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[3/8] incubator-s2graph git commit: Separate interfaces from Storage.
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/Storage.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/Storage.scala
index 57d4872..c9353e1 100644
--- a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/Storage.scala
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/Storage.scala
@@ -20,948 +20,16 @@
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.{NoStackException, FetchTimeoutException}
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
 import org.apache.s2graph.core._
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.{Label, LabelMeta}
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.parsers.WhereParser
-import{IndexEdgeDeserializable, IndexEdgeSerializable}
-import{VertexDeserializable, VertexSerializable}
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.types._
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.{DeferCache, Extensions, logger}
-import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
-import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
-import scala.util.{Random, Try}
-import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit}
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
-import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
-abstract class Storage[Q, R](val graph: S2Graph,
-                          val config: Config)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
-  import HBaseType._
-  import S2Graph._
-  val BackoffTimeout = graph.BackoffTimeout
-  val MaxRetryNum = graph.MaxRetryNum
-  val MaxBackOff = graph.MaxBackOff
-  val FailProb = graph.FailProb
-  val LockExpireDuration =  graph.LockExpireDuration
-  val MaxSize = graph.MaxSize
-  val ExpireAfterWrite = graph.ExpireAfterWrite
-  val ExpireAfterAccess = graph.ExpireAfterAccess
-  /** retry scheduler */
-  val scheduledThreadPool = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
-  /**
-   * Compatibility table
-   * | label schema version | snapshot edge | index edge | vertex | note |
-   * | v1 | serde.snapshotedge.wide | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | do not use this. this exist only for backward compatibility issue |
-   * | v2 | serde.snapshotedge.wide | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | do not use this. this exist only for backward compatibility issue |
-   * | v3 | serde.snapshotedge.tall | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | recommended with HBase. current stable schema |
-   * | v4 | serde.snapshotedge.tall | serde.indexedge.tall | serde.vertex | experimental schema. use scanner instead of get |
-   *
-   */
-  /**
-   * create serializer that knows how to convert given snapshotEdge into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
-   * so we can store this kvs.
-   * @param snapshotEdge: snapshotEdge to serialize
-   * @return serializer implementation for StorageSerializable which has toKeyValues return Seq[SKeyValue]
-   */
-  def snapshotEdgeSerializer(snapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge): Serializable[SnapshotEdge] = {
-    snapshotEdge.schemaVer match {
-//      case VERSION1 |
-      case VERSION2 => new serde.snapshotedge.wide.SnapshotEdgeSerializable(snapshotEdge)
-      case VERSION3 | VERSION4 => new serde.snapshotedge.tall.SnapshotEdgeSerializable(snapshotEdge)
-      case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"not supported version: ${snapshotEdge.schemaVer}")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * create serializer that knows how to convert given indexEdge into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
-   * @param indexEdge: indexEdge to serialize
-   * @return serializer implementation
-   */
-  def indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge: IndexEdge): Serializable[IndexEdge] = {
-    indexEdge.schemaVer match {
-//      case VERSION1
-      case VERSION2 | VERSION3 => new IndexEdgeSerializable(indexEdge)
-      case VERSION4 => new serde.indexedge.tall.IndexEdgeSerializable(indexEdge)
-      case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"not supported version: ${indexEdge.schemaVer}")
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * create serializer that knows how to convert given vertex into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
-   * @param vertex: vertex to serialize
-   * @return serializer implementation
-   */
-  def vertexSerializer(vertex: S2Vertex): Serializable[S2Vertex] = new VertexSerializable(vertex)
-  /**
-   * create deserializer that can parse stored CanSKeyValue into snapshotEdge.
-   * note that each storage implementation should implement implicit type class
-   * to convert storage dependent dataType into common SKeyValue type by implementing CanSKeyValue
-   *
-   * ex) Asynchbase use it's KeyValue class and CanSKeyValue object has implicit type conversion method.
-   * if any storaage use different class to represent stored byte array,
-   * then that storage implementation is responsible to provide implicit type conversion method on CanSKeyValue.
-   * */
-  val snapshotEdgeDeserializer: Deserializable[SnapshotEdge] = new serde.snapshotedge.tall.SnapshotEdgeDeserializable(graph)
-  def snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String): Deserializable[SnapshotEdge] = snapshotEdgeDeserializer
-  /** create deserializer that can parse stored CanSKeyValue into indexEdge. */
-  val indexEdgeDeserializer: Deserializable[S2Edge] = new serde.indexedge.tall.IndexEdgeDeserializable(graph)
-  def indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String) = new serde.indexedge.tall.IndexEdgeDeserializable(graph)
-  /** create deserializer that can parser stored CanSKeyValue into vertex. */
-  val vertexDeserializer: Deserializable[S2Vertex] = new VertexDeserializable(graph)
-  /**
-   * decide how to store given key values Seq[SKeyValue] into storage using storage's client.
-   * note that this should be return true on all success.
-   * we assumes that each storage implementation has client as member variable.
-   *
-   *
-   * @param cluster: where this key values should be stored.
-   * @param kvs: sequence of SKeyValue that need to be stored in storage.
-   * @param withWait: flag to control wait ack from storage.
-   *                  note that in AsynchbaseStorage(which support asynchronous operations), even with true,
-   *                  it never block thread, but rather submit work and notified by event loop when storage send ack back.
-   * @return ack message from storage.
-   */
-  def writeToStorage(cluster: String, kvs: Seq[SKeyValue], withWait: Boolean): Future[Boolean]
-//  def writeToStorage(kv: SKeyValue, withWait: Boolean): Future[Boolean]
-  /**
-   * fetch SnapshotEdge for given request from storage.
-   * also storage datatype should be converted into SKeyValue.
-   * note that return type is Sequence rather than single SKeyValue for simplicity,
-   * even though there is assertions sequence.length == 1.
-   * @param request
-   * @return
-   */
-  def fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues(request: QueryRequest): Future[Seq[SKeyValue]]
-  /**
-   * write requestKeyValue into storage if the current value in storage that is stored matches.
-   * note that we only use SnapshotEdge as place for lock, so this method only change SnapshotEdge.
-   *
-   * Most important thing is this have to be 'atomic' operation.
-   * When this operation is mutating requestKeyValue's snapshotEdge, then other thread need to be
-   * either blocked or failed on write-write conflict case.
-   *
-   * Also while this method is still running, then fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues should be synchronized to
-   * prevent wrong data for read.
-   *
-   * Best is use storage's concurrency control(either pessimistic or optimistic) such as transaction,
-   * compareAndSet to synchronize.
-   *
-   * for example, AsynchbaseStorage use HBase's CheckAndSet atomic operation to guarantee 'atomicity'.
-   * for storage that does not support concurrency control, then storage implementation
-   * itself can maintain manual locks that synchronize read(fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues)
-   * and write(writeLock).
-   * @param requestKeyValue
-   * @param expectedOpt
-   * @return
-   */
-  def writeLock(requestKeyValue: SKeyValue, expectedOpt: Option[SKeyValue]): Future[Boolean]
-  /**
-   * build proper request which is specific into storage to call fetchIndexEdgeKeyValues or fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues.
-   * for example, Asynchbase use GetRequest, Scanner so this method is responsible to build
-   * client request(GetRequest, Scanner) based on user provided query.
-    *
-    * @param queryRequest
-   * @return
-    */
-  protected def buildRequest(queryRequest: QueryRequest, edge: S2Edge): Q
-  /**
-   * fetch IndexEdges for given queryParam in queryRequest.
-   * this expect previous step starting score to propagate score into next step.
-   * also parentEdges is necessary to return full bfs tree when query require it.
-   *
-   * note that return type is general type.
-   * for example, currently we wanted to use Asynchbase
-   * so single I/O return type should be Deferred[T].
-   *
-   * if we use native hbase client, then this return type can be Future[T] or just T.
-    *
-    * @param queryRequest
-   * @param isInnerCall
-   * @param parentEdges
-   * @return
-   */
-  def fetch(queryRequest: QueryRequest,
-            isInnerCall: Boolean,
-            parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): R
-  /**
-   * responsible to fire parallel fetch call into storage and create future that will return merged result.
-   *
-   * @param queryRequests
-   * @param prevStepEdges
-   * @return
-   */
-  def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
-              prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]]): Future[Seq[StepResult]]
-  /**
-   * fetch Vertex for given request from storage.
-    *
-    * @param request
-   * @return
-   */
-  def fetchVertexKeyValues(request: QueryRequest): Future[Seq[SKeyValue]]
-  /**
-   * decide how to apply given edges(indexProps values + Map(_count -> countVal)) into storage.
-    *
-    * @param edges
-   * @param withWait
-   * @return
-   */
-  def incrementCounts(edges: Seq[S2Edge], withWait: Boolean): Future[Seq[(Boolean, Long, Long)]]
-  /**
-   * this method need to be called when client shutdown. this is responsible to cleanUp the resources
-   * such as client into storage.
-   */
-  def flush(): Unit = {
-  }
-  def fetchEdgesAll(): Future[Seq[S2Edge]]
-  def fetchVerticesAll(): Future[Seq[S2Vertex]]
-  /**
-   * create table on storage.
