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[25/36] hive git commit: HIVE-16369: Vectorization: Support PTF (Part 1: No Custom Window Framing -- Default Only) (Matt McCline, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_windowing_expressions.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_windowing_expressions.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab77c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_windowing_expressions.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@
+PREHOOK: query: drop table over10k
+POSTHOOK: query: drop table over10k
+PREHOOK: query: create table over10k(
+           t tinyint,
+           si smallint,
+           i int,
+           b bigint,
+           f float,
+           d double,
+           bo boolean,
+           s string,
+	   ts timestamp, 
+           `dec` decimal(4,2),  
+           bin binary)
+       row format delimited
+       fields terminated by '|'
+PREHOOK: Output: database:default
+PREHOOK: Output: default@over10k
+POSTHOOK: query: create table over10k(
+           t tinyint,
+           si smallint,
+           i int,
+           b bigint,
+           f float,
+           d double,
+           bo boolean,
+           s string,
+	   ts timestamp, 
+           `dec` decimal(4,2),  
+           bin binary)
+       row format delimited
+       fields terminated by '|'
+POSTHOOK: Output: database:default
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@over10k
+PREHOOK: query: load data local inpath '../../data/files/over10k' into table over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+PREHOOK: Output: default@over10k
+POSTHOOK: query: load data local inpath '../../data/files/over10k' into table over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@over10k
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,0.0)) over w1 + last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2), 
+max(p_retailprice) over w1 - min(p_retailprice) over w1 = last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 - first_value(p_retailprice) over w1
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,0.0)) over w1 + last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2), 
+max(p_retailprice) over w1 - min(p_retailprice) over w1 = last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 - first_value(p_retailprice) over w1
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: part
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: p_mfgr (type: string), p_retailprice (type: double)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: p_mfgr (type: string)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [2, 7]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [2]
+                        valueColumns: [5]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    value expressions: p_size (type: int)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 9
+                    includeColumns: [2, 5, 7]
+                    dataColumns: p_partkey:int, p_name:string, p_mfgr:string, p_brand:string, p_type:string, p_size:int, p_container:string, p_retailprice:double, p_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lead and lag function not supported in argument expression of aggregation function sum
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), VALUE._col4 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: double)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col5, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 9828 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col2: string, _col5: int, _col7: double
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col7 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col2
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_0
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumDouble
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_1
+                              arguments: lag(...)
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumDouble
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: last_value_window_2
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: last_value
+                              window function: GenericUDAFLastValueEvaluator
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: max_window_3
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: max
+                              window function: GenericUDAFMaxEvaluator
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: min_window_4
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: min
+                              window function: GenericUDAFMinEvaluator
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: first_value_window_5
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: first_value
+                              window function: GenericUDAFFirstValueEvaluator
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Lead/Lag information: lag(...) (type: double)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 9828 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col7 (type: double), _col5 (type: int), (round(sum_window_0, 2) = round((sum_window_1 + last_value_window_2), 2)) (type: boolean), ((max_window_3 - min_window_4) = (last_value_window_2 - first_value_window_5)) (type: boolean)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 3068 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    File Output Operator
+                      compressed: false
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 3068 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                      table:
+                          input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                          output format:
+                          serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: -1
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,0.0)) over w1 + last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2), 
+max(p_retailprice) over w1 - min(p_retailprice) over w1 = last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 - first_value(p_retailprice) over w1
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+PREHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,0.0)) over w1 + last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2), 
+max(p_retailprice) over w1 - min(p_retailprice) over w1 = last_value(p_retailprice) over w1 - first_value(p_retailprice) over w1
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+p_mfgr	p_retailprice	p_size	_c3	_c4
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15	2	true	true
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15	2	true	true
+Manufacturer#1	1414.42	28	true	true
+Manufacturer#1	1602.59	6	true	true
+Manufacturer#1	1632.66	42	true	true
+Manufacturer#1	1753.76	34	true	true
