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Posted to by Jonathan Hall <> on 2017/02/08 15:47:14 UTC

Questions setting up my first CouchDB 2.0 cluster

I'm trying to set up a CouchDB 2.0 cluster,and finding that my complete 
ignorance on all things Erlang is a bit of a problem.

First question:  The docs 
( tell me to issue a 

erl -sname bus -setcookie'brumbrum'  -kernel inet_dist_listen_min9100  -kernel inet_dist_listen_max 9200

The comments explain that 'bus' (and the following 'car') are node 
names. How should I select a node name? Should these match the hostname 
of the server?  Must they not?

Second question: Later I'm told to issue the following command in the 
erlang shell:


I tried using ``, and got a syntax error. Is it 
invalid to use a FQDN here? If not, how do I do it? If so, how do I 
associate a FQDN with a name that Erlang recognizes?

Third question: I set up my DNS resolver to search for my FQDN, so then 
I ran `net_kernel:connect_node(eu1@eu1).` and got 'false'. How do I 
troubleshoot this? I tried to turn on erlang debugging (per, and got:

(us1@flashbackus)2> debugger:start().
=ERROR REPORT==== 8-Feb-2017::15:36:43 ===
WX ERROR: SMP emulator required (start with erl -smp)

How does one go about debugging erlang connection problems?


-- Jonathan