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Posted to by on 2016/09/08 05:20:48 UTC

[09/54] [partial] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-959. revert thrift build commands.
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testcontainertest.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testcontainertest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 852254b..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testcontainertest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_container_test_types.h"
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_container_service.h"
-#include <thrift/c_glib/thrift.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_binary_protocol_factory.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_binary_protocol.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_protocol_factory.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/server/thrift_server.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/server/thrift_simple_server.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_buffered_transport_factory.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_buffered_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_socket.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_socket.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define TEST_SERVER_HOSTNAME "localhost"
-#define TEST_SERVER_PORT     9090
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   The ContainerService handler we'll use for testing */
-GType test_container_service_handler_get_type (void);
-  (test_container_service_handler_get_type ())
-#define TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER(obj)                             \
-  (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj),                                   \
-                               TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER,     \
-                               TestContainerServiceHandler))
-#define TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER_CLASS(c)                         \
-  (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((c),                                        \
-                            TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER,        \
-                            TestContainerServiceHandlerClass))
-#define IS_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER(obj)                          \
-  (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj),                                   \
-                               TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER))
-#define IS_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER_CLASS(c)                      \
-  (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((c),                                        \
-                            TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER))
-#define TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER_GET_CLASS(obj)                   \
-  (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj),                                    \
-                              TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER,      \
-                              TestContainerServiceHandlerClass))
-struct _TestContainerServiceHandler {
-  TTestContainerServiceHandler parent_instance;
-  /* private */
-  GPtrArray *string_list;
-typedef struct _TestContainerServiceHandler TestContainerServiceHandler;
-struct _TestContainerServiceHandlerClass {
-  TTestContainerServiceHandlerClass parent_class;
-typedef struct _TestContainerServiceHandlerClass
-  TestContainerServiceHandlerClass;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-G_DEFINE_TYPE (TestContainerServiceHandler,
-               test_container_service_handler,
-/* A helper function used to append copies of strings to a string list */
-static void append_string_to_ptr_array (gpointer element, gpointer ptr_array)
-  g_ptr_array_add ((GPtrArray *)ptr_array, g_strdup ((gchar *)element));
-/* Accept a string list from the client and append its contents to our internal
-   list */
-static gboolean
-test_container_service_handler_receive_string_list (TTestContainerServiceIf *iface,
-                                                    const GPtrArray *stringList,
-                                                    GError **error)
-  TestContainerServiceHandler *self = TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER (iface);
-  /* Append the client's strings to our own internal string list */
-  g_ptr_array_foreach ((GPtrArray *)stringList,
-                       append_string_to_ptr_array,
-                       self->string_list);
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  return TRUE;
-/* Return the contents of our internal string list to the client */
-static gboolean
-test_container_service_handler_return_string_list (TTestContainerServiceIf *iface,
-                                                   GPtrArray **_return,
-                                                   GError **error)
-  TestContainerServiceHandler *self = TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER (iface);
-  /* Return (copies of) the strings contained in our list */
-  g_ptr_array_foreach (self->string_list,
-                       append_string_to_ptr_array,
-                       *_return);
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-test_container_service_handler_return_list_string_list (TTestContainerServiceIf *iface,
-                                                        GPtrArray **_return,
-                                                        GError **error)
-  TestContainerServiceHandler *self = TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER (iface);
-  GPtrArray *nested_list;
-  /* Return a list containing our list of strings */
-  nested_list
-    = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_ptr_array_unref);
-  g_ptr_array_add (nested_list, self->string_list);
-  g_ptr_array_ref (self->string_list);
-  g_ptr_array_add (*_return, nested_list);
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-test_container_service_handler_return_typedefd_list_string_list (TTestContainerServiceIf *iface,
-                                                                 TTestListStringList **_return,
-                                                                 GError **error)
-  TestContainerServiceHandler *self = TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER (iface);
-  TTestStringList *nested_list;
-  /* Return a list containing our list of strings */
-  nested_list
-    = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_ptr_array_unref);
-  g_ptr_array_add (nested_list, self->string_list);
-  g_ptr_array_ref (self->string_list);
-  g_ptr_array_add (*_return, nested_list);
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-test_container_service_handler_finalize (GObject *object) {
-  TestContainerServiceHandler *self = TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER (object);
-  /* Destroy our internal containers */
-  g_ptr_array_unref (self->string_list);
-  self->string_list = NULL;
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (test_container_service_handler_parent_class)->
-    finalize (object);
-static void
-test_container_service_handler_init (TestContainerServiceHandler *self)
-  /* Create our internal containers */
-  self->string_list = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
-static void
-test_container_service_handler_class_init (TestContainerServiceHandlerClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  TTestContainerServiceHandlerClass *parent_class =
-  gobject_class->finalize = test_container_service_handler_finalize;
-  parent_class->receive_string_list =
-    test_container_service_handler_receive_string_list;
-  parent_class->return_string_list =
-    test_container_service_handler_return_string_list;
-  parent_class->return_list_string_list =
-    test_container_service_handler_return_list_string_list;
-  parent_class->return_typedefd_list_string_list =
-    test_container_service_handler_return_typedefd_list_string_list;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Our test server, declared globally so we can access it within a signal
-   handler */
-ThriftServer *server = NULL;
-/* A signal handler used to detect when the child process (the test suite) has
-   exited so we know to shut down the server and terminate ourselves */
-static void
-sigchld_handler (int signal_number)
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (signal_number);
-  /* The child process (the tests) has exited or been terminated; shut down the
-     server gracefully */
-  if (server != NULL)
-    thrift_server_stop (server);
-/* A helper function that executes a test case against a newly constructed
-   service client */
-static void
-execute_with_service_client (void (*test_case)(TTestContainerServiceIf *,
-                                               GError **))
-  ThriftSocket *socket;
-  ThriftTransport *transport;
-  ThriftProtocol *protocol;
-  TTestContainerServiceIf *client;
