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[2/4] kudu git commit: Cleanup in rowset SVG layout dumping

Cleanup in rowset SVG layout dumping

I tested this by manually verifying that the /tablet-rowsetlayout-svg
endpoint and rowset layout SVG file dumping worked as expected.

Change-Id: I521fadf4336f9e11ea611b022cd4d8fcb269dfe2
Reviewed-by: Andrew Wong <>
Tested-by: Attila Bukor <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 77ead354b6ac86e3d251e35d9b0cf9da62979054
Parents: 891a8e3
Author: Will Berkeley <>
Authored: Sun Oct 7 21:56:14 2018 -0700
Committer: Will Berkeley <>
Committed: Tue Oct 9 15:10:20 2018 +0000

 src/kudu/tablet/ |   2 +-
 src/kudu/tablet/          | 172 ++++++++++++++----------------
 src/kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h           |  23 ++--
 src/kudu/tablet/            |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/kudu/tablet/ b/src/kudu/tablet/
index 745f28b..d1ead15 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tablet/
+++ b/src/kudu/tablet/
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Status BudgetedCompactionPolicy::PickRowSets(const RowSetTree &tree,
-  DumpCompactionSVG(asc_min_key, *picked);
+  DumpCompactionSVGToFile(asc_min_key, *picked);
   return Status::OK();
diff --git a/src/kudu/tablet/ b/src/kudu/tablet/
index 1427b9b..9c88655 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tablet/
+++ b/src/kudu/tablet/
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 #include "kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <ctime>
-#include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <vector>
@@ -26,13 +26,16 @@
 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
 #include <glog/logging.h>
-#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
+#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
 #include "kudu/tablet/rowset_info.h"
+#include "kudu/util/env.h"
 #include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
+#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
+#include "kudu/util/status.h"
 // Flag to dump SVGs of every compaction decision.
@@ -40,7 +43,6 @@
 // commands like:
 // $ for x in compaction-*svg ; do convert $x $x.png ; done
 // $ mencoder mf://compaction*png -mf fps=1 -ovc lavc -o compactions.avi
 DEFINE_string(compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern, "",
               "File path into which to dump SVG visualization of "
               "selected compactions. This is mostly useful in "
@@ -49,10 +51,12 @@ DEFINE_string(compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern, "",
               "with the compaction selection timestamp.");
 TAG_FLAG(compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern, hidden);
+using std::endl;
 using std::ostream;
 using std::string;
 using std::unordered_set;
 using std::vector;
+using strings::Substitute;
 namespace kudu {
 namespace tablet {
@@ -63,35 +67,30 @@ namespace {
 // distributes 'rowsets' into separate vectors in 'rows' such that
 // within any given row, none of the rowsets overlap in keyspace.
 void OrganizeSVGRows(const vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
-                     vector<vector<const RowSetInfo*> >* rows) {
-  rows->push_back(vector<const RowSetInfo *>());
-  for (const RowSetInfo &candidate : candidates) {
-    // Slot into the first row of the output which fits it
+                     vector<vector<const RowSetInfo*>>* rows) {
+  DCHECK(rows);
+  rows->clear();
+  for (const auto& candidate : candidates) {
+    // Slot into the first row which fits it.
     bool found_slot = false;
-    for (vector<const RowSetInfo *> &row : *rows) {
-      // If this candidate doesn't intersect any other candidates in this
-      // row, we can put it here.
-      bool fits_in_row = true;
-      for (const RowSetInfo *already_in_row : row) {
-        if (candidate.Intersects(*already_in_row)) {
-          fits_in_row = false;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
+    for (auto& row : *rows) {
+      // If this candidate doesn't intersect any other rowsets already in this
+      // row, we can put it in this row.
+      auto fits_in_row = std::none_of(row.begin(),
+                                      row.end(),
+                                      [&candidate](const RowSetInfo* already_in_row) {
+                                        return candidate.Intersects(*already_in_row);
+                                      });
       if (fits_in_row) {
         found_slot = true;
     // If we couldn't find a spot in any existing row, add a new row
     // to the bottom of the SVG.
