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[2/3] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-86. Fix and re-enable unit test for pxf and external storage
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test/pxffilters_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxffilters_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f96550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxffilters_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include "cmockery.h"
+#include "c.h"
+#include "../pxffilters.c"
+test__supported_filter_type(void **state)
+	Oid oids[] =
+	{
+		CIRCLEOID /* unsupported type */
+	};
+	int array_size = sizeof(oids) / sizeof(oids[0]);
+	bool result = false;
+	int i = 0;
+	/* supported types */
+	for (; i < array_size-1; ++i)
+	{
+		result = supported_filter_type(oids[i]);
+		assert_true(result);
+	}
+	/* unsupported type */
+	result = supported_filter_type(oids[i]);
+	assert_false(result);
+	/* go over pxf_supported_types array */
+	int nargs = sizeof(pxf_supported_types) / sizeof(Oid);
+	assert_int_equal(nargs, 12);
+	for (i = 0; i < nargs; ++i)
+	{
+		assert_true(supported_filter_type(pxf_supported_types[i]));
+	}
+ * const_value must be palloc'ed, it will be freed by const_to_str
+ */
+mock__const_to_str(Oid const_type, char* const_value)
+	expect_value(getTypeOutputInfo, type, const_type);
+	expect_any(getTypeOutputInfo, typOutput);
+	expect_any(getTypeOutputInfo, typIsVarlena);
+	will_return(getTypeOutputInfo, NULL);
+	expect_any(OidOutputFunctionCall, functionId);
+	expect_any(OidOutputFunctionCall, val);
+	will_return(OidOutputFunctionCall, const_value);
+verify__const_to_str(bool is_null, char* const_value, Oid const_type, char* expected)
+	StringInfo result = makeStringInfo();
+	char* value = NULL;
+	Const* input = (Const*) palloc0(sizeof(Const));
+	input->constisnull = is_null;
+	input->consttype = const_type;
+	/* need to prepare inner functions */
+	if (!is_null)
+	{
+		value = strdup(const_value); /* will be free'd by const_to_str */
+		mock__const_to_str(const_type, value);
+	}
+	/* no expected value means it's a negative test */
+	if (expected)
+	{
+		run__const_to_str(input, result, expected);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		run__const_to_str__negative(input, result, value);
+		pfree(value); /* value was not freed by const_to_str b/c of failure */
+	}
+	pfree(result->data);
+	pfree(result);
+	pfree(input);
+void run__const_to_str(Const* input, StringInfo result, char* expected)
+	const_to_str(input, result);
+	assert_string_equal(result->data, expected);
+void run__const_to_str__negative(Const* input, StringInfo result, char* value)
+	StringInfo err_msg = makeStringInfo();
+	appendStringInfo(err_msg,
+			"internal error in pxffilters.c:const_to_str. "
+			"Using unsupported data type (%d) (value %s)", input->consttype, value);
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		const_to_str(input, result);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/* Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, err_msg->data);
+		pfree(err_msg->data);
+		pfree(err_msg);
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+test__const_to_str__null(void **state)
+	verify__const_to_str(true, NULL, 1, "\"NULL\"");
+test__const_to_str__int(void **state)
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1234", INT2OID, "1234");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1234", INT4OID, "1234");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1234", INT8OID, "1234");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1.234", FLOAT4OID, "1.234");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1.234", FLOAT8OID, "1.234");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "1234", NUMERICOID, "1234");
+test__const_to_str__text(void **state)
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "that", TEXTOID, "\\\"that\\\"");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "joke", VARCHAROID, "\\\"joke\\\"");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "isn't", BPCHAROID, "\\\"isn't\\\"");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "funny", CHAROID, "\\\"funny\\\"");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "anymore", BYTEAOID, "\\\"anymore\\\"");
+test__const_to_str__boolean(void **state)
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "t", BOOLOID, "\"true\"");
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "f", BOOLOID, "\"false\"");
+test__const_to_str__NegativeCircle(void **state)
+	verify__const_to_str(false, "<3,3,9>", CIRCLEOID, NULL);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__null(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr*) palloc0(sizeof(OpExpr));
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(NULL, NULL));
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(NULL, filter));
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, NULL));
+	expr->args = NIL;
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	pfree(filter);
+	pfree(expr);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unary_expr(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr*) palloc0(sizeof(OpExpr));
+	Var *arg = (Var*) palloc0(sizeof(Var));
+	arg->xpr.type = T_Var;
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(NULL, NULL));
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(NULL, filter));
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, NULL));
+	expr->args = NIL;
+	expr->args = lappend(expr->args, arg);
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	pfree(arg);
+	pfree(filter);
+	pfree(expr);
+compare_filters(PxfFilterDesc* result, PxfFilterDesc* expected)
+	assert_int_equal(result->l.opcode, expected->l.opcode);
+	assert_int_equal(result->l.attnum, expected->l.attnum);
+	if (expected->l.conststr)
+		assert_string_equal(result->l.conststr->data, expected->l.conststr->data);
+	else
+		assert_true(result->l.conststr == NULL);
+	assert_true(result->r.opcode == expected->r.opcode);
+	assert_int_equal(result->r.attnum, expected->r.attnum);
+	if (expected->r.conststr)
+		assert_string_equal(result->r.conststr->data, expected->r.conststr->data);
+	else
+		assert_true(result->r.conststr == NULL);
+	assert_int_equal(result->op, expected->op);
+PxfFilterDesc* build_filter(char lopcode, int lattnum, char* lconststr,
+							 char ropcode, int rattnum, char* rconststr,
+							 PxfOperatorCode op)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	filter->l.opcode = lopcode;
+	filter->l.attnum = lattnum;
+	if (lconststr)
+	{
+		filter->l.conststr = makeStringInfo();
+		appendStringInfoString(filter->l.conststr, lconststr);
+	}
+	filter->r.opcode = ropcode;
+	filter->r.attnum = rattnum;
+	if (rconststr)
+	{
+		filter->r.conststr = makeStringInfo();
+		appendStringInfoString(filter->r.conststr, rconststr);
+	}
+	filter->op = op;
+	return filter;
+Var* build_var(Oid oid, int attno) {
+	Var *arg_var = (Var*) palloc0(sizeof(Var));
+	arg_var->xpr.type = T_Var;
+	arg_var->vartype = oid;
+	arg_var->varattno = attno;
+	return arg_var;
+Const* build_const(Oid oid, char* value)
+	Const* arg_const = (Const*) palloc0(sizeof(Const));
+	arg_const->xpr.type = T_Const;
+	arg_const->constisnull = (value == NULL);
+	arg_const->consttype = oid;
+	if (value != NULL)
+	{
+		mock__const_to_str(oid, value);
+	}
+	return arg_const;
+OpExpr* build_op_expr(void* left, void* right, int op)
+	OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr*) palloc0(sizeof(OpExpr));
+	expr->args = NIL;
+	expr->args = lappend(expr->args, left);
+	expr->args = lappend(expr->args, right);
+	expr->opno = op;
+	expr->xpr.type = T_OpExpr;
+	return expr;
+void run__opexpr_to_pxffilter__positive(Oid dbop, PxfOperatorCode expectedPxfOp)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var = build_var(INT2OID, 1);
+	char* const_value = strdup("1984"); /* will be free'd by const_to_str */
+	Const* arg_const = build_const(INT2OID, const_value);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_var, arg_const, dbop);
+	PxfFilterDesc* expected = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "1984",
+			expectedPxfOp);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_true(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	compare_filters(filter, expected);
+	pxf_free_filter(expected);
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__intGT(void **state)
+	run__opexpr_to_pxffilter__positive(520 /* int2gt */, PXFOP_GT);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__allSupportedTypes(void **state)
+	int nargs = sizeof(pxf_supported_opr) / sizeof(dbop_pxfop_map);
+	PxfOperatorCode pxfop = 0;
+	Oid dbop = InvalidOid;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nargs; ++i)
+	{
+		dbop = pxf_supported_opr[i].dbop;
+		pxfop = pxf_supported_opr[i].pxfop;
+		run__opexpr_to_pxffilter__positive(dbop, pxfop);
+	}
+/* NOTE: this test is not  a use case - when the query includes
+ * 'is null' or 'is not null' the qualifier code is T_NullTest and not T_OpExpr */
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__attributeIsNull(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var = build_var(INT2OID, 1);
+	Const* arg_const = build_const(INT2OID, NULL);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_var, arg_const, 94 /* int2eq */);
+	PxfFilterDesc* expected = build_filter(
+				PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "\"NULL\"",
+				PXFOP_EQ);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_true(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	compare_filters(filter, expected);
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	pxf_free_filter(expected);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+ * Test for a query with different types.