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  /* Create a client with which to access the server */
-  socket    = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET,
-                            "hostname", TEST_SERVER_HOSTNAME,
-                            "port",     TEST_SERVER_PORT,
-                            NULL);
-  transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BUFFERED_TRANSPORT,
-                            "transport", socket,
-                            NULL);
-  protocol  = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BINARY_PROTOCOL,
-                            "transport", transport,
-                            NULL);
-  thrift_transport_open (transport, &error);
-  g_assert_no_error (error);
-  client = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_CONTAINER_SERVICE_CLIENT,
-                         "input_protocol",  protocol,
-                         "output_protocol", protocol,
-                         NULL);
-  /* Execute the test against this client */
-  (*test_case)(client, &error);
-  g_assert_no_error (error);
-  /* Clean up and exit */
-  thrift_transport_close (transport, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (client);
-  g_object_unref (protocol);
-  g_object_unref (transport);
-  g_object_unref (socket);
-static void
-test_containers_with_default_values (void)
-  TTestContainersWithDefaultValues *default_values;
-  GPtrArray *string_list;
-  /* Fetch a new ContainersWithDefaultValues struct and its StringList member */
-  default_values = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_CONTAINERS_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUES,
-                                 NULL);
-  g_object_get (default_values,
-                "StringList", &string_list,
-                NULL);
-  /* Make sure the list has been populated with its default values */
-  g_assert_cmpint (string_list->len, ==, 2);
-  g_assert_cmpstr (((gchar **)string_list->pdata)[0], ==, "Apache");
-  g_assert_cmpstr (((gchar **)string_list->pdata)[1], ==, "Thrift");
-  g_ptr_array_unref (string_list);
-  g_object_unref (default_values);
-static void
-test_container_service_string_list_inner (TTestContainerServiceIf *client,
-                                          GError **error)
-  gchar *test_data[] = { "one", "two", "three" };
-  GPtrArray *outgoing_string_list;
-  GPtrArray *incoming_string_list;
-  guint index;
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  /* Prepare our test data (our string list to send) */
-  outgoing_string_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  for (index = 0; index < 3; index += 1)
-    g_ptr_array_add (outgoing_string_list, &test_data[index]);
-  /* Send our data to the server and make sure we get the same data back on
-     retrieve */
-  g_assert
-    (t_test_container_service_client_receive_string_list (client,
-                                                          outgoing_string_list,
-                                                          error) &&
-     *error == NULL);
-  incoming_string_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_assert
-    (t_test_container_service_client_return_string_list (client,
-                                                         &incoming_string_list,
-                                                         error) &&
-     *error == NULL);
-  /* Make sure the two lists are equivalent */
-  g_assert_cmpint (incoming_string_list->len, ==, outgoing_string_list->len);
-  for (index = 0; index < incoming_string_list->len; index += 1)
-    g_assert_cmpstr (((gchar **)incoming_string_list->pdata)[index],
-                     ==,
-                     ((gchar **)outgoing_string_list->pdata)[index]);
-  /* Clean up and exit */
-  g_ptr_array_unref (incoming_string_list);
-  g_ptr_array_unref (outgoing_string_list);
-static void
-test_container_service_string_list (void)
-    execute_with_service_client (test_container_service_string_list_inner);
-static void
-test_container_service_list_string_list_inner (TTestContainerServiceIf *client,
-                                               GError **error)
-  GPtrArray *incoming_list;
-  GPtrArray *nested_list;
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  /* Receive a list of string lists from the server */
-  incoming_list =
-    g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_ptr_array_unref);
-  g_assert
-    (t_test_container_service_client_return_list_string_list (client,
-                                                              &incoming_list,
-                                                              error) &&
-     *error == NULL);
-  /* Make sure the list and its contents are valid */
-  g_assert_cmpint (incoming_list->len, >, 0);
-  nested_list = (GPtrArray *)g_ptr_array_index (incoming_list, 0);
-  g_assert (nested_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (nested_list->len, >=, 0);
-  /* Clean up and exit */
-  g_ptr_array_unref (incoming_list);
-static void
-test_container_service_list_string_list (void)
-  execute_with_service_client (test_container_service_list_string_list_inner);
-static void
-test_container_service_typedefd_list_string_list_inner (TTestContainerServiceIf *client,
-                                                        GError **error)
-  TTestListStringList *incoming_list;
-  TTestStringList *nested_list;
-  g_clear_error (error);
-  /* Receive a list of string lists from the server */
-  incoming_list =
-    g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_ptr_array_unref);
-  g_assert
-    (t_test_container_service_client_return_list_string_list (client,
-                                                              &incoming_list,
-                                                              error) &&
-     *error == NULL);
-  /* Make sure the list and its contents are valid */
-  g_assert_cmpint (incoming_list->len, >, 0);
-  nested_list = (TTestStringList *)g_ptr_array_index (incoming_list, 0);
-  g_assert (nested_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (nested_list->len, >=, 0);
-  /* Clean up and exit */
-  g_ptr_array_unref (incoming_list);
-static void
-test_container_service_typedefd_list_string_list (void)
-  execute_with_service_client
-    (test_container_service_typedefd_list_string_list_inner);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  pid_t pid;
-  int status;
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init ();
-  /* Fork to run our test suite in a child process */
-  pid = fork ();
-  g_assert_cmpint (pid, >=, 0);
-  if (pid == 0) {    /* The child process */
-    /* Wait a moment for the server to finish starting */
-    sleep (1);
-    g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-    g_test_add_func
-      ("/testcontainertest/ContainerTest/Structs/ContainersWithDefaultValues",
-       test_containers_with_default_values);
-    g_test_add_func
-      ("/testcontainertest/ContainerTest/Services/ContainerService/StringList",
-       test_container_service_string_list);
-    g_test_add_func
-      ("/testcontainertest/ContainerTest/Services/ContainerService/ListStringList",
-       test_container_service_list_string_list);
-    g_test_add_func
-      ("/testcontainertest/ContainerTest/Services/ContainerService/TypedefdListStringList",
-       test_container_service_typedefd_list_string_list);
-    /* Run the tests and make the result available to our parent process */
-    _exit (g_test_run ());
-  }
-  else {
-    TTestContainerServiceHandler *handler;
-    TTestContainerServiceProcessor *processor;
-    ThriftServerTransport *server_transport;
-    ThriftTransportFactory *transport_factory;
-    ThriftProtocolFactory *protocol_factory;
-    struct sigaction sigchld_action;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    int exit_status = 1;
-    /* Trap the event of the child process terminating so we know to stop the
-       server and exit */
-    memset (&sigchld_action, 0, sizeof (sigchld_action));
-    sigchld_action.sa_handler = sigchld_handler;
-    sigchld_action.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND;
-    sigaction (SIGCHLD, &sigchld_action, NULL);
-    /* Create our test server */
-    handler = g_object_new (TYPE_TEST_CONTAINER_SERVICE_HANDLER,
-                            NULL);
-    processor = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_CONTAINER_SERVICE_PROCESSOR,
-                              "handler", handler,
-                              NULL);
-    server_transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SERVER_SOCKET,
-                                     "port", TEST_SERVER_PORT,
-                                     NULL);
-    transport_factory = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BUFFERED_TRANSPORT_FACTORY,
-                                      NULL);
-    protocol_factory = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BINARY_PROTOCOL_FACTORY,
-                                     NULL);
-    server = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SIMPLE_SERVER,
-                           "processor",                processor,