-   * if storage implementation does not support namespace or table, then there is nothing to be done
-    *
-    * @param zkAddr
-   * @param tableName
-   * @param cfs
-   * @param regionMultiplier
-   * @param ttl
-   * @param compressionAlgorithm
-   */
-  def createTable(zkAddr: String,
-                  tableName: String,
-                  cfs: List[String],
-                  regionMultiplier: Int,
-                  ttl: Option[Int],
-                  compressionAlgorithm: String,
-                  replicationScopeOpt: Option[Int] = None,
-                  totalRegionCount: Option[Int] = None): Unit
-  def truncateTable(zkAddr: String, tableNameStr: String): Unit = {}
-  def deleteTable(zkAddr: String, tableNameStr: String): Unit = {}
-  def shutdown(): Unit
-  /** Public Interface */
-  def getVertices(vertices: Seq[S2Vertex]): Future[Seq[S2Vertex]] = {
-    def fromResult(kvs: Seq[SKeyValue],
-                   version: String): Option[S2Vertex] = {
-      if (kvs.isEmpty) None
-      else vertexDeserializer.fromKeyValues(kvs, None)
-//        .map(S2Vertex(graph, _))
-    }
-    val futures = { vertex =>
-      val queryParam = QueryParam.Empty
-      val q = Query.toQuery(Seq(vertex), Seq(queryParam))
-      val queryRequest = QueryRequest(q, stepIdx = -1, vertex, queryParam)
-      fetchVertexKeyValues(queryRequest).map { kvs =>
-        fromResult(kvs, vertex.serviceColumn.schemaVersion)
-      } recoverWith { case ex: Throwable =>
-        Future.successful(None)
-      }
-    }
-    Future.sequence(futures).map { result => result.toList.flatten }
-  }
-  def mutateStrongEdges(_edges: Seq[S2Edge], withWait: Boolean): Future[Seq[Boolean]] = {
-    val edgeWithIdxs = _edges.zipWithIndex
-    val grouped = edgeWithIdxs.groupBy { case (edge, idx) =>
-      (edge.innerLabel, edge.srcVertex.innerId, edge.tgtVertex.innerId)
-    } toSeq
-    val mutateEdges = { case ((_, _, _), edgeGroup) =>
-      val edges =
-      val idxs =
-      // After deleteAll, process others
-      val mutateEdgeFutures = edges.toList match {
-        case head :: tail =>
-          val edgeFuture = mutateEdgesInner(edges, checkConsistency = true , withWait)
-          //TODO: decide what we will do on failure on vertex put
-          val puts = buildVertexPutsAsync(head)
-          val vertexFuture = writeToStorage(head.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr, puts, withWait)
-          Seq(edgeFuture, vertexFuture)
-        case Nil => Nil
-      }
-      val composed = for {
-//        deleteRet <- Future.sequence(deleteAllFutures)
-        mutateRet <- Future.sequence(mutateEdgeFutures)
-      } yield mutateRet
- { ret => idx => idx -> ret) }
-    }
-    Future.sequence(mutateEdges).map { squashedRets =>
-      squashedRets.flatten.sortBy { case (idx, ret) => idx }.map(_._2)
-    }
-  }
-  def mutateVertex(vertex: S2Vertex, withWait: Boolean): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (vertex.op == GraphUtil.operations("delete")) {
-      writeToStorage(vertex.hbaseZkAddr,
-        vertexSerializer(vertex) = SKeyValue.Delete)), withWait)
-    } else if (vertex.op == GraphUtil.operations("deleteAll")) {
-"deleteAll for vertex is truncated. $vertex")
-      Future.successful(true) // Ignore withWait parameter, because deleteAll operation may takes long time
-    } else {
-      writeToStorage(vertex.hbaseZkAddr, buildPutsAll(vertex), withWait)
-    }
-  }
-  def mutateVertices(vertices: Seq[S2Vertex],
-                     withWait: Boolean = false): Future[Seq[Boolean]] = {
-    val futures = { vertex => mutateVertex(vertex, withWait) }
-    Future.sequence(futures)
-  }
-  def mutateEdgesInner(edges: Seq[S2Edge],
-                       checkConsistency: Boolean,
-                       withWait: Boolean): Future[Boolean] = {
-    assert(edges.nonEmpty)
-    // TODO:: remove after code review: unreachable code
-    if (!checkConsistency) {
-      val zkQuorum = edges.head.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr
-      val futures = { edge =>
-        val (_, edgeUpdate) = S2Edge.buildOperation(None, Seq(edge))
-        val (bufferIncr, nonBufferIncr) = increments(edgeUpdate.deepCopy)
-        val mutations =
-          indexedEdgeMutations(edgeUpdate.deepCopy) ++ snapshotEdgeMutations(edgeUpdate.deepCopy) ++ nonBufferIncr
-        if (bufferIncr.nonEmpty) writeToStorage(zkQuorum, bufferIncr, withWait = false)
-        writeToStorage(zkQuorum, mutations, withWait)
-      }
-      Future.sequence(futures).map { rets => rets.forall(identity) }
-    } else {
-      fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edges.head).flatMap { case (queryParam, snapshotEdgeOpt, kvOpt) =>
-        retry(1)(edges, 0, snapshotEdgeOpt)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def exponentialBackOff(tryNum: Int) = {
-    // time slot is divided by 10 ms
-    val slot = 10
-    Random.nextInt(Math.min(BackoffTimeout, slot * Math.pow(2, tryNum)).toInt)
-  }
-  def retry(tryNum: Int)(edges: Seq[S2Edge], statusCode: Byte, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: Option[S2Edge]): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (tryNum >= MaxRetryNum) {
-      edges.foreach { edge =>
-        logger.error(s"commit failed after $MaxRetryNum\n${edge.toLogString}")
-      }
-      Future.successful(false)
-    } else {
-      val future = commitUpdate(edges, statusCode, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt)
-      future.onSuccess {
-        case success =>
-          logger.debug(s"Finished. [$tryNum]\n${edges.head.toLogString}\n")
-      }
-      future recoverWith {
-        case FetchTimeoutException(retryEdge) =>
-"[Try: $tryNum], Fetch fail.\n${retryEdge}")
-          /* fetch failed. re-fetch should be done */
-          fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edges.head).flatMap { case (queryParam, snapshotEdgeOpt, kvOpt) =>
-            retry(tryNum + 1)(edges, statusCode, snapshotEdgeOpt)
-          }
-        case PartialFailureException(retryEdge, failedStatusCode, faileReason) =>
-          val status = failedStatusCode match {
-            case 0 => "AcquireLock failed."
-            case 1 => "Mutation failed."
-            case 2 => "Increment failed."
-            case 3 => "ReleaseLock failed."
-            case 4 => "Unknown"
-          }
-"[Try: $tryNum], [Status: $status] partial fail.\n${retryEdge.toLogString}\nFailReason: ${faileReason}")
-          /* retry logic */
-          val promise = Promise[Boolean]
-          val backOff = exponentialBackOff(tryNum)
-          scheduledThreadPool.schedule(new Runnable {
-            override def run(): Unit = {
-              val future = if (failedStatusCode == 0) {
-                // acquire Lock failed. other is mutating so this thead need to re-fetch snapshotEdge.
-                /* fetch failed. re-fetch should be done */
-                fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edges.head).flatMap { case (queryParam, snapshotEdgeOpt, kvOpt) =>
-                  retry(tryNum + 1)(edges, statusCode, snapshotEdgeOpt)
-                }
-              } else {
-                // partial failure occur while self locked and mutating.
-                //            assert(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt.nonEmpty)
-                retry(tryNum + 1)(edges, failedStatusCode, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt)
-              }
-              promise.completeWith(future)
-            }
-          }, backOff, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
-          promise.future
-        case ex: Exception =>
-          logger.error("Unknown exception", ex)
-          Future.successful(false)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected def commitUpdate(edges: Seq[S2Edge],
-                             statusCode: Byte,
-                             fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: Option[S2Edge]): Future[Boolean] = {
-//    Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(edges.head, 0, "ahahah"))
-    assert(edges.nonEmpty)
-//    assert(statusCode == 0 || fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt.isDefined)
-    statusCode match {
-      case 0 =>
-        fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt match {
-          case None =>
-          /*
-           * no one has never mutated this SN.
-           * (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(None, edges)
-           * pendingE = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = now, version = squashedEdge.ts + 1)
-           * lock = (squashedEdge, pendingE)
-           * releaseLock = (edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge, None)
-           */
-            val (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = S2Edge.buildOperation(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, edges)
-            assert(edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge.isDefined)
-            val lockTs = Option(System.currentTimeMillis())
-            val pendingEdge = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = lockTs, version = squashedEdge.ts + 1)
-            val lockSnapshotEdge = squashedEdge.toSnapshotEdge.copy(pendingEdgeOpt = Option(pendingEdge))
-            val releaseLockSnapshotEdge = edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge.get.copy(statusCode = 0,
-              pendingEdgeOpt = None, version = lockSnapshotEdge.version + 1)
-            commitProcess(statusCode, squashedEdge, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, lockSnapshotEdge, releaseLockSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-          case Some(snapshotEdge) =>
-            snapshotEdge.pendingEdgeOpt match {
-              case None =>
-                /*
-                 * others finished commit on this SN. but there is no contention.
