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svn commit: r936938 [22/29] - in /incubator/chemistry/opencmis/trunk/chemistry-opencmis-server: chemistry-opencmis-server-bindings/src/main/java/org/apache/chemistry/opencmis/server/impl/ chemistry-opencmis-server-bindings/src/main/java/org/apache/chem...

Modified: incubator/chemistry/opencmis/trunk/chemistry-opencmis-server/chemistry-opencmis-server-inmemory/src/test/java/org/apache/chemistry/opencmis/inmemory/
--- incubator/chemistry/opencmis/trunk/chemistry-opencmis-server/chemistry-opencmis-server-inmemory/src/test/java/org/apache/chemistry/opencmis/inmemory/ (original)
+++ incubator/chemistry/opencmis/trunk/chemistry-opencmis-server/chemistry-opencmis-server-inmemory/src/test/java/org/apache/chemistry/opencmis/inmemory/ Thu Apr 22 16:27:57 2010
@@ -69,899 +69,899 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.*;
 public class ObjectServiceTest extends AbstractServiceTst {
-	private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectServiceTest.class);
-	private static final String TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID = "MyFolderType";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyDocumentType";
-	private static final String TEST_FOLDER_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyFolderStringProp";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyDocumentStringProp";
-	private static final String TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyCustomDocumentType";
-	private static final String TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyCustomInheritedDocType";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyCustomDocumentStringProp";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID = "MyCustomDocumentIntProp";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyInheritedStringProp";
-	private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID = "MyInheritedIntProp";
-	private static final String DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId();
-	private static final String DOCUMENT_ID = "Document_1";
-	private static final String FOLDER_TYPE_ID = InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId();
-	private static final String FOLDER_ID = "Folder_1";
-	private static final String MY_CUSTOM_NAME = "My Custom Document";
-	ObjectCreator fCreator;
-	@Before
-	public void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setTypeCreatorClass(ObjectTestTypeSystemCreator.class.getName());
-		super.setUp();
-		fCreator = new ObjectCreator(fFactory, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
-	}
-	@After
-	public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-		super.tearDown();
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testCreateDocument() {
-"starting testCreateObject() ...");
-		String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
-		if (id != null)
-"createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-"... testCreateObject() finished.");
-		// test create a document with a folder type, should fail:
-		try {
-			Properties props = createDocumentProperties("DocumentWithAFolderType", FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-			id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, fRootFolderId, null, VersioningState.NONE, null, null,
-					null, null);
-			fail("Creating  document with a folder type should fail.");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-"Creating  document with a folder type failed as expected.");
-		}
-		// test create a document with an illegal name, should fail:
-		try {
-			Properties props = createDocumentProperties("abc ()", DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID);
-			id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, fRootFolderId, null, VersioningState.NONE, null, null,
-					null, null);
-			fail("Creating  document with an illegal name should fail.");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisInvalidArgumentException);
-"Creating  document with an illegal name failed as expected.");
-		}
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testGetObject() {
-"starting testGetObject() ...");
-"  creating object");
-		String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
-		if (id != null)
-"  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-"  getting object");
-		retrieveDocument(id);
-"... testGetObject() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testGetObjectByPath() {
-"starting testGetObjectByPath() ...");
-"  creating object");
-		// create a tree for testing paths
-		String f1 = createFolder("folder1", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f2 = createFolder("folder2", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f3 = createFolder("folder3", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f11 = createFolder("folder1.1", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f12 = createFolder("folder1.2", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f13 = createFolder("folder1.3", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f31 = createFolder("folder3.1", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f32 = createFolder("folder3.2", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f33 = createFolder("folder3.3", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f121 = createFolder("folder1.2.1", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f122 = createFolder("folder1.2.2", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f123 = createFolder("folder1.2.3", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f331 = createFolder("folder3.3.1", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f332 = createFolder("folder3.3.2", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String f333 = createFolder("folder3.3.3", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		String doc12 = createDocument("Document1.2.Doc", f12, false);
-		String doc33 = createDocument("Document3.3.Doc", f33, false);
-		String doc331 = createDocument("Document3.3.1.Doc", f331, false);
-		String doc333 = createDocument("Document3.3.3.Doc", f333, false);
-"  getting object by path");
-		getByPath(f1, "/folder1");
-		getByPath(f2, "/folder2");
-		getByPath(f3, "/folder3");
-		getByPath(f11, "/folder1/folder1.1");
-		getByPath(f12, "/folder1/folder1.2");
-		getByPath(f13, "/folder1/folder1.3");
-		getByPath(f31, "/folder3/folder3.1");
-		getByPath(f32, "/folder3/folder3.2");
-		getByPath(f33, "/folder3/folder3.3");
-		getByPath(f121, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.1");
-		getByPath(f122, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.2");
-		getByPath(f123, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.3");
-		getByPath(f331, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.1");
-		getByPath(f332, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.2");
-		getByPath(f333, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.3");
-		getByPath(doc12, "/folder1/folder1.2/Document1.2.Doc");
-		getByPath(doc33, "/folder3/folder3.3/Document3.3.Doc");
-		getByPath(doc331, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.1/Document3.3.1.Doc");
-		getByPath(doc333, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.3/Document3.3.3.Doc");
-"... testGetObjectByPath() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testCreateDocumentWithContent() {
-"starting testCreateDocumentWithContent() ...");
-		String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, true);
-		if (id != null)
-"createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-		ContentStream sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */,
-				BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
-		verifyContentResult(sd);
-		// delete content again
-		Holder<String> idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
-		fObjSvc.deleteContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, null, null);
-		sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */, BigInteger
-				.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
-		assertNull(sd);
-		// create content again in a second call
-		ContentStream contentStream = createContent();
-		fObjSvc.setContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, true, null, contentStream, null);
-		sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */, BigInteger
-				.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
-		verifyContentResult(sd);
-		// update content and do not set overwrite flag, expect failure
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.setContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, false, null, contentStream, null);
-			fail("setContentStream with existing content and no overWriteFlag should fail");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
-		}
-		// cleanup
-		fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
-"... testCreateDocumentWithContent() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testCreateDocumentFromSource() {
-"starting testCreateDocumentFromSource() ...");
-		// create a 1st document
-		String id1 = createDocument(fRootFolderId, true);
-		// create a second document with first as source
-		String id2 = null;
-		try {
-			VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