+ * Types pairing are not checked, it is covered by the
+ * supported operations which are type specific.
+ */
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__differentTypes(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var = build_var(INT2OID, 3);
+	char* const_value = strdup("13"); /* will be free'd by const_to_str */
+	Const *arg_const = build_const(INT8OID, const_value);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_const, arg_var, 1864 /* int28lt */);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_true(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	PxfFilterDesc *expected = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "13",
+			PXFOP_LT);
+	compare_filters(filter, expected);
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unsupportedTypeCircle(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var = build_var(CIRCLEOID, 8);
+	Const *arg_const = build_const(CIRCLEOID, NULL);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_const, arg_var, 0 /* whatever */);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__twoVars(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var_left = build_var(INT4OID, 8);
+	Var *arg_var_right = build_var(INT4OID, 9);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_var_left, arg_var_right, 0 /* whatever */);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unsupportedOpNot(void **state)
+	PxfFilterDesc *filter = (PxfFilterDesc*) palloc0(sizeof(PxfFilterDesc));
+	Var *arg_var = build_var(INT2OID, 3);
+	char* const_value = strdup("not"); /* will be free'd by const_to_str */
+	Const *arg_const = build_const(INT2OID, const_value);
+	OpExpr *expr = build_op_expr(arg_const, arg_var, 1877 /* int2not */);
+	/* run test */
+	assert_false(opexpr_to_pxffilter(expr, filter));
+	pxf_free_filter(filter);
+	list_free_deep(expr->args); /* free all args */
+	pfree(expr);
+test__pxf_serialize_filter_list__oneFilter(void **state)
+	List* filter_list = NIL;
+	PxfFilterDesc* filter = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "1984",
+			PXFOP_GT);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter);
+	char* result = pxf_serialize_filter_list(filter_list);
+	assert_string_equal(result, "a0c1984o2");
+	pxf_free_filter_list(filter_list);
+	filter_list = NIL;
+	pfree(result);
+	filter = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "\"George Orwell\"",
+			PXFOP_EQ);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter);
+	result = pxf_serialize_filter_list(filter_list);
+	assert_string_equal(result, "a7c\"George Orwell\"o5");
+	pxf_free_filter_list(filter_list);
+	pfree(result);
+test__pxf_serialize_filter_list__manyFilters(void **state)
+	char* result = NULL;
+	List* filter_list = NIL;
+	PxfFilterDesc* filter1 = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "1983",
+			PXFOP_GT);
+	PxfFilterDesc* filter2 = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "1985",
+			PXFOP_LT);
+	PxfFilterDesc* filter3 = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "\"George Orwell\"",
+			PXFOP_EQ);
+	PxfFilterDesc* filter4 = build_filter(
+			PXF_CONST_CODE, 0, "\"Winston\"",
+			PXFOP_GE);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter1);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter2);
+	result = pxf_serialize_filter_list(filter_list);
+	assert_string_equal(result, "a1c1983o2a2c1985o1o7");
+	pfree(result);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter3);
+	result = pxf_serialize_filter_list(filter_list);
+	assert_string_equal(result, "a1c1983o2a2c1985o1o7a3c\"George Orwell\"o5o7");
+	pfree(result);
+	filter_list = lappend(filter_list, filter4);
+	result = pxf_serialize_filter_list(filter_list);
+	assert_string_equal(result, "a1c1983o2a2c1985o1o7a3c\"George Orwell\"o5o7a4c\"Winston\"o4o7");
+	pfree(result);
+	pxf_free_filter_list(filter_list);
+	filter_list = NIL;
+main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
+	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);
+	const UnitTest tests[] = {
+			unit_test(test__supported_filter_type),
+			unit_test(test__const_to_str__null),
+			unit_test(test__const_to_str__int),
+			unit_test(test__const_to_str__text),
+			unit_test(test__const_to_str__boolean),
+			unit_test(test__const_to_str__NegativeCircle),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__null),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unary_expr),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__intGT),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__allSupportedTypes),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__attributeIsNull),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__differentTypes),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unsupportedTypeCircle),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__twoVars),
+			unit_test(test__opexpr_to_pxffilter__unsupportedOpNot),
+			unit_test(test__pxf_serialize_filter_list__oneFilter),
+			unit_test(test__pxf_serialize_filter_list__manyFilters)
+	};
+	return run_tests(tests);
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfheaders_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfheaders_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159d684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfheaders_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include "cmockery.h"
+#include "c.h"
+#include "../pxfheaders.c"
+static GPHDUri *gphd_uri = NULL;
+static PxfInputData *input_data = NULL;
+static extvar_t *mock_extvar = NULL;
+static char *old_pxf_remote_service_login = NULL;
+static char *old_pxf_remote_service_secret = NULL;
+test__build_http_header__remote_login_is_null(void **state)
+	expect_external_vars();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-ID", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-COUNT", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-XID", mock_extvar->GP_XID);
+	expect_churl_headers_alignment();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-HOST", gphd_uri->host);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-PORT", gphd_uri->port);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-DATA-DIR", gphd_uri->data);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URI", gphd_uri->uri);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-HAS-FILTER", "0");
+	build_http_header(input_data);
+test__build_http_header__remote_login_is_not_null(void **state)
+	expect_external_vars();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-ID", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-COUNT", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-XID", mock_extvar->GP_XID);