+Manufacturer#2	1690.68	14	true	true
+Manufacturer#2	1698.66	25	true	true
+Manufacturer#2	1701.6	18	true	true
+Manufacturer#2	1800.7	40	true	true
+Manufacturer#2	2031.98	2	true	true
+Manufacturer#3	1190.27	14	true	true
+Manufacturer#3	1337.29	45	true	true
+Manufacturer#3	1410.39	19	true	true
+Manufacturer#3	1671.68	17	true	true
+Manufacturer#3	1922.98	1	true	true
+Manufacturer#4	1206.26	27	true	true
+Manufacturer#4	1290.35	12	true	true
+Manufacturer#4	1375.42	39	true	true
+Manufacturer#4	1620.67	10	true	true
+Manufacturer#4	1844.92	7	true	true
+Manufacturer#5	1018.1	46	true	true
+Manufacturer#5	1464.48	23	true	true
+Manufacturer#5	1611.66	6	true	true
+Manufacturer#5	1788.73	2	true	true
+Manufacturer#5	1789.69	31	true	true
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+rank() over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice) as r,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -5 as s1
+from part
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+rank() over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice) as r,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -5 as s1
+from part
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: part
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: p_mfgr (type: string), p_retailprice (type: double)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: p_mfgr (type: string)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [2, 7]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [2]
+                        valueColumns: [5]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    value expressions: p_size (type: int)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 9
+                    includeColumns: [2, 5, 7]
+                    dataColumns: p_partkey:int, p_name:string, p_mfgr:string, p_brand:string, p_type:string, p_size:int, p_container:string, p_retailprice:double, p_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: sum UNBOUNDED end frame is not supported for ROWS window type
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), VALUE._col4 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: double)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col5, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 9828 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col2: string, _col5: int, _col7: double
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col7 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col2
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: rank_window_0
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: rank
+                              window function: GenericUDAFRankEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX)
+                              isPivotResult: true
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_1
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumDouble
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 9828 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col7 (type: double), _col5 (type: int), rank_window_0 (type: int), sum_window_1 (type: double), (sum_window_1 - 5.0) (type: double)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 3380 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    File Output Operator
+                      compressed: false
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 3380 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                      table:
+                          input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                          output format:
+                          serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: -1
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+rank() over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice) as r,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -5 as s1
+from part
+PREHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+rank() over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice) as r,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2,
+sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -5 as s1
+from part
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+p_mfgr	p_retailprice	p_size	r	s2	s1
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15	2	1	1173.15	1168.15
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15	2	1	2346.3	2341.3
+Manufacturer#1	1414.42	28	3	3760.7200000000003	3755.7200000000003
+Manufacturer#1	1602.59	6	4	5363.31	5358.31
+Manufacturer#1	1632.66	42	5	6995.97	6990.97
+Manufacturer#1	1753.76	34	6	8749.73	8744.73
+Manufacturer#2	1690.68	14	1	1690.68	1685.68
+Manufacturer#2	1698.66	25	2	3389.34	3384.34
+Manufacturer#2	1701.6	18	3	5090.9400000000005	5085.9400000000005
+Manufacturer#2	1800.7	40	4	6891.64	6886.64
+Manufacturer#2	2031.98	2	5	8923.62	8918.62
+Manufacturer#3	1190.27	14	1	1190.27	1185.27
+Manufacturer#3	1337.29	45	2	2527.56	2522.56
+Manufacturer#3	1410.39	19	3	3937.95	3932.95
+Manufacturer#3	1671.68	17	4	5609.63	5604.63
+Manufacturer#3	1922.98	1	5	7532.610000000001	7527.610000000001
+Manufacturer#4	1206.26	27	1	1206.26	1201.26
+Manufacturer#4	1290.35	12	2	2496.6099999999997	2491.6099999999997
+Manufacturer#4	1375.42	39	3	3872.0299999999997	3867.0299999999997
+Manufacturer#4	1620.67	10	4	5492.7	5487.7
+Manufacturer#4	1844.92	7	5	7337.62	7332.62
+Manufacturer#5	1018.1	46	1	1018.1	1013.1
+Manufacturer#5	1464.48	23	2	2482.58	2477.58
+Manufacturer#5	1611.66	6	3	4094.24	4089.24
+Manufacturer#5	1788.73	2	4	5882.969999999999	5877.969999999999
+Manufacturer#5	1789.69	31	5	7672.66	7667.66
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, si, f, si - lead(f, 3) over (partition by t order by bo,s,si,f desc) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, si, f, si - lead(f, 3) over (partition by t order by bo,s,si,f desc) from over10k limit 100
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: over10k
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 8771 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: t (type: tinyint), bo (type: boolean), s (type: string), si (type: smallint), f (type: float)
+                    sort order: ++++-
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: t (type: tinyint)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [0, 6, 7, 1, 4]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [0]
+                        valueColumns: []
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8771 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 11
+                    includeColumns: [0, 1, 4, 6, 7]
+                    dataColumns: t:tinyint, si:smallint, i:int, b:bigint, f:float, d:double, bo:boolean, s:string, ts:timestamp, dec:decimal(4,2), bin:binary
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lead not in supported functions [avg, count, dense_rank, first_value, last_value, max, min, rank, row_number, sum]
