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Posted to by Bernhard Dübi <> on 2015/12/02 21:11:32 UTC

CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM


we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares
as secondary storage. So good so far.
Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts. I
configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
installation guide.
If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM
and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log

Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help


Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Bernhard Dübi <>.
Hi Rohit,

1. The host configuration in global setting points to management server IP

I'm not sure if I understand your question, but here some info about the
management server and the ESXs

mysql> select * from mshost;
| id | msid         | runid         | name          | state | version |
service_ip    | service_port | last_update         | removed | alert_count |
|  1 | 345051001472 | 1449134366671 | chvircstprd01 | Up    | 4.3.2   | |         9090 | 2015-12-03 16:39:11 | NULL    |           0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from host where data_center_id = 4;
| id  | name        | uuid                                 | status |
type    | private_ip_address | private_netmask | private_mac_address |
storage_ip_address | storage_netmask | storage_mac_address |
storage_ip_address_2 | storage_mac_address_2 | storage_netmask_2 |
cluster_id | public_ip_address | public_netmask | public_mac_address |
proxy_port | data_center_id | pod_id | cpu_sockets | cpus | speed | url  |
fs_type | hypervisor_type | hypervisor_version | ram         |
resource                                            | version | parent |
total_size | capabilities | guid
| available | setup | dom0_memory | last_ping  | mgmt_server_id |
disconnected        | created             | removed | update_count |
resource_state | owner | lastUpdated | engine_state |
| 225 | | 74e2f378-1bcc-4396-b471-8a5a6c2da553 | Up     |
Routing |        |   | 1c:c1:de:04:1e:20   |        |   | 1c:c1:de:04:1e:20   |
NULL                 | NULL                  | NULL              |
16 | NULL              | NULL           | NULL               |       NULL
|              4 |      6 |           2 |   16 |  2533 | NULL | NULL    |
VMware          | 5.5                | 51528777728 | | 4.3.2   | NULL
|       NULL | hvm          | HostSystem:
host-4132@chvirvicprd102.fpprod.corp |         1 |     0 |           0 |
1415170409 |   345051001472 | 2015-12-03 09:19:33 | 2015-12-02 10:49:51 |
NULL    |           10 | Enabled        | NULL  | NULL        |
Disabled     |
| 226 | | e3118144-583d-42e1-9994-16790734770f | Up     |
Routing |        |   | 1c:c1:de:01:44:10   |        |   | 1c:c1:de:01:44:10   |
NULL                 | NULL                  | NULL              |
16 | NULL              | NULL           | NULL               |       NULL
|              4 |      6 |           2 |   16 |  2533 | NULL | NULL    |
VMware          | 5.5                | 51528777728 | | 4.3.2   | NULL
|       NULL | hvm          | HostSystem:
host-4135@chvirvicprd102.fpprod.corp |         1 |     0 |           0 |
1415170412 |   345051001472 | 2015-12-03 09:19:33 | 2015-12-02 10:49:53 |
NULL    |           10 | Enabled        | NULL  | NULL        |
Disabled     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The storage_ip_address in this table is not the one configure on the ESX
Is this a problem?

2. In the logs, I see XenServer communication exceptions so can you  check
if you’re able to reach XenServer from the management server. Please find
and remove any iptables rules dropping/filtering packets.

We currently have some HW problems, but this is out of scope

3. For VMware, you need to make sure that the management server can  reach
both primary and secondary storages, and it can mount secondary storage.

root@chvircstprd01:~# showmount -e zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp
Export list for zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp:
/SVR9199N (everyone)

root@chvircstprd01:~# mount zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp:/cloud01 /mnt/primary
root@chvircstprd01:~# cd /mnt/primary
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/primary# mkdir folder
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/primary# touch folder/file
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/primary# rm -rf folder/
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/primary# cd
root@chvircstprd01:~# mount zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp:/cloud02 /mnt/secondary
root@chvircstprd01:~# cd /mnt/secondary
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/secondary# mkdir folder
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/secondary# touch folder/file
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/secondary# rm -rf folder/
root@chvircstprd01:/mnt/secondary# cd
root@chvircstprd01:~# umount /mnt/primary
root@chvircstprd01:~# umount /mnt/secondary

 4. Please check that you’ve seeded 4.3 systemvm template for VMware  and
that it belongs to the SYSTEM account/user, and update
router.template.vmware global setting with the template name. In the
vm_instance table, check for the failing systemvms  (CPVM and SSVM) if the
hypervisor_type matches where it is trying to run those VMs (also check
against the template_id and vm_templates table, that it’s using correct
template and hypervisor).