+	expect_churl_headers_alignment();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-HOST", gphd_uri->host);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-PORT", gphd_uri->port);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-DATA-DIR", gphd_uri->data);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URI", gphd_uri->uri);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-HAS-FILTER", "0");
+	pxf_remote_service_login = "not a valid login";
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-REMOTE-USER", pxf_remote_service_login);
+	build_http_header(input_data);
+test__build_http_header__remote_secret_is_not_null(void **state)
+	expect_external_vars();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-ID", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-COUNT", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-XID", mock_extvar->GP_XID);
+	expect_churl_headers_alignment();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-HOST", gphd_uri->host);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-PORT", gphd_uri->port);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-DATA-DIR", gphd_uri->data);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URI", gphd_uri->uri);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-HAS-FILTER", "0");
+	pxf_remote_service_secret = "password";
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-REMOTE-PASS", pxf_remote_service_secret);
+	build_http_header(input_data);
+test__build_http_header__remote_credentials_are_not_null(void **state)
+	expect_external_vars();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-ID", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-SEGMENT-COUNT", mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-XID", mock_extvar->GP_XID);
+	expect_churl_headers_alignment();
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-HOST", gphd_uri->host);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URL-PORT", gphd_uri->port);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-DATA-DIR", gphd_uri->data);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-URI", gphd_uri->uri);
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-HAS-FILTER", "0");
+	pxf_remote_service_login = "not a valid login";
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-REMOTE-USER", pxf_remote_service_login);
+	pxf_remote_service_secret = "password";
+	expect_churl_headers("X-GP-REMOTE-PASS", pxf_remote_service_secret);
+	build_http_header(input_data);
+ * Add an expect clause on a churl_headers_append with given
+ * key and value
+ */
+expect_churl_headers(const char *key, const char *value)
+	expect_value(churl_headers_append, headers, input_data->headers);
+	expect_string(churl_headers_append, key, key);
+	expect_string(churl_headers_append, value, value);
+	will_be_called(churl_headers_append);
+ * Add the X-GP-ALIGNMENT header
+ * As I don't want to copy-paste the logic in the 
+ * production code I just support two cases.
+ * Anything other than that requires special attention
+ */
+	if (sizeof(char*) == 4)
+		expect_churl_headers("X-GP-ALIGNMENT", "4");
+	else if (sizeof(char*) == 8)
+		expect_churl_headers("X-GP-ALIGNMENT", "8");
+	else
+		assert_false(true);
+common_setup (void** state)
+	store_gucs();
+	setup_gphd_uri();
+	setup_input_data();
+	setup_external_vars();
+	old_pxf_remote_service_login = pxf_remote_service_login;
+	old_pxf_remote_service_secret = pxf_remote_service_secret;
+	gphd_uri = palloc0(sizeof(GPHDUri));
+	gphd_uri->host = "there's a place you're always welcome";
+	gphd_uri->port = "it's as nice as it can be";
+	gphd_uri->data = "everyone can get in";
+	gphd_uri->uri = "'cos it's absolutely free";
+	input_data = palloc0(sizeof(PxfInputData));
+	input_data->gphduri = gphd_uri;
+	input_data->headers = 0xBAADF00D;
+	mock_extvar = palloc0(sizeof(extvar_t));
+	snprintf(mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID, sizeof(mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_ID), "badID");
+	snprintf(mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT, sizeof(mock_extvar->GP_SEGMENT_COUNT), "lots");
+	snprintf(mock_extvar->GP_XID, sizeof(mock_extvar->GP_XID), "badXID");
+void expect_external_vars()
+	expect_any(external_set_env_vars, extvar);
+	expect_string(external_set_env_vars, uri, gphd_uri->uri);
+	expect_value(external_set_env_vars, csv, false);
+	expect_value(external_set_env_vars, escape, NULL);
+	expect_value(external_set_env_vars, quote, NULL);
+	expect_value(external_set_env_vars, header, false);
+	expect_value(external_set_env_vars, scancounter, 0);
+	will_assign_memory(external_set_env_vars, extvar, mock_extvar, sizeof(extvar_t));
+	will_be_called(external_set_env_vars);
+ * Common resource cleanup
+ */
+common_teardown (void** state)
+	pfree(mock_extvar);
+	pfree(input_data);
+	pfree(gphd_uri);
+	// Reset GUCs so tests won't have to
+	restore_gucs();
+void restore_gucs()
+	pxf_remote_service_login = old_pxf_remote_service_login;
+	pxf_remote_service_secret = old_pxf_remote_service_secret;
+main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
+	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);
+	const UnitTest tests[] = 
+	{
+		unit_test_setup_teardown(test__build_http_header__remote_login_is_null, 
+								 common_setup, common_teardown),
+		unit_test_setup_teardown(test__build_http_header__remote_login_is_not_null, 
+								 common_setup, common_teardown),
+		unit_test_setup_teardown(test__build_http_header__remote_credentials_are_not_null, 
+								 common_setup, common_teardown)
+	};
+	return run_tests(tests);
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfmasterapi_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfmasterapi_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28fd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfmasterapi_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include "cmockery.h"
+#include "c.h"
+#include "../pxfmasterapi.c"
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+#include "utils/elog.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+ * Tests for the HA failover mechanism
+ * pxfmasterapi.c contains several methods that issue REST calls to the PXF agent:
+ * get_data_fragment_list(), get_datanode_rest_servers() and get_data_statistics()
+ * All these methods need to support the case where PXF is deployed on a HA HDFS namenode cluster.
+ * In such a situation a namenode machine is actually represented by two machines and
+ * one of them could become inactive.
+ * For this reason the REST logic was encapsulated into a failover logic in function rest_request().
+ * All REST calls mentioned above will use rest_request(). The tests bellow will validate rest_request().
