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-Now that you have seen how simple it is to create your own repository from an existing one, you may wonder how you can handle more complex cases, like when the source and destination repositories don't follow the same naming conventions. 
-<h1>On the road to a professional repository</h1>
-In this section, you will learn how to build a <strong>professional</strong> repository. What is a <strong>professional</strong> repository? Our vision is to say that a good quality repository must follow clear rules about projects naming and must offer correct, useable, configurations and verified project descriptors. In order to achieve those goals, we think that you have to build your own repository.
-We have seen in the previous example, that we could use some public repositories to begin to build our own repository. Nevertheless, the result is not always the expected one, especially concerning the naming rules used.
-This problem is pretty normal when you have an existing repository, and want to benefit from large public repositories which do not follow the same naming conventions. It also shows up because many public repositories do not use a  consistent naming scheme. For example, why don't all the apache commons modules use the org.apache.commons organization? Well.. for historical reasons. But if you setup your own repository, you may not want to suffer from the mistakes of history.
-Fortunately, Ivy has a very powerful answer to this problem: [[settings/namespaces namespaces]].
-<h1>Using namespaces</h1>
-If you look at the repository built with the [[tutorial/build-repository/basic previous tutorial]], you will see exactly what we were talking about: all apache commons modules use their own name as their organization.
-So let's see what Ivy can do using namespaces (we will dig into details later):
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-Now if we look at our repository, it seems to look fine.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-We can even have a look at the commons-lang ivy file in our repository:
-<div><code type="xml">
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-	<info organisation="apache"
-		module="commons-lang"
-		revision="1.0"
-		status="integration"
-		publication="20051124062021"
-		namespace="ibiblio-maven2"
-	/>
-Alright, we see that the organisation is now 'apache'. But where did Ivy pick this up?
-<h2>How does this work ?</h2>
-Actually, Ivy uses the same repository as before for the source repository, with only one difference: the namespace parameter:
-<code type="xml">
-<ibiblio name="libraries" 
-    root="${ibiblio-maven2-root}" 
-    m2compatible="true"
-    namespace="maven2"
-A namespace is defined by a set of rules. These rules are based on regular expressions and tell Ivy how to convert data from the repository namespace  to what is called the system namespace, i.e. the namespace in which Ivy runs most of the time (Note: the Ivy cache always uses the system namespace).
-For the namespace we call <i>maven2</i>, we have declared several rules. Below is one of the rules:
-<h3>rule handling the imported apache maven1 projects</h3>
-<code type="xml"><rule>	<!-- imported apache maven1 projects -->
-	<fromsystem>
-	    <src org="apache" module=".+"/>
-	    <dest org="$m0" module="$m0"/>
-	</fromsystem>
-	<tosystem>
-	    <src org="commons-.+" module="commons-.+" />
-	    <src org="ant.*" module="ant.*" />
-	    ...
-	    <src org="xmlrpc" module="xmlrpc" />
-	    <dest org="apache" module="$m0"/>
-	</tosystem>
-<div class="postit"><u>Note about regular expressions usage :</u>
-In order to distinguish matching regular expressions found in organization, module, and revision, the notation Ivy uses prefixes the matching regular expression with the letters 'o', 'm' and 'r'.
-$o0 : the whole matching value in the organization attribute
-$o1 : the first matching expression group that was marked in the organization attribute
-The same applies for modules : $m0, $m1, ...
-and for revisions : $r0, $r1, ...
-To understand namespaces, 
-<li><b>fromsystem :</b> we define here that the projects defined in the system namespace under the organization called "apache" are transformed into the destination namespace into projects whose organization is named with the module name, whatever the revision is. For example, the project apache#commons-lang;1.0  in the system namespace will be translated into commons-lang#commons-lang;1.0 in the maven2 resolver namespace.</li>
-<li><b>tosystem :</b> we define here the reverse mapping, i.e. how to translate <em>apache</em> projects from maven 2 repo into apache projects in the system namespace. The rule used here tells Ivy that all projects matching <tt>commons-.+</tt> (see it as java regular expression) for their organization name and module name are transformed into projects whose organisation is <tt>apache</tt> with the module name as it was found. The same kind of rule is defined for others apache projects like ant, etc.</li>
-OK, you should now get the idea behind namespaces, so go ahead and look at the <tt>ivysettings-advanced.xml</tt> file in this example. You can test the installation of a module and its dependencies using namespaces.
-<code>ant maven2-namespace-deps</code> 
-and you will see the resulting repository is cleaner than the first one we built.
-From our experience, investing in creating a namespace is worth the time it costs if you often need to add new modules or revisions of third party libraries in your own repository, where naming rules already exist or are rather strict. </textarea>
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-In this first step, we use the [[ant:install]] Ant task to install modules from the maven 2 repository to a file system based repository. We first install a module by itself, excluding dependencies, then again with its dependencies.
-<h1>Basic: ivysettings.xml file used</h1>
-The ivy settings file that we will use is very simple here. It defines two resolvers, <i>libraries</i> and <i>my-repository</i>. The first one is used as the source, the second one as the destination. In a typical setup, the second one would be configured using an [[settings/include include]] that included an existing settings file used by the development team.
-<code type="xml">
-	<settings	defaultResolver="libraries"
-			defaultConflictManager="all" />		<!-- in order to get all revisions without any eviction -->
-	<caches defaultCacheDir="${ivy.cache.dir}/no-namespace" />
-	<resolvers>
-		<ibiblio name="libraries" m2compatible="true" />
-  		<filesystem name="my-repository">
-  			<ivy pattern="${dest.repo.dir}/no-namespace/[organisation]/[module]/ivys/ivy-[revision].xml"/>
-  			<artifact pattern="${dest.repo.dir}/no-namespace/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-  		</filesystem>
-	</resolvers>
-<h1>install a simple module with no dependencies</h1>
-Let's have a look at the <em>maven2</em> target.
-<code type="xml">
-    <target name="maven2" depends="init-ivy"
-    	description="--> install module from maven 2 repository">
-    	<ivy:install settingsRef="basic.settings" 
-    		organisation="commons-lang" module="commons-lang" revision="1.0" 
-    		from="${from.resolver}" to="${to.resolver}" />
-    </target>
-Pretty simple, we call the [[ant:install] task with the settings we have loaded using [[ant:settings ivy:settings]] as usual. We then set the source and destination repositories using the <i>from</i> and <i>to</i> attributes. We used Ant properties for these values here, which helps ease the maintenance of the script, but it's basically the name of our resolvers: 'libraries' for the source and 'my-repository' for the destination.
-Here is the Ant call output :
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-The trace tells us that the module definition was found using the "libraries" resolver and that the corresponding artifact was downloaded from the maven 2 repository. Then both were published to the filesystem repository (my-repository).
-Let's have a look at our repository :
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-We can see that we now have the commons-lang module version 1.0 in our repository, with a generated ivy.xml file, its jar, and all the md5 and sha1 checksums for future consistency checks when developers use this repository to resolve modules.
