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Posted to by Soumadeep <> on 2006/03/21 18:57:34 UTC

FW: [Synapse]RE: CryptoFactory: Cannot load properties:

FYI... wss4j bounced it!!  Had to subscribe ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Soumadeep []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:55 PM
To:; Xinjun Chen
Subject: [Synapse]RE: CryptoFactory: Cannot load properties:


The mediation framework, which is Synapse, can take care of the use cases
that you mentioned. It's a proxy-based model and acts as a policy enforcer,
which can be configured and enforced using the mediators. If you want more
information you can also post your queries at for our existing broker architecture on
which the mediators are based.

Just to give you a background we have the following mediators:

ConsumerIdentificationMediator: This mediator will identify the client who
sent the request. The ways to identify the clients are:
WS-SEC Token
HTTP Token

VerifySignatureMediator: This mediator will verify signature if required.
SignMediator: This mediator will sign the request if required
DecryptMediator: This will decrypt the message
EncryptMediator: This will encrypt the response if configured

FailoverMediator :
Failover is the act of switching to a secondary service in case the primary
service fails.
Hence, logically, we can configure failover only when we have 2 or more
endpoints providing similar
The failover process can be initiated on timeout and or faults.
In case of 'failover on faults' the FailoverMediator keeps switching to
secondary services,
until all the secondary services are tried or one of them returns a
successful result.
In case of  failover based routing on timeout is active, the participating
end-points would be given
timeout values and the connection would be forced to close and a fault would
be returned if no
response arrives within that many milliseconds and then 'failover on fault'
logic kicks in.

        Loadbalancing is the act of distributing the load, the requests for
a particular service across
various service endpoints.
In case a provider has more than one endpoint that provides the same
service, he would like the
load of requests being made to be distributed across them.

The strategy being supported now is round robin i.e. requests would be sent
to the various participating
services in a round-robin, one after another fashion.
In case the service that was invoked fails to respond, the mediator switches
to the next one in the line.
Its a mere pass, hence the next request will get directed to the one which
was supposed to handle it if
the previous service didn't fail.

                This mediator validated if a service has been deprecated
(date wise) and depending on it routes it.

SLAMediator:     Depending on the ConsumerIdentification mediator a priority
is selected for the clients and based on it the
                         request is queued.

ManagementMediator: This mediator will gather management related information
and notify management reporting application, currently we are planning to
implement it using JMX.

LoggingMediator: Will gather logging information and log it to appropriate
log4j appender

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruchith Fernando []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:02 PM
To: Xinjun Chen
Subject: Re: CryptoFactory: Cannot load properties:

Hi Xinjun,

On 3/21/06, Xinjun Chen <> wrote:
> Hi Ruchith,
> Thank you for your reply.
> If I use the security module, is it possible that we use different
> policies for different client, i.e., the security policy is a contract
> between the service and a specific client or group of clients. What I want
> to do includes two kind of things: first kind is to receive a SOAPEnvelope
> which contains client information in the header part. According to the
> client information, I apply predefined security policy to the SOAPEnvelope
> (this may include add username token, signature, and/or encryption based
> the client info), and send the SOAPEnvelope to the destination EPR.

I think this is a scenario where you have an intermediary service
which will be the client to the actual service that the original
client wants to invoke.
IMHO this certainly can be supported with the existing axis2 security
Basically when the client send the request to the intermediary service
it can   configure the how the request should be configured
dynamically to invoke the secured service. You can use the
InflowConfiguration and OutflowConfiguration objects to configure [1].

> The other scenario I want to add addressing information to the message
> before client send out the SOAPEnvelope. The addressing information may be
> retrieved from database according to the client info.
> Can I still use the security module and addressing module to realize my
> tasks?

Axis2 comes with the addressing module ... you can configure things
like wsa:To and wsa:Action using the axis2 client API.

BTW your scenarios sound a lot like scenarios that can be supported
using Synapse... so Synapse experts what do u guys think? (CC'ed  the
synapse-dev list as well)



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