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qpid-dispatch git commit: DISPATCH-745 Restore correct code for ListChartController

Repository: qpid-dispatch
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master ab4e96c8c -> 7a5b09170

DISPATCH-745 Restore correct code for ListChartController


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7a5b091702e331f9d53e006e62936c73fd262d44
Parents: ab4e96c
Author: Ernest Allen <>
Authored: Fri Apr 21 09:33:12 2017 -0400
Committer: Ernest Allen <>
Committed: Fri Apr 21 09:33:12 2017 -0400

 console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrListChart.js | 835 +++------------------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 743 deletions(-)
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrListChart.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrListChart.js
index 0e5ee8f..3c14ebf 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrListChart.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrListChart.js
@@ -21,772 +21,121 @@ under the License.
 var QDR = (function(QDR) {
-  /**
-   * @method ListController
-   * @param $scope
-   * @param QDRService
-   *
-   * Controller for the main interface
-   */
-  QDR.module.controller("QDR.ListController", ['$scope', '$location', '$uibModal', '$filter', '$timeout', 'QDRService', 'QDRChartService',
-    function ($scope, $location, $uibModal, $filter, $timeout, QDRService, QDRChartService) {
-    var updateIntervalHandle = undefined;
-    var updateInterval = 5000;
-    var ListExpandedKey = "QDRListExpanded";
-    $scope.details = {};
-    $scope.tmplListTree = QDR.templatePath + 'tmplListTree.html';
-    $scope.selectedEntity = localStorage['QDRSelectedEntity'] || "address";
-    $scope.selectedNode = localStorage['QDRSelectedNode'];
-    $scope.selectedNodeId = localStorage['QDRSelectedNodeId'];
-    $scope.selectedRecordName = localStorage['QDRSelectedRecordName'];
-    $scope.nodes = []
-    $scope.currentNode = undefined;
-    $scope.modes = [
-      {
-        content: '<a><i class="icon-list"></i> Attributes</a>',
-        id: 'attributes',
-        op: 'READ',
-        title: "View router attributes",
-        isValid: function () { return true; }
-      },
-      {
-        content: '<a><i class="icon-edit"></i> Update</a>',
-        id: 'operations',
-        op: 'UPDATE',
-        title: "Update this attribute",
-        isValid: function () {
-          //QDR.log.debug("isValid UPDAATE? " + this.op)
-          //console.dump($scope.operations)
-          return $scope.operations.indexOf(this.op) > -1
-        }
-      },
-      {
-        content: '<a><i class="icon-plus"></i> Create</a>',
-        id: 'operations',
-        op: 'CREATE',
-        title: "Create a new attribute",
-        isValid: function () { return $scope.operations.indexOf(this.op) > -1 }
-      },
-      {
-        content: '<a><i class="icon-remove"></i> Delete</a>',
-        id: 'delete',
-        op: 'DELETE',
-        title: "Delete",
-        isValid: function () { return $scope.operations.indexOf(this.op) > -1 }
-      },
-      {
-        content: '<a><i class="icon-eye-open"></i> Fetch</a>',
-        id: 'log',
-        op: 'GET-LOG',
-        title: "Fetch recent log entries",
-        isValid: function () { return ($scope.selectedEntity === 'log') }
-      }
-    ];
-    $scope.operations = []
-      $scope.currentMode = $scope.modes[0];
-      $scope.isModeSelected = function (mode) {
-      return mode === $scope.currentMode;
-    }
-    $scope.fetchingLog = false;
-    $scope.selectMode = function (mode) {
-      $scope.currentMode = mode;
-      if ( === 'log') {
-        $scope.logResults = [];
-        $scope.fetchingLog = true;
-        var entity; // undefined since it is not supported in the GET-LOG call
-        QDRService.sendMethod($, entity, {}, $scope.currentMode.op, {}, function (nodeName, entity, response, context) {
-          $scope.fetchingLog = false;
-          var statusCode = context.message.application_properties.statusCode;
-          if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
-            Core.notification('error', context.message.application_properties.statusDescription);
-            //QDR.log.debug(context.message.application_properties.statusDescription)
