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[GitHub] [madlib] khannaekta commented on a change in pull request #443: DL: Add training for multiple models

khannaekta commented on a change in pull request #443: DL: Add training for multiple models

 File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
 @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import plpy
+import time
+import sys
+from keras.models import *
+from madlib_keras import compute_loss_and_metrics
+from madlib_keras import get_initial_weights
+from madlib_keras import get_model_arch_weights
+from madlib_keras import get_segments_and_gpus
+from madlib_keras import get_source_summary_table_dict
+from madlib_keras_helper import *
+from madlib_keras_model_selection import ModelSelectionSchema
+from madlib_keras_validator import *
+from madlib_keras_wrapper import *
+from utilities.control import MinWarning
+from utilities.control import OptimizerControl
+from utilities.utilities import unique_string
+from utilities.utilities import add_postfix
+from utilities.utilities import rotate
+from utilities.utilities import madlib_version
+from utilities.utilities import is_platform_pg
+import json
+from collections import defaultdict
+import random
+import datetime
+class FitMultipleModel():
+    def __init__(self, schema_madlib, source_table, model_output_table,
+                 model_selection_table, num_iterations,
+                 gpus_per_host=0, validation_table=None, **kwargs):
+        # set the random seed for visit order/scheduling
+        random.seed(1)
+        if is_platform_pg():
+            plpy.error(
+                "DL: Multiple model training is not supported on PostgreSQL.")
+        self.source_table = source_table
+        self.validation_table = validation_table
+        self.model_selection_table = model_selection_table
+        if self.model_selection_table:
+            self.model_selection_summary_table = add_postfix(self.model_selection_table, '_summary')
+        self.model_output_table = model_output_table
+        if self.model_output_table:
+            self.model_info_table = add_postfix(model_output_table, '_info')
+            self.model_summary_table = add_postfix(
+                model_output_table, '_summary')
+        self.num_iterations = num_iterations
+        self.module_name = 'madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model'
+        self.schema_madlib = schema_madlib
+        self.version = madlib_version(self.schema_madlib)
+        self.mst_key_col = ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY
+        self.model_id_col = ModelSelectionSchema.MODEL_ID
+        self.compile_params_col = ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS
+        self.fit_params_col = ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS
+        self.model_arch_table_col = ModelSelectionSchema.MODEL_ARCH_TABLE
+        self.model_weights_col=ModelArchSchema.MODEL_WEIGHTS
+        self.model_arch_col=ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ARCH
+        self.train_mst_metric_eval_time = defaultdict(list)
+        self.train_mst_loss = defaultdict(list)
+        self.train_mst_metric = defaultdict(list)
+        self.info_str = ""
+        self.seg_ids_train, self.images_per_seg_train = \
+            get_image_count_per_seg_for_minibatched_data_from_db(
+                self.source_table)
+        input_tbl_valid(self.model_selection_table, self.module_name)
+        input_tbl_valid(self.model_selection_summary_table, self.module_name,
+                        error_suffix_str="Please ensure that the model selection table ({0}) "
+                                         "has been created by "
+                                         "load_model_selection_table().".format(self.model_selection_table))
+        self.msts, self.model_arch_table = self.query_model_configs()
+        self.dep_shape_col = add_postfix(mb_dep_var_col, "_shape")
+        self.ind_shape_col = add_postfix(mb_indep_var_col, "_shape")
+        self.fit_validator_train = FitMultipleInputValidator(
+            self.source_table, self.validation_table, self.model_output_table,
+            self.model_arch_table, mb_dep_var_col, mb_indep_var_col,
+            self.num_iterations, 1, False)
+        output_tbl_valid(self.model_info_table, self.module_name)
+        if self.validation_table:
+            self.valid_mst_metric_eval_time = defaultdict(list)
+            self.valid_mst_loss = defaultdict(list)
+            self.valid_mst_metric = defaultdict(list)
+            self.seg_ids_valid, self.images_per_seg_valid = \
+                get_image_count_per_seg_for_minibatched_data_from_db(
+                    self.validation_table)
+        self.mst_weights_tbl = unique_string(desp='mst_weights')
+        self.mst_current_schedule_tbl = unique_string(desp='mst_current_schedule')
+        self.dist_keys = self.query_dist_keys()
+        if len(self.msts) < len(self.dist_keys):
+            self.msts_for_schedule = self.msts + [None] * \
+                (len(self.dist_keys) - len(self.msts))
+        else:
+            self.msts_for_schedule = self.msts
+        random.shuffle(self.msts_for_schedule)
+        self.grand_schedule = self.generate_schedule(self.msts_for_schedule)
+        self.segments_per_host, self.gpus_per_host = get_segments_and_gpus(
+            gpus_per_host)
+        self.create_model_output_table()
+        self.weights_to_update_tbl = unique_string(desp='weights_to_update')
+        self.fit_multiple_model()
+    def fit_multiple_model(self):
+        # WARNING: set orca off to prevent unwanted redistribution
+        with OptimizerControl(False):
+            original_cuda_env = None