-			Properties props = createDocumentPropertiesForDocumentFromSource("Document From Source");
-			id2 = fObjSvc.createDocumentFromSource(fRepositoryId, id1, props, fRootFolderId, versioningState, null,
-					null, null, null);
-			if (null == id2)
-				fail("createDocumentFromSource failed.");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("createDocumentFromSource() failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-		// get content from second document and compare it with original one
-		ContentStream sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id2, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */,
-				BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
-		verifyContentResult(sd);
-		// cleanup
-		fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id1, true, null);
-		fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id2, true, null);
-"... testCreateDocumentFromSource() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testCreatedDocumentInherited() {
-"starting testCreatedDocumentInherited() ...");
-"  creating object");
-		String id = createDocumentInheritedProperties(fRootFolderId, false);
-		if (id != null)
-"  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-"  getting object");
-		try {
-			ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false,
-					false, null);
-			assertNotNull(res);
-			String returnedId = res.getId();
-			assertEquals(id, returnedId);
-			Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
-			for (PropertyData<?> pd : props.values()) {
-"return property id: " + pd.getId() + ", value: " + pd.getValues());
-			}
-			PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
-			assertNotNull(pd);
-			assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
-			assertEquals(TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals("My pretty string", pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4711), pd.getFirstValue());
-			assertEquals("another cool string", pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4712), pd.getFirstValue());
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getObject() failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-"... testCreatedDocumentInherited() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testBuildFolderAndDocuments() {
-		// Create a hierarchy of folders and fill it with some documents
-		ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
-		int levels = 2; // create a hierarchy with two levels
-		int childrenPerLevel = 2; // create two folders on each level
-		gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(1); // create one document in
-														// each folder
-		// Set the type id for all created documents:
-		gen.setDocumentTypeId(TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID);
-		// Set the type id for all created folders:
-		gen.setFolderTypeId(TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-		// set the properties the generator should fill with values for
-		// documents:
-		// Note: must be valid properties in type TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID
-		List<String> propsToSet = new ArrayList<String>();
-		gen.setDocumentPropertiesToGenerate(propsToSet);
-		// set the properties the generator should fill with values for folders:
-		// Note: must be valid properties in type TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID
-		propsToSet = new ArrayList<String>();
-		gen.setFolderPropertiesToGenerate(propsToSet);
-		// Build the tree
-		try {
-			gen.createFolderHierachy(levels, childrenPerLevel, fRootFolderId);
-			// Dump the tree
-			gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, "*");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("Could not create folder hierarchy with documents. " + e);
-		}
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testDeleteObject() {
-"starting testDeleteObject() ...");
-"Testing to delete a document");
-"  creating object");
-		String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
-		if (id != null)
-"  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-"  getting object");
-		retrieveDocument(id);
-"  deleting object");
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("deleteObject() for document failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-		// check that it does not exist anymore
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
-		} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
-		}
-"Testing to delete an empty folder");
-		// create and delete an empty folder
-		id = createFolder();
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("deleteObject() for folder failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-		// check that it does not exist anymore
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
-		} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
-		}
-		// create a folder with a document and delete should fail
-		// create and delete an empty folder
-"Testing to delete a folder with a contained document");
-		String folderId;
-		folderId = createFolder();
-		id = createDocument(folderId, false);
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, true, null);
-			fail("deleteObject() for folder with a document should fail.");
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
-		}
-		// should succeed if we first delete document then folder
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
-			fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, true, null);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("deleteObject() for document and folder failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-		// check that it does not exist anymore
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
-		} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
-		}
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
-		} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
-		}
-"... testDeleteObject() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testDeleteTree() {
-"starting testDeleteTree() ...");
-		ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
-		String rootFolderId = createFolder();
-		// Set the type id for all created documents:
-		gen.setDocumentTypeId(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId());
-		// Set the type id for all created folders:
-		gen.setFolderTypeId(InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId());
-		gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(2); // create two documents in
-														// each folder
-		gen.createFolderHierachy(1, 1, rootFolderId);
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.deleteTree(fRepositoryId, rootFolderId, null /* true */, UnfileObject.DELETE, true, null);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("deleteTree failed unexpected. " + e);
-		}
-"Dumping folder, should only contain one empty folder under root");
-		gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, "*");
-		// After that we should be not be able to get the root folder, because
-		// it should be deleted
-		try {
-			fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, rootFolderId, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false,
-					null);
-			fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
-		} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
-			assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
-		}
-"... testDeleteTree() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testMoveFolder() {
-"starting testMoveFolder() ...");
-		moveObjectTest(true);
-"... testMoveFolder() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testMoveDocument() {
-"starting testMoveDocument() ...");
-		moveObjectTest(false);
-"... testMoveDocument() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testUpdateProperties() {
-"starting testUpdateProperties() ...");
-		String oldChangeToken, newChangeToken;
-		String id = createDocumentWithCustomType(fRootFolderId, false);
-		if (id != null)
-"createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
-"  getting object");
-		try {
-			ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false,
-					false, null);
-			assertNotNull(res);
-			Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
-			// check returned properties
-			for (PropertyData<?> pd : props.values()) {
-"  return property id: " + pd.getId() + ", value: " + pd.getValues());
-			}
-			String returnedId = res.getId();
-			assertEquals(id, returnedId);
-			PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
-			assertNotNull(pd);
-			assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
-			assertEquals(TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals("My pretty string", pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4711), pd.getFirstValue());
-			// update properties:
-"updating property");
-			final String newStringPropVal = "My ugly string";
-			final BigInteger newIntPropVal = BigInteger.valueOf(815);
-			List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			//properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.CMIS_NAME
-			// , MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
-			// properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.