-            return;
-          }
-          $scope.logResults = response.filter( function (entry) {
-            return entry[0] === $scope.detailsObject.module
-          }).sort( function (a, b) {
-            return b[5] - a[5]
-          }).map( function (entry) {
-            return {
-              type: entry[1],
-              message: entry[2],
-              source: entry[3],
-              line: entry[4],
-              time: Date(entry[5]).toString()
-            }
-          })
-          $scope.$apply();
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    $scope.isValid = function (mode) {
-      return mode.isValid()
-    }
-    $scope.expandAll = function () {
-      $("#entityTree").dynatree("getRoot").visit(function(node){
-                node.expand(true);
-            });
-    }
-    $scope.contractAll = function () {
-      $("#entityTree").dynatree("getRoot").visit(function(node){
-                node.expand(false);
-            });
-    }
-    if (!QDRService.connected) {
-      // we are not connected. we probably got here from a bookmark or manual page reload
-      QDRService.redirectWhenConnected("list");
-      return;
-    }
-    // we are currently connected. setup a handler to get notified if we are ever disconnected
-    QDRService.addDisconnectAction( function () {
-      QDRService.redirectWhenConnected("list")
-      $scope.$apply();
-    })
-    $scope.nodes = []
-    var excludedEntities = ["management", "", "operationalEntity", "entity", "configurationEntity", "dummy", "console"];
-    var aggregateEntities = ["router.address"];
-    var classOverrides = {
-      "connection": function (row, nodeId) {
-        var isConsole = QDRService.isAConsole (, row.identity.value, row.role.value, nodeId)
-        return isConsole ? "console" : row.role.value === "inter-router" ? "inter-router" : "external";
-      },
-      "": function (row, nodeId) {
-        var link = {nodeId: nodeId, connectionId: row.connectionId.value}
-        var isConsole = QDRService.isConsoleLink(link)
-        return isConsole ? "console" : row.linkType.value;
-      },
-      "router.address": function (row) {
-        var identity = QDRService.identity_clean(row.identity.value)
-        var address = QDRService.addr_text(identity)
-        var cls = QDRService.addr_class(identity)
-        if (address === "$management")
-          cls = "internal " + cls
-        return cls
-      }
-    }
-    var lookupOperations = function () {
-      var ops = QDRService.schema.entityTypes[$scope.selectedEntity].operations.filter( function (op) { return op !== 'READ'});
-      $scope.operation = ops.length ? ops[0] : "";
-      return ops;
-    }
-    var entityTreeChildren = [];
-    var expandedList = angular.fromJson(localStorage[ListExpandedKey]) || [];
-    var onTreeNodeExpanded = function (expanded, node) {
-      // save the list of entities that are expanded
-      var tree = $("#entityTree").dynatree("getTree");
-      var list = [];
-      tree.visit( function (tnode) {
-        if (tnode.isExpanded()) {
-          list.push(
-        }
-      })
-      localStorage[ListExpandedKey] = JSON.stringify(list)
-      if (expanded)
-        onTreeSelected(node);
-    }
-    // a tree node was selected
-    var onTreeSelected = function (selectedNode) {
-      $timeout( function () {
-        if ($ === 'operations')
-          $scope.currentMode = $scope.modes[0];
-        else if ($ === 'log')
-          $scope.selectMode($scope.currentMode)
-        else if ($ === 'delete') {
-          // clicked on a tree node while on the delete screen -> switch to attribute screen
-          $scope.currentMode = $scope.modes[0];
-        }
-        if ( === "entity") {
-          $scope.selectedEntity =;
-          $scope.operations = lookupOperations()
-        } else if ( === 'attribute') {
-          $scope.selectedEntity =;
-          $scope.operations = lookupOperations()
-          $scope.selectedRecordName =;
-          updateDetails(;   // update the table on the right
-          $("#entityTree").dynatree("getRoot").visit(function(node){
-   ;
-          });
-        }
-      })
-    }
-    // fill in an empty results recoord based on the entities schema
-    var fromSchema = function (entityName) {
-      var row = {}