+ */
+ * Trigger the first exception thrown from rest_request
+ * Function is used with will_be_called_with_sideeffect
+ */
+FirstException( )
+	elog(ERROR, "first exception");
+ * Trigger the second exception thrown from rest_request
+ * Function is used with will_be_called_with_sideeffect
+ */
+SecondException( )
+	elog(ERROR, "second exception");
+ * SUT: rest_request
+ * call_rest throws an error while not in HA mode
+ */
+test__rest_request__callRestThrowsNoHA(void **state)
+	GPHDUri *hadoop_uri = (GPHDUri*)  palloc0(sizeof(GPHDUri));
+	hadoop_uri->host = pstrdup("host1");
+	hadoop_uri->port = pstrdup("port1");
+	ClientContext* client_context =  (ClientContext*)  palloc0(sizeof(ClientContext));
+	char *restMsg = "empty message";
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called_with_sideeffect(call_rest, &FirstException, NULL);
+	/* test */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		rest_request(hadoop_uri, client_context, restMsg);
+	}
+	{
+		pfree(hadoop_uri->host);
+		pfree(hadoop_uri->port);
+		pfree(hadoop_uri);
+		pfree(client_context);
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "first exception");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * SUT: rest_request
+ * call_rest throws an error while in HA mode
+ * and the failover method finds an active IP so the second
+ * call to call_rest does  no throw an exception
+ */
+test__rest_request__callRestThrowsHAFirstTime(void **state)
+	GPHDUri *hadoop_uri = (GPHDUri*)  palloc0(sizeof(GPHDUri));
+	hadoop_uri->host = pstrdup("host1");
+	hadoop_uri->port = pstrdup("port1");
+	NNHAConf *ha_nodes = (NNHAConf*)  palloc0(sizeof(NNHAConf));
+    hadoop_uri->ha_nodes = ha_nodes;
+	ha_nodes->nodes = (char *[]){"host1", "host2"};
+	ha_nodes->restports = (char *[]){"port1", "port2"};
+	ha_nodes->numn = 2;
+	ClientContext* client_context =  (ClientContext*)  palloc0(sizeof(ClientContext));
+	char *restMsg = "empty message";
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called_with_sideeffect(call_rest, &FirstException, NULL);
+	/* the second call from ha_failover */
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called(call_rest);
+	/* test */
+	rest_request(hadoop_uri, client_context, restMsg);
+	pfree(hadoop_uri);
+	pfree(client_context);
+ * SUT: rest_request
+ * call_rest throws an error while in HA mode
+ * and the failover method finds an an active IP so the second
+ * call to call_rest is issued on the second IP. This call also throws
+ * an exception - but this time the exception is not caught.
+ */
+test__rest_request__callRestThrowsHASecondTime(void **state)
+	GPHDUri *hadoop_uri = (GPHDUri*)  palloc0(sizeof(GPHDUri));
+	hadoop_uri->host = pstrdup("host1");
+	hadoop_uri->port = pstrdup("port1");
+	NNHAConf *ha_nodes = (NNHAConf*)  palloc0(sizeof(NNHAConf));
+    hadoop_uri->ha_nodes = ha_nodes;
+	ha_nodes->nodes = (char *[]){"host1", "host2"};
+	ha_nodes->restports = (char *[]){"port1", "port2"};
+	ha_nodes->numn = 2;
+	ClientContext* client_context =  (ClientContext*)  palloc0(sizeof(ClientContext));
+	char *restMsg = "empty message";
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called_with_sideeffect(call_rest, &FirstException, NULL);
+	/* the second call from ha_failover */
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called_with_sideeffect(call_rest, &SecondException, NULL);
+	/* test */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		rest_request(hadoop_uri, client_context, restMsg);
+	}
+	{
+		pfree(hadoop_uri->host);
+		pfree(hadoop_uri->port);
+		pfree(hadoop_uri);
+		pfree(client_context);
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "second exception");
+		/* the first exception was caught by rest_request() */
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * SUT: rest_request
+ * the first time call_rest is called we succeed, since the first IP is valid
+ * No exceptions are thrown
+ */
+test__rest_request__callRestHASuccessFromTheFirstCall(void **state)
+	GPHDUri *hadoop_uri = (GPHDUri*)  palloc0(sizeof(GPHDUri));
+	hadoop_uri->host = pstrdup("host1");
+	hadoop_uri->port = pstrdup("port1");
+	NNHAConf *ha_nodes = (NNHAConf*)  palloc0(sizeof(NNHAConf));
+    hadoop_uri->ha_nodes = ha_nodes;
+	ha_nodes->nodes = (char *[]){"host1", "host2"};
+	ha_nodes->restports = (char *[]){"port1", "port2"};
+	ha_nodes->numn = 2;
+	ClientContext* client_context =  (ClientContext*)  palloc0(sizeof(ClientContext));
+	char *restMsg = "empty message";
+	expect_any(call_rest, hadoop_uri);
+	expect_any(call_rest, client_context);
+	expect_any(call_rest, rest_msg);
+	will_be_called(call_rest);
+	/* test */
+	rest_request(hadoop_uri, client_context, restMsg);
+	pfree(hadoop_uri->host);
+	pfree(hadoop_uri->port);
+	pfree(hadoop_uri);
+	pfree(client_context);
+main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
+	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);
+	const UnitTest tests[] = {
+		    unit_test(test__rest_request__callRestThrowsNoHA),
+		    unit_test(test__rest_request__callRestThrowsHAFirstTime),
+		    unit_test(test__rest_request__callRestThrowsHASecondTime),
+		    unit_test(test__rest_request__callRestHASuccessFromTheFirstCall)
+	};
+	return run_tests(tests);
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfuriparser_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfuriparser_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecde5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/access/external/test/pxfuriparser_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include "cmockery.h"
+#include "c.h"
+#include "../pxfuriparser.c"
+ * Test parsing of valid uri as given in LOCATION in a PXF external table.
