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[08/51] [abbrv] incubator-nifi git commit: NIFI-27: - Latest version of qtip2.
diff --git a/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.js b/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.js
index de35e9a..411a0f8 100755
--- a/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.js
+++ b/nar-bundles/framework-bundle/framework/web/nifi-web-ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.js
@@ -1,706 +1,5 @@
- * qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
- *
- *
- * Version: 2.0.0pre
- * Copyright 2009-2010 Craig Michael Thompson -
- *
- * Dual licensed under MIT or GPLv2 licenses
- *
- *
- *
- * Date: Thu Apr 26 20:40:09 2012 +0100
- *//*jslint browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: true *//*global window: false, jQuery: false, console: false, define: false */// Uses AMD or browser globals to create a jQuery plugin.
-(function (a) {
-    typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : a(jQuery)
-})(function (a) {
-    "use strict";
-    function v() {
-        v.history = v.history || [], v.history.push(arguments);
-        if ("object" == typeof console) {
-            var a = console[console.warn ? "warn" : "log"], b =, c;
-            typeof arguments[0] == "string" && (b[0] = "qTip2: " + b[0]), c = a.apply ? a.apply(console, b) : a(b)
-        }
-    }
-    function w(b) {
-        var e;
-        if (!b || "object" != typeof b)
-            return c;
-        if (b.metadata === d || "object" != typeof b.metadata)
-            b.metadata = {type: b.metadata};
-        if ("content"in b) {
-            if (b.content === d || "object" != typeof b.content || b.content.jquery)
-                b.content = {text: b.content};
-            e = b.content.text || c, !a.isFunction(e) && (!e && !e.attr || e.length < 1 || "object" == typeof e && !e.jquery) && (b.content.text = c);
-            if ("title"in b.content) {
-                if (b.content.title === d || "object" != typeof b.content.title)
-                    b.content.title = {text: b.content.title};
-                e = b.content.title.text || c, !a.isFunction(e) && (!e && !e.attr || e.length < 1 || "object" == typeof e && !e.jquery) && (b.content.title.text = c)
-            }
-        }
-        return"position"in b && (b.position === d || "object" != typeof b.position) && (b.position = {my: b.position, at: b.position}), "show"in b && ( === d || "object" != typeof && ( ? = {target:} : = {event:}), "hide"in b && (b.hide === d || "object" != typeof b.hide) && (b.hide.jquery ? b.hide = {target: b.hide} : b.hide = {event: b.hide}), "style"in b && ( === d || "object" != typeof && ( = {classes:}), a.each(g, function () {
-            this.sanitize && this.sanitize(b)
-        }), b
-    }
-    function x(r, s, v, x) {
-        function H(a) {
-            var b = 0, c, d = s, e = a.split(".");
-            while (d = d[e[b++]])
-                b < e.length && (c = d);
-            return[c || s, e.pop()]
-        }
-        function I() {
-            var a =;
-            D.toggleClass(k, a).toggleClass(n, && !a), F.content.toggleClass(k + "-content", a), F.titlebar && F.titlebar.toggleClass(k + "-header", a), F.button && F.button.toggleClass(j + "-icon", !a)
-        }
-        function J(a) {
-            F.title && (F.titlebar.remove(), F.titlebar = F.title = F.button = d, a !== c && y.reposition())
-        }
-        function K() {
-            var b = s.content.title.button, d = typeof b == "string", e = d ? b : "Close tooltip";
-            F.button && F.button.remove(), b.jquery ? F.button = b : F.button = a("<a />", {"class": "ui-state-default ui-tooltip-close " + ( ? "" : j + "-icon"), title: e, "aria-label": e}).prepend(a("<span />", {"class": "ui-icon ui-icon-close", html: "&times;"})), F.button.appendTo(F.titlebar).attr("role", "button").click(function (a) {
-                return D.hasClass(l) || y.hide(a), c
-            }), y.redraw()
-        }
-        function L() {
-            var c = A + "-title";
-            F.titlebar && J(), F.titlebar = a("<div />", {"class": j + "-titlebar " + ( ? "ui-widget-header" : "")}).append(F.title = a("<div />", {id: c, "class": j + "-title", "aria-atomic": b})).insertBefore(F.content).delegate(".ui-tooltip-close", "mousedown keydown mouseup keyup mouseout", function (b) {
-                a(this).toggleClass("ui-state-active ui-state-focus", b.type.substr(-4) === "down")
-            }).delegate(".ui-tooltip-close", "mouseover mouseout", function (b) {
-                a(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover", b.type === "mouseover")
-            }), s.content.title.button ? K() : y.rendered && y.redraw()
-        }
-        function M(a) {
-            var b = F.button, d = F.title;
-            if (!y.rendered)
-                return c;
-            a ? (d || L(), K()) : b.remove()
-        }
-        function N(b, d) {
-            var e = F.title;
-            if (!y.rendered || !b)
-                return c;
-            a.isFunction(b) && (b =, G.event, y));
-            if (b === c || !b && b !== "")
-                return J(c);
-            b.jquery && b.length > 0 ? e.empty().append(b.css({display: "block"})) : e.html(b), y.redraw(), d !== c && y.rendered && D[0].offsetWidth > 0 && y.reposition(G.event)
-        }
-        function O(b, d) {
-            function g(b) {
-                function i(e) {
-                    e && (delete h[e.src], clearTimeout(y.timers.img[e.src]), a(e).unbind(E)), a.isEmptyObject(h) && (y.redraw(), d !== c && y.reposition(G.event), b())
-                }
-                var g, h = {};
-                if ((g = f.find("img[src]:not([height]):not([width])")).length === 0)
-                    return i();
-                g.each(function (b, c) {
-                    if (h[c.src] !== e)
-                        return;
-                    var d = 0, f = 3;
-                    (function g() {
-                        if (c.height || c.width || d > f)
-                            return i(c);
-                        d += 1, y.timers.img[c.src] = setTimeout(g, 700)
-                    })(), a(c).bind("error" + E + " load" + E, function () {
-                        i(this)
-                    }), h[c.src] = c
-                })
-            }
-            var f = F.content;
-            return!y.rendered || !b ? c : (a.isFunction(b) && (b =, G.event, y) || ""), b.jquery && b.length > 0 ? f.empty().append(b.css({display: "block"})) : f.html(b), y.rendered < 0 ? D.queue("fx", g) : (C = 0, g(a.noop)), y)
-        }
-        function P() {
-            function j(a) {
-                if (D.hasClass(l))
-                    return c;
-                clearTimeout(, clearTimeout(y.timers.hide);
-                var d = function () {
-                    y.toggle(b, a)
-                };
-       > 0 ? = setTimeout(d, : d()
-            }
-            function k(b) {
-                if (D.hasClass(l) || B || C)
-                    return c;
-                var f = a(b.relatedTarget ||, g = f.closest(m)[0] === D[0], h = f[0] ===[0];
-                clearTimeout(, clearTimeout(y.timers.hide);
-                if ( === "mouse" && g || s.hide.fixed && /mouse(out|leave|move)/.test(b.type) && (g || h)) {
-                    try {
-                        b.preventDefault(), b.stopImmediatePropagation()
