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ranger git commit: RANGER-1419:Do some code improvement in Java method XTrxLogService.searchXTrxLogs

Repository: ranger
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 6ad60b5d3 -> 6854f4d3c

RANGER-1419:Do some code improvement in Java method XTrxLogService.searchXTrxLogs

Signed-off-by: zhangqiang2 <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6854f4d3c7624a340a26e4df194effc7d792dbf1
Parents: 6ad60b5
Author: zhangqiang2 <>
Authored: Tue Mar 7 08:46:55 2017 +0800
Committer: zhangqiang2 <>
Committed: Wed Mar 8 01:02:41 2017 -0500

 .../apache/ranger/service/   | 310 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/service/ b/security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/service/
index 20db24e..6ca2d22 100644
--- a/security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/service/
+++ b/security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/service/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import javax.persistence.metamodel.EntityType;
 import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel;
 import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.ranger.common.SearchCriteria;
 import org.apache.ranger.common.SearchField;
 import org.apache.ranger.common.SortField;
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ import org.apache.ranger.view.VXTrxLogList;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
+import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
@@ -80,100 +82,14 @@ public class XTrxLogService extends XTrxLogServiceBase<XXTrxLog, VXTrxLog> {
 	public VXTrxLogList searchXTrxLogs(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {		
 		EntityManager em = daoMgr.getEntityManager();
 		CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
-		Metamodel entityMetaModel = em.getMetamodel();
-		Class<VXXTrxLog> klass = VXXTrxLog.class;
-		EntityType<VXXTrxLog> entityType = entityMetaModel.entity(klass);
-		CriteriaQuery<VXXTrxLog> selectCQ = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(klass);
-		Root<VXXTrxLog> rootEntityType = selectCQ.from(klass);
-		Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();
-		String fieldName=null;
-		String clientFieldName =null;
-		Object paramValue = null;
-		boolean isListValue = false;
-		SingularAttribute attr =null;
-		Collection<Number> intValueList = null;
-		Date fieldValue =null;
-		Predicate stringPredicate =null;		
-		Predicate intPredicate = null;		
-		Predicate datePredicate =null;
-		Map<String, Object> paramList = searchCriteria.getParamList();	
-		for(String key : paramList.keySet()){
-			for(SearchField searchField : searchFields){				
-				fieldName = searchField.getFieldName();
-				clientFieldName = searchField.getClientFieldName();				
-				paramValue = paramList.get(key);
-				isListValue = false;				
-				if (paramValue != null && paramValue instanceof Collection) {
-					isListValue = true;
-				}				
-				if(fieldName != null){
-					fieldName = fieldName.contains(".") ? fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".") + 1) : fieldName;
-				}				
-				if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(clientFieldName)){
-					// build where clause depending upon given parameters
-					if(searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.STRING) {
-						// build where clause for String datatypes
-						attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-						if(attr != null){
-							stringPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), paramValue);
-							if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.PARTIAL)) {
-								String val = "%" + paramValue + "%";
-								stringPredicate =, val);
-							}
-							predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, stringPredicate);
-						}	
-					} else if (searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INT_LIST ||
-							isListValue && searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INTEGER) {
-						// build where clause for integer lists or integers datatypes
-						intValueList = null;
-						if (paramValue != null && (paramValue instanceof Integer || paramValue instanceof Long)) {
-							intValueList = new ArrayList<Number>();
-							intValueList.add((Number) paramValue);
-						} else {
-							intValueList = (Collection<Number>) paramValue;
-						}
-						for(Number value : intValueList){
-							attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-							if(attr != null){
-								intPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), value);
-								predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, intPredicate);
-							}							
-						}
-					} else if (searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.DATE){
-						// build where clause for date datatypes
-						fieldValue = (Date) paramList.get(searchField
-								.getClientFieldName());
-						attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-						if (fieldValue != null) {
-							if (searchField.getCustomCondition() == null) {							
-								datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_EQUAL_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_EQUAL_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								}
-								predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, datePredicate);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
