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[30/52] [abbrv] metron git commit: METRON-1462: Separate ES and Kibana from Metron Mpack (mmiklavc via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#943
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-site.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-site.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 34df1e4..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-site.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-<!-- Elastic search  Configurations -->
-<configuration supports_final="true">
-    <!-- Configurations -->
-    <property>
-        <name>cluster_name</name>
-        <value>metron</value>
-        <description>Elasticsearch Cluster Name identifies your Elasticsearch subsystem</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>masters_also_are_datanodes</name>
-        <value>"false"</value>
-        <description>ES Masters and Slaves cannot be installed on the same nodes.  Set this to "true" if you want the ES master nodes to serve as combined master/datanodes. Note: surround value in quotes.</description>
-        <value-attributes>
-            <type>string</type>
-        </value-attributes>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts</name>
-        <!--Ideally this gets populated by the list of master eligible nodes (as an acceptable default).  Unsure how to do this.-->
-        <!--Also need to document whether should list masters only, or all ES nodes. I think this one is all nodes, but previous inline comment said Masters.-->
-        <value></value>
-        <description>Unicast discovery list of hosts to act as gossip routers, comma-separated list with square brackets: [ eshost1, eshost2 ]</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>index_number_of_shards</name>
-        <value>4</value>
-        <description>Set the number of shards (splits) of an index.  Changes are not effective after index creation. Usually set to 1 for single-node install.</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>index_number_of_replicas</name>
-        <value>2</value>
-        <description>Set the number of replicas (copies in addition to the first) of an index. Usually set to 0 for single-node install.</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>path_data</name>
-        <value>"/opt/lmm/es_data"</value>
-        <description>Comma-separated list of directories where to store index data allocated for each node: "/mnt/first","/mnt/second".  Number of paths should relate to number of shards, and preferably should be on separate physical volumes.</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>http_cors_enabled</name>
-        <value>"false"</value>
-        <description>Enable or disable cross-origin resource sharing, i.e. whether a browser on another origin can do requests to Elasticsearch. Defaults to false.</description>
-        <value-attributes>
-            <type>string</type>
-        </value-attributes>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>http_port</name>
-        <value>9200-9300</value>
-        <description>Set a custom port to listen for HTTP traffic</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>transport_tcp_port</name>
-        <value>9300-9400</value>
-        <description>Set a custom port for the node to node communication</description>
-    </property>
-    <!--  Multi-node Discovery -->
-    <property>
-        <name>discovery_zen_ping_timeout</name>
-        <value>3s</value>
-        <description>Wait for ping responses for master discovery</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>discovery_zen_fd_ping_interval</name>
-        <value>15s</value>
-        <description>Wait for ping for cluster discovery</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>discovery_zen_fd_ping_timeout</name>
-        <value>60s</value>
-        <description>Wait for ping for cluster discovery</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>discovery_zen_fd_ping_retries</name>
-        <value>5</value>
-        <description>Number of ping retries before blacklisting</description>
-    </property>
-    <!--  Gateway -->
-    <property>
-        <name>gateway_recover_after_data_nodes</name>
-        <value>3</value>
-        <description>Recover as long as this many data or master nodes have joined the cluster.</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>recover_after_time</name>
-        <value>15m</value>
-        <description>recover_after_time</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>expected_data_nodes</name>
-        <value>0</value>
-        <description>expected_data_nodes</description>
-    </property>
-    <!--  Index -->  
-    <property>
-        <name>index_merge_scheduler_max_thread_count</name>
-        <value>5</value>
-        <description>index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>indices_memory_index_store_throttle_type</name>
-        <value>none</value>
-        <description>index_store_throttle_type</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>index_refresh_interval</name>
-        <value>1s</value>
-        <description>index refresh interval</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>index_translog_flush_threshold_size</name>
-        <value>5g</value>
-        <description>index_translog_flush_threshold_size</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>indices_memory_index_buffer_size</name>
-        <value>10%</value>
-        <description>Percentage of heap used for write buffers</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>bootstrap_memory_lock</name>
-        <value>true</value>
-        <description>The third option on Linux/Unix systems only, is to use mlockall to try to lock the process address space into RAM, preventing any Elasticsearch memory from being swapped out</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>threadpool_bulk_queue_size</name>
-        <value>3000</value>
-        <description>It tells ES the number of  requests that can be queued for execution in the node when there is no thread available to execute a bulk request</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>threadpool_index_queue_size</name>
-        <value>1000</value>
-        <description>It tells ES the number of  requests that can be queued for execution in the node when there is no thread available to execute index request</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>indices_cluster_send_refresh_mapping</name>
-        <value>false</value>
-        <description>In order to make the index request more efficient, we have set this property on our data nodes</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>indices_fielddata_cache_size</name>
-        <value>25%</value>
-        <description>You need to keep in mind that not setting this value properly can cause:Facet searches and sorting to have very poor performance:The ES node to run out of memory if you run the facet query against a large index</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_high</name>
-        <value>0.99</value>
-        <description>Property used when multiple drives are used to understand max thresholds</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>cluster_routing_allocation_disk_threshold_enabled</name>
-        <value>true</value>
-        <description>Property used when multiple drives are used to understand if thresholding is active</description>
-    </property>   
-   <property>
-        <name>cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_low</name>
-        <value>.97</value>
-        <description>Property used when multiple drives are used to understand min thresholds</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries</name>
-        <value>4</value>
-        <description>Max concurrent recoveries, useful for fast recovery of the cluster nodes on restart</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>network_host</name>