-                    } catch (i) {
-                    }
-                    return
-                }
-                s.hide.delay > 0 ? y.timers.hide = setTimeout(function () {
-                    y.hide(b)
-                }, s.hide.delay) : y.hide(b)
-            }
-            function n(a) {
-                if (D.hasClass(l))
-                    return c;
-                clearTimeout(y.timers.inactive), y.timers.inactive = setTimeout(function () {
-                    y.hide(a)
-                }, s.hide.inactive)
-            }
-            function o(a) {
-                y.rendered && D[0].offsetWidth > 0 && y.reposition(a)
-            }
-            var d = s.position, e = {show:, hide:, viewport: a(d.viewport), document: a(document), body: a(document.body), window: a(window)}, g = {show: a.trim("" +" "), hide: a.trim("" + s.hide.event).split(" ")}, i = a.browser.msie && parseInt(a.browser.version, 10) === 6;
-            D.bind("mouseenter" + E + " mouseleave" + E, function (a) {
-                var b = a.type === "mouseenter";
-                b && y.focus(a), D.toggleClass(p, b)
-            }), s.hide.fixed && (e.hide = e.hide.add(D), D.bind("mouseover" + E, function () {
-                D.hasClass(l) || clearTimeout(y.timers.hide)
-            })), /mouse(out|leave)/i.test(s.hide.event) ? s.hide.leave === "window" && e.window.bind("mouseout" + E + " blur" + E, function (a) {
-                /select|option/.test( && !a.relatedTarget && y.hide(a)
-            }) : /mouse(over|enter)/i.test( && e.hide.bind("mouseleave" + E, function (a) {
-                clearTimeout(
-            }), ("" + s.hide.event).indexOf("unfocus") > -1 && d.container.closest("html").bind("mousedown" + E, function (b) {
-                var c = a(, d = y.rendered && !D.hasClass(l) && D[0].offsetWidth > 0, e = c.parents(m).filter(D[0]).length > 0;
-                c[0] !== r[0] && c[0] !== D[0] && !e && !r.has(c[0]).length && !c.attr("disabled") && y.hide(b)
-            }), "number" == typeof s.hide.inactive && ("qtip-" + v + "-inactive", n), a.each(f.inactiveEvents, function (a, b) {
-                e.hide.add(F.tooltip).bind(b + E + "-inactive", n)
-            })), a.each(g.hide, function (b, c) {
-                var d = a.inArray(c,, f = a(e.hide);
-                d > -1 && f.add( === f.length || c === "unfocus" ? ( + E, function (a) {
-                    D[0].offsetWidth > 0 ? k(a) : j(a)
-                }), delete[d]) : e.hide.bind(c + E, k)
-            }), a.each(, function (a, b) {
-       + E, j)
-            }), "number" == typeof s.hide.distance &&"mousemove" + E, function (a) {
-                var b = G.origin || {}, c = s.hide.distance, d = Math.abs;
-                (d(a.pageX - b.pageX) >= c || d(a.pageY - b.pageY) >= c) && y.hide(a)
-            }), === "mouse" && ("mousemove" + E, function (a) {
-                h = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}
-            }), d.adjust.mouse && (s.hide.event && (D.bind("mouseleave" + E, function (a) {
-                (a.relatedTarget || !==[0] && y.hide(a)
-            }),"mouseenter" + E + " mouseleave" + E, function (a) {
-                G.onTarget = a.type === "mouseenter"
-            })), e.document.bind("mousemove" + E, function (a) {
-                y.rendered && G.onTarget && !D.hasClass(l) && D[0].offsetWidth > 0 && y.reposition(a || h)
-            }))), (d.adjust.resize || e.viewport.length) && (a.event.special.resize ? e.viewport : e.window).bind("resize" + E, o), (e.viewport.length || i && D.css("position") === "fixed") && e.viewport.bind("scroll" + E, o)
-        }
-        function Q() {
-            var b = [[0],[0], y.rendered && F.tooltip[0], s.position.container[0], s.position.viewport[0], window, document];
-            y.rendered ? a([]).pushStack(a.grep(b, function (a) {
-                return typeof a == "object"
-            })).unbind(E) : + "-create")
-        }
-        var y = this, z = document.body, A = j + "-" + v, B = 0, C = 0, D = a(), E = ".qtip-" + v, F, G;
- = v, y.rendered = c, y.destroyed = c, y.elements = F = {target: r}, y.timers = {img: {}}, y.options = s, y.checks = {}, y.plugins = {}, y.cache = G = {event: {}, target: a(), disabled: c, attr: x, onTarget: c}, y.checks.builtin = {"^id$": function (d, e, g) {
-                var h = g === b ? f.nextid : g, i = j + "-" + h;
-                h !== c && h.length > 0 && !a("#" + i).length && (D[0].id = i, F.content[0].id = i + "-content", F.title[0].id = i + "-title")
-            }, "^content.text$": function (a, b, c) {
-                O(c)
-            }, "^content.title.text$": function (a, b, c) {
-                if (!c)
-                    return J();
-                !F.title && c && L(), N(c)
-            }, "^content.title.button$": function (a, b, c) {
-                M(c)
-            }, "^position.(my|at)$": function (a, b, c) {
-                "string" == typeof c && (a[b] = new g.Corner(c))
-            }, "^position.container$": function (a, b, c) {
-                y.rendered && D.appendTo(c)
-            }, "^show.ready$": function () {
-                y.rendered ? y.toggle(b) : y.render(1)
-            }, "^style.classes$": function (a, b, c) {
-                D.attr("class", j + " qtip ui-helper-reset " + c)
-            }, "^style.widget|content.title": I, "^events.(render|show|move|hide|focus|blur)$": function (b, c, d) {
-                D[(a.isFunction(d) ? "" : "un") + "bind"]("tooltip" + c, d)
-            }, "^(show|hide|position).(event|target|fixed|inactive|leave|distance|viewport|adjust)": function () {
-                var a = s.position;
-                D.attr("tracking", === "mouse" && a.adjust.mouse), Q(), P()
-            }}, a.extend(y, {render: function (d) {
-                if (y.rendered)
-                    return y;
-                var e = s.content.text, f = s.content.title.text, h = s.position, i = a.Event("tooltiprender");
-                return a.attr(r[0], "aria-describedby", A), D = F.tooltip = a("<div/>", {id: A, "class": j + " qtip ui-helper-reset " + n + " " + + " " + j + "-pos-" +, width: || "", height: || "", tracking: === "mouse" && h.adjust.mouse, role: "alert", "aria-live": "polite", "aria-atomic": c, "aria-describedby": A + "-content", "aria-hidden": b}).toggleClass(l, G.disabled).data("qtip", y).appendTo(s.position.container).append(F.content = a("<div />", {"class": j + "-content", id: A + "-content", "aria-atomic": b})), y.rendered = -1, C = 1, B = 1, f && (L(), a.isFunction(f) || N(f, c)), a.isFunction(e) || O(e, c), y.rendered = b, I(), a.each(, function (b, c) {
-                    a.isFunction(c) && D.bind(b === "toggle" ? "tooltipshow tooltiphide" : "tooltip" + b, c)
-                }), a.each(g, function () {
-                    this.initialize === "render" && this(y)
-                }), P(), D.queue("fx", function (a) {
-                    i.originalEvent = G.event, D.trigger(i, [y]), C = 0, B = 0, y.redraw(), ( || d) && y.toggle(b, G.event, c), a()
-                }), y
-            }, get: function (a) {
-                var b, c;
-                switch (a.toLowerCase()) {
-                    case"dimensions":
-                        b = {height: D.outerHeight(), width: D.outerWidth()};
-                        break;
-                    case"offset":