+		CriteriaQuery<VXXTrxLog> selectCQ = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(VXXTrxLog.class);
+		Root<VXXTrxLog> rootEntityType = selectCQ.from(VXXTrxLog.class);
+		Predicate predicate = generatePredicate(searchCriteria, em, criteriaBuilder, rootEntityType);
-		if(searchCriteria.getSortType()!=null && searchCriteria.getSortType().equalsIgnoreCase("asc")){
+		if("asc".equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria.getSortType())){
@@ -181,131 +97,133 @@ public class XTrxLogService extends XTrxLogServiceBase<XXTrxLog, VXTrxLog> {
 		int startIndex = searchCriteria.getStartIndex();
 		int pageSize = searchCriteria.getMaxRows();
 		List<VXXTrxLog> resultList = em.createQuery(selectCQ).setFirstResult(startIndex).setMaxResults(pageSize).getResultList();
-		VXTrxLogList vxTrxLogList = new VXTrxLogList();		
-		vxTrxLogList.setStartIndex(startIndex);
-		vxTrxLogList.setPageSize(pageSize);		
 		List<VXTrxLog> trxLogList = new ArrayList<VXTrxLog>();
-		XXPortalUser xXPortalUser=null;
 		for(VXXTrxLog xTrxLog : resultList){
 			VXTrxLog trxLog = mapCustomViewToViewObj(xTrxLog);
-			xXPortalUser=null;
-			if(trxLog.getUpdatedBy()!=null){
-				xXPortalUser= rangerDaoManager.getXXPortalUser().getById(
+			if(trxLog.getUpdatedBy() != null){
+				XXPortalUser xXPortalUser= rangerDaoManager.getXXPortalUser().getById(
-			}			
-			if(xXPortalUser!=null){
-				trxLog.setOwner(xXPortalUser.getLoginId());
+				if(xXPortalUser != null){
+					trxLog.setOwner(xXPortalUser.getLoginId());
+				}
-		}			
-		//vxTrxLogList.setTotalCount(count);
+		}
+		VXTrxLogList vxTrxLogList = new VXTrxLogList();
+		vxTrxLogList.setStartIndex(startIndex);
+		vxTrxLogList.setPageSize(pageSize);
 		return vxTrxLogList;
-	public Long searchXTrxLogsCount(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {		
+	public Long searchXTrxLogsCount(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
 		EntityManager em = daoMgr.getEntityManager();
-		CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();		
-		Class<VXXTrxLog> klass = VXXTrxLog.class;		
-		CriteriaQuery<VXXTrxLog> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(klass);
-		Root<VXXTrxLog> rootEntityType = criteriaQuery.from(klass);
-		Metamodel entityMetaModel = em.getMetamodel();
-		EntityType<VXXTrxLog> entityType = entityMetaModel.entity(klass);
-		Map<String, Object> paramList = searchCriteria.getParamList();
+		CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
+		CriteriaQuery<VXXTrxLog> selectCQ = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(VXXTrxLog.class);
+		Root<VXXTrxLog> rootEntityType = selectCQ.from(VXXTrxLog.class);
+		Predicate predicate = generatePredicate(searchCriteria, em, criteriaBuilder, rootEntityType);
 		CriteriaQuery<Long> countCQ = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
-		Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();		
-		String fieldName=null;
-		String clientFieldName =null;
-		Object paramValue = null;
-		boolean isListValue = false;
-		SingularAttribute attr =null;
-		Collection<Number> intValueList = null;
-		Date fieldValue =null;
-		Predicate stringPredicate =null;		
-		Predicate intPredicate = null;		
-		Predicate datePredicate =null;		
-		for(String key : paramList.keySet()){
-			for(SearchField searchField : searchFields){				
-				fieldName = searchField.getFieldName();
-				clientFieldName = searchField.getClientFieldName();				
-				paramValue = paramList.get(key);
-				isListValue = false;				
+		List<Long> countList = em.createQuery(countCQ).getResultList();
+		Long count = 0L;
+		if(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(countList)) {
+			count = countList.get(0);
+			if(count == null) {
+				count = 0L;
+			}
+		}
+		return count;
+	}
+	private Predicate generatePredicate(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, EntityManager em,
+			CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, Root<VXXTrxLog> rootEntityType) {
+		Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();
+		Map<String, Object> paramList = searchCriteria.getParamList();
+		if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(paramList)) {
+			return predicate;
+		}
+		Metamodel entityMetaModel = em.getMetamodel();
+		EntityType<VXXTrxLog> entityType = entityMetaModel.entity(VXXTrxLog.class);
+		for (String key : paramList.keySet()) {
+			for (SearchField searchField : searchFields) {
+				if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase(searchField.getClientFieldName())) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				String fieldName = searchField.getFieldName();
+				if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldName)) {
+					fieldName = fieldName.contains(".") ? fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".") + 1) : fieldName;
+				}
+				Object paramValue = paramList.get(key);
+				boolean isListValue = false;
 				if (paramValue != null && paramValue instanceof Collection) {
 					isListValue = true;
-				}				
-				if(fieldName != null){
-					fieldName = fieldName.contains(".") ? fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".") + 1) : fieldName;
-				}				
-				if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(clientFieldName)){
-					// build where clause depending upon given parameters
-					if(searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.STRING) {
-						// build where clause for String datatypes