-                           "server_transport",         server_transport,
-                           "input_transport_factory",  transport_factory,
-                           "output_transport_factory", transport_factory,
-                           "input_protocol_factory",   protocol_factory,
-                           "output_protocol_factory",  protocol_factory,
-                           NULL);
-    /* Start the server */
-    thrift_server_serve (server, &error);
-    /* Make sure the server stopped only because it was interrupted (by the
-       child process terminating) */
-    g_assert (g_error_matches (error,
-                               THRIFT_SERVER_SOCKET_ERROR,
-                               THRIFT_SERVER_SOCKET_ERROR_ACCEPT));
-    /* Free our resources */
-    g_object_unref (server);
-    g_object_unref (transport_factory);
-    g_object_unref (protocol_factory);
-    g_object_unref (server_transport);
-    g_object_unref (processor);
-    g_object_unref (handler);
-    /* Wait for the child process to complete and return its exit status */
-    g_assert (wait (&status) == pid);
-    if (WIFEXITED (status))
-      exit_status = WEXITSTATUS (status);
-    return exit_status;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testdebugproto.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testdebugproto.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 703dff0..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testdebugproto.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932385
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_protocol.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_binary_protocol.h>
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_debug_proto_test_types.h"
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_srv.h"
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_inherited.h"
-static void
-test_structs_doubles_create_and_destroy (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  /* A Doubles structure can be created... */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_DOUBLES, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_DOUBLES (object));
-  /* ...and destroyed */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_doubles_initialize (void)
-  TTestDoubles *doubles = NULL;
-  gdouble nan;
-  gdouble inf;
-  gdouble neginf;
-  gdouble repeating;
-  gdouble big;
-  gdouble tiny;
-  gdouble zero;
-  gdouble negzero;
-  /* Note there seems to be no way to get not-a-number ("NAN") values past
-     GObject's range-checking, so that portion of the test has been commented
-     out below. */
-  /* A Doubles structure's members are available as GObject properties
-     that can be initialized at construction... */
-  doubles = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_DOUBLES,
-                          /* "nan",      0 * INFINITY, */
-                          "inf",          INFINITY,
-                          "neginf",      -INFINITY,
-                          "repeating",     1.0 / 3,
-                          "big",       G_MAXDOUBLE,
-                          "tiny",          10E-101,
-                          "zero",          1.0 * 0,
-                          "negzero",      -1.0 * 0,
-                          NULL);
-  g_assert (doubles != NULL);
-  /* ...and later retrieved */
-  g_object_get (doubles,
-                "nan",       &nan,
-                "inf",       &inf,
-                "neginf",    &neginf,
-                "repeating", &repeating,
-                "big",       &big,
-                "tiny",      &tiny,
-                "zero",      &zero,
-                "negzero",   &negzero,
-                NULL);
-  /* g_assert_cmpint (isnan (nan),    !=,  0); */
-  g_assert_cmpint (isinf (inf),    ==,  1);
-  g_assert_cmpint (isinf (neginf), ==, -1);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (repeating, ==,     1.0 / 3);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (big,       ==, G_MAXDOUBLE);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (tiny,      ==,     10E-101);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (zero,      ==,     1.0 * 0);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (negzero,   ==,    -1.0 * 0);
-  g_object_unref (doubles);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_create_and_destroy (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  /* A OneOfEach structure can be created... */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_ONE_OF_EACH (object));
-  /* ...and destroyed */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_initialize_default_values (void)
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each = NULL;
-  gint   a_bite;
-  gint   integer16;
-  gint64 integer64;
-  GArray *byte_list;
-  GArray *i16_list;
-  GArray *i64_list;
-  /* A OneOfEach structure created with no explicit property values
-     will hold the default values specified in the .thrift file */
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH, NULL);
-  g_object_get (one_of_each,
-                "a_bite",    &a_bite,
-                "integer16", &integer16,
-                "integer64", &integer64,
-                "byte_list", &byte_list,
-                "i16_list",  &i16_list,
-                "i64_list",  &i64_list,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (a_bite,    ==, 0x7f);
-  g_assert_cmpint (integer16, ==, 0x7fff);
-  g_assert_cmpint (integer64, ==, 10000000000);
-  g_assert (byte_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (byte_list->len, ==, 3);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (byte_list, gint8, 0), ==, 1);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (byte_list, gint8, 1), ==, 2);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (byte_list, gint8, 2), ==, 3);
-  g_assert (i16_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (i16_list->len, ==, 3);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i16_list, gint16, 0), ==, 1);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i16_list, gint16, 1), ==, 2);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i16_list, gint16, 2), ==, 3);
-  g_assert (i64_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (i64_list->len, ==, 3);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i64_list, gint64, 0), ==, 1);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i64_list, gint64, 1), ==, 2);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_index (i64_list, gint64, 2), ==, 3);
-  g_array_unref (i64_list);
-  g_array_unref (i16_list);
-  g_array_unref (byte_list);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_initialize_specified_values (void)
-  static const gint8 initial_byte_list[5] = { 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 };
-  static const gint16 initial_i16_list[5] = { 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657 };
-  static const gint64 initial_i64_list[5] =
-    {
-      1100087778366101931, 1779979416004714189, 2880067194370816120,
-      4660046610375530309, 7540113804746346429
-    };
-  static const guint8 initial_base64[8] =
-    {
-      0x56, 0x47, 0x68, 0x79, 0x61, 0x57, 0x5a, 0x30
-    };
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each;
-  gboolean im_true;
-  gboolean im_false;
-  gint a_bite;
-  gint integer16;
-  gint integer32;
-  gint64 integer64;
-  double double_precision;
-  gchar *some_characters;
-  gchar *zomg_unicode;
-  gboolean what_who;
-  GByteArray *base64;
-  GArray *byte_list;
-  GArray *i16_list;
-  GArray *i64_list;
-  base64 = g_byte_array_new ();
-  g_byte_array_append (base64, initial_base64, 8);
-  byte_list = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint8));
-  g_array_append_vals (byte_list, initial_byte_list, 5);
-  i16_list = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint16));
-  g_array_append_vals (i16_list, initial_i16_list, 5);
-  i64_list = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint64));
-  g_array_append_vals (i64_list, initial_i64_list, 5);
-  /* All of OneOfEach's properties can be set at construction... */
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH,
-                              "im_true",          TRUE,
-                              "im_false",         FALSE,
-                              "a_bite",           0x50,
-                              "integer16",        0x7e57,
-                              "integer32",        0xdeadbeef,
-                              "integer64",        0xfa15efacade15bad,
-                              "double_precision", M_PI,
-                              "some_characters",  "Debug THIS!",
-                              "zomg_unicode",     "\xd7\n\a\t",
-                              "what_who",         TRUE,
-                              "base64",           base64,
-                              "byte_list",        byte_list,
-                              "i16_list",         i16_list,
-                              "i64_list",         i64_list,
-                              NULL);
-  g_assert (one_of_each != NULL);
-  g_array_unref (i64_list);
-  i64_list = NULL;
-  g_array_unref (i16_list);
-  i16_list = NULL;