-<h1>install a module with dependencies</h1>
-Now let's say that we want to be sure all the dependencies of the module we install are available in our repository after the installation. We could either install without dependencies on a staging repository and check the missing dependencies (more control), or use transitive dependency management and ask Ivy to install everything for us (much simpler).
-The <tt>maven2-deps</tt> target is very similar to the one described above, except that we explicitly ask for transitive installation.
-<code type="xml">
-    <target name="maven2-deps" depends="init-ivy" 
-    	description="--> install module from maven 2 repository with dependencies">
-    	<ivy:install settingsRef="basic.settings" 
-    		organisation="org.hibernate" module="hibernate" revision="" 
-    		from="${from.resolver}" to="${to.resolver}" transitive="true" />
-    </target>
-If you call this target, you will see that Ivy installs not only the hibernate module but also its dependencies:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-As you can see the installation has failed, if you look at the log you will see that there are missing artifacts on the source repository. This means that you will need to download those artifacts manually, and copy them to your destination repository to complete the installation. Fortunately Ivy uses a best effort algorithm during install, so that everything gets installed except the missing artifacts. (Note: these missing artifacts are not in the public maven repository due to licensing issues)
-You may also have noticed that Ivy installed 2 different revisions of commons-logging (1.0.2, 1.0.4). This is due to the fact that we used the "no conflict" [[settings/conflict-managers conflict manager]] in the ivysettings file.
-We do not want to evict any modules because we are building our own repository. Indeed if we get both commons-logging 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 it's because some modules among the transitive dependencies of hibernate depend on 1.0.2 and others on 1.0.4. If we got only 1.0.4, the module depending on 1.0.2 would be inconsistent in your own repository (depending on a version you don't have installed). Thus developers using this module directly would run into a problem.
-If you now have a closer look at your repository, you will probably notice that it isn't an exact replication of the original one. Let's have a look at the directory of one module:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-As you can see there is no pom here (pom is the module metadata format used by maven 2, available on the maven 2 repository). Instead you can see there's an ivy file, which is actually the original hibernate pom converted into an ivy file. So now you have a true Ivy repository with ivy files, where you can use the full power of Ivy if you want to adjust the module metadata (module configurations, fine grain exclusions and transitivity control, per module conflict manager, ...).
-OK, enough for this simple repository installation, the [[tutorial/build-repository/advanced next tutorial]] will show how you can deal with more complex cases where your source and destination repositories do not follow the same naming conventions.</textarea>
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-This tutorial introduces the use of module configurations in ivy files. Ivy module configurations are indeed a very important concept. Someone even told me one day that using Ivy without using configurations is like eating a good cheese without touching the glass of Chateau Margaux 1976 you have just poured :-)
-More seriously, configurations in Ivy can be better understood as views on your module, and you will see how they can be used effectively here.
-Reference documentation on configurations can be found <a href="../terminology.html">here</a> and <a href="../ivyfile/configurations.html">here</a>.
-Source code is available in <tt>src/example/configurations/multi-projects</tt>.
-We have two projects :
-  - filter-framework is a library that defines an api to filter String arrays and two implementations of this api.
-  - myapp is a very small app that uses filter-framework.
-The filter-framework library project produces 3 artifacts:
-  - the api jar,
-  - an implementation jar with no external dependencies,
-  - a second implementation jar that needs commons-collections to perform.
-The application only needs the api jar to compile and can use either of the two implementations at runtime.
-<h1>The library project</h1>
-The first project we'll look at in this tutorial is filter-framework. In order to have a fine-grained artifacts publication definition, we defined several configurations, each which maps to a set of artifacts that other projects can make use of.
-<h2>The ivy.xml file</h2>
-<div class="ivy-file">
-<code type="xml">
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="filter-framework"/>
-    <configurations>
-    	<conf name="api"  description="only provide filter framework API"/>
-    	<conf name="homemade-impl" extends="api" description="provide a home made implementation of our api"/>
-    	<conf name="cc-impl" extends="api" description="provide an implementation that use apache common collection framework"/>
-    	<conf name="test" extends="cc-impl" visibility="private" description="for testing our framework"/>
-    </configurations>
-    <publications>
-    	<artifact name="filter-api" type="jar"  conf="api" ext="jar"/>
-    	<artifact name="filter-hmimpl" type="jar"  conf="homemade-impl" ext="jar"/>
-    	<artifact name="filter-ccimpl" type="jar"  conf="cc-impl" ext="jar"/>    	
-    </publications>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" rev="3.1" conf="cc-impl->default"/>
-        <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="3.8" conf="test->default"/>
-    </dependencies>
-As you can see, we defined 4 configurations, with 3 being public and 1 private. (the  junit dependency for testing).
-The 2 implementation configurations, <b>homemade-impl</b> and <b>cc-impl</b> extend the <b>api</b> configuration so that all artifacts defined in <b>api</b> will also be part of the extending configuration.
-In the publications tag, we defined the artifacts we produce (jars in this case) and we assign them to a configuration. When others use our library they will have a flexible way to ask for what they need.
-<h2>See it in action</h2>
-The filter-framework project is built using Ant. Open a shell in the root directory of the project and type <tt>ant</tt>.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-The Ant default target is publish. This target uses Ivy to publish our library binaries to a local repository. Since we do not specify any repository path, the default one is used. (<tt>${home.dir}/.ivy2/local/org.apache/filter-framework/</tt>) At this point, we are ready to use our library.
-<h1>The application project</h1>
-Now that we have shipped (published) our fantastic filter library, we want to use it! The tutorial comes with a sample application called myapp.
-<h2>The <tt>ivy.xml</tt> file</h2>
-<div class="ivy-file">
-<code type="xml">
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="myapp"/>
-    <configurations>
-       	<conf name="build" visibility="private" description="compilation only need api jar" />
-    	<conf name="noexternaljar" description="use only company jar" />
-    	<conf name="withexternaljar" description="use company jar and third party jars" />    
-    </configurations>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="org.apache" name="filter-framework" rev="latest.integration" conf="build->api; noexternaljar->homemade-impl; withexternaljar->cc-impl"/>
-    </dependencies>
-We create 3 configurations that define the different ways we want to use the application. The <b>build</b> configuration defines the compile-time dependencies, and thus only needs the api conf from the filter-framework project. The other two configurations define runtime dependencies. One will only use our "home-made" jar, and the other will use an external jar.
-We also defined a dependency on our previously built library. In this dependency, we use configuration mappings to match ours with the dependency's configurations. You can find more information about configuration mapping <a href="../ivyfile/configurations.html">here</a>
-  <li><b>build->api</b> : here we tell Ivy that our <b>build</b> configuration depends on the <b>api</b> configuration of the dependency</li>
-  <li><b>noexternaljar->homemade-impl</b> : here we tell Ivy that our <b>noexternaljar</b> configuration depends on the <b>homemade-impl</b> configuration of the dependency.</li>
-  <li><b>withexternaljar->cc-impl</b> : here we tell Ivy that our <b>withexternaljar</b> configuration depends on the <b>cc-impl</b> configuration of the dependency</li>
-Note that we never declare any of the dependency's artifacts we need in each configuration: it's the dependency module's ivy file which declares the published artifacts and which should be used in each configuration.