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: tinyint), KEY.reducesinkkey3 (type: smallint), KEY.reducesinkkey4 (type: float), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: boolean), KEY.reducesinkkey2 (type: string)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col4, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 8771 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col0: tinyint, _col1: smallint, _col4: float, _col6: boolean, _col7: string
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col6 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col7 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col4 DESC NULLS LAST
+                        partition by: _col0
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: lead_window_0
+                              arguments: _col4, 3
+                              name: lead
+                              window function: GenericUDAFLeadEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX)
+                              isPivotResult: true
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 8771 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col7 (type: string), _col1 (type: smallint), _col4 (type: float), (UDFToFloat(_col1) - lead_window_0) (type: float)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8771 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Limit
+                      Number of rows: 100
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11600 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11600 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select s, si, f, si - lead(f, 3) over (partition by t order by bo,s,si,f desc) from over10k limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select s, si, f, si - lead(f, 3) over (partition by t order by bo,s,si,f desc) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+s	si	f	_c3
+alice allen	400	76.31	337.23
+alice davidson	384	71.97	357.79
+alice king	455	2.48	395.93
+alice king	458	62.77	384.16998
+alice xylophone	485	26.21	464.05
+bob falkner	260	59.07	242.4
+bob ichabod	454	73.83	381.7
+bob polk	264	20.95	257.17
+bob underhill	454	17.6	424.94
+bob underhill	465	72.3	453.17
+bob van buren	433	6.83	398.4
+calvin ichabod	431	29.06	334.22
+david garcia	485	11.83	421.51
+ethan steinbeck	298	34.6	288.14
+fred ellison	376	96.78	330.76
+holly steinbeck	384	63.49	293.7
+holly underhill	318	9.86	269.91
+irene ellison	458	45.24	365.29
+irene underhill	307	90.3	244.19
+jessica johnson	494	48.09	490.18
+jessica king	459	92.71	452.2
+jessica white	284	62.81	209.08
+luke garcia	311	3.82	267.27
+luke young	451	6.8	429.0
+mike king	275	74.92	211.81
+oscar garcia	362	43.73	340.66
+priscilla laertes	316	22.0	296.06
+priscilla quirinius	423	63.19	362.72
+priscilla zipper	485	21.34	400.61
+quinn ellison	266	19.94	209.95
+quinn polk	507	60.28	447.66
+sarah robinson	320	84.39	309.74
+tom polk	346	56.05	320.33
+ulysses ellison	381	59.34	358.66
+ulysses quirinius	303	10.26	259.6
+ulysses robinson	313	25.67	269.31
+ulysses steinbeck	333	22.34	270.61
+victor allen	337	43.4	311.5
+victor hernandez	447	43.69	375.22
+victor xylophone	438	62.39	424.33
+wendy quirinius	279	25.5	250.25
+wendy robinson	275	71.78	262.88
+wendy xylophone	314	13.67	295.73
+xavier garcia	493	28.75	474.56
+zach thompson	386	12.12	377.63
+zach young	286	18.27	263.65
+alice falkner	280	18.44	227.7
+bob ellison	339	8.37	300.95
+bob johnson	374	22.35	326.49
+calvin white	280	52.3	198.32
+david carson	270	38.05	255.77
+david falkner	469	47.51	388.35
+david hernandez	408	81.68	339.27
+ethan underhill	339	14.23	256.26
+gabriella brown	498	80.65	413.25
+holly nixon	505	68.73	440.71
+holly polk	268	82.74	182.04001
+holly thompson	387	84.75	298.22
+irene young	458	64.29	401.8
+jessica miller	299	85.96	243.41
+katie ichabod	469	88.78	385.61
+luke ichabod	289	56.2	286.74
+luke king	337	55.59	274.88
+mike allen	465	83.39	383.03
+mike polk	500	2.26	427.74
+mike white	454	62.12	430.78
+mike xylophone	448	81.97	447.17
+nick nixon	335	72.26	240.78
+nick robinson	350	23.22	294.59
+oscar davidson	432	0.83	420.93
+oscar johnson	315	94.22	233.05
+oscar johnson	469	55.41	468.44
+oscar miller	324	11.07	265.19
+rachel davidson	507	81.95	468.78
+rachel thompson	344	0.56	246.12
+sarah miller	386	58.81	304.36
+sarah xylophone	275	38.22	177.48999
+sarah zipper	376	97.88	294.61
+tom hernandez	467	81.64	459.9
+tom hernandez	477	97.51	415.19
+tom steinbeck	414	81.39	361.87
+ulysses carson	343	7.1	314.22
+victor robinson	415	61.81	349.5
+victor thompson	344	52.13	NULL
+xavier ovid	280	28.78	NULL
+yuri xylophone	430	65.5	NULL
+alice underhill	389	26.68	368.06
+alice underhill	446	6.49	444.21
+bob ovid	331	67.12	236.43
+bob van buren	406	20.94	383.32
+david falkner	406	1.79	374.34
+david miller	450	94.57	380.13
+ethan allen	380	22.68	375.6
+ethan king	395	31.66	361.51
+ethan nixon	475	69.87	431.39
+ethan polk	283	4.4	243.82
+fred allen	331	33.49	281.68
+fred king	511	43.61	457.22
+fred polk	261	39.18	248.73
+fred young	303	49.32	221.51001
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, i, i - lead(i, 3, 0) over (partition by si order by i,s) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, i, i - lead(i, 3, 0) over (partition by si order by i,s) from over10k limit 100
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: over10k
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 9421 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: si (type: smallint), i (type: int), s (type: string)
+                    sort order: +++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: si (type: smallint)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [1, 2, 7]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [1]
+                        valueColumns: []
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 9421 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 11
+                    includeColumns: [1, 2, 7]
+                    dataColumns: t:tinyint, si:smallint, i:int, b:bigint, f:float, d:double, bo:boolean, s:string, ts:timestamp, dec:decimal(4,2), bin:binary
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lead not in supported functions [avg, count, dense_rank, first_value, last_value, max, min, rank, row_number, sum]
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: smallint), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey2 (type: string)
+                outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 9421 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col1: smallint, _col2: int, _col7: string
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col2 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col7 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col1