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__ValidURI(void **state)
+	char* uri = "pxf://";
+	List* options = NIL;
+	ListCell* cell = NULL;
+	OptionData* option = NULL;
+	GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri);
+	assert_true(parsed != NULL);
+	assert_string_equal(parsed->uri, uri);
+	assert_string_equal(parsed->protocol, "pxf");
+	assert_string_equal(parsed->host, "");
+	assert_string_not_equal(parsed->port, "5678"); /* it should be pxf_service_port */
+	assert_string_equal(parsed->data, "some/path/and/table.tbl");
+	options = parsed->options;
+	assert_int_equal(list_length(options), 4);
+	cell = list_nth_cell(options, 0);
+	option = lfirst(cell);
+	assert_string_equal(option->key, "FRAGMENTER");
+	assert_string_equal(option->value, "SomeFragmenter");
+	cell = list_nth_cell(options, 1);
+	option = lfirst(cell);
+	assert_string_equal(option->key, "ACCESSOR");
+	assert_string_equal(option->value, "SomeAccessor");
+	cell = list_nth_cell(options, 2);
+	option = lfirst(cell);
+	assert_string_equal(option->key, "RESOLVER");
+	assert_string_equal(option->value, "SomeResolver");
+	cell = list_nth_cell(options, 3);
+	option = lfirst(cell);
+	assert_string_equal(option->key, "ANALYZER");
+	assert_string_equal(option->value, "SomeAnalyzer");
+	assert_true(parsed->fragments == NULL);
+	freeGPHDUri(parsed);
+ * Negative test: parsing of uri without protocol delimiter "://"
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestNoProtocol(void **state)
+	char* uri_no_protocol = "pxf:/";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_no_protocol);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:/");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Negative test: parsing of uri without options part
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestNoOptions(void **state)
+	char* uri_no_options = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_no_options);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// missing options section");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Negative test: parsing of a uri with a missing equal
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingEqual(void **state)
+	char* uri_missing_equal = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_missing_equal);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// option 'FRAGMENTER' missing '='");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Negative test: parsing of a uri with duplicate equals
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestDuplicateEquals(void **state)
+	char* uri_duplicate_equals = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_duplicate_equals);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// option 'FRAGMENTER=HdfsDataFragmenter=DuplicateFragmenter' contains duplicate '='");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Negative test: parsing of a uri with a missing key
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingKey(void **state)
+	char* uri_missing_key = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_missing_key);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// option '=HdfsDataFragmenter' missing key before '='");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Negative test: parsing of a uri with a missing value
+ */
+test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingValue(void **state)
+	char* uri_missing_value = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_missing_value);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// option 'FRAGMENTER=' missing value after '='");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Test GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options: valid uri
+ */
+test__GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options__ValidURI(void **state)
+	char* valid_uri = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(valid_uri);
+	GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options(parsed);
+	freeGPHDUri(parsed);
+ * Negative test of GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options: parsing of a uri with duplicate options
+ */
+test__GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options__NegativeTestDuplicateOpts(void **state)
+	char* uri_duplicate_opts = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(uri_duplicate_opts);
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options(parsed);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// Duplicate option(s): PROFILE");
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+ * Test GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist with a valid uri
+ */
+test__GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist__ValidURI(void **state)
+	char* valid_uri = "pxf://";
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(valid_uri);
+	List *coreOptions = list_make3("FRAGMENTER", "ACCESSOR", "RESOLVER");
+	GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist(parsed, coreOptions);
+	freeGPHDUri(parsed);
+	list_free(coreOptions);
+ * Negative test of GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist: Missing core options
+ */
+test__GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist__NegativeTestMissingCoreOpts(void **state)
+	char* missing_core_opts = "pxf://";
+	List *coreOptions;
+	/* Setting the test -- code omitted -- */
+	PG_TRY();
+	{
+		GPHDUri* parsed = parseGPHDUri(missing_core_opts);
+		coreOptions = list_make3("FRAGMENTER", "ACCESSOR", "RESOLVER");
+		/* This will throw a ereport(ERROR).*/
+		GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist(parsed, coreOptions);
+	}
+	{
+		CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
+		ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
+		/*Validate the type of expected error */
+		assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
+		assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
+		assert_string_equal(edata->message, "Invalid URI pxf:// PROFILE or ACCESSOR and RESOLVER option(s) missing");
+		list_free(coreOptions);
+		return;
+	}
+	assert_true(false);
+main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
+	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);
+	const UnitTest tests[] = {
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__ValidURI),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestNoProtocol),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestNoOptions),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingEqual),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestDuplicateEquals),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingKey),
+			unit_test(test__parseGPHDUri__NegativeTestMissingValue),
+			unit_test(test__GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options__ValidURI),
+			unit_test(test__GPHDUri_verify_no_duplicate_options__NegativeTestDuplicateOpts),
+			unit_test(test__GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist__ValidURI),
+			unit_test(test__GPHDUri_verify_core_options_exist__NegativeTestMissingCoreOpts)
+	};
+	return run_tests(tests);
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/.gitignore b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a8d6b6c..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/Makefile b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e13d107..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-TARGETS=pxfuriparser hd_work_mgr pxfheaders ha_config pxffilters pxfmasterapi
-# Objects from backend, which don't need to be mocked but need to be linked.
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/bootstrap/bootparse.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/lib/stringinfo.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/nodes/bitmapset.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/nodes/list.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/parser/gram.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/regex/regcomp.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/regex/regerror.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/regex/regexec.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/regex/regfree.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/storage/page/itemptr.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/datum.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/like.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/hash/dynahash.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/hash/hashfn.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/init/globals.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/mb/mbutils.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/mb/wchar.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/exec.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/path.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/pgsleep.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/pgstrcasecmp.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/qsort.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/strlcpy.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/port/thread.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/timezone/localtime.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/timezone/pgtz.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/timezone/strftime.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/mmgr/redzone_handler.o \
-# Objects from backend, which don't need to be mocked but need to be linked.
-pxfuriparser_REAL_OBJS=$(COMMON_REAL_OBJS) \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/formatting.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/nodes/value.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.o \
-    $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/access/external/pxfutils.o
-hd_work_mgr_REAL_OBJS=$(COMMON_REAL_OBJS) \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/cdb/cdbutil.o \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/access/external/pxfuriparser.o \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/access/external/pxfutils.o
-# numutils for pg_ltoa
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.o
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/fmgrtab.o \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.o
-pxfmasterapi_REAL_OBJS=$(COMMON_REAL_OBJS) \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/fmgrtab.o	
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.o \
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.o    
-include ../../../../Makefile.mock
-MOCK_LIBS += -ljson
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/README.txt b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a03f0..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Directory with the following System Under Test (SUT):
- - pxfuriparser.c
- - hd_work_mgr.c
- - pxfheaders.c
- - ha_config.c
- - pxffilters.c
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_mock.c b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_mock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dcf2b12..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_mock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "cmockery.h"
-#include "c.h"
-#include "hdfs/hdfs.h"
-/* Mock functions for the hdfs.h APIs used by load_nn_ha_config() in ha_config.c */
-Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char *nameservice, int *size)
-	optional_assignment(size);
-	return (Namenode *)mock();
-void hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation(Namenode *namenodes, int size)
-	mock();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 61cf1de..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/ha_config_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "cmockery.h"
-#include "c.h"
-#include "../ha_config.c"
-#include "ha_config_mock.c"
-#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
-#include "utils/builtins.h"
-/* Helper functions signature */
-#define format_string_release(p) (pfree(p))
-static char *format_string_create(char *f,...);
-static void handle_pg_excp(char *msg, int errcode);
- * Unitest for GPHD_HA_load_nodes() in ../access/external/ha_config.c
- * GPHD_HA_load_nodes() discovers the active Namnode from an HA Namenodes pair.
- * It does this by interacting with the API exposed by hdfs.h, from which it uses 
- * 2 functions:
- * a. Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size);
- * b. void hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation(Namenode * namenodes, int size);
- * This unitest verifies the correct interaction between GPHD_HA_load_nodes() implementation
- * and the 2 hdfs.h APIs. It looks at the standard flows with expected input configuration
- * and also at limit cases with corrupted input configuration.
- * The mock functions for the two(2) hdfs.h APIs are in ha_config_mock.c.