-  g_array_unref (byte_list);
-  byte_list = NULL;
-  g_byte_array_unref (base64);
-  base64 = NULL;
-  /* ...and later retrieved */
-  g_object_get (one_of_each,
-                "im_true",          &im_true,
-                "im_false",         &im_false,
-                "a_bite",           &a_bite,
-                "integer16",        &integer16,
-                "integer32",        &integer32,
-                "integer64",        &integer64,
-                "double_precision", &double_precision,
-                "some_characters",  &some_characters,
-                "zomg_unicode",     &zomg_unicode,
-                "what_who",         &what_who,
-                "base64",           &base64,
-                "byte_list",        &byte_list,
-                "i16_list",         &i16_list,
-                "i64_list",         &i64_list,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert (im_true  == TRUE);
-  g_assert (im_false == FALSE);
-  g_assert_cmphex (a_bite,    ==, 0x50);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer16, ==, 0x7e57);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer32, ==, (gint32)0xdeadbeef);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer64, ==, 0xfa15efacade15bad);
-  g_assert_cmpfloat (double_precision, ==, M_PI);
-  g_assert_cmpstr (some_characters, ==, "Debug THIS!");
-  g_assert_cmpstr (zomg_unicode,    ==, "\xd7\n\a\t");
-  g_assert (what_who == TRUE);
-  g_assert_cmpint (base64->len, ==, 8);
-  g_assert_cmpint (memcmp (base64->data,
-                           initial_base64,
-                           8 * sizeof (guint8)), ==, 0);
-  g_assert_cmpint (byte_list->len, ==, 5);
-  g_assert_cmpint (memcmp (byte_list->data,
-                           initial_byte_list,
-                           5 * sizeof (gint8)),  ==, 0);
-  g_assert_cmpint (i16_list->len, ==, 5);
-  g_assert_cmpint (memcmp (i16_list->data,
-                           initial_i16_list,
-                           5 * sizeof (gint16)), ==, 0);
-  g_assert_cmpint (i64_list->len, ==, 5);
-  g_assert_cmpint (memcmp (i64_list->data,
-                           initial_i64_list,
-                           5 * sizeof (gint64)), ==, 0);
-  g_array_unref (i64_list);
-  g_array_unref (i16_list);
-  g_array_unref (byte_list);
-  g_byte_array_unref (base64);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_properties_byte_list (void)
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each;
-  GArray *byte_list = NULL;
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH, NULL);
-  /* OneOfEach's "byte_list" member is a list that holds eight-bit-wide integer
-     values */
-  g_object_get (one_of_each, "byte_list", &byte_list, NULL);
-  g_assert (byte_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_get_element_size (byte_list), ==, sizeof (gint8));
-  g_array_unref (byte_list);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_properties_i16_list (void)
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each;
-  GArray *i16_list = NULL;
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH, NULL);
-  /* OneOfEach's "i16_list" member is a list that holds sixteen-bit-wide integer
-     values */
-  g_object_get (one_of_each, "i16_list", &i16_list, NULL);
-  g_assert (i16_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_get_element_size (i16_list), ==, sizeof (gint16));
-  g_array_unref (i16_list);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-static void
-test_structs_one_of_each_properties_i64_list (void)
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each;
-  GArray *i64_list = NULL;
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH, NULL);
-  /* OneOfEach's "i64_list" member is a list that holds sixty-four-bit-wide
-     integer values */
-  g_object_get (one_of_each, "i64_list", &i64_list, NULL);
-  g_assert (i64_list != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_array_get_element_size (i64_list), ==, sizeof (gint64));
-  g_array_unref (i64_list);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-static void
-test_structs_nesting_create_and_destroy (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  /* A Nesting structure can be created... */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_NESTING, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_NESTING (object));
-  /* ...and destroyed */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_nesting_properties_my_bonk (void)
-  TTestNesting *nesting;
-  TTestBonk *bonk = NULL;
-  gint type;
-  gchar *message;
-  nesting = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_NESTING, NULL);
-  /* Nesting's "my_bonk" member is initialized with a new, default Bonk object
-     during construction */
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_bonk", &bonk, NULL);
-  g_assert (bonk != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_BONK (bonk));
-  g_object_get (bonk,
-                "type",    &type,
-                "message", &message,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (type, ==, 0);
-  g_assert (message == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (bonk);
-  bonk = NULL;
-  /* It can be replaced... */
-  bonk = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_BONK,
-                       "type",    100,
-                       "message", "Replacement Bonk",
-                       NULL);
-  g_object_set (nesting, "my_bonk", bonk, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (bonk);
-  bonk = NULL;
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_bonk", &bonk, NULL);
-  g_assert (bonk != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_BONK (bonk));
-  g_object_get (bonk,
-                "type",    &type,
-                "message", &message,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (type, ==, 100);
-  g_assert_cmpstr (message, ==, "Replacement Bonk");
-  g_free (message);
-  g_object_unref (bonk);
-  bonk = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to null */
-  g_object_set (nesting, "my_bonk", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_bonk", &bonk, NULL);
-  g_assert (bonk == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (nesting);
-static void
-test_structs_nesting_properties_my_ooe (void)
-  TTestNesting *nesting;
-  TTestOneOfEach *one_of_each = NULL;
-  gint a_bite;
-  gint integer16;
-  nesting = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_NESTING, NULL);
-  /* Nesting's "my_ooe" member is initialized with a new, default OneOfEach
-     object during construction */
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_ooe", &one_of_each, NULL);
-  g_assert (one_of_each != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_ONE_OF_EACH (one_of_each));
-  g_object_get (one_of_each,
-                "a_bite",    &a_bite,
-                "integer16", &integer16,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmphex (a_bite,    ==, 0x7f);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer16, ==, 0x7fff);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-  one_of_each = NULL;
-  /* It can be replaced... */
-  one_of_each = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH,
-                              "a_bite",    0x50,
-                              "integer16", 0x5050,
-                              NULL);
-  g_object_set (nesting, "my_ooe", one_of_each, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-  one_of_each = NULL;
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_ooe", &one_of_each, NULL);
-  g_assert (one_of_each != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_ONE_OF_EACH (one_of_each));
-  g_object_get (one_of_each,
-                "a_bite",    &a_bite,
-                "integer16", &integer16,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmphex (a_bite,    ==, 0x50);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer16, ==, 0x5050);
-  g_object_unref (one_of_each);
-  one_of_each = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to null */
-  g_object_set (nesting, "my_ooe", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (nesting, "my_ooe", &one_of_each, NULL);
-  g_assert (one_of_each == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (nesting);
-static void
-test_structs_holy_moley_create_and_destroy (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  /* A HolyMoley structure can be created... */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_HOLY_MOLEY, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_HOLY_MOLEY (object));
-  /* ...and destroyed */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_holy_moley_properties_big (void)
-  TTestHolyMoley *holy_moley;
-  GPtrArray *big = NULL;
-  gint a_bite = 0;
-  gint integer16 = 0;
-  holy_moley = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_HOLY_MOLEY, NULL);
-  /* A HolyMoley's "big" member is is initialized on construction */
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "big", &big, NULL);
-  g_assert (big != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (big->len, ==, 0);
-  /* It can be modified... */
-  g_ptr_array_add (big,
-                   g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH,