-In the Ant <tt>build.xml</tt> file, we defined a 'resolve' target as follow:
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="resolve" description="--> retreive dependencies with ivy">
-    <ivy:retrieve pattern="${ivy.lib.dir}/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]"/>
-When we call this target, Ivy will do a resolve using our <tt>ivy.xml</tt> file in the root folder and then retrieve all the artifacts. The artifacts retrieved are kept in separate folders according to the configurations they belong to. Here is how your lib directory should look after a call to this target:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
- Repertoire de D:\ivy\src\example\configurations\multi-projects\myapp\lib
-01/24/2006  11:19 AM    <REP>          build
-01/24/2006  11:19 AM    <REP>          noexternaljar
-01/24/2006  11:19 AM    <REP>          withexternaljar
-               0 fichier(s)                0 octets
- Repertoire de D:\ivy\src\example\configurations\multi-projects\myapp\lib\build
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM             1,174 filter-api.jar
-               1 fichier(s)            1,174 octets
- Repertoire de D:\ivy\src\example\configurations\multi-projects\myapp\lib\noexternaljar
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM             1,174 filter-api.jar
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM             1,030 filter-hmimpl.jar
-               2 fichier(s)            2,204 octets
- Repertoire de D:\ivy\src\example\configurations\multi-projects\myapp\lib\withexternaljar
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM           559,366 commons-collections.jar
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM             1,174 filter-api.jar
-01/24/2006  10:53 AM             1,626 filter-ccimpl.jar
-               3 fichier(s)          562,166 octets
-As you can see, for each configuration we have now a set of jars.
-Let's try to launch our app.
-<h2>See it in action</h2>
-Use Ant to run the application. The default Ant target is <i>run-cc</i> and will launch the application using the Apache commons-collections implementation.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-Launching the application using the homemade implementation is also straightforward.
-type <tt>ant run-hm</tt>
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-Nice! We got the same result, but we can see that the implementation classes are different.
-<b>You should use configurations as often as possible.</b> Configurations are a very important concept in Ivy. They allow you to group artifacts and give the group a meaning. When you write ivy files for projects that are intended for use by others, use configurations to allow people to get only what they need, without having to specify them one by one in their own dependency list. 
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-Ivy comes bundled with some default settings which makes it pretty simple to use in a typical environment. This tutorial, which is close to a reference document, explains what those default settings are and how they can be adjusted to your needs. 
-To fully understand the concept of settings and what you can do with them, we suggest reading other tutorials related to settings (like [[tutorial/multiple]] and [[tutorial/dual]]) or the [[settings]] reference documentation.
-The default settings include 3 types of repositories:
-<li>local</li> a repository which is private to the user. 
-<li>shared</li> a repository which is shared between all the members of a team
-<li>public</li> a public repository on which most modules, and especially third party modules, can be found
-Note that if you work alone, the distinction between a local and shared repository is not very important, but there are some things you should know to distinguish them.
-Now let's describe each of these repository concepts in more detail. We will describe how they are set up physically later.
-The local repository is particularly useful when you want to do something without being disturbed by anything else happening in the environment. This means that whenever Ivy is able to locate a module in this repository it will be used, no matter what is available in others.
-For instance, if you have a module declaring a dependency on the module <i>foo</i> with a revision of <i>latest.integration</i>, then if a revision of <i>foo</i> is found in the local repository, it will be used, <em>even if a more recent revision is available in other repositories</em>. 
-This may be disturbing for some of you, but imagine you have to implement a new feature on a project, and in order to achieve that you need to modify two modules: you add a new method in module <i>foo</i> and exploit this new method in module <i>bar</i>. Then if you publish the module <i>foo</i> to your local repository, you will be sure to get it in your <i>bar</i> module, even if someone else publishes a new revision of <i>foo</i> in the shared repository (this revision not having the new method you are currently adding).
-But be careful, when you have finished your development and publish it on the shared repository, you will have to clean your local repository to benefit from new versions published in the shared repository.
-Note also that modules found in the local repository must be complete, i.e. they must provide both a module descriptor and the published artifacts. 
-As its name suggest, the shared repository is aimed to be shared among a whole development team. It is a place where you can publish your team's private modules, and it's also a place where you can put modules not available in the public repository (sun jars, for instance). You can also put modules here that are simply inaccurate in a public repository (bad or incomplete module descriptors for instance).
-Note that modules can be split across the shared repository and the public one: For example, you can have the module descriptor in the shared repository and the artifacts in the public one.
-The public repository is the place where most modules can be found, but which sometimes lack the information you need. It's usually a repository available through an internet connection only, even if this is not mandatory.
-<h1>Setting up the repositories</h1>
-Now that we have seen the objective of each of the three repositories, let's see how they are setup and how to configure them to fit your needs.
-First, several repositories use the same root in your filesystem. Referenced as <tt>${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}</tt>, this is by default the directory <tt>.ivy2</tt> in your user home.
-Note that several things can be done by setting Ivy variables. To set them without defining your own <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> file, you can:<ul>
-<li>set an Ant property before any call to Ivy in your build file if you use Ivy from Ant</li>
-<li>set an environment variable if you use Ivy from the command line</li>
-For example:
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="resolve">
-  <property name="ivy.default.ivy.user.dir" value="/path/to/ivy/user/dir"/>
-  <ivy:resolve />
-Next we will show you how to override default values for the different kinds of repositories. Note that you can find what the default values are below in the details of the default settings.
-By default, the local repository lies in <tt>${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}/local</tt>. This is usually a good place, but you may want to modify it. No problem, you just have to set the following Ivy variable to the directory you want to use: <code>ivy.local.default.root</code>. For instance:
-If you already have something you would like to use as your local repository, you may also want to modify the layout of this repository. Once again, two variables are available for that:
-<code>ivy.local.default.ivy.pattern</code> gives the pattern to find ivy files
-<code>ivy.local.default.artifact.pattern</code> gives the pattern to find artifacts
-For example:
-By default, the shared repository lies in <tt>${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}/shared</tt>. This is fine if you work alone, but the shared repository is supposed to be, mmm, shared! So changing this directory is often required, and it is usually modified to point to a network shared directory. You can use the <code>ivy.shared.default.root</code> variable to specify a different directory. Moreover, you can also configure the layout with variables similar to the ones used for the local repository:
-<code>ivy.shared.default.ivy.pattern</code> gives the pattern to find ivy files
-<code>ivy.shared.default.artifact.pattern</code> gives the pattern to find artifacts
-For example:
-By default, the public repository is ibiblio in m2 compatible mode (in other words, the maven 2 public repository).
-This repository has the advantage of providing a lot of modules, with metadata for most of them. The quality of metadata is not always perfect, but it's a very good start to use a tool like Ivy and benefit from the power of transitive dependency management. 
-Despite its ease of use, we suggest reading the [[bestpractices]] to have a good understanding of the pros and cons of using a public unmanaged repository before depending on such a repository for your enterprise build system.