-                        b = g.offset(D, s.position.container);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        c = H(a.toLowerCase()), b = c[0][c[1]], b = b.precedance ? b.string() : b
-                }
-                return b
-            }, set: function (e, f) {
-                function m(a, b) {
-                    var c, d, e;
-                    for (c in k)
-                        for (d in k[c])
-                            if (e = (new RegExp(d, "i")).exec(a))
-                                b.push(e), k[c][d].apply(y, b)
-                }
-                var g = /^position\.(my|at|adjust|target|container)|style|content|show\.ready/i, h = /^content\.(title|attr)|style/i, i = c, j = c, k = y.checks, l;
-                return"string" == typeof e ? (l = e, e = {}, e[l] = f) : e = a.extend(b, {}, e), a.each(e, function (b, c) {
-                    var d = H(b.toLowerCase()), f;
-                    f = d[0][d[1]], d[0][d[1]] = "object" == typeof c && c.nodeType ? a(c) : c, e[b] = [d[0], d[1], c, f], i = g.test(b) || i, j = h.test(b) || j
-                }), w(s), B = C = 1, a.each(e, m), B = C = 0, y.rendered && D[0].offsetWidth > 0 && (i && y.reposition( === "mouse" ? d : G.event), j && y.redraw()), y
-            }, toggle: function (e, f) {
-                function t() {
-                    e ? (a.browser.msie && D[0].style.removeAttribute("filter"), D.css("overflow", ""), "string" == typeof i.autofocus && a(i.autofocus, D).focus(),"qtip-" + v + "-inactive")) : D.css({display: "", visibility: "", opacity: "", left: "", top: ""}), r = a.Event("tooltip" + (e ? "visible" : "hidden")), r.originalEvent = f ? G.event : d, D.trigger(r, [y])
-                }
-                if (!y.rendered)
-                    return e ? y.render(1) : y;
-                var g = e ? "show" : "hide", i = s[g], j = s[e ? "hide" : "show"], k = s.position, l = s.content, n = D[0].offsetWidth > 0, o = e || === 1, p = !f || < 2 ||[0] ===, q, r;
-                (typeof e).search("boolean|number") && (e = !n);
-                if (!":animated") && n === e && p)
-                    return y;
-                if (f) {
-                    if (/over|enter/.test(f.type) && /out|leave/.test(G.event.type) && === && D.has(f.relatedTarget).length)
-                        return y;
-                    G.event = a.extend({}, f)
-                }
-                return r = a.Event("tooltip" + g), r.originalEvent = f ? G.event : d, D.trigger(r, [y, 90]), r.isDefaultPrevented() ? y : (a.attr(D[0], "aria-hidden", !e), e ? (G.origin = a.extend({}, h), y.focus(f), a.isFunction(l.text) && O(l.text, c), a.isFunction(l.title.text) && N(l.title.text, c), !u && === "mouse" && k.adjust.mouse && (a(document).bind("mousemove.qtip", function (a) {
-                    h = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}
-                }), u = b), y.reposition(f, arguments[2]), (r.solo = !!i.solo) && a(m, i.solo).not(D).qtip("hide", r)) : (clearTimeout(, delete G.origin, u && !a(m + '[tracking="true"]:visible', i.solo).not(D).length && (a(document).unbind("mousemove.qtip"), u = c), y.blur(f)), i.effect === c || o === c ? (D[g](), : a.isFunction(i.effect) ? (D.stop(1, 1),, y), D.queue("fx", function (a) {
-                    t(), a()
-                })) : D.fadeTo(90, e ? 1 : 0, t), e &&"qtip-" + v + "-inactive"), y)
-            }, show: function (a) {
-                return y.toggle(b, a)
-            }, hide: function (a) {
-                return y.toggle(c, a)
-            }, focus: function (b) {
-                if (!y.rendered)
-                    return y;
-                var c = a(m), d = parseInt(D[0].style.zIndex, 10), e = f.zindex + c.length, g = a.extend({}, b), h, i;
-                return D.hasClass(o) || (i = a.Event("tooltipfocus"), i.originalEvent = g, D.trigger(i, [y, e]), i.isDefaultPrevented() || (d !== e && (c.each(function () {
-           > d && ( = - 1)
-                }), c.filter("." + o).qtip("blur", g)), D.addClass(o)[0].style.zIndex = e)), y
-            }, blur: function (b) {
-                var c = a.extend({}, b), d;
-                return D.removeClass(o), d = a.Event("tooltipblur"), d.originalEvent = c, D.trigger(d, [y]), y
-            }, reposition: function (b, d) {
-                if (!y.rendered || B)
-                    return y;
-                B = 1;
-                var e =, f = s.position, i =, k =, l = f.adjust, m = l.method.split(" "), n = D.outerWidth(), o = D.outerHeight(), p = 0, q = 0, r = a.Event("tooltipmove"), t = D.css("position") === "fixed", u = f.viewport, v = {left: 0, top: 0}, w = f.container, x = c, A = y.plugins.tip, C = D[0].offsetWidth > 0, E = {horizontal: m[0], vertical: m[1] = m[1] || m[0], enabled: u.jquery && e[0] !== window && e[0] !== z && l.method !== "none", left: function (a) {
-                        var b = E.horizontal === "shift", c = l.x * (E.horizontal.substr(-6) === "invert" ? 2 : 0), d = -w.offset.left + u.offset.left + u.scrollLeft, e = i.x === "left" ? n : i.x === "right" ? -n : -n / 2, f = k.x === "left" ? p : k.x === "right" ? -p : -p / 2, g = A && A.size ? A.size.width || 0 : 0, h = A && A.corner && A.corner.precedance === "x" && !b ? g : 0, j = d - a + h, m = a + n - u.width - d + h, o = e - (i.precedance === "x" || i.x === i.y ? f : 0) - (k.x === "center" ? p / 2 : 0), q = i.x === "center";
-                        return b ? (h = A && A.corner && A.corner.precedance === "y" ? g : 0, o = (i.x === "left" ? 1 : -1) * e - h, v.left += j > 0 ? j : m > 0 ? -m : 0, v.left = Math.max(-w.offset.left + u.offset.left + (h && A.corner.x === "center" ? A.offset : 0), a - o, Math.min(Math.max(-w.offset.left + u.offset.left + u.width, a + o), v.left))) : (j > 0 && (i.x !== "left" || m > 0) ? v.left -= o + c : m > 0 && (i.x !== "right" || j > 0) && (v.left -= (q ? -o : o) + c), v.left < d && -v.left > m && (v.left = a)), v.left - a
-                    }, top: function (a) {
-                        var b = E.vertical === "shift", c = l.y * (E.vertical.substr(-6) === "invert" ? 2 : 0), d = + + u.scrollTop, e = i.y === "top" ? o : i.y === "bottom" ? -o : -o / 2, f = k.y === "top" ? q : k.y === "bottom" ? -q : -q / 2, g = A && A.size ? A.size.height || 0 : 0, h = A && A.corner && A.corner.precedance === "y" && !b ? g : 0, j = d - a + h, m = a + o - u.height - d + h, n = e - (i.precedance === "y" || i.x === i.y ? f : 0) - (k.y === "center" ? q / 2 : 0), p = i.y === "center";
-                        return b ? (h = A && A.corner && A.corner.precedance === "x" ? g : 0, n = (i.y === "top" ? 1 : -1) * e - h, += j > 0 ? j : m > 0 ? -m : 0, = Math.max( + + (h && A.corner.x === "center" ? A.offset : 0), a - n, Math.min(Math.max( + + u.height, a + n), : (j > 0 && (i.y !== "top" || m > 0) ? -= n + c : m > 0 && (i.y !== "bottom" || j > 0) && ( -= (p ? -n : n) + c), < 0 && > m && ( = a)), - a
-                    }}, H;
-                if (a.isArray(e) && e.length === 2)
-                    k = {x: "left", y: "top"}, v = {left: e[0], top: e[1]};
-                else if (e === "mouse" && (b && b.pageX || G.event.pageX))
-                    k = {x: "left", y: "top"}, b = (!b || b.type !== "resize" && b.type !== "scroll" ? b && b.pageX && b.type === "mousemove" ? b : h && h.pageX && (l.mouse || !b || !b.pageX) ? {pageX: h.pageX, pageY: h.pageY} : !l.mouse && G.origin && G.origin.pageX && ? G.origin : b : G.event) || b || G.event || h || {}, v = {top: b.pageY, left: b.pageX};