- */
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice);
- * Mock function: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size) 
- * Negative test: GPHD_HA_load_nodes() receives an unexistent namesrvice
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__UnknownNameservice(void **state)
-	/* 
-	 * In case it receives an unknown nameservice string, the real function hdfsGetHANamenodes()
-	 * will return NULL. We instruct our mock function to return NULL. In this way we simulate
-	 * an unknown_service scenario and verify that our SUT function GPHD_HA_load_nodes() handles
-	 * correctly the NULL returned by hdfsGetHANamenodes.
-	 */
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, NULL);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("UNKNOWN_SERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "nameservice UNKNOWN_SERVICE not found in client configuration. No HA namenodes provided";
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
-		return;
-	}
-	assert_true(false);
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice);
- * Mock function: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size) 
- * Negative test: hdfsGetHANamenodes() returns just one namenode. 
- * This is not an HA sustainable.
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__OneNN(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 1;
-	Namenode nns[1];
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = format_string_create("High availability for nameservice %s was configured with only one node. A high availability scheme requires at least two nodes ",
-										 "NAMESERVICE");
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-		format_string_release(msg); /* if we trip on assert_string_equal we don't free but it doesen't matter because process stops*/
-		return;
-	}
-	assert_true(false);
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice);
- * Mock function: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size) 
- * Negative test: hdfsGetHANamenodes() returns a Namenode.rpc_address field without ":"
- * the host:port delimiter.
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__RpcDelimMissing(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw2080", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};	
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "dfs.namenode.rpc-address was set incorrectly in the configuration. ':' missing";
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
-		return;
-	}
-	assert_true(false);
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Positive test: port_to_str() assigns pxf_service_port correctly
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PxfServicePortIsAssigned(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw:2080", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};
-	char strPort[30] = {0};
-	pg_ltoa(pxf_service_port, strPort);
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, strPort);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, strPort);
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Negative test: hdfsGetHANamenodes() returns a Namenode.http_address field without 
- * the host - ":port".
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__HostMissing(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {":2080", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};
-	char strPort[30] = {0};
-	pg_ltoa(pxf_service_port, strPort);
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, strPort);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, strPort);
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "HA Namenode host number 1 is NULL value";
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
-		return;
-	}
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Negative test: port_to_str() does not set the port
- * the port - "host:".
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortMissing(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw:", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};	
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "HA Namenode RPC port number 1 is NULL value";
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);
-		return;
-	}
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Negative test: port_to_str() returns a port outside the valid range
- *  - a number higher than 65535
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsInvalidNumber(void **state)
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw:2080", "mdw:65550"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};	
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, "65550");
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, "65550");
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		NNHAConf *hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "Invalid port <65550> detected in nameservice configuration";				
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);		
-		return;
-	}
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Negative test: port_to_str() returns a port that is not a number
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsNotNumber_TakeOne(void **state)
-	NNHAConf *hac;
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw:2080", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, "melon");
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "Invalid port <melon> detected in nameservice configuration";				
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);		
-		return;
-	}
- * SUT function: NNHAConf* GPHD_HA_load_nodes(const char *nameservice)
- * Mock functions: Namenode * hdfsGetHANamenodes(const char * nameservice, int * size)
- *                 void port_to_str(char **port, int new_port)
- * Negative test: port_to_str() returns a port that is not a number
- */
-test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsNotNumber_TakeTwo(void **state)
-	NNHAConf *hac;
-	unsigned int numn = 2;
-	Namenode nns[] = { {"mdw:2080", "mdw:50070"}, {"smdw:2080", "smdw:50070"}};
-	will_return(hdfsGetHANamenodes, nns);
-	will_assign_value(hdfsGetHANamenodes, size, numn);
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_assign_string(port_to_str, port, "100ab");
-	will_be_called(port_to_str);
-	expect_not_value(port_to_str, port, NULL);
-	expect_value(port_to_str, new_port, pxf_service_port);
-	will_be_called(hdfsFreeNamenodeInformation);
-	PG_TRY();
-	{
-		hac = GPHD_HA_load_nodes("NAMESERVICE");
-	}
-	{
-		char *msg = "Invalid port <100ab> detected in nameservice configuration";				
-		handle_pg_excp(msg, ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR);		
-		return;
-	}
-main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
-	cmockery_parse_arguments(argc, argv);
-	const UnitTest tests[] = {
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__UnknownNameservice),
-            unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__OneNN),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__RpcDelimMissing),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PxfServicePortIsAssigned),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__HostMissing),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortMissing),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsInvalidNumber),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsNotNumber_TakeOne),
-		    unit_test(test__GPHD_HA_load_nodes__PortIsNotNumber_TakeTwo)
-	};
-	return run_tests(tests);
- * Helper function to format strings that need to be passed to assert macros
- */
-static char*
-format_string_create(char *f,...)
-	StringInfoData s;
-	va_list vl;
-	initStringInfo(&s);
-	va_start(vl,f);
-	appendStringInfoVA(&s, f, vl);
-	va_end(vl);
-	return;
- * Encapsulates exception unpackaging
- */
-static void
-handle_pg_excp(char *msg, int errcode)
-	CurrentMemoryContext = 1;
-	ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData();
-	assert_true(edata->sqlerrcode == errcode);
-	assert_true(edata->elevel == ERROR);
-	assert_string_equal(edata->message, msg);
-	/* Clean the internal error data stack. Otherwise errordata_stack_depth in elog.c,
-	 * keeps growing from test to test with each ereport we issue in our SUT function
-	 * until we reach errordata_stack_depth >= ERRORDATA_STACK_SIZE and our tests
-	 * start failing
-	 */
-	elog_dismiss(INFO);
diff --git a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/hd_work_mgr_allocate_fragments_to_datanodes_test.c b/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/hd_work_mgr_allocate_fragments_to_datanodes_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fb42ee1..0000000
--- a/src/backend/access/external/test_discard/hd_work_mgr_allocate_fragments_to_datanodes_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "cmockery.h"
-#include "c.h"
-#include "hd_work_mgr_mock.h"
- * check that datanode dn has the expected
- * ip, port, dn blocks list, and number of read & residing fragments
- */
-void check_dn_load(DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn,
-				   const char* expected_hostip,
-				   int expected_port,
-				   List* expected_blocks,
-				   int expected_read_fragments,
-				   int expected_residing_fragments)
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	int blocks_number = 0;
-	assert_string_equal(dn->dataNodeIp, expected_hostip);
-	assert_int_equal(dn->port, expected_port);
-	assert_int_equal(dn->num_fragments_read, expected_read_fragments);
-	assert_int_equal(dn->num_fragments_residing, expected_residing_fragments);
-	assert_int_equal(list_length(expected_blocks), list_length(dn->datanodeBlocks));
-	blocks_number = list_length(expected_blocks);
-	for (int i = 0; i < blocks_number; ++i)
-	{
-		AllocatedDataFragment* block =
-				(AllocatedDataFragment*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(dn->datanodeBlocks, i));
-		AllocatedDataFragment* expected_block =
-				(AllocatedDataFragment*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(expected_blocks, i));
-		assert_string_equal(block->host, expected_block->host);
-		assert_int_equal(block->rest_port, expected_block->rest_port);
-		assert_string_equal(block->source_name, expected_block->source_name);
-		assert_string_equal(block->fragment_md, expected_block->fragment_md);
-		assert_string_equal(block->user_data, expected_block->user_data);
-		assert_int_equal(block->index, expected_block->index);
-	}
- * Test get_dn_processing_load:
- * starting with an empty list, add fragment location
- * and check that the returned element equals the given fragment
- * and that if the location is new a new element was added to the list.