-<em>In 1.4 version Ivy was using ivyrep as the default resolver, if you want to restore this, set
-ivy.14.compatible=true as an ant property</em>
-<h1>Going further</h1>
-OK, so we have seen how to easily change the settings of the three main repositories. But what if my shared repository is on a web server? What if you don't want to use maven 2 repository as the public repository? What if ... 
-No problem, Ivy is very flexible and can be configured with specific settings to match your needs and environment. But before considering writing your own settings from scratch, we suggest reading the following where you will learn how to leverage a part of the default settings and adjust the rest.
-But before explaining how, you will need to have a quick overview of how Ivy is configured by default.
-By default, Ivy is configured using an <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> which is packaged in the Ivy jar. Here is this settings file:
-<code type="xml">
-  <settings defaultResolver="default"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-public.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-shared.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-local.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-main-chain.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-default-chain.xml"/>
-OK, so not much info here, except a lot of inclusions. These inclusions have been done on purpose so that you can easily change only one part of the ivysettings and easily benefit from the rest. For example, if you want to define your own public resolver, you will just have to configure Ivy with an ivysettings like the following:
-<code type="xml">
-  <settings defaultResolver="default"/>
-  <include url="http://myserver/ivy/myivysettings-public.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-shared.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-local.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-main-chain.xml"/>
-  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-default-chain.xml"/>
-Note that only the <tt>ivysettings-public.xml</tt> inclusion has changed to include a homemade public resolver. Note also that this can be used like that thanks to the fact that <tt>${ivy.default.settings.dir}</tt> is a variable which is always set to the place where Ivy's default settings files are (i.e. packaged in the jar).
-To finish this example, you have to write your own ivysettings file (that you will make available at http://myserver/ivy/myivysettings-public.xml in this example) for defining your own public resolver. For instance:
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <filesystem name="public">
-      <ivy pattern="/path/to/my/public/rep/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" />
-      <artifact pattern="/path/to/my/public/rep/[organisation]/[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
-    </filesystem>
-  </resolvers>
-Now the last thing you will need in order to properly take advantage of the default settings is the content of each included ivysettings file:
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <ibiblio name="public" m2compatible="true"/>
-  </resolvers>
-<code type="xml">
-  <property name="ivy.shared.default.root"             value="${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}/shared" override="false"/>
-  <property name="ivy.shared.default.ivy.pattern"      value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
-  <property name="ivy.shared.default.artifact.pattern" value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <filesystem name="shared">
-      <ivy pattern="${ivy.shared.default.root}/${ivy.shared.default.ivy.pattern}" />
-      <artifact pattern="${ivy.shared.default.root}/${ivy.shared.default.artifact.pattern}" />
-    </filesystem>
-  </resolvers>
-<code type="xml">
-  <property name="ivy.local.default.root"             value="${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}/local" override="false"/>
-  <property name="ivy.local.default.ivy.pattern"      value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
-  <property name="ivy.local.default.artifact.pattern" value="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" override="false"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <filesystem name="local">
-      <ivy pattern="${ivy.local.default.root}/${ivy.local.default.ivy.pattern}" />
-      <artifact pattern="${ivy.local.default.root}/${ivy.local.default.artifact.pattern}" />
-    </filesystem>
-  </resolvers>
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <chain name="main" dual="true">
-      <resolver ref="shared"/>
-      <resolver ref="public"/>
-    </chain>
-  </resolvers>
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <chain name="default" returnFirst="true">
-      <resolver ref="local"/>
-      <resolver ref="main"/>
-    </chain>
-  </resolvers>
-There you go, you should have enough clues to configure Ivy the way you want. Check the [[settings settings documentation]] to see if what you want to do is possible, and go ahead!
-	</textarea>
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-This tutorial will show you how to use Ivy when one of your projects depends on another.
-For our example, we will have two projects, depender and dependee, where the depender project uses/requires the dependee project. This example will help illustrate two things about Ivy: 
-  <li>that dependencies defined by parent projects (dependee) will automatically be retrieved for use by child projects (depender)</li>
-  <li>that child projects can retrieve the "latest" version of the dependee project</li>
-<h1>projects used</h1>
-The dependee project is very simple. It depends on the apache library commons-lang and contains only one class: <tt>standalone.Main</tt> which provides two services:
-  <li>return the version of the project</li>
-  <li>capitalize a string using <tt>org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils.capitalizeFully</tt></li>
-Here is the content of the project:
-  <li>build.xml: the ant build file for the project</li>
-  <li>ivy.xml: the project ivy file</li>
-  <li>src\standalone\ the only class of the project</li>
-Take a look at the <b>ivy.xml</b> file:
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="dependee"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0"/>
-    </dependencies>
-The ivy file declares only one dependency, that being the apache commons-lang library.
-The depender project is very simple as well. It declares only one dependency on the latest version of the dependee project, and it contains only one class, <tt>depending.Main</tt>, which does 2 things:
-  <li>gets the version of the standalone project by calling <tt>standalone.Main.getVersion()</tt></li>
-  <li>transforms a string by calling <tt>standalone.Main.capitalizeWords(str)</tt></li>
-Take a look at the <tt>ivy.xml</tt> file:
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="depender"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency name="dependee" rev="latest.integration" />
-    </dependencies>
-The Ivy settings are defined in two files located in the settings directory:
-  <li><tt></tt>: a property file</li>
-  <li><tt>ivysettings.xml</tt>: the file containing the settings</li>
-Let's have a look at the <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> file:
-	<properties file="${ivy.settings.dir}/"/>
-	<settings defaultResolver="libraries" />
-	<caches defaultCacheDir="${ivy.settings.dir}/ivy-cache" />
-	<resolvers>
-		<filesystem name="projects">
-			<artifact pattern="${repository.dir}/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
-			<ivy pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]-[revision].xml" />
-		</filesystem>
-		<ibiblio name="libraries" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false" />
-	</resolvers>
-	<modules>
-		<module organisation="org.apache" name="dependee" resolver="projects"/>
-	</modules>
-The file contains four main tags: properties, settings, resolvers and modules.
-This tag loads some properties for the Ivy process, just like Ant does.
-This tag initializes some parameters for the Ivy process. In this case, the directory that Ivy will use to cache artifacts will be in a sub directory called ivy-cache of the directory containing the <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> file itself. 
-The second parameter, tells Ivy to use a resolver named "libraries" as its default resolver. More information can be found in the [[settings settings reference documentation]].
-This tag defines the resolvers to use. Here we have two resolvers defined: "projects" and "libraries".
-The filesystem resolver called "projects" is able to resolve the internal dependencies by locating them on the local filesystem. 
-The ibiblio resolver called "libraries" is able to find dependencies on the maven 2 repository, but doesn't use maven poms.
-The modules tag allows you to configure which resolver should be used for which module. Here the setting tells Ivy to use the "projects" resolver for all modules having an organisation of <tt>org.apache</tt> and module name of <tt>dependee</tt>. This actually corresponds to only one module, but a regular expression could be used, or many other types of expressions (like glob expressions).