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: lead_window_0
+                              arguments: _col2, 3, 0
+                              name: lead
+                              window function: GenericUDAFLeadEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX)
+                              isPivotResult: true
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 9421 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col7 (type: string), _col2 (type: int), (_col2 - lead_window_0) (type: int)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 9421 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Limit
+                      Number of rows: 100
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 10800 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 10800 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select s, i, i - lead(i, 3, 0) over (partition by si order by i,s) from over10k limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select s, i, i - lead(i, 3, 0) over (partition by si order by i,s) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+s	i	_c2
+wendy garcia	65540	-18
+ethan thompson	65543	-20
+zach nixon	65549	-31
+alice robinson	65558	-28
+wendy nixon	65563	-33
+victor robinson	65580	-19
+ethan falkner	65586	-18
+victor davidson	65596	-17
+xavier quirinius	65599	-14
+fred quirinius	65604	-11
+nick zipper	65613	-3
+xavier van buren	65613	-7
+victor johnson	65615	-12
+alice ovid	65616	-24
+xavier ovid	65620	-23
+ulysses white	65627	-24
+sarah white	65640	-13
+calvin young	65643	-25
+victor thompson	65651	-42
+calvin johnson	65653	-53
+irene polk	65668	-45
+zach underhill	65693	-38
+quinn hernandez	65706	-27
+rachel ovid	65713	-24
+gabriella falkner	65731	-7
+zach white	65733	-8
+fred hernandez	65737	-7
+rachel ellison	65738	-6
+oscar steinbeck	65741	-6
+alice ellison	65744	-8
+tom allen	65744	-19
+quinn quirinius	65747	-31
+victor hernandez	65752	-26
+holly xylophone	65763	-26
+david davidson	65778	65778
+ulysses young	65778	65778
+sarah brown	65789	65789
+xavier brown	65541	-16
+zach hernandez	65542	-18
+katie ichabod	65547	-19
+oscar young	65557	-15
+holly white	65560	-14
+priscilla laertes	65566	-9
+ethan king	65572	-6
+zach hernandez	65574	-10
+oscar thompson	65575	-13
+victor xylophone	65578	-16
+gabriella ellison	65584	-26
+nick quirinius	65588	-22
+holly robinson	65594	-18
+alice xylophone	65610	-16
+yuri brown	65610	-21
+sarah hernandez	65612	-26
+katie garcia	65626	-28
+jessica laertes	65631	-23
+ethan underhill	65638	-17
+irene young	65654	-37
+priscilla thompson	65654	-40
+luke quirinius	65655	-44
+david brown	65691	-20
+luke falkner	65694	-18
+priscilla miller	65699	-20
+rachel robinson	65711	-9
+ethan polk	65712	-10
+wendy brown	65719	-13
+mike underhill	65720	-18
+zach underhill	65722	-26
+nick zipper	65732	-20
+fred brown	65738	-18
+ulysses young	65748	-23
+nick davidson	65752	-19
+fred zipper	65756	-15
+yuri nixon	65771	-10
+zach hernandez	65771	-19
+zach zipper	65771	65771
+alice underhill	65781	65781
+oscar laertes	65790	65790
+sarah zipper	65546	-19
+bob falkner	65551	-17
+luke ovid	65551	-17
+katie allen	65565	-4
+nick falkner	65568	-5
+zach steinbeck	65568	-11
+oscar van buren	65569	-13
+gabriella young	65573	-11
+jessica ichabod	65579	-24
+david garcia	65582	-24
+nick xylophone	65584	-27
+calvin johnson	65603	-14
+xavier zipper	65606	-50
+alice nixon	65611	-58
+jessica laertes	65617	-62
+fred king	65656	-61
+priscilla underhill	65669	-48
+priscilla zipper	65679	-45
+nick king	65717	-11
+sarah polk	65717	-17
+irene quirinius	65724	-28
+tom laertes	65728	-25
+yuri johnson	65734	-27
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, si, d, si - lag(d, 3) over (partition by b order by si,s,d) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, si, d, si - lag(d, 3) over (partition by b order by si,s,d) from over10k limit 100
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: over10k
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 8479 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: b (type: bigint), si (type: smallint), s (type: string), d (type: double)
+                    sort order: ++++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: b (type: bigint)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [3, 1, 7, 5]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [3]
+                        valueColumns: []
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8479 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 11
+                    includeColumns: [1, 3, 5, 7]
+                    dataColumns: t:tinyint, si:smallint, i:int, b:bigint, f:float, d:double, bo:boolean, s:string, ts:timestamp, dec:decimal(4,2), bin:binary
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lag not in supported functions [avg, count, dense_rank, first_value, last_value, max, min, rank, row_number, sum]
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: smallint), KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: bigint), KEY.reducesinkkey3 (type: double), KEY.reducesinkkey2 (type: string)
+                outputColumnNames: _col1, _col3, _col5, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 8479 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col1: smallint, _col3: bigint, _col5: double, _col7: string
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col7 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col5 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col3
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: lag_window_0
+                              arguments: _col5, 3
+                              name: lag
+                              window function: GenericUDAFLagEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX)
+                              isPivotResult: true
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 8479 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col7 (type: string), _col1 (type: smallint), _col5 (type: double), (UDFToDouble(_col1) - lag_window_0) (type: double)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8479 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Limit
+                      Number of rows: 100
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 12000 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 12000 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select s, si, d, si - lag(d, 3) over (partition by b order by si,s,d) from over10k limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select s, si, d, si - lag(d, 3) over (partition by b order by si,s,d) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+s	si	d	_c3
+jessica ellison	262	30.41	NULL
+david young	266	45.12	NULL
+jessica steinbeck	274	2.15	NULL
+david zipper	275	43.45	244.59
+zach nixon	283	15.95	237.88