-      var schemaEntity = QDRService.schema.entityTypes[entityName]
-      for (attr in schemaEntity.attributes) {
-        var entity = schemaEntity.attributes[attr]
-        var value = ""
-        if (angular.isDefined(entity['default']))
-          value = entity['default']
-        row[attr] = {
-          value: value,
-          type: entity.type,
-          graph: false,
-          title: entity.description,
-          aggregate: false,
-          aggregateTip: '',
-          'default': entity['default']
-        }
-      }
-      return row;
-    }
-    $scope.hasCreate = function () {
-      var schemaEntity = QDRService.schema.entityTypes[$scope.selectedEntity]
-      return (schemaEntity.operations.indexOf("CREATE") > -1)
-    }
-    var stopUpdating = function () {
-      if (angular.isDefined(updateIntervalHandle)) {
-        clearInterval(updateIntervalHandle);
-      }
-      updateIntervalHandle = undefined;
-    }
-    // the data for the selected entity is available, populate the tree
-    var updateEntityChildren = function (entity, tableRows, expand) {
-      var tree = $("#entityTree").dynatree("getTree");
-      if (!tree.getNodeByKey) {
-        return stopUpdating()
-      }
-      var node = tree.getNodeByKey(entity)
-      var updatedDetails = false;
-      var scrollTreeDiv = $('.qdr-attributes.pane.left .pane-viewport')
-      var scrollTop = scrollTreeDiv.scrollTop();
-      node.removeChildren();
-      if (tableRows.length == 0) {
-          node.addChild({
-          addClass:   "no-data",
-              typeName:   "none",
-              title:      "no data",
-          key: + ".1"
-          })
-          if (expand) {
-              updateDetails(fromSchema(entity));
-                 $scope.selectedRecordName = entity;
-        }
-      } else {
-        tableRows.forEach( function (row) {
-          var addClass = entity;
-          if (classOverrides[entity]) {
-            addClass += " " + classOverrides[entity](row, $;
-          }
-          var child = {
-                        typeName:   "attribute",
-                        addClass:   addClass,
-                        tooltip:    addClass,
-                        key:,
-                        title:,
-                        details:    row
-                    }
-          if ( === $scope.selectedRecordName) {
-            if (expand)
-              updateDetails(row); // update the table on the right
-   = true;
-            updatedDetails = true;
-          }
-          node.addChild(child)
-        })
-      }
-      // if the selectedRecordName was not found, select the 1st one
-      if (expand && !updatedDetails && tableRows.length > 0) {
-        var row = tableRows[0];
-        $scope.selectedRecordName =;
-        var node = tree.getNodeByKey($scope.selectedRecordName);
-        updateDetails(row)  // update the table on the right
-      }
-      scrollTreeDiv.scrollTop(scrollTop)
-    }
-    var schemaProps = function (entityName, key, currentNode) {
-         var typeMap = {integer: 'number', string: 'text', path: 'text', boolean: 'boolean', map: 'textarea'};
-      var entity = QDRService.schema.entityTypes[entityName]
-      var value = entity.attributes[key]
-      // skip identity and depricated fields
-      if (!value)
-        return {input: 'input', type: 'disabled', required: false, selected: "", rawtype: 'string', disabled: true, 'default': ''}
-      var description = value.description || ""
-      var val = value['default'];
-      var disabled = (key == 'identity' || description.startsWith('Deprecated'))
-      // special cases
-      if (entityName == 'log' && key == 'module') {
-        return {input: 'input', type: 'disabled', required: false, selected: "", rawtype: 'string', disabled: true, 'default': ''}
-      }
-      if (entityName === 'linkRoutePattern' && key === 'connector') {
-        // turn input into a select. the values will be populated later
-        value.type = []
-        // find all the connector names and populate the select
-        QDRService.fetchEntity(, '.connector', ['name'], function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          $scope.detailFields.some( function (field) {
-            if ( === 'connector') {
-              field.rawtype = (function (result) {return result[0]})