-			// Generate some property values for custom attributes
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, newStringPropVal));
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, newIntPropVal));
-			Properties newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			Holder<String> idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
-			Holder<String> changeTokenHolder = new Holder<String>();
-			fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-			oldChangeToken = changeTokenHolder.getValue(); // store for later
-															// use
-			// check if we now retrieve new values
-			res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			assertNotNull(res);
-			props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
-			for (PropertyData<?> pd2 : props.values()) {
-"  return property id: " + pd2.getId() + ", value: " + pd2.getValues());
-			}
-			returnedId = res.getId();
-			assertEquals(id, returnedId);
-			pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
-			assertNotNull(pd);
-			assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
-			assertEquals(TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals(newStringPropVal, pd.getFirstValue());
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
-			assertEquals(newIntPropVal, pd.getFirstValue());
-			// Test delete properties
-"deleting property");
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, (String) null));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			Thread.sleep(100); // ensure new change token, timer resolution is
-								// not good enough
-			fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-			res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			assertNotNull(res);
-			props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
-			for (PropertyData<?> pd2 : props.values()) {
-"  return property id: " + pd2.getId() + ", value: " + pd2.getValues());
-			}
-			pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
-			assertNull(pd);
-			// delete a required property and expect exception:
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, (BigInteger) null));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
-			try {
-				fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-				fail("Deleteing a required property should fail.");
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
-			}
-			// Test violation of property definition constraints
-"Test violation of property definition constraints");
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID,
-					"A very long String ABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
-			try {
-				fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-				fail("Exceeding max String lengt h should fail.");
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
-			}
-			// Test stale token
-"Test stale token");
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "ABC"));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			// set outdated token
-			newChangeToken = changeTokenHolder.getValue();
-			changeTokenHolder.setValue(oldChangeToken);
-			assertFalse(oldChangeToken.equals(newChangeToken));
-			try {
-				fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-				fail("Update with an outdated changeToken should fail.");
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				assertTrue(e instanceof CmisUpdateConflictException);
-			}
-			// test a rename
-"Test renaming");
-			final String newName = "My Renamed Document"; // MY_CUSTOM_NAME
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, newName));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			changeTokenHolder.setValue(newChangeToken);
-			fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-			id = idHolder.getValue(); // note that id is path and has changed!
-			res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
-			assertNotNull(res);
-			props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
-			pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
-			assertNotNull(pd);
-			assertEquals(newName, pd.getFirstValue());
-			// test rename with a conflicting name
-			createDocumentWithCustomType(fRootFolderId, false);
-			properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-			properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
-			newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-			// now rename to old name
-			try {
-				fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
-				fail("Update with a conflicting name should fail.");
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
-			}
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			fail("getObject() failed with exception: " + e);
-		}
-"... testUpdateProperties() finished.");
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void testAllowableActions() {
-"starting testAllowableActions() ...");
-		final boolean withContent = false;
-		String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, withContent);
-		// get allowable actions via getObject
-		ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", true, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false,
-				null);
-		assertNotNull(res.getAllowableActions());
-		Set<Action> actions = res.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions();
-		assertNotNull(actions);
-		verifyAllowableActionsDocument(actions, false, withContent);
-		// get allowable actions via getAllowableActions
-		AllowableActions allowableActions = fObjSvc.getAllowableActions(fRepositoryId, id, null);
-		assertNotNull(allowableActions);
-		actions = allowableActions.getAllowableActions();
-		assertNotNull(actions);
-		verifyAllowableActionsDocument(actions, false, withContent);
-		// cleanup
-		fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
-"... testAllowableActions() finished.");
-	}
-	private void verifyAllowableActionsDocument(Set<Action> actions, boolean isVersioned, boolean hasContent) {
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT));
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES));
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_PROPERTIES));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS));
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_OBJECT_PARENTS));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_TREE));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_DESCENDANTS));
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_MOVE_OBJECT));
-		if (hasContent) {
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM));
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM));
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_RENDITIONS));
-		} else {
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM));
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM));
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_RENDITIONS));
-		}
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_ADD_OBJECT_TO_FOLDER));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_FOLDER));
-		if (isVersioned) {
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT));
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_IN));
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT));
-			assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS));
-		} else {
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT));
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_IN));
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT));
-			assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS));
-		}
-		assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_SET_CONTENT_STREAM));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_APPLY_POLICY));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_APPLIED_POLICIES));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_REMOVE_POLICY));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CHILDREN));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_RELATIONSHIP));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_TREE));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ACL));
-		assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_APPLY_ACL));
-	}
-	private String retrieveDocument(String id) {
-		ObjectData res = getDocumentObjectData(id);
-		String returnedId = res.getId();
-		testReturnedProperties(returnedId, DOCUMENT_ID, DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, res.getProperties().getProperties());
-		return returnedId;
-	}
-	private void moveObjectTest(boolean isFolder) {
-		final String propertyFilter = PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID + "," + PropertyIds.NAME; // +
-																						// ","
-																						// +
-																						// PropertyIds
-																						// .
-																						// CMIS_OBJECT_TYPE_ID
-																						// +
-																						// ","
-																						// +
-																						// PropertyIds
-																						// .
