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[1/4] sqoop git commit: SQOOP-2696: Sqoop2: Doc: Select final theme for the docs (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Kate Ting)

Repository: sqoop
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  refs/heads/sqoop2 1007da03e -> 8af08e512
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js/modernizr.min.js b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js/modernizr.min.js
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+        var parent_li = elem.closest('li');
+        parent_li.siblings('li.current').removeClass('current');
+        parent_li.siblings().find('li.current').removeClass('current');
+        parent_li.find('> ul li.current').removeClass('current');
+        parent_li.toggleClass('current');
+    }
+    return nav;
+module.exports.ThemeNav = ThemeNav();
+if (typeof(window) != 'undefined') {
+    window.SphinxRtdTheme = { StickyNav: module.exports.ThemeNav };
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3896d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+inherit = basic
+stylesheet = css/theme.css
+typekit_id = hiw1hhg
+analytics_id = 
+sticky_navigation = False
+logo_only =
+collapse_navigation = False
+display_version = True
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/versions.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/versions.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b3eb79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/versions.html
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{# Add rst-badge after rst-versions for small badge style. #}
+  <div class="rst-versions" data-toggle="rst-versions" role="note" aria-label="versions">
+    <span class="rst-current-version" data-toggle="rst-current-version">
+      <span class="fa fa-book"> Read the Docs</span>
+      v: {{ current_version }}
+      <span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span>
+    </span>
+    <div class="rst-other-versions">
+      <dl>
+        <dt>Versions</dt>
+        {% for slug, url in versions %}
+          <dd><a href="{{ url }}">{{ slug }}</a></dd>
+        {% endfor %}
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt>Downloads</dt>
+        {% for type, url in downloads %}
+          <dd><a href="{{ url }}">{{ type }}</a></dd>
+        {% endfor %}
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt>On Read the Docs</dt>
+          <dd>
+            <a href="//{{ PRODUCTION_DOMAIN }}/projects/{{ slug }}/?fromdocs={{ slug }}">Project Home</a>
+          </dd>
+          <dd>
+            <a href="//{{ PRODUCTION_DOMAIN }}/builds/{{ slug }}/?fromdocs={{ slug }}">Builds</a>
+          </dd>
+      </dl>
+      <hr/>
+      Free document hosting provided by <a href="">Read the Docs</a>.
+    </div>
+  </div>
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/
index c0800f6..2fd709a 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/sphinx/
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ this = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 # Docs configuration
 master_doc = 'index'
 project = 'Apache Sqoop'
-copyright = '2009-2015 The Apache Software Foundation'
+copyright = '2009-2016 The Apache Software Foundation'
 # Build configuration
 keep_warnings = True
@@ -42,9 +42,10 @@ pygments_style = 'trac'
 highlight_language = 'none'
 # Output configuration
-html_theme = 'sphinxdoc'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+html_theme_path = ["_themes"]
 html_show_sphinx = False
 html_logo = 'sqoop-logo.png'
 html_sidebars = {
   '**': ['globaltoc.html'],
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 12786ca..613fce4 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -756,6 +756,7 @@ limitations under the License.
+              <exclude>src/site/sphinx/_themes/**</exclude>

[4/4] sqoop git commit: SQOOP-2696: Sqoop2: Doc: Select final theme for the docs (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Kate Ting)

Posted by
SQOOP-2696: Sqoop2: Doc: Select final theme for the docs
 (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Kate Ting)


Branch: refs/heads/sqoop2
Commit: 8af08e512ee42f94f02b899744d50b5e67fa934b
Parents: 1007da0
Author: Kate Ting <>
Authored: Mon Jan 11 16:23:09 2016 -0800
Committer: Kate Ting <>
Committed: Mon Jan 11 16:23:09 2016 -0800

 .../sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/ |  17 +
 .../_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/breadcrumbs.html   |  31 ++
 .../sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/footer.html |  52 ++
 .../sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html | 196 +++++++
 .../_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout_old.html    | 205 ++++++++
 .../sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/search.html |  50 ++
 .../_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/searchbox.html     |   9 +
 .../sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/badge_only.css  |   2 +
 .../sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/theme.css       |   5 +
 .../static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg        | 520 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js/modernizr.min.js |   4 +
 .../_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js/theme.js | 153 ++++++
 .../sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf  |  11 +
 .../_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/versions.html      |  37 ++
 docs/src/site/sphinx/                    |   7 +-
 pom.xml                                         |   1 +
 16 files changed, 1297 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ddcce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""Sphinx ReadTheDocs theme.