+holly allen	285	24.37	282.85
+irene garcia	292	33.54	248.55
+ulysses xylophone	292	44.66	276.05
+irene van buren	309	35.81	284.63
+sarah miller	312	6.65	278.46
+victor garcia	312	39.14	267.34000000000003
+ethan ichabod	319	29.4	283.19
+wendy falkner	322	10.02	315.35
+oscar miller	324	25.95	284.86
+david ovid	332	28.34	302.6
+alice zipper	333	3.38	322.98
+yuri nixon	333	8.28	307.05
+ulysses nixon	335	18.48	306.66
+david ovid	336	9.36	332.62
+calvin falkner	337	17.63	328.72
+katie quirinius	349	11.3	330.52
+quinn miller	351	22.46	341.64
+victor xylophone	357	38.58	339.37
+ethan garcia	368	9.2	356.7
+nick steinbeck	395	37.54	372.54
+ulysses ichabod	415	47.61	376.42
+rachel thompson	416	37.99	406.8
+calvin young	418	47.22	380.46
+katie xylophone	425	32.59	377.39
+nick quirinius	429	19.63	391.01
+ethan ellison	453	47.92	405.78
+irene nixon	454	48.03	421.40999999999997
+bob steinbeck	462	47.04	442.37
+luke robinson	462	47.48	414.08
+gabriella steinbeck	467	9.35	418.97
+tom hernandez	467	29.36	419.96
+irene polk	485	14.26	437.52
+mike xylophone	494	36.92	484.65
+calvin allen	499	39.99	469.64
+quinn steinbeck	503	16.62	488.74
+calvin thompson	263	30.87	NULL
+rachel quirinius	263	29.46	NULL
+ulysses garcia	263	31.85	NULL
+mike steinbeck	266	48.57	235.13
+rachel young	275	14.75	245.54
+tom king	278	31.11	246.15
+oscar robinson	283	30.35	234.43
+zach allen	284	1.88	269.25
+bob king	308	27.61	276.89
+ulysses allen	310	22.77	279.65
+fred nixon	317	0.48	315.12
+gabriella robinson	321	0.33	293.39
+bob johnson	325	9.61	302.23
+rachel davidson	335	2.34	334.52
+fred brown	337	5.8	336.67
+wendy ellison	350	20.25	340.39
+zach falkner	391	13.67	388.66
+katie xylophone	410	39.09	404.2
+holly king	413	3.56	392.75
+sarah van buren	417	7.81	403.33
+calvin van buren	430	36.01	390.90999999999997
+katie white	434	33.56	430.44
+oscar quirinius	454	7.03	446.19
+zach young	505	18.19	468.99
+gabriella robinson	506	12.8	472.44
+sarah xylophone	507	16.09	499.97
+rachel thompson	267	46.87	NULL
+gabriella van buren	271	41.04	NULL
+mike steinbeck	284	11.44	NULL
+ethan ovid	293	2.08	246.13
+luke falkner	293	40.67	251.96
+irene nixon	321	24.35	309.56
+mike van buren	327	2.58	324.92
+ulysses robinson	329	26.64	288.33
+quinn laertes	332	10.71	307.65
+tom polk	346	34.03	343.42
+jessica johnson	352	45.71	325.36
+xavier davidson	354	33.9	343.29
+wendy nixon	364	29.42	329.97
+jessica quirinius	375	47.33	329.29
+xavier brown	376	26.17	342.1
+gabriella davidson	383	18.87	353.58
+jessica brown	388	34.09	340.67
+gabriella garcia	391	32.44	364.83
+ethan miller	396	49.07	377.13
+bob garcia	416	7.82	381.90999999999997
+priscilla hernandez	416	29.94	383.56
+holly nixon	419	17.81	369.93
+nick underhill	429	39.54	421.18
+xavier falkner	434	0.88	404.06
+luke robinson	461	44.02	443.19
+bob underhill	465	22.58	425.46
+ulysses king	483	37.98	482.12
+jessica miller	486	26.14	441.98
+bob ovid	493	9.7	470.42
+alice falkner	500	37.85	462.02
+quinn xylophone	267	49.8	NULL
+gabriella thompson	268	17.15	NULL
+calvin xylophone	275	49.32	NULL
+gabriella zipper	279	30.41	229.2
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, lag(s, 3, 'fred') over (partition by f order by b) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select s, lag(s, 3, 'fred') over (partition by f order by b) from over10k limit 100
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: over10k
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 9085 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: f (type: float), b (type: bigint)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: f (type: float)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [4, 3]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [4]
+                        valueColumns: [7]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 9085 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: s (type: string)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 11
+                    includeColumns: [3, 4, 7]
+                    dataColumns: t:tinyint, si:smallint, i:int, b:bigint, f:float, d:double, bo:boolean, s:string, ts:timestamp, dec:decimal(4,2), bin:binary
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lag not in supported functions [avg, count, dense_rank, first_value, last_value, max, min, rank, row_number, sum]
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: bigint), KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: float), VALUE._col5 (type: string)
+                outputColumnNames: _col3, _col4, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 9085 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col3: bigint, _col4: float, _col7: string
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col3 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col4
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: lag_window_0
+                              arguments: _col7, 3, 'fred'
+                              name: lag
+                              window function: GenericUDAFLagEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX)
+                              isPivotResult: true
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 9085 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col7 (type: string), lag_window_0 (type: string)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 9085 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Limit
+                      Number of rows: 100
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11200 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11200 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select s, lag(s, 3, 'fred') over (partition by f order by b) from over10k limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select s, lag(s, 3, 'fred') over (partition by f order by b) from over10k limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+s	lag_window_0
+yuri thompson	fred
+bob ichabod	fred
+luke king	fred
+luke steinbeck	fred
+fred zipper	fred
+quinn miller	fred
+calvin van buren	fred
+holly steinbeck	fred
+david davidson	fred
+calvin thompson	fred
+calvin quirinius	fred
+david ovid	fred
+holly thompson	fred
+nick zipper	fred
+victor steinbeck	fred
+victor robinson	fred
+zach ovid	fred
+ulysses zipper	fred
+luke falkner	fred
+irene thompson	fred
+yuri johnson	fred
+ulysses falkner	fred
+gabriella robinson	fred
+alice robinson	fred
+priscilla xylophone	fred
+david laertes	fred
+mike underhill	fred
+victor van buren	fred
+holly falkner	fred
+priscilla falkner	fred
+ethan ovid	fred
+luke zipper	fred
+mike steinbeck	fred
+calvin white	fred
+alice quirinius	fred
+irene miller	fred
+wendy polk	fred
+nick young	fred
+yuri davidson	fred
+ethan ellison	fred
+zach hernandez	fred
+wendy miller	fred
+katie underhill	fred
+irene zipper	fred
+holly allen	fred
+quinn brown	fred
