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Posted to by on 2020/04/16 14:29:54 UTC

connectin error, after shared profile deleted

Hi I was wondering if this was a known issue/feature? I could not find any 
notes on this.

I tested the following scenario.

User1 connects to their RDP1
User 1 goes to their share menu and selects "ReadOnlyShare1"  (just a 
grab that URL and send to another USER2 , but that just happens to be ME 
at the same remote IP but in a different browser brand.
So now USER1 is controling stuff and USER 2 is watching
ADMIN goes in and deletes Profile "ReadOnlyShare1" from that RDP1 
no affect on USER2 as all is still viewable. and USER1 still working....
USER1 goes to home screen. and back in (not disconnecting) and USER2 still 
connected in view .
USER1, "Disconnects" and goes back to the home screen.  At this point 
USER2 does disconnected. the issue.
User1 goes to reconnect back to RDP1 (I can't remember If I did a full 
logout and login to the guacamole interface at this point ), and then sees 
the message
"Connection error...Exhausted the simultaneous connection limit for an 
individual user...."    USER2 window still open but with disconnect error 
on screen.

Then closed the USER2 browser. and no difference. Closed all browsers... 
no difference

so. basically I am stuck in the situation where the active sessions shows 
USER1 still connected to the RDP1 connection internally. and could not 
lock back in to that RDP1  connection
For now, until reboot or guacd restart, I was able to just increase the 
connection limit for that user to 2 and it works. but there is still that 
zombie connection active.

You question: Why delete a share profile while it is in use?
Answer: Because sh*t happens and things gotta adapt :)  . and its good to 
know security wise that connections are not killed right away if the share 
profile gets removed.    (but that would be a nice feature. yes i noticed 
'anonymous' int the active connection logs :))