-																						// CMIS_BASE_TYPE_ID
-																						// ;
-		String rootFolderId = createFolder();
-		ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
-		// Set the type id for all created documents:
-		gen.setDocumentTypeId(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId());
-		// Set the type id for all created folders:
-		gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(1); // create one document in
-														// each folder
-		gen.createFolderHierachy(3, 2, rootFolderId);
-		gen.setFolderTypeId(InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId());
-		gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, propertyFilter);
-		Holder<String> holder = new Holder<String>();
-		String sourceIdToMove = gen.getFolderId(rootFolderId, 2, 1);
-		if (!isFolder) // get first document in this folder
-			sourceIdToMove = gen.getDocumentId(sourceIdToMove, 0);
-		holder.setValue(sourceIdToMove); //"/Folder_1/My Folder 0/My Folder 1");
-		String sourceFolderId = getSourceFolder(sourceIdToMove);
-"Id before moveObject: " + holder.getValue());
-		fObjSvc.moveObject(fRepositoryId, holder, rootFolderId, sourceFolderId, null);
-"Id after moveObject: " + holder.getValue());
-		gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, propertyFilter);
-		List<ObjectParentData> result = fNavSvc.getObjectParents(fRepositoryId, holder.getValue(), null, Boolean.FALSE,
-				IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, Boolean.FALSE, null);
-		// check that new parent is set correctly
-		String newParentId = result.get(0).getObject().getId();
-		assertEquals(rootFolderId, newParentId);
-		if (isFolder) {
-"testing moveFolder to a subfolder");
-			ObjectInFolderList ch = fNavSvc.getChildren(fRepositoryId, holder.getValue(), propertyFilter, null, false,
-					IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, null, null, null);
-			String subFolderId = ch.getObjects().get(0).getObject().getId();
-			try {
-				fObjSvc.moveObject(fRepositoryId, holder, subFolderId, sourceFolderId, null);
-				fail("moveObject to a folder that is a descendant of the source must fail.");
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				assertTrue(e instanceof CmisNotSupportedException);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	private String createFolder() {
-		return createFolder(FOLDER_ID, fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
-	}
-	private String createDocument(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
-		return createDocument(DOCUMENT_ID, folderId, withContent);
-	}
-	private String createDocument(String name, String folderId, boolean withContent) {
-		return createDocument(name, folderId, DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, withContent);
-	}
-	private Properties createDocumentPropertiesForDocumentFromSource(String name) {
-		// We only provide a name but not a type id, as spec says to copy
-		// missing attributes
-		// from the existing one
-		List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, name));
-		Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-		return props;
-	}
-	private void testReturnedProperties(String objectId, String objectName, String typeId,
-			Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props) {
-		super.testReturnedProperties(objectId, props);
-		PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
-		assertNotNull(pd);
-		assertEquals(objectName, pd.getFirstValue());
-		pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
-		assertEquals(typeId, pd.getFirstValue());
-	}
-	private String createDocumentWithCustomType(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
-		ContentStream contentStream = null;
-		VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
-		List<String> policies = null;
-		Acl addACEs = null;
-		Acl removeACEs = null;
-		ExtensionsData extension = null;
-		// create the properties:
-		List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID));
-		// Generate some property values for custom attributes
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My pretty string"));
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4711)));
-		Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-		if (withContent)
-			contentStream = createContent();
-		// create the document
-		String id = null;
-		id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, folderId, contentStream, versioningState, policies, addACEs,
-				removeACEs, extension);
-		if (null == id)
-			throw new RuntimeException("createDocument failed.");
-		return id;
-	}
-	private String createDocumentInheritedProperties(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
-		ContentStream contentStream = null;
-		VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
-		List<String> policies = null;
-		Acl addACEs = null;
-		Acl removeACEs = null;
-		ExtensionsData extension = null;
-		// create the properties:
-		List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
-		properties.add(fFactory
-		// Generate some property values for custom attributes
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My pretty string"));
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4711)));
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID, "another cool string"));
-		properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4712)));
-		Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
-		if (withContent)
-			contentStream = createContent();
-		// create the document
-		String id = null;
-		id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, folderId, contentStream, versioningState, policies, addACEs,
-				removeACEs, extension);
-		if (null == id)
-			throw new RuntimeException("createDocument failed.");
-		return id;
-	}
-	private String getSourceFolder(String objectId) {
-		// return the first parent found in the result list of all parents
-		List<ObjectParentData> parents = fNavSvc.getObjectParents(fRepositoryId, objectId, "*", false,
-				IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, true, null);
-		return parents.get(0).getObject().getId();
-	}
-	// Helper class to create some type for testing the ObjectService
-	public static class ObjectTestTypeSystemCreator implements TypeCreator {
-		/**
-		 * create root types and a sample type for folder and document
-		 * 
-		 * @return typesMap map filled with created types
-		 */
-		public List<TypeDefinition> createTypesList() {
-			List<TypeDefinition> typesList = new LinkedList<TypeDefinition>();
-			InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID,
-					"My Document Type", InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType());
-			InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition cmisFolderType = new InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition(TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID,
-					"My Folder Type", InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType());
-			// create a simple string property type and
-			// attach the property definition to the type definition for
-			// document and folder type
-			Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
-			PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
-					TEST_DOCUMENT_STRING_PROP_ID, "Sample Doc String Property");
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
-			cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
-			propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
-			prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(TEST_FOLDER_STRING_PROP_ID,
-					"Sample Folder String Property");
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
-			cmisFolderType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
-			InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition customDocType = createCustomTypeWithStringIntProperty();
-			// add type to types collection
-			typesList.add(cmisDocumentType);
-			typesList.add(cmisFolderType);
-			typesList.add(customDocType);
-			typesList.add(createCustomInheritedType(customDocType));
-			return typesList;
-		}
-		private static InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition createCustomTypeWithStringIntProperty() {
-			InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(
-					TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, "My Custom Document Type", InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition
-							.getRootDocumentType());
-			Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
-			PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
-					TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My String Property");
-			prop.setIsRequired(false);
-			prop.setMaxLength(BigInteger.valueOf(20)); // max len to 20
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
-			PropertyIntegerDefinitionImpl prop2 = PropertyCreationHelper.createIntegerDefinition(
-					TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, "My Integer Property");
-			prop2.setIsRequired(true);
-			prop2.setMinValue(BigInteger.valueOf(-10000));
-			prop2.setMaxValue(BigInteger.valueOf(10000));
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop2.getId(), prop2);
-			cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
-			return cmisDocumentType;
-		}
-		private static InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition createCustomInheritedType(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition baseType) {
-			InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(
-					TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, "My Custom Document Type", baseType);
-			Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
-			PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
-					TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID, "Subtype String Property");
-			prop.setIsRequired(false);
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
-			PropertyIntegerDefinitionImpl prop2 = PropertyCreationHelper.createIntegerDefinition(
-			prop2.setIsRequired(true);
-			propertyDefinitions.put(prop2.getId(), prop2);
-			cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
-			return cmisDocumentType;
-		}
+    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectServiceTest.class);
+    private static final String TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID = "MyFolderType";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyDocumentType";
+    private static final String TEST_FOLDER_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyFolderStringProp";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyDocumentStringProp";
+    private static final String TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyCustomDocumentType";
+    private static final String TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = "MyCustomInheritedDocType";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyCustomDocumentStringProp";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID = "MyCustomDocumentIntProp";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID = "MyInheritedStringProp";
+    private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID = "MyInheritedIntProp";
+    private static final String DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID = InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId();