     if (!found_slot) {
-      vector<const RowSetInfo *> new_row;
-      new_row.push_back(&candidate);
-      rows->push_back(new_row);
+      rows->push_back({ &candidate });
@@ -99,79 +98,62 @@ void OrganizeSVGRows(const vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
 void DumpSVG(const vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
              const unordered_set<RowSet*>& picked,
              ostream* outptr) {
-  CHECK(outptr) << "Dump SVG expects an ostream";
-  CHECK(outptr->good()) << "Dump SVG expects a good ostream";
-  using std::endl;
+  CHECK(outptr);
+  CHECK(outptr->good());
   ostream& out = *outptr;
-  vector<vector<const RowSetInfo*> > svg_rows;
+  vector<vector<const RowSetInfo*>> svg_rows;
   OrganizeSVGRows(candidates, &svg_rows);
-  const char *kPickedColor = "#f66";
-  const char *kDefaultColor = "#666";
-  const double kTotalWidth = 1200;
-  const int kRowHeight = 15;
-  const double kHeaderHeight = 60;
+  const char *kPickedColor = "#f66"; // Light red.
+  const char *kDefaultColor = "#666"; // Dark gray.
+  constexpr double kTotalWidth = 1200.0;
+  constexpr int kRowHeight = 15;
+  constexpr double kHeaderHeight = 60.0;
   const double kTotalHeight = kRowHeight * svg_rows.size() + kHeaderHeight;
-  out << "<svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"" << kTotalWidth << "\" height=\""
-      << kTotalHeight << "\""
-      << " viewBox=\"0 0 " << kTotalWidth << " " << kTotalHeight << "\""
-      << " xmlns=\"\" >" << endl;
+  out << Substitute(
+      R"(<svg version="1.1" width="$0" height="$1" viewBox="0 0 $0 $1" )"
+      R"(xmlns="">)",
+      kTotalWidth, kTotalHeight)
+      << endl;
-  // Background
-  out << "<rect x=\"0.0\" y=\"0\" width=\"1200.0\" height=\"" << kTotalHeight << "\""
-      << " fill=\"#fff\" />" << endl;
+  // Background.
+  out << Substitute(R"(<rect x="0" y="0" width="$0" height="$1" fill="#fff"/>)",
+                    kTotalWidth, kTotalHeight)
+      << endl;
-  for (int row_index = 0; row_index < svg_rows.size(); row_index++) {
+  for (auto row_index = 0; row_index < svg_rows.size(); row_index++) {
     const vector<const RowSetInfo *> &row = svg_rows[row_index];
-    int y = kRowHeight * row_index + kHeaderHeight;
+    const auto y = kRowHeight * row_index + kHeaderHeight;
     for (const RowSetInfo *cand : row) {
-      bool was_picked = ContainsKey(picked, cand->rowset());
-      const char *color = was_picked ? kPickedColor : kDefaultColor;
-      double x = cand->cdf_min_key() * kTotalWidth;
-      double width = cand->width() * kTotalWidth;
-      out << StringPrintf("<rect x=\"%f\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%f\" height=\"%d\" "
-                          "stroke=\"#000\" fill=\"%s\"/>",
-                          x, y, width, kRowHeight, color) << endl;
-      out << StringPrintf("<text x=\"%f\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%f\" height=\"%d\" "
-                          "fill=\"rgb(0,0,0)\">%dMB</text>",
-                          x, y + kRowHeight, width, kRowHeight, cand->size_mb()) << endl;
+      const char *color = ContainsKey(picked, cand->rowset()) ? kPickedColor :
+                                                                kDefaultColor;
+      const auto x = cand->cdf_min_key() * kTotalWidth;
+      const auto width = cand->width() * kTotalWidth;
+      out << Substitute(
+          R"(<rect x="$0" y="$1" width="$2" height="$3" stroke="#000" fill="$4"/>)",
+          x, y, width, kRowHeight, color)
+          << endl;
+      out << Substitute(R"+(<text x="$0" y="$1" width="$2" height="$3" )+"
+                        R"+(fill="rgb(0,0,0)">$4MB</text>)+",
+                        x, y + kRowHeight, width, kRowHeight, cand->size_mb())
+          << endl;
   out << "</svg>" << endl;
-void PrintXMLHeader(ostream* o) {
-  CHECK(o) << "XML header printer expects an ostream";
-  CHECK(o->good()) << "XML header printer expects a good ostream";
-  *o << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>" << std::endl;
-  *o << "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" "
-     << "\"\">" << std::endl;
-// Prepares ofstream to default dump location.
-// In case any of the preparation fails or default pattern is empty,
-// NULL is returned.
