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[3/4] geode git commit: GEODE-1984: Fix Issue Make GatewaySender destroy a public API
diff --git a/geode-wan/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/wan/wancommand/ b/geode-wan/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/wan/wancommand/
deleted file mode 100644
index db9aa91..0000000
--- a/geode-wan/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/wan/wancommand/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
- * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
- * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
- * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
- * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.wancommand;
-import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender;
-import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy;
-import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.GatewaySenderException;
-import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.IgnoredException;
-import org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.DistributedTest;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.*;
-import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Assert.*;
-import static org.apache.geode.test.dunit.LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter;
-public class WanCommandCreateGatewaySenderDUnitTest extends WANCommandTestBase {
-  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-  private CommandResult executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(String command) {
-    final IgnoredException exln = IgnoredException.addIgnoredException("Could not connect");
-    try {
-      CommandResult commandResult = executeCommand(command);
-      return commandResult;
-    } finally {
-      exln.remove();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with all default attributes
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySenderWithDefault() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2";
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySender() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, null));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, null));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, null));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values. Error scenario where dispatcher threads is set to
-   * more than 1 and no order policy provided.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySender_Error() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation should fail", status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") != -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values and event filters.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySenderWithGatewayEventFilters() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-        + "=org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayEventFilter1,org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayEventFilter2";
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    List<String> eventFilters = new ArrayList<String>();
-    eventFilters.add("org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayEventFilter1");
-    eventFilters.add("org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayEventFilter2");
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, eventFilters, null));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, eventFilters, null));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, eventFilters, null));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values and transport filters.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySenderWithGatewayTransportFilters() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-        + "=org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayTransportFilter1";
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    List<String> transportFilters = new ArrayList<String>();
-    transportFilters.add("org.apache.geode.cache30.MyGatewayTransportFilter1");
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, transportFilters));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, transportFilters));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, transportFilters));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values on given member.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySender_OnMember() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    final DistributedMember vm3Member = (DistributedMember) vm3.invoke(() -> getMember());
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MEMBER + "=" + vm3Member.getId() + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(1, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, false, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true,
-        1000, 5000, true, false, 1000, 100, 2, OrderPolicy.THREAD, null, null));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values on given group
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySender_Group() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup1"));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup1"));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup1"));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__GROUP + "=SenderGroup1" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(3, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-  }
-  /**
-   * GatewaySender with given attribute values on given group. Only 2 of 3 members are part of the
-   * group.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateGatewaySender_Group_Scenario2() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup1"));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup1"));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCacheWithGroups(punePort, "SenderGroup2"));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__GROUP + "=SenderGroup1" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(2, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", true, false));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Parallel GatewaySender with given attribute values
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateParallelGatewaySender() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-    if (cmdResult != null) {
-      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-      getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-      assertEquals(5, status.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-        assertTrue("GatewaySender creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
-            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
-      }
-    } else {
-      fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-    }
-    vm3.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> verifySenderState("ln", false, false));
-    vm3.invoke(
-        () -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, true, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true, 1000, 5000,
-            true, false, 1000, 100, GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_THREADS, null, null, null));
-    vm4.invoke(
-        () -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, true, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true, 1000, 5000,
-            true, false, 1000, 100, GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_THREADS, null, null, null));
-    vm5.invoke(
-        () -> verifySenderAttributes("ln", 2, true, true, 1000, socketReadTimeout, true, 1000, 5000,
-            true, false, 1000, 100, GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_THREADS, null, null, null));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Parallel GatewaySender with given attribute values. Provide dispatcherThreads as 2 which is not
-   * valid for Parallel sender.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateParallelGatewaySender_Error() {
-    Integer punePort = (Integer) vm1.invoke(() -> createFirstLocatorWithDSId(1));
-    Properties props = getDistributedSystemProperties();
-    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
-    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "1");
-    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, "localhost[" + punePort + "]");
-    setUpJmxManagerOnVm0ThenConnect(props);
-    Integer nyPort = (Integer) vm2.invoke(() -> createFirstRemoteLocator(2, punePort));
-    vm3.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm4.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    vm5.invoke(() -> createCache(punePort));
-    int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT + 1000;
-    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ID
-        + "=ln" + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__REMOTEDISTRIBUTEDSYSTEMID + "=2" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__PARALLEL + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MANUALSTART + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETBUFFERSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__SOCKETREADTIMEOUT + "=" + socketReadTimeout + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHSIZE + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__BATCHTIMEINTERVAL + "=5000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ENABLEPERSISTENCE + "=true" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISKSYNCHRONOUS + "=false" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__MAXQUEUEMEMORY + "=1000" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__ALERTTHRESHOLD + "=100" + " --"
-        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYSENDER__DISPATCHERTHREADS + "=2" + " --"
-    IgnoredException exp =
-        IgnoredException.addIgnoredException(GatewaySenderException.class.getName());
-    try {
-      CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommandWithIgnoredExceptions(command);
-      if (cmdResult != null) {
-        String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
-        getLogWriter().info("testCreateGatewaySender stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
-        assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
-        TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult.getResultData();
-        List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
-        assertEquals(5, status.size());
-        for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
-          assertTrue("GatewaySender creation should have failed",
-              status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") != -1);
-        }
-      } else {
-        fail("testCreateGatewaySender failed as did not get CommandResult");
-      }
-    } finally {
-      exp.remove();
-    }
-  }