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Posted to by Glen Daniels <> on 2002/09/23 21:14:47 UTC

Message style services - ATTN ANY java:MSG USERS

OK, I have dispatch to multiple methods in message-style services working in my sandbox.  This has the added bonus of speeding up message-based services because we now avoid introspection on every call - the initial introspection in ServiceDesc now understands what type of message method (Vector, Document, etc) we have so the MsgProvider can use that cached info.
While we're in there, I'd suggest rationalizing the APIs for message based backends, as discussed in  (incidentally I think it's funny that I was set to do exactly this work back in April - the dispatch stuff now works pretty much exactly as in that message)

I'd like to make THESE THREE the accepted APIs for message-style service methods:

public class MessageService {
    public SOAPBodyElement [] bodyMethod(SOAPBodyElement [] bodies)

    public SOAPEnvelope envelopeMethod(SOAPEnvelope envelope)

    public Element [] bodyAsDOMMethod(Element [] bodies)

I think these make a lot more sense than what we've got now.

IF THIS WILL AFFECT YOU IN A NEGATIVE WAY, or IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THESE CHANGES, please send mail to axis-dev in reply to this message.