-              return true;
-            }
-          })
-        });
-      }
-      return {    name:       key,
-            humanName:  QDRService.humanify(key),
-                        description:value.description,
-                        type:       disabled ? 'disabled' : typeMap[value.type],
-                        rawtype:    value.type,
-                        input:      typeof value.type == 'string' ? value.type == 'boolean' ? 'boolean' : 'input'
-                                                                  : 'select',
-                        selected:   val ? val : undefined,
-                        'default':  value['default'],
-                        value:      val,
-                        required:   value.required,
-                        unique:     value.unique,
-                        disabled:   disabled
-            };
-    }
-    $scope.getAttributeValue = function (attribute) {
-      var value = attribute.attributeValue;
-      if ($scope.currentMode.op === "CREATE" && === 'identity')
-        value = "<assigned by system>"
-      return value;
-    }
-    // update the table on the right
-    var updateDetails = function (row) {
-      var details = [];
-      $scope.detailsObject = {};
-      var attrs = Object.keys(row).sort();
-      attrs.forEach( function (attr) {
-        var changed = $scope.detailFields.filter(function (old) {
-          return ( === attr) ? old.graph && old.rawValue != row[attr].value : false;
-        })
-        var schemaEntity = schemaProps($scope.selectedEntity, attr, $scope.currentNode)
-        details.push( {
-          attributeName:  QDRService.humanify(attr),
-          attributeValue: attr === 'port' ? row[attr].value : QDRService.pretty(row[attr].value),
-          name:           attr,
-          changed:        changed.length,
-          rawValue:       row[attr].value,
-          graph:          row[attr].graph,
-          title:          row[attr].title,
-          aggregateValue: QDRService.pretty(row[attr].aggregate),
-          aggregateTip:   row[attr].aggregateTip,
-          input:          schemaEntity.input,
-          type:           schemaEntity.type,
-          required:       schemaEntity.required,
-          selected:       schemaEntity.selected,
-          rawtype:        schemaEntity.rawtype,
-          disabled:       schemaEntity.disabled,
-          'default':      schemaEntity['default']
-        })
-        $scope.detailsObject[attr] = row[attr].value;
-      })
-      setTimeout(applyDetails, 1, details)
-    }
-    var applyDetails = function (details) {
-      $scope.detailFields = details;
-      aggregateColumn();
-      $scope.$apply();
-      // ng-grid bug? the entire table doesn't always draw unless a reflow is triggered;
-      $(window).trigger('resize');
-    }
-    var restartUpdate = function () {
-      stopUpdating();
-      updateTableData($scope.selectedEntity, true);
-      updateIntervalHandle = setInterval(updateExpandedEntities, updateInterval);
-    }
-    var updateExpandedEntities = function () {
-      var tree = $("#entityTree").dynatree("getTree");
-      if (tree.visit) {
-        tree.visit( function (node) {
-          if (node.isExpanded()) {
-            updateTableData(, === $scope.selectedEntity)
-          }
-        })
-      } else {
-        stopUpdating();
-      }
-    }
-    $scope.selectNode = function(node) {
-      $scope.selectedNode =;
-      $scope.selectedNodeId =;
-      setCurrentNode();
-      restartUpdate();
+  QDR.module.controller('QDR.ListChartController', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $uibModal, $location, QDRChartService, chart, nodeName) {
+    $scope.chart = chart;
+    $scope.dialogSvgChart = null;
+    var updateTimer = null;
+    $scope.svgDivId = "dialogChart";    // the div id for the svg chart
+    $scope.showChartsPage = function () {
+      cleanup();
+      $uibModalInstance.close(true);
+      $location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + "/charts");
-    $scope.$watch('selectedEntity', function(newValue, oldValue) {
-      if (newValue !== oldValue) {
-        localStorage['QDRSelectedEntity'] = $scope.selectedEntity;
-        restartUpdate();
-        $scope.operations = lookupOperations()
-      }
-    })
