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- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
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--			<p><div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_apache_tamaya_quickstart">Apache Tamaya: Quickstart</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The fastest way to start with Tamaya is just using the <em>Core</em> implementation,
--implementing the <strong>API</strong> in small, minimalistic way. For that add the following
--Maven dependency to your project:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya&lt;/groupId&gt;
--    &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-core&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--    &lt;version&gt;0.3-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Given that you can add your configuration properties to the following locations in your classpath:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code>META-INF/</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Additionally also system properties are taken into account, hereby overriding the default properties. Overall
--Tamaya by default defines the following configuration model per default (most significant first):</p>
--<div class="olist arabic">
--<ol class="arabic">
--<p>System Properties</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>There many modules that extend the capabilities of Tamaya.
--These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
--implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_multiple_configuration_files">Multiple configuration files</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>By default you can provide multiple <code></code> files, e.g. as part
--of multiple jars loaded into your system. The system internally creates one
--<code>PropertySource</code> for each file found on the classpath. All <code>PropertySource</code>
--instances created are ordered by their ordinal value (an int).</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Core defines the following default ordinals (used, if no custom ordinal is defined):</p>
--<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all" style="width: 70%;">
--<col style="width: 75%;">
--<col style="width: 25%;">
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Source</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Ordinal</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">System Properties</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">400</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Environment Variables</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">300</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Java Configuration Properties</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">100</p></td>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>That means that the value of a configuration variable <code>x</code> overhanded via <code>-Dx=yes</code> has
--a higher precedence then the entry for configuration variable <code>x</code> specified in a <code></code>
--as <code>x=no</code>.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>These ordinal values can be either hardcoded, or be dynamically
--configurable as key within each configuration resource. The ladder can be done by defining a special
--Tamaya ordinal value as follows:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code># override default Tamaya ordinal for property files
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This assigns an ordinal of 123 to each entry in that configuration resource.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_using_additional_features_of_tamaya">Using additional features of Tamaya</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>There many modules that extend the capabilities of
--Tamaya. These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
--implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly. Following a
--small extract of most important modules available (or available soon):</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_dynamic_resolution_and_value_placeholders">Dynamic Resolution and Value Placeholders</h4>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/id&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-resolver&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;0.3-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>With that it is possible to define values with Unix styled placeholders that are
--resolved on configuration access, e.g.
--<code>mykey=my${dynamicValue}�. For further details refer to the module documentation.
--This module also provides a `Resolver</code> singleton:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">String myExpression = ...;
--String resolved = Resolver.evaluateExpression(myExpression);</code></pre>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_ant_styled_path_resolution_of_resources">Ant-styled Path Resolution of Resources</h4>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/id&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-resolution&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;0.3-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This module provides a <code>Resolver</code> singleton that allows to
--resolve configuration resources using a ant-styled resource
--description, e.g.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">Collection&lt;URL&gt; urls = ResourceResolver.getResources("META-INF/cfg/**/*.properties");</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For further details refer to the module documentation.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_configuration_injection">Configuration Injection</h4>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/id&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-inject&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version_development}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>With this extension you can let Tamaya inject configuration into instances of
--annotated classes or let Tamaya implement a configuration template.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Corresponding configuration:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">public class MyType {
--   @ConfiguredProperty("name")
--   private String typeName;
--   public String getName() {
--      return name;
--   }
--MyType type = new MyType();
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Or the same as template:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">public interface MyTypeTemplate {
--   @ConfiguredProperty("name")
--   public String getName();
--MyTypeTemplate type = ConfigurationInjector.createTemplate(MyTypeTemplate.class);</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Currently the following resolvers are available:</p>
--<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all" style="width: 60%;">
--<col style="width: 20%;">
--<col style="width: 80%;">
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Conf</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Cross-reference to another configuration entry</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">URL</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Referencing a resource addressable by an URL.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">File</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reference to a  file, replacing the expression with the file&#8217;s text value.</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Resource</p></td>
--<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Reference to classpath resource, replacing the expression with the resource&#8217;s text value.</p></td>
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--								<b>Disclaimer</b>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
--                    incubation at
--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
--                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
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--				<h1></h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_apache_tamaya_use_cases_and_requirements">Apache Tamaya: Use Cases and Requirements</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_use_cases">Use Cases</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_simple_access">Simple Access</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to access configuration in a unified way both in SE and EE. EE may provide additional
--mechanism, such as injection, but the SE mechanisms should work as well, so any code written in SE is fully
--portable to EE as well.
