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svn commit: r1153517 - in /incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/commons: ./ schemas/ schemas/workflow_tracking_schema.xsd

Author: smarru
Date: Wed Aug  3 14:47:40 2011
New Revision: 1153517

workflow tracking schema


Added: incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/commons/schemas/workflow_tracking_schema.xsd
--- incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/commons/schemas/workflow_tracking_schema.xsd (added)
+++ incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/commons/schemas/workflow_tracking_schema.xsd Wed Aug  3 14:47:40 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
+    targetNamespace=""
+    xmlns:wft=""
+    xmlns=""
+    attributeFormDefault="qualified"
+    elementFormDefault="qualified">
+    <annotation>
+	<documentation>
+	    *) Workflows and services can be abstract (template) or concrete (instance).
+	       Unless otherwise noted, we always refer to the concrete instance of the workflow/service below
+	    *) All workflows are also services.
+	    *) Services may be part of zero or more workflows
+	    *) When Services execute in the context of a workflow,
+	       an invocation of the service is associated with the workflowID of the workflow whose context
+	       in which it is being invoked (also called parent workflow), 
+	       the timestep of this invocation in the parent workflow,
+	       and the node ID that uniquely identifies this service within the parent workflow instance.
+	    *) Workflows can also be invoked in the context of another parent workflow.
+	    *) Workflow ID always refers to the "parent workflow ID". When refering to the invocation of a workflow,
+	       its instance ID is called the Service ID.
+	    *) Workflows that are not invoked from another workflow do not have a context of execution 
+	       (parent workflow is not present => Workflow ID is NULL)
+	    *) Schema design notes
+	       - This schema uses the "Venetian Blind" schema design pattern
+	       - It uses Upper Camel Case for schema types and lower camel case for
+	         element and attribute names
+	</documentation>
+    </annotation>
+    <simpleType name="ServiceIDType">
+	<annotation>
+	    <documentation>
+		ID to uniquely identify the service instance.
+		This is usually formed from the targetnamespace and porttype name of the service's WSDL.
+		This ID may refer to the instance ID for a service or for a workflow.
+	    </documentation>
+	</annotation>
+	<restriction base="anyURI"/>
+    </simpleType>
+    <simpleType name="WorkflowNodeIDType">
+	<annotation>
+	    <documentation>
+		String that identifies uniquely a node in workflow graph. 
+		The node ID is unique in the scope of a workflow ID.
+	    </documentation>
+	</annotation>
+	<restriction base="string"/>
+    </simpleType>
+    <simpleType name="WorkflowTimestepType">
+	<annotation>
+	    <documentation>
+		The timestep within workflow execution at which this invocation is made. 
+		This is a logical time that monotonically increments for each invocation in a workflow.
+	    </documentation>
+	</annotation>
+	<restriction base="int"/>
+    </simpleType>
+    <simpleType name="DataProductIDType">
+	<annotation>
+	    <documentation>
+		Unique logical ID for a data product in the form of a UUID.
+		Physical URL for the data products can be resolved using this ID.
+	    </documentation>
+	</annotation>
+	<restriction base="anyURI"/>
+    </simpleType>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <complexType name="BaseIDType">
+	<attribute name="workflowID" type="wft:ServiceIDType" use="optional">
+	    <annotation>
+		<documentation>
+		    The workflow context within which this service is executing.
+		    If this service is itself a workflow and not executing as part of another workflow
+		    (i.e. this is the root of the invocation trace) then the workflow ID is absent.
+		    Otherwise, this is the service ID of the workflow instance.
+		</documentation>
+	    </annotation>
+	</attribute>
+	<attribute name="serviceID" type="wft:ServiceIDType" use="required">
+	    <annotation>
+		<documentation>
+		    ID to uniquely identify a service instance. The service instance can
+		    be part of zero or more workflow.
+		    This is formed from the targetnamespace of the service's CWSDL.
+		</documentation>
+	    </annotation>
+	</attribute>
+	<attribute name="workflowNodeID" type="wft:WorkflowNodeIDType" use="optional">
+	    <annotation>
+		<documentation>
+		    Distinct ID of a node within a Workflow graph. unique within the workflowID,
+		    not necessarily the order of execution.
+		</documentation>
+	    </annotation>
+	</attribute>
+	<attribute name="workflowTimestep" type="wft:WorkflowTimestepType" use="optional">
+	    <annotation>
+		<documentation>
+		    The timestep within workflow execution at which this invocation is made.
+		    32bit integer. Timestep is a numerically ordered monotonically increasing sequence
+		    within wf execution that allows relative ordering of invocations.
+		    It is unique within the workflowID for each invocation in the workflow.
+		</documentation>
+	    </annotation>
+	</attribute>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- base type for all notifications -->
+    <complexType name="BaseNotificationType">
+	<annotation>
+	    <documentation>This is the base type for all notification activities that are produced</documentation>
+	</annotation>
+	<sequence>
+	    <element name="notificationSource" type="wft:BaseIDType">
+		<annotation>
+		    <documentation>
+			This identifies the entity/invocation context from which this notifcation is being sent.