-                else {
-                    e === "event" ? b && && b.type !== "scroll" && b.type !== "resize" ? e = = a( : e = : e = = a(e.jquery ? e :, e = a(e).eq(0);
-                    if (e.length === 0)
-                        return y;
-                    e[0] === document || e[0] === window ? (p = g.iOS ? window.innerWidth : e.width(), q = g.iOS ? window.innerHeight : e.height(), e[0] === window && (v = {top: (u || e).scrollTop(), left: (u || e).scrollLeft()})) :"area") && g.imagemap ? v = g.imagemap(e, k, E.enabled ? m : c) : e[0].namespaceURI === "" && g.svg ? v = g.svg(e, k) : (p = e.outerWidth(), q = e.outerHeight(), v = g.offset(e, w)), v.offset && (p = v.width, q = v.height, x = v.flipoffset, v = v.offset);
-                    if (g.iOS < 4.1 && g.iOS > 3.1 || g.iOS == 4.3 || !g.iOS && t)
-                        H = a(window), v.left -= H.scrollLeft(), -= H.scrollTop();
-                    v.left += k.x === "right" ? p : k.x === "center" ? p / 2 : 0, += k.y === "bottom" ? q : k.y === "center" ? q / 2 : 0
-                }
-                return v.left += l.x + (i.x === "right" ? -n : i.x === "center" ? -n / 2 : 0), += l.y + (i.y === "bottom" ? -o : i.y === "center" ? -o / 2 : 0), E.enabled ? (u = {elem: u, height: u[(u[0] === window ? "h" : "outerH") + "eight"](), width: u[(u[0] === window ? "w" : "outerW") + "idth"](), scrollLeft: t ? 0 : u.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: t ? 0 : u.scrollTop(), offset: u.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0}}, w = {elem: w, scrollLeft: w.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: w.scrollTop(), offset: w.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0}}, v.adjusted = {left: E.horizontal !== "none" ? E.left(v.left) : 0, top: E.vertical !== "none" ? : 0}, v.adjusted.left + && D.attr("class", D[0].className.replace(/ui-tooltip-pos-\w+/i, j + "-pos-" + i.abbrev())), x && v.adjusted.left && (v.left += x.left), x && && ( += : v.adjusted = {left: 0, top: 0}, r.originalEvent = a.extend({}, b), D.trigger(r, [y, v, u.elem || u]), r.isDefaultPrevented() ? y : (delete
  v.adjusted, d === c || !C || isNaN(v.left) || isNaN( || e === "mouse" || !a.isFunction(f.effect) ? D.css(v) : a.isFunction(f.effect) && (, y, a.extend({}, v)), D.queue(function (b) {
-                    a(this).css({opacity: "", height: ""}), a.browser.msie &&"filter"), b()
-                })), B = 0, y)
-            }, redraw: function () {
-                if (y.rendered < 1 || C)
-                    return y;
-                var a = s.position.container, b, c, d, e;
-                return C = 1, && D.css("height",, ? D.css("width", : (D.css("width", "").addClass(q), c = D.width() + 1, d = D.css("max-width") || "", e = D.css("min-width") || "", b = (d + e).indexOf("%") > -1 ? a.width() / 100 : 0, d = (d.indexOf("%") > -1 ? b : 1) * parseInt(d, 10) || c, e = (e.indexOf("%") > -1 ? b : 1) * parseInt(e, 10) || 0, c = d + e ? Math.min(Math.max(c, e), d) : c, D.css("width", Math.round(c)).removeClass(q)), C = 0, y
-            }, disable: function (b) {
-                return"boolean" != typeof b && (b = !D.hasClass(l) && !G.disabled), y.rendered ? (D.toggleClass(l, b), a.attr(D[0], "aria-disabled", b)) : G.disabled = !!b, y
-            }, enable: function () {
-                return y.disable(c)
-            }, destroy: function () {
-                var c = r[0], d = a.attr(c, t), e ="qtip");
-                y.destroyed = b, y.rendered && (D.stop(1, 0).remove(), a.each(y.plugins, function () {
-                    this.destroy && this.destroy()
-                })), clearTimeout(, clearTimeout(y.timers.hide), Q();
-                if (!e || y === e)
-                    a.removeData(c, "qtip"), s.suppress && d && (a.attr(c, "title", d), r.removeAttr(t)), r.removeAttr("aria-describedby");
-                return r.unbind(".qtip-" + v), delete i[], r
-            }})
-    }
-    function y(e, h) {
-        var i, j, k, l, m, n = a(this), o = a(document.body), p = this === document ? o : n, q = n.metadata ? n.metadata(h.metadata) : d, r = h.metadata.type === "html5" && q ? q[] : d, s = || "qtipopts");
-        try {
-            s = typeof s == "string" ? (new Function("return " + s))() : s
-        } catch (u) {
-            v("Unable to parse HTML5 attribute data: " + s)
-        }
-        l = a.extend(b, {}, f.defaults, h, typeof s == "object" ? w(s) : d, w(r || q)), j = l.position, = e;
-        if ("boolean" == typeof l.content.text) {
-            k = n.attr(l.content.attr);
-            if (l.content.attr === c || !k)
-                return v("Unable to locate content for tooltip! Aborting render of tooltip on element: ", n), c;
-            l.content.text = k
-        }
-        j.container.length || (j.container = o), === c && ( = p), === c && ( = p), === b && ( = j.container.closest("body")), === c && ( = p), l.position.viewport === b && (l.position.viewport = j.container), j.container = j.container.eq(0), = new g.Corner(, = new g.Corner(;
-        if (, "qtip"))
-            if (l.overwrite)
-                n.qtip("destroy");
-            else if (l.overwrite === c)
-                return c;
-        return l.suppress && (m = a.attr(this, "title")) && a(this).removeAttr("title").attr(t, m), i = new x(n, l, e, !!k),, "qtip", i), n.bind("remove.qtip-" + e + " removeqtip.qtip-" + e, function () {
-            i.destroy()
-        }), i
-    }
-    function z(d) {
-        var e = this, g = d.elements.tooltip, h = d.options.content.ajax, i = f.defaults.content.ajax, j = ".qtip-ajax", k = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, l = b, m = c, n;
-        d.checks.ajax = {"^content.ajax": function (a, b, c) {
-                b === "ajax" && (h = c), b === "once" ? e.init() : h && h.url ? e.load() : g.unbind(j)
-            }}, a.extend(e, {init: function () {
-                return h && h.url && g.unbind(j)[h.once ? "one" : "bind"]("tooltipshow" + j, e.load), e
-            }, load: function (f) {
-                function r() {
-                    var e;
-                    if (d.destroyed)
-                        return;
-                    l = c, p && (m = b,, (e = i.complete || h.complete) && a.isFunction(e) && e.apply(h.context || d, arguments)
-                }
-                function s(b, c, e) {
-                    var f;
-                    if (d.destroyed)
-                        return;
-                    o && (b = a("<div/>").append(b.replace(k, "")).find(o)), (f = i.success || h.success) && a.isFunction(f) ? || d, b, c, e) : d.set("content.text", b)
-                }
-                function t(a, b, c) {
-                    if (d.destroyed || a.status === 0)
-                        return;
-                    d.set("content.text", b + ": " + c)
-                }
-                if (m) {
-                    m = c;
-                    return
-                }
-                var g = h.url.indexOf(" "), j = h.url, o, p = !h.loading && l;
-                if (p)
-                    try {
-                        f.preventDefault()
-                    } catch (q) {
-                    }
-                else if (f && f.isDefaultPrevented())
-                    return e;
-                n && n.abort && n.abort(), g > -1 && (o = j.substr(g), j = j.substr(0, g)), n = a.ajax(a.extend({error: i.error || t, context: d}, h, {url: j, success: s, complete: r}))