mysql> select * from vm_template WHERE id = 8;
| id | unique_name | name                        |
uuid                                 | public | featured | type   | hvm |
bits |
| format | created             | removed | account_id |
checksum                         | display_text                |
enable_password | enable_sshkey | guest_os_id | bootable | prepopulate |
cross_zones | extractable | hypervisor_type | source_template_id |
template_tag | sort_key | size       | state  | update_count | updated |
dynamically_scalable |
|  8 | routing-8   | SystemVM Template (vSphere) |
dbb540f5-698a-11e3-b3f0-005056a47280 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM |   0 |
64 |
OVA    | 2013-12-20 16:24:46 | NULL    |          1 |
ef593a061f3b7594ab0bfd9b0ed0a0d4 | SystemVM Template (vSphere)
|               0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | VMware          |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | 2621440000 | Active |            0 | NULL
|                    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from account where id=1;
| id | account_name | uuid                                 | type |
domain_id | state   | removed | cleanup_needed | network_domain |
default_zone_id | default |
|  1 | system       | eb8d6e53-698a-11e3-b3f0-005056a47280 |    1 |
1 | enabled | NULL    |              0 | NULL           |            NULL
|       1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from configuration where name = "router.template.vmware";
| category | instance | component      | name                   |
value                       |
description                                    |
default_value               | updated | scope | is_dynamic |
| Advanced | DEFAULT  | NetworkManager | router.template.vmware | SystemVM
Template (vSphere) | Name of the default router template on Vmware. |
SystemVM Template (vSphere) | NULL    | NULL  |          0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from vm_instance where vm_template_id = 8 and
data_center_id = 4 limit 10;
| id   | name      | uuid                                 | instance_name |
state     | vm_template_id | guest_os_id | private_mac_address |
private_ip_address | pod_id | data_center_id | host_id | last_host_id |
proxy_id | proxy_assign_time | vnc_password
| ha_enabled | limit_cpu_use | update_count | update_time         |
created             | removed             | type               |
vm_type            | account_id | domain_id | service_offering_id |
reservation_id                       | hypervisor_type | disk_offering_id |
owner | host_name | display_name | desired_state | dynamically_scalable |
display_vm | power_state | power_state_update_time |
power_state_update_count | power_host |
| 2897 | s-2897-VM | c80ce027-aea9-44c9-97df-8cbe310c8cbe | s-2897-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | k8oWizpy3O5ySSlO2r5mSZzlUi0DYPimCtz4BJBkbRI=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:37:07 |
2015-12-02 12:36:37 | 2015-12-02 12:37:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
157e619b-751a-4826-b6a2-f292dbdb05b4 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2898 | v-2898-VM | 91b8e56f-23c2-438a-bcda-2d921e1d257e | v-2898-VM     |
Stopped   |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | K9YDAM3cWahYs1iLlxDg0wQqPp1NG8W1/xBsBDb70lQ=
|          0 |             0 |         6202 | 2015-12-03 16:14:03 |
2015-12-02 12:36:37 | NULL                | ConsoleProxy       |
ConsoleProxy       |          1 |         1 |                  11 |
0f23fbba-dc9a-4fd5-a849-0e03e08514d6 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2899 | s-2899-VM | c67b70dd-2759-4a88-93eb-bc2e1fc460f3 | s-2899-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | fp1kg8gEyp45gWjcf0XD+3FLQB6/B7wnC12uK4NZZLg=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:38:07 |
2015-12-02 12:37:37 | 2015-12-02 12:38:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
e4d31898-1e99-4bf9-9d24-6c9a38137feb | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2900 | s-2900-VM | aa760489-c607-4c4a-ac27-2a53e11e14c9 | s-2900-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | XbNtEtk5ilZ0tAxXI5ORBsHJUvKWi+OgLBI/D3q68wg=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:39:07 |
2015-12-02 12:38:37 | 2015-12-02 12:39:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
a9202078-540e-46ee-b107-56d6b69bd985 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2901 | s-2901-VM | dd497333-d079-48cc-81e3-10bdabbdb11a | s-2901-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | BPUjLuPI9IF31s6ax42/aXBOXt/rHso0
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:40:07 |
2015-12-02 12:39:37 | 2015-12-02 12:40:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
4802cca6-ad6b-4ca6-873b-d57514cc1422 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2902 | s-2902-VM | f522c5b1-62d5-4d91-9b11-e05f79e1cdee | s-2902-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 354K1RLN2YFZxFTBfLzvywqUYKReKd1ZqLaedwTuO54=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:41:07 |
2015-12-02 12:40:37 | 2015-12-02 12:41:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
2f6d0d1f-d823-4559-ad6b-126465fcc296 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2904 | s-2904-VM | b9ed3a1f-50d4-4823-a294-e2eaa75dbaa4 | s-2904-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | q1uDXONRemVhOyjxT49UlD6VubwRLU2NtpR0QKlEZ1c=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:42:07 |
2015-12-02 12:41:37 | 2015-12-02 12:42:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
9fbdcd85-ede2-4c50-9326-70b72184df7b | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2905 | s-2905-VM | e831e52e-f593-4d90-ab18-14ea776bbc34 | s-2905-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | aFfXOvtZfloxqq5QRBzNrljFRhFqxmCLkhk5ZxmynDI=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:43:07 |
2015-12-02 12:42:37 | 2015-12-02 12:43:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
4193722c-0c34-4d17-985e-0049304ef94b | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2906 | s-2906-VM | 4e0522b1-87f9-4712-b62d-2398d4d3cd9b | s-2906-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 8efRzH6J6T5RohxbAvpjp+l9E6+lRJSkBzk9kVty2hw=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:44:07 |