--This can only be achieved by providing a static accessor, e.g.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration config = Configuration.current();</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The call above should work exactly the same in EE. To enable this the static call must be delegated in the
--internals of the singleton, depending on the runtime. In EE the executing component can behave contextually,
--or even be loaded within the CDI environment (at least for post loading, application runtime aspects, but not earlier).</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Additionally in EE it should also be possible to inject Configuration, which gives you the same results as the call
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">@Inject
--private Configuration cfg;</code></pre>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_simple_lookup_of_properties">Simple Lookup of Properties</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users just want to create a configuration ad hoc, from given property files. The
--files could be locally in the file system, on the classpath.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya should provide a simple Java API for accessing key/value based configuration. Hereby users want to access
--properties as simple String values.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Hereby returning Java 8 Optional values must be considered as well, instead of returning null.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_value_placeholders">Value Placeholders</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users just want to to be able to add placeholders to the values of configuration (not the keys). The mechanisms for
--resolving the placeholders hereby should be not constraint to one single lanmguage like EL. Instead of different
--replacement strategies should be selectable, e.g. by prefixing an expression with the name of the resolver that
--should do the work (eg "blabla ${env:HOME} using Java version ${sys:java.version}.".
--This allows resolution mechanism to be isolated easily and also allows to use simpler mechanisms, if no more complex
--ones like EL are required. This is especially useful to deal with low resource environment like ME.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_type_safe_properties">Type Safe Properties</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users just want to access properties not only as Strings, but let Tamaya do the conversion to the required
--or the configred target type. By defauklt all java.ui.lang wrapper and primitive types should be supported, but also
--other common types like date/time types, math numeric types and more.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>It must be possible that users can register their own custom types.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Finally users also want to be able to dynamically provide or override type adaption (conversion), when reading a value,
--for a certain key/value pair.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_templates">Configuration Templates</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to let Tamaya implement an interface template based on configuration.
--This use case is pretty similar to the injection use case. Basically the values are not injected,
--but cached within the template proxy returned, e.g. as DynamicValue.
--Similarly it could even be possible to define callback methods (default methods)
--or register listeners to DynamicValue instances returned.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Templates hereby can easily be managed, but provide a excellent mechanism to provide type-safe configuration
--to clients in a very transparent way. Details can be controlled by using the same annotations as for
--normal configuration injection.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_java_8_functional_support">Java 8 Functional Support</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to benefit from the new programming styles introduced with Java 8. Configuration
--should provide extension points for different aspects, where additional code can be hooked in easily.
--In short: were possible functional interfaces should be modelled.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>code that converts a configuration to another kind of configuration: UnaryOperator&lt;Configuration&gt;</p>
--<p>code that creates any kind of result based on a configuration: Function&lt;Configuration,T&gt;</p>
--<p>Adapters for type conversion are defined as Function&lt;String,T&gt;</p>
--<p>Key, value filters ccan be modelled as BiFunction&lt;String,String,String&gt;</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_locations">Configuration Locations</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>read configuration from different locations.</p>
--<p>By default classpath and file resources are
--supported. But similarly remote access using a JSON ReST call should be possible.</p>
--<p>Tamaya should define a JSON and XML format for configuration.</p>
--<p>Configuration locations should be scannable using ant-styled resource patterns, if possible.</p>
--<p>Scanning and reading logic can be modularized by using a ConfigReader interface.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_formats">Configuration Formats</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to use the format they prefer.</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>properties, xml-properties and ini-format should be supported by default</p>
--<p>Other/custom formats should be easily addable by registering or providing the format on configuration evaluation (read).</p>
--<p>When possible Tamaya should figure out which format to be used and how the InputStream should be correctly
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_multiple_configurations">Multiple Configurations</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>When systems grow they must be modularized to keep control. Whereas that sounds not really fancy, it leads to additional
--aspects to be considered by a configuration system.</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Different code modules, libraries, plugins or products want to have their "own" separated configuration.</p>
--<p>Similar it should be possible to add fully specific additional configurations.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The default configuration hereby should always be present, whereas additional configurations are optional.