-    $scope.$watch('selectedNode', function(newValue, oldValue) {
-        if (newValue !== oldValue) {
-        localStorage['QDRSelectedNode'] = $scope.selectedNode;
-        localStorage['QDRSelectedNodeId'] = $scope.selectedNodeId;
-      }
-    })
-    $scope.$watch('selectedRecordName', function(newValue, oldValue) {
-      if (newValue != oldValue) {
-        localStorage['QDRSelectedRecordName'] = $scope.selectedRecordName;
-      }
-    })
-    /* Called periodically to refresh the data on the page */
-    var updateTableData = function (entity, expand) {
-      if (!QDRService.connected) {
-        // we are no longer connected. bail back to the connect page
-        $location.path("/" + QDR.pluginName + "/connect")
-        $'org', "list");
-        return;
-      }
-      // don't update the data when on the operations tab
-      if ($ === 'operations') {
-        return;
-      }
-      var gotNodeInfo = function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-        var tableRows = [];
-        var records = response.results;
-        var aggregates = response.aggregates;
-        var attributeNames = response.attributeNames;
-        // If !attributeNmes then  there was an error getting the records for this entity
-        if (attributeNames) {
-          var nameIndex = attributeNames.indexOf("name");
-          var identityIndex = attributeNames.indexOf("identity");
-          var ent = QDRService.schema.entityTypes[entity];
-          for (var i=0; i<records.length; ++i) {
-            var record = records[i];
-            var aggregate = aggregates ? aggregates[i] : undefined;
-            var row = {};
-            var rowName;
-            if (nameIndex > -1) {
-              rowName = record[nameIndex];
-              if (!rowName && identityIndex > -1) {
-                rowName = record[nameIndex] = (dotentity + '/' + record[identityIndex])
-              }
-            }
-            if (!rowName) {
-              QDR.log.error("response attributeNames did not contain a name field");
-              console.dump(response.attributeNames);
-              return;
-            }
-            for (var j=0; j<attributeNames.length; ++j) {
-              var col = attributeNames[j];
-              row[col] = {value: record[j], type: undefined, graph: false, title: '', aggregate: '', aggregateTip: ''};
-              if (ent) {
-                var att = ent.attributes[col];
-                if (att) {
-                  row[col].type = att.type;
-                  row[col].graph = att.graph;
-                  row[col].title = att.description;
+    $scope.addHChart = function () {
+      QDRChartService.addHDash($scope.chart);
+      cleanup();
+      $uibModalInstance.close(true);
+    }
+    $scope.addToDashboardLink = function () {
+      var href = "#/" + QDR.pluginName + "/charts";
+      var size = angular.toJson({
+                  size_x: 2,
+                  size_y: 2
+                });
+      var params = angular.toJson({chid: $});
+      var title = "Dispatch - " + nodeName;
+      return "/hawtio/#/dashboard/add?tab=dashboard" +
+        "&href=" + encodeURIComponent(href) +
+        "&routeParams=" + encodeURIComponent(params) +
+        "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(title) +
+        "&size=" + encodeURIComponent(size);
+    };
-                  if (aggregate) {
-                    if (att.graph) {
-                      row[col].aggregate = att.graph ? aggregate[j].sum : '';
-                      var tip = [];
-                      aggregate[j].detail.forEach( function (line) {
-                        tip.push(line);
-                      })
-                      row[col].aggregateTip = angular.toJson(tip);
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            tableRows.push(row);
-          }
-        }
-        tableRows.sort( function (a, b) { return })
-        setTimeout(selectRow, 0, {entity: dotentity, rows: tableRows, expand: expand});
-      }
-      // if this entity should show an aggregate column, send the request to get the info for this entity from all the nedes
-      if (aggregateEntities.indexOf(entity) > -1) {
-        var nodeInfo = QDRService.topology.nodeInfo();
-        QDRService.getMultipleNodeInfo(Object.keys(nodeInfo), entity, [], gotNodeInfo, $scope.selectedNodeId);