-        <value>[ _local_, _site_ ]</value>
-        <description>Network interface(s) ES will bind to within each node. "_site_" or a more specific external address is required for all multi-node clusters, and also recommended for single-node installs to allow access to ES reports from non-local hosts. Always include the square brackets. See for ES documentation.</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>network_publish_host</name>
-        <value>[]</value>
-        <value-attributes>
-            <empty-value-valid>true</empty-value-valid>
-        </value-attributes>
-        <description>Network address ES will publish for client and peer use. Empty value causes it to pick from the values in network_host, which works in most simple environments. MUST set explicitly for MULTI-HOMED SYSTEMS. See for ES documentation.</description>
-    </property>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-sysconfig.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-sysconfig.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index ea6ca38..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-sysconfig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-    <property>
-        <name>elastic_home</name>
-        <value>/usr/share/elasticsearch/</value>
-        <description>Elasticsearch Home Directory</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>data_dir</name>
-        <value>/var/lib/elasticsearch/</value>
-        <description>Elasticsearch Data Directory</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>work_dir</name>
-        <value>/tmp/elasticsearch/</value>
-        <description>Elasticsearch Work Directory</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>conf_dir</name>
-        <value>/etc/elasticsearch/</value>
-        <description>Elasticsearch Configuration Directory</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>max_open_files</name>
-        <value>65536</value>
-        <description>Maximum number of open files</description>
-    </property>
-    <property>
-        <name>max_map_count</name>
-        <value>262144</value>
-        <description>Maximum number of memory map areas for process</description>
-    </property>
-    <!-- Elasticsearch sysconfig -->
-    <property>
-        <name>content</name>
-        <description>This is the jinja template for elastic sysconfig file</description>
-        <value>
-# Directory where the Elasticsearch binary distribution resides
-# Maximum number of open files
-# Maximum number of VMA (Virtual Memory Areas) a process can own
-# Elasticsearch log directory
-# Elasticsearch data directory
-# Elasticsearch work directory
-# Elasticsearch conf directory
-# User to run as, change this to a specific elasticsearch user if possible
-# Also make sure, this user can write into the log directories in case you change them
-# This setting only works for the init script, but has to be configured separately for systemd startup
-# Elasticsearch pid directory
-# JAVA_HOME must be provided here for OS that use systemd service launch
-# Additional Java options - now preferential to use 'jvm.options' file instead
-        </value>
-    </property>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-systemd.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-systemd.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 311e3c0..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/configuration/elastic-systemd.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-    <property>
-        <name>content</name>
-        <description>The jinja template for the Elasticsearch systemd override file.  Applies only to platforms that use systemd.</description>
-        <value>
-        </value>
-    </property>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/metainfo.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/metainfo.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 47abb45..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/metainfo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
-    <schemaVersion>2.0</schemaVersion>
-    <services>
-        <service>
-            <name>ELASTICSEARCH</name>
-            <displayName>Elasticsearch</displayName>
-            <comment>Indexing and Search</comment>
-            <version>5.6.2</version>
-            <components>
-                <component>
-                    <name>ES_MASTER</name>
-                    <displayName>Elasticsearch Master</displayName>
-                    <category>MASTER</category>
-                    <cardinality>1+</cardinality>
-                    <commandScript>
-                        <script>scripts/</script>
-                        <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType>
-                        <timeout>600</timeout>
-                    </commandScript>
-                </component>
-                <component>
-                    <name>ES_SLAVE</name>
-                    <displayName>Elasticsearch Data Node</displayName>
-                    <category>SLAVE</category>
-                    <cardinality>0+</cardinality>
-                    <commandScript>
-                        <script>scripts/</script>
-                        <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType>
-                        <timeout>600</timeout>
-                    </commandScript>
-                </component>
-            </components>
-            <osSpecifics>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>redhat6</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>elasticsearch-5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>redhat7</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>elasticsearch-5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>ubuntu14</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>elasticsearch=5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-            </osSpecifics>
-            <commandScript>
-                <script>scripts/</script>
-                <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType>
-                <timeout>300</timeout>
-            </commandScript>
-            <configuration-dependencies>
-                <config-type>elastic-env</config-type>
-                <config-type>elastic-site</config-type>
-                <config-type>elastic-sysconfig</config-type>
-                <config-type>elastic-systemd</config-type>
-                <config-type>elastic-jvm-options</config-type>
-            </configuration-dependencies>
-            <restartRequiredAfterChange>true</restartRequiredAfterChange>
-            <quickLinksConfigurations>
-                <quickLinksConfiguration>
-                    <fileName>quicklinks.json</fileName>
-                    <default>true</default>
-                </quickLinksConfiguration>
-            </quickLinksConfigurations>
-        </service>
-    </services>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 618d10a..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import os
-from ambari_commons.os_check import OSCheck
-from resource_management.core.exceptions import ExecutionFailed
-from resource_management.core.exceptions import ComponentIsNotRunning
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import Directory
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import File
-from resource_management.core.source import InlineTemplate
-from resource_management.core.source import Template
-from resource_management.core.resources import User
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-from resource_management.libraries.functions import format as ambari_format
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.get_user_call_output import get_user_call_output
-def service_check(cmd, user, label):
-    """
-    Executes a SysV service check command that adheres to LSB-compliant
-    return codes.  The return codes are interpreted as defined
-    by the LSB.
