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[3/3] bigtop git commit: BIGTOP-1501. come up with a way to use Jenkins plugins/Groovy console to create jobs

BIGTOP-1501. come up with a way to use Jenkins plugins/Groovy console to create jobs


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 258c97c69e9a326da9e40ebb398d675f0919bc3c
Parents: f506701
Author: Roman Shaposhnik <>
Authored: Sun Dec 14 22:02:33 2014 -0800
Committer: Konstantin Boudnik <>
Committed: Tue Feb 10 13:56:05 2015 -0800

 bigtop-ci/jenkins/README             |  31 ++++
 bigtop-ci/jenkins/jobsCreator.groovy | 233 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 264 insertions(+)
diff --git a/bigtop-ci/jenkins/README b/bigtop-ci/jenkins/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963f814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigtop-ci/jenkins/README
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Bigtop's approach to running CI off of Jenkins is simple: we use
+Groovy DSL Job plugin extensively so that Jenkins configuration
+can be as stateless as possible. All we require from a Jenkins
+admin is that the following plugins are installed:
+   * Amazon EC2 Plugin
+   * Credentials Plugin
+   * Disk Usage Plugin
+   * DynamicAxis Plugin
+   * Git Plugin
+   * Gradle plugin
+   * Hudson Extended Read Permission Plugin
+   * Job DSL Plugin
+   * Mailer
+   * Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
+   * Matrix Project Plugin
+   * Matrix Reloaded Plugin
+   * Parameterized Trigger Plugin
+   * SSH Credentials Plugin
+   * SSH Slaves plugin
+   * Timestamper
+Once you have all the above plugins installed, all you have to do in
+order to start Bigtop CI is to create one Bootstrap job. Pick a type
+of 'Build a free-style software project' when asked by Jenkins and 
+hook it up to Bigtop's Git repo. Then select 'Process Job DSLs' as 
+one and only build step, pointing it at 
+   bigtop-ci/jenkins/jobsCreator.groovy
+as a DSL script that needs to be looked up in the filesystem.
+That is it! You only need to run it now in order to have all
+the required Jenkins jobs.
diff --git a/bigtop-ci/jenkins/jobsCreator.groovy b/bigtop-ci/jenkins/jobsCreator.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c0f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigtop-ci/jenkins/jobsCreator.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// FIXME: it would be nice to extract the following from on the fly
+def bigtopComponents = ["bigtop-groovy", "bigtop-jsvc", "bigtop-tomcat", "bigtop-utils", 
+                        "zookeeper", "hadoop", "hbase", "hive", "pig", "crunch", "datafu", 
+                        "flume", "giraph", "gridgain-hadoop", "mahout", "oozie", "phoenix", 
+                        "solr", "spark", "sqoop", "tachyon", "whirr"]
+// FIXME: it would be nice to extract the following from some static configuration file
+def targetOS = ["fedora-20",  "opensuse-12.3",  "ubuntu-14.04"]
+def gitUrl = ""
+def gitBranch = "master"
+def dockerLabel = "docker"
+def jobPrefix="Bigtop"
+def pkgTestsuites =["TestPackagesBasicsWithRM", "TestPackagesPseudoDistributedServices", 
+                    "TestPackagesPseudoDistributedDependency", "TestPackagesPseudoDistributedFileContents", 
+                    "TestPackagesPseudoDistributedWithRM", "TestPackagesBasics"]
+job {
+    name "${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-All"
+    description "Top level job that kicks off everything for a complete Bigtop CI run on branch ${gitBranch}"
+    logRotator(7 /*days to keep */, 10 /* # of builds */, 7 /*days to keep */, 10 /* # of builds */) 
+    label('master')
+    triggers {
+      cron("0 3 * * *")
+    }
+    steps {
+       downstreamParameterized {
+          trigger("${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-" + bigtopComponents.join("-pkg,${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-") + "-pkg",
+                     'UNSTABLE_OR_BETTER', true, ["buildStepFailure": "FAILURE", "failure": "FAILURE", "unstable": "UNSTABLE"]) {
+            currentBuild()
+          }
+           trigger("${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-Repository",
+                     'UNSTABLE_OR_BETTER', true, ["buildStepFailure": "FAILURE", "failure": "FAILURE", "unstable": "UNSTABLE"]) {
+            currentBuild()
+          }
+          trigger("${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-Packagetest",
+                     'UNSTABLE_OR_BETTER', true, ["buildStepFailure": "FAILURE", "failure": "FAILURE", "unstable": "UNSTABLE"]) {
+            currentBuild()
+          }
+       }
+    }
+job(type: Matrix) {
+    name "${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-Repository"
+    description "Top level job that creates final repository from packages built off of ${gitBranch} branch for all the matrix"
+    logRotator(2 /*days to keep */, 2 /* # of builds */, 2 /*days to keep */, 2 /* # of builds */) 
+    label('master')
+    steps {
+      shell('''
+#!/bin/bash -ex
+rm -rf * /var/tmp/* || :
+# By default Jenkins uses an internal (unresolvable) EC2 DNS name