+            if CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_KEY in os.environ:
+                original_cuda_env = os.environ[CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_KEY]
+            self.start_training_time =
+            self.train_multiple_model()
+            self.end_training_time =
+            self.insert_info_table()
+            self.create_model_summary_table()
+        reset_cuda_env(original_cuda_env)
+    def train_multiple_model(self):
+        total_msts = len(self.msts_for_schedule)
+        for e in range(self.num_iterations):
+            for i in range(total_msts):
+                mst_row = [self.grand_schedule[dist_key][i]
+                           for dist_key in self.dist_keys]
+                self.create_mst_schedule_table(mst_row)
+                if i == 0:
+                    start_iteration = time.time()
+                self.run_training()
+                if i == (total_msts - 1):
+                    end_iteration = time.time()
+                    self.info_str = "\tTime for training in iteration {0}: {1} sec\n".format(e,
+                                                                                      end_iteration - start_iteration)
+            self.info_str += "\tTraining set after iteration {0}:".format(e)
+            self.evaluate_model(e, self.source_table, True)
+            if self.validation_table:
+                self.evaluate_model(e, self.validation_table, False)
+  "\n"+self.info_str)
+    def evaluate_model(self, epoch, table, is_train):
+        if is_train:
+            mst_metric_eval_time = self.train_mst_metric_eval_time
+            mst_loss = self.train_mst_loss
+            mst_metric = self.train_mst_metric
+            seg_ids = self.seg_ids_train
+            images_per_seg = self.images_per_seg_train
+        else:
+            mst_metric_eval_time = self.valid_mst_metric_eval_time
+            mst_loss = self.valid_mst_loss
+            mst_metric = self.valid_mst_metric
+            seg_ids = self.seg_ids_valid
+            images_per_seg = self.images_per_seg_valid
+        for mst in self.msts:
+            state = self.query_weights(mst[self.mst_key_col])
+            model_arch, _ = get_model_arch_weights(self.model_arch_table, mst[self.model_id_col])
+            serialized_weights = \
+                madlib_keras_serializer.get_serialized_1d_weights_from_state(
+                    state)
+            loss_metric = compute_loss_and_metrics(
+                self.schema_madlib, table, "$madlib${0}$madlib$".format(
+                    mst[self.compile_params_col]),
+                model_arch,
+                serialized_weights,
+                self.gpus_per_host,
+                self.segments_per_host,
+                seg_ids,
+                images_per_seg, [], [], epoch, True)
+            metric_eval_time, metric, loss = loss_metric
+            mst_metric_eval_time[mst[self.mst_key_col]] \
+                .append(metric_eval_time)
+            mst_loss[mst[self.mst_key_col]].append(loss)
+            mst_metric[mst[self.mst_key_col]].append(metric)
+            self.info_str += "\n\tmst_key={0}: metric={1}, loss={2}".format(mst[self.mst_key_col], metric, loss)
+    def generate_schedule(self, msts):
+        grand_schedule = {}
+        for index, dist_key in enumerate(self.dist_keys):
+            grand_schedule[dist_key] = rotate(msts, index)
+        return grand_schedule
+    def query_model_configs(self):
+        msts_query = """
+                     SELECT * FROM {self.model_selection_table}
+                     ORDER BY {self.mst_key_col}
+                     """.format(**locals())
+        model_arch_table_query = """
+                                 SELECT {self.model_arch_table_col}
+                                 FROM {self.model_selection_summary_table}
+                                 """.format(**locals())
+        msts = list(plpy.execute(msts_query))
+        model_arch_table = plpy.execute(model_arch_table_query)[0][self.model_arch_table_col]
+        return msts, model_arch_table
+    def query_dist_keys(self):
+        dist_key_query = """
+                         SELECT DISTINCT({dist_key_col}) FROM {source_table}
+                         ORDER BY {dist_key_col}
+                         """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
+                                    source_table=self.source_table)
+        res = list(plpy.execute(dist_key_query))
+        res = [x[dist_key_col] for x in res]
+        return res
+    def create_mst_schedule_table(self, mst_row):
+        mst_temp_query = """
+                         CREATE TEMP TABLE {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
+                                ({self.model_id_col} INTEGER,
+                                 {self.compile_params_col} VARCHAR,
+                                 {self.fit_params_col} VARCHAR,
+                                 {dist_key_col} INTEGER,
+                                 {self.mst_key_col} INTEGER)
+                         """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col, **locals())
+        plpy.execute(mst_temp_query)
+        for mst, dist_key in zip(mst_row, self.dist_keys):
+            if mst:
+                model_id = mst[self.model_id_col]
+                compile_params = mst[self.compile_params_col]
+                fit_params = mst[self.fit_params_col]
+                mst_key = mst[self.mst_key_col]
+            else:
+                model_id = "NULL"
+                compile_params = "NULL"
+                fit_params = "NULL"
+                mst_key = "NULL"
+            mst_insert_query = """
+                               INSERT INTO {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