+import os
+VERSION = (0, 1, 9)
+__version__ = ".".join(str(v) for v in VERSION)
+__version_full__ = __version__
+def get_html_theme_path():
+    """Return list of HTML theme paths."""
+    cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+    return cur_dir
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/breadcrumbs.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/breadcrumbs.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131d497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/breadcrumbs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{# Support for Sphinx 1.3+ page_source_suffix, but don't break old builds. #}
+{% if page_source_suffix %} 
+{% set suffix = page_source_suffix %}
+{% else %}
+{% set suffix = source_suffix %}
+{% endif %}
+<div role="navigation" aria-label="breadcrumbs navigation">
+  <ul class="wy-breadcrumbs">
+    <li><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">Docs</a> &raquo;</li>
+      {% for doc in parents %}
+          <li><a href="{{|e }}">{{ doc.title }}</a> &raquo;</li>
+      {% endfor %}
+    <li>{{ title }}</li>
+      <li class="wy-breadcrumbs-aside">
+        {% if pagename != "search" %}
+          {% if display_github %}
+            <a href="https://{{ github_host|default("") }}/{{ github_user }}/{{ github_repo }}/blob/{{ github_version }}{{ conf_py_path }}{{ pagename }}{{ suffix }}" class="fa fa-github"> Edit on GitHub</a>
+          {% elif display_bitbucket %}
+            <a href="{{ bitbucket_user }}/{{ bitbucket_repo }}/src/{{ bitbucket_version}}{{ conf_py_path }}{{ pagename }}{{ suffix }}" class="fa fa-bitbucket"> Edit on Bitbucket</a>
+          {% elif show_source and source_url_prefix %}
+            <a href="{{ source_url_prefix }}{{ pagename }}{{ suffix }}">View page source</a>
+          {% elif show_source and has_source and sourcename %}
+            <a href="{{ pathto('_sources/' + sourcename, true)|e }}" rel="nofollow"> View page source</a>
+          {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+      </li>
+  </ul>
+  <hr/>
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/footer.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4396ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  {% if next or prev %}
+    <div class="rst-footer-buttons" role="navigation" aria-label="footer navigation">
+      {% if next %}
+        <a href="{{|e }}" class="btn btn-neutral float-right" title="{{ next.title|striptags|e }}" accesskey="n">Next <span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></span></a>
+      {% endif %}
+      {% if prev %}
+        <a href="{{|e }}" class="btn btn-neutral" title="{{ prev.title|striptags|e }}" accesskey="p"><span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-left"></span> Previous</a>
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
+  {% endif %}
+  <hr/>
+  <div role="contentinfo">
+    <p>
+    {%- if show_copyright %}
+      {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
+        {% trans path=pathto('copyright'), copyright=copyright|e %}&copy; <a href="{{ path }}">Copyright</a> {{ copyright }}.{% endtrans %}
+      {%- else %}
+        {% trans copyright=copyright|e %}&copy; Copyright {{ copyright }}.{% endtrans %}
+      {%- endif %}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if build_id and build_url %}
+      {% trans build_url=build_url, build_id=build_id %}
+        <span class="build">
+          Build
+          <a href="{{ build_url }}">{{ build_id }}</a>.
