i.e.:</p>
+        <pre><code>deltacloud/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/foo/foo_driver.rb&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>That file needs to define a class <strong>Deltacloud::Drivers::Foo::FooDriver</strong> and must be
+        a subclass of the Deltacloud::BaseDriver (example follows).</p>
+        <p>You need to decide which <a href="api.html#h1">collections</a> the provider for which you're
+        writing the driver supports - e.g. images, instances, keys, buckets/blobs (storage), etc.
+        and declare these with:</p>
+        <pre><code>def supported_collections&#x000A;  DEFAULT_COLLECTIONS + [ :buckets ] - [ :storage_snapshots, :storage_volumes ]&#x000A;end&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>The above declares that the driver supports the <strong>DEFAULT_COLLECTIONS</strong> (defined in
+        <strong>deltacloud/server/lib/drivers.rb</strong>) except <a href="api.html#h4_2">storage_snapshots</a> and
+        <a href="api.html#h4_1">storage_volumes</a> and additionally also supports the
+        <a href="api.html#h4_3">buckets</a> collection. For example, a storage only cloud provider driver
+        would support only the <strong>buckets</strong> colletion.</p>
+        <p>You can then start to define the methods for each of the collections that your driver
+        will support. The methods for each collection, as well as the routes that map to them
+        are defined in <strong>/deltacloud/server/server.rb</strong>. In general you can look at the existing
+        drivers for pointers on how to implement any specific method.</p>
+        <p>One important consideration is how your cloud provider driver will be communicating
+        with the cloud provider. Many of the existing drivers use external ruby gems for this
+        purpose: for example, the <strong>ec2</strong> driver uses the <a href="">aws</a>
+        gem, the <strong>rackspace</strong> driver uses the
+        <a href="">cloudfiles</a> and
+        <a href="">cloudservers</a> gems. However, other drivers
+        implement their own clients with which to communicate with the cloud provider, such as
+        the IBM SBC driver and the Gogrid driver. This also explains why, under the /drivers
+        directory, some drivers contain only the provider_<strong><em>driver</em></strong>.rb file, whilst others also
+        define a provider_<strong><em>client</em></strong>.rb file. Whether you write your own client or use an existing
+        one is entirey at your discretion.</p>
+        <p>Thus, your driver for the cloud provider foo may start out looking something like:</p>
+        <pre><code>require 'deltacloud/base_driver'&#x000A;require 'foo_lib' # a library for talking to the foo cloud&#x000A;&#x000A;module Deltacloud&#x000A;  module Drivers&#x000A;    module Foo&#x000A;&#x000A;class FooDriver &lt; Deltacloud::BaseDriver&#x000A;&#x000A;    def supported_collections&#x000A;      DEFAULT_COLLECTIONS + [ :buckets ]&#x000A;    end&#x000A;&#x000A;    def images(credentials, opts={})&#x000A;      client = new_foo_client(credentials)&#x000A;      # use client to get a list of images from the back-end cloud and then create&#x000A;      # a Deltacloud Image object for each of these. Filter the result&#x000A;      # (eg specific image requested) and return to user&#x000A;    end&#x000A;&#x000A;    def realms(credentials, opts={})&#x000A;      (...)&#x000A;    end&#x000A;&#x000A;    def instances(credentials, opts={})&#x000A;      (...)&#x000A;    end&#x000A;&#x000A;    ... ETC&#x000A;&#x000A;    private&#x000A;&#x000A;    def new_foo_client(credentia
 ls)&#x000A;      client ={:user =&gt; credentials.user,&#x000A;                                    :pass =&gt; credentials.password })&#x000A;    end&#x000A;&#x000A;end&#x000A;        end&#x000A;      end&#x000A;    end&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>One important method for drivers that implement the <a href="api.html#h3_5">instances</a>
+        collection is <strong>instance_states</strong>. This method represents the finite-state-machine
+        for instances which varies across cloud providers. For example, in some clouds
+        an instance may be in the 'running' state after creation, whereas in other clouds
+        an instance may need to be started explicitly. An example of what this method may
+        look like is:</p>
+        <pre><code>define_instance_states do&#x000A; :pending )          .on( :create )&#x000A; :running )        .automatically&#x000A; :running )        .on( :reboot )&#x000A; :shutting_down )  .on( :stop )&#x000A; :stopped )  .automatically&#x000A; :finish )         .automatically&#x000A;end&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>The voodoo used here (i.e. definition of .to and .on etc) is defined in
+        /deltacloud/server/lib/deltacloud/state_machine.rb.</p>
+        <p>Valid states are</p>
+        <ul>
+        <li><strong><code>:begin</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:pending</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:running</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:shutting_down</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:stopped</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:end</code></strong></li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>The <code>:begin</code> state is the state an instance is in immediate before
+        being created. The <code>:end</code> state is the state an instance is in
+        immediately after being destroyed.</p>
+        <p>Valid transition actions are</p>
+        <ul>
+        <li><strong><code>:stop</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:start</code></strong></li>
+        <li><strong><code>:reboot</code></strong></li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>Additionally, to indicate a transition that may occur <em>without</em> an
+        action being triggered, the action <strong><code>:automatically</code></strong> may be used,
+        as shown in the example above.</p>
+        <p>Depending on the collections you'll be supporting, some other methods that
+        your driver may implement are:</p>
+        <ul>
+        <li><code>hardware_profiles(credentials, opts=nil)</code></li>
+        <li><code>images(credentials, opts=nil )</code></li>
+        <li><code>realms(credentials, opts=nil)</code></li>
+        <li><code>instances(credentials, opts=nil)</code></li>
+        <li><code>create_instance(credentials, image_id, opts)</code></li>
+        <li><code>reboot_instance(credentials, id)</code></li>
+        <li><code>stop_instance(credentials, id)</code></li>
+        <li><code>destroy_instance(credentials, id)</code></li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>As a further example, the <code>hardware_profiles(...)</code> method should
+        return an array of <code>HardwareProfile</code> objects. The <code>opts</code> hash, if
+        present, must be inspected for <code>:id</code> and <code>:architecture</code> keys. If these keys
+        are present, the results should be filtered by the value associated with
+        each key. The <code>filter_on(...)</code> helper method is used for this filtering
