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[16/20] incubator-trafodion git commit: TRAFODION-1087 & TRAFODION-1671 fixes
diff --git a/core/sql/regress/catman1/EXPECTED136 b/core/sql/regress/catman1/EXPECTED136
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cfc02d..0000000
--- a/core/sql/regress/catman1/EXPECTED136
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
->>obey TEST136(create_db);
->>create schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>create role football_players;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>grant role football_players to public;
-*** ERROR[1355] Granting a role to PUBLIC or _SYSTEM is not allowed.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>create role baseball_players;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>create schema "delimited_sch136";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>create table "delimited_sch136".t1 (a int not null not droppable primary key, b int);
---- SQL operation complete.
->>obey TEST136(register_tests);
->>-- =================================================================
->>-- this set of tests run basic register tests
->>-- =================================================================
->>obey TEST136(set_up);
->>-- turn off LDAP checking
->>-- set parserflags 64;
->>-- Query to return currently registered users
->>prepare get_users from
-+>select distinct
-+>   substring (auth_db_name,1,20) as db_user_name,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_db_name = 'DB__ROOT') then 'ROOT'
-+>     else substring (auth_ext_name,1,20)
-+>   end as auth_ext_name,
-+>   case
-+>    when (auth_id > 33333) then 'NORMAL'
-+>    else 'SYSTEM'
-+>   end as auth_id,
-+>   auth_is_valid as valid,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_type = 'U') then 'USER'
-+>     when (auth_type = 'R') then 'ROLE'
-+>     else auth_type
-+>   end as auth_type
-+>from trafodion."_MD_".auths u
-+>  where
-+>    (u.auth_db_name like 'TEST136%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name like 'CMU_T%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name in ('DB__ROOT', 'MICKEY', 'DONALD'))
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>-- query to return table space owner information
->>prepare get_owners from
-+>  substring (object_name,1,20) as object_name,
-+>  object_owner
-+>  from trafodion."_MD_".objects
-+>  where
-+>     object_type = 'BT'
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>log LOG136;
->>-- succeed: register users -> no clauses
->>register user test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- succeed: register user -> AS clause
->>register user test136_user2 
-+>   as test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>set parserflags 1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- succeed: register user
->>register user test136_user5;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- succeed: register user -> AS clause
->>register user test136_user6
-+>  as test136_u6;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>reset parserflags 1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- 7 users should be returned
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-TEST136_U2                                                                        TEST136_USER2                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_U6                                                                        TEST136_USER6                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER1                                                                     TEST136_USER1                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER5                                                                     TEST136_USER5                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 5 row(s) selected.
->>-- cleanup
->>unregister user test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user3;
-*** ERROR[1333] User TEST136_USER3 does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>unregister user test136_u4;
-*** ERROR[1333] User TEST136_U4 does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>unregister user test136_user5;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_u6;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- should be 1 rows
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
---- 1 row(s) selected.
->>-- succeed: special cases
->>register user x;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user x;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user x;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_user1 as y;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user y;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user y;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_user3 as
-+>  TEST136_901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_user4 as test136_user4;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_user5 as test136_user6;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user "/forward" as test136_user7;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user "donald/" as test136_user8;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_user9 as "mickey/";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- should be 6 rows
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-TEST136_901234567890                                                              TEST136_USER3                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER4                                                                     TEST136_USER4                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER6                                                                     TEST136_USER5                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER7                                                                     /FORWARD                                                                          NORMAL   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER8                                                                     DONALD/DUCK@DISNEYLA                                                              NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 6 row(s) selected.
->>-- cleanup
->>unregister user 
-+>  TEST136_901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user4;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user6;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user7;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user8;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user "mickey/";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>get users;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- succeed:  test unreserved words
->>register user register as user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user unregister as register;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user register;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user register;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user user1 as unregister;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user unregister;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user unregister;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user logon as test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user test136_u2 as logon;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user logon;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user logon;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user "none" as user3;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user user3;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user user3;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user user3 as "/forward";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user "/forward";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user "/forward";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- fail: register a user that is not defined in the external directory service
->>-- turn on LDAP checking
->>--reset parserflags 64;
->>--register user invalid_user1;
->>--register user invalid_user1 as janedoe;
->>-- turn LDAP checking back off
->>--set parserflags 64;
->>-- fail: register an already defined user
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
---- 1 row(s) selected.
->>register user test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER1                                                                     TEST136_USER1                                                                     NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 2 row(s) selected.