-                 * (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(snapshotEdgeOpt, edges)
-                 * pendingE = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = now, version = snapshotEdge.version + 1) ?
-                 * lock = (snapshotEdge, pendingE)
-                 * releaseLock = (edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge, None)
-                 */
-                val (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = S2Edge.buildOperation(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, edges)
-                if (edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge.isEmpty) {
-                  logger.debug(s"drop this requests: \n${"\n")}")
-                  Future.successful(true)
-                } else {
-                  val lockTs = Option(System.currentTimeMillis())
-                  val pendingEdge = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = lockTs, version = snapshotEdge.version + 1)
-                  val lockSnapshotEdge = snapshotEdge.toSnapshotEdge.copy(pendingEdgeOpt = Option(pendingEdge))
-                  val releaseLockSnapshotEdge = edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge.get.copy(statusCode = 0,
-                    pendingEdgeOpt = None, version = lockSnapshotEdge.version + 1)
-                  commitProcess(statusCode, squashedEdge, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, lockSnapshotEdge, releaseLockSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-                }
-              case Some(pendingEdge) =>
-                val isLockExpired = pendingEdge.lockTs.get + LockExpireDuration < System.currentTimeMillis()
-                if (isLockExpired) {
-                  /*
-                   * if pendingEdge.ts == snapshotEdge.ts =>
-                   *    (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(None, Seq(pendingEdge))
-                   * else =>
-                   *    (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(snapshotEdgeOpt, Seq(pendingEdge))
-                   * pendingE = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = now, version = snapshotEdge.version + 1)
-                   * lock = (snapshotEdge, pendingE)
-                   * releaseLock = (edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge, None)
-                   */
-                  logger.debug(s"${pendingEdge.toLogString} has been expired.")
-                  val (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) =
-                    if (pendingEdge.ts == snapshotEdge.ts) S2Edge.buildOperation(None, pendingEdge +: edges)
-                    else S2Edge.buildOperation(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, pendingEdge +: edges)
-                  val lockTs = Option(System.currentTimeMillis())
-                  val newPendingEdge = squashedEdge.copy(statusCode = 1, lockTs = lockTs, version = snapshotEdge.version + 1)
-                  val lockSnapshotEdge = snapshotEdge.toSnapshotEdge.copy(pendingEdgeOpt = Option(newPendingEdge))
-                  val releaseLockSnapshotEdge = edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge.get.copy(statusCode = 0,
-                    pendingEdgeOpt = None, version = lockSnapshotEdge.version + 1)
-                  commitProcess(statusCode, squashedEdge, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, lockSnapshotEdge, releaseLockSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-                } else {
-                  /*
-                   * others finished commit on this SN and there is currently contention.
-                   * this can't be proceed so retry from re-fetch.
-                   * throw EX
-                   */
-                  val (squashedEdge, _) = S2Edge.buildOperation(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, edges)
-                  Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 0, s"others[${pendingEdge.ts}] is mutating. me[${squashedEdge.ts}]"))
-                }
-            }
-        }
-      case _ =>
-        /*
-         * statusCode > 0 which means self locked and there has been partial failure either on mutate, increment, releaseLock
-         */
-        /*
-         * this succeed to lock this SN. keep doing on commit process.
-         * if SN.isEmpty =>
-         * no one never succed to commit on this SN.
-         * this is first mutation try on this SN.
-         * (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(SN, edges)
-         * else =>
-         * assert(SN.pengingEdgeOpt.isEmpty) no-fetch after acquire lock when self retrying.
-         * there has been success commit on this SN.
-         * (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = Edge.buildOperation(SN, edges)
-         * releaseLock = (edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge, None)
-         */
-        val _edges =
-          if (fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt.isDefined && fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt.get.pendingEdgeOpt.isDefined) fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt.get.pendingEdgeOpt.get +: edges
-          else edges
-        val (squashedEdge, edgeMutate) = S2Edge.buildOperation(fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, _edges)
-        val newVersion = + 2
-        val releaseLockSnapshotEdge = edgeMutate.newSnapshotEdge match {
-          case None => squashedEdge.toSnapshotEdge.copy(statusCode = 0, pendingEdgeOpt = None, version = newVersion)
-          case Some(newSnapshotEdge) => newSnapshotEdge.copy(statusCode = 0, pendingEdgeOpt = None, version = newVersion)
-        }
-        // lockSnapshotEdge will be ignored.
-        commitProcess(statusCode, squashedEdge, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, releaseLockSnapshotEdge, releaseLockSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * orchestrate commit process.
-   * we separate into 4 step to avoid duplicating each step over and over.
-    *
-    * @param statusCode: current statusCode of this thread to process edges.
-   * @param squashedEdge: squashed(in memory) final edge from input edges on same snapshotEdge.
-   * @param fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: fetched snapshotEdge from storage before commit process begin.
-   * @param lockSnapshotEdge: lockEdge that hold necessary data to lock this snapshotEdge for this thread.
-   * @param releaseLockSnapshotEdge: releaseLockEdge that will remove lock by storing new final merged states
-   *                               all from current request edges and fetched snapshotEdge.
-   * @param edgeMutate: mutations for indexEdge and snapshotEdge.
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def commitProcess(statusCode: Byte,
-                              squashedEdge: S2Edge,
-                              fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt:Option[S2Edge],
-                              lockSnapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge,
-                              releaseLockSnapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge,
-                              edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Future[Boolean] = {
-    for {
-      locked <- acquireLock(statusCode, squashedEdge, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt, lockSnapshotEdge)
-      mutated <- commitIndexEdgeMutations(locked, statusCode, squashedEdge, edgeMutate)
-      incremented <- commitIndexEdgeDegreeMutations(mutated, statusCode, squashedEdge, edgeMutate)
-      lockReleased <- releaseLock(incremented, statusCode, squashedEdge, releaseLockSnapshotEdge)
-    } yield lockReleased
-  }
-  case class PartialFailureException(edge: S2Edge, statusCode: Byte, failReason: String) extends NoStackException(failReason)
-  protected def debug(ret: Boolean, phase: String, snapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge) = {
-    val msg = Seq(s"[$ret] [$phase]", s"${snapshotEdge.toLogString()}").mkString("\n")
-    logger.debug(msg)
-  }
-  protected def debug(ret: Boolean, phase: String, snapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge, edgeMutate: EdgeMutate) = {
-    val msg = Seq(s"[$ret] [$phase]", s"${snapshotEdge.toLogString()}",
-      s"${edgeMutate.toLogString}").mkString("\n")
-    logger.debug(msg)
-  }
-  /**
-   * try to acquire lock on storage for this given snapshotEdge(lockEdge).
-    *
-    * @param statusCode: current statusCode of this thread to process edges.
-   * @param squashedEdge: squashed(in memory) final edge from input edges on same snapshotEdge. only for debug
-   * @param fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: fetched snapshot edge from storage.
-   * @param lockEdge: lockEdge to build RPC request(compareAndSet) into Storage.
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def acquireLock(statusCode: Byte,
-                            squashedEdge: S2Edge,
-                            fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: Option[S2Edge],
-                            lockEdge: SnapshotEdge): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (statusCode >= 1) {
-      logger.debug(s"skip acquireLock: [$statusCode]\n${squashedEdge.toLogString}")
-      Future.successful(true)
-    } else {
-      val p = Random.nextDouble()
-      if (p < FailProb) {
-        Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 0, s"$p"))
-      } else {
-        val lockEdgePut = snapshotEdgeSerializer(lockEdge).toKeyValues.head
-        val oldPut = => snapshotEdgeSerializer(e.toSnapshotEdge).toKeyValues.head)
-        writeLock(lockEdgePut, oldPut).recoverWith { case ex: Exception =>
-          logger.error(s"AcquireLock RPC Failed.")
-          throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 0, "AcquireLock RPC Failed")
-        }.map { ret =>
-          if (ret) {
-            val log = Seq(
-              "\n",
-              "=" * 50,
-              s"[Success]: acquireLock",
-              s"[RequestEdge]: ${squashedEdge.toLogString}",
-              s"[LockEdge]: ${lockEdge.toLogString()}",
-              s"[PendingEdge]: ${"")}",
-              "=" * 50, "\n").mkString("\n")
-            logger.debug(log)
-            //            debug(ret, "acquireLock", edge.toSnapshotEdge)
-          } else {
-            throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 0, "hbase fail.")
-          }
-          true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * change this snapshot's state on storage from locked into committed by
-   * storing new merged states on storage. merge state come from releaseLockEdge.
-   * note that releaseLock return Future.failed on predicate failure.
-    *
-    * @param predicate: indicate if this releaseLock phase should be proceed or not.
-   * @param statusCode: releaseLock do not use statusCode, only for debug.
-   * @param squashedEdge: squashed(in memory) final edge from input edges on same snapshotEdge. only for debug
-   * @param releaseLockEdge: final merged states if all process goes well.
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def releaseLock(predicate: Boolean,
-                            statusCode: Byte,
-                            squashedEdge: S2Edge,
-                            releaseLockEdge: SnapshotEdge): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (!predicate) {
-      Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 3, "predicate failed."))