--Users want to be able to check the availability of such an additional configuration.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Of course, additional configuration must be identifiable. The best way to do is to be discussed, nevertheless the
--mechanism must not depend on Java EE and the identifying keys must be serializable easily.
--Basically simple names are sufficient and woukld provide exact this required functionality.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_external_configuration">External Configuration</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to replace, override, extend or adapt any parts or all of an existing configuration from
--external sources.
--This also must be the case for multi-context environments, where the context identifiers are
--the only way to link to the correct remote configuration.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_context_dependent_configuration">Context Dependent Configuration</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>In multi tenancy setups or complex systems a hierarchical/graph model of contexts for configurations is required, or different runtime contexts are executed in parallel
--within the same VN. What sounds normal for EE also may be the case for pure SE environments:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Users want to be able to model different layers of runtime context</p>
--<p>Users want to identify the current layer, so configuration used may be adapted.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_dynamic_provisioning_uc8">Dynamic Provisioning (UC8)</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>In Cloud Computing, especially the PaaS and SaaS areas a typical use case would be that an application (or server)
--is deployed, configured and started dynamically. Typically things are controlled by some "active controller components",
--which are capable of</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>creating new nodes (using IaaS services)</p>
--<p>deploying and starting the required runtime platform , e.g. as part of a PaaS solution.</p>
--<p>deploying and starting the application modules.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>All these steps require some kind of configuration. As of today required files are often created on the target node
--before the systems are started, using proprietary formats and mechanism. Similarly accessing the configuration in place
--may require examining the file system or using again proprietary management functions. Of course, a configuration
--solution should not try to solve that, but it can provide a significant bunch of functionality useful in such scenarios:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>provide remote capabilities for configuration</p>
--<p>allow configuration to be updated remotely.</p>
--<p>allow client code to listen for configuration changes and react as needed.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_minimal_property_source_spi">Minimal Property Source SPI</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users expect that implementing an additional configuration property source is as easy as possible.
--So there should be an SPI defined that allows any kind of data source to be used for providing configuration data.
--The interface to be implemented is expected to be minimal to reduce the implementation burden. Default
--methods should be used where possible, so only a few methods are expected to be required to implement.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_scannable_properties">Scannable Properties</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>If possible configuration should be scannable, meaning it should be possible to evaluate the keys available.
--The corresponding capabilities should be accessible by a isScannable() method.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_combine_configurations">Combine Configurations</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to combine different configurations to a new configuration instance.
--Hereby the resulting configuration can be</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>a union of both, ignoring duplicates (and optionally log them)</p>
--<p>a union of both, duplicates are ignored</p>
--<p>a union of both, conflicts are thrown as ConfigException</p>
--<p>an intersection of both, containing only keys present and equal in both configurations</p>
--<p>an arbitrary mapping or filter, modelled by an CombinationPolicy, which basically can be modelled
--as BiFunction&lt;String, String, String&gt;, hereby</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>a result of null will remove the key</p>
--<p>any other result will use the value returned as final value of the combination.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_mx_rest_management">MX/ReST Management</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be have comprehensive management support, which should allow</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>to change configuration</p>
--<p>to remove configuration</p>
--<p>to view configuration and its provider details</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_adaptable_service_context">Adaptable Service Context</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya should support an adaptable ServiceContext to resolve any kind of implememntation services, both API services as core
--framework services. The ServiceContext should be dynamically replecable by configuring an alternate instance of
--using the Java *ServiceContet+.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This decouples component usage from its load and management part and als greatly simplifies integration with
--new/alternate runtime environments.
