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Posted to by Adam Mitchell <> on 2012/11/06 13:55:33 UTC

Maven Ant Tasks : settingsFile doesn't work correctly in non-user directories?

Hi all,
                I'm currently working on a project integrating a maven based dependency into our core application and am running into a bit of a problem.
Despite maven itself (via IDEA maven plugin or command line mvn) being able to retrieve these successfully, when using the maven ant tasks plugin it cannot, though central and other repository dependencies work fine.

My settings file specifies our organisation's public repository which is composed of multiple repositories.

Here's the weird bit:
Strangely, where the settings file that the ant tasks plugin is using is located seems to prevent this working.

<artifact:dependencies filesetId="compile" pomRefId="pom" versionsId="dependency.versions" settingsFile="C:\Home\trunk\server\settings.xml" scopes="provided"/>

Will fail

If I move the file to my .m2/ folder however and use:

<artifact:dependencies filesetId="compile" pomRefId="pom" versionsId="dependency.versions" settingsFile="C:\Users\ADAM.MITCHELL\.m2\settings.xml" scopes="provided"/>

With everything the same, it succeeds.

Anyone else experience this?