-    } else {
-      val p = Random.nextDouble()
-      if (p < FailProb) Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 3, s"$p"))
-      else {
-        val releaseLockEdgePuts = snapshotEdgeSerializer(releaseLockEdge).toKeyValues
-        writeToStorage(squashedEdge.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr, releaseLockEdgePuts, withWait = true).recoverWith {
-          case ex: Exception =>
-            logger.error(s"ReleaseLock RPC Failed.")
-            throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 3, "ReleaseLock RPC Failed")
-        }.map { ret =>
-          if (ret) {
-            debug(ret, "releaseLock", squashedEdge.toSnapshotEdge)
-          } else {
-            val msg = Seq("\nFATAL ERROR\n",
-              "=" * 50,
-              squashedEdge.toLogString,
-              releaseLockEdgePuts,
-              "=" * 50,
-              "\n"
-            )
-            logger.error(msg.mkString("\n"))
-            //          error(ret, "releaseLock", edge.toSnapshotEdge)
-            throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 3, "hbase fail.")
-          }
-          true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *
-   * @param predicate: indicate if this commitIndexEdgeMutations phase should be proceed or not.
-   * @param statusCode: current statusCode of this thread to process edges.
-   * @param squashedEdge: squashed(in memory) final edge from input edges on same snapshotEdge. only for debug
-   * @param edgeMutate: actual collection of mutations. note that edgeMutate contains snapshotEdge mutations,
-   *                  but in here, we only use indexEdge's mutations.
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def commitIndexEdgeMutations(predicate: Boolean,
-                       statusCode: Byte,
-                       squashedEdge: S2Edge,
-                       edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (!predicate) Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 1, "predicate failed."))
-    else {
-      if (statusCode >= 2) {
-        logger.debug(s"skip mutate: [$statusCode]\n${squashedEdge.toLogString}")
-        Future.successful(true)
-      } else {
-        val p = Random.nextDouble()
-        if (p < FailProb) Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 1, s"$p"))
-        else
-          writeToStorage(squashedEdge.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr, indexedEdgeMutations(edgeMutate), withWait = true).map { ret =>
-            if (ret) {
-              debug(ret, "mutate", squashedEdge.toSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-            } else {
-              throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 1, "hbase fail.")
-            }
-            true
-          }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *
-   * @param predicate: indicate if this commitIndexEdgeMutations phase should be proceed or not.
-   * @param statusCode: current statusCode of this thread to process edges.
-   * @param squashedEdge: squashed(in memory) final edge from input edges on same snapshotEdge. only for debug
-   * @param edgeMutate: actual collection of mutations. note that edgeMutate contains snapshotEdge mutations,
-   *                  but in here, we only use indexEdge's degree mutations.
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def commitIndexEdgeDegreeMutations(predicate: Boolean,
-                          statusCode: Byte,
-                          squashedEdge: S2Edge,
-                          edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Future[Boolean] = {
-    def _write(kvs: Seq[SKeyValue], withWait: Boolean): Future[Boolean] = {
-      writeToStorage(squashedEdge.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr, kvs, withWait = withWait).map { ret =>
-        if (ret) {
-          debug(ret, "increment", squashedEdge.toSnapshotEdge, edgeMutate)
-        } else {
-          throw new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 2, "hbase fail.")
-        }
-        true
-      }
-    }
-    if (!predicate) Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 2, "predicate failed."))
-    if (statusCode >= 3) {
-      logger.debug(s"skip increment: [$statusCode]\n${squashedEdge.toLogString}")
-      Future.successful(true)
-    } else {
-      val p = Random.nextDouble()
-      if (p < FailProb) Future.failed(new PartialFailureException(squashedEdge, 2, s"$p"))
-      else {
-        val (bufferIncr, nonBufferIncr) = increments(edgeMutate.deepCopy)
-        if (bufferIncr.nonEmpty) _write(bufferIncr, withWait = false)
-        _write(nonBufferIncr, withWait = true)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** end of methods for consistency */
-  def mutateLog(snapshotEdgeOpt: Option[S2Edge], edges: Seq[S2Edge],
-                newEdge: S2Edge, edgeMutate: EdgeMutate) =
-    Seq("----------------------------------------------",
-      s"SnapshotEdge: ${}",
-      s"requestEdges: ${"\n")}",
-      s"newEdge: ${newEdge.toLogString}",
-      s"mutation: \n${edgeMutate.toLogString}",
-      "----------------------------------------------").mkString("\n")
-  /** Delete All */
-  def deleteAllFetchedEdgesAsyncOld(stepInnerResult: StepResult,
-                                              requestTs: Long,
-                                              retryNum: Int): Future[Boolean] = {
-    if (stepInnerResult.isEmpty) Future.successful(true)
-    else {
-      val head = stepInnerResult.edgeWithScores.head
-      val zkQuorum = head.edge.innerLabel.hbaseZkAddr
-      val futures = for {
-        edgeWithScore <- stepInnerResult.edgeWithScores
-      } yield {
-          val edge = edgeWithScore.edge
-          val score = edgeWithScore.score
-          val edgeSnapshot = edge.copyEdge(propsWithTs = S2Edge.propsToState(edge.updatePropsWithTs()))
-          val reversedSnapshotEdgeMutations = snapshotEdgeSerializer(edgeSnapshot.toSnapshotEdge) = SKeyValue.Put))
-          val edgeForward = edge.copyEdge(propsWithTs = S2Edge.propsToState(edge.updatePropsWithTs()))
-          val forwardIndexedEdgeMutations = edgeForward.edgesWithIndex.flatMap { indexEdge =>
-            indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Delete)) ++
-              buildIncrementsAsync(indexEdge, -1L)
-          }
-          /* reverted direction */
-          val edgeRevert = edge.copyEdge(propsWithTs = S2Edge.propsToState(edge.updatePropsWithTs()))
-          val reversedIndexedEdgesMutations = edgeRevert.duplicateEdge.edgesWithIndex.flatMap { indexEdge =>
-            indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Delete)) ++
-              buildIncrementsAsync(indexEdge, -1L)
-          }
-          val mutations = reversedIndexedEdgesMutations ++ reversedSnapshotEdgeMutations ++ forwardIndexedEdgeMutations
-          writeToStorage(zkQuorum, mutations, withWait = true)
-        }
-      Future.sequence(futures).map { rets => rets.forall(identity) }
-    }
-  }
-  /** End Of Delete All */
-  /** Parsing Logic: parse from kv from Storage into Edge */
-  def toEdge[K: CanSKeyValue](kv: K,
-                              queryRequest: QueryRequest,
-                              cacheElementOpt: Option[S2Edge],
-                              parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Option[S2Edge] = {
-    logger.debug(s"toEdge: $kv")
-    try {
-      val queryOption = queryRequest.query.queryOption
-      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
-      val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
-      val indexEdgeOpt = indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), cacheElementOpt)
-      if (!queryOption.returnTree) => indexEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges))
-      else indexEdgeOpt
-    } catch {
-      case ex: Exception =>
-        logger.error(s"Fail on toEdge: ${kv.toString}, ${queryRequest}", ex)
-        None
-    }
-  }
-  def toSnapshotEdge[K: CanSKeyValue](kv: K,
-                                      queryRequest: QueryRequest,
-                                      cacheElementOpt: Option[SnapshotEdge] = None,
-                                      isInnerCall: Boolean,
-                                      parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Option[S2Edge] = {
-//        logger.debug(s"SnapshottoEdge: $kv")
-    val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
-    val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
-    val snapshotEdgeOpt = snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), cacheElementOpt)
-    if (isInnerCall) {
-      snapshotEdgeOpt.flatMap { snapshotEdge =>
-        val edge = snapshotEdge.toEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges)
-        if ( Option(edge)
-        else None
-      }
-    } else {
-      snapshotEdgeOpt.flatMap { snapshotEdge =>
-        if (snapshotEdge.allPropsDeleted) None
-        else {
-          val edge = snapshotEdge.toEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges)
-          if ( Option(edge)
-          else None
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  val dummyCursor: Array[Byte] = Array.empty
-  def toEdges[K: CanSKeyValue](kvs: Seq[K],
-                               queryRequest: QueryRequest,
-                               prevScore: Double = 1.0,
-                               isInnerCall: Boolean,
-                               parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore],
-                               startOffset: Int = 0,
-                               len: Int = Int.MaxValue): StepResult = {
-    val toSKeyValue = implicitly[CanSKeyValue[K]].toSKeyValue _
-    if (kvs.isEmpty) StepResult.Empty.copy(cursors = Seq(dummyCursor))
-    else {
-      val queryOption = queryRequest.query.queryOption
-      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
-      val labelWeight = queryRequest.labelWeight
-      val nextStepOpt = queryRequest.nextStepOpt
-      val where = queryParam.where.get
-      val label = queryParam.label
-      val isDefaultTransformer = queryParam.edgeTransformer.isDefault
-      val first = kvs.head
-      val kv = first
-      val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
-      val cacheElementOpt =
-        if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) None
-        else indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), None)
-      val (degreeEdges, keyValues) = cacheElementOpt match {
-        case None => (Nil, kvs)
-        case Some(cacheElement) =>
-          val head = cacheElement
-          if (!head.isDegree) (Nil, kvs)
-          else (Seq(EdgeWithScore(head, 1.0, label)), kvs.tail)
-      }
-      val lastCursor: Seq[Array[Byte]] = Seq(if (keyValues.nonEmpty) toSKeyValue(keyValues(keyValues.length - 1)).row else dummyCursor)
-      if (!queryOption.ignorePrevStepCache) {
-        val edgeWithScores = for {
