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Posted to by Patrik Nagel <> on 2009/03/31 13:30:51 UTC

File system resolver - list of patterns


According to the documenation [1] for file system resolvers on can indicate a list of patterns which will be checked one after another. Thus, I added two artifacts pattern for the "LocalThirdPartyResolver" in the ivy settings file as follows:

<chain name="ThirdParyResolvers" returnFirst="true">
  <filesystem name="LocalThirdPartyResolver" checkmodified="true">
    <ivy pattern="${localAbsPath.dir}/[module]/ivy-[module]_[revision].xml" />
    <artifact pattern="${localAbsPath.dir}/[module]/[module]_[revision](_[artifact]).properties" /> <!-- properties files are of ivy-type "meta" -->
    <artifact pattern="${serverAbsPath.dir}/[module]/[module]_[revision](_[artifact]).tgz" /> <!-- tgz files are of ivy-type "bin" -->
  <filesystem name="ThirdPartyResolver" checkmodified="true">
    <ivy pattern="${serverAbsPath.dir}/[module]/ivy-[module]_[revision].xml" />
    <artifact pattern="${serverAbsPath.dir}/[module]/[module]_[revision](_[artifact]).[ext]" />

The ant task 'resolve' runs without any problems and downloads the *.xml as well as the *.properties file to its cache for a module found with the "LocalThirdPartyResolver". But it does not download the *.tgz file. Instead ivy just creates the *.tgz file in its cache with the content of the *.properties file!?

Actually, the idea behind the two artifacts pattern is that the "LocalThirdPartyResolver" should only get i.e. prefer the porperties and ivy file for a module from the local repository but get the tgz file for the same module from a server's repository. Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

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