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svn commit: r1200238 - in /buildr/trunk: CHANGELOG addon/buildr/findbugs.rake doc/more_stuff.textile

Author: donaldp
Date: Thu Nov 10 09:26:07 2011
New Revision: 1200238

Add a FindBugs extension to buildr


Modified: buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG
--- buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG (original)
+++ buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG Thu Nov 10 09:26:07 2011
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 * Change: Make it possible to parameterize the JDepend extension and control the projects that
           are included in the analysis and to enable support for loading a per project
+* Added:  Add a Findbugs extension.
 * Added:  Add a Checkstyle extension.
 * Added:  Add a JavaNCSS extension.
 * Added:  Add a PMD extension.

Added: buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/findbugs.rake
--- buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/findbugs.rake (added)
+++ buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/findbugs.rake Thu Nov 10 09:26:07 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with this
+# work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF
+# licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+module Buildr
+  # Provides the <code>findbugs:html</code> and <code>findbugs:xml</code> tasks.
+  # Require explicitly using <code>require "buildr/findbugs"</code>.
+  module Findbugs
+    class << self
+      # The specs for requirements
+      def dependencies
+        [
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            'dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1',
+            'jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1.1',
+            'jdom:jdom:jar:1.0',
+            'xom:xom:jar:1.0',
+            '',
+            'asm:asm:jar:3.1',
+            'asm:asm-analysis:jar:3.1',
+            'asm:asm-tree:jar:3.1',
+            'asm:asm-commons:jar:3.1',
+            'asm:asm-util:jar:3.1',
+            'asm:asm-xml:jar:3.1',
+            'commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.4'
+        ]
+      end
+      def findbugs(output_file, source_paths, analyze_paths, options = { })
+        dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || []) + self.dependencies
+        cp = Buildr.artifacts(dependencies).each(&:invoke).map(&:to_s).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+        args = {
+            :output => "xml:withMessages",
+            :outputFile => output_file,
+            :effort => 'max',
+            :pluginList => '',
+            :classpath => cp,
+            :timeout => "90000000",
+            :debug => "false"
+        }
+        args[:failOnError] = true if options[:fail_on_error]
+        args[:excludeFilter] = options[:exclude_filter] if options[:exclude_filter]
+        args[:jvmargs] = options[:java_args] if options[:java_args]
+        Buildr.ant('findBugs') do |ant|
+          ant.taskdef :name =>'findBugs',
+                      :classname =>'edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask',
+                      :classpath => cp
+          ant.findBugs args do
+            source_paths.each do |source_path|
+              ant.sourcePath :path => source_path.to_s
+            end
+            Buildr.artifacts(analyze_paths).each(&:invoke).each do |analyze_path|
+              ant.auxAnalyzePath :path => analyze_path.to_s
+            end
+            if options[:properties]
+              options[:properties].each_pair do |k, v|
+                ant.systemProperty :name => k, :value => v
+              end
+            end
+            if options[:extra_dependencies]
+              ant.auxClasspath do |aux|
+                Buildr.artifacts(options[:extra_dependencies]).each(&:invoke).each do |dep|
+                  aux.pathelement :location => dep.to_s
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    class Config
+      attr_accessor :enabled
+      def enabled?
+        !!@enabled
+      end
+      def html_enabled?
+        File.exist?(self.style_file)
+      end
+      attr_writer :config_directory
+      def config_directory
+        @config_directory || project._(:source, :main, :etc, :findbugs)
+      end
+      attr_writer :report_dir
+      def report_dir
+        @report_dir || project._(:reports, :findbugs)
+      end
+      attr_writer :fail_on_error
+      def fail_on_error?
+        @fail_on_error.nil? ? false : @fail_on_error
+      end
+      attr_writer :xml_output_file
+      def xml_output_file
+        @xml_output_file || "#{self.report_dir}/findbugs.xml"
+      end
+      attr_writer :html_output_file
+      def html_output_file
+        @html_output_file || "#{self.report_dir}/findbugs.html"
+      end
+      attr_writer :style_file
+      def style_file
+        @style_file || "#{self.config_directory}/findbugs-report.xsl"
+      end
+      attr_writer :filter_file
+      def filter_file
+        @filter_file || "#{self.config_directory}/filter.xml"
+      end
+      def properties
+        @properties ||= { }
+      end
+      attr_writer :java_args
+      def java_args
+        @java_args || "-server -Xss1m -Xmx800m -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=EN "
+      end
+      def source_paths
+        @source_paths ||= [self.project.compile.sources, self.project.test.compile.sources]
+      end
+      def analyze_paths
+        @analyze_path ||= []
+      end
+      def extra_dependencies
+        @extra_dependencies ||= [self.project.compile.dependencies, self.project.test.compile.dependencies]
+      end
+      protected
+      def initialize(project)
+        @project = project
+      end
+      attr_reader :project
+    end
+    module ProjectExtension
+      include Extension
+      def findbugs
+        @findbugs ||=
+      end
+      after_define do |project|
+        if project.findbugs.enabled?
+          desc "Generate findbugs xml report."
+          project.task("findbugs:xml") do
+            puts "Findbugs: Analyzing source code..."
+            mkdir_p File.dirname(project.findbugs.xml_output_file)
+            options =
+              {
+                :properties =>,
+                :fail_on_error => project.findbugs.fail_on_error?,
+                :extra_dependencies => project.findbugs.extra_dependencies
+              }
+            options[:exclude_filter] = project.findbugs.filter_file if File.exist?(project.findbugs.filter_file)
+            Buildr::Findbugs.findbugs(project.findbugs.xml_output_file,
+                                      project.findbugs.source_paths.flatten.compact,
+                                      project.findbugs.analyze_paths.flatten.compact,
+                                      options)
+          end
+          if project.findbugs.html_enabled?
+            xml_task = project.task("findbugs:xml")
+            desc "Generate findbugs html report."
+            project.task("findbugs:html" => xml_task) do
+              puts "Findbugs: Generating report"
+              mkdir_p File.dirname(project.findbugs.html_output_file)
+              Buildr.ant "findbugs" do |ant|
+       :in => project.findbugs.xml_output_file,
+                          :out => project.findbugs.html_output_file,
+                          :style => project.findbugs.style_file
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+class Buildr::Project
+  include Buildr::Findbugs::ProjectExtension