+		    </documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	    </element>
+	    <element name="timestamp" type="dateTime" />
+	    <element name="description" type="string" minOccurs="0">
+		<annotation>
+		    <documentation>Optional human friendly description of this notification.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	    </element>
+	    <element name="annotation" type="anyType" minOccurs="0">
+		<annotation>
+		    <documentation>Optional additional metadata for this notification. See common.AnnotationConsts file.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	    </element>
+	</sequence>
+	<attribute name="infoModelVersion" 
+		   form="unqualified" 
+		   type="NMTOKEN" 
+		   use="required"> 
+	    <!-- we set form as unqualified to allow WS-Messenger YFilter to match it -->
+	    <!-- NMToken := (Letter | Digit  | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':')+ -->
+	    <annotation>
+		<documentation>
+		    String identifying notification schema version (used for verifying compatible schema and filtering).
+		</documentation>
+	    </annotation>
+	</attribute>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="MessageType">
+	<sequence>
+	    <element name="header" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- e.g. soap:header -->
+	    <element name="body" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- e.g. soap:body --> <!-- fixme: change to message -->
+	</sequence>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="FaultMessageType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:MessageType" />
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="InvocationMessageType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:MessageType" />
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="FailureMessageType">
+	<sequence>
+	    <element name="trace" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+	</sequence>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--                           workflow provenance types                                        -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- sent when the service is first created and is ready to accept invocations -->
+    <element name="serviceInitialized" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- sent when the service is terminated and will not accept any further invocations -->
+    <element name="serviceTerminated" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- sent when the workflow is first created and is ready to accept invocations -->
+    <!--element name="workflowInitialized" type="wft:BaseNotificationType"-->
+    <element name="workflowInitialized">
+	<complexType>
+	    <complexContent>
+		<extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		    <sequence>
+			<element name="initialPriority" type="string" minOccurs="0" />
+			<element name="workflowTemplateId" type="wft:ServiceIDType" minOccurs="0" />
+			<element name="workflowCreatorDn" type="string" minOccurs="0" />
+		    </sequence>
+		</extension>
+	    </complexContent>
+	</complexType>
+    </element>
+    <!-- sent when the workflow is terminated and will not accept any further invocations -->
+    <element name="workflowTerminated" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- sent when the workflow execution is paused: invocations will be accepted but no new messages will be sent by the workflow -->
+    <element name="workflowPaused" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- sent when the workflow execution is resumed -->
+    <element name="workflowResumed" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- workflow priority tracking -->
+    <element name="workflowPriorityChanged">
+	<complexType>
+	    <complexContent>
+		<extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		    <sequence>
+			<element name="newPriority" type="string" />
+			<element name="oldPriority" type="string" />
+		    </sequence>
+		</extension>
+	    </complexContent>
+	</complexType>
+    </element>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <complexType name="InvocationRequestType" abstract="true">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="request" type="wft:InvocationMessageType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="RequestInitiatorType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationRequestType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by wf (client) to set service info, when invoking service -->
+		    <element name="receiver" type="wft:BaseIDType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="RequestReceiverType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationRequestType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by service to set workflow(client) info, when invoked by workflow (client) -->
+		    <element name="initiator" type="wft:BaseIDType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <complexType name="AcknowledgementType" abstract="true">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType" >
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="receiver" type="wft:BaseIDType" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- target of the action that succeeded -->
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="AcknowledgeSuccessType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:AcknowledgementType" />
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="AcknowledgeFailureType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:AcknowledgementType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="failure" type="wft:FailureMessageType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- sent by workflow when a service is invoked by it. -->
+    <element name="invokingService" type="wft:RequestInitiatorType" />
+    <!-- sent by workflow when it is invoked. -->
+    <element name="workflowInvoked" type="wft:RequestReceiverType" />
+    <!-- sent by service when it is invoked. -->
+    <element name="serviceInvoked" type="wft:RequestReceiverType" />
+    <!-- sent by workflow when it invoked a service successfully. -->
+    <element name="invokingServiceSucceeded" type="wft:AcknowledgeSuccessType" />
+    <!-- sent by workflow when it failed to invoke a service successfully. -->
+    <element name="invokingServiceFailed" type="wft:AcknowledgeFailureType" />
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <complexType name="InvocationResultType" abstract="true">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="result" type="wft:InvocationMessageType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="InvocationFaultType" abstract="true">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="fault" type="wft:FaultMessageType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="ResultReceiverType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationResultType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by wf (client) to set service info, when receiving result from service -->
+		    <element name="responder" type="wft:BaseIDType" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="FaultReceiverType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationFaultType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by wf (client) to set service info, when receiving result from service -->
+		    <element name="responder" type="wft:BaseIDType" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="ResultResponderType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationResultType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by service to set workflow(client) info, when returning result to workflow (client) -->