+calvin ovid	fred
+zach robinson	fred
+nick miller	fred
+mike allen	fred
+yuri van buren	fred
+priscilla young	fred
+zach miller	fred
+victor xylophone	fred
+sarah falkner	fred
+rachel ichabod	fred
+alice robinson	fred
+calvin ovid	fred
+calvin ovid	fred
+luke laertes	fred
+david hernandez	fred
+alice ovid	fred
+luke quirinius	fred
+oscar white	fred
+zach falkner	fred
+rachel thompson	fred
+priscilla king	fred
+xavier polk	fred
+wendy ichabod	fred
+rachel ovid	fred
+wendy allen	fred
+luke brown	fred
+mike brown	fred
+oscar ichabod	fred
+xavier garcia	fred
+yuri brown	fred
+bob xylophone	fred
+luke davidson	fred
+ethan quirinius	fred
+zach davidson	fred
+irene miller	fred
+wendy king	fred
+bob zipper	fred
+sarah thompson	fred
+bob carson	fred
+bob laertes	fred
+xavier allen	fred
+sarah robinson	fred
+david king	fred
+oscar davidson	fred
+victor hernandez	fred
+wendy polk	fred
+david ellison	fred
+ulysses johnson	fred
+jessica ovid	fred
+bob king	fred
+ulysses garcia	fred
+irene falkner	fred
+holly robinson	fred
+yuri white	fred
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr, p_type order by p_mfgr) from part
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr, p_type order by p_mfgr) from part
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: part
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 5460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: p_mfgr (type: string), p_type (type: string)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: p_mfgr (type: string), p_type (type: string)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkMultiKeyOperator
+                        keyColumns: [2, 4]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        valueColumns: [7]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 5460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    value expressions: p_retailprice (type: double)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 9
+                    includeColumns: [2, 4, 7]
+                    dataColumns: p_partkey:int, p_name:string, p_mfgr:string, p_brand:string, p_type:string, p_size:int, p_container:string, p_retailprice:double, p_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                reduceColumnNullOrder: aa
+                reduceColumnSortOrder: ++
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 3
+                    dataColumns: KEY.reducesinkkey0:string, KEY.reducesinkkey1:string, VALUE._col5:double
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: double
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: string), VALUE._col5 (type: double)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col4, _col7
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2]
+                Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 12428 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col2: string, _col4: string, _col7: double
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col2 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col2, _col4
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: avg_window_0
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: avg
+                              window function: GenericUDAFAverageEvaluatorDouble
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  PTF Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorPTFOperator
+                      evaluatorClasses: [VectorPTFEvaluatorDoubleAvg]
+                      functionInputExpressions: [col 2]
+                      functionNames: [avg]
+                      keyInputColumns: [0, 1]
+                      native: true
+                      nonKeyInputColumns: [2]
+                      orderExpressions: [col 0]
+                      outputColumns: [3, 0, 1, 2]
+                      outputTypes: [double, string, string, double]
+                      partitionExpressions: [col 0, col 1]
+                      streamingColumns: []
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 12428 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col2 (type: string), avg_window_0 (type: double)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumns: [0, 3]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2756 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    File Output Operator
+                      compressed: false
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2756 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                      table:
+                          input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                          output format:
+                          serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: -1
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr, p_type order by p_mfgr) from part
+PREHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr, p_type order by p_mfgr) from part
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+p_mfgr	avg_window_0
+Manufacturer#2	1800.7
+Manufacturer#4	1375.42
+Manufacturer#4	1620.67
+Manufacturer#4	1206.26
+Manufacturer#5	1788.73
+Manufacturer#1	1632.66
+Manufacturer#2	1690.68
+Manufacturer#2	1698.66
+Manufacturer#2	1701.6
+Manufacturer#3	1337.29
+Manufacturer#4	1844.92
+Manufacturer#4	1290.35
+Manufacturer#5	1018.1
+Manufacturer#5	1789.69
+Manufacturer#1	1753.76
+Manufacturer#1	1602.59
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15
+Manufacturer#1	1173.15
+Manufacturer#1	1414.42
+Manufacturer#2	2031.98
+Manufacturer#3	1922.98
+Manufacturer#3	1410.39
+Manufacturer#3	1190.27
+Manufacturer#5	1464.48
+Manufacturer#5	1611.66
+Manufacturer#3	1671.68
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_type,p_mfgr rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_type,p_mfgr rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: part
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 5460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: p_mfgr (type: string), p_type (type: string)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: p_mfgr (type: string)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [2, 4]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [2]
+                        valueColumns: [7]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 5460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    value expressions: p_retailprice (type: double)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 9
+                    includeColumns: [2, 4, 7]
+                    dataColumns: p_partkey:int, p_name:string, p_mfgr:string, p_brand:string, p_type:string, p_size:int, p_container:string, p_retailprice:double, p_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: avg UNBOUNDED end frame is not supported for ROWS window type