-          (kv, idx) <- keyValues.zipWithIndex if idx >= startOffset && idx < startOffset + len
-          edge <- (if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) toSnapshotEdge(kv, queryRequest, None, isInnerCall, parentEdges) else toEdge(kv, queryRequest, cacheElementOpt, parentEdges)).toSeq
-          if where == WhereParser.success || where.filter(edge)
-          convertedEdge <- if (isDefaultTransformer) Seq(edge) else convertEdges(queryParam, edge, nextStepOpt)
-        } yield {
-            val score = edge.rank(queryParam.rank)
-            EdgeWithScore(convertedEdge, score, label)
-          }
-        StepResult(edgeWithScores = edgeWithScores, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = degreeEdges, cursors = lastCursor)
-      } else {
-        val degreeScore = 0.0
-        val edgeWithScores = for {
-          (kv, idx) <- keyValues.zipWithIndex if idx >= startOffset && idx < startOffset + len
-          edge <- (if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) toSnapshotEdge(kv, queryRequest, None, isInnerCall, parentEdges) else toEdge(kv, queryRequest, cacheElementOpt, parentEdges)).toSeq
-          if where == WhereParser.success || where.filter(edge)
-          convertedEdge <- if (isDefaultTransformer) Seq(edge) else convertEdges(queryParam, edge, nextStepOpt)
-        } yield {
-            val edgeScore = edge.rank(queryParam.rank)
-            val score = queryParam.scorePropagateOp match {
-              case "plus" => edgeScore + prevScore
-              case "divide" =>
-                if ((prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage) == 0) 0
-                else edgeScore / (prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage)
-              case _ => edgeScore * prevScore
-            }
-            val tsVal = processTimeDecay(queryParam, edge)
-            val newScore = degreeScore + score
-            EdgeWithScore(convertedEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges), score = newScore * labelWeight * tsVal, label = label)
-          }
-        val sampled =
-          if (queryRequest.queryParam.sample >= 0) sample(queryRequest, edgeWithScores, queryRequest.queryParam.sample)
-          else edgeWithScores
-        val normalized = if (queryParam.shouldNormalize) normalize(sampled) else sampled
-        StepResult(edgeWithScores = normalized, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = degreeEdges, cursors = lastCursor)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** End Of Parse Logic */
-  protected def toRequestEdge(queryRequest: QueryRequest, parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): S2Edge = {
+object Storage {
+  def toRequestEdge(graph: S2Graph)(queryRequest: QueryRequest, parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): S2Edge = {
     val srcVertex = queryRequest.vertex
     val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
     val tgtVertexIdOpt = queryParam.tgtVertexInnerIdOpt
@@ -988,133 +56,131 @@ abstract class Storage[Q, R](val graph: S2Graph,
-  protected def fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edge: S2Edge): Future[(QueryParam, Option[S2Edge], Option[SKeyValue])] = {
-    /* TODO: Fix this. currently fetchSnapshotEdge should not use future cache
-      * so use empty cacheKey.
-      * */
-    val queryParam = QueryParam(labelName = edge.innerLabel.label,
-      direction = GraphUtil.fromDirection(edge.labelWithDir.dir),
-      tgtVertexIdOpt = Option(edge.tgtVertex.innerIdVal),
-      cacheTTLInMillis = -1)
-    val q = Query.toQuery(Seq(edge.srcVertex), Seq(queryParam))
-    val queryRequest = QueryRequest(q, 0, edge.srcVertex, queryParam)
-    //    val q = Query.toQuery(Seq(edge.srcVertex), queryParam)
-    fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues(queryRequest).map { kvs =>
-      val (edgeOpt, kvOpt) =
-        if (kvs.isEmpty) (None, None)
-        else {
-          val snapshotEdgeOpt = toSnapshotEdge(kvs.head, queryRequest, isInnerCall = true, parentEdges = Nil)
-          val _kvOpt = kvs.headOption
-          (snapshotEdgeOpt, _kvOpt)
-        }
-      (queryParam, edgeOpt, kvOpt)
-    } recoverWith { case ex: Throwable =>
-      logger.error(s"fetchQueryParam failed. fallback return.", ex)
-      throw new FetchTimeoutException(s"${edge.toLogString}")
-    }
-  }
+abstract class Storage[Q](val graph: S2Graph,
+                          val config: Config) {
+  /* Storage backend specific resource management */
+  val management: StorageManagement
+  /* Physically store given KeyValue into backend storage. */
+  val mutator: StorageWritable
+  /*
+   * Given QueryRequest/Vertex/Edge, fetch KeyValue from storage
+   * then convert them into Edge/Vertex
+   */
+  val fetcher: StorageReadable[Q]
+  /*
+   * Serialize Edge/Vertex, to common KeyValue, SKeyValue that
+   * can be stored aligned to backend storage's physical schema.
+   * Also Deserialize storage backend's KeyValue to SKeyValue.
+   */
+  val serDe: StorageSerDe
+  /*
+   * Common helper to translate SKeyValue to Edge/Vertex and vice versa.
+   * Note that it require storage backend specific implementation for serialize/deserialize.
+   */
+  lazy val io: StorageIO = new StorageIO(graph, serDe)
+  /*
+   * Common helper to resolve write-write conflict on snapshot edge with same EdgeId.
+   * Note that it require storage backend specific implementations for
+   * all of StorageWritable, StorageReadable, StorageSerDe, StorageIO
+   */
+  lazy val conflictResolver: WriteWriteConflictResolver = new WriteWriteConflictResolver(graph, serDe, io, mutator, fetcher)
+  /** IO **/
+  def snapshotEdgeSerializer(snapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge): serde.Serializable[SnapshotEdge] =
+    serDe.snapshotEdgeSerializer(snapshotEdge)
+  def indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge: IndexEdge): serde.Serializable[IndexEdge] =
+    serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge)
+  def vertexSerializer(vertex: S2Vertex): serde.Serializable[S2Vertex] =
+    serDe.vertexSerializer(vertex)
+  def snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String): Deserializable[SnapshotEdge] =
+    serDe.snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer)
-  /** end of query */
+  def indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String): IndexEdgeDeserializable =
+    serDe.indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer)
+  def vertexDeserializer(schemaVer: String): Deserializable[S2Vertex] =
+    serDe.vertexDeserializer(schemaVer)
   /** Mutation Builder */
+  def increments(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): (Seq[SKeyValue], Seq[SKeyValue]) =
+    io.increments(edgeMutate)
+  def indexedEdgeMutations(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.indexedEdgeMutations(edgeMutate)
-  /** EdgeMutate */
-  def indexedEdgeMutations(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    // skip sampling for delete operation
-    val deleteMutations = edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOpt.flatMap { indexEdge =>
-      indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Delete, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
-    }
+  def buildIncrementsAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.buildIncrementsAsync(indexedEdge, amount)
-    val insertMutations = edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOpt.flatMap { indexEdge =>
-      indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Put, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
-    }
+  def buildIncrementsCountAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.buildIncrementsCountAsync(indexedEdge, amount)
-    deleteMutations ++ insertMutations
-  }
+  def buildVertexPutsAsync(edge: S2Edge): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.buildVertexPutsAsync(edge)
   def snapshotEdgeMutations(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Seq[SKeyValue] =
- => snapshotEdgeSerializer(e) = e.label.durability))).getOrElse(Nil)
+    io.snapshotEdgeMutations(edgeMutate)
-  def increments(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): (Seq[SKeyValue], Seq[SKeyValue]) = {
-    (edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOptForDegree.isEmpty, edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOptForDegree.isEmpty) match {
-      case (true, true) =>
-        /* when there is no need to update. shouldUpdate == false */
-        Nil -> Nil
+  def buildDegreePuts(edge: S2Edge, degreeVal: Long): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.buildDegreePuts(edge, degreeVal)
-      case (true, false) =>
-        /* no edges to delete but there is new edges to insert so increase degree by 1 */
-        val (buffer, nonBuffer) = EdgeMutate.partitionBufferedIncrement(edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOptForDegree)
-        buffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_)) -> nonBuffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_))
+  def buildPutsAll(vertex: S2Vertex): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+    io.buildPutsAll(vertex)
-      case (false, true) =>
-        /* no edges to insert but there is old edges to delete so decrease degree by 1 */
-        val (buffer, nonBuffer) = EdgeMutate.partitionBufferedIncrement(edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOptForDegree)
-        buffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_, -1)) -> nonBuffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_, -1))
+  /** Mutation **/
-      case (false, false) =>
-        /* update on existing edges so no change on degree */
-        Nil -> Nil
-    }
-  }
+  def writeToStorage(cluster: String, kvs: Seq[SKeyValue], withWait: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MutateResponse] =
+    mutator.writeToStorage(cluster, kvs, withWait)
-  /** IndexEdge */
-  def buildIncrementsAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    val newProps = indexedEdge.updatePropsWithTs()
-    newProps.put(, new S2Property(indexedEdge.toEdge,,, amount, indexedEdge.ts))
-    val _indexedEdge = indexedEdge.copy(propsWithTs = newProps)
-    indexEdgeSerializer(_indexedEdge) = SKeyValue.Increment, durability = _indexedEdge.label.durability))
-  }
+  def writeLock(requestKeyValue: SKeyValue, expectedOpt: Option[SKeyValue])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MutateResponse] =
+    mutator.writeLock(requestKeyValue, expectedOpt)
-  def buildIncrementsCountAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    val newProps = indexedEdge.updatePropsWithTs()
-    newProps.put(, new S2Property(indexedEdge.toEdge,,, amount, indexedEdge.ts))
-    val _indexedEdge = indexedEdge.copy(propsWithTs = newProps)
-    indexEdgeSerializer(_indexedEdge) = SKeyValue.Increment, durability = _indexedEdge.label.durability))
-  }
+  /** Fetch **/
-  //TODO: ServiceColumn do not have durability property yet.