2015-12-02 12:43:37 | 2015-12-02 12:44:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
c09287fe-8196-4e3a-a0eb-a8dc8dbe9247 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 2907 | s-2907-VM | 0c57bd3e-b5e3-4358-89d6-ab67f60bd5e0 | s-2907-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | jpNnDDp50+KR+0qS5J6oWDzihLYRItqchyrvwqFkgog=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-02 12:45:07 |
2015-12-02 12:44:37 | 2015-12-02 12:45:07 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
cf4acf57-76f3-45e2-8a98-f6cb512025c4 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from vm_instance where vm_template_id = 8 and
data_center_id = 4 order by id desc limit 10;
| id   | name      | uuid                                 | instance_name |
state     | vm_template_id | guest_os_id | private_mac_address |
private_ip_address | pod_id | data_center_id | host_id | last_host_id |
proxy_id | proxy_assign_time | vnc_password
| ha_enabled | limit_cpu_use | update_count | update_time         |
created             | removed             | type               |
vm_type            | account_id | domain_id | service_offering_id |
reservation_id                       | hypervisor_type | disk_offering_id |
owner | host_name | display_name | desired_state | dynamically_scalable |
display_vm | power_state | power_state_update_time |
power_state_update_count | power_host |
| 4484 | s-4484-VM | 1fc9301b-b3ca-47a2-b6ac-64a8e08effff | s-4484-VM     |
Stopped   |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 2VYYquHkPX5UNeiMaOBBkyi5vX6Lw61ieSqUWnQbbOw=
|          0 |             0 |            2 | 2015-12-03 16:16:33 |
2015-12-03 16:16:33 | NULL                | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
f271a3a6-156e-43ce-82b4-f4e6ac528490 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4483 | s-4483-VM | 758bd397-5b36-4ed7-ae18-9ec43a82a742 | s-4483-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | dqJIobv4dholiElKbgFtu+EHKdGJq+vxo0UU1e+Gk6g=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:16:03 |
2015-12-03 16:15:33 | 2015-12-03 16:16:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
6cf4a761-4503-40d0-80e0-8ed448115051 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4481 | s-4481-VM | c2037301-c2e5-4bde-8331-5d2702c5d3c3 | s-4481-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | dmN66I2XEFOUB74VOSR3J7W1QmamwU3RsXqdu/TOf6Q=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:15:03 |
2015-12-03 16:14:33 | 2015-12-03 16:15:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
937ab984-40a3-4dac-a5bc-25ec5c6e8220 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4480 | s-4480-VM | 7ebbe6dd-f647-4dd7-acf4-360b041db4e7 | s-4480-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 1ghZR4nWF9H3ByrqnJoJ0A2nDpNy5ZS5PrmkckL5itA=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:14:03 |
2015-12-03 16:13:33 | 2015-12-03 16:14:04 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
c70b9e94-48f4-4a7a-85e9-8b9e0fd52c20 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4479 | s-4479-VM | 4e93ffca-4edc-46d1-bfa6-50bb1d3d997e | s-4479-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | wwRtOrPTDjxbTqEQvUoO/R0jnNIdsV+yo44Sm5jTpzw=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:13:03 |
2015-12-03 16:12:33 | 2015-12-03 16:13:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
7381370b-b6f9-49ab-ae06-8be87e2a7fa1 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4478 | s-4478-VM | a24c486c-3af0-4482-943d-3b8ef67ade24 | s-4478-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 8sO/iJ1BQ9+76Yuh07HwoaYF70UkGplpkOB+nFb+ejc=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:12:03 |
2015-12-03 16:11:33 | 2015-12-03 16:12:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
15aa39f4-5009-4d23-b24c-88c39069065a | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4477 | s-4477-VM | 21deed3d-22f1-4593-86c8-a3241aa3d1ba | s-4477-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | wxVpSqJikhdlIKuMIYSqrLhmadZ3g0wAM9KgNarU1DI=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:11:03 |
2015-12-03 16:10:33 | 2015-12-03 16:11:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
818ebf5c-ed9b-438f-81da-0641b953fe1c | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4476 | s-4476-VM | 2a1c43c5-6c07-4491-a0d3-912a4fe6f833 | s-4476-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | 1fmtGImE7qh7KIO+X/vV3kLZTJDaN7RYE96mIdqlY9Y=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:10:03 |
2015-12-03 16:09:33 | 2015-12-03 16:10:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
4fd1d187-0882-4378-abc8-c1ada93f29d9 | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4475 | s-4475-VM | a7341d42-37d1-40d6-ac43-ea1676bb1123 | s-4475-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | BWPpJlrrzS+oLeRBDMeiIAfXa2oWGf/i
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:09:03 |
2015-12-03 16:08:33 | 2015-12-03 16:09:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
199ccda9-df89-4e3d-9e1c-43907fed4fbd | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
| 4474 | s-4474-VM | 6d3eb6d3-bf25-43e3-872d-cc0a7f56ba12 | s-4474-VM     |
Destroyed |              8 |          15 | NULL                |
NULL               |   NULL |              4 |    NULL |         NULL |
NULL | NULL              | fW+greM9C1xD2pelatc5pkxIOTBycRYGTsHMbWV6ARY=
|          0 |             0 |            5 | 2015-12-03 16:08:03 |
2015-12-03 16:07:33 | 2015-12-03 16:08:03 | SecondaryStorageVm |
SecondaryStorageVm |          1 |         1 |                   9 |
cb6d5e01-612c-470d-b15f-fea6f63f179e | VMware          |             NULL |
NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL          |                    1
|          1 | NULL        | NULL
|                        0 |       NULL |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from service_offering where id = 9;
| id | cpu  | speed | ram_size | nw_rate | mc_rate | ha_enabled |
limit_cpu_use | host_tag | default_use | vm_type            | sort_key |
is_volatile | deployment_planner |
|  9 |    1 |   500 |      512 |    NULL |    NULL |          0
|             0 | NULL     |           1 | secondarystoragevm |        0
|           0 | NULL               |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Hope this helps