+        </span>
+      {% endtrans %}
+    {%- elif commit %}
+      {% trans commit=commit %}
+        <span class="commit">
+          Revision <code>{{ commit }}</code>.
+        </span>
+      {% endtrans %}
+    {%- elif last_updated %}
+      {% trans last_updated=last_updated|e %}Last updated on {{ last_updated }}.{% endtrans %}
+    {%- endif %}
+    </p>
+  </div>
+  {%- if show_sphinx %}
+  {% trans %}Built with <a href="">Sphinx</a> using a <a href="">theme</a> provided by <a href="">Read the Docs</a>{% endtrans %}.
+  {%- endif %}
+  {%- block extrafooter %} {% endblock %}
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44978c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+{%- set url_root = pathto('', 1) %}
+{%- if url_root == '#' %}{% set url_root = '' %}{% endif %}
+{%- if not embedded and docstitle %}
+  {%- set titlesuffix = " &mdash; "|safe + docstitle|e %}
+{%- else %}
+  {%- set titlesuffix = "" %}
+{%- endif %}
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!--[if IE 8]><html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="en" > <![endif]-->
+<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en" > <!--<![endif]-->
+  <meta charset="utf-8">
+  {{ metatags }}
+  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+  {% block htmltitle %}
+  <title>{{ title|striptags|e }}{{ titlesuffix }}</title>
+  {% endblock %}
+  {# FAVICON #}
+  {% if favicon %}
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ pathto('_static/' + favicon, 1) }}"/>
+  {% endif %}
+  {# CSS #}
+  {% if not embedded %}
+    {% if use_opensearch %}
+      <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="{% trans docstitle=docstitle|e %}Search within {{ docstitle }}{% endtrans %}" href="{{ pathto('_static/opensearch.xml', 1) }}"/>
+    {% endif %}
+  {% endif %}
+  {# RTD hosts this file, so just load on non RTD builds #}
+  {% if not READTHEDOCS %}
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/' + style, 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+  {% endif %}
+  {% for cssfile in css_files %}
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto(cssfile, 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+  {% endfor %}
+  {% for cssfile in extra_css_files %}
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto(cssfile, 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+  {% endfor %}
+  {%- block linktags %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('about') %}
+        <link rel="author" title="{{ _('About these documents') }}"
+              href="{{ pathto('about') }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('genindex') %}
+        <link rel="index" title="{{ _('Index') }}"
+              href="{{ pathto('genindex') }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('search') %}
+        <link rel="search" title="{{ _('Search') }}" href="{{ pathto('search') }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
+        <link rel="copyright" title="{{ _('Copyright') }}" href="{{ pathto('copyright') }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    <link rel="top" title="{{ docstitle|e }}" href="{{ pathto('index') }}"/>
+    {%- if parents %}
+        <link rel="up" title="{{ parents[-1].title|striptags|e }}" href="{{ parents[-1].link|e }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if next %}
+        <link rel="next" title="{{ next.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if prev %}
+        <link rel="prev" title="{{ prev.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- endblock %}
+  {%- block extrahead %} {% endblock %}
+  {# Keep modernizr in head - #}
+  <script src="{{ pathto('_static/js/modernizr.min.js', 1) }}"></script>
+<body class="wy-body-for-nav" role="document">
+  <div class="wy-grid-for-nav">
+    <nav data-toggle="wy-nav-shift" class="wy-nav-side">
+      <div class="wy-side-scroll">
+        <div class="wy-side-nav-search">
+          {% block sidebartitle %}
+          {% if logo and theme_logo_only %}
+            <a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">
+          {% else %}
+            <a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}" class="icon icon-home"> {{ project }}
+          {% endif %}
+          {% if logo %}
+            {# Not strictly valid HTML, but it's the only way to display/scale it properly, without weird scripting or heaps of work #}
+            <img src="{{ pathto('_static/' + logo, 1) }}" class="logo" />
+          {% endif %}
+          </a>
+          {% if theme_display_version %}
+            {%- set nav_version = version %}