->>register user test136_user1 as user1;
-*** ERROR[1335] Directory service user TEST136_USER1 already defined in the database.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user test136_user1 as test136_user1;
-*** ERROR[1334] User or role TEST136_USER1 already exists.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>unregister user test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>--- test for delimited catalog and unregister
->>register user user136_delim;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- grant select on "delimited_sch136".t1 to user136_delim;
->>unregister user user136_delim;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>drop table "delimited_sch136".t1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user user136_delim;
-*** ERROR[1333] User USER136_DELIM does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>drop schema "delimited_sch136";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- fail:  register a user with the DB__ prefix
->>register user test136_user2 as DB__User1;
-*** ERROR[1337] DB__USER1 is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail:  register a user with just the DB__ prefix
->>register user test136_user2 as DB__;
-*** ERROR[1337] DB__ is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail:  register a user as PUBLIC
->>register user test136_user2 as "PUBLIC";
-*** ERROR[1337] PUBLIC is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail:  register a user as _SYSTEM
->>register user test136_user2 as "_SYSTEM";
-*** ERROR[1337] _SYSTEM is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail:  register a user with too long of a name
->>register user test136_user2 as
-+>  TEST136_9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789;
-*** ERROR[3118] Specified identifier is too long.
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>-- fail: bad SQL identifier
->>register user "\userx";
-*** ERROR[3127] An invalid character was found in identifier "\userx".
-*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before: 
-register user "\userx";
-                ^ (17 characters from start of SQL statement)
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>register user user1 as "\user1";
-*** ERROR[3127] An invalid character was found in identifier "\user1".
-*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before: 
-register user user1 as "\user1";
-                         ^ (26 characters from start of SQL statement)
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>-- fail: case insensitive delimited identifier
->>register user test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user "test136_u2";
-*** ERROR[1334] User or role TEST136_U2 already exists.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user "USER2";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user abc as "test136_u2";
-*** ERROR[1334] User or role TEST136_U2 already exists.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user abd as "USER2";
-*** ERROR[1334] User or role USER2 already exists.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>unregister user test136_u2;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user "USER2";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- fail:  specify a role where the user does not belong
->>-- register user test136_user2 logon role baseball_players;
->>-- fail: usage of reserved word
->>register user none;
-*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before: 
-register user none;
-                 ^ (18 characters from start of SQL statement)
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>register user user1 as none;
-*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before: 
-register user user1 as none;
-                          ^ (27 characters from start of SQL statement)
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>-- fail: invalid use of quotes
->>register user test136_user2 as "TEST136_~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:"";'<>?,./a";
-*** ERROR[1370] The authorization name "TEST136_~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:";'<>?,./A" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail: unsupported special characters
->>register user "try a space";
-*** ERROR[1370] The authorization name "TRY A SPACE" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user "try$$char";
-*** ERROR[1370] The authorization name "TRY$$CHAR" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user "try *(char";
-*** ERROR[1370] The authorization name "TRY *(CHAR" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>register user user1 as "try:@#$%^";
-*** ERROR[1370] The authorization name "TRY:@#$%^" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>obey TEST136(unregister_tests);
->>obey TEST136(set_up);
->>-- turn off LDAP checking
->>-- set parserflags 64;
->>-- Query to return currently registered users
->>prepare get_users from
-+>select distinct
-+>   substring (auth_db_name,1,20) as db_user_name,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_db_name = 'DB__ROOT') then 'ROOT'
-+>     else substring (auth_ext_name,1,20)
-+>   end as auth_ext_name,
-+>   case
-+>    when (auth_id > 33333) then 'NORMAL'
-+>    else 'SYSTEM'
-+>   end as auth_id,
-+>   auth_is_valid as valid,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_type = 'U') then 'USER'
-+>     when (auth_type = 'R') then 'ROLE'
-+>     else auth_type
-+>   end as auth_type
-+>from trafodion."_MD_".auths u
-+>  where
-+>    (u.auth_db_name like 'TEST136%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name like 'CMU_T%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name in ('DB__ROOT', 'MICKEY', 'DONALD'))
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>-- query to return table space owner information
->>prepare get_owners from
-+>  substring (object_name,1,20) as object_name,
-+>  object_owner
-+>  from trafodion."_MD_".objects
-+>  where
-+>     object_type = 'BT'
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>log LOG136;
->>-- =================================================================
->>-- this set of tests run basic unregister tests
->>-- =================================================================
->>-- succeed:  
->>register user user1 as test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- should be 2 users
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-TEST136_USER1                                                                     USER1                                                                             NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 2 row(s) selected.
->>grant create on schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch to test136_user1;
-*** ERROR[4222] The DDL feature is not supported in this software version.
