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Posted to by Steven Traut <> on 2004/08/24 20:23:31 UTC

XMLBeans "getting started" tutorial for review

Here's a "getting started" tutorial for XMLBeans. I'm sending this for folks to take a look at before I Forresticize the HTML. If anyone has a chance to work through this, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm pretty confident there's a glitch or two. ;)

Put quickstart.html in any directory, then put the images in an images subdirectory.

 <<quickstart.html>>  <<after_beginelement.jpg>>  <<beginelement.jpg>>  <<tokentypes.jpg>>  <<tokentypes_newcursor.jpg>> 

All feedback is welcome, but particular questions I have are:
- Is this scoped well for an introduction? Too big or too small?
- Is there too much detail -- say, on the accessors?
- I left out schema type system material -- would it be good to have some intro to that API?

I'd like to do more tutorials -- perhaps one each to drill down on strong types, cursor, schema type system (and, eventually, DOM).