-  def buildDeleteBelongsToId(vertex: S2Vertex): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    val kvs = vertexSerializer(vertex).toKeyValues
-    val kv = kvs.head
- { id =>
-      kv.copy(qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(S2Vertex.toPropKey(id)), operation = SKeyValue.Delete)
-    }
-  }
+  def buildRequest(queryRequest: QueryRequest, edge: S2Edge): Q = fetcher.buildRequest(queryRequest, edge)
-  def buildVertexPutsAsync(edge: S2Edge): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    val storeVertex = edge.innerLabel.extraOptions.get("storeVertex").map([Boolean]).getOrElse(false)
+  def buildRequest(queryRequest: QueryRequest, vertex: S2Vertex): Q = fetcher.buildRequest(queryRequest, vertex)
-    if (storeVertex) {
-      if (edge.op == GraphUtil.operations("delete"))
-        buildDeleteBelongsToId(edge.srcForVertex) ++ buildDeleteBelongsToId(edge.tgtForVertex)
-      else
-        vertexSerializer(edge.srcForVertex).toKeyValues ++ vertexSerializer(edge.tgtForVertex).toKeyValues
-    } else {
-      Seq.empty
-    }
-  }
+  def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
+              prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[StepResult]] =
+    fetcher.fetches(queryRequests, prevStepEdges)
-  def buildDegreePuts(edge: S2Edge, degreeVal: Long): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    edge.propertyInner(, degreeVal, edge.ts)
-    val kvs = edge.edgesWithIndexValid.flatMap { indexEdge =>
-      indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Put, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
-    }
+  def fetchKeyValues(rpc: Q)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[SKeyValue]] = fetcher.fetchKeyValues(rpc)
-    kvs
-  }
+  def fetchEdgesAll()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[S2Edge]] = fetcher.fetchEdgesAll()
-  def buildPutsAll(vertex: S2Vertex): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    vertex.op match {
-      case d: Byte if d == GraphUtil.operations("delete") => vertexSerializer(vertex) = SKeyValue.Delete))
-      case _ => vertexSerializer(vertex) = SKeyValue.Put))
-    }
-  }
+  def fetchVerticesAll()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[S2Vertex]] = fetcher.fetchVerticesAll()
-  def info: Map[String, String] = Map("className" -> this.getClass.getSimpleName)
+  def fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edge: S2Edge)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(QueryParam, Option[S2Edge], Option[SKeyValue])] =
+    fetcher.fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edge)
+  /** Conflict Resolver **/
+  def retry(tryNum: Int)(edges: Seq[S2Edge], statusCode: Byte, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt: Option[S2Edge])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
+    conflictResolver.retry(tryNum)(edges, statusCode, fetchedSnapshotEdgeOpt)
+  /** Management **/
+  def flush(): Unit = management.flush()
+  def createTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit = management.createTable(config, tableNameStr)
+  def truncateTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit = management.truncateTable(config, tableNameStr)
+  def deleteTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit = management.deleteTable(config, tableNameStr)
+  def shutdown(): Unit = management.shutdown()
+  def info: Map[String, String] = Map("className" -> this.getClass.getSimpleName)
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageDeserializable.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageDeserializable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 811cf62..0000000
--- a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageDeserializable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.QueryParam
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.{LabelMeta, Label}
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{HBaseType, InnerVal, InnerValLike, InnerValLikeWithTs}
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
-object StorageDeserializable {
-  /** Deserializer */
-  def bytesToLabelIndexSeqWithIsInverted(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): (Byte, Boolean) = {
-    val byte = bytes(offset)
-    val isInverted = if ((byte & 1) != 0) true else false
-    val labelOrderSeq = byte >> 1
-    (labelOrderSeq.toByte, isInverted)
-  }
-  def bytesToKeyValues(bytes: Array[Byte],
-                       offset: Int,
-                       length: Int,
-                       schemaVer: String,
-                       label: Label): (Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)], Int) = {
-    var pos = offset
-    val len = bytes(pos)
-    pos += 1
-    val kvs = new Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)](len)
-    var i = 0
-    while (i < len) {
-      val k = label.labelMetaMap(bytes(pos))
-      pos += 1
-      val (v, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos, 0, schemaVer)
-      pos += numOfBytesUsed
-      kvs(i) = (k -> v)
-      i += 1
-    }
-    val ret = (kvs, pos)
-    //    logger.debug(s"bytesToProps: $ret")
-    ret
-  }
-  def bytesToKeyValuesWithTs(bytes: Array[Byte],
-                             offset: Int,
-                             schemaVer: String,
-                             label: Label): (Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLikeWithTs)], Int) = {
-    var pos = offset
-    val len = bytes(pos)
-    pos += 1
-    val kvs = new Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLikeWithTs)](len)
-    var i = 0
-    while (i < len) {
-      val k = label.labelMetaMap(bytes(pos))
-      pos += 1
-      val (v, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerValLikeWithTs.fromBytes(bytes, pos, 0, schemaVer)
-      pos += numOfBytesUsed
-      kvs(i) = (k -> v)
-      i += 1
-    }
-    val ret = (kvs, pos)
-    //    logger.debug(s"bytesToProps: $ret")
-    ret
-  }
-  def bytesToProps(bytes: Array[Byte],
-                   offset: Int,
-                   schemaVer: String): (Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)], Int) = {
-    var pos = offset
-    val len = bytes(pos)
-    pos += 1
-    val kvs = new Array[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)](len)
-    var i = 0
-    while (i < len) {
-      val k = LabelMeta.empty
-      val (v, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos, 0, schemaVer)
-      pos += numOfBytesUsed
-      kvs(i) = (k -> v)
-      i += 1
-    }
-    //    logger.error(s"bytesToProps: $kvs")
-    val ret = (kvs, pos)
-    ret
-  }
-  def bytesToLong(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Long = Bytes.toLong(bytes, offset)
-  def bytesToInt(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Int = Bytes.toInt(bytes, offset)
-trait StorageDeserializable[E] {
-  def fromKeyValues[T: CanSKeyValue](kvs: Seq[T], cacheElementOpt: Option[E]): Option[E]
-//  = {
-//    try {
-//      Option(fromKeyValuesInner(kvs, cacheElementOpt))
-//    } catch {
-//      case e: Exception =>
-//        logger.error(s"${this.getClass.getName} fromKeyValues failed.", e)
-//        None
-//    }
-//  }
-//  def fromKeyValuesInner[T: CanSKeyValue](kvs: Seq[T], cacheElementOpt: Option[E]): E
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageIO.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageIO.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e11f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageIO.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.S2Graph.{convertEdges, normalize, processTimeDecay, sample}
+import org.apache.s2graph.core._
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.LabelMeta
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.parsers.WhereParser
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
+class StorageIO(val graph: S2Graph, val serDe: StorageSerDe) {
+  val dummyCursor: Array[Byte] = Array.empty
+  /** Parsing Logic: parse from kv from Storage into Edge */
+  def toEdge[K: CanSKeyValue](kv: K,
+                              queryRequest: QueryRequest,
+                              cacheElementOpt: Option[S2Edge],
+                              parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Option[S2Edge] = {
+    logger.debug(s"toEdge: $kv")
+    try {
+      val queryOption = queryRequest.query.queryOption
+      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
+      val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
+      val indexEdgeOpt = serDe.indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), cacheElementOpt)
+      if (!queryOption.returnTree) => indexEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges))
+      else indexEdgeOpt
+    } catch {
+      case ex: Exception =>
+        logger.error(s"Fail on toEdge: ${kv.toString}, ${queryRequest}", ex)
+        None
+    }
+  }
+  def toSnapshotEdge[K: CanSKeyValue](kv: K,
+                                      queryRequest: QueryRequest,
+                                      cacheElementOpt: Option[SnapshotEdge] = None,
+                                      isInnerCall: Boolean,
+                                      parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Option[S2Edge] = {
+    //        logger.debug(s"SnapshottoEdge: $kv")
+    val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
+    val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
+    val snapshotEdgeOpt = serDe.snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), cacheElementOpt)
+    if (isInnerCall) {
+      snapshotEdgeOpt.flatMap { snapshotEdge =>
+        val edge = snapshotEdge.toEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges)
+        if ( Option(edge)
+        else None