+                vectorized: false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: string), VALUE._col5 (type: double)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col4, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 12428 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col2: string, _col4: string, _col7: double
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col4 ASC NULLS FIRST, _col2 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col2
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: avg_window_0
+                              arguments: _col7
+                              name: avg
+                              window function: GenericUDAFAverageEvaluatorDouble
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 12428 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col2 (type: string), avg_window_0 (type: double)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2756 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    File Output Operator
+                      compressed: false
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2756 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                      table:
+                          input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                          output format:
+                          serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: -1
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_type,p_mfgr rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part
+PREHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, avg(p_retailprice) over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_type,p_mfgr rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@part
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+p_mfgr	avg_window_0
+Manufacturer#1	1753.76
+Manufacturer#1	1693.21
+Manufacturer#1	1663.0033333333333
+Manufacturer#1	1540.54
+Manufacturer#1	1467.062
+Manufacturer#1	1458.2883333333332
+Manufacturer#2	1800.7
+Manufacturer#2	1745.69
+Manufacturer#2	1841.1200000000001
+Manufacturer#2	1805.505
+Manufacturer#2	1784.7240000000002
+Manufacturer#3	1922.98
+Manufacturer#3	1666.685
+Manufacturer#3	1668.3500000000001
+Manufacturer#3	1548.83
+Manufacturer#3	1506.522
+Manufacturer#4	1844.92
+Manufacturer#4	1610.17
+Manufacturer#4	1613.67
+Manufacturer#4	1511.8175
+Manufacturer#4	1467.5240000000001
+Manufacturer#5	1018.1
+Manufacturer#5	1241.29
+Manufacturer#5	1424.0900000000001
+Manufacturer#5	1515.25
+Manufacturer#5	1534.532
+PREHOOK: query: create table t1 (a1 int, b1 string)
+PREHOOK: Output: database:default
+PREHOOK: Output: default@t1
+POSTHOOK: query: create table t1 (a1 int, b1 string)
+POSTHOOK: Output: database:default
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@t1
+PREHOOK: query: create table t2 (a1 int, b1 string)
+PREHOOK: Output: database:default
+PREHOOK: Output: default@t2
+POSTHOOK: query: create table t2 (a1 int, b1 string)
+POSTHOOK: Output: database:default
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@t2
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+from (select sum(i) over (partition by ts order by i), s from over10k) tt insert overwrite table t1 select * insert overwrite table t2 select *
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+from (select sum(i) over (partition by ts order by i), s from over10k) tt insert overwrite table t1 select * insert overwrite table t2 select *
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-2 is a root stage
+  Stage-3 depends on stages: Stage-2
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-3
+  Stage-4 depends on stages: Stage-0
+  Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-3
+  Stage-5 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-2
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: over10k
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: ts (type: timestamp), i (type: int)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: ts (type: timestamp)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [8, 2]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [8]
+                        valueColumns: [7]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: s (type: string)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 11
+                    includeColumns: [2, 7, 8]
+                    dataColumns: t:tinyint, si:smallint, i:int, b:bigint, f:float, d:double, bo:boolean, s:string, ts:timestamp, dec:decimal(4,2), bin:binary
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                reduceColumnNullOrder: aa
+                reduceColumnSortOrder: ++
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 3
+                    dataColumns: KEY.reducesinkkey0:timestamp, KEY.reducesinkkey1:int, VALUE._col6:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: bigint
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: int), VALUE._col6 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: timestamp)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col7, _col8
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumns: [1, 2, 0]
+                Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col2: int, _col7: string, _col8: timestamp
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col2 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col8
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_0
+                              arguments: _col2
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumLong
+                              window frame: RANGE PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  PTF Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorPTFOperator
+                      evaluatorClasses: [VectorPTFEvaluatorLongSum]
+                      functionInputExpressions: [col 1]
+                      functionNames: [sum]
+                      keyInputColumns: [1, 0]
+                      native: true
+                      nonKeyInputColumns: [2]
+                      orderExpressions: [col 1]
+                      outputColumns: [3, 1, 2, 0]
+                      outputTypes: [bigint, int, string, timestamp]
+                      partitionExpressions: [col 0]
+                      streamingColumns: []
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: sum_window_0 (type: bigint), _col7 (type: string)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumns: [3, 2]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: UDFToInteger(_col0) (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumns: [3, 2]
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        File Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                            native: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+                            name: default.t1
