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cordova-plugin-contacts git commit: CB-8653 Updated Readme

Repository: cordova-plugin-contacts
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master a464f35d2 -> 0d6668eac

CB-8653 Updated Readme


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 0d6668eac0fd93be073f6832871519314fe2f1f6
Parents: a464f35
Author: Steve Gill <>
Authored: Fri Mar 13 19:01:20 2015 -0700
Committer: Steve Gill <>
Committed: Fri Mar 13 19:01:20 2015 -0700

----------------------------------------------------------------------    | 754 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 doc/ | 773 ------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 752 insertions(+), 775 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 3f82897..c2f6cd0 100644
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          under the License.
-# org.apache.cordova.contacts
+# cordova-plugin-contacts
 [![Build Status](](
+This plugin defines a global `navigator.contacts` object, which provides access to the device contacts database.
-Plugin documentation: [doc/](doc/
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.contacts);
+    }
+__WARNING__: Collection and use of contact data raises
+important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss
+how the app uses contact data and whether it is shared with any other
+parties.  Contact information is considered sensitive because it
+reveals the people with whom a person communicates.  Therefore, in
+addition to the app's privacy policy, you should strongly consider
+providing a just-in-time notice before the app accesses or uses
+contact data, if the device operating system doesn't do so
+already. That notice should provide the same information noted above,
+as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
+choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  Note that some app
+marketplaces may require the app to provide a just-in-time notice and
+obtain the user's permission before accessing contact data.  A
+clear and easy-to-understand user experience surrounding the use of
+contact data helps avoid user confusion and perceived misuse of
+contact data.  For more information, please see the Privacy Guide.
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+Create __www/manifest.webapp__ as described in
+[Manifest Docs](
+Add relevant permisions.
+There is also a need to change the webapp type to "privileged"  - [Manifest Docs](
+__WARNING__: All privileged apps enforce [Content Security Policy]( which forbids inline script. Initialize your application in another way.
+	"type": "privileged",
+	"permissions": {
+		"contacts": {
+			"access": "readwrite",
+			"description": "Describe why there is a need for such permission"
+		}
+	}
+### Windows Quirks
+Any contacts returned from `find` and `pickContact` methods are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
+`find` method available only on Windows Phone 8.1 devices.
+### Windows 8 Quirks
+Windows 8 Contacts are readonly. Via the Cordova API Contacts are not queryable/searchable, you should inform the user to pick a contact as a call to contacts.pickContact which will open the 'People' app where the user must choose a contact.
+Any contacts returned are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
+## navigator.contacts
+### Methods
+- navigator.contacts.create
+- navigator.contacts.find
+- navigator.contacts.pickContact
+### Objects
+- Contact
+- ContactName
+- ContactField
+- ContactAddress
+- ContactOrganization
+- ContactFindOptions
+- ContactError
+- ContactFieldType
+## navigator.contacts.create
+The `navigator.contacts.create` method is synchronous, and returns a new `Contact` object.
+This method does not retain the Contact object in the device contacts
+database, for which you need to invoke the `` method.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+### Example
+    var myContact = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});
+## navigator.contacts.find
+The `navigator.contacts.find` method executes asynchronously, querying the
+device contacts database and returning an array of `Contact` objects.
+The resulting objects are passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
+function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
+The __contactFields__ parameter specifies the fields to be used as a
+search qualifier.  A zero-length __contactFields__ parameter is invalid and results in
+`ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR`. A __contactFields__ value of
+`"*"` searches all contact fields.
+The __contactFindOptions.filter__ string can be used as a search
+filter when querying the contacts database.  If provided, a
+case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field
+specified in the __contactFields__ parameter.  If there's a match for
+_any_ of the specified fields, the contact is returned. Use __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__
+parameter to control which contact properties must be returned back.