+        and as you can see from existing driver method definitions, is invoked
+        in many of the driver collection methods:</p>
+        <pre><code>def hardware_profiles(credentials, opts=nil)&#x000A;  hardware_profiles = # get all hardware profiles from provider&#x000A;  hardware_profiles = filter_on( hardware_profiles, :id, opts )&#x000A;  hardware_profiles = filter_on( hardware_profiles, :architecture, opts )&#x000A;  return hardware_profiles&#x000A;end&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Once you've implemented some of the methods for your driver you can start to
+        'run' it and test that things are working as expected. To do this, you need to
+        create a yaml file for your driver so that the Deltacloud server 'knows' about
+        it. Assuming you've written the driver for cloud Foo and you've called it
+        foo_driver.rb (which contains the class Deltacloud::Drivers::Foo::FooDriver)
+        , you need to drop a file into <strong>/deltacloud/server/config/drivers</strong> called
+        <strong>foo.yaml</strong>, containing the following:</p>
+        <pre><code>---&#x000A;:foo:&#x000A;  :name Foo&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>You can then start the Deltacloud server with:</p>
+        <pre><code>deltacloudd -i foo&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h2_5">Writing and running tests</h3>
+        <p>If you add a new feature or write a new driver, you might like to add some tests to
+        make sure everything is running as expected. At present the Deltacloud project uses
+        Unit tests which live in <strong>/deltacloud/server/tests</strong> as well as Cucumber tests which live
+        in <strong>/deltacloud/tests</strong>.</p>
+        <p>You can invoke the Unit tests:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd /path/to/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ rake test&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>As you can see by inspecting the Rakefile in /deltacloud/server, this will invoke all
+        Unit tests defined in /deltacloud/server/tests. You can invoke specific driver tests by:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd /path/to/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ rake test:rackspace&#x000A;      _OR_&#x000A;$ rake test:mock&#x000A;      _etc_&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>You can invoke the Cucumber tests:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd /path/to/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ rake cucumber&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>Alternatively, you can bypass the Rakefile and invoke the cucumber tests directly:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ cd /path/to/deltacloud/server&#x000A;$ cucumber ../tests/mock&#x000A;      _OR_&#x000A;$ cucumber ../tests/ec2&#x000A;      _etc_&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <hr />
+        <br>
+        <h3 id="h2_6">Licensing - the Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement</h3>
+        <p>Deltacloud is an <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> project. As such
+        and in keeping with all Apache projects, contributors are required to sign an individual
+        contributor license agreement. This, together with instructions on signing and sending
+        the agreement can be <a href="">found here</a>. Please do
+        not hesitate to <a href="contact.html">contact us</a> if you have any queries or require any
+        clarification about contributing to the Deltacloud project.</p>
+        <br>
+        <p><a href="#contents">contents</a></p>
+        <br>
+        </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div id='footer-deltacloud'>
+      <div class='container'>
+        <p>
+          <a href=''>
+            <img alt='Apache Incubator Logo' src='' />
+          </a>
+        </p>
+        <p id='disclaimer'>
+          Apache Deltacloud is an effort undergoing incubation at The
+          Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache
+          Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted
+          projects until a further review indicates that the
+          infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
+          stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF
+          projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection
+          of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate
+          that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </body>

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/documentation.html
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/documentation.html (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/documentation.html Mon Oct 17 12:25:27 2011
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@
             <a class='inactive' href='./download.html' title='Get the latest releases'>Download</a>
-            <a class='inactive' href='./contribute.html' title='Information about design/development process'>Contribute</a>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./developers.html' title='Information for developers'>Developers</a>
             <a class='active' href='./documentation.html' title='Project documentation'>Documentation</a>
+          <li>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./contact.html' title='Contact us!'>Contact</a>
+          </li>
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@
         <ul class='l1'>
             <a class='active' href='documentation.html'>
-              Overview
+              Installation
@@ -58,11 +61,6 @@
-            <a class='inactive' href='framework.html'>
-              Framework
-            </a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
             <a class='inactive' href='client-ruby.html'>
               Ruby Client
@@ -82,292 +80,462 @@
         <p>The Deltacloud documentation is divided into the following parts:</p>
+            <a href='documentation.html'>
+              Installation, dependencies and quick-start (this page)
+            </a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
             <a href='api.html'>
               REST API definition
             <a href='drivers.html'>
-              Currently-supported drivers
+              Information about currently supported drivers
-            <a href='framework.html'>
-              Framework for writing additional drivers
+            <a href='client-ruby.html'>
+              The Deltacloud Ruby client
-            <a href='client-ruby.html'>
-              Ruby client
+            <a href='libdeltacloud.html'>
+              The libdeltacloud C library
+        </ul>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <hr />
+        <br />
+        <a name='install_deltacloud'></a>
+        <h1>Install Deltacloud</h1>
+        This page lists the libraries and packages that you will need in order to install
+        the Deltacloud server, a "Hello Deltacloud" quick-start guide as well as some
+        information on interacting with the Deltacloud server after a succesful installation.