-						attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-						if(attr != null){
-							stringPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), paramValue);
-							if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.PARTIAL)) {
-								String val = "%" + paramValue + "%";
-								stringPredicate =, val);
-							}
-							predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, stringPredicate);
-						}	
-					} else if (searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INT_LIST ||
-							isListValue && searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INTEGER) {
-						// build where clause for integer lists or integers datatypes
-						intValueList = null;
-						if (paramValue != null && (paramValue instanceof Integer || paramValue instanceof Long)) {
-							intValueList = new ArrayList<Number>();
-							intValueList.add((Number) paramValue);
+				}
+				// build where clause depending upon given parameters
+				if (SearchField.DATA_TYPE.STRING.equals(searchField.getDataType())) {
+					// build where clause for String datatypes
+					SingularAttribute attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
+					if (attr != null) {
+						Predicate stringPredicate = null;
+						if (SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.PARTIAL.equals(searchField.getSearchType())) {
+							String val = "%" + paramValue + "%";
+							stringPredicate =, val);
 						} else {
-							intValueList = (Collection<Number>) paramValue;
+							stringPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), paramValue);
-						for(Number value : intValueList){
-							attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-							if(attr != null){
-								intPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), value);
-								predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, intPredicate);
-							}							
+						predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, stringPredicate);
+					}
+				} else if (SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INT_LIST.equals(searchField.getDataType()) || isListValue
+						&& SearchField.DATA_TYPE.INTEGER.equals(searchField.getDataType())) {
+					// build where clause for integer lists or integers datatypes
+					Collection<Number> intValueList = null;
+					if (paramValue != null && (paramValue instanceof Integer || paramValue instanceof Long)) {
+						intValueList = new ArrayList<Number>();
+						intValueList.add((Number) paramValue);
+					} else {
+						intValueList = (Collection<Number>) paramValue;
+					}
+					for (Number value : intValueList) {
+						SingularAttribute attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
+						if (attr != null) {
+							Predicate intPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), value);
+							predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, intPredicate);
-					} else if (searchField.getDataType() == SearchField.DATA_TYPE.DATE){
-						// build where clause for date datatypes
-						fieldValue = (Date) paramList.get(searchField
-								.getClientFieldName());
-						attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
-						if (fieldValue != null) {
-							if (searchField.getCustomCondition() == null) {							
-								datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_EQUAL_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else if (searchField.getSearchType().equals(SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_EQUAL_THAN)) {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								} else {
-									datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
-								}
-								predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, datePredicate);
-							}
+					}
+				} else if (SearchField.DATA_TYPE.DATE.equals(searchField.getDataType())) {
+					// build where clause for date datatypes
+					Date fieldValue = (Date) paramList.get(searchField.getClientFieldName());
+					if (fieldValue != null && searchField.getCustomCondition() == null) {
+						SingularAttribute attr = entityType.getSingularAttribute(fieldName);
+						Predicate datePredicate = null;
+						if (SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_THAN.equals(searchField.getSearchType())) {
+							datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
+						} else if (SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.LESS_EQUAL_THAN.equals(searchField.getSearchType())) {
+							datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
+						} else if (SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_THAN.equals(searchField.getSearchType())) {
+							datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThan(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
+						} else if (SearchField.SEARCH_TYPE.GREATER_EQUAL_THAN.equals(searchField.getSearchType())) {
+							datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
+						} else {
+							datePredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(rootEntityType.get(attr), fieldValue);
+						predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, datePredicate);
-		}		
-		List<Long> countList = em.createQuery(countCQ).getResultList();		
-		Long count = 0L;
-		if(countList != null && !countList.isEmpty()) {
-			count = countList.get(0);
-			if(count == null) {
-				count = 0L;
-			}
-		}	
-		return count;
+		}
+		return predicate;
 	private VXTrxLog mapCustomViewToViewObj(VXXTrxLog vXXTrxLog){