+### Parameters
+- __contactFields__: Contact fields to use as a search qualifier. _(DOMString[])_ [Required]
+- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database. [Required]
+- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
+- __contactFindOptions__: Search options to filter navigator.contacts. [Optional]
+	Keys include:
+	- __filter__: The search string used to find navigator.contacts. _(DOMString)_ (Default: `""`)
+	- __multiple__: Determines if the find operation returns multiple navigator.contacts. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
+    	- __desiredFields__: Contact fields to be returned back. If specified, the resulting `Contact` object only features values for these fields. _(DOMString[])_ [Optional]
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        alert('Found ' + contacts.length + ' contacts.');
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    // find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field
+    var options      = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter   = "Bob";
+    options.multiple = true;
+    options.desiredFields = [];
+    var fields       = [navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName,];
+    navigator.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Windows Quirks
+- `__contactFields__` is not supported and will be ignored. `find` method will always attempt to match the name, email address, or phone number of a contact.
+## navigator.contacts.pickContact
+The `navigator.contacts.pickContact` method launches the Contact Picker to select a single contact.
+The resulting object is passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
+function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
+### Parameters
+- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the single Contact object. [Required]
+- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    navigator.contacts.pickContact(function(contact){
+            console.log('The following contact has been selected:' + JSON.stringify(contact));
+        },function(err){
+            console.log('Error: ' + err);
+        });
+## Contact
+The `Contact` object represents a user's contact.  Contacts can be
+created, stored, or removed from the device contacts database.
+Contacts can also be retrieved (individually or in bulk) from the
+database by invoking the `navigator.contacts.find` method.
+__NOTE__: Not all of the contact fields listed above are supported on
+every device platform.  Please check each platform's _Quirks_ section
+for details.
+### Properties
+- __id__: A globally unique identifier. _(DOMString)_
+- __displayName__: The name of this Contact, suitable for display to end users. _(DOMString)_
+- __name__: An object containing all components of a persons name. _(ContactName)_
+- __nickname__: A casual name by which to address the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __phoneNumbers__: An array of all the contact's phone numbers. _(ContactField[])_
+- __emails__: An array of all the contact's email addresses. _(ContactField[])_
+- __addresses__: An array of all the contact's addresses. _(ContactAddress[])_
+- __ims__: An array of all the contact's IM addresses. _(ContactField[])_
+- __organizations__: An array of all the contact's organizations. _(ContactOrganization[])_
+- __birthday__: The birthday of the contact. _(Date)_
+- __note__: A note about the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __photos__: An array of the contact's photos. _(ContactField[])_
+- __categories__:  An array of all the user-defined categories associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
+- __urls__:  An array of web pages associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
+### Methods
+- __clone__: Returns a new `Contact` object that is a deep copy of the calling object, with the `id` property set to `null`.
+- __remove__: Removes the contact from the device contacts database, otherwise executes an error callback with a `ContactError` object.
+- __save__: Saves a new contact to the device contacts database, or updates an existing contact if a contact with the same __id__ already exists.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Save Example
+    function onSuccess(contact) {
+        alert("Save Success");
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
+    };
+    // create a new contact object
+    var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
+    contact.displayName = "Plumber";
+    contact.nickname = "Plumber";            // specify both to support all devices
+    // populate some fields
+    var name = new ContactName();
+    name.givenName = "Jane";
+    name.familyName = "Doe";
+ = name;
+    // save to device
+### Clone Example
+        // clone the contact object
+        var clone = contact.clone();
+ = "John";
+        console.log("Original contact name = " +;
+        console.log("Cloned contact name = " +;
+### Remove Example
+    function onSuccess() {
+        alert("Removal Success");
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
+    };
+    // remove the contact from the device
+    contact.remove(onSuccess,onError);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __categories__:  Not supported on Android 2.X devices, returning `null`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __id__: Assigned by the device when saving the contact.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __categories__: Partially supported. Fields __pref__ and __type__ are returning `null`
+- __ims__: Not supported
+- __photos__: Not supported
+### iOS Quirks
+- __displayName__: Not supported on iOS, returning `null` unless there is no `ContactName` specified, in which case it returns the composite name, __nickname__ or `""`, respectively.
+- __birthday__: Must be input as a JavaScript `Date` object, the same way it is returned.
+- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.  Contents of the temporary directory are removed when the application exits.
+- __categories__:  This property is currently not supported, returning `null`.
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- __displayName__: When creating a contact, the value provided for the display name parameter differs from the display name retrieved when finding the contact.
+- __urls__: When creating a contact, users can input and save more than one web address, but only one is available when searching the contact.
+- __phoneNumbers__: The _pref_ option is not supported. The _type_ is not supported in a _find_ operation. Only one `phoneNumber` is allowed for each _type_.