+        <h2>Installation of Deltacloud itself</h2>
+        Once you've setup all the dependencies listed below, installing Deltacloud is as easy as
+        typing:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ sudo gem install deltacloud-core</code></pre>
+        And
+        <strong>thats it!</strong>
+        The
+        <strong>gem install</strong>
+        command will automatically fetch and install all other gems that the Deltacloud server
+        needs if you don't already have these. As an alternative you can get the latest
+        releases of Deltacloud from the
+        <a href=''>
+          Apache website.
+        </a>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <hr />
+        <br />
+        <a name='dependencies'></a>
+        <h2>Installation dependencies</h2>
+        The Deltacloud server relies on a number of external rubygems and other libraries.
+        You must have the following packages installed before trying to install and
+        run the Deltacloud server. Please note that the names of the packages below
+        may differ for your distribution (e.g. 'ruby-devel' vs 'ruby-dev'). In short, you need:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <ul>
+          <li>ruby and ruby-devel,</li>
+          <li>gem (RubyGems),</li>
+          <li>gcc-c++,</li>
+          <li>libxml2 and libxml2-devel,</li>
+          <li>libxslt and libxslt-devel,</li>
+          <li>rake</li>
+        </ul>
+        More info on getting these follows:
+        <h3>ruby and ruby-devel</h3>
+        You need to
+        <a href=''>
+          install ruby.
+        </a>
+        You can check to see if you already have a ruby installation by typing:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ ruby -v</code></pre>
+        If you see something that looks like the following:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i686-linux]</code></pre>
+        then you can skip the ruby installation. Deltacloud requires ruby to be
+        at least version 1.8.7. You also need the development headers (ruby-devel) as
+        Deltacloud relies on some rubygems with C extensions. If you use a package manager
+        such as yum or apt-get:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>sudo yum install ruby&#x000A;sudo yum install ruby-devel</code></pre>
+        OR
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>sudo apt-get install ruby&#x000A;sudo apt-get install ruby-devel</code></pre>
+        <h3>gem (RubyGems)</h3>
+        Deltacloud relies on a number of ruby gems so you also need to
+        <a href=''>
+          install RubyGems.
+        </a>
+        As with ruby, you can check if you already have the
+        <strong>gem</strong>
+        executable installed by typing
+        <strong>gem -v</strong>
+        . Again, your package manager can help with the installation:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ sudo yum install rubygems</code></pre>
+        <h3>gcc-c++, libxml2, libxml2-devel, libxslt, libxslt-devel</h3>
+        These are required to build RubyGems that have C extensions. Again, typically
+        the easiest way to get these is with you package manager:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ sudo yum install gcc-c++&#x000A;$ sudo yum install libxml libxml2-devel&#x000A;$ sudo yum install libxslt libxslt-devel</code></pre>
+        <h3>rake</h3>
+        <a href=''>
+          Rake
+        </a>
+        is Ruby's Make and is itself a ruby gem. Once you have RubyGems installed you can
+        get rake with:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ sudo gem install rake</code></pre>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <hr />
+        <br />
+        <a name='quick_start'></a>
+        <h1>"Hello Deltacloud!", quick-start guide</h1>
+        This guide assumes a linux environment. Some of the Deltacloud developers
+        are running recent versions of
+        <a href=''>
+          Fedora.
+        </a>
+        However, as Deltacloud is written in Ruby you should be able to install it on
+        any OS that supports Ruby. If you have succesfully installed Deltacloud or are
+        having any problems doing so, please
+        <a href='contact.html'>
+          let us know,
+        </a>
+        we'd love to hear from you!
+        <h2>Running the Deltacloud server</h2>
+        After you succesfully install Deltacloud, you can start the server by typing
+        <strong>
+          deltacloudd -i
+          <em>
+            provider_id.
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        The
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            provider_id
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        is the name of the cloud provider that you have an account with, for example 'ec2'.
+        If you don't yet have an account with a cloud provider, you can still try the Deltacloud
+        mock driver:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>deltacloudd -i mock</code></pre>
+        This will start the Deltacloud server on your local machine with the mock driver, accepting
+        connections on port 3001 (the default). From version 0.4.0 of Deltacloud, you can use the
+        '-l' flag to see
+        <a href='drivers.html#providers'>
+          all available
+        </a>
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            provider_ids
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        that can be used with the
+        <strong>deltacloudd</strong>
+        executable.
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudd -l&#x000A;<br />&#x000A;Available drivers:&#x000A;* condor&#x000A;* vsphere&#x000A;* opennebula&#x000A;* eucalyptus&#x000A;* rhevm&#x000A;* sbc&#x000A;* azure&#x000A;* gogrid&#x000A;* mock&#x000A;* rackspace&#x000A;* rimuhosting&#x000A;* terremark&#x000A;* ec2</code></pre>
+        After you start the server, the Deltacloud HTML interface is available at
+        <strong>
+          http://localhost:3001/api
+        </strong>
+        - open this address in your web browser. If you want to see XML output from the
+        server in the browser, append
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            format=xml
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        to each URL. On Webkit based browsers like Safari, you might need to instruct the
+        server explicitly to
+        <a href=''>
+          return HTML
+        </a>
+        Do this by appending
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            format=html
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        to each URL. Your browser will prompt you for
+        <a href='drivers.html#credentials'>
+          credentials
+        </a>
+        when you invoke an operation that requires
+        <a href='api.html#authentication'>
+          authentication.