-All other modules (i.e. all modules but org.apache#dependee), will use the default resolver ("libraries").
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 1: preparation</h2>
-Open a DOS or shell window, and go to the <tt>src/example/dependence</tt> directory.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 2: clean directory tree</h2>
-On the prompt type: <tt>ant</tt>
-This will clean up the entire project directory tree. You can do this each time you want to clean up this example.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 3: publication of dependee project</h2>
-Go to <tt>dependee</tt> directory  and publish the project
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-What we see here:
-  <li>the project depends on 1 library (1 artifact)</li>
-  <li>the library was not in the Ivy cache and so was downloaded (1 downloaded)</li>
-  <li>the project has been released under version number 1</li>
-As you can see, the call to the publish task has resulted in two main things:
-<li>the delivery of a resolved ivy file to <tt>build/ivy.xml</tt>.</li>
-This has been done because by default, the publish task not only publishes artifacts, but also its ivy file. So it has looked to the path where the ivy file to publish should be, using the artifactspattern: <tt>${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]</tt>. For an ivy file, this resolves to <tt>build/ivy.xml</tt>. Because this file does not exist, it automatically makes a call to the deliver task which delivers a resolved ivy file to this destination.
-<li>the publication of artifact 'dependee' and its resolved ivy file to the repository.</li>
-Both are just copies of the files found in the current project, or more precisely, those in the <tt>build</tt> directory. This is because the artifactspattern has been set to <tt>${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]</tt>, so the dependee artifact is found at <tt>build/dependee.jar</tt> and the ivy file in <tt>build/ivy.xml</tt>. And because we have asked the publish task to publish them using the "projects" resolver, these files are copied to <tt>repository\dependee-1.jar</tt> and to <tt>repository\dependee-1.xml</tt>, respecting the artifact and ivy patterns of our settings (see above).
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 4: running the depender project</h2>
-Go to directory depender and run <tt>ant</tt>
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-What we see here:
-  <li>the project depends on 2 libraries (2 artifacts)</li>
-  <li>one of the libraries was in the cache because there was only 1 download (1 downloaded)</li>
-  <li>Ivy retrieved version 1 of the project "dependee". The call to <tt>standalone.Main.getVersion()</tt> has returned 1. If you look in the <tt>depender/lib</tt> directory, you should see <tt>dependee-1.jar</tt> which is the version 1 artifact of the project "dependee"</li>
-  <li>the call to <tt>standalone.Main.capitalizeWords(str)</tt> succeed, which means that the required library was in the classpath. If you look at the <tt>lib</tt> directory, you will see that the library <tt>commons-lang-2.0.jar</tt> was also retrieved. This library was declared as a dependency of the "dependee" project, so Ivy retrieves it (transitively) along with the dependee artifact.</li>
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 5: new version of dependee project</h2>
-Like we did before in step 3, publish the dependee project again. This will result in a new version of the project being published.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-Now if you look in your repository folder, you will find 2 versions of the dependee project.
-Let's look at it:
-<div class="shell"><pre>I:\dependee>dir ..\settings\repository /w
-[.]                [..]               dependee-1.jar   dependee-1.xml   dependee-2.jar   dependee-2.xml
-OK, now our repository contains two versions of the project <b>dependee</b>, so other projects can refer to either version.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 6: get the new version in <em>depender</em> project</h2>
-What should we expect if we run the depender project again? It should: 
-  <li>retrieve version 2 as the latest.integration version of the dependee project</li>
-  <li>display version 2 of dependee project</li>
-Let's try it!!
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-OK, we got what we expected as the <tt>run</tt> target shows that we are using version 2 of the main class of the dependee project. If we take a look at the resolve target results, we see that one artifact has been downloaded to the ivy cache. In fact, this file is the same version 2 of the dependee project that is in the repository, but now all future retrievals will pull it from your ivy-cache directory.
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-In some cases, your module descriptions (i.e. Ivy files, maven poms) are located separately from the module artifacts (i.e. jars). So what can you do about it?
-Use a Dual resolver! And this tutorial will show you how.
-<h1>project description</h1>
-Let's have a look at the <tt>src/example/dual</tt> directory in your Ivy distribution.
-It contains a build file and 3 directories:
-<li>settings: contains the ivy settings file</li>
-<li>repository: a sample repository of ivy files</li>
-<li>project: the project making use of Ivy with dual resolver</li>
-<h2>the dual project</h2>
-The project is very simple and contains only one simple class: <tt>example.Hello</tt>
-It depends on two libraries: Apache commons-lang and Apache commons-httpclient.
-Here is the content of the project:
-  <li>build.xml: the ant build file for the project</li>
-  <li>ivy.xml: the ivy project file</li>
-  <li>src\example\ the only class of the project</li>
-Let's have a look at the <tt>ivy.xml</tt> file:
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="hello-ivy"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-httpclient" name="commons-httpclient" rev="2.0.2"/>
-        <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0"/>
-    </dependencies>
-As you can see, nothing special here... Indeed, Ivy's philosophy is to keep ivy files independent of the way dependencies are resolved.
-<h2>the <b>ivy</b> settings</h2>
-The ivy settings are defined in the <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> file located in the <tt>settings</tt> directory. Here is what it contains, followed by an explanation.
-  <settings defaultResolver="dual-example"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <dual name="dual-example">
-      <filesystem name="ivys">
-        <ivy pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/../repository/[module]-ivy-[revision].xml" />
-      </filesystem>
-      <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false" />
-    </dual>
-  </resolvers>
-Here we configured one resolver, the default one, which is a dual resolver. This dual resolver has two sub resolvers: the first is what is called the "ivy" or "metadata" resolver of the dual resolver, and the second one is what is called the "artifact" resolver. It is important that the dual resolver has exactly two sub resolvers in this given order.
-The metadata resolver, here a filesystem one, is used only to find module descriptors, in this case Ivy files. The setting shown here tells Ivy that all ivy files are in the <tt>repository</tt> directory, named with the pattern: <tt>[module]-ivy-[revision].xml</tt>. If we check the <tt>repository</tt> directory, we can confirm that it contains a file named <tt>commons-httpclient-ivy-2.0.2.xml</tt>. This file matches the pattern, so it will be found by the resolver.
-The artifact resolver is simply an ibiblio one, configured in m2compatible mode to use the maven 2 repository, with <tt>usepoms="false"</tt> to make sure it won't use maven 2 metadata. Note that this isn't necessary, since the second resolver in a dual resolver (the artifact resolver) is never asked to find module metadata.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 1 : preparation</h2>
-Open a DOS or shell window, and go to the <tt>dual</tt> directory.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 2 : clean up</h2>
-On the prompt type : <tt>ant</tt><br>
-This will clean up the entire project directory tree (compiled classes and retrieved libs) and the Ivy cache. You can run this each time you want to clean up this example.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 3 : run the project</h2>
-Go to the project directory. And simply run <tt>ant</tt>.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-As you can see, Ivy not only downloaded commons-lang and commons-httpclient, but also commons-logging. Indeed, commons-logging is a dependency of httpclient, as we can see in the httpclient ivy file found in the <tt>repository</tt> directory:
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info 
-        organisation="commons-httpclient"
-        module="commons-httpclient"
-        revision="2.0.2"
-        status="release"
-        publication="20041010174300"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-logging" name="commons-logging" rev="1.0.4" conf="default"/>
-    </dependencies>
-So everything seemed to work. The ivy file was found in the <tt>repository</tt> directory and the artifacts have been downloaded from ibiblio. 