+            {% if READTHEDOCS and current_version %}
+              {%- set nav_version = current_version %}
+            {% endif %}
+            {% if nav_version %}
+              <div class="version">
+                {{ nav_version }}
+              </div>
+            {% endif %}
+          {% endif %}
+          {% include "searchbox.html" %}
+          {% endblock %}
+        </div>
+        <div class="wy-menu wy-menu-vertical" data-spy="affix" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
+          {% block menu %}
+            {% set toctree = toctree(maxdepth=4, collapse=theme_collapse_navigation, includehidden=True) %}
+            {% if toctree %}
+                {{ toctree }}
+            {% else %}
+                <!-- Local TOC -->
+                <div class="local-toc">{{ toc }}</div>
+            {% endif %}
+          {% endblock %}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </nav>
+    <section data-toggle="wy-nav-shift" class="wy-nav-content-wrap">
+      <nav class="wy-nav-top" role="navigation" aria-label="top navigation">
+        <i data-toggle="wy-nav-top" class="fa fa-bars"></i>
+        <a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">{{ project }}</a>
+      </nav>
+      {# PAGE CONTENT #}
+      <div class="wy-nav-content">
+        <div class="rst-content">
+          {% include "breadcrumbs.html" %}
+          <div role="main" class="document" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
+           <div itemprop="articleBody">
+            {% block body %}{% endblock %}
+           </div>
+          </div>
+          {% include "footer.html" %}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </section>
+  </div>
+  {% include "versions.html" %}
+  {% if not embedded %}
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+            URL_ROOT:'{{ url_root }}',
+            VERSION:'{{ release|e }}',
+            COLLAPSE_INDEX:false,
+            FILE_SUFFIX:'{{ '' if no_search_suffix else file_suffix }}',
+            HAS_SOURCE:  {{ has_source|lower }}
+        };
+    </script>
+    {%- for scriptfile in script_files %}
+      <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto(scriptfile, 1) }}"></script>
+    {%- endfor %}
+  {% endif %}
+  {# RTD hosts this file, so just load on non RTD builds #}
+  {% if not READTHEDOCS %}
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto('_static/js/theme.js', 1) }}"></script>
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if theme_sticky_navigation %}
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+      jQuery(function () {
+          SphinxRtdTheme.StickyNav.enable();
+      });
+  </script>
+  {% endif %}
+  {%- block footer %} {% endblock %}
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout_old.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout_old.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb8df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/layout_old.html
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+    basic/layout.html
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Master layout template for Sphinx themes.
+    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2013 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+{%- block doctype -%}
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+  "">
+{%- endblock %}
+{%- set reldelim1 = reldelim1 is not defined and ' &raquo;' or reldelim1 %}
+{%- set reldelim2 = reldelim2 is not defined and ' |' or reldelim2 %}
+{%- set render_sidebar = (not embedded) and (not theme_nosidebar|tobool) and
+                         (sidebars != []) %}
+{%- set url_root = pathto('', 1) %}
+{# XXX necessary? #}
+{%- if url_root == '#' %}{% set url_root = '' %}{% endif %}
+{%- if not embedded and docstitle %}
+  {%- set titlesuffix = " &mdash; "|safe + docstitle|e %}
+{%- else %}
+  {%- set titlesuffix = "" %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- macro relbar() %}
+    <div class="related">
+      <h3>{{ _('Navigation') }}</h3>
+      <ul>
+        {%- for rellink in rellinks %}
+        <li class="right" {% if loop.first %}style="margin-right: 10px"{% endif %}>
+          <a href="{{ pathto(rellink[0]) }}" title="{{ rellink[1]|striptags|e }}"
+             {{ accesskey(rellink[2]) }}>{{ rellink[3] }}</a>
+          {%- if not loop.first %}{{ reldelim2 }}{% endif %}</li>
+        {%- endfor %}
+        {%- block rootrellink %}
+        <li><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">{{ shorttitle|e }}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}</li>