+        </a>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        The '-h' flag will list all available options for
+        <strong>deltacloudd.</strong>
+        For example, to start the Deltacloud server with the Rackspace driver on port 10000
+        you can use:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudd -i rackspace -P 10000</code></pre>
+        You may want to install the server on another machine and make Deltacloud available on
+        your local network. To do this you need to bind the Deltacloud server to an address other
+        than 'localhost' (default). For instance, if you install and start Deltacloud on a machine
+        with the IP address you should start the server with:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudd -i ec2 -P 5000 -r</code></pre>
+        This will make the Deltacloud server available at the address
+        <strong>
+        </strong>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <hr />
+        <br />
+        <h2>The Deltacloud ruby client</h2>
+        The Deltacloud project also maintains a ruby client, which you need to install
+        seperately to the Deltacloud API server. The Deltacloud client consists of a
+        ruby library (packaged as a ruby gem) which you can use to programmatically
+        interact with the Deltacloud server and control your cloud infrastructure
+        across cloud providers. For example, assuming the Deltacloud server is
+        running at
+        <strong>
+        </strong>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>require 'deltacloud'&#x000A;<br />&#x000A;api_url      = ''&#x000A;api_name     = 'TK2PJCAN9R1HKG2FK24Z'&#x000A;api_password = 'aLe27rZlRhlBcVoQbL4JsVtaNga12vEL9d9kS5CA'&#x000A;<br />&#x000A;client = api_name, api_password, api_url )&#x000A;<br />&#x000A;# get a list of currently running instances (virtual machines)&#x000A;client.instances.each do |instance|&#x000A; puts;end&#x000A;<br />&#x000A;<div id='do'>other work with client here</div></code></pre>
+        More comprehensive information on using the Deltacloud ruby client in this way
+        can be found in the
+        <a href='client-ruby.html'>
+          client documentation.
+        </a>
+        Assuming you already have Ruby and RubyGems setup, you can install the Deltacloud
+        client by simply typing:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ sudo gem install deltacloud-client</code></pre>
+        Installing the Deltacloud client also gives you the
+        <strong>
+          deltacloudc
+        </strong>
+        command line tool. This executable makes use of the Deltacloud client library to speak to the
+        Deltacloud server using the
+        <a href='api.html'>
+          REST API.
+        </a>
+        This allows you to to control your IAAS cloud infrastructure form the command line;
+        even better if you are familiar with linux scripting, you can knock up a bash script in no time
+        to automate your cloud infrastructure tasks.
+        The general usage pattern for deltacloudc is:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudc collection operation [options]</code></pre>
+        <ul>
-            <a href='libdeltacloud.html'>
-              C library
+            <strong>
+              <em>
+                collection
+              </em>
+            </strong>
+            refers to the Deltacloud object collections, such as Instances,
+            Images, Buckets, Realms etc, as described in greater detail in the
+            <a href='api.html#h1'>
+              REST API
+            </a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <strong>
+              <em>
+                operation
+              </em>
+            </strong>
+            is collection dependant. All collections respond to 'index'
+            and 'show' operations (retrieve details on all objects in a given collection
+            or on a specific object, respectively); some collections respond to 'create' and 'destroy'
+            operations. The instances collection (realised virtual servers) responds to operations
+            for managing the instance lifecycle, such as 'stop', 'reboot' etc.
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <strong>
+              <em>
+                options
+              </em>
+            </strong>
+            are listed by invoking
+            <strong>deltacloudc -h</strong>
+            One important option is
+            <strong>-u,</strong>
+            with which you specify the API_URL where the Deltacloud server is running. The API_URL
+            takes the form
+            <strong>
+              http://[user]:[password]@[api_url]:[port]/[api]
+            </strong>
+            (examples follow). Alternatively, rather than having to supply the API_URL for every
+            invocation of
+            <strong>
+              deltacloudc
+            </strong>
+            you have the choice of setting the API_URL environment variable
+            (e.g., export API_URL=http://mockuser:mockpassword@localhost:3001/api). A
+            listing of the credentials you need to provide for each back-end cloud provider
+            is available
+            <a href='drivers.html#credentials'>
+              here.
-        <h1>Usage</h1>
-        <p>
-          The server listens by default on
-          <tt>
-            http://localhost:3001/.
-          </tt>
-          For testing and exploring, the server can be used from a web browser and
-          will return HTML to it. If you want to see XML output from the server in
-          the browser, append
-          <tt>
-            &#x3f;format=xml
-          </tt>
-          to each URL.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          On Webkit based browsers like Safari, you might need to instruct the
-          server explicitly to
-          <a href=''>
-            return HTML
-          </a>
-          &#x2e; Do this by appending
-          <tt>
-            &#x3f;format=html
-          </tt>
-          to each URL.
-        </p>
-        <h2>Logging into the server</h2>
-        <p>
-          Deltacloud uses basic HTTP authentication to receive credentials from the
-          client and passes them through to the backend cloud it is talking to. The
-          credentials always consist of a username and password, and are never
-          stored on the server.  The exact credentials for logging into the server,
-          and where you find them, depends on the backend cloud that the server is
-          talking to.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The following table gives details about how to set up the server and what
-          credentials to provide for each of the supported clouds. The entry from
-          the Driver column needs to be passed as the
-          <tt>
-            --driver
-          </tt>
-          option to
-          <tt>
-            deltacloudd.