+- __emails__: The _pref_ option is not supported. Home and personal references same email entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
+- __addresses__: Supports only work, and home/personal _type_. The home and personal _type_ reference the same address entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
+- __organizations__: Only one is allowed, and does not support the _pref_, _type_, and _department_ attributes.
+- __note__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __ims__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __remove__: Method is not supported
+### Windows Quirks
+- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.
+- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __remove__: Method is not supported
+## ContactAddress
+The `ContactAddress` object stores the properties of a single address
+of a contact.  A `Contact` object may include more than one address in
+a `ContactAddress[]` array.
+### Properties
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactAddress` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+- __type__: A string indicating what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
+- __formatted__: The full address formatted for display. _(DOMString)_
+- __streetAddress__: The full street address. _(DOMString)_
+- __locality__: The city or locality. _(DOMString)_
+- __region__: The state or region. _(DOMString)_
+- __postalCode__: The zip code or postal code. _(DOMString)_
+- __country__: The country name. _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    // display the address information for all contacts
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].addresses.length; j++) {
+                alert("Pref: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].pref          + "\n" +
+                    "Type: "           + contacts[i].addresses[j].type          + "\n" +
+                    "Formatted: "      + contacts[i].addresses[j].formatted     + "\n" +
+                    "Street Address: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].streetAddress + "\n" +
+                    "Locality: "       + contacts[i].addresses[j].locality      + "\n" +
+                    "Region: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].region        + "\n" +
+                    "Postal Code: "    + contacts[i].addresses[j].postalCode    + "\n" +
+                    "Country: "        + contacts[i].addresses[j].country);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    // find all contacts
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    var filter = ["displayName", "addresses"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false` on Android 2.X devices.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Partially supported.  Only one each of _Work_ and _Home_ type addresses can be stored per contact.
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of all BlackBerry address fields.
+- __streetAddress__: Supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __address1__ and __address2__ address fields.
+- __locality__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __city__ address field.
+- __region__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __stateProvince__ address field.
+- __postalCode__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __zipPostal__ address field.
+- __country__: Supported.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Currently not supported
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
+- __formatted__: Currently not supported.
+### Windows 8 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported
+## ContactError
+The `ContactError` object is returned to the user through the
+`contactError` callback function when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
+### Constants
+- `ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR` (code 0)
+- `ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR` (code 1)
+- `ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR` (code 2)
+- `ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR` (code 3)
+- `ContactError.IO_ERROR` (code 4)
+- `ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR` (code 5)
+- `ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR` (code 20)
+## ContactField
+The `ContactField` object is a reusable component that represents
+contact fields generically.  Each `ContactField` object contains a
+`value`, `type`, and `pref` property.  A `Contact` object stores
+several properties in `ContactField[]` arrays, such as phone numbers
+and email addresses.
+In most instances, there are no pre-determined values for a
+`ContactField` object's __type__ attribute.  For example, a phone
+number can specify __type__ values of _home_, _work_, _mobile_,
+_iPhone_, or any other value that is supported by a particular device
+platform's contact database.  However, for the `Contact` __photos__
+field, the __type__ field indicates the format of the returned image:
+__url__ when the __value__ attribute contains a URL to the photo
+image, or _base64_ when the __value__ contains a base64-encoded image
+### Properties
+- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
+- __value__: The value of the field, such as a phone number or email address. _(DOMString)_
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactField` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+        // create a new contact
+        var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
+        // store contact phone numbers in ContactField[]
+        var phoneNumbers = [];
+        phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('work', '212-555-1234', false);
+        phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('mobile', '917-555-5432', true); // preferred number
+        phoneNumbers[2] = new ContactField('home', '203-555-7890', false);
+        contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
+        // save the contact
+### Android Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __type__: Partially supported.  Used for phone numbers.
+- __value__: Supported.
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### Windows8 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+## ContactName
+Contains different kinds of information about a `Contact` object's name.