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: UDFToInteger(_col0) (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumns: [3, 2]
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      File Output Operator
+                        compressed: false
+                        File Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                            native: false
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 7066 Data size: 1017544 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        table:
+                            input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                            output format:
+                            serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+                            name: default.t2
+  Stage: Stage-3
+    Dependency Collection
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Move Operator
+      tables:
+          replace: true
+          table:
+              input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+              output format:
+              serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+              name: default.t1
+  Stage: Stage-4
+    Stats-Aggr Operator
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Move Operator
+      tables:
+          replace: true
+          table:
+              input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+              output format:
+              serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+              name: default.t2
+  Stage: Stage-5
+    Stats-Aggr Operator
+PREHOOK: query: from (select sum(i) over (partition by ts order by i), s from over10k) tt insert overwrite table t1 select * insert overwrite table t2 select *
+PREHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+PREHOOK: Output: default@t1
+PREHOOK: Output: default@t2
+POSTHOOK: query: from (select sum(i) over (partition by ts order by i), s from over10k) tt insert overwrite table t1 select * insert overwrite table t2 select *
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@over10k
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@t1
+POSTHOOK: Output: default@t2
+POSTHOOK: Lineage: t1.a1 SCRIPT [(over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:t, type:tinyint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:si, type:smallint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:i, type:int, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:b, type:bigint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:f, type:float, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:d, type:double, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:bo, type:boolean, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:s, type:string, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:ts, type:timestamp, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:dec, type:decimal(4,2), comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:bin, type:binary, comment:null), ]
+POSTHOOK: Lineage: t1.b1 SIMPLE [(over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:s, type:string, comment:null), ]
+POSTHOOK: Lineage: t2.a1 SCRIPT [(over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:t, type:tinyint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:si, type:smallint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:i, type:int, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:b, type:bigint, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:f, type:float, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:d, type:double, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:bo, type:boolean, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:s, type:string, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:ts, type:timestamp, comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:dec, type:decimal(4,2), comment:null), (over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:bin, type:binary, comment:null), ]
+POSTHOOK: Lineage: t2.b1 SIMPLE [(over10k)over10k.FieldSchema(name:s, type:string, comment:null), ]
+_col0	_col1
+PREHOOK: query: select * from t1 limit 3
+PREHOOK: Input: default@t1
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select * from t1 limit 3
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@t1
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+t1.a1	t1.b1
+65542	rachel thompson
+131088	oscar brown
+262258	wendy steinbeck
+PREHOOK: query: select * from t2 limit 3
+PREHOOK: Input: default@t2
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: select * from t2 limit 3
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@t2
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+t2.a1	t2.b1
+65542	rachel thompson
+131088	oscar brown
+262258	wendy steinbeck
+PREHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) + 50.0 = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,50.0)) over w1 + (last_value(p_retailprice) over w1),2)
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+limit 11
+POSTHOOK: query: explain vectorization detail
+select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, p_size,
+round(sum(p_retailprice) over w1 , 2) + 50.0 = round(sum(lag(p_retailprice,1,50.0)) over w1 + (last_value(p_retailprice) over w1),2)
+from part
+window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_retailprice)
+limit 11
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: part
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      projectedOutputColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: p_mfgr (type: string), p_retailprice (type: double)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: p_mfgr (type: string)
+                    Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                        keyColumns: [2, 7]
+                        native: true
+                        nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                        partitionColumns: [2]
+                        valueColumns: [5]
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 26 Data size: 2860 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                    value expressions: p_size (type: int)
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: no inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vector.serde.deserialize IS true
+                groupByVectorOutput: true
+                inputFileFormats: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 9
+                    includeColumns: [2, 5, 7]
+                    dataColumns: p_partkey:int, p_name:string, p_mfgr:string, p_brand:string, p_type:string, p_size:int, p_container:string, p_retailprice:double, p_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                notVectorizedReason: PTF operator: lead and lag function not supported in argument expression of aggregation function sum