-          </tt>
-          Note that some of the drivers require additional information, e.g.,
-          API endpoint URL's, be passed through environment variables
-        </p>
-        <table id='providers'>
-          <tr>
-            <th>
-              <strong>Cloud</strong>
-            </th>
-            <th>
-              <strong>Driver</strong>
-            </th>
-            <th>
-              <strong>Username</strong>
-            </th>
-            <th>
-              <strong>Password</strong>
-            </th>
-            <th>
-              <strong>Notes</strong>
-            </th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>mock</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>mock</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>
-                mockuser
-              </tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>
-                mockpassword
-              </tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              The mock driver doesn't talk to any cloud; it just pretends to be a cloud
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Amazon EC2/S3</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>ec2</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Access Key ID
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Secret Access Key
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              This information can be found on the
-              <a href=''>Security Credentials</a>
-              page in your AWS account
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Eucalyptus</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>eucalyptus</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Access Key ID
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Secret Access Key
-            </td>
-            <td></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>GoGrid</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>gogrid</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              API Key
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Shared Secret
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Go to
-              <tt>My Account &gt; API Keys</tt>
-              for
-              <a href=''>your account</a>
-              and click on the key you want to use to find the shared secret.
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>IBM SBC</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>sbc</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Username
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Password
-            </td>
-            <td></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Microsoft Azure (Storage Account only)</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>azure</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Public Storage Account Name
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Primary Access Key
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              The Storage Account Name is chosen when you create the service (e.g. name in This and the access key are available from the service control panel.
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>OpenNebula</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>opennebula</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              OpenNebula user
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              OpenNebula password
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Set the environment variable
-              <tt>OCCI_URL</tt>
-              to the address on which OpenNebula's OCCI server is listening.
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Rackspace Cloud Servers/Cloud Files</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>rackspace</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Rackspace user name
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              API Key
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Obtain the key from the
-              <a href=''>API Access</a>
-              page in your control panel
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>RHEV-M</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>rhevm</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <a href=''>RHEV-M user name plus Windows domain</a>
-              , e.g.,
-              <tt></tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              RHEV-M password
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Set environment variable
-              <tt>API_PROVIDER</tt>
-              to the URL of the RHEV-M REST API endpoint.
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Rimuhosting</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>rimuhosting</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>not used (?)</td>
-            <td>API Key</td>
-            <td></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>
-              <strong>Terremark</strong>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              <tt>terremark</tt>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Username
-            </td>
-            <td>
-              Password
-            </td>
-            <td></td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
+        The following examples assume that the Deltacloud server is running on your local machine
+        port 3001 (the
+        <strong>deltacloudd</strong>
+        server daemon defaults to 'localhost:3001') and was started with the 'mock' provider
+        (i.e.
+        <strong>deltacloudd -i mock</strong>
+        ).
+        To list all collections available in the current driver:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudc -l -u http://mockuser:mockpassword@localhost:3001/api</code></pre>
+        To get a list of all
+        <strong>images:</strong>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudc images index -u http://mockuser:mockpassword@localhost:3001/api</code></pre>
+        To list all operations for the
+        <strong>buckets</strong>
+        collection:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudc buckets -l -u http://mockuser:mockpassword@localhost:3001/api</code></pre>
+        To create a new blob in the bucket called 'bucket1':
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudc blob create -i 'my_new_blob' -b 'bucket1' -f /home/marios/file.txt</code></pre>
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <hr />
+        <br />
+        <h2>Other HTTP clients - cURL</h2>
+        As interaction with the Deltacloud server is via HTTP calls, you can use any
+        HTTP client to talk to it using the Deltacloud
+        <a href='api.html'>
+          REST API.
+        </a>
+        One popular command line tool available on most modern linux distributions is
+        <a href=''>
+          cURL.
+        </a>
+        We give some examples here of how you can use cURL to interact with Deltacloud,
+        demonstrating the flexibility and power of the Deltacloud REST API.
+        The following examples assume the Deltacloud server is running on locahost:3001,
+        and was started with the 'ec2' driver (i.e.,
+        <strong>deltacloudd -i ec2</strong>
+        ).
+        To get a
+        <a href='api.html#list_images'>
+          listing of all images
+        </a>
+        available in the back-end cloud:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>curl  --user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"&#x000A;"http://localhost:3001/api/images?format=xml"</code></pre>
+        The cURL
+        <strong>--user</strong>
+        option is used to specify the
+        <strong>username:password</strong>
+        <a href='drivers.html#credentials'>
+          credentials
+        </a>
+        for access to the back-end cloud provider (Amazon EC2 in this case).