+                                   VALUES ({model_id},
+                                           $madlib${compile_params}$madlib$,
+                                           $madlib${fit_params}$madlib$,
+                                           {dist_key},
+                                           {mst_key})
+                                """.format(**locals())
+            plpy.execute(mst_insert_query)
+    def create_model_output_table(self):
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
+                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
+                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON)
+                                    """.format(self=self)
+        info_table_create_query = """
+                                  CREATE TABLE {self.model_info_table}
+                                  ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                   {self.model_id_col} INTEGER,
+                                   {self.compile_params_col} TEXT,
+                                   {self.fit_params_col} TEXT,
+                                   model_type TEXT,
+                                   model_size DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   metrics_elapsed_time DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   metrics_type TEXT[],
+                                   training_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   training_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[])
+                               """.format(self=self)
+        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+        plpy.execute(info_table_create_query)
+        for mst in self.msts:
+            model_arch, model_weights = get_model_arch_weights(self.model_arch_table,
+                                                               mst[self.model_id_col])
+            serialized_weights = get_initial_weights(self.model_output_table,
+                                                     model_arch,
+                                                     model_weights,
+                                                     False,
+                                                     self.gpus_per_host
+                                                     )
+            model = model_from_json(model_arch)
+            serialized_state = \
+                madlib_keras_serializer.serialize_state_with_nd_weights(
+                    0, model.get_weights())
+            # serialized_weights = madlib_keras_serializer.serialize_nd_weights(
+            #     model.get_weights())
+            model_size = sys.getsizeof(serialized_weights) / 1024.0
+            metrics_list = get_metrics_from_compile_param(
+                mst[self.compile_params_col])
+            is_metrics_specified = True if metrics_list else False
+            metrics_type = 'ARRAY{0}'.format(
+                metrics_list) if is_metrics_specified else 'NULL'
+            output_table_insert_query = """
+                                INSERT INTO {self.model_output_table}(
+                                    {self.mst_key_col}, {self.model_weights_col},
+                                    {self.model_arch_col})
+                                VALUES ({mst_key}, $1, $2)
+                                   """.format(self=self,
+                                              mst_key=mst[self.mst_key_col])
+            output_table_insert_query_prepared = plpy.prepare(
+                output_table_insert_query, ["bytea", "json"])
+            plpy.execute(output_table_insert_query_prepared, [
+                         serialized_state, json.dumps(model_arch)])
+            info_table_insert_query = """
+                    INSERT INTO {self.model_info_table}({self.mst_key_col},
+                                {self.model_id_col}, {self.compile_params_col},
+                                {self.fit_params_col}, model_type, model_size,
+                                metrics_type)
+                        VALUES ({mst_key_val}, {model_id},
+                                $madlib${compile_params}$madlib$,
+                                $madlib${fit_params}$madlib$, '{model_type}',
+                                {model_size}, {metrics_type})
+                """.format(self=self,
+                           mst_key_val=mst[self.mst_key_col],
+                           model_id=mst[self.model_id_col],
+                           compile_params=mst[self.compile_params_col],
+                           fit_params=mst[self.fit_params_col],
+                           model_type='madlib_keras',
+                           model_size=model_size,
+                           metrics_type=metrics_type)
+            plpy.execute(info_table_insert_query)
+    def create_model_summary_table(self):
+        src_summary_dict = get_source_summary_table_dict(self.fit_validator_train)
+        class_values = src_summary_dict['class_values']
+        dep_vartype = src_summary_dict['dep_vartype']
+        dependent_varname = \
+            src_summary_dict['dependent_varname_in_source_table']
+        independent_varname = \
+            src_summary_dict['independent_varname_in_source_table']
+        norm_const = src_summary_dict['norm_const']
+        num_classes = len(class_values)
+        class_values_colname = CLASS_VALUES_COLNAME
+        dependent_vartype_colname = DEPENDENT_VARTYPE_COLNAME
+        normalizing_const_colname = NORMALIZING_CONST_COLNAME
+        float32_sql_type = FLOAT32_SQL_TYPE
+        update_query = """
+                CREATE TABLE {self.model_summary_table} AS
 Review comment:
   Yes, in dev-check(madlib_keras_model_selection.sql_in:L194-207).

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