-            }, destroy: function () {
-                n && n.abort && n.abort(), d.destroyed = b
-            }}), e.init()
-    }
-    function A(b) {
-        var c = this, d = b.elements, e = d.tooltip, f = ".bgiframe-" +;
-        a.extend(c, {init: function () {
-                d.bgiframe = a('<iframe class="ui-tooltip-bgiframe" frameborder="0" tabindex="-1" src="javascript:\'\';"  style="display:block; position:absolute; z-index:-1; filter:alpha(opacity=0); -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";"></iframe>'), d.bgiframe.appendTo(e), e.bind("tooltipmove" + f, c.adjust)
-            }, adjust: function () {
-                var a = b.get("dimensions"), c = b.plugins.tip, f = d.tip, g, h;
-                h = parseInt(e.css("border-left-width"), 10) || 0, h = {left: -h, top: -h}, c && f && (g = c.corner.precedance === "x" ? ["width", "left"] : ["height", "top"], h[g[1]] -= f[g[0]]()), d.bgiframe.css(h).css(a)
-            }, destroy: function () {
-                d.bgiframe.remove(), e.unbind(f)
-            }}), c.init()
-    }
-    function B(d) {
-        var e = this, f =, h = d.elements, i = h.tooltip, j = "#qtip-overlay", k = ".qtipmodal", l = k +, n = "is-modal-qtip", p = a(document.body), q;
-        d.checks.modal = {"^show.modal.(on|blur)$": function () {
-                e.init(), h.overlay.toggle(":visible"))
-            }}, a.extend(e, {init: function () {
-                return f.on ? (q = e.create(), i.attr(n, b).css("z-index", g.modal.zindex + a(m + "[" + n + "]").length).unbind(k).unbind(l).bind("tooltipshow" + k + " tooltiphide" + k, function (b, c, d) {
-                    var f = b.originalEvent;
-                    if ( === i[0])
-                        if (f && b.type === "tooltiphide" && /mouse(leave|enter)/.test(f.type) && a(f.relatedTarget).closest(q[0]).length)
-                            try {
-                                b.preventDefault()
-                            } catch (g) {
-                            }
-                        else
-                            (!f || f && !f.solo) && e[b.type.replace("tooltip", "")](b, d)
-                }).bind("tooltipfocus" + k, function (b) {
-                    if (b.isDefaultPrevented() || !== i[0])
-                        return;
-                    var c = a(m).filter("[" + n + "]"), d = g.modal.zindex + c.length, e = parseInt(i[0].style.zIndex, 10);
-                    q[0].style.zIndex = d - 1, c.each(function () {
-               > e && ( -= 1)
-                    }), c.end().filter("." + o).qtip("blur", b.originalEvent), i.addClass(o)[0].style.zIndex = d;
-                    try {
-                        b.preventDefault()
-                    } catch (f) {
-                    }
-                }).bind("tooltiphide" + k, function (b) {
-           === i[0] && a("[" + n + "]").filter(":visible").not(i).last().qtip("focus", b)
-                }), f.escape && a(window).unbind(l).bind("keydown" + l, function (a) {
-                    a.keyCode === 27 && i.hasClass(o) && d.hide(a)
-                }), f.blur && h.overlay.unbind(l).bind("click" + l, function (a) {
-                    i.hasClass(o) && d.hide(a)
-                }), e) : e
-            }, create: function () {
-                function d() {
-                    q.css({height: a(window).height(), width: a(window).width()})
-                }
-                var b = a(j);
-                return b.length ? h.overlay = b.insertAfter(a(m).last()) : (q = h.overlay = a("<div />", {id: j.substr(1), html: "<div></div>", mousedown: function () {
-                        return c
-                    }}).insertAfter(a(m).last()), a(window).unbind(k).bind("resize" + k, d), d(), q)
-            }, toggle: function (d, g, h) {
-                if (d && d.isDefaultPrevented())
-                    return e;
-                var j = f.effect, k = g ? "show" : "hide", o =":visible"), r = a("[" + n + "]").filter(":visible").not(i), s;
-                return q || (q = e.create()),":animated") && o === g || !g && r.length ? e : (g ? (q.css({left: 0, top: 0}), q.toggleClass("blurs", f.blur), p.bind("focusin" + l, function (b) {
-                    var d = a(, e = d.closest(".qtip"), f = e.length < 1 ? c : parseInt(e[0].style.zIndex, 10) > parseInt(i[0].style.zIndex, 10);
-                    !f && a([0] !== i[0] && i.find("input:visible").filter(":first").focus()
-                })) : p.undelegate("*", "focusin" + l), q.stop(b, c), a.isFunction(j) ?, g) : j === c ? q[k]() : q.fadeTo(parseInt(h, 10) || 90, g ? 1 : 0, function () {
-                    g || a(this).hide()
-                }), g || q.queue(function (a) {
-                    q.css({left: "", top: ""}), a()
-                }), e)
-            }, show: function (a, c) {
-                return e.toggle(a, b, c)
-            }, hide: function (a, b) {
-                return e.toggle(a, c, b)
-            }, destroy: function () {
-                var b = q;
-                return b && (b = a("[" + n + "]").not(i).length < 1, b ? (h.overlay.remove(), a(window).unbind(k)) : h.overlay.unbind(k +, p.undelegate("*", "focusin" + l)), i.removeAttr(n).unbind(k)
-            }}), e.init()
-    }
-    function C(a, b, c) {
-        var d = Math.ceil(b / 2), e = Math.ceil(c / 2), f = {bottomright: [[0, 0], [b, c], [b, 0]], bottomleft: [[0, 0], [b, 0], [0, c]], topright: [[0, c], [b, 0], [b, c]], topleft: [[0, 0], [0, c], [b, c]], topcenter: [[0, c], [d, 0], [b, c]], bottomcenter: [[0, 0], [b, 0], [d, c]], rightcenter: [[0, 0], [b, e], [0, c]], leftcenter: [[b, 0], [b, c], [0, e]]};
-        return f.lefttop = f.bottomright, f.righttop = f.bottomleft, f.leftbottom = f.topright, f.rightbottom = f.topleft, f[a.string()]
-    }
-    function D(f, h) {
-        function t() {
-            var a = n.width;
-            n.width = n.height, n.height = a
-        }
-        function u() {
-            n.width = j.width, n.height = j.height
-        }
-        function v(a, d, g, h) {
-            if (!k.tip)
-                return;
-            var l = i.corner.clone(), n = g.adjusted, o = f.options.position.adjust.method.split(" "), p = o[0], q = o[1] || o[0], r = {left: c, top: c, x: 0, y: 0}, s, t = {}, u;
-            i.corner.fixed !== b && (p === "shift" && l.precedance === "x" && n.left && l.y !== "center" ? l.precedance = l.precedance === "x" ? "y" : "x" : p !== "shift" && n.left && (l.x = l.x === "center" ? n.left > 0 ? "left" : "right" : l.x === "left" ? "right" : "left"), q === "shift" && l.precedance === "y" && && l.x !== "center" ? l.precedance = l.precedance === "y" ? "x" : "y" : q !== "shift" && && (l.y = l.y === "center" ? > 0 ? "top" : "bottom" : l.y === "top" ? "bottom" : "top"), l.string() !== m.corner.string() && ( !== || m.left !== n.left) && i.update(l, c)), s = i.position(l, n), s.right !== e && (s.left = -s.right), s.bottom !== e && ( = -s.bottom), s.user = Math.max(0, j.offset);
-            if (r.left = p === "shift" && !!n.left)
-                l.x === "center" ? t["margin-left"] = r.x = s["margin-left"] - n.left : (u = s.right !== e ? [n.left, -s.left] : [-n.left, s.left], (r.x = Math.max(u[0], u[1])) > u[0] && (g.left -= n.left, r.left = c), t[s.right !== e ? "right" : "left"] = r.x);
-            if ( = q === "shift" && !!