+        To
+        <a href='api.html#create_instance'>
+          create a new instance
+        </a>
+        from the
+        <a href='api.html#h3_3'>
+          image
+        </a>
+        with id 'ami-f51aff9c', in
+        <a href='api.html#h3_1'>
+          realm
+        </a>
+        'us-east-1c', with the
+        <a href='api.html#h3_2'>
+          hardware profile
+        </a>
+        'c1.medium', in
+        <a href='api.html#h3_7'>
+          firewall
+        </a>
+        'default':
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>curl -X POST -F "keyname=eftah" -F "image_id=ami-f51aff9c"&#x000A;-F "realm_id=us-east-1c" -F "hwp_id=c1.medium" -F "firewalls1=default"&#x000A;--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"&#x000A;"http://localhost:3001/api/instances?format=xml"</code></pre>
+        To
+        <a href='api.html#delete_firewall'>
+          delete a firewall
+        </a>
+        called 'develgroup':
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>curl -X DELETE&#x000A;--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"&#x000A;http://localhost:3001/api/firewalls/develgroup?format=xml</code></pre>
+        To
+        <a href='api.html#create_blob'>
+          create a blob
+        </a>
+        called 'my_new_blob' within the
+        <a href='api.html#h4_3'>
+          bucket
+        </a>
+        'mybucket' from a local file with
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            HTTP PUT
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        specifying its content type and setting some some metadata
+        <strong>
+          <em>
+            key:value
+          </em>
+        </strong>
+        pairs:
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>curl -H 'content-type: text/html' -H 'X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Name:mariosblob'&#x000A;-H 'X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Version:2.1' --upload-file&#x000A;"/home/marios/Desktop/somefile.html"&#x000A;--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"&#x000A;http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/mybucket/my_new_blob?format=xml</code></pre>
+        To
+        <a href='api.html#h4_3_10'>
+          retrieve blob metadata
+        </a>
+        for the blob called 'my_new_blob':
+        <br />
+        <br />
+        <pre><code>curl -iv -X HEAD&#x000A;--user "pGbAJ1TsVg5PKs3BK27O:dPs47ralgBlldqYNbLg3scthsg4g8v0L9d6Mb5DK"&#x000A;http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/mybucket/my_new_blob?format=xml</code></pre>
+        Note the use of the '-iv' flags here which will ensure that cURL displays the
+        request and response headers (blob metadata is reported in the response headers,
+        with an empty response body).
     <div id='footer-deltacloud'>

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/drivers.html
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/drivers.html (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/drivers.html Mon Oct 17 12:25:27 2011
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@
             <a class='inactive' href='./download.html' title='Get the latest releases'>Download</a>
-            <a class='inactive' href='./contribute.html' title='Information about design/development process'>Contribute</a>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./developers.html' title='Information for developers'>Developers</a>
             <a class='active' href='./documentation.html' title='Project documentation'>Documentation</a>
+          <li>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./contact.html' title='Contact us!'>Contact</a>
+          </li>
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@
         <ul class='l1'>
             <a class='inactive' href='documentation.html'>
-              Overview
+              Installation
@@ -58,11 +61,6 @@
-            <a class='inactive' href='framework.html'>
-              Framework
-            </a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
             <a class='inactive' href='client-ruby.html'>
               Ruby Client
@@ -83,79 +81,67 @@
         <!-- = title + '</h1>' -->
         <ul class="toc">
-        <a href="#h1">Setting up the code</a>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-        <a href="#h2">Launch the server</a>
+        <a href="#h1">Dynamic driver switching</a>
-        <a href="#h3">Dynamic driver switching</a>
+        <a href="#h2">Driver functionality and Credentials</a>
-        <a href="#h4">Notes on specific drivers</a>
+        <a href="#h3">Notes on specific drivers</a>
-        <a href="#h4_1">EC2 Driver</a>
+        <a href="#h3_1">EC2 Driver</a>
-        <a href="#h4_2">Eucalyptus Driver</a>
+        <a href="#h3_2">Eucalyptus Driver</a>
-        <a href="#h4_3">RHEV-M Driver</a>
+        <a href="#h3_3">RHEV-M Driver</a>
-        <a href="#h4_4">Rackspace Driver</a>
+        <a href="#h3_4">Rackspace Driver</a>
-        <a href="#h4_5">RimuHosting</a>
+        <a href="#h3_5">RimuHosting</a>
-        <a href="#h4_6">OpenNebula</a>
+        <a href="#h3_6">OpenNebula</a>
-        <a href="#h4_7">IBM Smartcloud Driver</a>
+        <a href="#h3_7">IBM Smartcloud Driver</a>
         <!-- = rest -->
-        <p>Deltacloud provides drivers for a growing number of popular clouds. All drivers
-        can handle a set of standard operations, some of them also support a number of
-        optional operations to expose the features of specific clouds more closely. The
-        drivers and their capabilities are:</p>
-        <h2 id="h1">Setting up the code</h2>
-        <p>To set up a Deltacloud core and the drivers, install the
-        <a href="">deltacloud-core</a> Ruby gem:</p>
-        <pre><code># gem install deltacloud-core&#x000A;</code></pre>
-        <p>RPM package will be available soon.</p>
-        <h2 id="h2">Launch the server</h2>
-        <p>The server is launched with the <code>deltacloudd</code> command and pass it the name
-        of the driver you want to use:</p>
-        <pre><code>$ deltacloudd -i mock&#x000A;</code></pre>
-        <p>This will start a webserver running the mock driver on
-        <code>http://localhost:3001/api</code>; you can simply browse to that URL to get a
-        pretty view of the objects the driver deals with.</p>
-        <h2 id="h3">Dynamic driver switching</h2>
-        <p>The driver specified with the <code>-i</code> switch when <code>deltacloudd</code> is launched is
-        the default driver. Clients can switch drivers for any request. The list of
-        drivers supported by the server can be obtained from the <code>drivers</code>
-        collection.</p>
+        <p>Deltacloud provides drivers for a <a href="drivers.html#providers">growing number</a> of popular
+        IaaS cloud providers. This page contains notes pertinent to specific cloud provider drivers, such
+        as the <a href="drivers.html#credentials">credentials</a> that should be used for a given cloud provider.