2015-12-03 8:10 GMT+01:00 Rohit Yadav <>:

> Hi Bernhard,
> Can you run following checklist:
> 1. The host configuration in global setting points to management server IP
> 2. In the logs, I see XenServer communication exceptions so can you check
> if you’re able to reach XenServer from the management server. Please find
> and remove any iptables rules dropping/filtering packets.
> 3. For VMware, you need to make sure that the management server can reach
> both primary and secondary storages, and it can mount secondary storage.
> From what I remember, you don’t need to explicitly copy systemvm.iso on
> secondary storage for vmware; CloudStack should do that for you. Check
> connectivity between ESXi hosts a nd
> 4. Please check that you’ve seeded 4.3 systemvm template for VMware and
> that it belongs to the SYSTEM account/user, and update
> router.template.vmware global setting with the template name. In the
> vm_instance table, check for the failing systemvms (CPVM and SSVM) if the
> hypervisor_type matches where it is trying to run those VMs (also check
> against the template_id and vm_templates table, that it’s using correct
> template and hypervisor).
> Regards.
> On 03-Dec-2015, at 1:41 AM, Bernhard Dübi <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares
> as secondary storage. So good so far.
> Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts.
> I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
> vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> installation guide.
> If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM
> and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> Regards
> Bernhard
> <>
> Rohit Yadav
> *Software Architect*
> * S: +44 20 3603 0540 <+442036030540> | M: +91 88 262 30892
> <+447770745036>
> <> |
> <> | Twitter:@ShapeBlue
> <!/shapeblue> ShapeBlue Ltd, 53 Chandos Place, Covent
> Garden, London, WC2N 4HS *
> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services
> IaaS Cloud Design & Build
> <>
> CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework <>
> CloudStack Consulting <>
> CloudStack Software Engineering
> <>
> CloudStack Infrastructure Support
> <>
> CloudStack Bootcamp Training Courses
> <>
> This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended
> solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or
> opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
> represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If you are not the
> intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based
> upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender
> if you believe you have received this email in error. Shape Blue Ltd is a
> company incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue Services India LLP is a
> company incorporated in India and is operated under license from Shape Blue
> Ltd. Shape Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is a company incorporated in Brasil
> and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd is
> a company registered by The Republic of South Africa and is traded under
> license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue is a registered trademark.

Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Rohit Yadav <>.
Hi Bernhard,

Can you run following checklist:

1. The host configuration in global setting points to management server IP
2. In the logs, I see XenServer communication exceptions so can you check if you’re able to reach XenServer from the management server. Please find and remove any iptables rules dropping/filtering packets.
3. For VMware, you need to make sure that the management server can reach both primary and secondary storages, and it can mount secondary storage. From what I remember, you don’t need to explicitly copy systemvm.iso on secondary storage for vmware; CloudStack should do that for you. Check connectivity between ESXi hosts a nd
4. Please check that you’ve seeded 4.3 systemvm template for VMware and that it belongs to the SYSTEM account/user, and update router.template.vmware global setting with the template name. In the vm_instance table, check for the failing systemvms (CPVM and SSVM) if the hypervisor_type matches where it is trying to run those VMs (also check against the template_id and vm_templates table, that it’s using correct template and hypervisor).


On 03-Dec-2015, at 1:41 AM, Bernhard Dübi <>> wrote:


we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares as secondary storage. So good so far.
Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts. I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the installation guide.
If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log

Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help


Rohit Yadav
Software Architect


S: +44 20 3603 0540<tel:+442036030540> | M: +91 88 262 30892<tel:+447770745036><> |<> | Twitter:@ShapeBlue<!/shapeblue>

ShapeBlue Ltd, 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London, WC2N 4HS

Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services

IaaS Cloud Design & Build<>
CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework<>
CloudStack Consulting<>
CloudStack Software Engineering<>
CloudStack Infrastructure Support<>
CloudStack Bootcamp Training Courses<>

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error. Shape Blue Ltd is a company incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue Services India LLP is a company incorporated in India and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. Shape Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is a company incorporated in Brasil and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd is a company registered by The Republic of South Africa and is traded under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue is a registered trademark.

Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Bernhard Dübi <>.

I did some tests today and the deployment of a VM to the shared storage
fails with the following error:

2015-12-07 13:31:42,702 WARN  [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-375:ctx-5e9a2b70 StartCommand failed due to
Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

Message: null


















for details you can download the management server log at

the VM I tried to deploy was called sles11-tpl07 (this is a typo,
effectively this is a SLES12)

I can see in the Virtual Center that a VM pops up but then gets deleted
after a few minutes.
In the root directory of the primary storage I see a VMDK file which is not
deleted after the VM is expunged. And with every run, there appears a new

Any idea what's wrong?

Kind regards

2015-12-05 15:39 GMT+01:00 Bernhard Dübi <>:

> Hi Somesh,
> this was definitively a step in the right direction.
> I added the local storage of the ESX hosts. In the GUI I could only chose
> between cluster wide and zone wide storage. So, I hacked the DB and changed
> the type to HOST. After that the system VMs came up.
> I was now able to upload an ISO image but I was not yet able to deploy a
> VM. I tried with a disk offering for local storage and a disk offering for
> shareed storage but both fail with missing resources. I'll collect the info
> and post them here.
> Thank you very much for your help
> Bernhard
> 2015-12-05 0:25 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
>> Look at the column "use_local_storage" being set to 1 meaning the system
>> service offering requires local storage. That should be because the global
>> config "" in your environment is set to true.
>> I am not sure if 4.3.x has the capability to set the above config per
>> Zone so you may have to use local storage for system VMs in the new Zone
>> (ID 4) as well.
>> Somesh
>> CloudPlatform Escalations
>> Citrix Systems, Inc.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bernhard Dübi []
>> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 1:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
>> Hi Somesh,
>> thank you for looking into this
>> mysql> select * from disk_offering where id=9;
>> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
>> | id | domain_id | name                                     |
>> uuid                                 | display_text | disk_size | type
>> |
>> tags | recreatable | use_local_storage | unique_name                |
>> system_use | customized | removed | created             | sort_key |
>> display_offering | customized_iops | min_iops | max_iops | bytes_read_rate
>> | bytes_write_rate | iops_read_rate | iops_write_rate | state  |
>> hv_ss_reserve |
>> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
>> |  9 |      NULL | System Offering For Secondary Storage VM |
>> e216d1da-f106-4db5-b9ea-72c6942d5d66 | NULL         |         0 | Service
>> |
>> NULL |           1 |                 1 |
>> |          1 |          1 | NULL    | 2013-12-20 15:25:16 |        0
>> |                1 |            NULL |     NULL |     NULL |
>> NULL |             NULL |           NULL |            NULL | Active
>> |          NULL |
>> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>> mysql> select * from storage_pool where data_center_id = 4;
>> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
>> | id  | name             | uuid                                 |
>> pool_type         | port | data_center_id | pod_id | cluster_id |
>> used_bytes    | capacity_bytes | host_address             | user_info |
>> path     | created             | removed | update_time | status |
>> storage_provider_name | scope   | hypervisor | managed | capacity_iops |
>> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
>> | 173 | VMware_Primary01 | 8ed580cb-bed8-3de4-b2d6-ffd60d30b6a3 |
>> NetworkFilesystem | 2049 |              4 |      6 |         16 |
>> 1525553401856 |  2198886936576 | zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp | NULL      |
>> /cloud01 | 2015-12-02 11:25:25 | NULL    | NULL        | Up     |
>> DefaultPrimary        | CLUSTER | NULL       |       0 |          NULL |
>> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>> 2015-12-04 0:45 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
>> > > So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary storage pool.
>> >
>> > No, that's the primary storage the allocator is complaining about.
>> >
>> > Can you verify if there is a enabled storage pool (primary storage) in
>> > that Zone/Clusters with the matching "storage type" as that of the
>> service
>> > offering of the System VMs (SSVM/CPVM)? The tables you'd want to be
>> looking
>> > at is disk_offering (id=9) and storage_pool (data_center_id=4).
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Somesh
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Bernhard Dübi []
>> > Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:33 PM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
>> >
>> > the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted
>> in
>> > the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the
>> secondary
>> > storage pool.
>> > do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the
>> secondary
>> > storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Bernhard
>> >
>> > 2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
>> >
>> > > The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be
>> the
>> > > same.
>> > >
>> > > Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
>> > > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
>> > > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm,
>> bring
>> > it
>> > > up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
>> > > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
>> > > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
>> > > storage vm
>> > > Unable to
>> create
>> > > a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
>> > >; id=4
>> > >
>> > > There are similar for CPVM.
>> > >
>> > > I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
>> > > provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect
>> storage.
>> > I
>> > > believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local
>> > storage
>> > > but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
>> > >
>> > > Somesh
>> > > CloudPlatform Escalations
>> > > Citrix Systems, Inc.
>> > >
>> > > From: Bernhard Dübi []
>> > > Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
>> > > To:
>> > > Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
>> > >
>> > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > > we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
>> > > organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS
>> > shares
>> > > as secondary storage. So good so far.
>> > > Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5
>> hosts.
>> > > I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied
>> the
>> > > vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
>> > > installation guide.
>> > > If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
>> > > Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the
>> > SSVM
>> > > and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
>> > > Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
>> > >
>> > > Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
>> > >
>> > > Regards
>> > > Bernhard
>> > >
>> >

Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Bernhard Dübi <>.
Hi Somesh,

this was definitively a step in the right direction.
I added the local storage of the ESX hosts. In the GUI I could only chose
between cluster wide and zone wide storage. So, I hacked the DB and changed
the type to HOST. After that the system VMs came up.

I was now able to upload an ISO image but I was not yet able to deploy a
VM. I tried with a disk offering for local storage and a disk offering for
shareed storage but both fail with missing resources. I'll collect the info
and post them here.

Thank you very much for your help

2015-12-05 0:25 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:

> Look at the column "use_local_storage" being set to 1 meaning the system
> service offering requires local storage. That should be because the global
> config "" in your environment is set to true.
> I am not sure if 4.3.x has the capability to set the above config per Zone
> so you may have to use local storage for system VMs in the new Zone (ID 4)
> as well.
> Somesh
> CloudPlatform Escalations
> Citrix Systems, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernhard Dübi []
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 1:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> Hi Somesh,
> thank you for looking into this
> mysql> select * from disk_offering where id=9;
> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
> | id | domain_id | name                                     |
> uuid                                 | display_text | disk_size | type    |
> tags | recreatable | use_local_storage | unique_name                |
> system_use | customized | removed | created             | sort_key |
> display_offering | customized_iops | min_iops | max_iops | bytes_read_rate
> | bytes_write_rate | iops_read_rate | iops_write_rate | state  |
> hv_ss_reserve |
> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
> |  9 |      NULL | System Offering For Secondary Storage VM |
> e216d1da-f106-4db5-b9ea-72c6942d5d66 | NULL         |         0 | Service |
> NULL |           1 |                 1 |
> |          1 |          1 | NULL    | 2013-12-20 15:25:16 |        0
> |                1 |            NULL |     NULL |     NULL |
> NULL |             NULL |           NULL |            NULL | Active
> |          NULL |
> +----+-----------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------+------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+---------+---------------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------+---------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from storage_pool where data_center_id = 4;
> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
> | id  | name             | uuid                                 |
> pool_type         | port | data_center_id | pod_id | cluster_id |
> used_bytes    | capacity_bytes | host_address             | user_info |
> path     | created             | removed | update_time | status |
> storage_provider_name | scope   | hypervisor | managed | capacity_iops |
> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
> | 173 | VMware_Primary01 | 8ed580cb-bed8-3de4-b2d6-ffd60d30b6a3 |
> NetworkFilesystem | 2049 |              4 |      6 |         16 |
> 1525553401856 |  2198886936576 | zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp | NULL      |
> /cloud01 | 2015-12-02 11:25:25 | NULL    | NULL        | Up     |
> DefaultPrimary        | CLUSTER | NULL       |       0 |          NULL |
> +-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------+------+----------------+--------+------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------+---------+------------+---------+---------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> 2015-12-04 0:45 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
> > > So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary storage pool.
> >
> > No, that's the primary storage the allocator is complaining about.
> >
> > Can you verify if there is a enabled storage pool (primary storage) in
> > that Zone/Clusters with the matching "storage type" as that of the
> service
> > offering of the System VMs (SSVM/CPVM)? The tables you'd want to be
> looking
> > at is disk_offering (id=9) and storage_pool (data_center_id=4).
> >
> > Regards,
> > Somesh
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bernhard Dübi []
> > Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:33 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
> >
> > the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted in
> > the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary
> > storage pool.
> > do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the
> secondary
> > storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM
> >
> > Regards
> > Bernhard
> >
> > 2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
> >
> > > The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be
> the
> > > same.
> > >
> > > Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
> > > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring
> > it
> > > up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
> > > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
> > > storage vm
> > > Unable to
> create
> > > a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
> > >; id=4
> > >
> > > There are similar for CPVM.
> > >
> > > I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
> > > provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect
> storage.
> > I
> > > believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local
> > storage
> > > but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
> > >
> > > Somesh
> > > CloudPlatform Escalations
> > > Citrix Systems, Inc.
> > >
> > > From: Bernhard Dübi []
> > > Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> > > organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS
> > shares
> > > as secondary storage. So good so far.
> > > Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5
> hosts.
> > > I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied
> the
> > > vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> > > installation guide.
> > > If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> > > Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the
> > SSVM
> > > and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> > > Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> > >
> > > Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Bernhard
> > >
> >

RE: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Somesh Naidu <>.
Look at the column "use_local_storage" being set to 1 meaning the system service offering requires local storage. That should be because the global config "" in your environment is set to true.