+### Properties
+- __formatted__: The complete name of the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __familyName__: The contact's family name. _(DOMString)_
+- __givenName__: The contact's given name. _(DOMString)_
+- __middleName__: The contact's middle name. _(DOMString)_
+- __honorificPrefix__: The contact's prefix (example _Mr._ or _Dr._) _(DOMString)_
+- __honorificSuffix__: The contact's suffix (example _Esq._). _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            alert("Formatted: "  + contacts[i].name.formatted       + "\n" +
+                "Family Name: "  + contacts[i].name.familyName      + "\n" +
+                "Given Name: "   + contacts[i].name.givenName       + "\n" +
+                "Middle Name: "  + contacts[i].name.middleName      + "\n" +
+                "Suffix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix + "\n" +
+                "Prefix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix);
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    filter = ["displayName", "name"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __firstName__ and __lastName__ fields.
+- __familyName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __lastName__ field.
+- __givenName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __firstName__ field.
+- __middleName__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __honorificPrefix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __honorificSuffix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns iOS Composite Name, but is read-only.
+### Windows 8 Quirks
+- __formatted__: This is the only name property, and is identical to `displayName`, and `nickname`
+- __familyName__: not supported
+- __givenName__: not supported
+- __middleName__: not supported
+- __honorificPrefix__: not supported
+- __honorificSuffix__: not supported
+### Windows Quirks
+- __formatted__: It is identical to `displayName`
+## ContactOrganization
+The `ContactOrganization` object stores a contact's organization
+properties.  A `Contact` object stores one or more
+`ContactOrganization` objects in an array.
+### Properties
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactOrganization` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)
+- __name__: The name of the organization. _(DOMString)_
+- __department__: The department the contract works for. _(DOMString)_
+- __title__: The contact's title at the organization. _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].organizations.length; j++) {
+                alert("Pref: "      + contacts[i].organizations[j].pref       + "\n" +
+                    "Type: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].type       + "\n" +
+                    "Name: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].name       + "\n" +
+                    "Department: "  + contacts[i].organizations[j].department + "\n" +
+                    "Title: "       + contacts[i].organizations[j].title);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    filter = ["displayName", "organizations"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported by Android 2.X devices, returning `false`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `null`.
+- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the BlackBerry __company__ field.
+- __department__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __title__: Partially supported.  The first organization title is stored in the BlackBerry __jobTitle__ field.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported
+- __type__: Not supported
+- __department__: Not supported
+- Fields __name__ and __title__ stored in __org__ and __jobTitle__.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `null`.
+- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonOrganizationProperty__ field.
+- __department__: Partially supported.  The first department name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonDepartmentProperty__ field.
+- __title__: Partially supported.  The first title is stored in the iOS __kABPersonJobTitleProperty__ field.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported, returning `null`.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0493c00..0000000
--- a/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-# org.apache.cordova.contacts
-This plugin defines a global `navigator.contacts` object, which provides access to the device contacts database.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.contacts);
-    }
-__WARNING__: Collection and use of contact data raises
-important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss
-how the app uses contact data and whether it is shared with any other
-parties.  Contact information is considered sensitive because it
-reveals the people with whom a person communicates.  Therefore, in
-addition to the app's privacy policy, you should strongly consider
-providing a just-in-time notice before the app accesses or uses
-contact data, if the device operating system doesn't do so
-already. That notice should provide the same information noted above,
-as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
-choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  Note that some app
-marketplaces may require the app to provide a just-in-time notice and
-obtain the user's permission before accessing contact data.  A
-clear and easy-to-understand user experience surrounding the use of
-contact data helps avoid user confusion and perceived misuse of
-contact data.  For more information, please see the Privacy Guide.
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-Create __www/manifest.webapp__ as described in
-[Manifest Docs](
-Add relevant permisions.
-There is also a need to change the webapp type to "privileged"  - [Manifest Docs](
-__WARNING__: All privileged apps enforce [Content Security Policy]( which forbids inline script. Initialize your application in another way.
-	"type": "privileged",
-	"permissions": {
-		"contacts": {
-			"access": "readwrite",
-			"description": "Describe why there is a need for such permission"
-		}
-	}
-### Windows Quirks
-Any contacts returned from `find` and `pickContact` methods are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
-`find` method available only on Windows Phone 8.1 devices.
-### Windows 8 Quirks
-Windows 8 Contacts are readonly. Via the Cordova API Contacts are not queryable/searchable, you should inform the user to pick a contact as a call to contacts.pickContact which will open the 'People' app where the user must choose a contact.