+        Furthermore the information here outlines the mechanism through which any API call sent by a
+        given client to a Deltacloud server instance may be routed to a specific driver, regardless
+        of the 'default' driver that the Deltacloud server was invoked for.</p>
+        <hr />
+        <h2 id="h1">Dynamic driver switching</h2>
+        <p>When the Deltacloud server is started it is passed a parameter
+        that specifies the <strong>default</strong> driver to be used for API operations:</p>
+        <pre><code>$ deltacloudd -i ec2&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p>The above for example starts the Detlacloud server with the Amazon EC2 driver. Whilst
+        it is possible to start a number of Deltacloud server instances for each cloud provider
+        that you wish to connect to (e.g., on different ports), a mechanism is provided with which
+        to instruct the server to use a specific driver, regardless of the current default. The
+        Deltacloud API <strong>drivers</strong> colletion (e.g. GET /api/drivers) provides a list of all currently
+        supported cloud provider drivers.</p>
         <p>Some drivers also support the notion of a <em>provider</em>. Changing the provider
         makes it possible to use the same driver against different instances of a
         cloud, for example different regions in EC2 or different installations of
         RHEV-M. The possible range of values for the provider is driver-specific,
-        and listed below for each driver.</p>
+        and listed in the notes for each driver below.</p>
         <p>The driver and provider can be selected in one of two ways:</p>
@@ -168,12 +154,14 @@
         <li>Through the matrix request parameters <code>driver</code> and <code>provider</code> in the
         <code>api</code> component of the server's URL. For example, requesting
         <code>http://localhost:3001/api;driver=ec2;provider=eu-west-1</code> has the same
-        effect as using the two request headers mentioned above.</li>
+        effect as using the two request headers in the example above.</li>
-        <h2 id="h4">Notes on specific drivers</h2>
-        <h3>Compute Drivers</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h2 id="h2">Driver functionality and Credentials</h2>
+        <h3>Compute Driver Functionality</h3>
         <table id='providers'>
             <th class='emptycell'>&nbsp;</th>
@@ -356,17 +344,17 @@
             <td class="supported">yes</td>
-        <h3>Storage Drivers</h3>
+        <h3>Storage Driver Functionality</h3>
         <table id='providers'>
             <th class='emptycell'>&nbsp;</th>
-              new containers
+              new buckets
-              containers
+              buckets
@@ -442,30 +430,271 @@
             <td class="not-supported">TBD</td>
+        <p>
+          Deltacloud uses basic HTTP
+          <a href='api.html#h1_3'>
+            authentication
+          </a>
+          to receive credentials from the
+          client and passes them through to the backend cloud it is talking to. The
+          credentials always consist of a username and password, and are never
+          stored on the server.  The exact credentials for logging into the server,
+          and where you find them, depends on the backend cloud that the server is
+          talking to.
+        </p>
+        <a name='credentials'></a>
+        <p>
+          The following table gives details about the credentials that must be
+          provided for each of the supported clouds. The entry from
+          the Driver column needs to be passed as the
+          <tt>
+            -i
+          </tt>
+          option to the
+          <tt>
+            deltacloudd
+          </tt>
+          server daemon. Note that some of the drivers require additional information, e.g.,
+          API endpoint URL's, be passed through environment variables, as addressed in the
+          <a href='drivers.html#specific_driver_notes'>
+            Notes
+          </a>
+          for Specific Drivers section below.
+        </p>
+        <h3>Cloud provider credentials</h3>
+        <table id='providers'>
+          <tr>
+            <th>
+              <strong>Cloud</strong>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <strong>Driver</strong>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <strong>Username</strong>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <strong>Password</strong>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <strong>Notes</strong>
+            </th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>mock</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>mock</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>
+                mockuser
+              </tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>
+                mockpassword
+              </tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              The mock driver doesn't talk to any cloud; it just pretends to be a cloud
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Amazon EC2/S3</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>ec2</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Access Key ID
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Secret Access Key
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              This information can be found on the
+              <a href=''>Security Credentials</a>
+              page in your AWS account
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Eucalyptus</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>eucalyptus</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Access Key ID
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Secret Access Key
+            </td>
+            <td></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>GoGrid</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>gogrid</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              API Key
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Shared Secret
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Go to
+              <tt>My Account &gt; API Keys</tt>
+              for
+              <a href=''>your account</a>
+              and click on the key you want to use to find the shared secret.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>IBM SBC</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>sbc</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Username
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Password
+            </td>
+            <td></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Microsoft Azure (Storage Account only)</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>azure</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Public Storage Account Name
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Primary Access Key
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              The Storage Account Name is chosen when you create the service (e.g. name in This and the access key are available from the service control panel.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>OpenNebula</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>opennebula</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              OpenNebula user
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              OpenNebula password
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Set the environment variable
+              <tt>OCCI_URL</tt>
+              to the address on which OpenNebula's OCCI server is listening.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Rackspace Cloud Servers/Cloud Files</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>rackspace</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Rackspace user name