-                                 "a_bite",    0x50,
-                                 "integer16", 0x5050,
-                                 NULL));
-  g_ptr_array_unref (big);
-  big = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "big", &big, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (big->len, ==, 1);
-  g_object_get (g_ptr_array_index (big, 0),
-                "a_bite",    &a_bite,
-                "integer16", &integer16,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmphex (a_bite,    ==, 0x50);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer16, ==, 0x5050);
-  g_ptr_array_unref (big);
-  big = NULL;
-  /* ...replaced... */
-  big = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref);
-  g_ptr_array_add (big,
-                   g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_ONE_OF_EACH,
-                                 "a_bite",    0x64,
-                                 "integer16", 0x1541,
-                                 NULL));
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "big", big, NULL);
-  g_ptr_array_unref (big);
-  big = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "big", &big, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (big->len, ==, 1);
-  g_object_get (g_ptr_array_index (big, 0),
-                "a_bite",    &a_bite,
-                "integer16", &integer16,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmphex (a_bite,    ==, 0x64);
-  g_assert_cmphex (integer16, ==, 0x1541);
-  g_ptr_array_unref (big);
-  big = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to NULL */
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "big", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "big", &big, NULL);
-  g_assert (big == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (holy_moley);
-static void
-test_structs_holy_moley_properties_contain (void)
-  static gchar *strings[2] = { "Apache", "Thrift" };
-  TTestHolyMoley *holy_moley;
-  GHashTable *contain = NULL;
-  GPtrArray *string_list;
-  GList *key_list;
-  holy_moley = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_HOLY_MOLEY, NULL);
-  /* A HolyMoley's "contain" member is initialized on construction */
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "contain", &contain, NULL);
-  g_assert (contain != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (contain), ==, 0);
-  /* It can be modified... */
-  string_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_ptr_array_add (string_list, strings[0]);
-  g_ptr_array_add (string_list, strings[1]);
-  g_hash_table_insert (contain, string_list, NULL);
-  string_list = NULL;
-  g_hash_table_unref (contain);
-  contain = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "contain", &contain, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (contain), ==, 1);
-  key_list = g_hash_table_get_keys (contain);
-  string_list = g_list_nth_data (key_list, 0);
-  g_assert_cmpint (string_list->len, ==, 2);
-  g_assert_cmpstr (g_ptr_array_index (string_list, 0), ==, "Apache");
-  g_assert_cmpstr (g_ptr_array_index (string_list, 1), ==, "Thrift");
-  g_list_free (key_list);
-  g_hash_table_unref (contain);
-  contain = NULL;
-  /* ...replaced... */
-  contain = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash,
-                                   g_direct_equal,
-                                   (GDestroyNotify) g_ptr_array_unref,
-                                   NULL);
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "contain", contain, NULL);
-  g_hash_table_unref (contain);
-  contain = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "contain", &contain, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (contain), ==, 0);
-  g_hash_table_unref (contain);
-  contain = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to NULL */
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "contain", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "contain", &contain, NULL);
-  g_assert (contain == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (holy_moley);
-static void
-test_structs_holy_moley_properties_bonks (void)
-  TTestHolyMoley *holy_moley;
-  GHashTable *bonks = NULL;
-  GPtrArray *bonk_list = NULL;
-  TTestBonk *bonk = NULL;
-  gint type;
-  gchar *message;
-  GList *key_list;
-  holy_moley = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_HOLY_MOLEY, NULL);
-  /* A HolyMoley's "bonks" member is initialized on construction */
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "bonks", &bonks, NULL);
-  g_assert (bonks != NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (bonks), ==, 0);
-  /* It can be modified... */
-  bonk = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_BONK,
-                       "type",    100,
-                       "message", "Sample Bonk",
-                       NULL);
-  bonk_list = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref);
-  g_ptr_array_add (bonk_list, bonk);
-  bonk = NULL;
-  g_hash_table_insert (bonks, g_strdup ("Sample Bonks"), bonk_list);
-  bonk_list = NULL;
-  g_hash_table_unref (bonks);
-  bonks = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "bonks", &bonks, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (bonks), ==, 1);
-  key_list = g_hash_table_get_keys (bonks);
-  bonk_list = g_hash_table_lookup (bonks, g_list_nth_data (key_list, 0));
-  g_assert_cmpint (bonk_list->len, ==, 1);
-  bonk = (g_ptr_array_index (bonk_list, 0));
-  g_object_get (bonk,
-                "type",    &type,
-                "message", &message,
-                NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (type, ==, 100);
-  g_assert_cmpstr (message, ==, "Sample Bonk");
-  bonk = NULL;
-  g_free (message);
-  g_list_free (key_list);
-  g_hash_table_unref (bonks);
-  bonks = NULL;
-  /* ...replaced... */
-  bonks = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                 g_str_equal,
-                                 g_free,
-                                 (GDestroyNotify) g_ptr_array_unref);
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "bonks", bonks, NULL);
-  g_hash_table_unref (bonks);
-  bonks = NULL;
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "bonks", &bonks, NULL);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (bonks), ==, 0);
-  g_hash_table_unref (bonks);
-  bonks = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to NULL */
-  g_object_set (holy_moley, "bonks", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (holy_moley, "bonks", &bonks, NULL);
-  g_assert (bonks == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (holy_moley);
-static void
-test_structs_empty (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  GParamSpec **properties;
-  guint property_count;
-  /* An Empty structure can be created */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_EMPTY, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_EMPTY (object));
-  /* An Empty structure has no members and thus no properties */
-  properties = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object),
-                                               &property_count);
-  g_assert_cmpint (property_count, ==, 0);
-  g_free (properties);
-  /* An Empty structure can be destroyed  */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_wrapper_create_and_destroy (void)
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  /* A Wrapper structure can be created... */
-  object = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_EMPTY, NULL);
-  g_assert (object != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_EMPTY (object));
-  /* ...and destroyed  */
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-test_structs_wrapper_properties_foo (void) {
-  TTestWrapper *wrapper;
-  TTestEmpty *foo;
-  wrapper = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_WRAPPER, NULL);
-  /* A Wrapper structure has one member, "foo", which is an Empty
-     structure initialized during construction */
-  g_object_get (wrapper, "foo", &foo, NULL);
-  g_assert (foo != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_EMPTY (foo));
-  g_object_unref (foo);
-  foo = NULL;
-  /* A Wrapper's foo property can be replaced... */
-  foo = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_EMPTY, NULL);
-  g_object_set (wrapper, "foo", foo, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (foo);
-  foo = NULL;
-  g_object_get (wrapper, "foo", &foo, NULL);
-  g_assert (foo != NULL);
-  g_assert (T_TEST_IS_EMPTY (foo));
-  g_object_unref (foo);
-  foo = NULL;
-  /* ...or set to NULL */
-  g_object_set (wrapper, "foo", NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_get (wrapper, "foo", &foo, NULL);
-  g_assert (foo == NULL);
-  g_object_unref (wrapper);
-static void
-test_services_inherited (void)
-  ThriftProtocol *protocol;
-  TTestInheritedClient *inherited_client;
-  GObject *input_protocol, *output_protocol;
-  protocol = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BINARY_PROTOCOL, NULL);
-  inherited_client = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_INHERITED_CLIENT,
-                                   NULL);
-  /* TTestInheritedClient inherits from TTestSrvClient */