-      } else {
-        QDRService.fetchEntity($scope.selectedNodeId, entity, [], gotNodeInfo);
-      }
+    $scope.addChartsPage = function () {
+      QDRChartService.addDashboard($scope.chart);
-    // tableRows are the records that were returned, this populates the left hand table on the page
-    var selectRow = function (info) {
-      updateEntityChildren(info.entity, info.rows, info.expand);
-      fixTooltips();
-    }
+    $scope.delChartsPage = function () {
+      QDRChartService.delDashboard($scope.chart);
+    };
-    var titleFromAlt = function (alt) {
-      if (alt && alt.length) {
-        var data = angular.fromJson(alt);
-        var table = "<table class='tiptable'><tbody>";
-        data.forEach (function (row) {
-          table += "<tr>";
-          table += "<td>" + row.node + "</td><td align='right'>" + QDRService.pretty(row.val) + "</td>";
-          table += "</tr>"
-        })
-        table += "</tbody></table>"
-        return table;
-      }
-      return '';
+    $scope.isOnChartsPage = function () {
+      return $scope.chart.dashboard;
-    var fixTooltips = function () {
-      if ($('.hastip').length == 0) {
-        setTimeout(fixTooltips, 100);
+    var showChart = function () {
+      // the chart divs are generated by angular and aren't available immediately
+      var div = angular.element("#" + $scope.svgDivId);
+      if (!div.width()) {
+        setTimeout(showChart, 100);
-      $('.hastip').each( function (i, tip) {
-        var tipset = tip.getAttribute('tipset')
-        if (!tipset) {
-          $(tip).tipsy({html: true, className: 'subTip', opacity: 1, title: function () {
-            return titleFromAlt(this.getAttribute('alt'))
-          } });
-          tip.setAttribute('tipset', true)
-        } else {
-          var title = titleFromAlt(tip.getAttribute('alt'))
-          tip.setAttribute('original-title', title)
-        }
-      })
+      dialogSvgChart = new QDRChartService.AreaChart($scope.chart);
+      $scope.dialogSvgChart = dialogSvgChart;
+      updateDialogChart();
+    showChart();
-    $scope.detailFields = [];
-    $scope.addToGraph = function(rowEntity) {
-      var chart = QDRChartService.registerChart(
-        {nodeId: $scope.selectedNodeId,
-         entity: "." + $scope.selectedEntity,
-         name:   $scope.selectedRecordName,
-         attr:,
-         forceCreate: true});
-      doDialog('tmplListChart.html', chart);
-    }
-    $scope.addAllToGraph = function(rowEntity) {
-      var chart = QDRChartService.registerChart({
-        nodeId:     $scope.selectedNodeId,
-        entity:     $scope.selectedEntity,
-        name:       $scope.selectedRecordName,
-        attr:,
-        type:       "rate",
-        rateWindow: updateInterval,
-        visibleDuration: 1,
-        forceCreate: true,
-        aggregate:   true});
-      doDialog('tmplListChart.html', chart);
+    var updateDialogChart = function () {
+      if ($scope.dialogSvgChart)
+        $scope.dialogSvgChart.tick($scope.svgDivId);
+      if (updateTimer)
+        clearTimeout(updateTimer)
+      updateTimer = setTimeout(updateDialogChart, 1000);
-    $scope.detailCols = [];
-    var aggregateColumn = function () {
-      if ((aggregateEntities.indexOf($scope.selectedEntity) > -1 && $scope.detailCols.length != 3) ||
-        (aggregateEntities.indexOf($scope.selectedEntity) == -1 && $scope.detailCols.length != 2)) {
-        // column defs have to be reassigned and not spliced, so no push/pop
-         $scope.detailCols = [
-         {
-           field: 'attributeName',
-           displayName: 'Attribute',
-           cellTemplate: '<div title="{{row.entity.title}}" class="listAttrName">{{row.entity[col.field]}}<i ng-if="row.entity.graph" ng-click="addToGraph(row.entity)" ng-class="{\'icon-bar-chart\': row.entity.graph == true }"></i></div>'
-         },
-         {
-           field: 'attributeValue',
-           displayName: 'Value',
-           cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="{\'changed\': row.entity.changed == 1}"><span>{{row.getProperty(col.field)}}</span></div>'
-         }
-         ]
-        if (aggregateEntities.indexOf($scope.selectedEntity) > -1) {
-          $scope.detailCols.push(
-           {