+    private static final String DOCUMENT_ID = "Document_1";
+    private static final String FOLDER_TYPE_ID = InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId();
+    private static final String FOLDER_ID = "Folder_1";
+    private static final String MY_CUSTOM_NAME = "My Custom Document";
+    ObjectCreator fCreator;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        super.setTypeCreatorClass(ObjectTestTypeSystemCreator.class.getName());
+        super.setUp();
+        fCreator = new ObjectCreator(fFactory, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+        super.tearDown();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateDocument() {
+"starting testCreateObject() ...");
+        String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
+        if (id != null)
+  "createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+"... testCreateObject() finished.");
+        // test create a document with a folder type, should fail:
+        try {
+            Properties props = createDocumentProperties("DocumentWithAFolderType", FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+            id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, fRootFolderId, null, VersioningState.NONE, null, null,
+                    null, null);
+            fail("Creating  document with a folder type should fail.");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+  "Creating  document with a folder type failed as expected.");
+        }
+        // test create a document with an illegal name, should fail:
+        try {
+            Properties props = createDocumentProperties("abc ()", DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID);
+            id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, fRootFolderId, null, VersioningState.NONE, null, null,
+                    null, null);
+            fail("Creating  document with an illegal name should fail.");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisInvalidArgumentException);
+  "Creating  document with an illegal name failed as expected.");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetObject() {
+"starting testGetObject() ...");
+"  creating object");
+        String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
+        if (id != null)
+  "  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+"  getting object");
+        retrieveDocument(id);
+"... testGetObject() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetObjectByPath() {
+"starting testGetObjectByPath() ...");
+"  creating object");
+        // create a tree for testing paths
+        String f1 = createFolder("folder1", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f2 = createFolder("folder2", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f3 = createFolder("folder3", fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f11 = createFolder("folder1.1", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f12 = createFolder("folder1.2", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f13 = createFolder("folder1.3", f1, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f31 = createFolder("folder3.1", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f32 = createFolder("folder3.2", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f33 = createFolder("folder3.3", f3, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f121 = createFolder("folder1.2.1", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f122 = createFolder("folder1.2.2", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f123 = createFolder("folder1.2.3", f12, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f331 = createFolder("folder3.3.1", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f332 = createFolder("folder3.3.2", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String f333 = createFolder("folder3.3.3", f33, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        String doc12 = createDocument("Document1.2.Doc", f12, false);
+        String doc33 = createDocument("Document3.3.Doc", f33, false);
+        String doc331 = createDocument("Document3.3.1.Doc", f331, false);
+        String doc333 = createDocument("Document3.3.3.Doc", f333, false);
+"  getting object by path");
+        getByPath(f1, "/folder1");
+        getByPath(f2, "/folder2");
+        getByPath(f3, "/folder3");
+        getByPath(f11, "/folder1/folder1.1");
+        getByPath(f12, "/folder1/folder1.2");
+        getByPath(f13, "/folder1/folder1.3");
+        getByPath(f31, "/folder3/folder3.1");
+        getByPath(f32, "/folder3/folder3.2");
+        getByPath(f33, "/folder3/folder3.3");
+        getByPath(f121, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.1");
+        getByPath(f122, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.2");
+        getByPath(f123, "/folder1/folder1.2/folder1.2.3");
+        getByPath(f331, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.1");
+        getByPath(f332, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.2");
+        getByPath(f333, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.3");
+        getByPath(doc12, "/folder1/folder1.2/Document1.2.Doc");
+        getByPath(doc33, "/folder3/folder3.3/Document3.3.Doc");
+        getByPath(doc331, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.1/Document3.3.1.Doc");
+        getByPath(doc333, "/folder3/folder3.3/folder3.3.3/Document3.3.3.Doc");
+"... testGetObjectByPath() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateDocumentWithContent() {
+"starting testCreateDocumentWithContent() ...");
+        String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, true);
+        if (id != null)
+  "createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+        ContentStream sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */,
+                BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
+        verifyContentResult(sd);
+        // delete content again
+        Holder<String> idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
+        fObjSvc.deleteContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, null, null);
+        sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */, BigInteger
+                .valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
+        assertNull(sd);
+        // create content again in a second call
+        ContentStream contentStream = createContent();
+        fObjSvc.setContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, true, null, contentStream, null);
+        sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */, BigInteger
+                .valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
+        verifyContentResult(sd);
+        // update content and do not set overwrite flag, expect failure
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.setContentStream(fRepositoryId, idHolder, false, null, contentStream, null);
+            fail("setContentStream with existing content and no overWriteFlag should fail");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
+        }
+        // cleanup
+        fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
+"... testCreateDocumentWithContent() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateDocumentFromSource() {
+"starting testCreateDocumentFromSource() ...");
+        // create a 1st document
+        String id1 = createDocument(fRootFolderId, true);
+        // create a second document with first as source
+        String id2 = null;
+        try {
+            VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
+            Properties props = createDocumentPropertiesForDocumentFromSource("Document From Source");
+            id2 = fObjSvc.createDocumentFromSource(fRepositoryId, id1, props, fRootFolderId, versioningState, null,
+                    null, null, null);
+            if (null == id2)
+                fail("createDocumentFromSource failed.");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("createDocumentFromSource() failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+        // get content from second document and compare it with original one
+        ContentStream sd = fObjSvc.getContentStream(fRepositoryId, id2, null, BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* offset */,
+                BigInteger.valueOf(-1) /* length */, null);
+        verifyContentResult(sd);
+        // cleanup
+        fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id1, true, null);
+        fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id2, true, null);
+"... testCreateDocumentFromSource() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreatedDocumentInherited() {
+"starting testCreatedDocumentInherited() ...");
+"  creating object");
+        String id = createDocumentInheritedProperties(fRootFolderId, false);
+        if (id != null)
+  "  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+"  getting object");
+        try {
+            ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false,
+                    false, null);
+            assertNotNull(res);
+            String returnedId = res.getId();
+            assertEquals(id, returnedId);
+            Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
+            for (PropertyData<?> pd : props.values()) {
+      "return property id: " + pd.getId() + ", value: " + pd.getValues());
+            }
+            PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
+            assertNotNull(pd);
+            assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
+            assertEquals(TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals("My pretty string", pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4711), pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals("another cool string", pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4712), pd.getFirstValue());
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getObject() failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+"... testCreatedDocumentInherited() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testBuildFolderAndDocuments() {
+        // Create a hierarchy of folders and fill it with some documents
+        ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
+        int levels = 2; // create a hierarchy with two levels
+        int childrenPerLevel = 2; // create two folders on each level
+        gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(1); // create one document in
+        // each folder
+        // Set the type id for all created documents:
+        gen.setDocumentTypeId(TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID);
+        // Set the type id for all created folders:
+        gen.setFolderTypeId(TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+        // set the properties the generator should fill with values for
+        // documents:
+        // Note: must be valid properties in type TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID
+        List<String> propsToSet = new ArrayList<String>();
+        propsToSet.add(TEST_DOCUMENT_STRING_PROP_ID);
+        gen.setDocumentPropertiesToGenerate(propsToSet);