-This kind of setup can be useful if you don't want to rely on the maven 2 repository for metadata, or if you want to take full advantage of Ivy files for some or all modules. Combining chain and dual resolvers should give you enough flexibility to meet almost any requirement.
-For full details about the dual resolver, have a look at the corresponding [[resolver/dual reference documentation]].
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-This tutorial is an example of how modules can be retrieved by multiple resolvers. Using multiple resolvers can be useful in many contexts. For example:
-<li>separating integration builds from releases</li>
-<li>using a public repository for third party modules and a private one for internal modules</li>
-<li>use a repository for storing modules which are not accurate in an unmanaged public repository</li>
-<li>use a local repository to expose builds made on one developer's station</li>
-In Ivy, the use of multiple resolvers is supported by a compound resolver called the chain resolver.
-In our example, we will simply show you how to use two resolvers, one on a local repository and one using the maven2 repository.
-<h1>project description</h1>
-<h2>the project: chained-resolvers</h2>
-The project is very simple and contains only one simple class: example.Hello.
-It depends on two libraries: Apache's commons-lang and a custom library named test (sources are included in test-1.0jar file). The test library is used by the project to uppercase a string, and commons-lang is used to capitalize the same string.
-Here is the content of the project:
-  <li>build.xml: the ant build file for the project</li>
-  <li>ivy.xml: the Ivy project file</li>
-  <li>src\example\ the only class of the project</li>
-Let's have a look at the <b>ivy.xml</b> file:
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="chained-resolvers"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0"/>
-        <dependency name="test" rev="1.0"/>
-    </dependencies>
-As we'd expect, the ivy file declares this module to be dependent on the two libraries it uses: 'commons-lang' and 'test'. Note that we didn't specify the org for the dependency 'test'. When we exclude org, Ivy assumes it is in the same org as the declaring module. (i.e. 'org.apache').
-<h2>the <b>ivy settings</b></h2>
-The settings are defined in the ivysettings.xml file located in the settings directory of the project. Below are its contents, followed by an explanation of what it's doing.
-  <settings defaultResolver="chain-example"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <chain name="chain-example">
-      <filesystem name="libraries">
-        <artifact pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/repository/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
-      </filesystem>
-      <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true" />
-    </chain>
-  </resolvers>
-<h2>the <b>settings</b> tag</h2>
-This tag initializes Ivy with some parameters. Here only one parameter is set, the name of the resolver to use by default.
-<h2>the <b>resolvers</b> tag</h2>
-The resolvers section defines the list of resolvers that Ivy will use to locate artifacts. In our example, we have only one resolver named "chain-example", which is unique in that it defines a list (hence a chain) of resolvers.
-The resolvers in this chain are:
-  <li>libraries : It is a filesystem resolver, so looks at a directory structure to retrieve the artifacts. This one is configured to look in the <tt>repository</tt> sub directory of the directory that contains the <tt>ivysettings.xml</tt> file.</li>
-  <li>ibiblio : It looks in the ibiblio maven repository to retrieve the artifacts.</li>
-That's it, we have just configured a chain of resolvers!
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 1: preparation</h2>
-Open a DOS or shell window, and go to the "chained-resolvers" directory.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 2: clean directory tree</h2>
-On the prompt type: ant<br>
-This will clean up the entire project directory tree and Ivy cache. You can do this each time you want to clean up this example.
-<div class="tip">
-In almost all examples, we provide a clean target as default target. Since most examples use the same Ivy cache, you will clean the whole Ivy cache each time you call this target. 
-Cleaning the Ivy cache is something you can do without fear (except performance): it's only a cache, so everything can be (and should be) obtained again from repositories. This may sound strange to those coming from maven 2 land. But remember that in Ivy, the cache is not a local repository and the two are completely isolated.
-<div class="step">
-<h2>step 3: run the project</h2>
-Go to <tt>chained-resolvers</tt> project directory. And simply run <tt>ant</tt>.
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-We can see in the log of the resolve task, that the two dependencies have been retrieved (2 artifacts) and copied to the Ivy cache directory (2 downloaded). 
-Also notice that the 'run' Ant target succeeded in using both commons-lang.jar coming from the ibiblio repository and test.jar coming from the local repository.
-<h1>Going further</h1>
-This very simple example helps us see how to set up two resolvers in a chain. The [[resolver/chain chain resolver's reference documentation]] is available for those who would like to know all the features offered by this resolver.
-Below are a few more interesting things worth knowing about chain resolvers. After reading them, go ahead and try tweaking this example using your new wealth of knowledge!
-<li>a chain is not limited to two nested resolvers, you can use as many as you want</li>
-<li>by setting <tt>returnFirst="true"</tt>, you can have a chain which stops as soon as it has found a result for a given module</li>
-<li>by setting <tt>dual="true"</tt>, the full chain will be used both for module descriptors and artifacts, while setting <tt>dual="false"</tt>, the resolver in the chain which found the module descriptor (if any) is also used for artifacts</li>
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-In the previous tutorial, you saw how to deal with dependencies between two simple projects.
-This tutorial will guide you through the use of Ivy in a more complete environment. All of the code for this tutorial is available in the <tt>src/example/multi-project</tt> directory of the Ivy distribution.
-Here is a 10000ft overview of the projects involved in this tutorial:
-<li>version</li> helps to identify module by a version
-<li>list</li> gives a list of files in a directory (recursively)
-<li>size</li> gives the total size of all files in a directory, or of a collection of files
-<li>find</li> find files in a given dir or among a list of files which match a given name
-<li>sizewhere</li> gives the total size of files matching a name in a directory
-<li>console</li> give access to all other modules features through a simple console app
-For sure this is not aimed to demonstrate how to develop a complex app or give indication of advanced algorithm :-)
-But this gives a simple understanding of how Ant+Ivy can be used to develop an application divided in multiple modules.
-Now, here is how these modules relate to each other:
-<center><a href="../samples/projects-dependencies-graph.jpg"><img src="../samples/projects-dependencies-graph-small.jpg" alt="dependencies graph"/><br/><i>click to enlarge</i></a></center>
-Modules in yellow are the modules described in this tutorial, and modules in blue are external dependencies (we will see how to generate this graph later in this tutorial).
-As you can see, we have here a pretty interesting set of modules with dependencies between each other, each depending on the latest version of the others.
-<h1>The example files</h1>
-The sources for this tutorial can be found in <tt>src/example/multi-project</tt> in the Ivy distribution. In this directory, you will find the following files:
-<li>[[gitfile:src/example/multi-project/build.xml build.xml]]</li>This is a root build file which can be used to call targets on all modules, in the order of their dependencies (ensuring that a module is always built before any module depending on it, for instance)
-<li>[[gitfile:src/example/multi-project/common/common.xml common.xml]]</li> the common build file imported by all build.xml files for each project. This build defines the targets which can be used in all projects.