-             width: '10%',
-             field: 'aggregateValue',
-             displayName: 'Aggregate',
-             cellTemplate: '<div class="hastip" alt="{{row.entity.aggregateTip}}"><span ng-class="{\'changed\': row.entity.changed == 1}">{{row.entity[col.field]}}</span><i ng-if="row.entity.graph" ng-click="addAllToGraph(row.entity)" ng-class="{\'icon-bar-chart\': row.entity.graph == true }"></i></div>',
-             cellClass: 'aggregate'
-           }
-          )
-        }
+    var cleanup = function () {
+      if (updateTimer) {
+        clearTimeout(updateTimer);
+        updateTimer = null;
-      if ($scope.selectedRecordName === "")
-        $scope.detailCols = [];
-    }
+      if (!$scope.chart.hdash && !$scope.chart.dashboard)
+        QDRChartService.unRegisterChart($scope.chart);     // remove the chart
-    // the table on the right of the page contains a row for each field in the selected record in the table on the left
-    $scope.details = {
-      data: 'detailFields',
-      columnDefs: "detailCols",
-      enableColumnResize: true,
-      multiSelect: false,
-      beforeSelectionChange: function() {
-          return false;
-      }
-    };
-    $scope.$on("$destroy", function( event ) {
-      //QDR.log.debug("scope destroyed for qdrList");
-      stopUpdating();
-    });
-    function gotMethodResponse (nodeName, entity, response, context) {
-      var statusCode = context.message.application_properties.statusCode;
-      if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
-        Core.notification('error', context.message.application_properties.statusDescription);
-        //QDR.log.debug(context.message.application_properties.statusDescription)
-      } else {
-        var note = entity + " " + $filter('Pascalcase')($scope.currentMode.op) + "d"
-        Core.notification('success', note);
-        $scope.selectMode($scope.modes[0]);
-        restartUpdate();
-      }
     $scope.ok = function () {
-      var attributes = {}
-      $scope.detailFields.forEach( function (field) {
-        var value = field.rawValue;
-        if (field.input === 'input') {
-          if (field.type === 'text' || field.type === 'disabled')
-            value = field.attributeValue;
-        } else if (field.input === 'select') {
-          value = field.selected;
-        } else if (field.input === 'boolean') {
-          value = field.rawValue
-        }
-        if (value === "")
-          value = undefined;
-        if ((value && value != field['default']) || field.required || ( === 'role')) {
-          if ( !== 'identity')
-            attributes[] = value
-        }
-      })
-      QDRService.sendMethod($, $scope.selectedEntity, attributes, $scope.currentMode.op, undefined, gotMethodResponse)
-    }
-    $scope.remove = function () {
-      var attributes = {type: $scope.selectedEntity, name: $scope.selectedRecordName}
-      QDRService.sendMethod($, $scope.selectedEntity, attributes, $scope.currentMode.op, undefined, gotMethodResponse)
-    }
-    function doDialog(tmpl, chart) {
-        var d = ${
-          backdrop: true,
-          keyboard: true,
-          backdropClick: true,
-          templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + tmpl,
-          controller: "QDR.ListChartController",
-          resolve: {
-                 chart: function() {
-                   return chart
-                 },
-                 nodeName: function () {
-                    return $scope.selectedNode
-                 }
-              }
-        });
-        d.result.then(function(result) { console.log(""); });
-    };
-    var setCurrentNode = function () {
-      $scope.nodes.some( function (node, i) {
-        if ( === $scope.selectedNode) {
-          $scope.currentNode = $scope.nodes[i]
-          return true;
-        }
-      })
-    }
-    var treeReady = false;
-    var serviceReady = false;
-    $scope.largeNetwork = QDRService.isLargeNetwork()
-    // called after we know for sure the schema is fetched and the routers are all ready
-    QDRService.addUpdatedAction("initList", function () {
-      QDRService.stopUpdating();
-      QDRService.delUpdatedAction("initList")
-      $scope.nodes = QDRService.nodeList().sort(function (a, b) { return >});
-      // unable to get node list? Bail.