+        // set the properties the generator should fill with values for folders:
+        // Note: must be valid properties in type TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID
+        propsToSet = new ArrayList<String>();
+        propsToSet.add(TEST_FOLDER_STRING_PROP_ID);
+        gen.setFolderPropertiesToGenerate(propsToSet);
+        // Build the tree
+        try {
+            gen.createFolderHierachy(levels, childrenPerLevel, fRootFolderId);
+            // Dump the tree
+            gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, "*");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("Could not create folder hierarchy with documents. " + e);
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteObject() {
+"starting testDeleteObject() ...");
+"Testing to delete a document");
+"  creating object");
+        String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, false);
+        if (id != null)
+  "  createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+"  getting object");
+        retrieveDocument(id);
+"  deleting object");
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("deleteObject() for document failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+        // check that it does not exist anymore
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
+        } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
+        }
+"Testing to delete an empty folder");
+        // create and delete an empty folder
+        id = createFolder();
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("deleteObject() for folder failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+        // check that it does not exist anymore
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
+        } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
+        }
+        // create a folder with a document and delete should fail
+        // create and delete an empty folder
+"Testing to delete a folder with a contained document");
+        String folderId;
+        folderId = createFolder();
+        id = createDocument(folderId, false);
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, true, null);
+            fail("deleteObject() for folder with a document should fail.");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
+        }
+        // should succeed if we first delete document then folder
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
+            fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, true, null);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("deleteObject() for document and folder failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+        // check that it does not exist anymore
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
+        } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
+        }
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, folderId, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
+        } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
+        }
+"... testDeleteObject() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteTree() {
+"starting testDeleteTree() ...");
+        ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
+        String rootFolderId = createFolder();
+        // Set the type id for all created documents:
+        gen.setDocumentTypeId(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId());
+        // Set the type id for all created folders:
+        gen.setFolderTypeId(InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId());
+        gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(2); // create two documents in
+        // each folder
+        gen.createFolderHierachy(1, 1, rootFolderId);
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.deleteTree(fRepositoryId, rootFolderId, null /* true */, UnfileObject.DELETE, true, null);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("deleteTree failed unexpected. " + e);
+        }
+"Dumping folder, should only contain one empty folder under root");
+        gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, "*");
+        // After that we should be not be able to get the root folder, because
+        // it should be deleted
+        try {
+            fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, rootFolderId, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false,
+                    null);
+            fail("object should not longer exist after it was deleted.");
+        } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+            assertTrue(e instanceof CmisObjectNotFoundException);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getting deleted object should raise CMISObjectNotFoundException, but got " + e);
+        }
+"... testDeleteTree() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testMoveFolder() {
+"starting testMoveFolder() ...");
+        moveObjectTest(true);
+"... testMoveFolder() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testMoveDocument() {
+"starting testMoveDocument() ...");
+        moveObjectTest(false);
+"... testMoveDocument() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUpdateProperties() {
+"starting testUpdateProperties() ...");
+        String oldChangeToken, newChangeToken;
+        String id = createDocumentWithCustomType(fRootFolderId, false);
+        if (id != null)
+  "createDocument succeeded with created id: " + id);
+"  getting object");
+        try {
+            ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false,
+                    false, null);
+            assertNotNull(res);
+            Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
+            // check returned properties
+            for (PropertyData<?> pd : props.values()) {
+      "  return property id: " + pd.getId() + ", value: " + pd.getValues());
+            }
+            String returnedId = res.getId();
+            assertEquals(id, returnedId);
+            PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
+            assertNotNull(pd);
+            assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
+            assertEquals(TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals("My pretty string", pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(4711), pd.getFirstValue());
+            // update properties:
+  "updating property");
+            final String newStringPropVal = "My ugly string";
+            final BigInteger newIntPropVal = BigInteger.valueOf(815);
+            List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            // properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.CMIS_NAME
+            // , MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
+            // properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.
+            // Generate some property values for custom attributes
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, newStringPropVal));
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, newIntPropVal));
+            Properties newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            Holder<String> idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
+            Holder<String> changeTokenHolder = new Holder<String>();
+            fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+            oldChangeToken = changeTokenHolder.getValue(); // store for later
+            // use
+            // check if we now retrieve new values
+            res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            assertNotNull(res);
+            props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
+            for (PropertyData<?> pd2 : props.values()) {
+      "  return property id: " + pd2.getId() + ", value: " + pd2.getValues());
+            }
+            returnedId = res.getId();
+            assertEquals(id, returnedId);
+            pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
+            assertNotNull(pd);
+            assertEquals(MY_CUSTOM_NAME, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
+            assertEquals(TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals(newStringPropVal, pd.getFirstValue());
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID);
+            assertEquals(newIntPropVal, pd.getFirstValue());
+            // Test delete properties
+  "deleting property");
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, (String) null));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            Thread.sleep(100); // ensure new change token, timer resolution is
+            // not good enough
+            fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+            res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            assertNotNull(res);
+            props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
+            for (PropertyData<?> pd2 : props.values()) {
+      "  return property id: " + pd2.getId() + ", value: " + pd2.getValues());
+            }
+            pd = props.get(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID);
+            assertNull(pd);
+            // delete a required property and expect exception:
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, (BigInteger) null));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
+            try {
+                fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+                fail("Deleteing a required property should fail.");
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
+            }
+            // Test violation of property definition constraints
+  "Test violation of property definition constraints");
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID,
+                    "A very long String ABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            idHolder = new Holder<String>(id);
+            try {
+                fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+                fail("Exceeding max String lengt h should fail.");
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
+            }
+            // Test stale token
+  "Test stale token");
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "ABC"));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            // set outdated token
+            newChangeToken = changeTokenHolder.getValue();
+            changeTokenHolder.setValue(oldChangeToken);
+            assertFalse(oldChangeToken.equals(newChangeToken));
+            try {
+                fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+                fail("Update with an outdated changeToken should fail.");
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(e instanceof CmisUpdateConflictException);
+            }
+            // test a rename
+  "Test renaming");
+            final String newName = "My Renamed Document"; // MY_CUSTOM_NAME
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, newName));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            changeTokenHolder.setValue(newChangeToken);
+            fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+            id = idHolder.getValue(); // note that id is path and has changed!