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              API Key
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Obtain the key from the
+              <a href=''>API Access</a>
+              page in your control panel
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>RHEV-M</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>rhevm</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <a href=''>RHEV-M user name plus Windows domain</a>
+              , e.g.,
+              <tt></tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              RHEV-M password
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Set environment variable
+              <tt>API_PROVIDER</tt>
+              to the URL of the RHEV-M REST API endpoint.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Rimuhosting</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>rimuhosting</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>not used (?)</td>
+            <td>API Key</td>
+            <td></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <strong>Terremark</strong>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <tt>terremark</tt>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Username
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Password
+            </td>
+            <td></td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
-        <h3 id="h4_1">EC2 Driver</h3>
+        <p><a name="providers">.</a></p>
-        <p>For the Amazon EC2 you need to install the
-        <a href="">aws</a> Ruby gem:</p>
+        <hr />
-        <pre><code># gem install aws&#x000A;</code></pre>
+        <p><a name="specific_driver_notes"> .</a></p>
-        <p>When using the driver for Amazon EC2, the credentials passed in
-        response to the HTTP 401 authentication challenge should be your
-        <em>access_key</em> and <em>secret_access_key</em></p>
+        <h2 id="h3">Notes on specific drivers</h2>
-        <p>These credentials may be found on the <a href="">Access Identifiers</a>
-        page at Amazon AWS.</p>
+        <h3 id="h3_1">EC2 Driver</h3>
         <p>The providers for the EC2 driver correspond to AWS's regions, and currently
         are <code>us-east-1</code>, <code>us-east-1</code>, <code>eu-west-1</code>, <code>ap-southeast-1</code>.</p>
-        <h3 id="h4_2">Eucalyptus Driver</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_2">Eucalyptus Driver</h3>
-        <p>The Eucalyptus driver is based on the EC2 driver, and therefore also
-        requires the <code>aws</code> gem.</p>
+        <p>The Eucalyptus driver is based on the EC2 driver.</p>
         <p>The driver allows selecting the Eucalyptus installation by setting a
         provider in the format</p>
@@ -478,7 +707,9 @@
         <pre><code>X-Deltacloud-Driver: eucalyptus&#x000A;X-Deltacloud-Provider: ec2=;s3=;</code></pre>
-        <h3 id="h4_3">RHEV-M Driver</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_3">RHEV-M Driver</h3>
         <p>The RHEV-M driver needs to be installed on a Windows machine which has the
         RHEV-M Powershell API installed and configured. Assuming the directory
@@ -491,18 +722,24 @@
         the RHEVM.dll.config file which is referenced from the profile.ps1
         file located in My Documents/WindowsPowershell directory</p>
-        <h3 id="h4_4">Rackspace Driver</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_4">Rackspace Driver</h3>
         <p>When using the Rackspace-cloud driver (Rackspace cloud used to be called
         "Mosso") - the password in a HTTP 401 challenge should be your API key, NOT
-        your rackspace account password.  (you can get the API-key, or generate a
-        new one, from the rackspace console).</p>
+        your rackspace account password.  You can get the API-key, or generate a
+        new one, from the rackspace console.</p>
-        <h3 id="h4_5">RimuHosting</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_5">RimuHosting</h3>
         <p>Further details coming soon.</p>
-        <h3 id="h4_6">OpenNebula</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_6">OpenNebula</h3>
         <p>When using the <a href="">OpenNebula</a> driver, the
         credentials passed in response to the HTTP 401 authentication challenge
@@ -511,7 +748,9 @@
         <p>The address, on which the OCCI server is listening, needs to be defined in
         an environment variable called OCCI_URL.</p>
-        <h3 id="h4_7">IBM Smartcloud Driver</h3>
+        <hr />
+        <h3 id="h3_7">IBM Smartcloud Driver</h3>
         <p>When using the IBM SmartCloud driver, the credentials passed in response to
         the HTTP 401 authentication challenge should be your IBM SmartCloud

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/libdeltacloud.html
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/libdeltacloud.html (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/libdeltacloud.html Mon Oct 17 12:25:27 2011
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@
             <a class='inactive' href='./download.html' title='Get the latest releases'>Download</a>
-            <a class='inactive' href='./contribute.html' title='Information about design/development process'>Contribute</a>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./developers.html' title='Information for developers'>Developers</a>
             <a class='active' href='./documentation.html' title='Project documentation'>Documentation</a>
+          <li>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./contact.html' title='Contact us!'>Contact</a>
+          </li>
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@
         <ul class='l1'>
             <a class='inactive' href='documentation.html'>
-              Overview
+              Installation
@@ -58,11 +61,6 @@
-            <a class='inactive' href='framework.html'>
-              Framework
-            </a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
             <a class='inactive' href='client-ruby.html'>
               Ruby Client

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/roadmap.html
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/roadmap.html (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/output/roadmap.html Mon Oct 17 12:25:27 2011
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@
             <a class='inactive' href='./download.html' title='Get the latest releases'>Download</a>
-            <a class='inactive' href='./contribute.html' title='Information about design/development process'>Contribute</a>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./developers.html' title='Information for developers'>Developers</a>
             <a class='inactive' href='./documentation.html' title='Project documentation'>Documentation</a>
+          <li>
+            <a class='inactive' href='./contact.html' title='Contact us!'>Contact</a>
+          </li>
@@ -59,9 +62,9 @@
         in order of priority.</p>
         <p>If you have anything you'd like to see added to the roadmap, or think that
-        some items should receive more attention, please let us know on the
-        <a href="/contribute.html">mailing list</a>. Of course, the quickest way to get anything into
-        Deltacloud is to <a href="/contribute.html">send us patches</a> &mdash; we will of course take patches
+        some items should receive more attention, please <a href="contact.html">let us know</a>.
+        Of course, the quickest way to get anything into
+        Deltacloud is to send us patches; we will of course take patches
         for anything, regardless of whether they adress items on the roadmap or
         anything else.</p>