-                l.y === "center" ? t["margin-top"] = r.y = s["margin-top"] - : (u = s.bottom !== e ? [,] : [,], (r.y = Math.max(u[0], u[1])) > u[0] && ( -=, = c), t[s.bottom !== e ? "bottom" : "top"] = r.y);
-            k.tip.css(t).toggle(!(r.x && r.y || l.x === "center" && r.y || l.y === "center" && r.x)), g.left -= s.left.charAt ? s.user : p !== "shift" || || !r.left && ! ? s.left : 0, -= ? s.user : q !== "shift" || r.left || !r.left && ! ? : 0, m.left = n.left, =, m.corner = l.clone()
-        }
-        function w(a, b, c) {
-            b = b ? b : a[a.precedance];
-            var d = l.hasClass(q), e = k.titlebar && a.y === "top", f = e ? k.titlebar : k.content, g = "border-" + b + "-width", h;
-            return l.addClass(q), h = parseInt(f.css(g), 10), h = (c ? h || parseInt(l.css(g), 10) : h) || 0, l.toggleClass(q, d), h
-        }
-        function x(b) {
-            var c = k.titlebar && b.y === "top", d = c ? k.titlebar : k.content, e = a.browser.mozilla, f = e ? "-moz-" : a.browser.webkit ? "-webkit-" : "", g = b.y + (e ? "" : "-") + b.x, h = f + (e ? "border-radius-" + g : "border-" + g + "-radius");
-            return parseInt(d.css(h), 10) || parseInt(l.css(h), 10) || 0
-        }
-        function y(a) {
-            var b = a.precedance === "y", c = n[b ? "width" : "height"], d = n[b ? "height" : "width"], e = a.string().indexOf("center") > -1, f = c * (e ? .5 : 1), g = Math.pow, h = Math.round, i, j, k, l = Math.sqrt(g(f, 2) + g(d, 2)), m = [p / f * l, p / d * l];
-            return m[2] = Math.sqrt(g(m[0], 2) - g(p, 2)), m[3] = Math.sqrt(g(m[1], 2) - g(p, 2)), i = l + m[2] + m[3] + (e ? 0 : m[0]), j = i / l, k = [h(j * d), h(j * c)], {height: k[b ? 0 : 1], width: k[b ? 1 : 0]}
-        }
-        var i = this, j =, k = f.elements, l = k.tooltip, m = {top: 0, left: 0}, n = {width: j.width, height: j.height}, o = {}, p = j.border || 0, r = ".qtip-tip", s = !!(a("<canvas />")[0] || {}).getContext;
-        i.corner = d, i.mimic = d, i.border = p, i.offset = j.offset, i.size = n, f.checks.tip = {"^|style.tip.(corner|mimic|border)$": function () {
-                i.init() || i.destroy(), f.reposition()
-            }, "^style.tip.(height|width)$": function () {
-                n = {width: j.width, height: j.height}, i.create(), i.update(), f.reposition()
-            }, "^content.title.text|style.(classes|widget)$": function () {
-                k.tip && k.tip.length && i.update()
-            }}, a.extend(i, {init: function () {
-                var b = i.detectCorner() && (s || a.browser.msie);
-                return b && (i.create(), i.update(), l.unbind(r).bind("tooltipmove" + r, v)), b
-            }, detectCorner: function () {
-                var a = j.corner, d = f.options.position, e =, h = ? :;
-                return a === c || h === c && e === c ? c : (a === b ? i.corner = new g.Corner(h) : a.string || (i.corner = new g.Corner(a), i.corner.fixed = b), m.corner = new g.Corner(i.corner.string()), i.corner.string() !== "centercenter")
-            }, detectColours: function (b) {
-                var c, d, e, g = k.tip.css("cssText", ""), h = b || i.corner, m = h[h.precedance], p = "border-" + m + "-color", r = "border" + m.charAt(0) + m.substr(1) + "Color", s = /rgba?\(0, 0, 0(, 0)?\)|transparent|#123456/i, t = "background-color", u = "transparent", v = " !important", w = a(document.body).css("color"), x = f.elements.content.css("color"), y = k.titlebar && (h.y === "top" || h.y === "center" && g.position().top + n.height / 2 + j.offset < k.titlebar.outerHeight(1)), z = y ? k.titlebar : k.content;
-                l.addClass(q), o.fill = d = g.css(t), o.border = e = g[0].style[r] || g.css(p) || l.css(p);
-                if (!d || s.test(d))
-                    o.fill = z.css(t) || u, s.test(o.fill) && (o.fill = l.css(t) || d);
-                if (!e || s.test(e) || e === w)
-                    o.border = z.css(p) || u, s.test(o.border) && (o.border = e);
-                a("*", g).add(g).css("cssText", t + ":" + u + v + ";border:0" + v + ";"), l.removeClass(q)
-            }, create: function () {
-                var b = n.width, c = n.height, d;
-                k.tip && k.tip.remove(), k.tip = a("<div />", {"class": "ui-tooltip-tip"}).css({width: b, height: c}).prependTo(l), s ? a("<canvas />").appendTo(k.tip)[0].getContext("2d").save() : (d = '<vml:shape coordorigin="0,0" style="display:inline-block; position:absolute; behavior:url(#default#VML);"></vml:shape>', k.tip.html(d + d), a("*", k.tip).bind("click mousedown", function (a) {
-                    a.stopPropagation()
-                }))
-            }, update: function (e, f) {
-                var h = k.tip, l = h.children(), q = n.width, r = n.height, v = "px solid ", x = "px dashed transparent", z = j.mimic, A = Math.round, B, D, E, F, G;
-                e || (e = m.corner || i.corner), z === c ? z = e : (z = new g.Corner(z), z.precedance = e.precedance, z.x === "inherit" ? z.x = e.x : z.y === "inherit" ? z.y = e.y : z.x === z.y && (z[e.precedance] = e[e.precedance])), B = z.precedance, e.precedance === "x" ? t() : u(), k.tip.css({width: q = n.width, height: r = n.height}), i.detectColours(e), o.border !== "transparent" && o.border !== "#123456" ? (p = w(e, d, b), j.border === 0 && p > 0 && (o.fill = o.border), i.border = p = j.border !== b ? j.border : p) : i.border = p = 0, E = C(z, q, r), i.size = G = y(e), h.css(G), e.precedance === "y" ? F = [A(z.x === "left" ? p : z.x === "right" ? G.width - q - p : (G.width - q) / 2), A(z.y === "top" ? G.height - r : 0)] : F = [A(z.x === "left" ? G.width - q : 0), A(z.y === "top" ? p : z.y === "bottom" ? G.height - r - p : (G.height - r) / 2)], s ? (l.attr(G), D = l[0].getContext("2d"), D.restore(),, D.clearRect(0, 0, 3e3, 3e3), D.translate(F[0], F[1]), D.beginPath(),
  D.moveTo(E[0][0], E[0][1]), D.lineTo(E[1][0], E[1][1]), D.lineTo(E[2][0], E[2][1]), D.closePath(), D.fillStyle = o.fill, D.strokeStyle = o.border, D.lineWidth = p * 2, D.lineJoin = "miter", D.miterLimit = 100, p && D.stroke(), D.fill()) : (E = "m" + E[0][0] + "," + E[0][1] + " l" + E[1][0] + "," + E[1][1] + " " + E[2][0] + "," + E[2][1] + " xe", F[2] = p && /^(r|b)/i.test(e.string()) ? parseFloat(a.browser.version, 10) === 8 ? 2 : 1 : 0, l.css({antialias: "" + (z.string().indexOf("center") > -1), left: F[0] - F[2] * Number(B === "x"), top: F[1] - F[2] * Number(B === "y"), width: q + p, height: r + p}).each(function (b) {
-                    var c = a(this);
-                    c[c.prop ? "prop" : "attr"]({coordsize: q + p + " " + (r + p), path: E, fillcolor: o.fill, filled: !!b, stroked: !b}).css({display: p || b ? "block" : "none"}), !b && c.html() === "" && c.html('<vml:stroke weight="' + p * 2 + 'px" color="' + o.border + '" miterlimit="1000" joinstyle="miter" ' + ' style="behavior:url(#default#VML); display:inline-block;" />')
-                })), f !== c && i.position(e)
-            }, position: function (d) {