--The service context is exptected to provide</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>single singleton instances: these service can be cached.</p>
--<p>access to multiple instances which implement some commons SPI interface.</p>
--<p>as useful priorization of components is done by the model itself.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_injection">Configuration Injection</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Users want to be able to polulate configured items by injecting configured values. Hereby</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>the lifecycle of the instances is not managed by Tamaya</p>
--<p>all references to items configured are managed as weak references, to prevent memoryleaks.</p>
--<p>Injection should if possible evaluate the properties by defaults. Even properties without
--any annotations are possible.</p>
--<p>Users expect to exclude certain properties from calculation</p>
--<p>Beside injection of properties it is also possible to call setter methods with one parameter similarly.</p>
--<p>Basically injection is performed, when the instance is passed to the Tamaya configuration system. It should also
--be possible to inject/provide final values, especially Strings. Changes on configured values should be
--reflected in the current value. Setters methods similarly can be called again, with the new values, on changes.</p>
--<p>Users expect to control dynamic values and recall of setter methods, basically the following strategies should be
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>inject only once and ignore further changes.</p>
--<p>reinject/reinitialize on each change</p>
--<p>Dynamic Values can easily be modeled as ConfiguredValue instances, which should have the following functionality:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>access the current value</p>
--<p>access the new value</p>
--<p>access the latest value access time in ms</p>
--<p>access the latest value update time in ms</p>
--<p>evaluate easily if the value has changed since the last access</p>
--<p>accept the change</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>as a shortcut it should be possible to accept the change on access of the value implicitly, hereby always accessing
--the latest valid value.</p>
--<p>ignore the change</p>
--<p>register Consumer&lt;DynamicValue&gt; liasteners to listen on the changes (ans also removing them later again).</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>All observing functionality can be done completely asynchronously and in parallel.</p>
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Requirements">Requirements</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_core_configuration_requirements">Core Configuration Requirements</h3>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_general">General</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya must provide a Java SE API for accessing key/value based configuration. Hereby</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Configuration is modelled by an interface</p>
--<p>Configuration is organized as key/value pairs, using a subset of functionality present on Map&lt;String,String&gt; as
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>access a value by key (get)</p>
--<p>check if a value is present (containsKey)</p>
--<p>get a set of all defined keys (keySet)</p>
--<p>a configuration must be convertible to a Map, by calling toMap()</p>
--<p>a configuration must provide access to its meta information.</p>
--<p>Configuration value access methods must never return null.</p>
--<p>The API must support undefined values.</p>
--<p>The API must support passing default values, to be returned if a value is undefined.</p>
--<p>The API must allow to throw exceptions, when a value is undefined. Customized exceptions hereby should be supported.</p>
--<p>Properties can be stored in the classpath, on a file or accessible by URL.</p>
--<p>Properties can be stored minimally in properties, xml-properties or ini-format.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_minimalistic_property_source">Minimalistic Property Source</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For enabling easy integration of custom built configuration sources a minimalistic API/SPI must be defined, that</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>is modelled by an interface</p>
--<p>is a minimal subset of Configuration necessary to implement a configuration.</p>
--<p>must be convertible to a "Configuration+.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_extension_points">Extension Points</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For supporting more complex scenarios, Configuration</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>must implement the composite pattern, meaning new Configuration instances can be created by combining existing
--<p>must be adaptable, by creating a new configuration by applying a UnaryOperator&lt;COnfiguration&gt; to it.</p>
--<p>must be queryable, by passing a ConfigQuery to an Configuration instance.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_type_safety">Type Safety</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Besides Strings Configuration should also support the following types:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Primitive types</p>
--<p>Wrapper types</p>
--<p>All other types (by using a PropertyAdapter</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Hereby type conversion should be done as follows:</p>
--<div class="olist arabic">
--<ol class="arabic">
--<p>Check if for the given target type an explicit adapter is registered, if so, use the registered adapter.</p>
--<p>If no adapter is present, check if the target type T has static methods called T of(String), T getInstance(String), T valueOf(String), T from(String). If so
--use this method to create the non value of T.</p>
--<p>Check if the target type has a constructor T(String). If so, try to instantiate an instance using the constructor.</p>
--<p>Give up, throw a IllegalArgument exception.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_fomats">Configuration Fomats</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>By default Tamaya support the following configuration formats:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>.xml properties</p>