+      }
+    } else {
+      snapshotEdgeOpt.flatMap { snapshotEdge =>
+        if (snapshotEdge.allPropsDeleted) None
+        else {
+          val edge = snapshotEdge.toEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges)
+          if ( Option(edge)
+          else None
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def toEdges[K: CanSKeyValue](kvs: Seq[K],
+                               queryRequest: QueryRequest,
+                               prevScore: Double = 1.0,
+                               isInnerCall: Boolean,
+                               parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore],
+                               startOffset: Int = 0,
+                               len: Int = Int.MaxValue): StepResult = {
+    val toSKeyValue = implicitly[CanSKeyValue[K]].toSKeyValue _
+    if (kvs.isEmpty) StepResult.Empty.copy(cursors = Seq(dummyCursor))
+    else {
+      val queryOption = queryRequest.query.queryOption
+      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
+      val labelWeight = queryRequest.labelWeight
+      val nextStepOpt = queryRequest.nextStepOpt
+      val where = queryParam.where.get
+      val label = queryParam.label
+      val isDefaultTransformer = queryParam.edgeTransformer.isDefault
+      val first = kvs.head
+      val kv = first
+      val schemaVer = queryParam.label.schemaVersion
+      val cacheElementOpt =
+        if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) None
+        else serDe.indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer).fromKeyValues(Seq(kv), None)
+      val (degreeEdges, keyValues) = cacheElementOpt match {
+        case None => (Nil, kvs)
+        case Some(cacheElement) =>
+          val head = cacheElement
+          if (!head.isDegree) (Nil, kvs)
+          else (Seq(EdgeWithScore(head, 1.0, label)), kvs.tail)
+      }
+      val lastCursor: Seq[Array[Byte]] = Seq(if (keyValues.nonEmpty) toSKeyValue(keyValues(keyValues.length - 1)).row else dummyCursor)
+      if (!queryOption.ignorePrevStepCache) {
+        val edgeWithScores = for {
+          (kv, idx) <- keyValues.zipWithIndex if idx >= startOffset && idx < startOffset + len
+          edge <- (if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) toSnapshotEdge(kv, queryRequest, None, isInnerCall, parentEdges) else toEdge(kv, queryRequest, cacheElementOpt, parentEdges)).toSeq
+          if where == WhereParser.success || where.filter(edge)
+          convertedEdge <- if (isDefaultTransformer) Seq(edge) else convertEdges(queryParam, edge, nextStepOpt)
+        } yield {
+          val score = edge.rank(queryParam.rank)
+          EdgeWithScore(convertedEdge, score, label)
+        }
+        StepResult(edgeWithScores = edgeWithScores, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = degreeEdges, cursors = lastCursor)
+      } else {
+        val degreeScore = 0.0
+        val edgeWithScores = for {
+          (kv, idx) <- keyValues.zipWithIndex if idx >= startOffset && idx < startOffset + len
+          edge <- (if (queryParam.isSnapshotEdge) toSnapshotEdge(kv, queryRequest, None, isInnerCall, parentEdges) else toEdge(kv, queryRequest, cacheElementOpt, parentEdges)).toSeq
+          if where == WhereParser.success || where.filter(edge)
+          convertedEdge <- if (isDefaultTransformer) Seq(edge) else convertEdges(queryParam, edge, nextStepOpt)
+        } yield {
+          val edgeScore = edge.rank(queryParam.rank)
+          val score = queryParam.scorePropagateOp match {
+            case "plus" => edgeScore + prevScore
+            case "divide" =>
+              if ((prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage) == 0) 0
+              else edgeScore / (prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage)
+            case _ => edgeScore * prevScore
+          }
+          val tsVal = processTimeDecay(queryParam, edge)
+          val newScore = degreeScore + score
+          EdgeWithScore(convertedEdge.copy(parentEdges = parentEdges), score = newScore * labelWeight * tsVal, label = label)
+        }
+        val sampled =
+          if (queryRequest.queryParam.sample >= 0) sample(queryRequest, edgeWithScores, queryRequest.queryParam.sample)
+          else edgeWithScores
+        val normalized = if (queryParam.shouldNormalize) normalize(sampled) else sampled
+        StepResult(edgeWithScores = normalized, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = degreeEdges, cursors = lastCursor)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /** End Of Parse Logic */
+  /** end of query */
+  /** Mutation Builder */
+  /** EdgeMutate */
+  def indexedEdgeMutations(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    // skip sampling for delete operation
+    val deleteMutations = edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOpt.flatMap { indexEdge =>
+      serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Delete, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
+    }
+    val insertMutations = edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOpt.flatMap { indexEdge =>
+      serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Put, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
+    }
+    deleteMutations ++ insertMutations
+  }
+  def snapshotEdgeMutations(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): Seq[SKeyValue] =
+ => serDe.snapshotEdgeSerializer(e) = e.label.durability))).getOrElse(Nil)
+  def increments(edgeMutate: EdgeMutate): (Seq[SKeyValue], Seq[SKeyValue]) = {
+    (edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOptForDegree.isEmpty, edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOptForDegree.isEmpty) match {
+      case (true, true) =>
+        /* when there is no need to update. shouldUpdate == false */
+        Nil -> Nil
+      case (true, false) =>
+        /* no edges to delete but there is new edges to insert so increase degree by 1 */
+        val (buffer, nonBuffer) = EdgeMutate.partitionBufferedIncrement(edgeMutate.edgesToInsertWithIndexOptForDegree)
+        buffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_)) -> nonBuffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_))
+      case (false, true) =>
+        /* no edges to insert but there is old edges to delete so decrease degree by 1 */
+        val (buffer, nonBuffer) = EdgeMutate.partitionBufferedIncrement(edgeMutate.edgesToDeleteWithIndexOptForDegree)
+        buffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_, -1)) -> nonBuffer.flatMap(buildIncrementsAsync(_, -1))
+      case (false, false) =>
+        /* update on existing edges so no change on degree */
+        Nil -> Nil
+    }
+  }
+  /** IndexEdge */
+  def buildIncrementsAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    val newProps = indexedEdge.updatePropsWithTs()
+    newProps.put(, new S2Property(indexedEdge.toEdge,,, amount, indexedEdge.ts))
+    val _indexedEdge = indexedEdge.copy(propsWithTs = newProps)
+    serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(_indexedEdge) = SKeyValue.Increment, durability = _indexedEdge.label.durability))
+  }
+  def buildIncrementsCountAsync(indexedEdge: IndexEdge, amount: Long = 1L): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    val newProps = indexedEdge.updatePropsWithTs()
+    newProps.put(, new S2Property(indexedEdge.toEdge,,, amount, indexedEdge.ts))
+    val _indexedEdge = indexedEdge.copy(propsWithTs = newProps)
+    serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(_indexedEdge) = SKeyValue.Increment, durability = _indexedEdge.label.durability))
+  }
+  //TODO: ServiceColumn do not have durability property yet.
+  def buildDeleteBelongsToId(vertex: S2Vertex): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    val kvs = serDe.vertexSerializer(vertex).toKeyValues
+    val kv = kvs.head
+ { id =>
+      kv.copy(qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(S2Vertex.toPropKey(id)), operation = SKeyValue.Delete)
+    }
+  }
+  def buildVertexPutsAsync(edge: S2Edge): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    val storeVertex = edge.innerLabel.extraOptions.get("storeVertex").map([Boolean]).getOrElse(false)
+    if (storeVertex) {
+      if (edge.op == GraphUtil.operations("delete"))
+        buildDeleteBelongsToId(edge.srcForVertex) ++ buildDeleteBelongsToId(edge.tgtForVertex)
+      else
+        serDe.vertexSerializer(edge.srcForVertex).toKeyValues ++ serDe.vertexSerializer(edge.tgtForVertex).toKeyValues
+    } else {
+      Seq.empty
+    }
+  }
+  def buildDegreePuts(edge: S2Edge, degreeVal: Long): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    edge.propertyInner(, degreeVal, edge.ts)
+    val kvs = edge.edgesWithIndexValid.flatMap { indexEdge =>
+      serDe.indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge) = SKeyValue.Put, durability = indexEdge.label.durability))
+    }
+    kvs
+  }
+  def buildPutsAll(vertex: S2Vertex): Seq[SKeyValue] = {
+    vertex.op match {
+      case d: Byte if d == GraphUtil.operations("delete") => serDe.vertexSerializer(vertex) = SKeyValue.Delete))
+      case _ => serDe.vertexSerializer(vertex) = SKeyValue.Put))
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageManagement.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageManagement.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da94767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageManagement.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
+trait StorageManagement {
+  /**
+    * this method need to be called when client shutdown. this is responsible to cleanUp the resources
+    * such as client into storage.
+    */
+  def flush(): Unit
+  /**
+    * create table on storage.