-Any contacts returned are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
-## navigator.contacts
-### Methods
-- navigator.contacts.create
-- navigator.contacts.find
-- navigator.contacts.pickContact
-### Objects
-- Contact
-- ContactName
-- ContactField
-- ContactAddress
-- ContactOrganization
-- ContactFindOptions
-- ContactError
-- ContactFieldType
-## navigator.contacts.create
-The `navigator.contacts.create` method is synchronous, and returns a new `Contact` object.
-This method does not retain the Contact object in the device contacts
-database, for which you need to invoke the `` method.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-### Example
-    var myContact = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});
-## navigator.contacts.find
-The `navigator.contacts.find` method executes asynchronously, querying the
-device contacts database and returning an array of `Contact` objects.
-The resulting objects are passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
-function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
-The __contactFields__ parameter specifies the fields to be used as a
-search qualifier.  A zero-length __contactFields__ parameter is invalid and results in
-`ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR`. A __contactFields__ value of
-`"*"` searches all contact fields.
-The __contactFindOptions.filter__ string can be used as a search
-filter when querying the contacts database.  If provided, a
-case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field
-specified in the __contactFields__ parameter.  If there's a match for
-_any_ of the specified fields, the contact is returned. Use __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__
-parameter to control which contact properties must be returned back.
-### Parameters
-- __contactFields__: Contact fields to use as a search qualifier. _(DOMString[])_ [Required]
-- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database. [Required]
-- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
-- __contactFindOptions__: Search options to filter navigator.contacts. [Optional]
-	Keys include:
-	- __filter__: The search string used to find navigator.contacts. _(DOMString)_ (Default: `""`)
-	- __multiple__: Determines if the find operation returns multiple navigator.contacts. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
-    	- __desiredFields__: Contact fields to be returned back. If specified, the resulting `Contact` object only features values for these fields. _(DOMString[])_ [Optional]
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        alert('Found ' + contacts.length + ' contacts.');
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    // find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field
-    var options      = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter   = "Bob";
-    options.multiple = true;
-    options.desiredFields = [];
-    var fields       = [navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName,];
-    navigator.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Windows Quirks
-- `__contactFields__` is not supported and will be ignored. `find` method will always attempt to match the name, email address, or phone number of a contact.
-## navigator.contacts.pickContact
-The `navigator.contacts.pickContact` method launches the Contact Picker to select a single contact.
-The resulting object is passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
-function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
-### Parameters
-- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the single Contact object. [Required]
-- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    navigator.contacts.pickContact(function(contact){
-            console.log('The following contact has been selected:' + JSON.stringify(contact));
-        },function(err){
-            console.log('Error: ' + err);
-        });
-## Contact
-The `Contact` object represents a user's contact.  Contacts can be
-created, stored, or removed from the device contacts database.
-Contacts can also be retrieved (individually or in bulk) from the
-database by invoking the `navigator.contacts.find` method.
-__NOTE__: Not all of the contact fields listed above are supported on
-every device platform.  Please check each platform's _Quirks_ section
-for details.
-### Properties
-- __id__: A globally unique identifier. _(DOMString)_
-- __displayName__: The name of this Contact, suitable for display to end users. _(DOMString)_
-- __name__: An object containing all components of a persons name. _(ContactName)_
-- __nickname__: A casual name by which to address the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __phoneNumbers__: An array of all the contact's phone numbers. _(ContactField[])_
-- __emails__: An array of all the contact's email addresses. _(ContactField[])_
-- __addresses__: An array of all the contact's addresses. _(ContactAddress[])_
-- __ims__: An array of all the contact's IM addresses. _(ContactField[])_
-- __organizations__: An array of all the contact's organizations. _(ContactOrganization[])_
-- __birthday__: The birthday of the contact. _(Date)_
-- __note__: A note about the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __photos__: An array of the contact's photos. _(ContactField[])_
-- __categories__:  An array of all the user-defined categories associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
-- __urls__:  An array of web pages associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
-### Methods
-- __clone__: Returns a new `Contact` object that is a deep copy of the calling object, with the `id` property set to `null`.
-- __remove__: Removes the contact from the device contacts database, otherwise executes an error callback with a `ContactError` object.