- */
-test__get_dn_processing_load(void **state)
-	List* allDNProcessingLoads = NIL;
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	FragmentHost *fragment_loc = NULL;
-	DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn_found = NULL;
-	char* ip_array[] =
-	{
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		""
-	};
-	int port_array[] =
-	{
-		100,
-		100,
-		100,
-		100,
-		100,
-		100,
-		200
-	};
-	int expected_list_size[] =
-	{
-		1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4
-	};
-	int array_size = 7;
-	/* sanity */
-	assert_int_equal(array_size, (sizeof(ip_array) / sizeof(ip_array[0])));
-	assert_int_equal(array_size, (sizeof(port_array) / sizeof(port_array[0])));
-	assert_int_equal(array_size, (sizeof(expected_list_size) / sizeof(expected_list_size[0])));
-	fragment_loc = (FragmentHost*) palloc0(sizeof(FragmentHost));
-	for (int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
-	{
-		dn_found = NULL;
-		fragment_loc->ip = ip_array[i];
-		fragment_loc->rest_port = port_array[i];
-		dn_found = get_dn_processing_load(&allDNProcessingLoads, fragment_loc);
-		assert_true(dn_found != NULL);
-		assert_int_equal(list_length(allDNProcessingLoads), expected_list_size[i]);
-		check_dn_load(dn_found, ip_array[i], port_array[i], NIL, 0, 0);
-	}
-	pfree(fragment_loc);
-	/* free allDNProcessingLoads */
-	foreach(cell, allDNProcessingLoads)
-	{
-		DatanodeProcessingLoad* cell_data = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(cell);
-		pfree(cell_data->dataNodeIp);
-	}
-	list_free(allDNProcessingLoads);
- * create, verify and free AllocatedDataFragment
- */
-void check_create_allocated_fragment(DataFragment* fragment, bool has_user_data)
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = create_allocated_fragment(fragment);
-	assert_true(allocated != NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(allocated->index, fragment->index);
-	assert_string_equal(allocated->source_name, fragment->source_name);
-	assert_string_equal(allocated->fragment_md, fragment->fragment_md);
-	if (has_user_data)
-		assert_string_equal(allocated->user_data, fragment->user_data);
-	else
-		assert_true(allocated->user_data == NULL);
-	assert_true(allocated->host == NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(allocated->rest_port, 0);
-	if (allocated->source_name)
-		pfree(allocated->source_name);
-	if (allocated->user_data)
-		pfree(allocated->user_data);
-	pfree(allocated);
- * Test create_allocated_fragment without user_data.
- */
-test__create_allocated_fragment__NoUserData(void **state)
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	DataFragment* fragment = (DataFragment*) palloc0(sizeof(DataFragment));
-	fragment->index = 13;
-	fragment->source_name = "source name!!!";
-	fragment->user_data = NULL;
-	fragment->fragment_md = "METADATA";
-	check_create_allocated_fragment(fragment, false);
-	pfree(fragment);
- * Test create_allocated_fragment without user_data.
- */
-test__create_allocated_fragment__WithUserData(void **state)
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	DataFragment* fragment = (DataFragment*) palloc0(sizeof(DataFragment));
-	fragment->index = 13;
-	fragment->source_name = "source name!!!";
-	fragment->user_data = "Wish You Were Here";
-	fragment->fragment_md = "METADATA";
-	check_create_allocated_fragment(fragment, true);
-	pfree(fragment);
- * Creates a list of DataFragment for one file ("file.txt").
- * The important thing here is the fragments' location. It is determined by the parameters:
- * replication_factor - number of copies of each fragment on the different hosts.
- * number_of_hosts - number of hosts, so that the IP pool we use is 1.2.3.{1-number_of_hosts}
- * number_of_fragments - number of fragments in the file.
- *
- * Each fragment will have <replication_factor> hosts,
- * starting from IP 1.2.3.<fragment_number> to IP 1.2.3.<fragment_number + replication_factor> modulo <number_of_hosts>.
- * That way there is some overlapping between the hosts of each fragment.
- */
-List* build_data_fragments_list(int number_of_fragments, int number_of_hosts, int replication_factor)
-	List* fragments_list = NIL;
-	StringInfoData string_info;
-	initStringInfo(&string_info);
-	for (int i = 0; i < number_of_fragments; ++i)
-	{
-		DataFragment* fragment = (DataFragment*) palloc0(sizeof(DataFragment));
-		fragment->index = i;
-		fragment->source_name = pstrdup("file.txt");
-		for (int j = 0; j < replication_factor; ++j)
-		{
-			FragmentHost* fhost = (FragmentHost*)palloc0(sizeof(FragmentHost));
-			appendStringInfo(&string_info, "1.2.3.%d", ((j + i) % number_of_hosts) + 1);
-			fhost->ip = pstrdup(;
-			resetStringInfo(&string_info);
-			fragment->replicas = lappend(fragment->replicas, fhost);
-		}
-		assert_int_equal(list_length(fragment->replicas), replication_factor);
-		appendStringInfo(&string_info, "metadata %d", i);
-		fragment->fragment_md = pstrdup(;
-		resetStringInfo(&string_info);
-		appendStringInfo(&string_info, "user data %d", i);
-		fragment->user_data = pstrdup(;
-		resetStringInfo(&string_info);
-		fragments_list = lappend(fragments_list, fragment);
-	}
-	pfree(;
-	return fragments_list;
- * Returns a list of AllocatedDataFragment.
- */
-List* build_blank_blocks_list(int list_size)
-	List* blocks_list = NIL;
-	for (int i = 0; i < list_size; ++i)
-	{
-		AllocatedDataFragment* block = (AllocatedDataFragment*) palloc0(sizeof(AllocatedDataFragment));
-		blocks_list = lappend(blocks_list, block);
-	}
-	return blocks_list;
- * Tests allocate_fragments_to_datanodes with 4 fragments over 10 hosts, with 3 replicates each,
- * so that they are distributed as follows:
- * Fragment 0 : on hosts,,
- * Fragment 1 : on hosts,,
- * Fragment 2 : on hosts,,
- * Fragment 3 : on hosts,,
- *
- * The expected distribution is as follows:
- * Host fragment 0.
- * Host fragment 1.
- * Host fragment 2.