I am not sure if 4.3.x has the capability to set the above config per Zone so you may have to use local storage for system VMs in the new Zone (ID 4) as well.

CloudPlatform Escalations
Citrix Systems, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernhard Dübi [] 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Hi Somesh,

thank you for looking into this

mysql> select * from disk_offering where id=9;
| id | domain_id | name                                     |
uuid                                 | display_text | disk_size | type    |
tags | recreatable | use_local_storage | unique_name                |
system_use | customized | removed | created             | sort_key |
display_offering | customized_iops | min_iops | max_iops | bytes_read_rate
| bytes_write_rate | iops_read_rate | iops_write_rate | state  |
hv_ss_reserve |
|  9 |      NULL | System Offering For Secondary Storage VM |
e216d1da-f106-4db5-b9ea-72c6942d5d66 | NULL         |         0 | Service |
NULL |           1 |                 1 |
|          1 |          1 | NULL    | 2013-12-20 15:25:16 |        0
|                1 |            NULL |     NULL |     NULL |
NULL |             NULL |           NULL |            NULL | Active
|          NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from storage_pool where data_center_id = 4;
| id  | name             | uuid                                 |
pool_type         | port | data_center_id | pod_id | cluster_id |
used_bytes    | capacity_bytes | host_address             | user_info |
path     | created             | removed | update_time | status |
storage_provider_name | scope   | hypervisor | managed | capacity_iops |
| 173 | VMware_Primary01 | 8ed580cb-bed8-3de4-b2d6-ffd60d30b6a3 |
NetworkFilesystem | 2049 |              4 |      6 |         16 |
1525553401856 |  2198886936576 | zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp | NULL      |
/cloud01 | 2015-12-02 11:25:25 | NULL    | NULL        | Up     |
DefaultPrimary        | CLUSTER | NULL       |       0 |          NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2015-12-04 0:45 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:

> > So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary storage pool.
> No, that's the primary storage the allocator is complaining about.
> Can you verify if there is a enabled storage pool (primary storage) in
> that Zone/Clusters with the matching "storage type" as that of the service
> offering of the System VMs (SSVM/CPVM)? The tables you'd want to be looking
> at is disk_offering (id=9) and storage_pool (data_center_id=4).
> Regards,
> Somesh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernhard Dübi []
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> Hi,
> you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
> the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted in
> the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary
> storage pool.
> do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the secondary
> storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM
> Regards
> Bernhard
> 2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
> > The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be the
> > same.
> >
> > Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
> > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring
> it
> > up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
> > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
> > storage vm
> > Unable to create
> > a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
> >; id=4
> >
> > There are similar for CPVM.
> >
> > I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
> > provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect storage.
> I
> > believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local
> storage
> > but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
> >
> > Somesh
> > CloudPlatform Escalations
> > Citrix Systems, Inc.
> >
> > From: Bernhard Dübi []
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> > organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS
> shares
> > as secondary storage. So good so far.
> > Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts.
> > I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
> > vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> > installation guide.
> > If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> > Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the
> > and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> > Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> >
> > Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> >
> > Regards
> > Bernhard
> >

Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Bernhard Dübi <>.
Hi Somesh,

thank you for looking into this

mysql> select * from disk_offering where id=9;
| id | domain_id | name                                     |
uuid                                 | display_text | disk_size | type    |
tags | recreatable | use_local_storage | unique_name                |
system_use | customized | removed | created             | sort_key |
display_offering | customized_iops | min_iops | max_iops | bytes_read_rate
| bytes_write_rate | iops_read_rate | iops_write_rate | state  |
hv_ss_reserve |
|  9 |      NULL | System Offering For Secondary Storage VM |
e216d1da-f106-4db5-b9ea-72c6942d5d66 | NULL         |         0 | Service |
NULL |           1 |                 1 |
|          1 |          1 | NULL    | 2013-12-20 15:25:16 |        0
|                1 |            NULL |     NULL |     NULL |
NULL |             NULL |           NULL |            NULL | Active
|          NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from storage_pool where data_center_id = 4;
| id  | name             | uuid                                 |
pool_type         | port | data_center_id | pod_id | cluster_id |
used_bytes    | capacity_bytes | host_address             | user_info |
path     | created             | removed | update_time | status |
storage_provider_name | scope   | hypervisor | managed | capacity_iops |
| 173 | VMware_Primary01 | 8ed580cb-bed8-3de4-b2d6-ffd60d30b6a3 |
NetworkFilesystem | 2049 |              4 |      6 |         16 |
1525553401856 |  2198886936576 | zcgnfsesx001.fpprod.corp | NULL      |
/cloud01 | 2015-12-02 11:25:25 | NULL    | NULL        | Up     |
DefaultPrimary        | CLUSTER | NULL       |       0 |          NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2015-12-04 0:45 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:

> > So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary storage pool.
> No, that's the primary storage the allocator is complaining about.
> Can you verify if there is a enabled storage pool (primary storage) in
> that Zone/Clusters with the matching "storage type" as that of the service
> offering of the System VMs (SSVM/CPVM)? The tables you'd want to be looking
> at is disk_offering (id=9) and storage_pool (data_center_id=4).
> Regards,
> Somesh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernhard Dübi []
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> Hi,
> you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
> the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted in
> the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary
> storage pool.
> do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the secondary
> storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM
> Regards
> Bernhard
> 2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:
> > The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be the
> > same.
> >
> > Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
> > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring
> it
> > up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
> > 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> > (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
> > storage vm
> > Unable to create
> > a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
> >; id=4
> >
> > There are similar for CPVM.
> >
> > I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
> > provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect storage.
> I
> > believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local
> storage
> > but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
> >
> > Somesh
> > CloudPlatform Escalations
> > Citrix Systems, Inc.
> >
> > From: Bernhard Dübi []
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> > organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS
> shares
> > as secondary storage. So good so far.
> > Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts.
> > I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
> > vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> > installation guide.
> > If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> > Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the
> > and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> > Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> >
> > Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> >
> > Regards
> > Bernhard
> >

RE: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Somesh Naidu <>.
> So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary storage pool.

No, that's the primary storage the allocator is complaining about.

Can you verify if there is a enabled storage pool (primary storage) in that Zone/Clusters with the matching "storage type" as that of the service offering of the System VMs (SSVM/CPVM)? The tables you'd want to be looking at is disk_offering (id=9) and storage_pool (data_center_id=4).


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernhard Dübi [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM


you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted in
the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary
storage pool.
do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the secondary
storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM


2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:

> The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be the
> same.
> Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
> 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring it
> up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
> 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
> storage vm
> Unable to create
> a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
>; id=4
> There are similar for CPVM.
> I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
> provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect storage. I
> believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local storage
> but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
> Somesh
> CloudPlatform Escalations
> Citrix Systems, Inc.
> From: Bernhard Dübi []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> Hi,
> we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares
> as secondary storage. So good so far.
> Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts.
> I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
> vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> installation guide.
> If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM
> and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> Regards
> Bernhard

Re: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Bernhard Dübi <>.

you can get an excerpt from my management-server.log at level DEBUG at
the log sais "no pool found" but I can see the primary storage mounted in
the VMware Virtual Center. So, I assume the missing pool is the secondary
storage pool.
do we have a chicken & egg problem: to deploy the SSVM I need the secondary
storage and to access the secondary storage I need the SSVM


2015-12-02 23:28 GMT+01:00 Somesh Naidu <>:

> The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be the
> same.
> Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
> 2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring it
> up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
> 2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
> (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary
> storage vm
> Unable to create
> a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface
>; id=4
> There are similar for CPVM.
> I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will
> provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect storage. I
> believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local storage
> but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.
> Somesh
> CloudPlatform Escalations
> Citrix Systems, Inc.
> From: Bernhard Dübi []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM
> Hi,
> we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts
> organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares
> as secondary storage. So good so far.
> Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts.
> I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the
> vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the
> installation guide.
> If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
> Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM
> and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
> Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log
> Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
> Regards
> Bernhard

RE: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM

Posted by Somesh Naidu <>.
The reason for SSVM and CPVM not being deployed would quite likely be the same.

Here are the errors relevant to SSVM start failure:
2015-12-02 18:19:27,314 INFO  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Found a stopped secondary storage vm, bring it up to running pool. secStorageVm vm id : 3099
2015-12-02 18:19:27,417 WARN  [c.c.s.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (secstorage-1:ctx-f86ee694) Exception while trying to start secondary storage vm Unable to create a deployment for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-3099-VM]Scope=interface; id=4

There are similar for CPVM.

I see that the logging level is set to INFO. Changing to DEBUG will provide more pointers on the cause of the failures. I’d suspect storage. I believe mgmt server may be trying to deploy the System VMs on local storage but there isn’t one available in the new Zone.

CloudPlatform Escalations
Citrix Systems, Inc.

From: Bernhard Dübi []
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:12 PM
Subject: CloudStack fails to deploy SSVM


we have a CloudStack 4.3.2 installation with 152 XenServer 6.2.0 hosts organized in 2 zones. We use local disks as primary storage and NFS shares as secondary storage. So good so far.
Now I created a new zone and added a VMware cluster with 2 ESX 5.5 hosts. I configured 2 NFS shares as primary and secondary storage. I copied the vSphere systemvm to the new secondary storage as described in the installation guide.
If I understand right, this template will be used to deploy the SSVM.
Unfortunately something is missing and CloudStack fails to deploy the SSVM and - probably as a consequence - the Console Proxy
Please find attached a small part of the management-server.log

Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for your help