-      if ($scope.nodes.length == 0) {
-        $location.path("/" + QDR.pluginName + "/connect")
-        $'org', "list");
-      }
-      if (!angular.isDefined($scope.selectedNode)) {
-        //QDR.log.debug("selectedNode was " + $scope.selectedNode);
-        if ($scope.nodes.length > 0) {
-          $scope.selectedNode = $scope.nodes[0].name;
-          $scope.selectedNodeId = $scope.nodes[0].id;
-          //QDR.log.debug("forcing selectedNode to " + $scope.selectedNode);
-        }
-      }
-      setCurrentNode();
-      if ($scope.currentNode == undefined) {
-        if ($scope.nodes.length > 0) {
-          $scope.selectedNode = $scope.nodes[0].name;
-          $scope.selectedNodeId = $scope.nodes[0].id;
-          $scope.currentNode = $scope.nodes[0];
+      cleanup();
+      $uibModalInstance.close(true);
+      };
+    $scope.editChart = function () {
+      doDialog('tmplChartConfig.html', chart)
+    }
+    function doDialog(template, chart) {
+      var d = ${
+      backdrop: true,
+      keyboard: true,
+      backdropClick: true,
+      templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + template,
+      controller: "QDR.ChartDialogController",
+      resolve: {
+        chart: function() {
+          return chart;
+        },
+        updateTick: function () {
+          return function () {};
+        },
+        dashboard: function () {
+          return $scope;
+        },
+        adding: function () {
+          return true
-      var sortedEntities = Object.keys(QDRService.schema.entityTypes).sort();
-      sortedEntities.forEach( function (entity) {
-        if (excludedEntities.indexOf(entity) == -1) {
-          if (!angular.isDefined($scope.selectedEntity)) {
-            $scope.selectedEntity = entity;
-            $scope.operations = lookupOperations()
-          }
-          var e = new Folder(entity)
-          e.typeName = "entity"
-          e.key = entity
-          e.isFolder = true
-          e.expand = (expandedList.indexOf(entity) > -1)
-          var placeHolder = new Folder("loading...")
-          placeHolder.addClass = "loading"
-          e.children = [placeHolder]
-          entityTreeChildren.push(e)
-        }
-      })
-      serviceReady = true;
-      initTree();
-    })
-    $scope.treeReady = function () {
-      treeReady = true;
-      initTree();
-    }
-    var initTree = function () {
-      if (!treeReady || !serviceReady)
-        return;
-      $('#entityTree').dynatree({
-        onActivate: onTreeSelected,
-        onExpand: onTreeNodeExpanded,
-        selectMode: 1,
-        autoCollapse: $scope.largeNetwork,
-        activeVisible: !$scope.largeNetwork,
-        debugLevel: 0,
-        classNames: {
-          expander: 'fa-angle',
-          connector: 'dynatree-no-connector'
-          },
-        children: entityTreeChildren
-      })
-      restartUpdate()
-      updateExpandedEntities();
+      }).result.then(function(result) {
+        $scope.ok()
+      });
-    QDRService.ensureAllEntities({entity: ".connection"}, function () {
-      QDRService.setUpdateEntities([".connection"])
-      QDRService.startUpdating();
-    })
-  }]);
+  });
-    return QDR;
+  return QDR;
 } (QDR || {}));

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