-  assert (g_type_is_a (T_TEST_TYPE_INHERITED_CLIENT,
-                       T_TEST_TYPE_SRV_CLIENT));
-  /* TTestInheritedClient implements TTestSrvClient's interface */
-  assert (g_type_is_a (T_TEST_TYPE_INHERITED_CLIENT,
-                       T_TEST_TYPE_SRV_IF));
-  /* TTestInheritedClient's inherited properties can be set and retrieved */
-  g_object_set (inherited_client,
-                "input_protocol", protocol,
-                "output_protocol", protocol,
-                NULL);
-  g_object_get (inherited_client,
-                "input_protocol", &input_protocol,
-                "output_protocol", &output_protocol,
-                NULL);
-  assert (input_protocol == G_OBJECT(protocol));
-  assert (output_protocol == G_OBJECT(protocol));
-  g_object_unref (output_protocol);
-  g_object_unref (input_protocol);
-  g_object_unref (inherited_client);
-  g_object_unref (protocol);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init ();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Doubles/CreateAndDestroy",
-     test_structs_doubles_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Doubles/Initialize",
-     test_structs_doubles_initialize);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/CreateAndDestroy",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/Initialize/DefaultValues",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_initialize_default_values);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/Initialize/SpecifiedValues",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_initialize_specified_values);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/Properties/byte_list",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_properties_byte_list);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/Properties/i16_list",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_properties_i16_list);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/OneOfEach/Properties/i64_list",
-     test_structs_one_of_each_properties_i64_list);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Nesting/CreateAndDestroy",
-     test_structs_nesting_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Nesting/Properties/my_bonk",
-     test_structs_nesting_properties_my_bonk);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Nesting/Properties/my_ooe",
-     test_structs_nesting_properties_my_ooe);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/HolyMoley/CreateAndDestroy",
-     test_structs_holy_moley_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/HolyMoley/Properties/big",
-     test_structs_holy_moley_properties_big);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/HolyMoley/Properties/contain",
-     test_structs_holy_moley_properties_contain);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/HolyMoley/Properties/bonks",
-     test_structs_holy_moley_properties_bonks);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Empty",
-     test_structs_empty);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Wrapper/CreateAndDestroy",
-     test_structs_wrapper_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Structs/Wrapper/Properties/foo",
-     test_structs_wrapper_properties_foo);
-  g_test_add_func
-    ("/testdebugproto/DebugProto/Services/Inherited",
-     test_services_inherited);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testframedtransport.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testframedtransport.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d50ff23..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testframedtransport.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_socket.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_socket.h>
-#define TEST_DATA { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' }
-#include "../src/thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_framed_transport.c"
-static void thrift_server (const int port);
-/* test object creation and destruction */
-static void
-  ThriftTransport *transport = NULL;
-  guint r_buf_size = 0;
-  guint w_buf_size = 0;
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  object = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT, NULL);
-  assert (object != NULL);
-  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "transport", &transport,
-                "r_buf_size", &r_buf_size,
-                "w_buf_size", &w_buf_size, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-  ThriftSocket *tsocket = NULL;
-  ThriftTransport *transport = NULL;
-  GError *err = NULL;
-  /* create a ThriftSocket */
-  tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET, "hostname", "localhost",
-                          "port", 51188, NULL); 
-  /* create a BufferedTransport wrapper of the Socket */
-  transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT,
-                            "transport", THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tsocket), NULL);
-  /* this shouldn't work */
-  assert (thrift_framed_transport_open (transport, NULL) == FALSE);
-  assert (thrift_framed_transport_is_open (transport) == TRUE);
-  assert (thrift_framed_transport_close (transport, NULL) == TRUE);
-  g_object_unref (transport);
-  g_object_unref (tsocket);
-  /* try and underlying socket failure */
-  tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET, "hostname", "localhost.broken",
-                          NULL);
-  /* create a BufferedTransport wrapper of the Socket */
-  transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT,
-                            "transport", THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tsocket), NULL);
-  assert (thrift_framed_transport_open (transport, &err) == FALSE);
-  g_object_unref (transport);
-  g_object_unref (tsocket);
-  g_error_free (err);
-  err = NULL;
-static void
-  int status;
-  pid_t pid;
-  ThriftSocket *tsocket = NULL;
-  ThriftTransport *transport = NULL;
-  int port = 51199;
-  guchar buf[10] = TEST_DATA; /* a buffer */
-  pid = fork ();
-  assert ( pid >= 0 );
-  if ( pid == 0 )
-  {
-    /* child listens */
-    thrift_server (port);
-    exit (0);
-  } else {
-    /* parent connects, wait a bit for the socket to be created */
-    sleep (1);
-    tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET, "hostname", "localhost",
-                            "port", port, NULL);
-    transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT,
-                              "transport", THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tsocket),
-                              "w_buf_size", 4, NULL);
-    assert (thrift_framed_transport_open (transport, NULL) == TRUE);
-    assert (thrift_framed_transport_is_open (transport));
-    /* write 10 bytes */
-    thrift_framed_transport_write (transport, buf, 10, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_flush (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_write (transport, buf, 1, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_flush (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_write (transport, buf, 10, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_flush (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_write (transport, buf, 10, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_flush (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_write_end (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_flush (transport, NULL);
-    thrift_framed_transport_close (transport, NULL);
-    g_object_unref (transport);
-    g_object_unref (tsocket);
-    assert ( wait (&status) == pid );
-    assert ( status == 0 );
-  }
-/* test reading from the transport after the peer has unexpectedly
-   closed the connection */
-static void
-  int status;
-  pid_t pid;
-  int port = 51199;
-  GError *err = NULL;
-  pid = fork ();
-  g_assert (pid >= 0);
-  if (pid == 0)
-  {
-    ThriftServerTransport *server_transport = NULL;
-    ThriftTransport *client_transport = NULL;
-    /* child listens */
-    server_transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SERVER_SOCKET,
-                                     "port", port,
-                                     NULL);
-    g_assert (server_transport != NULL);
-    thrift_server_transport_listen (server_transport, &err);
-    g_assert (err == NULL);
-    /* wrap the client transport in a ThriftFramedTransport */
-    client_transport = g_object_new
-       "transport",  thrift_server_transport_accept (server_transport, &err),
-       "r_buf_size", 0,
-       NULL);
-    g_assert (err == NULL);
-    g_assert (client_transport != NULL);
-    /* close the connection immediately after the client connects */
-    thrift_transport_close (client_transport, NULL);
-    g_object_unref (client_transport);
-    g_object_unref (server_transport);
-    exit (0);
-  } else {
-    ThriftSocket *tsocket = NULL;
-    ThriftTransport *transport = NULL;
-    guchar buf[10]; /* a buffer */
-    /* parent connects, wait a bit for the socket to be created */
-    sleep (1);
-    tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET,
-                            "hostname", "localhost",