--<p>.ini files</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>It must be possible to add additional formats by registering them with the current ServiceContext.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_mutability">Mutability</h3>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Configurations can be mutable, mutability can be accessed as a property.</p>
--<p>Configuration can be changed by collecting the changes into a ConfigCHangeSet and apply this set to the
--given Configuration instance.</p>
--<p>Besides the points above, Configuration is immutable.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_serializability_and_immutability_of_configuration">Serializability and Immutability of Configuration</h3>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Configuration is modelled as a service. Therefore serialization may not work. This can be mitigated by adding
--a freeze feature, where the know key/value pairs are extracted into an immutable and serializable form.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_combination_requirements">Configuration Combination Requirements</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>At least the following composition policies must be supported:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>override: subsequent entries override existing ones.</p>
--<p>aggregate-exception: key/values were added, in case of conflicts a ConfigException must be thrown.</p>
--<p>aggregate-ignore-duplicates: similar to union, whereas duplicates are ignored (leaving the initial value loaded).</p>
--<p>aggregate-combine: conflicting entries were resolved by adding them both to the target configuration by
--redefining partial keys.</p>
--<p>custom: any function determining the key/values to be kept must be possible</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>When combining configuration it must also be possible to override (file/classpath) configuration by</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>system properties.</p>
--<p>command line arguments.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_injection_2">Configuration Injection</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>As metnioned configuration can be injected by passing a unconfigured instance of an annotated class to the
--Configuration.configure static method:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Configuring a POJO</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">MyPojo instance = new MyPojo();
--<div class="paragraph">
--* It must be possible to define default values to be used, if no valid value is present.
--* It must be possible to define dynamic expressions, at least for default values.
--* The values configured can be reinjected, if the underlying configuration changes. This should also be the case
--  for final classes, such as Strings.
--* Reinjection should be controllable by an loading policy.
--* It must be possible to evaluate multiple keys, e.g. current keys, and as a backup deprecated keys
--  from former application releases.
--* It must be possible to evaluate multiple configurations.
--* The type conversion of the properties injected must be configurable, by defining a PropertyAdapter.
--* The value evaluated for a property (before type conversion) must be adaptable as well.
--* It must be possible to observe configuration changes.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The following annotations must be present at least:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p><strong>@ConfiguredProperty</strong> defining the key of the property to be evaluated. It takes an optional value, defining the
--property name. It must be possible to add multiple annotations of this kind to define an order of evaluation
--of possible keys.</p>
--<p><strong>@DefaultValue</strong> (optional) defines a default String value, to be used, when no other key is present.</p>
--<p><strong>@WithConfig</strong> (optional) defines the name of the configuration to be used. Similar to @ConfiguredProperty multiple
--configuration can be defined for lookup.</p>
--<p><strong>@WithConfigOperator</strong> allows to adapt the String value evaluated, <strong>before</strong> it is passed as input to injection or
--type conversion.</p>
--<p><strong>@WithPropertyAdapter</strong> allows to adapt the conversion to the required target type, hereby overriding any default
--conversion in place.</p>
--<p><strong>@WithLoadPolicy</strong> allows to define the policy for (re)injection of configured values.</p>
--<p><strong>@ObservesConfigChange</strong> allows to annotate methods that should be called on configuration changes.</p>
--<p>*@DefaultAreas" allows to define a key prefix key to be used for the configured key, if no absolute key
--is defined.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_configuration_templates_2">Configuration Templates</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For type safe configuration clients should be able to define an interface and let it implement by the
--configuration system based on Configuration available:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Clients define an interface and annotate it as required (similar to above)</p>
--<p>The interface methods must not take any arguments</p>
--<p>The configuration system can be called to return such an interface implementation.</p>
--<p>The configuration system returns a proxy hereby providing type-safe access the values required.</p>
--<p>Similar to configured types also templates support multiple values and custom adapters.</p>
--<p>It is possible to listen on configuration changes for templates, so users of the templates
--may react on configuration changes.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The following snippet illustrates the requirements:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Type Safe Configuration Template Example</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface MyConfig {
--  @ConfiguredProperty("myCurrency")
--  @DefaultValue("CHF")
--  String getCurrency();
--  @ConfiguredProperty("myCurrencyRate")
--  Long getCurrencyRate();
--  @ConfigChange
--  default configChanged(ConfigChange event){
--     ...
