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Posted to by Stefan Duffner <> on 2004/04/01 13:58:51 UTC

Merge multiple indeces like a sql join


I am testing for Lucene for a project and I am new in Lucene and I have 
a question. I read the documentation and searched the mailing test but I 
did not find any anwser for my question.

My problem:
I have to 2 indeces (I made a simple test example): First index is 
storing information about books and the second is storing information 
about authors. Both indeces have a field named number, which is a unique 
indentifier for an author. If these 2 indeces are tables in a database I 
would normally join tables, where number is the key of the author table 
and the foreign key of book table. Now  I want to do same with Lucene. I 
used the MultiSearcher and I get 2 hits (one from book index and the 
other from author table), if  I use an unique number. I think this is 
normal behaviour, but I am not sure. Can you give me an answer, if this 
is correct ? What can I do to solve this problem (The only idea I have 
for the moment is to determine which terms are for the one index and 
which are for the other and split them. Then make a search on one index 
and get the unique numbers of this search result. Then I will use this 
unique numbers with the other query parameters for the next search in 
the other index) ?

Thanks for any comments

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