-    See
-    for more information.
-    :param cmd: The service check command to execute.
-    :param label: The name of the service.
-    """
-"Performing service check; cmd={0}, user={1}, label={2}".format(cmd, user, label))
-    rc, out, err = get_user_call_output(cmd, user, is_checked_call=False)
-    if rc in [1, 2, 3]:
-      # if return code in [1, 2, 3], then 'program is not running' or 'program is dead'
-"{0} is not running".format(label))
-      raise ComponentIsNotRunning()
-    elif rc == 0:
-      # if return code = 0, then 'program is running or service is OK'
-"{0} is running".format(label))
-    else:
-      # else service state is unknown
-      err_msg = "{0} service check failed; cmd '{1}' returned {2}".format(label, cmd, rc)
-      Logger.error(err_msg)
-      raise ExecutionFailed(err_msg, rc, out, err)
-def is_systemd_running():
-    """
-    Determines if the platform is running Systemd.
-    :return True, if the platform is running Systemd.  False, otherwise.
-    """
-"Is the platform running Systemd?")
-    rc, out, err = get_user_call_output("pidof systemd", "root", is_checked_call=False)
-    if rc == 0:
-"Systemd was found")
-        return True
-    else:
-"Systemd was NOT found")
-        return False
-def configure_systemd(params):
-    """
-    Configure Systemd for Elasticsearch.
-    """
-"Configuring Systemd for Elasticsearch");
-    # ensure the systemd directory for elasticsearch overrides exists
-"Create Systemd directory for Elasticsearch: {0}".format(params.systemd_elasticsearch_dir))
-    Directory(params.systemd_elasticsearch_dir,
-              create_parents=True,
-              owner='root',
-              group='root')
-    # when using Elasticsearch packages on systems that use systemd, system
-    # limits must also be specified via systemd.
-    # see
-"Elasticsearch systemd limits: {0}".format(params.systemd_override_file))
-    File(params.systemd_override_file,
-         content=InlineTemplate(params.systemd_override_template),
-         owner="root",
-         group="root")
-    # reload the configuration
-    Execute("systemctl daemon-reload")
-def create_user(params):
-    """
-    Creates the user required for Elasticsearch.
-    """
-"Creating user={0} in group={1}".format(params.elastic_user, params.elastic_group))
-    User(params.elastic_user, action = "create", groups = params.elastic_group)
-def create_directories(params, directories):
-    """
-    Creates one or more directories.
-    """
-"Creating directories: {0}".format(directories))
-    Directory(directories,
-              create_parents=True,
-              mode=0755,
-              owner=params.elastic_user,
-              group=params.elastic_group
-              )
-def create_elastic_env(params):
-    """
-    Creates the Elasticsearch environment file.
-    """
-"Create Elasticsearch environment file.")
-    File("{0}/".format(params.conf_dir),
-         owner=params.elastic_user,
-         group=params.elastic_group,
-         content=InlineTemplate(params.elastic_env_sh_template))
-def create_elastic_site(params, template_name):
-    """
-    Creates the Elasticsearch site file.
-    """
-"Creating Elasticsearch site file; template={0}".format(template_name))
-    elastic_site = params.config['configurations']['elastic-site']
-    path = "{0}/elasticsearch.yml".format(params.conf_dir)
-    template = Template(template_name, configurations=elastic_site)
-    File(path,
-         content=template,
-         owner=params.elastic_user,
-         group=params.elastic_group)
-def get_elastic_config_path(default="/etc/default/elasticsearch"):
-    """
-    Defines the path to the Elasticsearch environment file.  This path will
-    differ based on the OS family.
-    :param default: The path used if the OS family is not recognized.
-    """
-    path = default
-    if OSCheck.is_redhat_family():
-      path = "/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch"
-    elif OSCheck.is_ubuntu_family():
-      path = "/etc/default/elasticsearch"
-    else:
-      Logger.error("Unexpected OS family; using default path={0}".format(path))
-    return path
-def create_elastic_config(params):
-    """
-    Creates the Elasticsearch system config file.  Usually lands at either
-    /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch or /etc/default/elasticsearch.
-    """
-    path = get_elastic_config_path()
-"Creating the Elasticsearch system config; path={0}".format(path))
-    File(path, owner="root", group="root", content=InlineTemplate(params.sysconfig_template))
-def create_elastic_pam_limits(params):
-    """
-    Creates the PAM limits for Elasticsearch.
-    """
-"Creating Elasticsearch PAM limits.")