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>create table $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t1 (c1 int not null primary key, c2 int);
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- grant select on $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t1 to test136_user1;
->>-- run as test136_user1 and create some objects
->>-- sh sh runmxci.ksh -i "TEST136(create_user1_objects)" -u test136_user1;
->>-- fail:  user1 owns objects, cannot unregister
->>-- unregister user test136_user1;
->>-- unregister user test136_user1 restrict;
->>-- fail:  user1 still has privileges
->>-- drop table $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t2 cascade;
->>-- unregister user test136_user1;
->>-- fail:  try to unregister a predefined user
->>unregister user DB__ROOT;
-*** ERROR[1337] DB__ROOT is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- fail:  try to unregister a user that has not been registered in the db
->>unregister user non_Existent_User;
-*** ERROR[1333] User NON_EXISTENT_USER does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- succeed:  remove other relationships
->>showddl $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t1, privileges;
-  (
-    C1                               INT NO DEFAULT NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE
-  , C2                               INT DEFAULT NULL
-  )
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- revoke select on $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t1 from test136_user1;
->>showddl $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch.t136t1, privileges;
-  (
-    C1                               INT NO DEFAULT NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE
-  , C2                               INT DEFAULT NULL
-  )
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user1;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>grant create on schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch to test136_user1;
-*** ERROR[4222] The DDL feature is not supported in this software version.
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>showddl schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch, privileges;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>revoke create on schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch from test136_user1;
-*** ERROR[4222] The DDL feature is not supported in this software version.
-*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
->>showddl schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.t136sch, privileges;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user test136_user1;
-*** ERROR[1333] User TEST136_USER1 does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- Add more complex relationships
->>-- Add cascade tests later
->>obey TEST136(alter_tests);
->>obey TEST136(set_up);
->>-- turn off LDAP checking
->>-- set parserflags 64;
->>-- Query to return currently registered users
->>prepare get_users from
-+>select distinct
-+>   substring (auth_db_name,1,20) as db_user_name,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_db_name = 'DB__ROOT') then 'ROOT'
-+>     else substring (auth_ext_name,1,20)
-+>   end as auth_ext_name,
-+>   case
-+>    when (auth_id > 33333) then 'NORMAL'
-+>    else 'SYSTEM'
-+>   end as auth_id,
-+>   auth_is_valid as valid,
-+>   case
-+>     when (auth_type = 'U') then 'USER'
-+>     when (auth_type = 'R') then 'ROLE'
-+>     else auth_type
-+>   end as auth_type
-+>from trafodion."_MD_".auths u
-+>  where
-+>    (u.auth_db_name like 'TEST136%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name like 'CMU_T%' or
-+>     u.auth_db_name in ('DB__ROOT', 'MICKEY', 'DONALD'))
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>-- query to return table space owner information
->>prepare get_owners from
-+>  substring (object_name,1,20) as object_name,
-+>  object_owner
-+>  from trafodion."_MD_".objects
-+>  where
-+>     object_type = 'BT'
-+>  order by 1, 2
-+>  for read uncommitted access
---- SQL command prepared.
->>log LOG136;
->>-- =================================================================
->>-- this set of tests run basic alter user tests
->>-- =================================================================
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
---- 1 row(s) selected.
->>register user "mickey/" as mickey;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>register user "donald/" as donald;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-DONALD                                                                            DONALD/DUCK@DISNEY.C                                                              NORMAL   Y      USER     
-MICKEY                                                                            MICKEY/MOUSE@DISNEY.                                                              NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 3 row(s) selected.
->>showddl user mickey;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user donald;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>alter user mickey set external name "mickey/";
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user mickey;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>alter user donald set offline;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user donald;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
-DONALD                                                                            DONALD/DUCK@DISNEY.C                                                              NORMAL   N      USER     
-MICKEY                                                                            MICKEY/MOUSE@SEAWORL                                                              NORMAL   Y      USER     
---- 3 row(s) selected.
->>alter user donald set online;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>showddl user donald;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>-- run negative tests
->>-- error 1333
->>alter user minnie set offline;
-*** ERROR[1333] User MINNIE does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- error 1333
->>alter user "donald/" set offline;
-*** ERROR[1333] User DONALD/DUCK@DISNEY.COM does not exist.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>--error 1337
->>alter user DB__ROOT set offline;
-*** ERROR[1337] DB__ROOT is a reserved authorization identifier.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>--error 1335
->>alter user mickey set external name "donald/";
-*** ERROR[1335] Directory service user DONALD/DUCK@DISNEY.COM already defined in the database.
---- SQL operation failed with errors.
->>-- cleanup
->>unregister user mickey;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>unregister user donald;
---- SQL operation complete.
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
---- 1 row(s) selected.
->>execute get_users;
-DB_USER_NAME                                                                      AUTH_EXT_NAME                                                                     AUTH_ID  VALID  AUTH_TYPE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------
-DB__ROOT                                                                          ROOT                                                                              SYSTEM   Y      USER     
---- 1 row(s) selected.