-                var e = k.tip, f = {}, g = Math.max(0, j.offset), h, l, m;
-                return j.corner === c || !e ? c : (d = d || i.corner, h = d.precedance, l = y(d), m = [d.x, d.y], h === "x" && m.reverse(), a.each(m, function (a, c) {
-                    var e, i;
-                    c === "center" ? (e = h === "y" ? "left" : "top", f[e] = "50%", f["margin-" + e] = -Math.round(l[h === "y" ? "width" : "height"] / 2) + g) : (e = w(d, c, b), i = x(d), f[c] = a ? p ? w(d, c) : 0 : g + (i > e ? i : 0))
-                }), f[d[h]] -= l[h === "x" ? "width" : "height"], e.css({top: "", bottom: "", left: "", right: "", margin: ""}).css(f), f)
-            }, destroy: function () {
-                k.tip && k.tip.remove(), k.tip = !1, l.unbind(r)
-            }}), i.init()
-    }
-    var b = !0, c = !1, d = null, e, f, g, h, i = {}, j = "ui-tooltip", k = "ui-widget", l = "ui-state-disabled", m = "div.qtip." + j, n = j + "-default", o = j + "-focus", p = j + "-hover", q = j + "-fluid", r = "-31000px", s = "_replacedByqTip", t = "oldtitle", u;
-    f = a.fn.qtip = function (g, h, i) {
-        var j = ("" + g).toLowerCase(), k = d, l = a.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), m = l[l.length - 1], n = this[0] ?[0], "qtip") : d;
-        if (!arguments.length && n || j === "api")
-            return n;
-        if ("string" == typeof g)
-            return this.each(function () {
-                var d =, "qtip");
-                if (!d)
-                    return b;
-                m && m.timeStamp && (d.cache.event = m);
-                if (j !== "option" && j !== "options" || !h)
-                    d[j] && d[j].apply(d[j], l);
-                else {
-                    if (!a.isPlainObject(h) && i === e)
-                        return k = d.get(h), c;
-                    d.set(h, i)
-                }
-            }), k !== d ? k : this;
-        if ("object" == typeof g || !arguments.length)
-            return n = w(a.extend(b, {}, g)),, n, m)
-    }, f.bind = function (d, j) {
-        return this.each(function (k) {
-            function r(b) {
-                function d() {
-                    p.render(typeof b == "object" ||,
-                }
-                if (p.cache.disabled)
-                    return c;
-                p.cache.event = a.extend({}, b), = b ? a( : [e], > 0 ? (clearTimeout(, = setTimeout(d,, !== n.hide && m.hide.bind(n.hide, function () {
-                    clearTimeout(
-                })) : d()
-            }
-            var l, m, n, o, p, q;
-            q = a.isArray( ?[k] :, q = !q || q === c || q.length < 1 || i[q] ? f.nextid++ : i[q] = q, o = ".qtip-" + q + "-create", p =, q, d);
-            if (p === c)
-                return b;
-            l = p.options, a.each(g, function () {
-                this.initialize === "initialize" && this(p)
-            }), m = {show:, hide:}, n = {show: a.trim("" + /g, o + " ") + o, hide: a.trim("" + l.hide.event).replace(/ /g, o + " ") + o}, /mouse(over|enter)/i.test( && !/mouse(out|leave)/i.test(n.hide) && (n.hide += " mouseleave" + o),"mousemove" + o, function (a) {
-                h = {pageX: a.pageX, pageY: a.pageY, type: "mousemove"}, p.cache.onTarget = b
-            }),, r), ( || l.prerender) && r(j)
-        })
-    }, g = f.plugins = {Corner: function (a) {
-            a = ("" + a).replace(/([A-Z])/, " $1").replace(/middle/gi, "center").toLowerCase(), this.x = (a.match(/left|right/i) || a.match(/center/) || ["inherit"])[0].toLowerCase(), this.y = (a.match(/top|bottom|center/i) || ["inherit"])[0].toLowerCase();
-            var b = a.charAt(0);
-            this.precedance = b === "t" || b === "b" ? "y" : "x", this.string = function () {
-                return this.precedance === "y" ? this.y + this.x : this.x + this.y
-            }, this.abbrev = function () {
-                var a = this.x.substr(0, 1), b = this.y.substr(0, 1);
-                return a === b ? a : a === "c" || a !== "c" && b !== "c" ? b + a : a + b
-            }, this.clone = function () {
-                return{x: this.x, y: this.y, precedance: this.precedance, string: this.string, abbrev: this.abbrev, clone: this.clone}
-            }
-        }, offset: function (b, c) {
-            function j(a, b) {
-                d.left += b * a.scrollLeft(), += b * a.scrollTop()
-            }
-            var d = b.offset(), e = b.closest("body")[0], f = c, g, h, i;
-            if (f) {
-                do
-                    f.css("position") !== "static" && (h = f.position(), d.left -= h.left + (parseInt(f.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(f.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0), -= + (parseInt(f.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(f.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0), !g && (i = f.css("overflow")) !== "hidden" && i !== "visible" && (g = f));
-                while ((f = a(f[0].offsetParent)).length);
-                g && g[0] !== e && j(g, 1)
-            }
-            return d
-        }, iOS: parseFloat(("" + (/CPU.*OS ([0-9_]{1,3})|(CPU like).*AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.exec(navigator.userAgent) || [0, ""])[1]).replace("undefined", "3_2").replace("_", ".")) || c, fn: {attr: function (b, c) {
-                if (this.length) {
-                    var d = this[0], e = "title", f =, "qtip");
-                    if (b === e && f && "object" == typeof f && f.options.suppress)
-                        return arguments.length < 2 ? a.attr(d, t) : (f && f.options.content.attr === e && f.cache.attr && f.set("content.text", c), this.attr(t, c))
-                }
-                return a.fn["attr" + s].apply(this, arguments)
-            }, clone: function (b) {
-                var c = a([]), d = "title", e = a.fn["clone" + s].apply(this, arguments);
-                return b || e.filter("[" + t + "]").attr("title", function () {
-                    return a.attr(this, t)
-                }).removeAttr(t), e
-            }}}, a.each(g.fn, function (c, d) {
-        if (!d || a.fn[c + s])
-            return b;
-        var e = a.fn[c + s] = a.fn[c];
-        a.fn[c] = function () {
-            return d.apply(this, arguments) || e.apply(this, arguments)
-        }
-    }), a.ui || (a["cleanData" + s] = a.cleanData, a.cleanData = function (b) {
-        for (var c = 0, d; (d = b[c]) !== e; c++)
-            try {
-                a(d).triggerHandler("removeqtip")
-            } catch (f) {
-            }
-        a["cleanData" + s](b)
-    }), f.version = "2.0.0pre", f.nextid = 0, f.inactiveEvents = "click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseleave mouseenter".split(" "), f.zindex = 15e3, f.defaults = {prerender: c, id: c, overwrite: b, suppress: b, content: {text: b, attr: "title", title: {text: c, button: c}}, position: {my: "top left", at: "bottom right", target: c, container: c, viewport: c, adjust: {x: 0, y: 0, mouse: b, resize: b, method: "flip flip"}, effect: function (b, d, e) {