--  }
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Templates can be accessed by calling the Configuration.current(Class) method:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Accessing a type safe Configuration Template</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">MyConfig config = Configuration.current(MyConfig.class);</code></pre>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="RequirementsServer">Server Configuration Requirements</h3>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Ensure Configuration can be transferred over the network easily.</p>
--<p>Beside serializability text based formats for serialization in XML and JSON must be defined.</p>
--<p>A management API must be defined, which allows to inspect the configuration in place, e.g. using
--JMX or REST services.</p>
--<div id="RequirementsJavaEE" class="paragraph">
--<p>Java EE leads to the following requirements:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Configuration must be contextual, depending on the current runtime context (e.g. boot level, ear, war, &#8230;&#8203;).</p>
--<p>Hereby contextual aspects can even exceed the levels described above, e.g. for SaaS scenarios.</p>
--<p>Resources can be unloaded, e.g. wars, ears can be restarted.</p>
--<p>The different contextual levels can also be used for overriding, e.g. application specific configuration
--may override ear or system configuration.</p>
--<p>Configuration may be read from different sources (different classloaders, files, databases, remote locations).</p>
--<p>Configuration may be read in different formats (deployment descriptors, ServiceLoader configuration, alt-DD feature, &#8230;&#8203;)</p>
--<p>JSF also knows the concept of stages.</p>
--<p>Many SPI&#8217;s of Java EE require the implementation of some well defined Java interface, so it would be useful if the
--configuration solution supports easy implementation of such instances.</p>
--<p>In general it would be useful to model the Environment explicitly.</p>
--<p>Configuration used as preferences is writable as well. This requires mutability to be modelled in way, without the
--need of synchronization.</p>
--<p>JNDI can be used for configuration as well.</p>
--<div id="RequirementsMultitenancy" class="paragraph">
--<p>Configurations made in the tenant or user layer override the default app configuration etc., so</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>It must be possible to structure Configuration in layers that can override/extend each other.</p>
--<p>The current environment must be capable of mapping tenant, user and other aspects, so a corresponding configuration
--(or layer) can be derived.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="RequirementsExtensions">Extensions Requirements</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>It must be possible to easily add additional functionality by implementing external functional interfaces operating
--on Configuration.</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>UnaryOperator&lt;Configuration&gt; for converting into other version of Configuration.</p>
--<p>ConfigQuery&lt;T&gt; extending Function&lt;T, Configuration&gt;.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="RequirementsNonFunctional">Non Functional Requirements</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>THe following non-functional requirements must be met:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--			<hr />
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--		        <p class="muted credit">&copy; 2014-2016 Apache Software Foundation | Mixed with <a href="">Bootstrap v3.1.1</a>
--							| Baked with <a href="">JBake <span>v2.5.0</span></a>
--							at <span>2016-12-19</span>
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--						<p>
--								<b>Disclaimer</b>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
--                    incubation at
--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
--                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
--                    successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
--                    necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
--                    the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to
--                    be fully endorsed by the ASF.<br />
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya: Download</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The latest release is Apache Tamaya 0.2.
--You can download it it from the
--<a href="" target="_blank">Apache Software Foundation Distribution Directory</a>.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The release notes for each release of Apache Tamaya
--can be found at the <a href="history.html">release history page</a>.</p>
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_current_source_code">1. Current Source Code</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Downloading of the the current state of the project can be done by</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>cloning the <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub mirror</a></p>
--<p>Github also provides an easy way to dowload the current project source as zip archive.</p>
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_maven_dependencies">2. Maven Dependencies</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
--    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya&lt;/groupId&gt;
--    &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-api&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--    &lt;version&gt;0.2&lt;/version&gt;
--    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya&lt;/groupId&gt;
--    &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-core&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--    &lt;version&gt;0.2&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_previous_releases">3. Previous Releases</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>All previous releases can also be found at the
--<a href="" target="_blank">Apache Software Foundation Distribution Directory</a>.