+		    <element name="receiver" type="wft:BaseIDType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="FaultResponderType">
+        <complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:InvocationFaultType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <!-- used by service to set workflow(client) info, when returning result to workflow (client) -->
+		    <element name="receiver" type="wft:BaseIDType" minOccurs="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- sent by service when it returns the result for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="sendingResult" type="wft:ResultResponderType" /> <!-- add workflowSendingResult -->
+    <!-- sent by service when it returns a fault for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="sendingFault" type="wft:FaultResponderType" /> <!-- add workflowSendingFault -->
+    <!-- sent by workflow when it receives the result for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="receivedResult" type="wft:ResultReceiverType" /> <!-- add workflowReceivedResult -->
+    <!-- sent by workflow when it receives a fault for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="receivedFault" type="wft:FaultReceiverType" /> <!-- add workflowFaultResult -->
+    <!-- sent by service when it has successfully sent the result for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="sendingResponseSucceeded" type="wft:AcknowledgeSuccessType" />
+    <!-- sent by service when it has successfully sent a fault for an invocation. -->
+    <element name="sendingResponseFailed" type="wft:AcknowledgeFailureType" />
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--                            data provenance types                                           -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- general complex data types -->
+    <complexType name="DataProductType">
+	<sequence>
+	    <element name="id" type="wft:DataProductIDType" />
+	    <element name="location" type="anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+	    <element name="sizeInBytes" type="long" minOccurs="0" />
+	    <element name="timestamp" type="dateTime" minOccurs="0" /> <!-- context sensitive. time at which data product was produced or consumed. -->
+	    <element name="description" type="string" minOccurs="0">
+		<annotation>
+		    <documentation>Optional human friendly description of this data product.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	    </element>
+	    <element name="annotation" type="anyType" minOccurs="0">
+		<annotation>
+		    <documentation>Optional additional metadata for this data product.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	    </element>
+	</sequence>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="DataProductNotificationType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="dataProduct" type="wft:DataProductType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <!-- sent when a file is used by the jython app. -->
+    <element name="dataConsumed" type="wft:DataProductNotificationType" />
+    <!-- sent when a file is generated by the jython app. -->
+    <element name="dataProduced" type="wft:DataProductNotificationType" />
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--                                   performance audit types                                  -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--  sent when the application launches a GRAM job, to facilitate -->
+    <!--  auditing and accounting of TeraGrid jobs -->
+    <!-- SJ The type name needed Type added at the end -->
+    <complexType name="ApplicationAuditType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="name" type="string" />
+		    <element name="jobHandle" type="anyURI"/>
+		    <element name="host" type="string" />
+		    <element name="queueName" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+		    <element name="jobId" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+		    <element name="distinguishedName" type="string" />
+		    <element name="projectId" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+		    <element name="rsl" type="string"/>
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <element name="applicationAudit" type="wft:ApplicationAuditType" />
+    <!-- sent at the end of a computational block in the jython app -->
+    <!-- with the time in milliseconds taken for that computational block -->
+    <element name="computationDuration">
+	<complexType>
+	    <complexContent>
+		<extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		    <sequence>
+			<element name="durationInMillis" type="long" />
+		    </sequence>
+		</extension>
+	    </complexContent>
+	</complexType>
+    </element>
+    <!-- sent at the end of sending a file to remote location (thro' gridftp?) by the jython app -->
+    <!-- with the time in milliseconds taken to send that file -->
+    <!-- TODO: later add support for time for multiple files in a single notification? -->
+    <complexType name="DataTransferDurationType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="id" type="wft:DataProductIDType" />
+		    <element name="source" type="anyURI" />
+		    <element name="target" type="anyURI" />
+		    <element name="sizeInBytes" type="long" minOccurs="0" default="-1" />
+		    <element name="durationInMillis" type="long" default="-1" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <element name="dataSendDuration" type="wft:DataTransferDurationType" />
+    <element name="dataReceiveDuration" type="wft:DataTransferDurationType" />
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--                               generic log message types                                    -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!-- sent when an interesting file is created by the jython app that can be viewed thro' a URL -->
+    <!-- used to display as a link on the portal -->
+    <element name="publishURL">
+	<complexType>
+	    <complexContent>
+		<extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		    <sequence>
+			<element name="title" type="string" minOccurs="0" />
+			<element name="location" type="anyURI" />
+		    </sequence>
+		</extension>
+	    </complexContent>
+	</complexType>
+    </element>
+    <!-- generic log message at different levels of importance that can be produced by the jython app -->
+    <element name="logInfo" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <element name="logException" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <element name="logWarning" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <element name="logDebug" type="wft:BaseNotificationType" />
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <!--                              resource broker message types                                 -->
+    <!-- ========================================================================================== -->
+    <complexType name="ResourceMappingType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="mappedResource" type="string" />
+		    <element name="retryStatusCount" type="int" default="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <complexType name="JobStatusType">
+	<complexContent>
+	    <extension base="wft:BaseNotificationType">
+		<sequence>
+		    <element name="jobStatus" type="string" />
+		    <element name="retryCount" type="int" default="0" />
+		</sequence>
+	    </extension>
+	</complexContent>
+    </complexType>
+    <element name="resourceMapping" type="wft:ResourceMappingType" />
+    <element name="jobStatus" type="wft:JobStatusType" />