-                            "port",     port,
-                            NULL);
-    transport = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT,
-                              "transport",  THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tsocket),
-                              "w_buf_size", 0,
-                              NULL);
-    g_assert (thrift_transport_open (transport, NULL) == TRUE);
-    g_assert (thrift_transport_is_open (transport));
-    /* attempting to read from the transport after the peer has closed
-       the connection fails gracefully without generating a critical
-       warning or segmentation fault */
-    thrift_transport_read (transport, buf, 10, &err);
-    g_assert (err != NULL);
-    g_error_free (err);
-    err = NULL;
-    thrift_transport_read_end (transport, &err);
-    g_assert (err == NULL);
-    thrift_transport_close (transport, &err);
-    g_assert (err == NULL);
-    g_object_unref (transport);
-    g_object_unref (tsocket);
-    g_assert (wait (&status) == pid);
-    g_assert (status == 0);
-  }
-static void
-thrift_server (const int port)
-  int bytes = 0;
-  ThriftServerTransport *transport = NULL;
-  ThriftTransport *client = NULL;
-  guchar buf[12]; /* a buffer */
-  guchar match[10] = TEST_DATA;
-  ThriftServerSocket *tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SERVER_SOCKET,
-                                              "port", port, NULL);
-  transport = THRIFT_SERVER_TRANSPORT (tsocket);
-  thrift_server_transport_listen (transport, NULL);
-  /* wrap the client in a BufferedTransport */
-  client = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT, "transport",
-                         thrift_server_transport_accept (transport, NULL),
-                         "r_buf_size", 5, NULL);
-  assert (client != NULL);
-  /* read 10 bytes */
-  bytes = thrift_framed_transport_read (client, buf, 10, NULL);
-  assert (bytes == 10); /* make sure we've read 10 bytes */
-  assert ( memcmp (buf, match, 10) == 0 ); /* make sure what we got matches */
-  bytes = thrift_framed_transport_read (client, buf, 6, NULL);
-  bytes = thrift_framed_transport_read (client, buf, 5, NULL);
-  bytes = thrift_framed_transport_read (client, buf, 1, NULL);
-  bytes = thrift_framed_transport_read (client, buf, 12, NULL);
-  thrift_framed_transport_read_end (client, NULL);
-  thrift_framed_transport_close (client, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (client);
-  g_object_unref (tsocket);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testframedtransport/CreateAndDestroy", test_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testframedtransport/OpenAndClose", test_open_and_close);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testframedtransport/ReadAndWrite", test_read_and_write);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testframedtransport/ReadAfterPeerClose", test_read_after_peer_close);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testmemorybuffer.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testmemorybuffer.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c75273..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testmemorybuffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_socket.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_socket.h>
-#define TEST_DATA { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' }
-#include "../src/thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_memory_buffer.c"
-/* test object creation and destruction */
-static void
-  GObject *object = NULL;
-  object = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, NULL);
-  assert (object != NULL);
-  g_object_unref (object);
-static void
-  ThriftMemoryBuffer *tbuffer = NULL;
-  /* create a ThriftMemoryBuffer */
-  tbuffer = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, NULL);
-  /* this shouldn't work */
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_open (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer), NULL) == TRUE);
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_is_open (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer)) == TRUE);
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_close (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer), NULL) == TRUE);
-  g_object_unref (tbuffer);
-static void
-  ThriftMemoryBuffer *tbuffer = NULL;
-  guchar buf[10] = TEST_DATA;
-  guchar read[10];
-  GError *error = NULL;
-  tbuffer = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, "buf_size", 5, NULL);
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_write (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer),
-                                      (gpointer) buf,
-                                      10, &error) == FALSE);
-  assert (error != NULL);
-  g_error_free (error);
-  error = NULL;
-  g_object_unref (tbuffer);
-  tbuffer = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, "buf_size", 15, NULL);
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_write (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer),
-                                      (gpointer) buf, 10, &error) == TRUE);
-  assert (error == NULL);
-  assert (thrift_memory_buffer_read (THRIFT_TRANSPORT (tbuffer),
-                                     &read, 10, &error) > 0);
-  assert (error == NULL);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testmemorybuffer/CreateAndDestroy", test_create_and_destroy);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testmemorybuffer/OpenAndClose", test_open_and_close);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testmemorybuffer/ReadAndWrite", test_read_and_write);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testoptionalrequired.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testoptionalrequired.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ae0c3d2..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testoptionalrequired.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/thrift_struct.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_protocol.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/protocol/thrift_binary_protocol.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_memory_buffer.h>
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_optional_required_test_types.h"
-#include "gen-c_glib/t_test_optional_required_test_types.c"
-static void
-write_to_read (ThriftStruct *w, ThriftStruct *r, GError **write_error,
-               GError **read_error)
-  ThriftMemoryBuffer *tbuffer = NULL;
-  ThriftProtocol *protocol = NULL;
-  tbuffer = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, NULL);
-  protocol = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_BINARY_PROTOCOL, "transport",
-                           tbuffer, NULL);
-  thrift_struct_write (w, protocol, write_error);
-  thrift_struct_read (r, protocol, read_error);
-  g_object_unref (protocol);
-  g_object_unref (tbuffer);
-static void
-test_old_school1 (void)
-  TTestOldSchool *o = NULL;
-  o = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_OLD_SCHOOL, NULL);
-  o->im_int = 10;
-  o->im_str = g_strdup ("test");
-  o->im_big = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  g_ptr_array_free (o->im_big, TRUE);
-  o->im_big = NULL;
-  g_free (o->im_str);
-  o->im_str = NULL;
-  g_object_unref (o);
- * Write to read with optional fields
- */
-static void
-test_simple (void)
-  TTestSimple *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL, *s3 = NULL;
-  s1 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_SIMPLE, NULL);
-  s2 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_SIMPLE, NULL);
-  s3 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_SIMPLE, NULL);
-  /* write-to-read with optional fields */
-  s1->im_optional = 10;
-  assert (s1->__isset_im_default == FALSE);
-  assert (s1->__isset_im_optional == FALSE);  
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (s1), THRIFT_STRUCT (s2), NULL, NULL);
-  assert (s2->__isset_im_default = TRUE);
-  assert (s2->__isset_im_optional == FALSE);
-  assert (s2->im_optional == 0);
-  s1->__isset_im_optional = TRUE;
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (s1), THRIFT_STRUCT (s3), NULL, NULL);
-  assert (s3->__isset_im_default == TRUE);
-  assert (s3->__isset_im_optional == TRUE);
-  assert (s3->im_optional == 10);
-  g_object_unref (s1);
-  g_object_unref (s2);
- * Writing between optional and default
- */
-static void
-test_tricky1 (void)
-  TTestTricky1 *t1 = NULL;
-  TTestTricky2 *t2 = NULL;
-  t1 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY1, NULL);
-  t2 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY2, NULL);
-  t2->im_optional = 10;
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), THRIFT_STRUCT (t1), NULL, NULL);
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t1), THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), NULL, NULL);
-  assert (t1->__isset_im_default == FALSE);
-  assert (t2->__isset_im_optional == TRUE);
-  assert (t1->im_default == t2->im_optional);
-  assert (t1->im_default == 0);
-  g_object_unref (t1);
-  g_object_unref (t2);
- * Writing between default and required.