+        {%- endblock %}
+        {%- for parent in parents %}
+          <li><a href="{{|e }}" {% if loop.last %}{{ accesskey("U") }}{% endif %}>{{ parent.title }}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}</li>
+        {%- endfor %}
+        {%- block relbaritems %} {% endblock %}
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+{%- endmacro %}
+{%- macro sidebar() %}
+      {%- if render_sidebar %}
+      <div class="sphinxsidebar">
+        <div class="sphinxsidebarwrapper">
+          {%- block sidebarlogo %}
+          {%- if logo %}
+            <p class="logo"><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">
+              <img class="logo" src="{{ pathto('_static/' + logo, 1) }}" alt="Logo"/>
+            </a></p>
+          {%- endif %}
+          {%- endblock %}
+          {%- if sidebars != None %}
+            {#- new style sidebar: explicitly include/exclude templates #}
+            {%- for sidebartemplate in sidebars %}
+            {%- include sidebartemplate %}
+            {%- endfor %}
+          {%- else %}
+            {#- old style sidebars: using blocks -- should be deprecated #}
+            {%- block sidebartoc %}
+            {%- include "localtoc.html" %}
+            {%- endblock %}
+            {%- block sidebarrel %}
+            {%- include "relations.html" %}
+            {%- endblock %}
+            {%- block sidebarsourcelink %}
+            {%- include "sourcelink.html" %}
+            {%- endblock %}
+            {%- if customsidebar %}
+            {%- include customsidebar %}
+            {%- endif %}
+            {%- block sidebarsearch %}
+            {%- include "searchbox.html" %}
+            {%- endblock %}
+          {%- endif %}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      {%- endif %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+{%- macro script() %}
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        URL_ROOT:    '{{ url_root }}',
+        VERSION:     '{{ release|e }}',
+        COLLAPSE_INDEX: false,
+        FILE_SUFFIX: '{{ '' if no_search_suffix else file_suffix }}',
+        HAS_SOURCE:  {{ has_source|lower }}
+      };
+    </script>
+    {%- for scriptfile in script_files %}
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto(scriptfile, 1) }}"></script>
+    {%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+{%- macro css() %}
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/' + style, 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto('_static/pygments.css', 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+    {%- for cssfile in css_files %}
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto(cssfile, 1) }}" type="text/css" />
+    {%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+<html xmlns="">
+  <head>
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={{ encoding }}" />
+    {{ metatags }}
+    {%- block htmltitle %}
+    <title>{{ title|striptags|e }}{{ titlesuffix }}</title>
+    {%- endblock %}
+    {{ css() }}
+    {%- if not embedded %}
+    {{ script() }}
+    {%- if use_opensearch %}
+    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
+          title="{% trans docstitle=docstitle|e %}Search within {{ docstitle }}{% endtrans %}"
+          href="{{ pathto('_static/opensearch.xml', 1) }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if favicon %}
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ pathto('_static/' + favicon, 1) }}"/>
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- endif %}
+{%- block linktags %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('about') %}
+    <link rel="author" title="{{ _('About these documents') }}" href="{{ pathto('about') }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('genindex') %}
+    <link rel="index" title="{{ _('Index') }}" href="{{ pathto('genindex') }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('search') %}
+    <link rel="search" title="{{ _('Search') }}" href="{{ pathto('search') }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
+    <link rel="copyright" title="{{ _('Copyright') }}" href="{{ pathto('copyright') }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    <link rel="top" title="{{ docstitle|e }}" href="{{ pathto('index') }}" />
+    {%- if parents %}
+    <link rel="up" title="{{ parents[-1].title|striptags|e }}" href="{{ parents[-1].link|e }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if next %}
+    <link rel="next" title="{{ next.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if prev %}