--In our <a href="history.html">release history overview</a> you can find all previous releases of Tamaya.</p>
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_verifying_releases">4. Verifying Releases</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>It is essential that you verify the integrity of any downloaded files using
--the PGP or MD5 signatures.  For more information on signing artifacts and
--why we do it, check out the
--<a href="" target="_blank">Release Signing FAQ</a>.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the
--<a href="" target="_blank">KEYS file</a>
--as well as the asc signature file for the artifact. Make sure you get
--these files from the
--<a href="" target="_blank">main distribution directory</a>
--rather than from a
--<a href="" target="_blank">mirror</a>.
--Then verify the signatures using e.g.:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-shell" data-lang="shell">$ pgpk -a KEYS
--$ pgpv</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-shell" data-lang="shell">$ pgp -ka KEYS
--$ pgp</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-shell" data-lang="shell">$ gpg --import KEYS
--$ gpg --verify</code></pre>
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--							| Baked with <a href="">JBake <span>v2.5.0</span></a>
--							at <span>2016-12-19</span>
--						</p>
--						<p>
--								<b>Disclaimer</b>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
--                    incubation at
--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
--                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
--                    successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
--                    necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
--                    the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to
--                    be fully endorsed by the ASF.<br />
--                    <a href="" style="border:0px;" target="_target"><img class="incubator-logo" src="logos/egg-logo2.png"/></a>
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--				<h1>Apache Tamaya: Examples</h1>
--			</div>
- 			<p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -			<p><em>2016-12-19</em></p>
--			<p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="_tamaya_examples">Tamaya Examples</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_minimal">Minimal</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This example shows the basic functionality that is available when Tamaya is used without any further extensions.
--It shows how configuration can be added to the classpath and how it can be accessed.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_simple_propertysource">Simple PropertySource</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This example shows how to write and register an additional PropertySource and PropertySourceProvider, which is
--the SPI to add your own configuration data and locations. For a more advanced example you may also have a look at
--the provided default metamodels, e.g. the simple metamodel (currently in the experimental part and not shipped with
--the current release).</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_resources">Resources</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This example shows how resources can be located using ANT-styled paths and this feature can help you to implement
--PropertySourceProvider instances that provide configuration for a set of files/folders at a certain (searchable)
--location, as provided by the resource extension_.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_resolver">Resolver</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The resolver example defines a configuration file that illustrates the usage of placeholders that are resolved on
--configuration access, as provided by the <em>resolver extension</em>.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_injection">Injection</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The injection sample shows how to inject configuration into a created object instance, or how to instantiate a proxied
--configuration template, which provides a type-safe configuration access mechanism. This functionality is provided
--by the <em>injection extension</em>. Hereby neither JSR 330 nor 299 are used, so it is pure and minimal SE based
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_fileobserver">FileObserver</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This example shows how the event extension can be used to automatically adapt the current configuration when
--the underlying configuration data is changing, e.g. when new configuration is added to a file folder, or removed or
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_builder">Builder</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This example shows how to build a Configuration using a simple pure SE builder API as provided by the
--<em>builder extension</em>.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_remote">Remote</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>THe remote example shows a simple setup where parts of the Configuration are read remotedly.</p>
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--		        <p class="muted credit">&copy; 2014-2016 Apache Software Foundation | Mixed with <a href="">Bootstrap v3.1.1</a>
--							| Baked with <a href="">JBake <span>v2.5.0</span></a>
--							at <span>2016-12-19</span>
--						</p>
--						<p>
--								<b>Disclaimer</b>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
--                    incubation at
--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
--                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
--                    successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
--                    necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
--                    the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to
--                    be fully endorsed by the ASF.<br />
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