+            res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, null);
+            assertNotNull(res);
+            props = res.getProperties().getProperties();
+            pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
+            assertNotNull(pd);
+            assertEquals(newName, pd.getFirstValue());
+            // test rename with a conflicting name
+            createDocumentWithCustomType(fRootFolderId, false);
+            properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+            properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
+            newProps = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+            // now rename to old name
+            try {
+                fObjSvc.updateProperties(fRepositoryId, idHolder, changeTokenHolder, newProps, null);
+                fail("Update with a conflicting name should fail.");
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(e instanceof CmisConstraintException);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            fail("getObject() failed with exception: " + e);
+        }
+"... testUpdateProperties() finished.");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAllowableActions() {
+"starting testAllowableActions() ...");
+        final boolean withContent = false;
+        String id = createDocument(fRootFolderId, withContent);
+        // get allowable actions via getObject
+        ObjectData res = fObjSvc.getObject(fRepositoryId, id, "*", true, IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false,
+                null);
+        assertNotNull(res.getAllowableActions());
+        Set<Action> actions = res.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions();
+        assertNotNull(actions);
+        verifyAllowableActionsDocument(actions, false, withContent);
+        // get allowable actions via getAllowableActions
+        AllowableActions allowableActions = fObjSvc.getAllowableActions(fRepositoryId, id, null);
+        assertNotNull(allowableActions);
+        actions = allowableActions.getAllowableActions();
+        assertNotNull(actions);
+        verifyAllowableActionsDocument(actions, false, withContent);
+        // cleanup
+        fObjSvc.deleteObject(fRepositoryId, id, true, null);
+"... testAllowableActions() finished.");
+    }
+    private void verifyAllowableActionsDocument(Set<Action> actions, boolean isVersioned, boolean hasContent) {
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT));
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES));
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_PROPERTIES));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS));
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_OBJECT_PARENTS));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_TREE));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_DESCENDANTS));
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_MOVE_OBJECT));
+        if (hasContent) {
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM));
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM));
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_RENDITIONS));
+        } else {
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM));
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM));
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_RENDITIONS));
+        }
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_ADD_OBJECT_TO_FOLDER));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_FOLDER));
+        if (isVersioned) {
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT));
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_IN));
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT));
+            assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS));
+        } else {
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT));
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_IN));
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT));
+            assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS));
+        }
+        assertTrue(actions.contains(Action.CAN_SET_CONTENT_STREAM));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_APPLY_POLICY));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_APPLIED_POLICIES));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_REMOVE_POLICY));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_CHILDREN));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_CREATE_RELATIONSHIP));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_DELETE_TREE));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_GET_ACL));
+        assertFalse(actions.contains(Action.CAN_APPLY_ACL));
+    }
+    private String retrieveDocument(String id) {
+        ObjectData res = getDocumentObjectData(id);
+        String returnedId = res.getId();
+        testReturnedProperties(returnedId, DOCUMENT_ID, DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, res.getProperties().getProperties());
+        return returnedId;
+    }
+    private void moveObjectTest(boolean isFolder) {
+        final String propertyFilter = PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID + "," + PropertyIds.NAME; // +
+        // ","
+        // +
+        // PropertyIds
+        // .
+        // +
+        // ","
+        // +
+        // PropertyIds
+        // .
+        // CMIS_BASE_TYPE_ID
+        // ;
+        String rootFolderId = createFolder();
+        ObjectGenerator gen = new ObjectGenerator(fFactory, fNavSvc, fObjSvc, fRepositoryId);
+        // Set the type id for all created documents:
+        gen.setDocumentTypeId(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType().getId());
+        // Set the type id for all created folders:
+        gen.setNumberOfDocumentsToCreatePerFolder(1); // create one document in
+        // each folder
+        gen.createFolderHierachy(3, 2, rootFolderId);
+        gen.setFolderTypeId(InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType().getId());
+        gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, propertyFilter);
+        Holder<String> holder = new Holder<String>();
+        String sourceIdToMove = gen.getFolderId(rootFolderId, 2, 1);
+        if (!isFolder) // get first document in this folder
+            sourceIdToMove = gen.getDocumentId(sourceIdToMove, 0);
+        holder.setValue(sourceIdToMove); // "/Folder_1/My Folder 0/My Folder 1");
+        String sourceFolderId = getSourceFolder(sourceIdToMove);
+"Id before moveObject: " + holder.getValue());
+        fObjSvc.moveObject(fRepositoryId, holder, rootFolderId, sourceFolderId, null);
+"Id after moveObject: " + holder.getValue());
+        gen.dumpFolder(fRootFolderId, propertyFilter);
+        List<ObjectParentData> result = fNavSvc.getObjectParents(fRepositoryId, holder.getValue(), null, Boolean.FALSE,
+                IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, Boolean.FALSE, null);
+        // check that new parent is set correctly
+        String newParentId = result.get(0).getObject().getId();
+        assertEquals(rootFolderId, newParentId);
+        if (isFolder) {
+  "testing moveFolder to a subfolder");
+            ObjectInFolderList ch = fNavSvc.getChildren(fRepositoryId, holder.getValue(), propertyFilter, null, false,
+                    IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, null, null, null);
+            String subFolderId = ch.getObjects().get(0).getObject().getId();
+            try {
+                fObjSvc.moveObject(fRepositoryId, holder, subFolderId, sourceFolderId, null);
+                fail("moveObject to a folder that is a descendant of the source must fail.");
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(e instanceof CmisNotSupportedException);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private String createFolder() {
+        return createFolder(FOLDER_ID, fRootFolderId, FOLDER_TYPE_ID);
+    }
+    private String createDocument(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
+        return createDocument(DOCUMENT_ID, folderId, withContent);
+    }
+    private String createDocument(String name, String folderId, boolean withContent) {
+        return createDocument(name, folderId, DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, withContent);
+    }
+    private Properties createDocumentPropertiesForDocumentFromSource(String name) {
+        // We only provide a name but not a type id, as spec says to copy
+        // missing attributes
+        // from the existing one
+        List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, name));
+        Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+        return props;
