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Posted to by Gitit Amihud <> on 2005/06/26 12:54:26 UTC

RollingFileAppender stop write to log files


we use the log4net version below is part of the code that configure the log4net (we dont use the config file).I use .net 1.1,my process are multi threaded

it somtimes just stop writing to the  log file. it happens when the file ended and it need to open new file. (I juess it dont succeed opening the new file)

after starting my program again it write to the file as needed(via log4net) 

can you help me?!


rollingFileAppender = new RollingFileAppender();

rollingFileAppender.Name = "RollingFileAppender";

rollingFileAppender.Threshold = log4net.spi.Level.ALL; /////dynamic/////

rollingFileAppender.File = (m_bLimitedMode ? "" : m_strLogFilesPath) + m_strProcessName + "." + m_strLogFilesExt;

rollingFileAppender.AppendToFile = true;

rollingFileAppender.MaximumFileSize =50000 "MB"; 

rollingFileAppender.MaxSizeRollBackups = 60;

rollingFileAppender.RollingStyle = RollingFileAppender.RollingMode.Size;

rollingFileAppender.StaticLogFileName = false;

rollingFileAppender.DatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";

rollingFileAppender.Layout = new log4net.Layout.PatternLayout(FILE_PATTERN_LAYOUT);



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