-    # in some OS this folder may not exist, so create it
-"Ensure PAM limits directory exists: {0}".format(params.limits_conf_dir))
-    Directory(params.limits_conf_dir,
-              create_parents=True,
-              owner='root',
-              group='root')
-"Creating Elasticsearch PAM limits; file={0}".format(params.limits_conf_file))
-    File(params.limits_conf_file,
-         content=Template('elasticsearch_limits.conf.j2'),
-         owner="root",
-         group="root")
-def create_elastic_jvm_options(params):
-    """
-    Defines the jvm.options file used to specify JVM options.
-    """
-    path = "{0}/jvm.options".format(params.conf_dir)
-"Creating Elasticsearch JVM Options; file={0}".format(path))
-    File(path,
-         content=InlineTemplate(params.jvm_options_template),
-         owner=params.elastic_user,
-         group=params.elastic_group)
-def get_data_directories(params):
-    """
-    Returns the directories to use for storing Elasticsearch data.
-    """
-    path = params.path_data
-    path = path.replace('"', '')
-    path = path.replace(' ', '')
-    path = path.split(',')
-    dirs = [p.replace('"', '') for p in path]
-"Elasticsearch data directories: dirs={0}".format(dirs))
-    return dirs
-def configure_master():
-    """
-    Configures the Elasticsearch master node.
-    """
-    import params
-    # define the directories required
-    dirs = [
-      params.log_dir,
-      params.pid_dir,
-      params.conf_dir,
-      "{0}/scripts".format(params.conf_dir)
-    ]
-    dirs += get_data_directories(params)
-    # configure the elasticsearch master
-    create_user(params)
-    create_directories(params, dirs)
-    create_elastic_env(params)
-    create_elastic_site(params,  "elasticsearch.master.yaml.j2")
-    create_elastic_config(params)
-    create_elastic_pam_limits(params)
-    create_elastic_jvm_options(params)
-    if is_systemd_running():
-        configure_systemd(params)
-def configure_slave():
-    """
-    Configures the Elasticsearch slave node.
-    """
-    import params
-    # define the directories required
-    dirs = [
-      params.log_dir,
-      params.pid_dir,
-      params.conf_dir,
-    ]
-    dirs += get_data_directories(params)
-    # configure the elasticsearch slave
-    create_user(params)
-    create_directories(params, dirs)
-    create_elastic_env(params)
-    create_elastic_site(params, "elasticsearch.slave.yaml.j2")
-    create_elastic_config(params)
-    create_elastic_pam_limits(params)
-    create_elastic_jvm_options(params)
-    if is_systemd_running():
-        configure_systemd(params)
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 142ce4e..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.core import shell
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
-from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-from elastic_commands import service_check
-from elastic_commands import configure_master
-class Elasticsearch(Script):
-    def install(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Install Elasticsearch master node')
-        self.install_packages(env)
-    def configure(self, env, upgrade_type=None, config_dir=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Configure Elasticsearch master node')
-        configure_master()
-    def stop(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Stop Elasticsearch master node')
-        Execute("service elasticsearch stop")
-    def start(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Start Elasticsearch master node')
-        self.configure(env)
-        Execute("service elasticsearch start")
-    def status(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Status check Elasticsearch master node')
-        service_check(
-          cmd="service elasticsearch status",
-          user=params.elastic_status_check_user,
-          label="Elasticsearch Master")
-    def restart(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Restart Elasticsearch master node')
-        self.configure(env)
-        Execute("service elasticsearch restart")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    Elasticsearch().execute()
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2d559ff..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
-from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
-from elastic_commands import service_check
-from elastic_commands import configure_slave
-class Elasticsearch(Script):
-    def install(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Install Elasticsearch slave node')
-        self.install_packages(env)
-    def configure(self, env, upgrade_type=None, config_dir=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Configure Elasticsearch slave node')
-        configure_slave()
-    def stop(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Stop Elasticsearch slave node')
-        Execute("service elasticsearch stop")
-    def start(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-        self.configure(env)
-        Execute("service elasticsearch start")
-    def status(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Status check Elasticsearch slave node')
-        service_check(
-          cmd="service elasticsearch status",
-          user=params.elastic_status_check_user,
-          label="Elasticsearch Slave")
-    def restart(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-'Restart Elasticsearch slave node')
-        self.configure(env)
-        Execute("service elasticsearch restart")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    Elasticsearch().execute()
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 24f2306..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
-def yamlify_variables(var) :
-  if isinstance(var, type(True)):
-    return str(var).lower()
-  else:
-    return var
-# server configurations
-config = Script.get_config()
-masters_also_are_datanodes = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['masters_also_are_datanodes']
-elastic_home = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['elastic_home']
-data_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['data_dir']
-work_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['work_dir']
-conf_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['conf_dir']
-heap_size = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['heap_size']
-max_open_files = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['max_open_files']
-max_map_count = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['max_map_count']
-elastic_user = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user']
-elastic_group = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_group']
-log_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_log_dir']
-pid_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_pid_dir']
-hostname = config['hostname']
-java64_home = config['hostLevelParams']['java_home']