-                a(this).animate(d, {duration: 200, queue: c})
-            }}, show: {target: c, event: "mouseenter", effect: b, delay: 90, solo: c, ready: c, autofocus: c}, hide: {target: c, event: "mouseleave", effect: b, delay: 0, fixed: c, inactive: c, leave: "window", distance: c}, style: {classes: "", widget: c, width: c, height: c, def: b}, events: {render: d, move: d, show: d, hide: d, toggle: d, visible: d, hidden: d, focus: d, blur: d}}, g.ajax = function (a) {
-        var b = a.plugins.ajax;
-        return"object" == typeof b ? b : a.plugins.ajax = new z(a)
-    }, g.ajax.initialize = "render", g.ajax.sanitize = function (a) {
-        var b = a.content, c;
-        b && "ajax"in b && (c = b.ajax, typeof c != "object" && (c = a.content.ajax = {url: c}), "boolean" != typeof c.once && c.once && (c.once = !!c.once))
-    }, a.extend(b, f.defaults, {content: {ajax: {loading: b, once: b}}}), g.bgiframe = function (b) {
-        var d = a.browser, e = b.plugins.bgiframe;
-        return a("select, object").length < 1 || !d.msie || ("" + d.version).charAt(0) !== "6" ? c : "object" == typeof e ? e : b.plugins.bgiframe = new A(b)
-    }, g.bgiframe.initialize = "render", g.imagemap = function (b, c, d) {
-        function n(a, b, c) {
-            var d = 0, e = 1, f = 1, g = 0, h = 0, i = a.width, j = a.height;
-            while (i > 0 && j > 0 && e > 0 && f > 0) {
-                i = Math.floor(i / 2), j = Math.floor(j / 2), c.x === "left" ? e = i : c.x === "right" ? e = a.width - i : e += Math.floor(i / 2), c.y === "top" ? f = j : c.y === "bottom" ? f = a.height - j : f += Math.floor(j / 2), d = b.length;
-                while (d--) {
-                    if (b.length < 2)
-                        break;
-                    g = b[d][0] - a.offset.left, h = b[d][1] -, (c.x === "left" && g >= e || c.x === "right" && g <= e || c.x === "center" && (g < e || g > a.width - e) || c.y === "top" && h >= f || c.y === "bottom" && h <= f || c.y === "center" && (h < f || h > a.height - f)) && b.splice(d, 1)
-                }
-            }
-            return{left: b[0][0], top: b[0][1]}
-        }
-        b.jquery || (b = a(b));
-        var e = (b[0].shape || b.attr("shape")).toLowerCase(), f = (b[0].coords || b.attr("coords")).split(","), g = [], h = a('img[usemap="#' + b.parent("map").attr("name") + '"]'), i = h.offset(), j = {width: 0, height: 0, offset: {top: 1e10, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 1e10}}, k = 0, l = 0, m;
-        i.left += Math.ceil((h.outerWidth() - h.width()) / 2), += Math.ceil((h.outerHeight() - h.height()) / 2);
-        if (e === "poly") {
-            k = f.length;
-            while (k--)
-                l = [parseInt(f[--k], 10), parseInt(f[k + 1], 10)], l[0] > j.offset.right && (j.offset.right = l[0]), l[0] < j.offset.left && (j.offset.left = l[0]), l[1] > j.offset.bottom && (j.offset.bottom = l[1]), l[1] < && ( = l[1]), g.push(l)
-        } else
-            g =, function (a) {
-                return parseInt(a, 10)
-            });
-        switch (e) {
-            case"rect":
-                j = {width: Math.abs(g[2] - g[0]), height: Math.abs(g[3] - g[1]), offset: {left: Math.min(g[0], g[2]), top: Math.min(g[1], g[3])}};
-                break;
-            case"circle":
-                j = {width: g[2] + 2, height: g[2] + 2, offset: {left: g[0], top: g[1]}};
-                break;
-            case"poly":
-                a.extend(j, {width: Math.abs(j.offset.right - j.offset.left), height: Math.abs(j.offset.bottom -}), c.string() === "centercenter" ? j.offset = {left: j.offset.left + j.width / 2, top: + j.height / 2} : (j.offset = n(j, g.slice(), c), d && (d[0] === "flip" || d[1] === "flip") && (j.flipoffset = n(j, g.slice(), {x: c.x === "left" ? "right" : c.x === "right" ? "left" : "center", y: c.y === "top" ? "bottom" : c.y === "bottom" ? "top" : "center"}), j.flipoffset.left -= j.offset.left, -=, j.width = j.height = 0
-        }
-        return j.offset.left += i.left, +=, j
-    }, g.modal = function (a) {
-        var b = a.plugins.modal;
-        return"object" == typeof b ? b : a.plugins.modal = new B(a)
-    }, g.modal.initialize = "render", g.modal.sanitize = function (a) {
- && (typeof != "object" ? = {on: !!} : typeof == "undefined" && ( = b))
-    }, g.modal.zindex = f.zindex + 1e3, a.extend(b, f.defaults, {show: {modal: {on: c, effect: b, blur: b, escape: b}}}), g.svg = function (b, c) {
-        var d = a(document), e = b[0], f = {width: 0, height: 0, offset: {top: 1e10, left: 1e10}}, g, h, i, j, k;
-        if (e.getBBox && e.parentNode) {
-            g = e.getBBox(), h = e.getScreenCTM(), i = e.farthestViewportElement || e;
-            if (!i.createSVGPoint)
-                return f;
-            j = i.createSVGPoint(), j.x = g.x, j.y = g.y, k = j.matrixTransform(h), f.offset.left = k.x, = k.y, j.x += g.width, j.y += g.height, k = j.matrixTransform(h), f.width = k.x - f.offset.left, f.height = k.y -, f.offset.left += d.scrollLeft(), += d.scrollTop()
-        }
-        return f
-    }, g.tip = function (a) {
-        var b = a.plugins.tip;
-        return"object" == typeof b ? b : a.plugins.tip = new D(a)
-    }, g.tip.initialize = "render", g.tip.sanitize = function (a) {
-        var c =, d;
-        c && "tip"in c && (d =, typeof d != "object" && ( = {corner: d}), /string|boolean/i.test(typeof d.corner) || (d.corner = b), typeof d.width != "number" && delete d.width, typeof d.height != "number" && delete d.height, typeof d.border != "number" && d.border !== b && delete d.border, typeof d.offset != "number" && delete d.offset)
-    }, a.extend(b, f.defaults, {style: {tip: {corner: b, mimic: c, width: 6, height: 6, border: b, offset: 0}}})
\ No newline at end of file
+/* qTip2 v2.2.1 | Plugins: tips modal viewport svg imagemap ie6 | Styles: core basic css3 | | Licensed MIT | Sat Sep 06 2014 23:12:07 */
+!function(a,b,c){!function(a){"use strict";"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],a):jQuery&&!jQuery.fn.qtip&&a(jQuery)}(function(d){"use strict";function e(a,b,c,e){,,this.tooltip=F,this.elements={target:a},this._id=S+"-"+c,this.timers={img:{}},this.options=b,this.plugins={},this.cache={event:{},target:d(),disabled:E,attr:e,onTooltip:E,lastClass:""},this.rendered=this.destroyed=this.disabled=this.waiting=this.hiddenDuringWait=this.positioning=this.triggering=E}function f(a){return a===F||"object"!==d.type(a)}function g(a){return!(d.isFunction(a)||a&&a.attr||a.length||"object"===d.type(a)&&(a.jquery||a.then))}function h(a){var b,c,e,h;return f(a)?E:(f(a.metadata)&&(a.metadata={type:a.metadata}),"content"in a&&(b=a.content,f(b)||b.jquery||b.done?b=a.content={text:c=g(b)?E:b}:c=b.text,"ajax"in b&&(e=b.ajax,h=e&&e.once!==E,delete b.ajax,b.text=function(a,b){var f=c||d(this).attr(b.options.content.attr)||"Loading...",g=d.ajax(d.extend({},e,{context
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