- */
-static void
-test_tricky2 (void)
-  TTestTricky1 *t1 = NULL;
-  TTestTricky3 *t3 = NULL;
-  t1 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY1, NULL);
-  t3 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY3, NULL);
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t1), THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), NULL, NULL);
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), THRIFT_STRUCT (t1), NULL, NULL);
-  assert (t1->__isset_im_default == TRUE);
-  g_object_unref (t1);
-  g_object_unref (t3);
- * Writing between optional and required.
- */
-static void
-test_tricky3 (void)
-  TTestTricky2 *t2 = NULL;
-  TTestTricky3 *t3 = NULL;
-  t2 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY2, NULL);
-  t3 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY3, NULL);
-  t2->__isset_im_optional = TRUE;
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), NULL, NULL);
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (t2);
-  g_object_unref (t3);
- * Catch an optional not set exception.  To quote the
- * C++ test, "Mu-hu-ha-ha-ha!"
- */
-static void
-test_tricky4 (void)
-  TTestTricky2 *t2 = NULL;
-  TTestTricky3 *t3 = NULL;
-  GError *read_error = NULL;
-  t2 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY2, NULL);
-  t3 = g_object_new (T_TEST_TYPE_TRICKY3, NULL);
-  /* throws protocol exception */
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), NULL, &read_error);
-  assert (read_error != NULL);
-  g_error_free (read_error);
-  write_to_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t3), THRIFT_STRUCT (t2), NULL, NULL);
-  assert (t2->__isset_im_optional);
-  g_object_unref (t2);
-  g_object_unref (t3);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/OldSchool", test_old_school1);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/Simple", test_simple);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/Tricky1", test_tricky1);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/Tricky2", test_tricky2);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/Tricky3", test_tricky3);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testoptionalrequired/Tricky4", test_tricky4);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testsimpleserver.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testsimpleserver.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 3af2eeb..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testsimpleserver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/thrift.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/processor/thrift_processor.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_socket.h>
-#define TEST_PORT 51199
-#include <thrift/c_glib/server/thrift_simple_server.c>
-/* create a rudimentary processor */
-#define TEST_PROCESSOR_TYPE (test_processor_get_type ())
-struct _TestProcessor
-  ThriftProcessor parent;
-typedef struct _TestProcessor TestProcessor;
-struct _TestProcessorClass
-  ThriftProcessorClass parent;
-typedef struct _TestProcessorClass TestProcessorClass;
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(TestProcessor, test_processor, THRIFT_TYPE_PROCESSOR)
-test_processor_process (ThriftProcessor *processor, ThriftProtocol *in,
-                        ThriftProtocol *out, GError **error)
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (processor);
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-test_processor_init (TestProcessor *p)
-static void
-test_processor_class_init (TestProcessorClass *proc)
-  (THRIFT_PROCESSOR_CLASS(proc))->process = test_processor_process;
-static void
-test_server (void)
-  int status;
-  pid_t pid;
-  TestProcessor *p = NULL;
-  ThriftServerSocket *tss = NULL;
-  ThriftSimpleServer *ss = NULL;
-  p = g_object_new (TEST_PROCESSOR_TYPE, NULL);
-  tss = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SERVER_SOCKET, "port", TEST_PORT, NULL);
-  ss = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SIMPLE_SERVER, "processor", p,
-                     "server_transport", THRIFT_SERVER_TRANSPORT (tss), NULL);
-  /* run the server in a child process */
-  pid = fork ();
-  assert (pid >= 0);
-  if (pid == 0)
-  {
-                                                         NULL);
-    exit (0);
-  } else {
-    sleep (5);
-    kill (pid, SIGINT);
-    g_object_unref (ss);
-    g_object_unref (tss);
-    g_object_unref (p);
-    assert (wait (&status) == pid);
-    assert (status == SIGINT);
-  }
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testsimpleserver/SimpleServer", test_server);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/teststruct.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/teststruct.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d4baf3..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/teststruct.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include "../src/thrift/c_glib/thrift_struct.c"
-/* tests to ensure we can extend a ThriftStruct */
-struct _ThriftTestStruct
-  ThriftStruct parent;
-typedef struct _ThriftTestStruct ThriftTestStruct;
-struct _ThriftTestStructClass
-  ThriftStructClass parent;
-typedef struct _ThriftTestStructClass ThriftTestStructClass;
-GType thrift_test_struct_get_type (void);
-#define THRIFT_TYPE_TEST_STRUCT (thrift_test_struct_get_type ())
-G_DEFINE_TYPE(ThriftTestStruct, thrift_test_struct, THRIFT_TYPE_STRUCT)
-thrift_test_struct_read (ThriftStruct *object, ThriftProtocol *protocol,
-                         GError **error)
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (object);
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (protocol);
-  return 0;
-thrift_test_struct_write (ThriftStruct *object, ThriftProtocol *protocol,
-                          GError **error)
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (object);
-  THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (protocol);
-  return 0;
-static void
-thrift_test_struct_class_init (ThriftTestStructClass *cls)
-  ThriftStructClass *ts_cls = THRIFT_STRUCT_CLASS (cls);
-  ts_cls->read = thrift_test_struct_read;
-  ts_cls->write = thrift_test_struct_write;
-static void
-thrift_test_struct_init (ThriftTestStruct *s)
-static void
-test_initialize_object (void)
-  ThriftTestStruct *t = NULL;
-  t = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_TEST_STRUCT, NULL);
-  assert ( THRIFT_IS_STRUCT (t));
-  thrift_struct_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t), NULL, NULL);
-  thrift_struct_write (THRIFT_STRUCT (t), NULL, NULL);
-  thrift_test_struct_read (THRIFT_STRUCT (t), NULL, NULL);
-  thrift_test_struct_write (THRIFT_STRUCT (t), NULL, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (t);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/teststruct/InitializeObject", test_initialize_object);
-  return g_test_run ();
diff --git a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testthrifttest.c b/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testthrifttest.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f0f6e3..0000000
--- a/depends/thirdparty/thrift/lib/c_glib/test/testthrifttest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_transport.h>
-#include <thrift/c_glib/transport/thrift_server_socket.h>
-static const char TEST_ADDRESS[] = "localhost";
-static const int TEST_PORT = 64444;
-static void
-test_thrift_server (void)
-  ThriftServerSocket *tsocket = g_object_new (THRIFT_TYPE_SERVER_SOCKET,
-                                              "port", TEST_PORT, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (tsocket);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))
-  g_type_init();
-  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
-  g_test_add_func ("/testthrift/Server", test_thrift_server);
-  return g_test_run ();