-elastic_env_sh_template = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['content']
-sysconfig_template = config['configurations']['elastic-sysconfig']['content']
-cluster_name = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['cluster_name']
-zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts']
-path_data = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['path_data']
-http_cors_enabled = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['http_cors_enabled']
-http_port = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['http_port']
-transport_tcp_port = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['transport_tcp_port']
-recover_after_time = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['recover_after_time']
-gateway_recover_after_data_nodes = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['gateway_recover_after_data_nodes']
-expected_data_nodes = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['expected_data_nodes']
-index_merge_scheduler_max_thread_count = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['index_merge_scheduler_max_thread_count']
-index_translog_flush_threshold_size = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['index_translog_flush_threshold_size']
-index_refresh_interval = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['index_refresh_interval']
-indices_memory_index_store_throttle_type = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['indices_memory_index_store_throttle_type']
-index_number_of_shards = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['index_number_of_shards']
-index_number_of_replicas = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['index_number_of_replicas']
-indices_memory_index_buffer_size = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['indices_memory_index_buffer_size']
-bootstrap_memory_lock = yamlify_variables(config['configurations']['elastic-site']['bootstrap_memory_lock'])
-threadpool_bulk_queue_size = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['threadpool_bulk_queue_size']
-cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries']
-cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_low = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_low']
-cluster_routing_allocation_disk_threshold_enabled = yamlify_variables(config['configurations']['elastic-site']['cluster_routing_allocation_disk_threshold_enabled'])
-cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_high = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_high']
-indices_fielddata_cache_size = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['indices_fielddata_cache_size']
-indices_cluster_send_refresh_mapping = yamlify_variables(config['configurations']['elastic-site']['indices_cluster_send_refresh_mapping'])
-threadpool_index_queue_size = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['threadpool_index_queue_size']
-discovery_zen_ping_timeout = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['discovery_zen_ping_timeout']
-discovery_zen_fd_ping_interval = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['discovery_zen_fd_ping_interval']
-discovery_zen_fd_ping_timeout = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['discovery_zen_fd_ping_timeout']
-discovery_zen_fd_ping_retries = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['discovery_zen_fd_ping_retries']
-network_host = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['network_host']
-network_publish_host = config['configurations']['elastic-site']['network_publish_host']
-limits_conf_dir = "/etc/security/limits.d"
-limits_conf_file = limits_conf_dir + "/elasticsearch.conf"
-elastic_user_nofile_limit = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user_nofile_limit']
-elastic_user_nproc_limit = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user_nproc_limit']
-elastic_user_memlock_soft_limit = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user_memlock_soft_limit']
-elastic_user_memlock_hard_limit = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user_memlock_hard_limit']
-# the status check (service elasticsearch status) cannot be run by the 'elasticsearch'
-# user due to the default permissions that are set when the package is installed.  the
-# status check must be run as root
-elastic_status_check_user = 'root'
-# when using the RPM or Debian packages on systems that use systemd, system limits
-# must be specified via systemd.
-# see
-systemd_parent_dir = '/etc/systemd/system/'
-systemd_elasticsearch_dir = systemd_parent_dir + 'elasticsearch.service.d/'
-systemd_override_file = systemd_elasticsearch_dir + 'override.conf'
-systemd_override_template = config['configurations']['elastic-systemd']['content']
-heap_size = config['configurations']['elastic-jvm-options']['heap_size']
-jvm_options_template = config['configurations']['elastic-jvm-options']['content']
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index ef9f6dd..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import File
-from resource_management.core.source import InlineTemplate
-def properties_inline_template(configurations):
-    return InlineTemplate('''{% for key, value in configurations_dict.items() %}{{ key }}={{ value }}
-{% endfor %}''', configurations_dict=configurations)
-def properties_config(filename, configurations=None, conf_dir=None,
-                      mode=None, owner=None, group=None, brokerid=None):
-    config_content = properties_inline_template(configurations)
-    File(format("{conf_dir}/{filename}"), content=config_content, owner=owner,
-         group=group, mode=mode)
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ac7c83..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import re
-from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute
-from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-class ServiceCheck(Script):
-    def service_check(self, env):
-        import params
-        env.set_params(params)
-"Running Elasticsearch service check")
-        port = self.get_port_from_range(params.http_port)
-        self.check_cluster_health(params.hostname, port)
-        self.index_document(params.hostname, port)
-"Elasticsearch service check successful")
-        exit(0)
-    def index_document(self, host, port, doc='{"name": "Ambari Service Check"}', index="ambari_service_check"):
-        """
-        Tests the health of Elasticsearch by indexing a document.
-        :param host: The name of a host running Elasticsearch.
-        :param port: The Elasticsearch HTTP port.
-        :param doc: The test document to put.
-        :param index: The name of the test index.
-        """
-        # put a document into a new index
-        Execute("curl -XPUT 'http://%s:%s/%s/test/1' -d '%s'" % (host, port, index, doc), logoutput=True)
-        # retrieve the document...  use subprocess because we actually need the results here.