-<li>[[gitfile:src/example/multi-project/common/]]</li>some properties common to all projects
-contains a directory per module, with each containing:
-<li>ivy.xml</li>Ivy file of the module, describing its dependencies upon other modules and/or external modules.
-<code type="xml">
-<ivy-module version="1.0">
-    <info 
-        organisation="org.apache.ivy.example"
-        module="find"
-        status="integration"/>
-    <configurations>
-      <conf name="core"/>
-      <conf name="standalone" extends="core"/>
-    </configurations>
-    <publications>
-      <artifact name="find" type="jar" conf="core" />
-    </publications>
-    <dependencies>
-      <dependency name="version" rev="latest.integration" conf="core->default" />
-      <dependency name="list" rev="latest.integration" conf="core" />
-      <dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" rev="3.1" conf="core->default" />
-      <dependency org="commons-cli" name="commons-cli" rev="1.0" conf="standalone->default" />
-    </dependencies>
-<li>build.xml</li>The build file of the project, which consists mainly of an import of the common build file and of a module specific properties file:
-<code type="xml">
-<project name="find" default="compile">
-	<property file=""/>
-	<import file="${common.dir}/common.xml"/>
-<li></li>Module specific properties + properties to find the common build file
-projects.dir = ${basedir}/..
-wkspace.dir = ${projects.dir}/..
-common.dir = ${wkspace.dir}/common
-<li>src</li> the source directory with all java sources
-Note that this example doesn't demonstrate many good practices for software development in general, in particular you won't find any unit test in these samples, even if we think unit testing is very important. But this isn't the aim of this tutorial.
-Now that you are a bit more familiar with the structure, let's have a look at the most important part of this example: the common build file. Indeed, as you have seen, all the module's build files only import the common build file, and define their dependencies in their ivy files (which you should begin to be familiar with).
-So, here are some aspects of this common build file:
-<h2>ivy settings</h2>
-<code type="xml">
-<!-- setup ivy default configuration with some custom info -->
-<property name="ivy.local.default.root" value="${repository.dir}/local"/>
-<property name="ivy.shared.default.root" value="${repository.dir}/shared"/>
-<!-- here is how we would have configured ivy if we had our own ivysettings file
-<ivy:settings file="${common.dir}/ivysettings.xml" id="ivy.instance" />
-This declaration configures Ivy by only setting two properties: the location for the local repository and the location for the shared repository. It's the only settings done here, since Ivy is configured by default to work in a team environment (see [[tutorial/defaultconf default settings tutorial]] for details about this). For sure in a real environment, the shared repository location would rather be in a team shared directory (or in a more complex repository, again see the default settings tutorial to see how to use something really different).
-Commented out you can see how the settings would have been done if the default setting wasn't OK for our purpose.
-<h2>resolve dependencies</h2>
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="resolve" depends="clean-lib, load-ivy" description="--> resolve and retrieve dependencies with ivy">
-    <mkdir dir="${lib.dir}"/> <!-- not usually necessary, ivy creates the directory IF there are dependencies -->
-    <!-- the call to resolve is not mandatory, retrieve makes an implicit call if we don't -->
-    <ivy:resolve file="${ivy.file}"/>
-    <ivy:retrieve pattern="${lib.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" />
-You should begin to be familiar with using Ivy this way. We call <i>resolve</i> explicitly to use the ivy file configured (the default would have been fine), and then call <i>retrieve</i> to copy resolved dependencies artifacts from the cache to a local lib directory. The pattern is also used to name the artifacts in the lib dir with their name and extension only (without revision), this is easier to use with an IDE, as the IDE configuration won't change when the artifacts version change.
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="ivy-new-version" depends="load-ivy" unless="">
-    <!-- default module version prefix value -->
-    <property name="module.version.prefix" value="${}-dev-b" />
-    <!-- asks Ivy for an available version number -->
-    <ivy:info file="${ivy.file}" />
-    <ivy:buildnumber 
-        organisation="${ivy.organisation}" module="${ivy.module}" 
-        revision="${module.version.prefix}" defaultBuildNumber="1" revSep=""/>
-This target is used to ask Ivy to find a new version for a module. To get details about the module we are dealing with, we pull information out of the ivy file by using the ivy:info task. Then the [[ant:buildnumber]] task is used to get a new revision, based on a prefix we set with a property, by default it will be 1.0-dev-b (have a look at the default value for <tt></tt> in the <tt>common/</tt> file). Each module built by this common build file could easily override this by either setting a different <tt></tt> in its module specific <tt></tt>, or even overriding <tt>module.version.prefix</tt>. To get the new revision, Ivy scans the repository to find the latest available version with the given prefix, and then increments this version by 1.
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="publish" depends="clean-build, jar" description="--> publish this project in the ivy repository">
-    <ivy:publish artifactspattern="${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" 
-                       resolver="shared"
-                       pubrevision="${version}" 
-                       status="release"
-    />
-    <echo message="project ${} released with version ${version}" />
-This target publishes the module to the shared repository, with the revision found in the version property, which is set by other targets (based on ivy-new-version we have seen above). It can be used when a module reaches a specific milestone, or whenever you want the team to benefit from a new version of the module.
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="publish-local" depends="local-version, jar" description="--> publish this project in the local ivy repository">
-    <ivy:publish artifactspattern="${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" 
-                    resolver="local"
-                    pubrevision="${version}"
-                    pubdate="${now}"
-                    status="integration"
-                    forcedeliver="true"
-    />
-    <echo message="project ${} published locally with version ${version}" />
-This is very similar to the publish task, except that this publishes the revision to the local repository, which is used only in your environment and doesn't disturb the team. When you change something in a module and want to benefit from the change in another one, you can simply call <tt>publish-local</tt> in this module, and then your next build of the other module will automatically get this local version.
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="clean-local" description="--> cleans the local repository for the current module">
-   <delete dir="${ivy.local.default.root}/${}"/>
-This target is used when you don't want to use your local version of a module anymore. For example, when you release a new version to the whole team, or discard your local changes and want to take advantage of a new version from the team.
-<code type="xml">
-<target name="report" depends="resolve" description="--> generates a report of dependencies">
-    <ivy:report todir="${build.dir}"/>
-Generates both an html report and a graphml report.
-For example, to generate a graph like the one shown at the beginning of this tutorial, you just have to follow the instructions given [[yed here]] with the graphml file you will find in <code>projects/console/build/</code> after having called report in the console project, and that's it, you have a clear overview of all your app dependencies!
-<h1>Playing with the projects</h1>
-You can play with this tutorial by using regular Ant commands. Begin in the base directory of the tutorial (src/example/multi-project), and run ant -p:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-This gives you an idea of what you can do here. To make sure you have at least one version of all your modules published in your repository (required to build modules having dependencies on the others), you can run <tt>ant publish-all</tt> (example log <a href="log/multi-project-general-publishall.txt">here</a>).