-gscoped_ptr<ostream> PrepareOstream() {
-  using std::ofstream;
-  gscoped_ptr<ofstream> out;
-  // Get default file name
-  const string &pattern = FLAGS_compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern;
-  if (pattern.empty()) return gscoped_ptr<ostream>();
-  const string path = StringReplace(pattern, "TIME", StringPrintf("%ld", time(nullptr)), true);
-  // Open
-  out.reset(new ofstream(path.c_str()));
-  if (!out->is_open()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Could not dump compaction output to " << path << ": file open failed";
-    return gscoped_ptr<ostream>();
-  }
-  return out.PassAs<ostream>();
+void PrintXMLHeader(ostream* out) {
+  CHECK(out);
+  CHECK(out->good());
+  *out << R"(<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>)"
+       << endl
+       << R"(<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" )"
+       << R"("">)"
+       << endl;
 } // anonymous namespace
@@ -179,23 +161,31 @@ gscoped_ptr<ostream> PrepareOstream() {
 void DumpCompactionSVG(const vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
                        const unordered_set<RowSet*>& picked,
                        ostream* out,
-                       bool print_xml) {
-  // Get the desired pointer to the ostream
-  gscoped_ptr<ostream> dfl;
-  if (!out) {
-    dfl = PrepareOstream();
-    out = dfl.get();
-    if (!out) return;
-  }
-  // Print out with the correct ostream
-  LOG(INFO) << "Dumping SVG of DiskRowSetLayout with"
-            << (print_xml ? "" : "out") << " XML header";
-  if (print_xml) {
+                       bool print_xml_header) {
+  CHECK(out);
+  VLOG(1) << "Dumping SVG of DiskRowSetLayout with"
+          << (print_xml_header ? "" : "out") << " XML header";
+  if (print_xml_header) {
   DumpSVG(candidates, picked, out);
+void DumpCompactionSVGToFile(const vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
+                             const unordered_set<RowSet*>& picked) {
+  const string& pattern = FLAGS_compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern;
+  if (pattern.empty()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const string path = StringReplace(pattern,
+                                    "TIME",
+                                    StringPrintf("%ld", time(nullptr)),
+                                    /*replace_all=*/true);
+  std::ostringstream buf;
+  DumpCompactionSVG(candidates, picked, &buf, /*print_xml_header=*/true);
+  WARN_NOT_OK(WriteStringToFile(Env::Default(), buf.str(), path),
+              "unable to dump rowset compaction SVG to file");
 } // namespace tablet
 } // namespace kudu
diff --git a/src/kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h b/src/kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h
index 59c1397..706f573 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h
+++ b/src/kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
-#include <cstddef>
 #include <ostream>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <vector>
@@ -26,20 +25,22 @@ namespace kudu {
 namespace tablet {
 class RowSet;
 class RowSetInfo;
-// Dump an SVG file which represents the candidates
-// for compaction, highlighting the ones that were selected.
-// Dumps in to parameter ostream. If ostream is null, then default ostream
-// specified as a flag is used (see
-// The last optional parameter controls whether to print an XML header in
-// the file. If true, prints the header (xml tag and DOCTYPE). Otherwise, only
-// the <svg>...</svg> section is printed.
+// Dumps an SVG file which describes the rowset layout for the tablet replica
+// and which highlights rowsets that would be selected for the next rowset
+// compaction, if one were run. The SVG is printed to 'out', which must not be
+// null. If 'print_xml_header' is true, prints an XML header including the xml
+// tag and DOCTYPE. Otherwise, only the '<svg>...</svg>' section is printed.
 void DumpCompactionSVG(const std::vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
                        const std::unordered_set<RowSet*>& picked,
-                       std::ostream* out = NULL,
-                       bool print_xml = true);
+                       std::ostream* out,
+                       bool print_xml_header);
+// Like the above, but dumps the SVG to a file named according to the rules of
+// --compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern. See the flag definition in
+void DumpCompactionSVGToFile(const std::vector<RowSetInfo>& candidates,
+                             const std::unordered_set<RowSet*>& picked);
 } // namespace tablet
 } // namespace kudu
diff --git a/src/kudu/tablet/ b/src/kudu/tablet/
index 4fa272f..ac18d41 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tablet/
+++ b/src/kudu/tablet/
@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@ void Tablet::PrintRSLayout(ostream* o) {
   vector<RowSetInfo> min, max;
   RowSetInfo::CollectOrdered(*rowsets_copy, &min, &max);
-  DumpCompactionSVG(min, picked, o, false);
+  DumpCompactionSVG(min, picked, o, /*print_xml_header=*/false);
   *o << "<h2>Compaction policy log</h2>" << std::endl;