+export PROJECTS="''' + bigtopComponents.join(' ') + '''"
+mkdir -p packages
+pushd packages
+  for project in $PROJECTS; do
+    mkdir -p ${project}
+    pushd ${project}
+      wget "${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-${project}-pkg/TARGET_OS=${TARGET_OS},slaves=docker/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/"
+      unzip
+      rm
+    popd
+  done
+if [ -n "find packages -iname '*.src.rpm'`" ] ; then
+  mkdir -p repo/{RPMS,SRPMS}
+  mv `find packages -iname "*.src.rpm"` repo/SRPMS/
+  mv `find packages -iname "*.rpm"` repo/RPMS/
+  pushd repo
+    createrepo .
+  popd
+  cat > repo/bigtop.repo << __EOT__
+  mkdir -p repo/conf
+  cat > repo/conf/distributions <<__EOT__
+Origin: Bigtop
+Label: Bigtop
+Suite: stable
+Codename: bigtop
+Version: 0.3
+Architectures: i386 amd64 source
+Components: contrib 
+Description: Bigtop
+  for i in `find packages -name \\*.changes` ; do
+    reprepro -Vb repo include bigtop $i
+  done
+  echo "deb ${JOB_URL}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/repo/ bigtop contrib" > repo/bigtop.list
+              ''')
+    }
+    publishers {
+        archiveArtifacts('repo/**/*')
+    }
+    axes {
+        text('TARGET_OS', targetOS)
+        label('slaves', dockerLabel)
+    }
+job(type: Matrix) {
+    name "${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-Packagetest"
+    description "Runs smoke tests on all packages built off of ${gitBranch} branch for all the matrix"
+    logRotator(4 /*days to keep */, 4 /* # of builds */, 4 /*days to keep */, 4 /* # of builds */) 
+    label('master')
+    parameters {
+      choiceParam("PKG_SUITE", pkgTestsuites)
+    }
+    scm {
+      git { node -> // is hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM
+        // node / gitConfigName('Bigtop')
+        // node / gitConfigEmail('')
+        remote {
+          name(gitBranch)
+          url(gitUrl)
+        }
+        branch(gitBranch)
+      }
+    }    
+    steps {
+      shell('''
+# Working around SuSE madness
+rm -f /etc/zypp/repos.d/*Cloud* || :
+export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
+export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
+export REPO_FILE_URL="${label/-slave/}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/repo/bigtop"
+export REPO_KEY_URL=""
+if [ "$label" = "precise-slave" -o "$label" = "quetzal-slave" -o "$label" = "trusty-slave" ]; then
+docker run -u `id -u` -e HOME=/var/lib/jenkins -e BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP=.${BUILD_NUMBER}   \\
+                               -v `pwd`/build/home:/var/lib/jenkins \\
+                               -v `pwd`:/ws bigtop/slaves:$TARGET_OS \\
+                               bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/; cd /ws ; mvn \\
+  -f bigtop-tests/test-execution/package/pom.xml \\
+  clean verify                                   \\
+  -Dbigtop.repo.file.url="'${REPO_FILE_URL}'"      \\
+  -Dorg.apache.bigtop.itest.log4j.level=TRACE    \\
+  -Dlog4j.debug=true                             \\
+  -Dorg.apache.maven-failsafe-plugin.testInclude="**/'${PKG_SUITE}'.*"
+              ''')
+    }
+    publishers {
+        archiveJunit('**/bigtop-tests/test-execution/package/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml') {
+            retainLongStdout()
+        }
+    }
+    axes {
+        text('TARGET_OS', targetOS)
+        label('slaves', dockerLabel)
+    }
+bigtopComponents.each { comp->
+  job(type: Matrix) {
+    println comp
+    name "${jobPrefix}-${gitBranch}-${comp}-pkg"
+    description "Builds packages on every platform of the matrix according to the ${gitBranch} branch"
+    logRotator(7 /*days to keep */, 10 /* # of builds */, 7 /*days to keep */, 10 /* # of builds */) 
+    label('master')
+    scm {
+      git { node -> // is hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM
+        // node / gitConfigName('Bigtop')
+        // node / gitConfigEmail('')
+        remote {
+          name(gitBranch)
+          url(gitUrl)
+        }
+        branch(gitBranch)
+      }
+    }
+// export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1536m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
+// export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1536m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
+// if [ -e /etc/SuSE-release ] ; then
+//  export LDFLAGS="-lrt"
+// fi
+    steps {
+      shell('''
+              mkdir -p build/home || :
+              docker run -u `id -u` -e HOME=/var/lib/jenkins -e BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP=.${BUILD_NUMBER}   \\
+                               -v `pwd`/build/home:/var/lib/jenkins \\
+                               -v `pwd`:/ws bigtop/slaves:$TARGET_OS \\
+                               bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/; cd /ws ; gradle ''' + "'\"${comp}-pkg\"")
+    }
+    publishers {
+        archiveArtifacts('output/**/*/*')
+    }
+    axes {
+        text('TARGET_OS', targetOS)
+        label('slaves', dockerLabel)
+    }
+  }