-        cmd_retrieve = "curl -XGET 'http://%s:%s/%s/test/1'" % (host, port, index)
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_retrieve, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
-        (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
-        response_retrieve = stdout
-"Retrieval response is: %s" % response_retrieve)
-        expected_retrieve = '{"_index":"%s","_type":"test","_id":"1","_version":1,"found":true,"_source":%s}' \
-            % (index, doc)
-        # delete the test index
-        cmd_delete = "curl -XDELETE 'http://%s:%s/%s'" % (host, port, index)
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_delete, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
-        (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
-        response_delete = stdout
-"Delete index response is: %s" % response_retrieve)
-        expected_delete = '{"acknowledged":true}'
-        if (expected_retrieve == response_retrieve) and (expected_delete == response_delete):
-  "Successfully indexed document in Elasticsearch")
-        else:
-  "Unable to retrieve document from Elasticsearch")
-            sys.exit(1)
-    def check_cluster_health(self, host, port, status="green", timeout="120s"):
-        """
-        Checks Elasticsearch cluster health.  Will wait for a given health
-        state to be reached.
-        :param host: The name of a host running Elasticsearch.
-        :param port: The Elasticsearch HTTP port.
-        :param status: The expected cluster health state.  By default, green.
-        :param timeout: How long to wait for the cluster.  By default, 120 seconds.
-        """
-"Checking cluster health")
-        cmd = "curl -sS -XGET 'http://{0}:{1}/_cluster/health?wait_for_status={2}&timeout={3}' | grep '\"status\":\"{2}\"'"
-        Execute(cmd.format(host, port, status, timeout), logoutput=True, tries=5, try_sleep=10)
-    def get_port_from_range(self, port_range, delimiter="-", default="9200"):
-        """
-        Elasticsearch is configured with a range of ports to bind to, such as
-        9200-9300.  This function identifies a single port within the given range.
-        :param port_range: A range of ports that Elasticsearch binds to.
-        :param delimiter: The port range delimiter, by default "-".
-        :param default: If no port can be identified in the port_range, the default is returned.
-        :return A single port within the given range.
-        """
-        port = default
-        if delimiter in port_range:
-            ports = port_range.split(delimiter)
-            if len(ports) > 0:
-                port = ports[0]
-        return port
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    ServiceCheck().execute()
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0629735..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
-config = Script.get_config()
-elastic_pid_dir = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_pid_dir']
-elastic_pid_file = format("{elastic_pid_dir}/")
-elastic_user = config['configurations']['elastic-env']['elastic_user']
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.master.yaml.j2 b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.master.yaml.j2
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e20ba2..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.master.yaml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-  name:   {{cluster_name}} 
-  routing:
-    allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries: {{cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries}}
-    allocation.disk.watermark.low: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_low}}
-    allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_threshold_enabled}}
-    allocation.disk.watermark.high: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_high}}
-  zen:
-    ping:
-      unicast:
-        hosts: {{zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts}}
-  data: {{ masters_also_are_datanodes }}
-  master: true
-  name: {{hostname}}
-  data: {{path_data}}
-  port: {{http_port}}
-  cors.enabled: {{http_cors_enabled}}
-  tcp:
-    port: {{transport_tcp_port}}
-  recover_after_data_nodes: {{gateway_recover_after_data_nodes}}
-  recover_after_time: {{recover_after_time}}
-  expected_data_nodes: {{expected_data_nodes}}
-  store.throttle.type: {{indices_memory_index_store_throttle_type}}
-  memory:
-   index_buffer_size: {{indices_memory_index_buffer_size}}
-  fielddata:
-   cache.size: {{indices_fielddata_cache_size}}
-  memory_lock: {{bootstrap_memory_lock}}
-  system_call_filter: false
-  bulk:
-    queue_size: {{threadpool_bulk_queue_size}}
-  index:
-    queue_size: {{threadpool_index_queue_size}}
-discovery.zen.ping_timeout: {{discovery_zen_ping_timeout}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_interval: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_interval}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_timeout}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_retries: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_retries}}
- {{network_host}}
-network.publish_host: {{network_publish_host}}
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.slave.yaml.j2 b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.slave.yaml.j2
deleted file mode 100755
index 6bf8399..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch.slave.yaml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-  name:   {{cluster_name}} 
-  routing:
-    allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries: {{cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries}}
-    allocation.disk.watermark.low: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_low}}
-    allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_threshold_enabled}}
-    allocation.disk.watermark.high: {{cluster_routing_allocation_disk_watermark_high}}
-  zen:
-    ping:
-      unicast:
-        hosts: {{zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts}}
-  data: true
-  master: false
-  name: {{hostname}}
-  data: {{path_data}}
-  port: {{http_port}}
-  cors.enabled: {{http_cors_enabled}}
-  tcp:
-    port: {{transport_tcp_port}}
-  recover_after_data_nodes: {{gateway_recover_after_data_nodes}}
-  recover_after_time: {{recover_after_time}}
-  expected_data_nodes: {{expected_data_nodes}}
-  store.throttle.type: {{indices_memory_index_store_throttle_type}}
-  memory:
-   index_buffer_size: {{indices_memory_index_buffer_size}}
-  fielddata:
-   cache.size: {{indices_fielddata_cache_size}}
-  memory_lock: {{bootstrap_memory_lock}}
-  system_call_filter: false
-  bulk:
-    queue_size: {{threadpool_bulk_queue_size}}