- * Host fragment 3.
- * Hosts, no fragments.
- */
-test__allocate_fragments_to_datanodes__4Fragments10Hosts3Replicates(void **state)
-	List* allDNProcessingLoads = NIL;
-	List* data_fragment_list = NIL;
-	List* blocks_list = NIL;
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	DatanodeProcessingLoad* datanode_load = NULL;
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	data_fragment_list = build_data_fragments_list(4, 10, 3);
-	assert_int_equal(4, list_length(data_fragment_list));
-	allDNProcessingLoads = allocate_fragments_to_datanodes(data_fragment_list);
-	assert_true(allDNProcessingLoads != NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(6, list_length(allDNProcessingLoads));
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 0));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(1);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 0;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 0";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 0";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			      "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 1));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 1;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 1";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 1";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 2);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 2));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 2;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 2";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 2";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 3);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 3));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 3;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 3";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 3";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 3);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 4));
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, NIL, 0, 2);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 5));
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, NIL, 0, 1);
-	/* cleanup */
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	foreach (cell, allDNProcessingLoads)
-	{
-		DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(cell);
-		free_allocated_frags(dn->datanodeBlocks);
-	}
-	list_free(allDNProcessingLoads);
- * Tests allocate_fragments_to_datanodes with 4 fragments over 3 hosts, with 2 replicates each,
- * so that they are distributed as follows:
- * Fragment 0 : on hosts,
- * Fragment 1 : on hosts,
- * Fragment 2 : on hosts,
- * Fragment 3 : on hosts,
- *
- * The expected distribution is as follows:
- * Host fragments 0, 3.
- * Host fragment 1.
- * Host fragment 2.
- */
-test__allocate_fragments_to_datanodes__4Fragments3Hosts2Replicates(void **state)
-	List* allDNProcessingLoads = NIL;
-	List* data_fragment_list = NIL;
-	List* blocks_list = NIL;
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	DatanodeProcessingLoad* datanode_load = NULL;
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	data_fragment_list = build_data_fragments_list(4, 3, 2);
-	assert_int_equal(4, list_length(data_fragment_list));
-	allDNProcessingLoads = allocate_fragments_to_datanodes(data_fragment_list);
-	assert_true(allDNProcessingLoads != NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(3, list_length(allDNProcessingLoads));
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 0));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(2);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 0;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 0";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 0";
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 1));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 3;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 3";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 3";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			      "", 0, blocks_list, 2, 3);
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 1));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(1);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 1;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 1";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 1";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 3);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 2));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 2;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 2";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 2";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 2);
-	/* cleanup */
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	foreach (cell, allDNProcessingLoads)
-	{
-		DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(cell);
-		free_allocated_frags(dn->datanodeBlocks);
-	}
-	list_free(allDNProcessingLoads);
- * Tests allocate_fragments_to_datanodes with 4 fragments over 3 hosts, with 1 replicates each,
- * so that they are distributed as follows:
- * Fragment 0 : on hosts
- * Fragment 1 : on hosts
- * Fragment 2 : on hosts
- * Fragment 3 : on hosts
- *
- * The expected distribution is as follows:
- * Host fragments 0, 3.
- * Host fragment 1.
- * Host fragment 2.
- */
-test__allocate_fragments_to_datanodes__4Fragments3Hosts1Replicates(void **state)
-	List* allDNProcessingLoads = NIL;
-	List* data_fragment_list = NIL;
-	List* blocks_list = NIL;
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	DatanodeProcessingLoad* datanode_load = NULL;
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	data_fragment_list = build_data_fragments_list(4, 3, 1);
-	assert_int_equal(4, list_length(data_fragment_list));
-	allDNProcessingLoads = allocate_fragments_to_datanodes(data_fragment_list);
-	assert_true(allDNProcessingLoads != NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(3, list_length(allDNProcessingLoads));
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 0));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(2);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 0;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 0";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 0";
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 1));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 3;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 3";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 3";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			      "", 0, blocks_list, 2, 2);
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 1));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(1);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 1;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 1";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 1";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 2));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 2;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 2";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 2";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	/* cleanup */
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	foreach (cell, allDNProcessingLoads)
-	{
-		DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(cell);
-		free_allocated_frags(dn->datanodeBlocks);
-	}
-	list_free(allDNProcessingLoads);
- * Tests allocate_fragments_to_datanodes with 7 fragments over 10 hosts, with 1 replicates each,
- * so that they are distributed as follows:
- * Fragment 0 : on hosts
- * Fragment 1 : on hosts
- * Fragment 2 : on hosts
- * Fragment 3 : on hosts
- * Fragment 4 : on hosts
- * Fragment 5 : on hosts
- * Fragment 6 : on hosts
- *
- * The expected distribution is as follows:
- * Host fragment 0.
- * Host fragment 1.
- * Host fragment 2.
- * Host fragment 3.
- * Host fragment 4.
- * Host fragment 5.
- * Host fragment 6.
- * Hosts,, no fragments.
- */
-test__allocate_fragments_to_datanodes__7Fragments10Hosts1Replicates(void **state)
-	List* allDNProcessingLoads = NIL;
-	List* data_fragment_list = NIL;
-	List* blocks_list = NIL;
-	ListCell* cell = NULL;
-	DatanodeProcessingLoad* datanode_load = NULL;
-	AllocatedDataFragment* allocated = NULL;
-	data_fragment_list = build_data_fragments_list(7, 10, 1);
-	assert_int_equal(7, list_length(data_fragment_list));
-	allDNProcessingLoads = allocate_fragments_to_datanodes(data_fragment_list);
-	assert_true(allDNProcessingLoads != NULL);
-	assert_int_equal(7, list_length(allDNProcessingLoads));
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 0));
-	blocks_list = build_blank_blocks_list(1);
-	allocated = lfirst(list_nth_cell(blocks_list, 0));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 0;
-	allocated->rest_port = 0;
-	allocated->source_name = "file.txt";
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 0";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 0";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			      "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 1));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 1;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 1";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 1";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-				  "", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 2));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 2;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 2";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 2";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			"", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 3));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 3;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 3";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 3";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			"", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 4));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 4;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 4";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 4";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			"", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 5));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 5;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 5";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 5";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			"", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	datanode_load = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(list_nth_cell(allDNProcessingLoads, 6));
-	allocated->host = "";
-	allocated->index = 6;
-	allocated->fragment_md = "metadata 6";
-	allocated->user_data = "user data 6";
-	check_dn_load(datanode_load,
-			"", 0, blocks_list, 1, 1);
-	/* cleanup */
-	list_free(blocks_list);
-	foreach (cell, allDNProcessingLoads)
-	{
-		DatanodeProcessingLoad* dn = (DatanodeProcessingLoad*)lfirst(cell);
-		free_allocated_frags(dn->datanodeBlocks);
-	}
-	list_free(allDNProcessingLoads);