+    }
+    private void testReturnedProperties(String objectId, String objectName, String typeId,
+            Map<String, PropertyData<?>> props) {
+        super.testReturnedProperties(objectId, props);
+        PropertyData<?> pd = props.get(PropertyIds.NAME);
+        assertNotNull(pd);
+        assertEquals(objectName, pd.getFirstValue());
+        pd = props.get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
+        assertEquals(typeId, pd.getFirstValue());
+    }
+    private String createDocumentWithCustomType(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
+        ContentStream contentStream = null;
+        VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
+        List<String> policies = null;
+        Acl addACEs = null;
+        Acl removeACEs = null;
+        ExtensionsData extension = null;
+        // create the properties:
+        List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID));
+        // Generate some property values for custom attributes
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My pretty string"));
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4711)));
+        Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+        if (withContent)
+            contentStream = createContent();
+        // create the document
+        String id = null;
+        id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, folderId, contentStream, versioningState, policies, addACEs,
+                removeACEs, extension);
+        if (null == id)
+            throw new RuntimeException("createDocument failed.");
+        return id;
+    }
+    private String createDocumentInheritedProperties(String folderId, boolean withContent) {
+        ContentStream contentStream = null;
+        VersioningState versioningState = VersioningState.NONE;
+        List<String> policies = null;
+        Acl addACEs = null;
+        Acl removeACEs = null;
+        ExtensionsData extension = null;
+        // create the properties:
+        List<PropertyData<?>> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyData<?>>();
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.NAME, MY_CUSTOM_NAME));
+        properties.add(fFactory
+                .createPropertyIdData(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID));
+        // Generate some property values for custom attributes
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My pretty string"));
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4711)));
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyStringData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID, "another cool string"));
+        properties.add(fFactory.createPropertyIntegerData(TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID, BigInteger.valueOf(4712)));
+        Properties props = fFactory.createPropertiesData(properties);
+        if (withContent)
+            contentStream = createContent();
+        // create the document
+        String id = null;
+        id = fObjSvc.createDocument(fRepositoryId, props, folderId, contentStream, versioningState, policies, addACEs,
+                removeACEs, extension);
+        if (null == id)
+            throw new RuntimeException("createDocument failed.");
+        return id;
+    }
+    private String getSourceFolder(String objectId) {
+        // return the first parent found in the result list of all parents
+        List<ObjectParentData> parents = fNavSvc.getObjectParents(fRepositoryId, objectId, "*", false,
+                IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, true, null);
+        return parents.get(0).getObject().getId();
+    }
+    // Helper class to create some type for testing the ObjectService
+    public static class ObjectTestTypeSystemCreator implements TypeCreator {
+        /**
+         * create root types and a sample type for folder and document
+         * 
+         * @return typesMap map filled with created types
+         */
+        public List<TypeDefinition> createTypesList() {
+            List<TypeDefinition> typesList = new LinkedList<TypeDefinition>();
+            InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(TEST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID,
+                    "My Document Type", InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition.getRootDocumentType());
+            InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition cmisFolderType = new InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition(TEST_FOLDER_TYPE_ID,
+                    "My Folder Type", InMemoryFolderTypeDefinition.getRootFolderType());
+            // create a simple string property type and
+            // attach the property definition to the type definition for
+            // document and folder type
+            Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
+            PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
+                    TEST_DOCUMENT_STRING_PROP_ID, "Sample Doc String Property");
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
+            cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
+            propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
+            prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(TEST_FOLDER_STRING_PROP_ID,
+                    "Sample Folder String Property");
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
+            cmisFolderType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
+            InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition customDocType = createCustomTypeWithStringIntProperty();
+            // add type to types collection
+            typesList.add(cmisDocumentType);
+            typesList.add(cmisFolderType);
+            typesList.add(customDocType);
+            typesList.add(createCustomInheritedType(customDocType));
+            return typesList;
+        }
+        private static InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition createCustomTypeWithStringIntProperty() {
+            InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(
+                    TEST_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, "My Custom Document Type", InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition
+                            .getRootDocumentType());
+            Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
+            PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
+                    TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_STRING_PROP_ID, "My String Property");
+            prop.setIsRequired(false);
+            prop.setMaxLength(BigInteger.valueOf(20)); // max len to 20
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
+            PropertyIntegerDefinitionImpl prop2 = PropertyCreationHelper.createIntegerDefinition(
+                    TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_INT_PROP_ID, "My Integer Property");
+            prop2.setIsRequired(true);
+            prop2.setMinValue(BigInteger.valueOf(-10000));
+            prop2.setMaxValue(BigInteger.valueOf(10000));
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop2.getId(), prop2);
+            cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
+            return cmisDocumentType;
+        }
+        private static InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition createCustomInheritedType(InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition baseType) {
+            InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition cmisDocumentType = new InMemoryDocumentTypeDefinition(
+                    TEST_INHERITED_CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID, "My Custom Document Type", baseType);
+            Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefinitions = new HashMap<String, PropertyDefinition<?>>();
+            PropertyStringDefinitionImpl prop = PropertyCreationHelper.createStringDefinition(
+                    TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_STRING_PROP_ID, "Subtype String Property");
+            prop.setIsRequired(false);
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop.getId(), prop);
+            PropertyIntegerDefinitionImpl prop2 = PropertyCreationHelper.createIntegerDefinition(
+                    TEST_DOCUMENT_MY_SUB_INT_PROP_ID, "Subtype");
+            prop2.setIsRequired(true);
+            propertyDefinitions.put(prop2.getId(), prop2);
+            cmisDocumentType.addCustomPropertyDefinitions(propertyDefinitions);
+            return cmisDocumentType;
+        }
-	}
+    }