Modified: buildr/trunk/doc/more_stuff.textile
--- buildr/trunk/doc/more_stuff.textile (original)
+++ buildr/trunk/doc/more_stuff.textile Thu Nov 10 09:26:07 2011
@@ -823,6 +823,32 @@ The extension will include the source an
 If the xsl file named "checkstyle-report.xsl" is present in the configuration directory then a "checkstyle:html" task will be defined. The name of the xsl file can be overridden by the parameter "checkstyle.style_file".
+h2(#findbugs). FindBugs
+FindBugs is integrated into Buildr through an extension. The extension adds the "findbugs:xml" task that generates an xml report listing findbugs violations and may add a "findbugs:html" task if an appropriate xsl is present. A typical project that uses the extension may look something like;
+{% highlight ruby %}
+require 'buildr/findbugs'
+define "foo" do
+  project.version = "1.0.0"
+  define "bar" do ... end
+  findbugs.config_directory = _('etc/findbugs')
+  findbugs.source_paths << project('bar')._(:source, :main, :java)
+  findbugs.analyze_paths << project('bar')
+  findbugs.extra_dependencies << project('bar').compile.dependencies
+{% endhighlight %}
+By default findbugs will look for all configuration files in the src/main/etc/findbugs directory but this can be overriden by the setting the "findbugs.config_directory" parameter. The "findbugs:xml" task will past FindBugs a filter xml if a file named "filter.xml" is present in the configuration directory. This can be overridden by setting the "findbugs.filter_file" parameter.
+The extension will include the source and test directories of the project aswell as the compile and test dependencies when invoking the findbugs tool. These can be added to by the parameters "findbugs.source_paths" and "findbugs.extra_dependencies" as appropriate. The actual analysis is run across compiled artifacts ad this will default to the target directory of the project but this can be overriden by the "findbugs.analyze_paths" parameter.
+If the xsl file named "findbugs-report.xsl" is present in the configuration directory then a "findbugs:html" task will be defined. The name of the xsl file can be overridden by the parameter "findbugs.style_file".
 h2(#javancss). JavaNCSS
 JavaNCSS is integrated into Buildr through an extension. The extension adds the "javancss:xml" task that generates an xml report and may add a "javancss:html" task if an appropriate xsl is present. A typical project that uses the extension may look something like;