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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2005/07/15 15:09:49 UTC

[Geronimo Wiki] Update of "Building an Installer" by AaronMulder

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The following page has been changed by AaronMulder:

  == Preparation ==
   * Get a [ CVS HEAD] version of IzPack (or v3.8.0+ once it's released) -- for older versions you need to manually patch in support for the so-called "!ExecuteForPacks".
-    * For CVS version, use {{{ant dist}}} to create a proper IzPack install (then see `izpack-src/_dist`).
+    * {{{cvs -d login}}}
+    * Press "Enter" for password
+    * {{{cvs -d co izpack-src}}}
+    * {{{cd izpack-src/src}}}
+    * {{{ant dist}}}
+    * See `../_dist` (particularly `../_dist/bin/compile`)
+    * add `izpack-src/_dist/bin` to your PATH
-    * Get a current source tree of Geronimo
+  * Get a current source tree of Geronimo
     * Build it, at least as far as the assembly module
-    * Work off the content in {{{geronimo/modules/assembly/target/installer}}}.  This includes modified plans in `installer/plan-src` (and WARs in `installer/wars`).  These plans have substitution variables for the following items:
+  * The IzPack installer config files and all necessary Geronimo files are copied into the `assembly/target/installer` directory during the assembly build, with certain variable substitution performed.  This includes modified plans in `installer/plan-src` (and WARs in `installer/wars`).  These plans have substitution variables for the following items:
       * {{{client-system-plan.xml}}} -- naming host (localhost) and port (1099) [`PlanServerHostname` and `PlanNamingPort`]
       * {{{interop-server-plan.xml}}} -- IIOP listen host (localhost) and port (9000), ORB port (2001), naming host name (localhost), naming port (1050), allowed client addresses ( [`PlanServerHostname`, `PlanIIOPPort`, `PlanORBPort`, `PlanServerHostname`, `PlanCOSNamingPort`, `PlanClientAddresses`]
       * {{{j2ee-server-plan.xml}}} -- port for Jetty HTTP (8080) and HTTPS (8443), EJB server port (4201), EJB server host name (localhost), allowed EJB client addresses (, JMX remoting host name (localhost) [`PlanJettyHTTPPort`, `PlanJettyHTTPSPort`, `PlanOpenEJBPort`, `PlanServerHostname`, `PlanClientAddresses`, `PlanServerHostname`]
@@ -24, +30 @@

       * {{{system-database-plan.xml}}} -- hostname (localhost) and port for Derby network access (1527) [`PlanServerHostname`, `PlanDerbyPort`]
       * {{{system-jms-plan.xml}}} -- hostname, port for ActiveMQ (localhost:61616) [`PlanServerHostname`,`PlanActiveMQPort`]
       * {{{system-plan.xml}}} -- port for RMIRegistry (1099), server host name (localhost) [`PlanServerHostname` and `PlanNamingPort`]
-  * The IzPack installer config files and all necessary Geronimo files are copied into the `assembly/target/installer` directory during the assembly build, with certain variable substitution performed.
+  * Customize the installer configuration if desired
     * You may want to update maven.xml to have the correct version number for the most recent release notes file (Jelly variable `ReleaseNotesVersion`).  There's probably a better place to store this.
     * The installer configuration is not really optimal
       * The same default configurations are always marked to be started (fortunately I think all of them are in required packages)
@@ -32, +38 @@

       * It individually deploys each of the up to 17 possible configurations (using the slow one-off deployer), which takes a pretty long time -- compare to the assembly module which starts the server after 3 or 4 steps, does everything else against the running server, then shuts it down.
  == Building ==
-  * Use the IzPack compile tool to build the installer: {{{compile geronimo-izpack.xml -o geronimo-installer.jar}}} from the `assembly/target/installer` directory.
+  * Use the !IzPack compile tool to build the installer: {{{compile geronimo-izpack.xml -o geronimo-installer.jar}}} from the `assembly/target/installer` directory.
+    * This step can be run by a script, so long as the !IzPack bin directory is added to the PATH -- the Geronimo build assembles all the source material that is needed to build the installer