+    <link rel="prev" title="{{ prev.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}" />
+    {%- endif %}
+{%- endblock %}
+{%- block extrahead %} {% endblock %}
+  </head>
+  <body>
+{%- block header %}{% endblock %}
+{%- block relbar1 %}{{ relbar() }}{% endblock %}
+{%- block content %}
+  {%- block sidebar1 %} {# possible location for sidebar #} {% endblock %}
+    <div class="document">
+  {%- block document %}
+      <div class="documentwrapper">
+      {%- if render_sidebar %}
+        <div class="bodywrapper">
+      {%- endif %}
+          <div class="body">
+            {% block body %} {% endblock %}
+          </div>
+      {%- if render_sidebar %}
+        </div>
+      {%- endif %}
+      </div>
+  {%- endblock %}
+  {%- block sidebar2 %}{{ sidebar() }}{% endblock %}
+      <div class="clearer"></div>
+    </div>
+{%- endblock %}
+{%- block relbar2 %}{{ relbar() }}{% endblock %}
+{%- block footer %}
+    <div class="footer">
+    {%- if show_copyright %}
+      {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
+        {% trans path=pathto('copyright'), copyright=copyright|e %}&copy; <a href="{{ path }}">Copyright</a> {{ copyright }}.{% endtrans %}
+      {%- else %}
+        {% trans copyright=copyright|e %}&copy; Copyright {{ copyright }}.{% endtrans %}
+      {%- endif %}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if last_updated %}
+      {% trans last_updated=last_updated|e %}Last updated on {{ last_updated }}.{% endtrans %}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if show_sphinx %}
+      {% trans sphinx_version=sphinx_version|e %}Created using <a href="">Sphinx</a> {{ sphinx_version }}.{% endtrans %}
+    {%- endif %}
+    </div>
+    <p>asdf asdf asdf asdf 22</p>
+{%- endblock %}
+  </body>
diff --git a/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/search.html b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/search.html
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index 0000000..e3aa9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/sphinx/_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme/search.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+    basic/search.html
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Template for the search page.
+    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2013 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+{%- extends "layout.html" %}
+{% set title = _('Search') %}
+{% set script_files = script_files + ['_static/searchtools.js'] %}
+{% block footer %}
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+    jQuery(function() { Search.loadIndex("{{ pathto('searchindex.js', 1) }}"); });
+  </script>
+  {# this is used when loading the search index using $.ajax fails,
+     such as on Chrome for documents on localhost #}
+  <script type="text/javascript" id="searchindexloader"></script>
+  {{ super() }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block body %}
+  <noscript>
+  <div id="fallback" class="admonition warning">
+    <p class="last">
+      {% trans %}Please activate JavaScript to enable the search
+      functionality.{% endtrans %}
+    </p>
+  </div>
+  </noscript>
+  {% if search_performed %}
+    <h2>{{ _('Search Results') }}</h2>
+    {% if not search_results %}
+      <p>{{ _('Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you\'ve selected enough categories.') }}</p>
+    {% endif %}
+  {% endif %}
+  <div id="search-results">
+  {% if search_results %}
+    <ul>
+    {% for href, caption, context in search_results %}
+      <li>
+        <a href="{{ pathto(item.href) }}">{{ caption }}</a>
+        <p class="context">{{ context|e }}</p>
+      </li>
+    {% endfor %}
+    </ul>
+  {% endif %}
+  </div>
+{% endblock %}
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+{%- if builder != 'singlehtml' %}
+<div role="search">
+  <form id="rtd-search-form" class="wy-form" action="{{ pathto('search') }}" method="get">
+    <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search docs" />
+    <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" />
+    <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" />
+  </form>
+{%- endif %}
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[2/4] sqoop git commit: SQOOP-2696: Sqoop2: Doc: Select final theme for the docs (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Kate Ting)

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[3/4] sqoop git commit: SQOOP-2696: Sqoop2: Doc: Select final theme for the docs (Jarek Jarcec Cecho via Kate Ting)

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