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Posted to by Eric Kolotyluk <> on 2014/04/06 19:14:47 UTC

GitHub Site Deployment

I have my automated site deployment working with GitHub finally, but 
there are some inelegant aspects of it, and I am wondering if there are 
some more elegant solutions.

In order to get the maven-release-plugin to work properly I had to add 
the following to my pom.xml

         Fake site used to trick maven-release-plugin into doing 
         Real site-distribution is done via com.github.github 
         Even if you specify <goals>deploy site-deploy</goals> to the 
         plugin, it still needs to see <distributionManagement>.

I would rather not have to use such a hack, but I have found no other 
way. The actual site deployment is handled by

         We do not want to deploy our site to GitHub until we release it,
         otherwise, snap-shot releases get published. For example:
           mvn release:clean
           mvn release:prepare
           mvn release:perform
         should just work. Add the following to the maven-release-plugin
                 deploy the site to github pages
<!-- the id of the server with the passwords in settings.xml -->
<!-- sometimes the plugin cannot figure out the owner and name  -->
<!-- from the scm info, so it is best to define it explicitly   -->
<!--               <repositoryOwner>kolotyluk</repositoryOwner> -->
<!--               <repositoryName>java-file-utilities</repositoryName> -->
<message>Creating GitHub Pages site for ${project.version}</message>
<goal>site</goal> <!-- the site goal uploads to gh_pages -->

I would have rather done something like

<url>/some magic URL that specifies the gh_pages branch of my project/</url>

but GitHub chose another solution.

Cheers, Eric