-  index:
-    queue_size: {{threadpool_index_queue_size}}
-discovery.zen.ping_timeout: {{discovery_zen_ping_timeout}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_interval: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_interval}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_timeout}}
-discovery.zen.fd.ping_retries: {{discovery_zen_fd_ping_retries}}
- {{network_host}}
-network.publish_host: {{network_publish_host}}
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch_limits.conf.j2 b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch_limits.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f72e1..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/package/templates/elasticsearch_limits.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-{{elastic_user}}	-	nproc  {{elastic_user_nproc_limit}}
-{{elastic_user}}	-	nofile {{elastic_user_nofile_limit}}
-{{elastic_user}}	soft	memlock	{{elastic_user_memlock_soft_limit}}
-{{elastic_user}}	hard	memlock	{{elastic_user_memlock_hard_limit}}
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/quicklinks/quicklinks.json b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/quicklinks/quicklinks.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 909828b..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/quicklinks/quicklinks.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "default",
-  "description": "default quick links configuration",
-  "configuration": {
-    "protocol":
-    {
-      "type":"HTTP_ONLY"
-    },
-    "links": [
-      {
-        "name": "es_health_link",
-        "label": "Elasticsearch Health",
-        "requires_user_name": "false",
-        "component_name": "ES_MASTER",
-        "url":"%@://%@:%@/_cat/health?v",
-        "port":{
-          "http_property": "http_port",
-          "http_default_port": "9200",
-          "https_property": "http_port",
-          "https_default_port": "9200",
-          "regex": "^(\\d+)",
-          "site": "elastic-site"
-        }
-      },
-      {
-        "name": "es_indices_link",
-        "label": "Elasticsearch Indexes",
-        "requires_user_name": "false",
-        "component_name": "ES_MASTER",
-        "url":"%@://%@:%@/_cat/indices?v",
-        "port":{
-          "http_property": "http_port",
-          "http_default_port": "9200",
-          "https_property": "http_port",
-          "https_default_port": "9200",
-          "regex": "^(\\d+)",
-          "site": "elastic-site"
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/role_command_order.json b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/role_command_order.json
deleted file mode 100755
index 130d018..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/ELASTICSEARCH/5.6.2/role_command_order.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  "_comment" : "Record format:",
-  "_comment" : "blockedRole-blockedCommand: [blockerRole1-blockerCommand1, blockerRole2-blockerCommand2, ...]",
-  "general_deps" : {
-    "_comment" : "dependencies for all cases",
-  }
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-env.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-env.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 1246405..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-env.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-  <property>
-    <name>kibana_user</name>
-    <value>kibana</value>
-    <property-type>USER</property-type>
-    <description>Service User for Kibana</description>
-    <value-attributes>
-      <type>user</type>
-      <overridable>false</overridable>
-    </value-attributes>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name>kabana_group</name>
-    <value>kibana</value>
-    <property-type>GROUP</property-type>
-    <description>Service Group for Kibana</description>
-    <value-attributes>
-      <type>user</type>
-      <overridable>false</overridable>
-    </value-attributes>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_server_host</name>
-    <value></value>
-    <description>Host name or IP address that Kibana should bind to.</description>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_log_dir</name>
-    <value>/var/log/kibana</value>
-    <description>Log directory for Kibana</description>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_pid_dir</name>
-    <value>/var/run/kibana</value>
-    <description>PID directory for Kibana</description>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_es_url</name>
-    <value></value>
-    <description>The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries. (http://eshost:9200)</description>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_server_port</name>
-    <value>5000</value>
-    <description>Kibana back end server port to use.</description>
-  </property>
-  <property require-input="true">
-    <name>kibana_default_application</name>
-    <value>default</value>
-    <description>The default application to load.</description>
-  </property>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-site.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-site.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index d8d0513..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/configuration/kibana-site.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    <!-- kibana.yml -->
-    <property>
-        <name>content</name>
-        <display-name>kibana.yml template</display-name>
-        <description>This is the jinja template for kibana.yml file</description>
-        <value>
-# Kibana is served by a back end server. This controls which port to use.
-server.port: {{ kibana_port }}
-# The host to bind the server to.
-# Kibana (like Elasticsearch) now binds to localhost for security purposes instead of (all addresses). Previous binding to also caused issues for Windows users. {{ kibana_server_host }}
-# If you are running kibana behind a proxy, and want to mount it at a path,
-# specify that path here. The basePath can't end in a slash.
-# server.basePath: ""
-# The maximum payload size in bytes on incoming server requests.
-# server.maxPayloadBytes: 1048576
-# The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
-elasticsearch.url: {{ es_url }}
-# preserve_elasticsearch_host true will send the hostname specified in `elasticsearch`. If you set it to false,
-# then the host you use to connect to *this* Kibana instance will be sent.
-# elasticsearch.preserveHost: true
-# Kibana uses an index in Elasticsearch to store saved searches, visualizations
-# and dashboards. It will create a new index if it doesn't already exist.
-# kibana.index: ".kibana"
-# The default application to load.