+    * if storage implementation does not support namespace or table, then there is nothing to be done
+    * @param config
+    */
+  def createTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit
+  /**
+    *
+    * @param config
+    * @param tableNameStr
+    */
+  def truncateTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit
+  /**
+    *
+    * @param config
+    * @param tableNameStr
+    */
+  def deleteTable(config: Config, tableNameStr: String): Unit
+  /**
+    *
+    */
+  def shutdown(): Unit
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageReadable.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageReadable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96669ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageReadable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.FetchTimeoutException
+import org.apache.s2graph.core._
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.VertexId
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+trait StorageReadable[Q] {
+  val io: StorageIO
+  /**
+    * build proper request which is specific into storage to call fetchIndexEdgeKeyValues or fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues.
+    * for example, Asynchbase use GetRequest, Scanner so this method is responsible to build
+    * client request(GetRequest, Scanner) based on user provided query.
+    *
+    * @param queryRequest
+    * @return
+    */
+  def buildRequest(queryRequest: QueryRequest, edge: S2Edge): Q
+  def buildRequest(queryRequest: QueryRequest, vertex: S2Vertex): Q
+  /**
+    * responsible to fire parallel fetch call into storage and create future that will return merged result.
+    *
+    * @param queryRequests
+    * @param prevStepEdges
+    * @return
+    */
+  def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
+              prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[StepResult]]
+  def fetchKeyValues(rpc: Q)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[SKeyValue]]
+  def fetchEdgesAll()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[S2Edge]]
+  def fetchVerticesAll()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[S2Vertex]]
+  def fetchSnapshotEdgeInner(edge: S2Edge)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(QueryParam, Option[S2Edge], Option[SKeyValue])] = {
+    val queryParam = QueryParam(labelName = edge.innerLabel.label,
+      direction = GraphUtil.fromDirection(edge.labelWithDir.dir),
+      tgtVertexIdOpt = Option(edge.tgtVertex.innerIdVal),
+      cacheTTLInMillis = -1)
+    val q = Query.toQuery(Seq(edge.srcVertex), Seq(queryParam))
+    val queryRequest = QueryRequest(q, 0, edge.srcVertex, queryParam)
+    fetchKeyValues(buildRequest(queryRequest, edge)).map { kvs =>
+      val (edgeOpt, kvOpt) =
+        if (kvs.isEmpty) (None, None)
+        else {
+          val snapshotEdgeOpt = io.toSnapshotEdge(kvs.head, queryRequest, isInnerCall = true, parentEdges = Nil)
+          val _kvOpt = kvs.headOption
+          (snapshotEdgeOpt, _kvOpt)
+        }
+      (queryParam, edgeOpt, kvOpt)
+    } recoverWith { case ex: Throwable =>
+      logger.error(s"fetchQueryParam failed. fallback return.", ex)
+      throw new FetchTimeoutException(s"${edge.toLogString}")
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerDe.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerDe.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f973e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerDe.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.{IndexEdge, S2Graph, S2Vertex, SnapshotEdge}
+trait StorageSerDe {
+  /**
+    * Compatibility table
+    * | label schema version | snapshot edge | index edge | vertex | note |
+    * | v1 | serde.snapshotedge.wide | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | do not use this. this exist only for backward compatibility issue |
+    * | v2 | serde.snapshotedge.wide | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | do not use this. this exist only for backward compatibility issue |
+    * | v3 | serde.snapshotedge.tall | serde.indexedge.wide | serde.vertex | recommended with HBase. current stable schema |
+    * | v4 | serde.snapshotedge.tall | serde.indexedge.tall | serde.vertex | experimental schema. use scanner instead of get |
+    *
+    */
+  /**
+    * create serializer that knows how to convert given snapshotEdge into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
+    * so we can store this kvs.
+    *
+    * @param snapshotEdge : snapshotEdge to serialize
+    * @return serializer implementation for StorageSerializable which has toKeyValues return Seq[SKeyValue]
+    */
+  def snapshotEdgeSerializer(snapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge): serde.Serializable[SnapshotEdge]
+  /**
+    * create serializer that knows how to convert given indexEdge into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
+    *
+    * @param indexEdge : indexEdge to serialize
+    * @return serializer implementation
+    */
+  def indexEdgeSerializer(indexEdge: IndexEdge): serde.Serializable[IndexEdge]
+  /**
+    * create serializer that knows how to convert given vertex into kvs: Seq[SKeyValue]
+    *
+    * @param vertex : vertex to serialize
+    * @return serializer implementation
+    */
+  def vertexSerializer(vertex: S2Vertex): serde.Serializable[S2Vertex]
+  /**
+    * create deserializer that can parse stored CanSKeyValue into snapshotEdge.
+    * note that each storage implementation should implement implicit type class
+    * to convert storage dependent dataType into common SKeyValue type by implementing CanSKeyValue
+    *
+    * ex) Asynchbase use it's KeyValue class and CanSKeyValue object has implicit type conversion method.
+    * if any storaage use different class to represent stored byte array,
+    * then that storage implementation is responsible to provide implicit type conversion method on CanSKeyValue.
+    **/
+  def snapshotEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String): Deserializable[SnapshotEdge]
+  def indexEdgeDeserializer(schemaVer: String): IndexEdgeDeserializable
+  def vertexDeserializer(schemaVer: String): Deserializable[S2Vertex]
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerializable.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerializable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c1efe7b..0000000
--- a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageSerializable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.mysqls.LabelMeta
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{InnerValLike, InnerValLikeWithTs}
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.logger
-object StorageSerializable {
-  /** serializer */
-  def propsToBytes(props: Seq[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)]): Array[Byte] = {
-    val len = props.length
-    assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
-    var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
-    for ((_, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, v.bytes)
-    bytes
-  }
-  def propsToKeyValues(props: Seq[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)]): Array[Byte] = {
-    val len = props.length
-    assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
-    var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
-    for ((k, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Array.fill(1)(k.seq), v.bytes)
-    bytes
-  }
-  def propsToKeyValuesWithTs(props: Seq[(LabelMeta, InnerValLikeWithTs)]): Array[Byte] = {
-    val len = props.length
-    assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
-    var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
-    for ((k, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Array.fill(1)(k.seq), v.bytes)
-    bytes
-  }
-  def labelOrderSeqWithIsInverted(labelOrderSeq: Byte, isInverted: Boolean): Array[Byte] = {
-    assert(labelOrderSeq < (1 << 6))
-    val byte = labelOrderSeq << 1 | (if (isInverted) 1 else 0)
-    Array.fill(1)(byte.toByte)
-  }
-  def intToBytes(value: Int): Array[Byte] = Bytes.toBytes(value)
-  def longToBytes(value: Long): Array[Byte] = Bytes.toBytes(value)
-trait StorageSerializable[E] {
-  val cf = Serializable.edgeCf
-  def table: Array[Byte]
-  def ts: Long
-  def toRowKey: Array[Byte]
-  def toQualifier: Array[Byte]
-  def toValue: Array[Byte]
-  def toKeyValues: Seq[SKeyValue] = {
-    val row = toRowKey
-    val qualifier = toQualifier
-    val value = toValue
-    val kv = SKeyValue(table, row, cf, qualifier, value, ts)
-//    logger.debug(s"[SER]: ${kv.toLogString}}")
-    Seq(kv)
-  }
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageWritable.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageWritable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216aece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/storage/StorageWritable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+trait StorageWritable {
+  /**
+    * decide how to store given key values Seq[SKeyValue] into storage using storage's client.
+    * note that this should be return true on all success.
+    * we assumes that each storage implementation has client as member variable.
+    *
+    *
+    * @param cluster: where this key values should be stored.
+    * @param kvs: sequence of SKeyValue that need to be stored in storage.
+    * @param withWait: flag to control wait ack from storage.
+    *                  note that in AsynchbaseStorage(which support asynchronous operations), even with true,
+    *                  it never block thread, but rather submit work and notified by event loop when storage send ack back.
+    * @return ack message from storage.
+    */
+  def writeToStorage(cluster: String, kvs: Seq[SKeyValue], withWait: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MutateResponse]
+  /**
+    * write requestKeyValue into storage if the current value in storage that is stored matches.
+    * note that we only use SnapshotEdge as place for lock, so this method only change SnapshotEdge.
+    *
+    * Most important thing is this have to be 'atomic' operation.
+    * When this operation is mutating requestKeyValue's snapshotEdge, then other thread need to be
+    * either blocked or failed on write-write conflict case.
+    *
+    * Also while this method is still running, then fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues should be synchronized to
+    * prevent wrong data for read.
+    *
+    * Best is use storage's concurrency control(either pessimistic or optimistic) such as transaction,
+    * compareAndSet to synchronize.
+    *
+    * for example, AsynchbaseStorage use HBase's CheckAndSet atomic operation to guarantee 'atomicity'.
+    * for storage that does not support concurrency control, then storage implementation
+    * itself can maintain manual locks that synchronize read(fetchSnapshotEdgeKeyValues)
+    * and write(writeLock).
+    * @param requestKeyValue
+    * @param expectedOpt
+    * @return
+    */
+  def writeLock(requestKeyValue: SKeyValue, expectedOpt: Option[SKeyValue])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MutateResponse]