-You will see that Ivy calls the publish target on all the modules, following the order of the dependencies, so that a dependee is always built and published before its depender. Feel free to make changes in the source code of a module (changing a method name for instance) and in the module using the method, then call publish-all to see how the change in the dependee is compiled first, published, and then available to the depender which can compile successfully.
-Then you can go in one of the example project directories (like projects/find for instance), and run <tt>ant -p</tt>:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-You can see the targets available, thanks to the import of the <tt>common.xml</tt> build file. Play with the project by calling resolve, and publish, and see what happens when you do the same in other projects. An interesting thing to do for instance, is to change the dependencies of a project. If the module version now depends on a new commons library, you will see that all other projects depending on that version will get this library as part of their transitive dependencies once the new revision of the version project is published. Very easy! And if a project introduces a change with which the depender isn't compatible with yet, you can easily change the dependency in the depender to move from <tt>latest.integration</tt> to a fixed version with which the depender is compatible (probably the latest before the change). Keeping your modules under control is now very easy!
-By now, you should be pretty familiar with multi-project development with Ivy. We hope you will appreciate its power and flexibility! And these tutorials are only the beginning of your journey with Ivy, browse the [[reference reference documentation]] to learn more about the features, subscribe to the [[mailing-lists mailing lists]] to share your experience and ask questions with the community, browse the source code, open jira issues, submit patches, join in and help make Ivy the best of dependency management tools!</textarea>
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-In this tutorial, you will see one of the simplest ways to use Ivy. With no specific settings, Ivy uses the maven 2 repository to resolve the dependencies you declare in an Ivy file. Let's have a look at the content of the files involved. 
-<em>You'll find this tutorial's sources in the ivy distribution in the src/example/hello-ivy directory.</em>
-<h1>The ivy.xml file</h1>
-This file is used to describe the dependencies of the project on other libraries.
-Here is the sample: 
-<code type="xml">
-<ivy-module version="2.0">
-    <info organisation="org.apache" module="hello-ivy"/>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0"/>
-        <dependency org="commons-cli" name="commons-cli" rev="1.0"/>
-    </dependencies>
-The format of this file should pretty easy to understand, but let's give some details about what is declared here. First, the root element ivy-module, with the version attribute used to tell Ivy which version of Ivy this file uses. 
-Then there is an info tag, which is used to give information about the module for which we are defining dependencies. Here we define only the organization and module name. You are free to choose whatever you want for them, but we recommend avoiding spaces for both.
-Finally, the dependencies section lets you define dependencies. Here this module depends on two libraries: commons-lang and commons-cli. As you can see, we use the <tt>org</tt> and <tt>name</tt> attributes to define the organization and module name of the dependencies we need. The <tt>rev</tt> attribute is used to specify the version of the module you depend on. 
-To know what to put in these attributes, you need to know the exact information for the libraries you depend on. Ivy uses the maven 2 repository by default, so we recommend you use <a href=""></a> to look for the module you want. Once you find it, you will have the details on how to declare the dependency in a maven POM. For instance:
-    <groupId>commons-lang</groupId>
-    <artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId>
-    <version>2.0</version>
-To convert this into an Ivy dependency declaration, all you have to do is use the groupId as organization, the artifactId as module name, and the version as revision. That's what we did for the dependencies in this tutorial, that is commons-lang and commons-cli. Note that having commons-lang and commons-cli as organization is not the best example of what the organization should be. It would be better to use org.apache, org.apache.commons or org.apache.commons.lang. However, this is how these modules are identified in the maven 2 repository, so the simplest way to get them is to use the details as is (you will see in [[tutorial/build-repository]] that you can use namespaces to redefine these names if you want something cleaner).
-If you want more details on what you can do in Ivy files, you can have a look at the [[ivyfile Ivy files reference documentation]].
-<h1>The build.xml file</h1>
-The corresponding build file contains a set of targets, allowing you to resolve dependencies declared in the Ivy file, to compile and run the sample code, produce a report of dependency resolution, and clean the cache or the project.
-You can use the standard "ant -p" to get the list of available targets. Feel free to have a look at the whole file, but here is the part relevant to dependency resolution:
-<code type="xml">
-<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="hello-ivy" default="run">
-    ...
-    <!-- ================================= 
-          target: resolve              
-         ================================= -->
-    <target name="resolve" description="--> retrieve dependencies with ivy">
-        <ivy:retrieve />
-    </target>
-As you can see, it's very easy to call Ivy to resolve and retrieve dependencies: all you need if Ivy is properly [[install installed]] is to define an XML namespace in your Ant file (xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"). Then all the [[ant Ivy ant tasks]] will be available in this namespace.
-Here we use only one task: the [[use/retrieve]] task. With no attributes, it will use default settings and look for a file named <tt>ivy.xml</tt> for the dependency definitions. That's exactly what we want, so we need nothing more than that.
-Note that in this case we define a <tt>resolve</tt> target and call the <tt>[[use/retrieve]]</tt> task. This may sound confusing, actually the retrieve task performs a [[use/resolve]] (which resolves dependencies and downloads them to a cache) followed by a retrieve (a copy of those file to a local project directory). Check the [[principle]] page for details about that.
-<h1>Running the project</h1>
-OK, now that we have seen the files involved, let's run the sample to see what happens. Open a shell (or command line) window, and enter the <tt>hello-ivy</tt> example directory.
-Then, at the command prompt, run <tt>ant</tt>:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-<h1>What happened ?</h1>
-Without any settings, Ivy retrieves files from the maven 2 repository. That's what happened here. 
-The resolve task has found the commons-lang and commons-cli modules in the maven 2 repository, identified that commons-cli depends on commons-logging and so resolved it as a transitive dependency. Then Ivy has downloaded all corresponding artifacts in its cache (by default in your user home, in a .ivy2/cache directory). Finally, the retrieve task copies the resolved jars from the ivy cache to the default library directory of the project: the lib dir (you can change this easily by setting the pattern attribute on the [[use/retrieve]] task).
-You might say that the task took a long time just to write out a "Hello Ivy!" message. But remember that a lot of time was spent downloading the required files from the web. Let's try to run it again:
-<div class="shell"><pre>
-Great! The cache was used, so no download was needed and the build was instantaneous.
-And now, if you want to generate a report detailing all the dependencies of your module, you can call the report target, and check the generated file in the build directory. You should obtain something looking like <a href="../samples/apache-hello-ivy-default.html">this</a>.
-As you can see, using Ivy to resolve dependencies stored in the maven 2 repository is extremely easy. Now you can go on with the next tutorials to learn more about [[tutorial/conf how to use module configurations]] which is a very powerful Ivy specific feature. Other tutorials are also available where you will learn how to use Ivy settings to leverage a possibly complex enterprise repository. It may also be a good time to start reading the [[reference reference documentation]], and especially the introduction material which gives a good overview of Ivy. The [[bestpractices best practices]] page is also a must read to start thinking about how to use Ant+Ivy to build a clean and robust build system.</textarea>
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