-kibana.defaultAppId: "{{ kibana_default_application }}"
-# If your Elasticsearch is protected with basic auth, these are the user credentials
-# used by the Kibana server to perform maintenance on the kibana_index at startup. Your Kibana
-# users will still need to authenticate with Elasticsearch (which is proxied through
-# the Kibana server)
-# elasticsearch.username: "user"
-# elasticsearch.password: "pass"
-# SSL for outgoing requests from the Kibana Server to the browser (PEM formatted)
-# server.ssl.cert: /path/to/your/server.crt
-# server.ssl.key: /path/to/your/server.key
-# Optional setting to validate that your Elasticsearch backend uses the same key files (PEM formatted)
-# elasticsearch.ssl.cert: /path/to/your/client.crt
-# elasticsearch.ssl.key: /path/to/your/client.key
-# If you need to provide a CA certificate for your Elasticsearch instance, put
-# the path of the pem file here.
-# /path/to/your/CA.pem
-# Set to false to have a complete disregard for the validity of the SSL
-# certificate.
-# elasticsearch.ssl.verify: true
-# Time in milliseconds to wait for elasticsearch to respond to pings, defaults to
-# request_timeout setting
-# elasticsearch.pingTimeout: 1500
-# Time in milliseconds to wait for responses from the back end or elasticsearch.
-# This must be > 0
-# elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000
-# Time in milliseconds for Elasticsearch to wait for responses from shards.
-# Set to 0 to disable.
-# elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 0
-# Time in milliseconds to wait for Elasticsearch at Kibana startup before retrying
-# elasticsearch.startupTimeout: 5000
-# Set the path to where you would like the process id file to be created.
-# pid.file: /var/run/
-# If you would like to send the log output to a file you can set the path below.
-logging.dest: {{ log_dir }}/kibana.log
-# Set this to true to suppress all logging output.
-# logging.silent: false
-# Set this to true to suppress all logging output except for error messages.
-# logging.quiet: false
-# Set this to true to log all events, including system usage information and all requests.
-# logging.verbose: false
-        </value>
-        <value-attributes>
-            <type>content</type>
-        </value-attributes>
-    </property>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/metainfo.xml b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/metainfo.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 06b61a1..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/metainfo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
-    <schemaVersion>2.0</schemaVersion>
-    <services>
-        <service>
-            <name>KIBANA</name>
-            <displayName>Kibana</displayName>
-            <comment>Kibana Dashboard</comment>
-            <version>5.6.2</version>
-            <components>
-                <component>
-                    <name>KIBANA_MASTER</name>
-                    <displayName>Kibana Server</displayName>
-                    <category>MASTER</category>
-                    <cardinality>1</cardinality>
-                    <commandScript>
-                        <script>scripts/</script>
-                        <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType>
-                        <timeout>600</timeout>
-                    </commandScript>
-                    <customCommands>
-                        <customCommand>
-                            <name>LOAD_TEMPLATE</name>
-                            <background>false</background>
-                            <commandScript>
-                                <script>scripts/</script>
-                                <scriptType>PYTHON</scriptType>
-                            </commandScript>
-                        </customCommand>
-                    </customCommands>
-                </component>
-            </components>
-            <osSpecifics>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>redhat6</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>python-elasticsearch</name>
-                        </package>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>kibana-5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>redhat7</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>python-elasticsearch</name>
-                        </package>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>kibana-5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-                <osSpecific>
-                    <osFamily>ubuntu14</osFamily>
-                    <packages>
-                        <package>
-                            <name>kibana=5.6.2</name>
-                        </package>
-                    </packages>
-                </osSpecific>
-            </osSpecifics>
-            <configuration-dependencies>
-                <config-type>kibana-env</config-type>
-                <config-type>kibana-site</config-type>
-            </configuration-dependencies>
-            <restartRequiredAfterChange>true</restartRequiredAfterChange>
-            <quickLinksConfigurations>
-                <quickLinksConfiguration>
-                    <fileName>quicklinks.json</fileName>
-                    <default>true</default>
-                </quickLinksConfiguration>
-            </quickLinksConfigurations>
-        </service>
-    </services>
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37100cd..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.get_user_call_output import get_user_call_output
-from resource_management.core.exceptions import ExecutionFailed
-from resource_management.core.exceptions import ComponentIsNotRunning
-def service_check(cmd, user, label):
-    """
-    Executes a service check command that adheres to LSB-compliant
-    return codes.  The return codes are interpreted as defined
-    by the LSB.
-    See
-    for more information.
-    :param cmd: The service check command to execute.
-    :param label: The name of the service.
-    """
-"Performing service check; cmd={0}, user={1}, label={2}".format(cmd, user, label))
-    rc, out, err = get_user_call_output(cmd, user, is_checked_call=False)
-    if len(err) > 0:
-      Logger.error(err)
-    if rc in [1, 2, 3]:
-      # if return code in [1, 2, 3], then 'program is not running' or 'program is dead'
-"{0} is not running".format(label))
-      raise ComponentIsNotRunning()
-    elif rc == 0:
-      # if return code = 0, then 'program is running or service is OK'
-"{0} is running".format(label))
-    else:
-      # else service state is unknown
-      err_msg = "{0} service check failed; cmd '{1}' returned {2}".format(label, cmd, rc)
-      Logger.error(err_msg)
-      raise ExecutionFailed(err_msg, rc, out, err)
diff --git a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/dashboard/ b/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d2bad8..0000000
--- a/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack/src/main/resources/common-services/KIBANA/5.6.2/package/scripts/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file