-- __save__: Saves a new contact to the device contacts database, or updates an existing contact if a contact with the same __id__ already exists.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Save Example
-    function onSuccess(contact) {
-        alert("Save Success");
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
-    };
-    // create a new contact object
-    var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
-    contact.displayName = "Plumber";
-    contact.nickname = "Plumber";            // specify both to support all devices
-    // populate some fields
-    var name = new ContactName();
-    name.givenName = "Jane";
-    name.familyName = "Doe";
- = name;
-    // save to device
-### Clone Example
-        // clone the contact object
-        var clone = contact.clone();
- = "John";
-        console.log("Original contact name = " +;
-        console.log("Cloned contact name = " +;
-### Remove Example
-    function onSuccess() {
-        alert("Removal Success");
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
-    };
-    // remove the contact from the device
-    contact.remove(onSuccess,onError);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __categories__:  Not supported on Android 2.X devices, returning `null`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __id__: Assigned by the device when saving the contact.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __categories__: Partially supported. Fields __pref__ and __type__ are returning `null`
-- __ims__: Not supported
-- __photos__: Not supported
-### iOS Quirks
-- __displayName__: Not supported on iOS, returning `null` unless there is no `ContactName` specified, in which case it returns the composite name, __nickname__ or `""`, respectively.
-- __birthday__: Must be input as a JavaScript `Date` object, the same way it is returned.
-- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.  Contents of the temporary directory are removed when the application exits.
-- __categories__:  This property is currently not supported, returning `null`.
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- __displayName__: When creating a contact, the value provided for the display name parameter differs from the display name retrieved when finding the contact.
-- __urls__: When creating a contact, users can input and save more than one web address, but only one is available when searching the contact.
-- __phoneNumbers__: The _pref_ option is not supported. The _type_ is not supported in a _find_ operation. Only one `phoneNumber` is allowed for each _type_.
-- __emails__: The _pref_ option is not supported. Home and personal references same email entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
-- __addresses__: Supports only work, and home/personal _type_. The home and personal _type_ reference the same address entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
-- __organizations__: Only one is allowed, and does not support the _pref_, _type_, and _department_ attributes.
-- __note__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __ims__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __remove__: Method is not supported
-### Windows Quirks
-- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.
-- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __remove__: Method is not supported
-## ContactAddress
-The `ContactAddress` object stores the properties of a single address
-of a contact.  A `Contact` object may include more than one address in
-a `ContactAddress[]` array.
-### Properties
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactAddress` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-- __type__: A string indicating what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
-- __formatted__: The full address formatted for display. _(DOMString)_
-- __streetAddress__: The full street address. _(DOMString)_
-- __locality__: The city or locality. _(DOMString)_
-- __region__: The state or region. _(DOMString)_
-- __postalCode__: The zip code or postal code. _(DOMString)_
-- __country__: The country name. _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    // display the address information for all contacts
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].addresses.length; j++) {
-                alert("Pref: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].pref          + "\n" +
-                    "Type: "           + contacts[i].addresses[j].type          + "\n" +
-                    "Formatted: "      + contacts[i].addresses[j].formatted     + "\n" +
-                    "Street Address: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].streetAddress + "\n" +
-                    "Locality: "       + contacts[i].addresses[j].locality      + "\n" +
-                    "Region: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].region        + "\n" +
-                    "Postal Code: "    + contacts[i].addresses[j].postalCode    + "\n" +
-                    "Country: "        + contacts[i].addresses[j].country);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    // find all contacts
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    var filter = ["displayName", "addresses"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false` on Android 2.X devices.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Partially supported.  Only one each of _Work_ and _Home_ type addresses can be stored per contact.
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of all BlackBerry address fields.
-- __streetAddress__: Supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __address1__ and __address2__ address fields.
-- __locality__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __city__ address field.
-- __region__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __stateProvince__ address field.
-- __postalCode__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __zipPostal__ address field.
-- __country__: Supported.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Currently not supported
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
-- __formatted__: Currently not supported.
-### Windows 8 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported
-## ContactError
-The `ContactError` object is returned to the user through the
-`contactError` callback function when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-### Constants
-- `ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR` (code 0)
-- `ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR` (code 1)
-- `ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR` (code 2)
-- `ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR` (code 3)
-- `ContactError.IO_ERROR` (code 4)
-- `ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR` (code 5)
-- `ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR` (code 20)
-## ContactField
-The `ContactField` object is a reusable component that represents
-contact fields generically.  Each `ContactField` object contains a
-`value`, `type`, and `pref` property.  A `Contact` object stores
-several properties in `ContactField[]` arrays, such as phone numbers
-and email addresses.
-In most instances, there are no pre-determined values for a
-`ContactField` object's __type__ attribute.  For example, a phone
-number can specify __type__ values of _home_, _work_, _mobile_,
-_iPhone_, or any other value that is supported by a particular device
-platform's contact database.  However, for the `Contact` __photos__
-field, the __type__ field indicates the format of the returned image:
-__url__ when the __value__ attribute contains a URL to the photo
-image, or _base64_ when the __value__ contains a base64-encoded image
-### Properties
-- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
-- __value__: The value of the field, such as a phone number or email address. _(DOMString)_
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactField` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-        // create a new contact
-        var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
-        // store contact phone numbers in ContactField[]
-        var phoneNumbers = [];
-        phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('work', '212-555-1234', false);
-        phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('mobile', '917-555-5432', true); // preferred number
-        phoneNumbers[2] = new ContactField('home', '203-555-7890', false);
-        contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
-        // save the contact
-### Android Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __type__: Partially supported.  Used for phone numbers.
-- __value__: Supported.
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### Windows8 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-## ContactName
-Contains different kinds of information about a `Contact` object's name.
-### Properties
-- __formatted__: The complete name of the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __familyName__: The contact's family name. _(DOMString)_
-- __givenName__: The contact's given name. _(DOMString)_
-- __middleName__: The contact's middle name. _(DOMString)_
-- __honorificPrefix__: The contact's prefix (example _Mr._ or _Dr._) _(DOMString)_
-- __honorificSuffix__: The contact's suffix (example _Esq._). _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            alert("Formatted: "  + contacts[i].name.formatted       + "\n" +
-                "Family Name: "  + contacts[i].name.familyName      + "\n" +
-                "Given Name: "   + contacts[i].name.givenName       + "\n" +
-                "Middle Name: "  + contacts[i].name.middleName      + "\n" +
-                "Suffix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix + "\n" +
-                "Prefix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix);
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    filter = ["displayName", "name"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __firstName__ and __lastName__ fields.
-- __familyName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __lastName__ field.
-- __givenName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __firstName__ field.
-- __middleName__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __honorificPrefix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __honorificSuffix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns iOS Composite Name, but is read-only.
-### Windows 8 Quirks
-- __formatted__: This is the only name property, and is identical to `displayName`, and `nickname`
-- __familyName__: not supported
-- __givenName__: not supported
-- __middleName__: not supported
-- __honorificPrefix__: not supported
-- __honorificSuffix__: not supported
-### Windows Quirks
-- __formatted__: It is identical to `displayName`
-## ContactOrganization
-The `ContactOrganization` object stores a contact's organization
-properties.  A `Contact` object stores one or more
-`ContactOrganization` objects in an array.
-### Properties
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactOrganization` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)
-- __name__: The name of the organization. _(DOMString)_
-- __department__: The department the contract works for. _(DOMString)_
-- __title__: The contact's title at the organization. _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].organizations.length; j++) {
-                alert("Pref: "      + contacts[i].organizations[j].pref       + "\n" +
-                    "Type: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].type       + "\n" +
-                    "Name: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].name       + "\n" +
-                    "Department: "  + contacts[i].organizations[j].department + "\n" +
-                    "Title: "       + contacts[i].organizations[j].title);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    filter = ["displayName", "organizations"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported by Android 2.X devices, returning `false`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `null`.
-- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the BlackBerry __company__ field.
-- __department__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __title__: Partially supported.  The first organization title is stored in the BlackBerry __jobTitle__ field.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported
-- __type__: Not supported
-- __department__: Not supported
-- Fields __name__ and __title__ stored in __org__ and __jobTitle__.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `null`.
-- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonOrganizationProperty__ field.
-- __department__: Partially supported.  The first department name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonDepartmentProperty__ field.
-- __title__: Partially supported.  The first title is stored in the iOS __kABPersonJobTitleProperty__ field.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported, returning `null`.

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